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Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication, Pune

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Roll no: 15050143067
Specialization and Section: MBA (CM)
Batch: 2015-2017

Session 1: 23.06.2015
What is a theory?
A theory is an explanation or a foundation of a particular
Subjective/objective explanation of a concept or
phenomena or an idea which are proved.
Abstraction or generalisation from experience or the result
of a transformation of existing concepts.
Proven hypothesis; carefully formulated analysis
Its a process which clarifies the insights.
A theory creates order out of chaos
It must have sufficient data to back it up.
What is a concept?
A concept is an abstract idea, a plan or an intention. A
concept can also be termed as an idea or an invention to
help sell or publicize a commodity.
It is an abstraction or generalisation from experience or
the result of the transformation of existing concepts.
Who owns the media?
Or the corporate backed by the government?
The audience is passive- it will take in, adapt and emerge with
a different culture.
When you are negotiating with the media, you are making a
meaning out of that medium.
The audience is negative when they not only take in
information but also make a meaning and understand their
culture vis-a vis the culture they are negotiating with.
What is NOT a theory?

Data They are facts.
Variables/ concepts: Construct or operational variable.
Something you cannot measure for ex. Economic
responsibility, emotion, fear etc. economic responsibility
is a construct that we cannot measure. We need to make it
measurable using an optimal variable such as profit,
revenue, ROI etc, which can be measured.
Models: Diagrammatic representations
Hypothesis: Part of theory building process. When you
prove a hypothesis through validated data, it becomes a
Session 2: 25.6.2015
Why do we need to study Communication Theories?
We all come from different cultures and backgrounds and hence
communicate through different means. In order to bring this to
a consistent consensus, we must study this course.
Content is King but context in Queen. If you are delivering
content, fully prepared, context might change, therefore
you need a different form of communication or you
shouldnt deliver at all. Thus, no matter how great your
content is, if the context is wrong then youre at a loss. To
understand the context you have, you must manipulate it
to your use.
Each medium comes with its own positives and negatives,
but when you accumulate all the media together, you
have a whole new set of complexities, a heterogeneous
mix. Thus, we need to understand the complexity of
convergence of media.
Convergence of courses and of departments is also
important. CEOs of big firms, even if in specializing in a
different sphere, will require PR to communicate with
clients. Thus convergence is important.

When you communicate, what you say comes with its own
baggage, i.e. cultural and social biases which arise where
you come from. The point of communication is to undo
those differences and baggage and to understand where
you are vis-a-vis others. It is very important to blend
cultures, to respect other cultures and to negotiate spaces
with what culture you have and those which you come
We have our own set of understandings and may
sometimes not understand how others may react in the
same situations. Thus, we need to be careful of how we
communicate, whether verbal or written, formal or
informal. This is where critical thinking comes to play.
Some people have been marginalised and some have come into
power through media. The culture of the rule (British rule in
India) became the culture of the mass.
Spiral of silence
Target group
Why does phenomena take place?
For ex- impact of fear in children.
Experience, knowledge, predictions are prerequisites to
theoretical generalisation. Previous knowledge is gained
by experience and helps in figuring out hypothesis.
One truth (in social science) vs. multiple truth(in natural
Homogeneous (in social science) vs. Heterogeneous (in
social science) leads to customization of group.

Good theory leads to practice. Understand methodology;

more sampling leads to more robust theory. If research
instrument is reliable or not.
Natural Science - One truth. The samples are homogenous.
Social Science - Multiple truths. We question this, because there
are multiple perspectives of truth. The samples are
heterogeneous. For ex. Consumer behaviour.
How can we judge whether a theory is good or not?
Methodology and understanding- the more samples you take,
the more robust it is. It also depends on whether the
instruments used are reliable or not and whether the
researchers are biased or not. A good theory needs to be put
into practice to be robust.
Two good theories may coexist in a society so long as the
context is different.
What is a Causal Relationship?
A causal relationship is one which has a Cause and an Effect. If
a child is afraid, that is the effect, for which there might have
been a pre-existing cause.

Session 3: 30.06.2015
What are the definitions of theories given by scholars?
1. Coherent group of general propositions. This states that
there us a phenomena, and some may explain it in one
way and others may explain it in another way. We need to
question the different respondents and generalize the
2. Connections about phenomena. This definition explains
that there is a certain cause for which a certain effect
takes place. One must arrive at a cause to generate a

3. Understanding semantic reasons, occurrence -->

Thus, if we sum up the three definitions, there is an explanation
of phenomena which has to be coherent and systematic, that
comes to the cause of the phenomena which ultimately has an
Understanding Perspectives of a Theory
Natural science theoretical perspective: deductiveNomological notion of theory. Logical deduction and
corresponding criterion of truth
(deductive/hypothesis/potential universal laws) a set of
natural science laws.
In social science, truth is subjective in nature. There are no
universal laws.
Law oriented notion of theory: middle ranged theory;
absence of universal laws
Idealising notion of theory: there is nothing like impossible.
For an ideal situation to occur, no. of experiments have to
happen which is difficult.
Constructive notion of theory: removing biases from an
everyday life of researchers perspective is a challenging
question. Biases are high in social science. Define grey
area according to content and context. Process of
deduction is important.


1. Post Positivism Theory- These theories as the
question of What? Observations in natural sciences
cannot be applied to social sciences. Not taking the
notion on face value but digging deeper.
2. Hermeneutical Theory- This theory asks the question
How. Understanding the mental and physical process
of constructing reality. It is the theory and methodology
of text interpretation.

3. Critical Theory- This theory asks the question Why.

It stresses on the assessment, critique and root cause
analysis of the theory. Subjectivity within the realms of
4. Normative Theory- It is concerned with what ought to
be done rather than what is actually being done. To be
taken at face value. For ex- Authority says to follow a
particular norm.
I just dont care- baggage involved (Normative Theory)
Do you want to tolerate your friends partner (hermeneutical
theory) therefore involves relationship.
Do others take more of our time than we do? (hermeneutical
theory) thus, explore the mind and space of the other person.
Which way to go? Love or arranged? (hermeneutical theory)

Session 4: 2.07.2015.
There are 2 types of Theories
1. INDUCTIVE- There is something specific from which you
derive something more, deeper.
2. DEDUCTIVE- it is first a generalized form from which
something specific is derived.
Indian Context relates to Deductive Theory
Malnutrition in a village- is it in every village? We need to
research that. Therefore, this is something specific which we
are trying to generalize.
Deductive Theory Example:
Consumer behaviour -Purchasing a mobile phone. The research
is general. But if we specifically want to find the purchasing

power in out in eastern India, then we are going from general to

Initially, it started as a school of speech, formed a very minute
part of communication. It was part of a topic in Sociology,
Social Psychology and Political Science. It then went into the
field of study within speech and Journalism.
Now, it is a discipline beyond journalism and speech. Theorists
said that teaching it as a part of journalism and speech was not
In USA and Europe, it is a part of the studies.
Thus, communication carries a sense of POWER with it. Certain
amount of power always applies to every form of
communication. Thus, personal equations must be understood.
He said that communication is borrowed from various
disciplines but itself creates an independent field of study. It
gives credibility to the knowledge he had and thus he was the
first to receive the title. David Berlo, the Director of the
Michigan State University and set up the first Communication
Department. Stanford said there must be importance given to
communication. The entire approach was changing, developing
techniques and theories for the schools.
MEN, MESSAGE & MEDIA. why was this changed?
It was because it mentioned only Men not Women that it
created a controversy. But it was later added.
Then came the acceptance of communication subfields.
Interpersonal Vs Mass communication was becoming a part of
different schools. There were two schools of thought.
1. US- Chicago

2. Europe- French & German.

Together they formed the Chicago school of thought.

Max Weber
August Comte
Emile Durkheim
Herbert Spencer
Gabriel Tarde
George Simmel

European Roots:
Gabriel Tarde- France- trying to understand the patterns and
areas of convergence. Psychological understand- Theory of
imitation (courtroom perspective)
Gearge Simmel- Germany- He believed that the group
influences the individual and focussed on what influences the
consumer while he/she is purchasing.
American Roots:
They focussed on Subjectivism and focussed on the importance
of giving more meaning to a piece of communication (maybe
even if its not needed)

John Dewey- Pragmatism.

The moment online media set in, it was more like choosing a
particular audience than by default. Thus, moving from a JOINT
sense to a NUCLEAR sense. Earlier, you fell into a group by
default. Now choice became important. You choose the group
you are concerned with.
Charles Horton Cooley- The looking Glass.
Here we deal with interpersonal communication- small groups
such as family, peers etc.

Here, others affect individual perception. What others say I am,

makes me what I am.
Robert Perk
Focussed on primary research instead of secondary research
and on Group such as core groups and peer groups. Views of
others can be assumed. For stimulation to take place, just
instincts are not enough.
George Herbert Mead- Symbolic Interactionist. He said that one
should make a meaning out of the interactions that we go
through. Theses meanings are derived from the interpersonal
conversations you have.
1. Rhetoric- Oratory discussions and debates, oldest tradition,
what to say in a challenge situation etc.
2. Semniotics- it is the study of the system of signs.
Signifier ( the one who gives the message)
Signified( the ones who perceive the message)
3. Semiology
Ferdinand de Saussure
Paradigmatic and syntagmatic
Charles Saunders Pierce: Triadtic
Roland Barthes- Semniotical structuralism.
4. Phenomenology
Experience of the self and others in dialogue exploration
of going through oneself.
5. Cybernetics

Sender-------message noise----------- Receiver-----------Out


6. Social Psychology

Psychology is conditioned by social influenced. Difficult for

brands to percolate and choose a TG. The definition of
good is subjective.
7. Social- Cultural Theory
For co-branding, we look at cultural artefacts with two
different perspectives Nokia + Airtel. How society
responds when two cultures mix. What I want to
propagate, is addressed by social- cultural theory.
8. Critical Theory
This theory questions Power structures. The first question
asked by the critical theory is WHY. Reasoning triggers
thinking. What is the problem, where to invest etc. are the
questions that are to be asked.
9. Harold Lasswells Model. 1948.
Who?- says what in which channel?- to whom?-
with what effect?
His model does not talk about feedback. It is linked to
social action and the impact on real life context.
Shannon and Weavers modelHarold Innis- focussed on the difference between verbal
and written communication. He was influenced by Marshal
Poe. Innis defined two types of Media: Time based and
Space Based.
He also gave 2 hypotheses1. How does a new medium rise?
2. What do different media do?
Marshal McLuhanMain argument- how technology affects the forms and scale of
social organisation and industrial lives.
POV- understanding always requires a multi-dimensional
approach. He has been influenced by Janice Joyce, T.S Elliot
among others.
Book- The Mechanical Bride, The Guttenberg Galaxy,
Understanding Media.

Network has become a part of our life. It has become an inevitable part.
When diffusional of technology happens people change
Theres a lot of change. How you interact with technology is imp.
It has become a part of the culture.
All the contents are monitored, theres a sense of culture.
Compartmental of contents- - -the utility comes into place
Its a close culture the usage of technology is different .
Globalisation talks about homogenization across, but lot of heterogeneity across
Media is the message
AID- intergarton that was developed for n Ad.
LEGO game- integration (Demo) which takes place- all the stages. What
happens in the end is the key.
How much amount of Autonomy, illustration and goal has to be shown- take a
hard look at the grid.
How much you spend and how much you get back .
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Key features- who are the people are affected.
AIDS TVC- Teaser
Balbir Pasha- Case-study
Does this follow the social theory campaign?
State these points and elaborate it to the social media marketing
While you do it for regional , remember the seven steps.

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