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Installing Informatica Server

Administrator user/password: Administrator/infadmin

Update the .profile by uncommenting the INFA related paths

Then go to $INFA_HOME/server/tomcat/bin

Start Informatica server:

Type: ./ startup

Log on to Admin console:


Creating repository Service

Change repository Mode

Create new Integration Service


Create new environment variable

Restart the integration Service

Copy Informatica Oracle COTS repository

Copy repository file backup from
Unix ($INFA_HOME/server/infa_shared/backup)

Change Repository Service mode to exclusive

Delete Repository Contents (if any)


Restore Repository from Oracle COTS backup

Change Repositpry settings


Change operating mode to Normal

Ensure pmcmd and pmrep starts under $DAC_HOME/dac

Setting up Informatica Database Connections


Go to Connections > Relational > New > Oracle

OBIBAW/ obawdev1

Copy the SrcFiles from following folder
D:\OBIEE11g\Oracle_BI1\biapps\dwrep\Informatica (WIN)

Copy the LkpFiles from following folder

D:\OBIEE11g\Oracle_BI1\biapps\dwrep\Informatica (WIN)
To configure Activity Status:
1. Identify the Activity Status codes that are used in your source system by using the

following SQL:

Where Language_Code is a three-letter Language Code, for example, ENU for US

English, or FRA for French.
2. Using a text editor, open the domainValues_Status_Activity_sbl.csv file, located in
the $PMServer\LkpFiles directory (for example, INFA_HOME\server\infa_
You must ensure that the STATUS_CODE and STATUS_NAME values specified
in the domainValues_Status_Activity_sbl.csv file match the Activity Status codes
that are used in your source system.
3. Edit the STATUS_CODE and STATUS_NAME values in the CSV file to match the
Status Codes and Status Names values that you returned using the query in step 1.
Map each Activity Status code to a W_STATUS_CODE and W_STATUS_DESC
Note: Do not change the default values in the other columns in the file (for
example, W_STATUS_CODE.
4. Save and close the file. To configure Asset Status:
1. Identify the Asset Status codes that are used in your source system by using the
following SQL:
2. Using a text editor, open the domainValues_Status_Asset_sbl.csv file, located in

the $PMServer\LkpFiles directory (for example, INFA_HOME\server\infa_

You must ensure that the STATUS_CODE and STATUS_NAME values specified
in the domainValues_Status_Asset_sbl.csv file match the Asset Status codes that
are used in your source system.
Configuration Required Before A Full Load With Siebel CRM Source Systems

11-12 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users
3. Edit the STATUS_CODE and STATUS_NAME values in the CSV file to match the

Status Codes and Status Names values that you returned using the query in step 1.
Map each Asset Status code to a W_STATUS_CODE and W_STATUS_DESC pair.
Note: Do not change the default values in the other columns in the file (for
example, W_STATUS_CODE.
4. Save and close the file.

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