Homeopathic Medicines

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A rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection.

A fever occurs when

your temperature rises above its normal range. Whats normal for you may be a little higher
or lower than the average temperature of 98.6 F. Thats why its hard to say just what a fever
is. But a significant fever is usually defined as an oral or ear temperature of 102 F or a
rectal temperature of 103 F. If youre an adult, a fever may be uncomfortable, but it usually
isnt dangerous unless it rises above 103 F. For very young children and infants, however,
even slightly elevated temperatures may indicate a serious infection.

#Aconite. [Acon]
This remedy typifies a synochal sthenic fever, and corresponds to hyperaemia congestion and
chill preceding inflammatory fever. Frequent chilliness is common in fevers calling for
Aconite. There is redness of the face, great heat and oftentimes an outward pressing
headache. A slight degree of delirium does not contra-indicate Aconite. The mental symptoms
are all important; there is anxiety, and restlessness from the violent circulatory storm; there is
dry skin, violent thirst, full bounding frequent pulse and sweating relieves. If it is brought on
by exposure to dry cold winds or chilling of the body after overheat, especially when warm
and sweaty it is well indicated. It suits the young and robust and has no relation to the weak
and sickly. The never failing characteristics of mental anguish must be present. The attack of
fever often terminates with a critical sweat. Veratrum viride. This remedy suits cases similar
to Aconite, but it has more arterial excitement and no anxiety.
#Gelsemium. [Gels]
This remedy suits dull, stupid, apathetic conditions. The patient is dizzy and drowsy, the chill
is partial; there is a full flowing pulse with an element of weakness in it. It corresponds
especially to remittent types of fever and to fevers brought on by warm, relaxing weather. The
fever is accompanied by languor, muscular weakness and a desire for absolute rest and is
unaccompanied by thirst. Ferrum phosphoricum. This remedy stands midway between
Aconite and Gelsemium in febrile conditions, and it may be differentiated from its neighbors
by the pulse, which, under Aconite, is full and bounding and under Gelsemium soft and
flowing, and by the mental symptoms, Aconite being marked by anxiety and Gelsemium by
drowsiness and dullness. Baptisia. Hughes praises this remedy in simple continued fevers,

where he believes it is specific. Gastric fever, he claims, will never run into typhoid if treated
with this remedy. Pulsatilla has a thirstless fever, hot head, dry lips and chilliness all over,
especially in the evening. Chilliness predominates with the remedy, there being but little heat.
#Sulphur. [Sulph]
An excellent fever remedy, it comes in after Aconite when the skin is dry and hot and there is
no sweat; the fever seems to burn the patient up,the tongue is dry and red and the patient at
first is sleepless and restless, but soon becomes drowsy. There are no blood changes; it is a
chronic Aconite or a passive Aconite does to the arteries.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
This remedy is marked by erethism, violent delirium, headache, throbbing carotids and
cerebral symptoms. Eyes red and glistering; the skin is hot and burning; the heat seems to
steam out from the body; it may be followed by a profuse sweat which brings no relief. The
characteristics are briefly: General dry heat with chills, little or no thirst, in fact, the patient
may have a dread of water, cool extremities and throbbing headache. The fever is worse at
night. The Nux vomica fever is characterized by great heat; the whole body is burning hot,
the face is especially red and hot, yet the patient feels chilly when uncovering.
#Bryonia. [Bry]
Suits especially a quite form of fever; true, the patient may be restless and toss about, but is
always made worse thereby. There is intense headache, dull, stupefying with a sensation as if
the head would burst at the temples; sharp pains over the eyes, faintness on rising up, dry
mouth and a tongue coated white in the middle. Cold, chilly sensations predominate in fevers
calling for Bryonia, and there is much thirst for large drinks of water at rather infrequent
intervals. The fever of Bryonia is unmarked by the violence, acuteness and general storm of
Aconite or the decomposition and great debility of the acids. It is neither synochal nor so
markedly asthenic in character, it is between the two and is dependent upon local affections,
state of stomach, liver, chest, etc.

Homeopathic Remedies That Should Be Your

Emergency Kit

In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, you may be cut off from medical aid. One of
the most important things to have on hand will be a homeopathy emergency survival kit.
Homeopathic remedies are cheap, effective, and have no side effects. This medical science
uses natural substances to stimulate the body to heal itself. Most homeopathic remedies are
made from herbs and minerals, and they are based on the principle discovered over 200 years
ago that a substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person can be used to cure the same
symptoms in a sick person, when prepared according to homeopathic principles.

Emergency kits and individual homeopathic remedies are available at health food stores, herb
shops, and online. For most purposes 30C (60X) is a good potency to begin with.
The most useful remedy in your kit will probably be Arnica montana, made from a type of
daisy found in the mountainous regions of Europe and the United States, which has been
known since ancient times for its ability to heal wounds and injuries quickly. This plant was
also known and used by Native Americans. You wont have to wait for a disaster to put this
one to use! It is the first remedy to take after any injury, and the perfect solution for everyday
bumps and bruises, cuts and scratches, and even the tired muscles that come with a full day of
gardening. For accident without blood. For hair and vision improvement.
Many home gardeners are getting into beekeeping, not only for the honey, but to help
promote the survival of the bees that we rely on to pollinate our gardens. Bees are under siege
from pesticides like neonicotinoids, which have been banned in Europe but are still widely
used in the United States. Well cared for honey bees rarely sting (they die when they do), but
when a sting does happen, instant relief can be found in the homeopathic remedy of Apis,
which is made from bee venom. Apis is also good for wasp stings and anything else that
causes burning, stinging, redness, or swelling. Some wasps once decided to build a nest right
underneath the eave of our house near the front door, and they regularly stung me. Apis
always relieved the pain and prevented any reaction.
For insect bites, tick bites, and puncture wounds, Ledum frequently brings quick relief.
According to Robin Murphy, author of the homeopathic bible, Lotus Materia Medica,
ledum can help prevent tetanus when it is given immediately after a puncture wound occurs.
If no hospitals, doctors, or tetanus shots were available, ledum would be a valuable remedy to
have, and it could even save your life.
Silica is a useful remedy for helping to expel splinters or shards of broken glass from the
body. Amazingly, silica also brings welcome relief for the severe pain of infected teeth.
Rhus Tox
A homeopathic dose of poison ivy leaf, Rhus toxicodendron, proves again that like cures like.
Rhus tox is also good for rashes that resemble poison ivy with redness, swelling and intense
itching. Rhus tox is well known as one of the best remedies for arthritis, rheumatism and

Food poisoning can be caused by eating spoiled food or pesticides, often causing nausea and
diarrhea. Arsenicum is a homeopathic remedy that will bring blessed relief.
If you or your children come down with a sudden onset of high fever with headache, sore
throat, tonsillitis or earache, which worsens around 3:00 PM, Belladonna is the remedy you
For women who are subject to bladder infections with burning pains and a constant urge to
urinate, Cantharis works like magic. I have been called a maga (magician) by people for
whom I recommended this remedy.
Another handy cure for colds is a medicine made from onions, Allium cepa. Because peeling
onions makes your eyes water and your nose run, allium is a good match for cold symptoms
and cures them homeopathically.
For burns and sunburns, Urtica urens relieves intense burning, itching and vesicles. Urtica is
made from stinging nettle. Outside the realm of homeopathy, many people are aware of the
burn-healing power of Aloe vera, whether it is purchased as a drug store gel or just squeezed
out of a fresh leaf. It is easy to keep an aloe plant growing on your windowsill.
During times of disaster many people suffer from sever anxiety, shock and emotional trauma.
These natural reactions can hinder your ability to successfully confront the dangers that you
face. Aconite restores your mental equilibrium, allowing you to find solutions and increase
your chances for survival.
Hypericum : If the wound is open and blood coming out. Accident and it is
antititanus. 10 min 2 drops 3 times.
Silicea any unwanted item removal from body , even
Natrum sulph if blood clotting inside body .


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