Seeing Patterns in Music and Math Lesson

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Developed by: Kristen Anderson

Date(s): Thursday June 16th, 2016

Grade level: Grade 1 -2

Subject: Music- Patterns

Learning Target(s)

1.1.5 Record simple rhythmic and melodic patterns, using adapted notation

Required Materials, Tools and Technology

Print and laminate answer key
Print, laminate, cut out activity #1 & #2 beat box, (1 of each beat box per pair)
Dry erase markers (1 per person)
Dry erase board for teacher and 3 different colored markers

Special Considerations
Allow the children to work where they are comfortable for pair activities today. They can sit
on floor, at desk, stand at desk etc. Some of the children work better this way when they
can choose.

1 student does not have use of his hands but will be able to help his partner with ideas and
his partner can do the printing and arranging.

Cross-curricular Connections
Cross-curricular connections: art

Timeline 45 Minutes
Before - Modelling/Mini Lesson

5 minutes

Prior Knowledge
What are patterns?

Use dry erase board to draw examples, ideas from the class. Draw some different examples using the 3 colored dry erase
markers. Examples: shape patterns, number patterns, color patterns

During Guided Practice

25 minutes

Activity 1- Clapping Patterns

Introduce the song Rain Rain Go Away- Put lyrics on the board
Clap the rhythmic pattern with the class- Ta, Ta, Ti-ti, Ta, Ti-ti, Ti-ti, Ti-ti, Ta
* Repeat this pattern- State that this is a rhythmic pattern
Activity 2- Arrange the rhythmic pattern
Rain Rain Go Away
Put the children in pairs and then pass out baggies of squares and dry erase markers. Instruct children to put them in
order and then write the lyrics on the lines. They can refer to lyrics on the board for help.
**Children are already familiar with beat representation (heart) and rhythm representation (rain drop) symbols.
Activity 3 Fill in melodic pattern
Rain Rain Go Away
Switch up the pairs so the children have the opportunity to work with others. On the board write Mi, So, La (we have
been working on this previously). Instruct the children that you will be passing out another sheet and they will be
filling in the missing melodic pattern. Pass out activity 2 template.


10 minutes

Teacher will walk around and make notes on how each pair is doing with each activity

Reflection (How did it go? / Changes for next time)

Pass out reflection sheet to each pair and they can reflect together by answering the questions.
1. what did you like/dislike
2. what did you learn today
3. what part was difficult
4. what part do you need more practice with
5. other comments

Next Step
When provided simple song children will draw their own rhythm and beat symbols, fill in lyrics and rhythmic and melodic patterns

Answer Key: Beat Box- Pattern Lesson



Come A(So So)

gain A(Mi La)

Go A(So So)

(So So)



Activity #1- Rhythmic Patterns

Sheet to print, laminate, and cut out each square and put activity in Ziploc bags, one for each









Activity #2- Melodic Patterns

Sheet to print, laminate, and cut out beat box as a whole






So So



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