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TDB2111 Database Systems

Tutorial 10
Normalization and Database Design
1. What is normalization? What are the advantages of
2. Answer the following based on the given dependency diagram.

a) Identify and discuss each of the indicated dependencies.

b) Create a database whose tables are at least in 2NF, showing the
dependency diagrams for each table.
c) Create a database whose tables are at least in 3NF, showing the
dependency diagrams for each table.
3. The dependency diagram below indicates that authors are paid
royalties for each book that they write for a publisher. The amount
of the royalty can vary by author, by book, and by edition of the
book. Based on the dependency diagram, create a database whose
tables are at least in 3NF, showing the dependency diagram for
each table.

4. What is the relationship between a database and an information

system, and how does this relationship have a bearing on database

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TDB2111 Database Systems

5. What does the acronym DBLC mean, and what does a DBLC
6. What is the minimal data rule in conceptual design? Why is it
7. What is the relationship between the System Development Life
Cycle (SDLC) and the Database Life Cycle (DBLC)?
Hands-on Exercise
The following questions refer to the database that you have created in tutorial 6
1. Using the EMPLOYEE, JOB, and PROJECT tables.
Write the SQL code that will produce the results shown in the following Figure.

2. Write the SQL code that will produce a virtual table named REP_1. The virtual table
should contain the same information that was shown in question 1.
3. Write the SQL code to find the average bonus percentage in the EMP_1 table.
4. Write the SQL code that will produce a listing for the data in the EMP_1 table in
ascending order by the bonus percentage.

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