Fce 00 Fa Unit 6

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Listening p74

Sam Are you going into town?
Jake No, Im not. Im going to Sues house.
Sam Oh, right. Shes having a party tomorrow, isnt she?
Jake Yes. Thats why Im going there to help her get
ready. Were going to make some pizzas.
Sam Theres going to be food, is there?
Jake Yes.
Sam Excellent. Isnt that her house?
Jake Oh no! Ive missed my stop. I was talking to you
and I forgot to get off.
Sam Dont worry. You can get off at the next stop.
Jake Yeah, I know. OK, see you tomorrow!
Clerk Can I help you?
Woman Id like a ticket to Wembley, please.
Clerk Wembley Stadium?
Woman Thats right.
Clerk Single or return?
Woman Return, please.
Clerk Certainly.
Woman Does the train go all the way to Wembley?
Clerk No, it doesnt. You need to get off at London
Paddington and then take the underground to
Wembley Park. Change trains at Baker Street.
Woman Great! Thanks!
Clerk Thats 24, please.
Woman Is this ticket for the underground as well?
Clerk Yes, it is. Its for the whole journey.
Woman Thank you
Man The weathers terrible!
Woman I know. Do you think theyll cancel the
Man Im not sure.
Woman Look at those waves!
Man They must be six metres high!
Woman Surely a ferry cant cope with that.
Man No, Im sure it couldnt. I cant see any out there,
can you?
Woman No, I cant. Maybe theyve all sunk.
Man Dont joke about it. Im a bit nervous about
travelling by boat, anyway even if its a big ship
and the weather is OK.
Woman Sorry. I didnt know you had a phobia.
Man Its not a phobia Im just a bit nervous. Wow! Did
you see that wave?

FCE Result Students Book Oxford University Press

Clerk Where are you travelling to today, sir?
Man Tokyo.
Clerk And how many bags do you have?
Man Just one plus hand luggage.
Clerk Thats fine. Would you mind putting your bag on
here for me?
Man OK.
Clerk 25 kilos. And I need to see your ticket and your
Man Of course. Heres my passport and my ticket is
inside it. Could I have a window seat, please?
Clerk Ill see if ones available. Did you say your ticket
was inside your passport? I cant see it.
Man Oh no! Dont say its fallen out!
Mechanic Hi, can I help you?
Woman Yes, my bikes got a flat tyre.
Mechanic Is that yours the Yamaha?
Woman No, mines the BMW next to it.
Mechanic Oh, right. Very nice!
Woman Thanks.
Mechanic So do you want a new wheel or shall we
just repair the tyre?
Woman Well, the wheels only a few months old. So if
you can repair the tyre, thatll be great. I dont think
the wheel itself is damaged.
Mechanic No, it looks OK.
Woman I also need a new mirror. The one on the left
is cracked.
Mechanic OK, thats no problem. Theyre about 150
Woman Really? Ouch.
Mechanic Im afraid so. We can order one for you itll
be in tomorrow.
Woman Are you sure this is the right way?
Man I think it is. I looked at the map before we left.
Woman You mean, you didnt bring it?
Man No, but I remember it.
Woman So, is this right?
Man Im not completely sure.
Woman Why dont we stop and ask somebody?
Man Lets just try this road on the right.
Woman No! Well get even more lost!
Man We arent lost. Were really close, I know we are.
Woman In that case, lets stop and ask. Look! Theres a
traffic warden. Stop.
Man No.
Woman Yes!
Man I dont want to stop.
Woman Just stop the car! Now!


Woman When I first moved here, about five no, six
years ago, the congestion was terrible, and its even
worse now. Every time you get a taxi, it sits in traffic
jams for ages so you end up paying a fortune, even
for a short trip. The buses arent any better, because
even with bus lanes, they still get stuck in traffic
although the fares are much cheaper than taxis,
of course. I tried cycling but that was dangerous,
because of all the cars and buses. But then, a few
years ago, they started building special lanes for
cyclists and theyve made a huge difference. Ive
started cycling again, and I feel much safer than I
did before. Its quick and of course, its healthier,
Woman Excuse me, can you take me to the nearest
tube station, please?
Taxi driver Sorry, Im not going anywhere.
Woman Oh, why not?
Taxi driver No petrol.
Woman Really? Ive never heard of a taxi driver running
out of petrol before. What happened? Did you forget
to fill up?
Taxi driver No, I filled up this morning. I must have a
Woman Oh dear. Do you want me to push?
Taxi driver No, its all right, mate. My friends on his
way to look at it. Hes a mechanic.
Woman Oh, OK. Well, do you know if theres a bus to
the station?
Taxi driver Not from here. But I can call another taxi for
you on the radio.
Woman Would you? Thats very kind.
Taxi driver No problem.

Speaking p75
Man This looks like an exciting excursion, dont you
Woman Not really. Im not sure I like the look of it!
Man Oh, why not?
Woman It could be a really uncomfortable ride. Its very
Man I suppose so. But just think of the view!
Woman Im sorry, Im sure Id feel sick. And I dont
really like heights, either.
Man This one seems like the best option to me.
Woman Really? Why?
Man Well, its a city Ive always wanted to visit. Ive
read about it in books.
Woman Its quite a long way away, though. Wed be on
a coach for a couple of hours each way.
Man Im sure it will be worth it. And we might even get
to swim in the sea!
Woman Well, OK. Youve persuaded me! Lets book it.
Woman Have you decided yet?
Man No, I havent. Im still looking.
Woman If you ask me, I really think we should try this
Man You dont think it could get boring 48 hours
looking at sand?
Woman Not at all. Believe me, the scenery will be
Man Well, OK then. Lets find out how much it costs.
Woman Great! Ill ask at reception.
Man This looks like a great excursion. Im really keen
on the idea of seeing some ancient ruins.
Woman Sure, but there must be a better way to get
Man Oh, come on! Thats part of the fun!
Woman Really? Ive heard theyre very bad-tempered
Man Im sure these particular ones arent.
Woman Well, OK, I suppose we could try it. But only if I
get to choose the next excursion.
Man Its a deal.
Woman Shall we book an excursion for tomorrow?
Man Yes, OK. What kind of thing?
Woman Personally, Im in favour of something relaxing!
Im really tired after all the sightseeing today.
Man Well, how about this one? What could be more
relaxing than spending a few hours on a riverboat?
Woman Hmm. Maybe. I wonder what the food will be
like, though.
Man I expect therell be a buffet. Itll be fine. Lets go
for it.
Woman Oh, OK.


FCE Result Students Book Oxford University Press

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