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Natural Factors:

1. Geology
2. Soil
3. Topography and Slop
4. Climate
a. Temperature
b. Wind
c. Rainfall
d. Solar radiation
e. Potential natural hazards
5. Vegetation
a. Tree size
b. Tree species
c. Tree condition or health
d. Tree location (functional and aesthetic values)
6. Wildlife
7. Hydrology
Cultural Factors:
1. Existing land use
2. Off-site nuisance
3. Linkages
4. Utilities
5. Density and Zoning
5.1 Zoning/Local Regulations
6. Subdivision regulations
7. Demographic
8. Existing buildings
a. Height
b. Width
c. Setback
d. Proportion of fenestration
e. Horizontal rhythms
f. Roof forms
g. Materials
h. Color
i. Sidewalk covering
j. Period style
k. Signs
l. Others
9. Historic information
Aesthetic Factors
1. Natural
2. Vistas

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