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BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: (a, Date Prepared:06/05/2014 Report Dates:05/01/2014 to 05/31/2014 Total Arrests for Period Felony 36 Misdemeanor 136 Violation 8 Traffic Misdemeanor 126 Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 32 Misdemeanor 18 Violation 7 Traffic Misdemeanor 90. Total Tickets Issued For Period Traffic Infraction 585 Parking Tags 101 City Ordinance 26 ‘Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property Traffic Infraction 495 Parking Tags 92 City Ordinance 19 Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property 6 3 Special concems addressed/individuals contacted: In addition to the above statistics generated by the members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, a total of (93) vehicles were impounded, (75) of which were from in and around th BMHA properties. All vehicles were impounded in conjunction with involvement with suspended/revoked operator’ suspended/revoked vehicle registration, narcotics or weapons possession, unauthorized use, driving while intoxicated, or with warranted subjects. The officers did seize a total of $932, of which $357 were from in and around BMHA properties. Monies seized were done so using United States Federal Government idelines for asset forfeiture. Furthermore, the monies were taken in relation to narcotics sales/possession. During this reporting period, Chief Kevin Brinkworth and Captain Patrick Roberts did attend a BMHA Executive Staff meeting at 300 Perry. The members in attendance, including Ms. Dawn Sanders-Garrett discussed various topics concerning the management as well as the residents. Some topics covered were, bicycle pat lage, the fact the BMHA residents are are part of a much larger community, as well as a variety of other items. All parties worked together to put plans in place to assist management and residents. Captain Roberts was in receipt of a 5 Captain Roberts did use information to direct patrols by the officers in the areas most needed. Capt Roberts in contact with Elaine Garbe in regards to various issues in Perry. Officers continue high vi in BMHA properties throughout the reporting period and effect most law enforcement inter around the properties. ‘The members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit performed the following specific functions within the various BMHA properties: 5/01 Officers did effect arrest of an indi and narcotics possession. jual in Donovan Drive and charged him with false personation 5/02 Officer Krug monitored camera system specific to narcotics act information to Housing Unit officers. in Shaffer Village and did relay is resulted in arrest for narcotics possession and trespassing. Officers assisted C District on stabbing call in Donovan Drive. 5/03 Performed walk ups of Perry High Rises leading to arrest for trespass, child endangerment, and an ‘outstanding warrent. Made narcotics arrests in Lakeview and Shaffer Village. Narcotics arrest in Kelly Gardens. 5/04 Addressed resident complaints in various BMHA properties. Order Protection in Jasper Parrish, Narcotics arrest in Douglas Towers, Narcotics arrest in Lakeview. 5/05. Increased patrols in Ken/Langfield as well as Lakeview upon order from Chief Brinkworth. Officers did make arrest across street of Carolina Villa Apts and did recovered a loaded .45 caliber semi-auto handgun. Various arrests in Shaffer Village as a result of narcotics/trespass interdiction. 5/06 Used camera system in attempt to identify i Working with A District detectives and investigatio dual who placed a handgun in a tote at 145 Fulton. is ongoing. 05/07 Vehicle and traffic interdiction at Donovan Drive led to car stop and recovery of a loaded pistol grip shotgun and associated arrest. 5/08 Narcotics interdiction of Donovan Drive led to marihuana possession arrest. Lakeview area patrols netted narcotics possession arrest. 5/09 Officers focused on vehicle and traffic patrols in the larger properties of the BMHA. Officers issued a total of (17) vehicle and traffic summons and (2) vehicle and traffic misdemeanors. 5/10 Used camera system within Housing Unit office to attempt to identify car larceny suspect from rear of 124 Fulton. Owner stated that he chased suspect away the previous night. Trespass arrest effected at Perry. Officers did also continue to monitor suspicious activity with use of cameras placed in Shaffer Village. Will use intel gathered for future interdiction. 5/11. Patrolled various properties leading to warrant arres novan Drive, prostitution and patronizing in Lakevie, and stolen property in Shaffer Village. Additionally, narcotics arrest in Jasper Parish. 5/12. Officers addressed narcotics complaints in Shaffer Village and Lakeview leading to narcotics arrests. Douglass, Jasper Parish, Perry, and Geary also witnessed narcotics arrests by Housing Unit officers. 5/13 Conducted walk through of Shaffer Village property followed by a vehicle and traffic checkpoint in front on Ontario St. Actions led to a misdemeanor arrest, (3) vehicle and traffic Misdemeanors, (21) v/t summons and (6) impounds. Various narcotics arrests in area of Lakeview, Langfield, and Kowal. 5/14 Did effect (2) warrant arrests as result of interdiction in Shaffer Village and did recover a loaded .40 Caliber semi-auto handgun in Langfield along with arrest of subject who had possession. 5/15 Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview led to two heroin possession arrests. Various v/t summons (13) issued in areas of additional BMHA properties. 5/16 Officers did concentrate patrols in Ken/Langfield and Donovan Drive in response to residents concerns. High number of car stops and high visibility helped achieve objective. 5/17 High visibility patrols led to various arrests including narcotics in Msgr. Geary, narcotics and warrant in Kelly Gardens, and trespass, warrant and vit in Lasalle. 5/18 Conducted late night walk throughs of Perry to put damper on complaints of trespass. (4) warrant arrests in Schwabb Terrace, and a warrant in Msgr. Geary. Tazer recovered with arrest in Lakeview. Large number of summons issued (26), as well as (2) vehicles impounded. 5/19 Residents continue to complain of drug activity in Shaffer Village and officers did conduct walk through in response. Officers did make two trespass arrests as a result. A felony warrant subject was taken to custody in Msgr Geary area. 5/20 Quality of life issues addressed in Perry by means of walk throughs to deter alcohol/drug use in halls. (J city ordinance summons issued. Warrant arrest also effect in Perry as a result as well. 5/22 Officers monitored camera system in Shaffer Village in response to recent shots fired. Plan increased patrols, both foot and vehicle as a result BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: aaa Date Prepared:05/07/2014 Report Dates:04/01/2014 to 04/30/2014 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.MLH.A Locations Felony 31 Felony 2 Misdemeanor 139 Misdemeanor 108 tion 9 Violation 9 Traffic Misdemeanor 133 Traffic Misdemeanor 102 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property Traffic Infraction 542 Traffic Infraction 458 Parking Tags 120 Parking Tags 117 City Ordinance 9 City Ordinance 9 ‘Total Weapons Recovered ‘Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property 2 2 Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted: In addition to the above generated statistics by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, a total of suspended/revoked vi and arrest of warranted subjects. The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also seize a total of $2,486.00 in and around the BMHA properties. All monies were recovered in connection with narcotics possession/sales, and were seized using United States Federal Government guidlines for asset for Despite unseasonably cold temperatures, the officers continue to perform with a high level of and their presence is felt in the areas within and surrounding BMHA properties. The level of cooperation with the management of the various complexes is definitely paying dividends. The officers are responding leading to arrest and eviction of those allowing criminal through of various properties on a daily ity down and leading to arrests as well What follows are specific actions taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit during this reporting period: 04/01 In response to resident complaints, officers did perform walk throughs of the high rises at Commodore Perry. 04/02 Addressed resident complaints at 180 Jefferson(Frederick Douglass), 305 Perry, and 124 Fulton(Commodore Perry). Resulted in narcotics arrest in Perry. Narcotics arrest in Lakeview and UUMV at Msgr Geary. 04/03 Worked with management at Msgr Geary on drug and I high rise. Officers located a rape suspect in Shaffer Village and ring issues. Conducted walk through of investigating with Sex Offense Squad. 04/04 Officers did conduct vehicle and traffic checkpoint at Langfield and Edison in the Ken/Langfield issue various summonses and did impound (2) vehicles. Officers did spot flames coming ighboring street and did drag an unconscious individual from a burning building, saving his life. 04/05. Officers patrolling area of Kelly Gardens did recover a stolen rental vehicle and did recover narcotics as well, leading to two arrests. Worked with a C.1. which led to recovery of a loaded handgun, 04/06 Vehicle and Traffic interdiction of various properties led to (5) vehicle impounds and the issuance of (44) summonses. 04/07 Conducted walk throughs of various buildings within Shaffer Village. Strong odor of marihuana burning in hall of 98 Isabelle, Lt monitored camera system with Housing Offices for future narcotics interdiction. 04/08 Increased patrols of Msgr Geary and 450 Jefferson due to resident concerns. Effected DWI arrest in Donovan Drive, and (2) narcotics arrests in Lakeview. 04/09 Narcotics activity in Lakeview led to increased patrols and arrest for large amount of prescription pills (hydrocodone). 04/10 Focused on some illegal parking issues in Shaffer Village issuing various tags. Effected arrest for armed robbery in Jasper Parish area, and two narcotics arrests in Ken/Langfield. 04/11 Used cameras in Housing offices to moniter suspicious activity in Perry leading to two trespassing arrests in 305 Perry. Two narcotics arrests in Lakeview. 04/12 Officers did conduct joint vehicle and traffic checkpoint with Strike Force on Perry. This provided ty patrols. Did also conduct walk ups of Perry specific to 7th floor at 305, site of various of narcotics activity and trespassing. compl: 04/13 Did conduct vit checkpoint with S.F. on Oakmont leading to various impounds and summons issued. Performed drive throughs and suspicious person checks of Shaffer Village, Perry, and Donovan Drive. Two individuals shot on Hempstead, BMHA cameras did capture some of the activity which was shared with E A\\4 District Detective Jerry Guilian. Park and walk performed by P.O. Agee in Langfield. 04/14. V/T stop on Edison did lead to arrest for False Personation, Menacing, and weapons possession. (31) vit summons issued by officers in total. 04/15 Called upon to assist SWAT led to recovery of handgun. Various summons issued within various BMHA properties as well as one impounded vehicle. 04/17 Officers did disperse a large group of males gambling in Perry...did have a foot pursuit with one of the individuals and did recover drugs along with the suspect. (3) narcotics arrests in Shaffer Village. 04/18 Officers effected a traffic stop on Ontario/Laird, site of Shaffer Village and did recover a large amount of powder cocaine and in excess of $1000. Did perform walk throughs of Perry high rises. 04/19 Cameras in Housing Unit used to monitor suspicious activity. Officers did effect arrest for violation of a court order of protection in Ken/Langfield. Walked Perry High Rises in response to camera surveillance. 04/20 Officers conducted narcotics interdiction in both Shaffer Village and Ken/Langfield netting trespass and narcotics related arrests. As part of v/t interdiction, Plate reader picked up (6) suspended registrations in BMHA areas leadig to (4) impounded vehicles. 04/21. Warmest day of month. Many residents and visitors out in Perry possibly as a result of female being jumped at $ Park/Louisiana earlier in the day. Many large female suspects hanging around but witnesses uncooperative. Officers remained in area to calm situation and did impound (2) suspended vehicles while there. 04/23 Conducted walk throughs of Donovan Drive, Ken/Langfield, and Lasalle to show high vi impound two vehicles and issue (19) summons as part of V/T interdiction. Did 04/24 Camera room alerted officers to suspi in courtyard of Shaffer Vil conducted walk through as a result to disperse individuals...(29) summons issued as officers continue to enforce vit in and around BMHA properties. 4\i\n4 04/25 BMHA cameras used by Lt Russo to assist Homicide in suspicious death at Shaffer Village. Footage of dice game located and no assault shown as had been rumored. Coroner reported cause of death as heart disease, Assistance of BMHA cameras invaluable, Narcotics arrest at LBJ. 04/27 walk ups in Perry led to (4) arrests for Trespass and Obstruction. One pound of marihuana recovered and statement taken from suspect admitting possession. Working with Perry management to get conviction of female allowing dealing to go on in her apt. 04/29 Heavy patrols of Lakeview, Jasper Parish, and Shaffer Village led to (6) impounded vehicles and (13) summons issued. 04/30 Officers did have a foot chase from 42 Collins Walk leading to arrest. (location of previous shots fired call). (24) summons issued and (2) vehicles impounded as result of v/t enforcement. * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of B.M.H.A. property A\ \\4 BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By +$2-WARTHMPof Ken/Langfield did discover illegal dice game, Led to foot chase into unknown apts. Did use camera in attempt to find out. V/T stop in Langfield did net recovery of (6) Ibs of marihuana. * 5/23 assisted Narcotics with (22) search warrants. Did conduct walkeups.of Douglass-Towers. * 5/25 Lt Russo and Capt Roberts did meet with M. Brinkworth of the BMHA management with regards to narcotics complaints in Lasalle. Officers did use offices at Lasalle to conduct surveillance for future interdiction. * 5/26 Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview netted various arrests. * 5/27 Lt and Captain did patrol Shaffer Village to address ongoing issues. (14) summons issued. * 5/28 Narcotics and vit interdiction of Langfield led to arrests and summons. * 5/29 Again worked with Maureen Brinkworth with info. from Lasalle. Did assist with arrest on Blum as aresult, .cks in Lakeview. * 5/31 Assisted Narcotics and CI. with controlled buys in Lasalle as result of meetings with mgmt. Plan future raids. al\e * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of B.M.H.A. property BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared Fy IT, Date Prepared:05/04/2013 Report Dates:04/01/2013 to 04/30/2013 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 40 Felony 14 Misdemeanor 102 Misdemeanor 58 Violation 14 Violation i Traffic Misdemeanor 75 Traffic Misdemeanor 40 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.MLH.A Property Traffic Infraction 460 Traffic Infraction 322 Parking Tags 56 Parking Tags 55 City Ordinance 9 City Ordinance 6 A\\e Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.HLA. Property 4 0 Special concerns addressed/ini In addition to the above statistics generated by the members of the Buffalo Police Department's Housing from in and around BMHA. to susp/revoked operators, susp/revoked vehicle registrations, narcotics related, and warranted persons ‘The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did also seize $3200.00 from persons arrested in relation to narcotics possession. All seizures were in accordance with Federal Government standards as they pertain to seizing cash and property. On April 5, 2013 the the-Commodore Pery-BMHA-properties. Arrests were made, including that of QBN, who is the reputed leader of a major narcotics distribution ring. He is currently facing Federal Indictments for narcotics/ weapons trafficking and isthe subject of homicide investigations. WYQWOUTtHe-wse oF cameras would not have been as strong, and he would not have been able to have been taking down as quickly. ‘This is according to FBI Special Agent James Jancewicz of the Safe Streets Task Force. The following are special concerns addressed by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit * 4/1 Narcotics interdicti n in area of Scwab Terrace leading to narcotics arrests. * 4/2 Developed intel re: narcotics in Lakeview and a homicide. Shared info. with appropriate units. * 4/3 Performed a Ken/Langfield with great sucess. ith Strike Force Unit at Suffolk/Oakmont in front of * 4/4 Officers assisted Narcotics unit with raid at 98 Isabelle resulting in arrests, seizure of $1500, and a quantity of heroin packaged for sale * 4/5 Monitered cameras within Housing Unit office for future intel. Performed-waltedowns-ofPerry.. ‘high-rises — * 4/6 Narcotics interdiction in Donovan Drive led to arrest of two individuals smoking marihuana, ‘twespassing=O fficers did later recover a loaded 9mm handgun leading to three arrests. * 4/8 Narcotics interdiction in Shaffer Village led to various arrests. *hakeview-SWeepled to arrest of warranted subject. * 419-Receivedt-caitiromJasper-Parish.mgmtwith.cegardste-overtdrug-sales- Did respond quickly and did identify several individuals suspected for future interdiction. Made various narcotics arrests in Shaffer Village. * 4/10 Narcotics interdiction in area of Schwab, Lakeview, led to arrests. Stolen car arrest in Donovan, @a7T2~Conducted-sweeps of larger BMHA properties to include Ken/Langfield. Enforced traffic laws where applicable. * edébd-Performed-watiedowns-af Frederick Douglass ireresponse TO TESttent Managenient Concerns. * 4/14. Narcotics interdiction at Donovan Drive led to an arrest. Continue to keep open dialogue with regards to issues. * 4/16 Conducted narcotics interdiction of Lakeview leading to arrest. Goneueted-watkedowns-ofPerry= High Rises. 14/17 Continued with walk-downs.of Petry and Dougtass. Officers did later effect arrest of an with a loaded .25 cal semi-auto handgun, ividual * 4g residents, Patrolled all larger properties leading to arrests/summons issuances. Later did arrest an individual with a loaded .380 cal semi-auto handgun. 4.449-Narcotics sweep-of Shaffer village leading to various arrests. #-4/20Captand-Er monitored cameras ti? erry/Douglass/Ken Lanfied for intel for future narcotics and trespassing interdiction. * 4/21 Conducted a V/T interdiction of Ken/Langfield which did net various summons issued and impounds. * 4/22 Conducted 2 joint.checkpoint-with-the-Strike-Foree-at Suffolk and Oakmont netted large number of summons and (7) impounds. * 4/23 Performedewat-thrirof Shaffer Village and Jasper. Did issue numerous summons and net impounds within. * 4/24 Assisted management with vacant apt. checks in Donovan Drive. * 4/25 Narcotics interdiction of Lakeview and Donovan netted several arrests for possession. * 4/26 Conducted-walktowns~of Douglass and Perry. v/t interdiction of larger properies netted (18) summons issued. * + 4/30 Captain Roberts and Special Agent James Jancewicz of FBl-eo-presented-e-gang-2WareneSS Seminar = Learned of Al \rs BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared 8y Date Prepared:04/03/2013 Report Dates:03/01/2013 to 03/31/2013 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 55 Felony 2 Misdemeanor 110 Misdemeanor 2 Violation 8 Violat 2 Traffic Misdemeanor 58 Traffic Misdemeanor 29 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.MLILA Property Traffic Infraction 320 Traffic Infra 215 Parking Tags 60 Parking Tags 51 1 City Ordinance 1 Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property u Special concerns addressed /individuals contacted: In addition to the above generated numbers by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, a total of (85) vehicles were impounded, (51) having been from in and around the B.M.H.A. properties. Alll vehicles were impounded subject to the involvement with weapons possession, narcotics possession, warranted persons, suspended/revoked operator's and/or suspended/revoked vehicle registrations. A total of $6360.00 was seized by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, $5300.00 of which ‘was seized from arrests in and around the B.M.H.A. properties. All monies were seized in relation to narcotics sales and were taken in compliance with United States Federal Government seizure/forfeiture guidelines. ‘The following individuals were arrested with illegal handguns by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit: 1 nie. 2 |o2ded 9mm handgun. SQM, 2 Jo2ded 357 magnum revolver. QR, |, & loaded .38 cal S & W revolver. SE. ©: GI with 2 loaded 40 cal loaded sawed off .22 cal rifle. ese in ced 42 cl ast sine MBNA Wi 2 Lo2ced 380 cal Hi-Point. Se: Se, 2 G, with «loaded 40 cal QM, [0c 32 handgun, GEM o2<1ed 32 cal pistol The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit: 3/1 Conducted drug interdiction in Shaffer Village in response to citizen complaints making various arrests for same. Engaged in foot pursuit leading to injury of officer 3/2 Drug activity in Shaffer Village, did-teemrup-witheDeltrDisteoffieers.resulting in various arrests and narcotics seizures. Numerous summons issued as well. Dichussise@-Distwittrarmed-robberyeand did effect arrests and recover evidence related. t TS pore, Be TROT 3/4 officers attended training for Avticle 35; and Domestic Violence. Did assist Safe-Streete-FaskeKorce, ‘with surveillance in Perry andnarcotics well through the USe Of Camerersystem® installed within Housing Unit. 3/5 Captain Roberts did.attend.a.mecting-with/BMbiAeleaders-atShafferVitiage. Also attending was special agent James Jancewicz of the F.B.I. Topics discussed were gang-problems.and.the.fear-itizens-are> experiencing from related issues: 3/6 Responded to Shaffer Village re: complaintsoferiminat Misthiefirom-APVsrand-mini-bikes-damaging property leading to impound of (2) minibikes from 118 Isabelle. Did conduct wide=spread-searctrofPerry reamissingTS'yrotdrunaway-ehild. = SNE SATS We WR 3/8 Assisted.S.S-E.F conducting interviews at 312 Perry with regard to ongoing narcotics investigation in leo from B.M.H.A. cameras related to earlier armed robbery and murder of cab-driver. Assisted Homicide with thi 3/9 Officers were assigned to C/E Districts in response to unrest and shootings. Did locate subject linked who had knowledge to homicide and individual did give full statement to homicide uni 3/11 Capt Roberts met with Paul Kihl director of BMHA security to discuss matters related all BMHA. properties. Proposed plans for future action. 3/12 Officers conducted narcotics interdiction of Ken/Langfield leading to various arrests and vehicle impounds. 3/13. Took informant to Narcotics who had information re: narcotics trafficking. Search warrant was obtained and narcotics recovered. 3/14 Officersattended-Gangstar- meeting and learned information/gathered intel related to illegal activity in BMHA properties. Gained intel from C.1. which led to search warrant where a .38 cal handgun/$4000.00, and a large amount of narcotics were recovered. 3/19 Conducted narcotics interdictions of Perry and Douglass resulting in various arrests. Also assisted, -narcotios-on-warrants.and-raide-and did recover a loaded assault rifle. 3/20 Perry to include 124 Fulton and 305 Perry leading to arrests for marihuana possession, warrahts; coGaine possession and money seizure. Did utilize Housing-eamera.systemrto accomplish this matter. 3/22 daggressively-patrolledKer/Langfield, Donovan Drive and Shaffer Village leading to various grrestém] 3/23 i | .drug.cound up due to commence on 4/3 at Perry. 3/25 Conducted drug interdiction in Jasper Parish and Shaffer Village resulting in various narcotics arrests. Did assist C District and Homicide in invest E 3/27 Met with Mr. David Rodriguez of the BMHA Executive staff tordistssmntters-related-to.unit.and., #Bleats—Director of security Paul Kihl was also in attendance. Officers worked with SSTF in Perry where numerous arrests were made along with the seizure of a large amount of cocaine. 3/29 Officers obtained intel from C.I. with regards to a handgun leading foot chase and recovery of @ loaded 38 cal handgun, Pfthetereonduetavalk ups of Pesry-high-tises. Ais BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commi Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: a Date Prepared:03/02/2013 Report Dates:02/10/2013 to 02/28/2013 Total Arrests for Period ‘Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 15 Felony 9 Misdemeanor 55 Misdemeanor 31 Violation 6 Violation 2 Traffic Misdemeanor 49 Traffic Misdemeanor 28 Total Traffic Infraction 200 Traffic Infraction Parking Tags 52 Park ng Tags 49 City Ordinance 3 City Ordinance i ‘Total Weapons Recovered ‘Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property 0 0 ‘Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted: In addition to the above numbers generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, there was also a total of ($9).sehicles impounded,(33).of which-were taken from in and around the B.M.H.A. properties. Alll vehicles were impounded incident to arrest for narcotics or in relation to suspended/revoked ‘operator's license The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit did seize a total of $3,376.00 and $1,645.00 of that from was from in and around the B.M.H.A. properties. they.pertain to the funds related to narcotios-possession-and-sales» Associated narcotics were Heroin, Cocaine, and Marihuana. The following specific actions were taken by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit and are included in the following Captain's Summary: * 240-Didutilize-the-eameresysterrwithin the Housi robbery investigation. Lt. Strobele/Lt Russo were abl but their faces and their direction of flight. The A/Dis identify a suspect in a string of si robberies. *a2éLLDidutilize camera sysiemewithin the Housing Unit offices which did lead to (3) separate narcotics arrests in the Perry Housing Complex. ig Unit offices to assist the A/District in an armed ‘ideo showing not only the armed robbery, Detectives were able to use this information to the tower's of Perry and Frederick Douglass Texting to-various— * 2/15 Captain Roberts GangeAmareness.mecting for thecmployees.oftheB,MuHad. at the Frederick Douglass community center. Resformed=diug-sweepsir-Perryandhbakeviewmas well, leading + to various amestsm alii summons-and.another-(4)-for-unclassified misdemeanors” * 2/17 of vacant that. was.brokenminto at 449 Military. Did utilize camera}, within Housing Unit office to moniter activity in Ken/Langfield. Were able to I.D. suspect a suspect who did run and discard items on property. * 2/18 Attended taining for Domestic” VISIence aie USEUF“ASp™batons-foruse-in-palrolof-B.M.HaAe= ‘properties. — Se ae oe ——— * 2/19 Did utitize-camera-system_to moniter activity in Perry and Ken/Langfield. Performed suspicious. ‘<2/20-Performet tottering-interdiction-in Shaffer Village, Jasper Parrish, and Lasalle apts. * 2/23 Narcoticsanc-W/T Thterdietion performed at Ken/Langfield led to warrantend-felony.narcotics: * 2#96-Cameresystenrwithin Housing Unit utilized to moniter narcotics activity leading to arrest. Narcotics interdiction in Donovan Drive and Willert Park led to arrests. B.MILA. properties led to (3) misd. summons issued, and (pecking tags. Als BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: ae Date Prepared: 02/10/2013 Report Dates:01/26/2013 to 02/09/2013 Total Arrests for Period Felony 20 Misdemeanor 35 Violation 4 Traffic Misdemeanor 23 ‘Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 7 Misdemeanor 22 Violation 4 Traffic Misdemeanor 6 Total Tickets Issued For Period Traffic Infraction 162 Parking Tags 28 City Ordinance 4 Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property Traffic Infraction 119 Parking Tags 28 City Ordinance 4 ‘Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property 5 0 Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted: In addition to the above numbers generated by the Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit, the-Unitdid>| i i i eM He All vehicles were impounded i The Housing Unit did also seize $9,366.00 under the Federal government's asset seizure policy, $3,900.00 of which was from B.M.H.A. property. Atemfotites" illegalnereoties POSSESSTOR an'sates. Narcotics associated were Marihuana, Opiates(pain killers and heroin), Cocaine (crack and powder), and Crystal Meth-Amphetimine. ‘The Housing Unit did also recover (5) loaded handguns during the reporting period: - Loaded .357Sig Sigsauer semi-auto pistol with (1) arrest. Loaded .32 cal. handgun with (1) arrest. . Loaded 30/30 rifle with (2) arrests. . Loaded .32 cal. handgun with (4) arrests. . Loaded, defaced .22 cal. handgun with (2) arrests. paene Captain's Summary: \ leah \e . sneer ti Nareoties interdiction in Shaffer Village. * 1/31 Performed "sweep" of Shaffer Village netting narcotics arrest. ical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of B.M.H.A. \ {aclve BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared Fy Date Prepared:01/26/2013 Report Dates:01/11/2013 to 01/25/2013 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 13 Felony 5 Misdemeanor 39 Misdemeanor 14 Violation 3 Violation 3 Traffic Misdemeanor 38 Traffic Misdemeanor 21 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property Traffic Infraction 161 Traffic Infraction 104 Parking Tags 35 Parking Tags 26 City Ordinance 3 City Ordinance 2 Ins Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property 3 0 Special concems addressed/individuals contacted: During this reporting period the Bufate Police Departnent's Housine-Unitaddressed many-concemshat s. In addition to above reported law enforcement statistics generated by the Hota Os ‘etotatof (46)-vehicles-wereimpounded,.| collaboration of the units to demonstrated an above base-line level of service. On January 17, 2013 Captain Patrick Roberts did meet at 476 Louisiana, the office of Stanley Fernandez, the Deputy Director of Family Support Services for the B.M.H.A. Additional attendees at the meeting were B.MAH.A. Investigator Paul Kihl, and F.B.I neil ‘Agent James Jancewicz. The purpese-oftiemeeting ident. The purpose ofthese planned presentations will be to’ Future dates and locations of the presentations were discussed as well asthe format forthe meetings” Capt Roberts did follow up with Stanley Fernandez and the first planned meeting is Feb. 5, 2013 to be held at the Martha Mitchell Community Center for the Ken-Langfield staff. ‘The Housing Unit did also effect the"arrests.of (3) separate individuals who each were in possession of loaded firearms. All three firearms were loaded revolvers, (2) of which were .38 cal and (1) of which was a .357 Magnum. In two of the cases the individuals did fight violently in an attempt to free themselves from apprehension. One individual had twice been convicted of weapons possession in the past and claims to be the target of a future d claims his "best friend” had been murdered two weeks previous by the same individual. This violent struggle took place on Newburgh near East Delavan, less than 1/2 mile from the Ken-Langfield Property. TrkanceRusserand ET Bia SwOveIe ofthe Housing nirdidmcetwithihemanageroPthe Staffer ‘UittageaptssMr. Michael Lewis who did claim that there is rampant drug activity specific to 98 Isabelle. In isle response, the Lieutenants having directed their officers to increase visibility. Phieplamhasnetted, intelli i i ‘The cooperation between between the Housing Unit and the B.M.H.A.'s Mike Lewis is credited with netting this information, contraband, and arrests which should s@rveasemoder Tor TuTure Siiiittar targeteth enforcement: * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of BM.HLA. property vols BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: ais Date Prepared:01/17/2013 Report Dates:12/27/2012 to 01/10/2013 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 12 Felony 9 Misdemeanor 25 Misdemeanor 2 Violation 5 vi 4 Traffic Misdemeanor 31 Traffic Misdemeanor 24 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.MLH.A Property Traffic Infraction 282 Traffic Infraction 206 Parking Tags 33 Parking Tags 32 City Ordinance 0 City Ordinance 0 Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property 0 0 Special concems addressed/individuals contacted: ‘As evidenced by the above compiled statistics, The Buffalo Police Department's Housing Unit continues to focus it's efforts to the areas in and around the B.MH.A. properties. In all areas of regulation the officer's ‘ 99% of theis-effortsin-theproperties. This illustrates an above baseline amount of service that would be del i B.MH.A. properties. Left to routine patrol, the Districts would not be able to dedicate or concentrate efforts in this manner. One area where this is evidenced is that.(48)-vehictes-were-impounded-by-the unit, (3.6).of-which.were-im| and-around-B-Msticteproperty. All of these vehicles were impounded in association withsuspended., oper: ut of (4) of all vehicles impounded were in the targeted ai service. District personal would not be able to provide this level of dedication and service. Many of the above impounds were made possible by the use of department authorized roadblocks/checkpoints. During this reporting period roadblocks were carried out at Suffolk and Oakmont near the Langfield Homes, Best and Fillmore near Schwab Homes, Hertel and Jasper Parish, and on E. Ferry in front of Donovan Drive Complex. These were completed with the assistance of the Strike Force Unit which is comprised of officers from the B.P.D., E.C.S.D., and the New York State Police. These roadblocks are an above baseline service to the B.M.H.A. as the Districts do not have the time or manpower to carry out such endeavors. A significant arrest was made by the Unit as al ye. neighboring the Donovan Drive complex, was charged as a fugitive from Denver, Co. on weapons and dangerous drugs charges. The individual did attempt to hide his identity from officers as he did not wish to be detected and retumed to face the charges. Officers debrief each arrest on drug related charges and attempt to obtain info. regarding drug sales on B.M.H.A. properties. This practice consistanly nets results as evidenced above. It is my belief that the blatant drug/weapons activity is being suppressed by the officers vigorous vehicle and traffic enforcement. eka he BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: aro 10/2013 Date Prepare Report Dates:05/01/2012 to 05/31/2012 Total Arrests for Period Felony 50 Misdemeanor 52 Violation 10 Traffic Misdemeanor 16 ‘Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 25 Misdemeanor 25 Violation 3 Traffic Misdemeanor 4 Total Tickets Issued For Period Traffic Infraction 197 Parking Tags 1 City Ordinance 6 Total Tickets Issued on B.MLH.A Property Traffic Infraction 96 Parking Tags 0 City Ordinance 4 Total Weapons Recovered ‘Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property 7 2 Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted: * During reporting period (16) vehicles were impounded, (4) of which were in and around B.M.H.A. property. * Said impounds were incident to arrests for weapons, narcotics, apprehension of warranted suspects. * 5/1 assisted Narcotics Units on buys in Shaffer Village in response to resident complaints. * Worked with Manager at Donovan, Elaine Garbe to address complaints of burglary of "vacants”. * nce em pheneinmpon screenprint stairways * 5/7 Followed up on intel of drug activity in Lakeview leading to several arrests. * Assisted C/District on Large fight of 100 or more persons in Donovan Drive Complex. Langfield and Donovan * 5/13 2nd half of tour of duty did concentrate efforts in Schwab complex searching for suspects in CiDistrict investigation of (5) persons shot. * S/ gather intel. for future drug interdiction. * 5/15 Located missing (4) yr old child missing from Langfield Complex. #576 Spent beginning of tour in Shaffer Village Complex on gang interdiction. Did move to Langfield due to shooting on Oakmont. RESvered 16xdee, Stolewhandgum, * S/18 Due to recent shootings officers did patrol east side projects and did recover handgun and associated arrest on Genessee St, within 1/2 mile of complexes. * officers did recover bullet-proof vest from garbage tote * E.Delavan/Courtland near neighboring Ken/Langfield four arrests with loaded weapon. c= eee ae * 5/19 Officers arrested suspect shooting down the street from Donovan Drive on E. Ferry * Netted arrest with loaded .25 cal within 1/4 mile of Langfield. * instituted burglary interdiction sweep in Jasper Parrish. * 5/26 investigated managers complaint at Donovan Drive of drug/weapons...did disperse "squatters" and secured premisis. * gained intel. from C.L. with regards to drug activity at 1802 Kenmore Ave., apt C And D in Lasalle Complex, plan future return to moniter. 250-6 : aa * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of B.M.H.A. property

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