The Incredible Yuma Bat and Clapper Rail Unit

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The Incredible Yuma Bat and Clapper Rail Unit

By Brenda E. Wilson
Primary Subject Science
Secondary Subjects Music
Grade Level 6
Period of Time: One-half month unit of study
Purpose: to introduce to the students the wonderful world of Bats and Clapper Rails.
Art Music Standards: 1AM-E10. Use a variety of traditional (e.g., voices, instruments) and non-traditional
(e.g., paper tearing, clapping, finger snapping, pencil tapping) sound sources and electronic media when
composing and arranging
Other Subjects that will be integrated:
Science, Technology, PE, Writing

Science sound, equilibrium of force and structure, matter, electricity;

Technology: essential skills, current technologies

Materials: Pencils, paper, computer
Objective: C P The Students will be able to learn the songs about the Bats and Clapper Rails.
Anticipatory Set: They will also assimilate the sounds of bats when they use echolocation in searching
for insects to eat. The students will be using their fingers to imitate the clicking sound of the bat. They
will also use their voices to imitate the clapper rails sound. The children will use the music and bodily
kinesthetic intelligences and affective psychomotor domains to produce the desired vicarious
experience ladder.
The teacher will open up with the two songs Along the Shores and Bring Back the Bat . Then the teacher
will have the students get out their pencils and write verses to the songs they just heard and hand them
in before the lunch break. They will also do some bodily kinesthetic activities by clicking their fingers to
make the sounds that bats make and flapping their arms so as to imitate the flying of the bats and
clapper rails.
Accommodations: There will be the same assignments in Braille, and Sign Language charts.
* Abbreviations for Cognitive = C, Assistive = A, Psychomotor = P

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