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Name: Md Sajjadur Rahman

Student ID: 7402212
Submission Date: 07 July, 2016
Submitted to: Dr. Matt Miller

Write down 5 names from your past


How did they influence you

At what level of influence do you think they operated

The name of the five peoples those who influence me a lot are namely; Md
Daudur Rahman, Asma Rahman, Dr. Muhammad Yunus , Sakib al hasan and
Bill Gates. The first two name is my parents name who influence me the
most to build my knowledge, behavior and develop my characteristics. They
are the people who get to know me best and they have known for a long
time. They always encourage me to pursue higher education because he
knows that the value of higher education will determine the future of the
person. Besides them, there are few other influential persons who have great
impact on my life. One of them is Dr. Muhammad Yunus who is one of the
leading economist and social worker of Bangladesh an awarded the Noble
prize for founding Grameen bank and pioneering concepts of microcredit and
microfinance. His contribution to poor people our country is world famous. He
encourage me in the way that how to help underprivileged people and build
their future. Another name is Sakib Al Hasan who is another Bangladeshi and
who is the best all-round cricketer in the world in any format of the game. He
give enthusiasm to me that how one man could be best in the world in his
field by his hard work. Another important influential person is Bill Gates, the
founder of Microsoft. Although he is the most richest persons in the world,
but I like the way he leads his life because he regularly donate his huge
amount of money to struggling human being. So, those are the people I have
been influenced most so far.

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