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Sec. 1 Title of Decree.



Sec. 2 Nature of Registration proceedings; jurisdiction of courts.



Nature of registration proceedings is

a. In rem
b. Based on the generally accepted principles underlying the Torrens
RTC exclusive and complete jurisdiction over
a. Applications for original registration
b. All other subsequent petitions after original registration of title
Clerk of court shall furnish the LRA with 2 certified copies of all pleadings,
exhibits, order, and decisions filed or issued in land registration


Both the Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner are appointed by

the President
They shall be assisted by the following
a. Division chiefs
b. Special Assistant to the Commissioner
c. Chief Geodetic Engineer
o Their compensation shall be 3k per annum less than that of the
Deputy Commissioner
All officials and employees of the Commissioner shall be appointed by the
Secretary of Justice upon recommendation of the Commissioner, except

Registers of Deeds.
Sec. 6 General Functions.
1. Functions of the Commissioner
a. Issue decrees of registration pursuant to final judgment and direct the


RD to issue the corresponding certificates of title;

b. Supervision and control over all Registers of Deeds and other

Sec. 3 Status of other pre-existing land registration system.


System of registration under Spanish Mortgage Law is discontinued.


Lands recorded under such system not yet covered by Torrens System are

considered unregistered lands.

All instruments affecting lands under the Spanish Mortgage Law may be


recorded under Sec. 113 of this Decree.

Books of registration for unregistered lands under the Revised

courts with respect to their duties and functions in relation to

Administrative Code, as amended, shall continue to remain in force;

provided that all instruments dealing with unregistered lands be registered

under Sec. 113 of this Decree

Sec. 113 Recording of instruments relating to unregistered lands


registration of lands;
Implement all orders, decisions, and decrees relative to land


Verify and approve subdivision, consolidation, and consolidationsubdivision survey plans of properties under Act. 496 except those


Land Registration Authority and its Registries of Deeds

covered by PD957 (Subdivision projects).

Functions of the LRA
a. Extend speedy and effective assistance to the DAR, Land Bank, and

Sec. 4 Land Registration Authority.


In order to have a more efficient execution of land registration laws, there is

created a Land Registration Authority under executive supervision of the DOJ.
Sec. 5 Officials and Employees of the LRA.


a. Member of the Philippine Bar with at least 10yrs of practice
b. Has same rank, compensation and privileges as those of an Associate
Justice of the Court of Appeals
Deputy Commissioner
a. Same qualifications as those required of the Commissioner
b. Compensation shall be 3k per annum less than that of the

personnel of the Commission;

Resolve cases elevated en consulta or on appeal from the RD.
Executive supervision over all clerks of court of land registration

other government agencies in implementing land reform program;

Extend assistance to land registration courts/cadastral courts;
Central repository of records of original registration of lands under

Torrens System, including subdivision and consolidation plans.

Sec. 7 Office of the Register of Deeds.
1. At least 1 RD for each province and for each city.
2. RD with yearly average of collection of more than 60k for the past 3yrs

shall have 1 Deputy Register of Deeds.

RD with yearly average of collection of more than 300k for the past 3yrs


shall have 2 Deputy Registers of Deeds.

Secretary of Justice shall define the official station and territorial

jurisdiction of each Registry upon recommendation of the Commissioner.

Sec. 8 Appointment of Registers of Deeds and their Deputies and other
subordinate personnel; salaries.


Registers of Deeds shall be appointed by the President upon


recommendation of the Secretary of Justice.

Deputy Registers of Deeds and all other subordinate personnel of RDs
shall be appointed by the Secretary of Justice upon recommendation of the


Salaries not really important.
Secretary of Justice, upon recommendation of the Commissioner, shall

cause the reclassification of Registries.

Sec. 9 Qualifications of Registers of Deeds and Deputy Registers of Deeds.
1. Registers of Deeds
a. Member of the Philippine Bar and with at least 3yrs of practice or has
been employed for at least 3yrs in any branch of government the
functions of which include the registration of property.
Deputy Register of Deeds
a. Member of the Philippine Bar.
Sec. 10 General Functions of Registers of Deeds.
1. Public repository of records of instruments affecting
a. Registered lands
b. Unregistered lands
c. Chattel mortgages
2. Immediately register an instrument presented for registration dealing with


In case of newly-created province or city and pending establishment of

RD and appointment of Register of Deeds, the RD of the mother province

or city shall be the ex-officio RD for the new province or city.

Sec. 12 Owners Index.
1. Shall contain all registered owners.
2. RD shall submit to the LRA
a. Monthly reports on collections and accomplishments;
b. Annual inventory of titles shall be submitted at the end of December.
Sec. 13 Chief Geodetic Engineer.
He shall be the technical adviser tint he LRA on matters involving surveys.
Original Registration Proceedings [Voluntary Judicial Proceedings] (14-34)
Sec. 14 Who may Apply.
1. The following may apply for registration of title to land
a. Those who by themselves or through their predecessors-in-interest


real or personal property which complies with all the requisites for
a. If the instrument is not registerable, he shall deny registration. Denial
shall be
i. In writing;
ii. State the reason therefor
iii. Advise the applicant of his right to appeal by consulta
Sec. 11 Discharge of duties of Register of Deeds in case of vacancy, etc.
1. Until a Register of Deeds shall have been appointed or in case of vacancy,
absence, illness, suspension, or inability of the Register of Deeds, his
duties shall be performed by the following officials, unless the Secretary
of Justice designates another to act temporarily;
a. Deputy Register of Deeds, or 2nd Deputy Register of Deeds, should

there be one;
Provincial or City Fiscal or any Assistant Fiscal designated by the

former in places where there are no Deputy Register of Deeds.

In case of absence, disability or suspension without pay, or in case of
vacancy, the Secretary of Justice may authorize payment of additional
compensation to the acting Register of Deeds.



have been in
i. OCEN possession and occupation
ii. of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain
iii. under bona fide claim of ownership
iv. since June 12, 1945, or earlier.
Those who have acquired ownership of private lands by prescription.
Those who have acquired ownership of private lands or abandoned


river beds by right of accession or accretion.

Those who have acquired ownership of land in any other manner

provided for by law.

Co-owners shall file the application jointly.
Land sold under pacto de retro vendor a retro may file an application for
registration provided that, should the period of redemption expire during
the pendency of the registration proceedings, the vendor a retro shall be


substituted by the vendee a retro.

Trutee may apply for original registration of any land held in trust by him,

unless prohibited by the trust agreement.

Sec. 15 Form and Contents.
1. The application should be
a. In writing;
b. Signed by the applicant;
c. Sworn to.
2. It must contain
a. A description of the land;
b. Citizenship of applicant;
c. Civil status of applicant, if married, name of spouse;
d. Full names and addresses of all occupants;
e. Full names and addresses of adjoining lot owners if known, if not
know, it shall state the extent of the search made to find them.
3. See sample of application in Angel Notes.
Sec. 16 Non-resident applicant.


A non-resident applicant must

a. File with his application an instrument appointing an agent or
representative residing in the Philippines, giving his full name and

postal address
He must therein agree that any legal process made upon his agent or
representative pursuant to the application shall have the same legal


effect as if made upon him within the Philippines.

If the agent dies, or leaves the Philippines, the applicant must make
another appointment for the substitute. If he fails to do so, the court shall

dismiss the application.

Sec. 17 What and Where to file.
1. Filed with the RTC of the province or city where the land is situated.
2. Applicant must file with the application
a. All original muniments of titles or copies thereof;
b. A survey plan approved by the Bureau of Lands.
3. Clerk of court will only accept the application if it is shown that a copy of
the application and all annexes have been furnished to the Director of
Sec. 18 Application covering 2 or more parcels.
1. Application may include 2 or more parcels of land provided they are

situated in the same province or city.

The court may order an amendment of the application at any time by

striking out one or more of the parcels or by severance of the application.

Sec. 19 Amendments.
1. Amendments including joinder, substitution, or discontinuance may be
allowed by the court at any stage upon just and reasonable terms.

2. Amendments involving (a) substantial change in the boundaries; or (b) an

increase in area of the land applied for which involve the inclusion of an
additional land shall be subject to the same requirements of publication
and notice in an original application.
Sec. 20 When land applied for borders on road.
1. Application shall state
a. Whether or not the applicant claims any portion of the land within the

limits of the way or road

And whether the applicant desires to have the line of the way or road

Sec. 21 Requirement of additional facts and papers; ocular inspection.
1. Courts may require
a. Facts to be stated in the application
b. Filing of any additional paper
2. Courts may also conduct an ocular inspection, if necessary.

Sec. 22 Dealings with land pending original registration.

1. During the pendency of the registration proceedings, the land may still be


transfer of portions
Notice shall be given to the parties.
The court shall then order that the land be subject to the conveyance or


Commissioner shall also cause a copy of the notice to be posted by

the sheriff in a conspicuous place on
i. each parcel of land included in the application;
ii. the bulletin board of the municipal building in which the land or

encumbrance created by the instruments, or order that the decree of

portion thereof is situated

Sec. 24 Proof of Publication and Notice.
Certification of the Commissioner and the Sheriff that the notices, as required

registration be issued in the name of the person to whom the land has been

by law, have been complied with shall be filed in the case before the date of initial

coveyed by the said instruments.

Publication, Opposition, and Default
Sec. 23 Notice of initial hearing, publication, etc.
1. Within 5 days from the filing of the application, the court shall issue an


the subject of dealings in whole or in part.

The interested party must present to the court
a. The pertinent instruments together with a subdivision plan
b. Subdivision plan approved by the Director of Lands, in case of

f) Director of Mines
g) Director of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Posting at least 14 days before the date of initial hearing, the

order setting the date and hour of the initial hearing.

The hearing shall not be earlier than 45 days nor later than 90 days from

hearing. Such certification shall be conclusive proof of such fact.

Sec. 25 Opposition to application in ordinary proceedings.
1. Any person claiming an interest, whether named in the application or not,
may appear on or before the date of initial hearing or within such further

the date of the order.

Public shall be given notice of the initial hearing by means of
a. Publication upon receipt of the order of the court, the
Commissioner shall cause the notice of initial hearing addressed to all


by the Director of Lands in the following cases

a. When the opposition covers only a portion of the land and said

persons, and requiring them to appear in court to submit their

opposition, to be published
i. Once in the OG
ii. Once in a newspaper of general circulation
b. Mailing
i. Within 7 days after the publication in the OG, the Commissioner
shall send notice to every person named in the application whose

address is known.
If the applicant requests to have the line of a public way or road


determined, notice shall be sent to

a) Secretary of Public Highways
b) Provincial Governor
c) Mayor
If the land borders on a river, navigable stream or shore, arm of a
sea where a river or harbor line has been established, or on a lake,

portion is not properly delimited on the plan attached to the

b. Undivided co-ownership
c. Conflicting claims of ownership or possession
d. Overlapping of boundaries
Sec. 26 Order of default; effect.
1. If there are no oppositions made to the application, the court may, upon
motion of the applicant, order a default to be recorded and require the

applicant to present evidence (general order of default).

If there were oppositions made, a default order shall be entered against

those who failed to appear and file and answer (special order of default).
Hearing, Judgment, and Decree of Registration
Sec. 27 Speedy Hearing; reference to a referee.
1. Registration court shall see to it that all cases shall be disposed of within

or if it appears that a tenant-farmer may have a claim adverse to

that of the applicant, notice must be given to
a) Secretary of Agrarian Reform
b) SolGen
c) Director of Lands
d) Director of Public Works
e) Director of Forest Development

time as may be allowed by the court.

The opposition, which shall be signed and sworn to, shall state
a. Objections
b. Interest claimed
c. Remedy desired
The court may require the parties to submit a subdivision plan approved


90 days from the date the case is submitted for decision.

The court may refer the case or any part thereof to a referee who shall
a. Hear the parties and their evidence
b. Submit a report to the court within 15 days after the termination of
such hearing


Hearing before a referee may be held at any convenient place within the

Director of Lands to cause to be made a cadastral survey of the lands and

province or city and after reasonable notice thereof shall have been sent to

the parties concerned.

The court may, in its discretion, accept the report, or set it aside in whole


survey will begin, giving full and accurate description of the lands. Notice

or in part, or order the case to be recommitted for further proceedings.

Sec. 28 Partial Judgment.
The court may render partial judgment in cases where only a portion of the land

shall be published in
a. OG
b. Newspaper of general circulation (pursuant to due process)
And sent to
The notice shall likewise be posted in a conspicuous place on the bulletin

is contested provided that a subdivision plan showing the contested and uncontested
portions approved by the Director of Lands have been previously submitted to it.
Sec. 29 Judgment confirming title.
If the court finds that the applicant or the oppositor has sufficient title proper
for registration, judgment shall be rendered confirming title of the applicant, or the
oppositior, to the land or portions thereof.
Sec. 30 When judgment becomes final; duty to cause issuance of decree.
1. Judgment becomes final upon the expiration of 15 days from the receipt of

the plans and technical description thereof prepared in due form.

Director of Lands shall give notice to all persons of the day on which the


board of the municipal building.

Copy of the notice shall also be sent to
a. Mayor
b. Barangay Captain
c. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
d. Sangguniang Bayan
The Geodetic Engineers or other employees in charge of the survey shall
a. Post a notice of the date on which the survey is to begin in the

notice of the judgment (30 days in PD1529 was amended by BP129 to 15


bulletin board of the municipal building or barrio in which the lands

Appeals may be taken as in ordinary civil cases.
After judgment becomes final, the court shall order the issuance of the

decree of registration and the certificate of title to the Commissioner.

Sec. 31 Decree of Registration
1. The Decree of Registration issued by the Commissioner must
a. Bear the date, hour and minute of its entry
b. Be signed by him
c. State civil status of the owner, if married name of spouse;


purpose is lawful.
Duty of every person claiming an interest to communicate with the


Geodetic Engineer upon his request.

Any person who willfully obstructs the making of any survey, or
maliciously interferes with the placing of any monument or remove such
monument, or remove or destroy any notice of survey posted on the land,

provided that if the land forms part of the conjugal property then


the decree shall be issued in the name of both spouses

State the nature of disability, if the owner is under disability
State the age, if the owner is a minor
Contain a description of the land as finally determined by the

g. Set forth the estate of the owner
h. All encumbrances to which the land or owners estate is subject
Decree of Registration shall bind the land and quiet title thereto subject
only to encumbrances provided by law. It is conclusive against all persons,

including the government.

Section 32-34 Remedies (not included in midterms)
Cadastral Registration Proceedings (35-38)
Order for Speedy Settlement and Adjudication; Survey; Notices
Sec. 35 Cadastral Survey preparatory to filing of petition.
1. When, in the opinion of the President public interest so requires that title
to any unregistered lands be settled and adjudicated, he may order the

are situated.
Mark the boundaries by monuments. Their entry on the lands for this

shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 1yr or by a fine of

not more than 1k, or both.
Petition; Lot Numbers
Sec. 36 Petition for Registration
1. After the lands have been surveyed, the Director of Lands, represented by
the SolGen, shall institute original registration proceedings by filing the
necessary petition in the RTC stating that public interest requires that the


title to such lands be settled and adjudicated.

Petition shall contain the following
a. Description of the lands
b. Accompanied by a plan thereof
c. Other data as may serve to furnish full notice to the occupants and to
all other persons who may have claim any right or interest therein
Cadastral lot numbers where the land consists of 2 or more parcels held
or occupied by different persons, the plan shall indicate the boundaries or

limits as accurately as possible. The parcels shall be number, hence



cadastral lot numbers.

Cadastral letter the cadastral lot numbers shall not be changed after final
decision except by order of court. Future subdivisions of any lot shall be

of registration and certificate of title w/in 15 days from final judgment


designated by a letter. Hence cadastral letter.

Sec. 37 Answer to petition in cadastral proceedings
1. Any claimant shall appear before the court by himself or by any
representative in his behalf, and shall file an answer on or before the date


The answer shall be
a. Signed
b. Sworn to
It must also contain the following
a. Civil status; if married, name of spouse
b. Nationality
c. Residence
d. Postal address
e. Age
f. Cadastral number of lots claimed
g. Name of barrio and municipality in which the lots are situated
h. Names and addresses of the owners of the adjoining lots
i. If claimant is in possession of the lots claimed and can show no
express grant of the land by the government to him or to his

predecessors-in-interest, he should state the

length of time of possession
manner in which it has been acquired
length of time of possession of his predecessors, if any
If claimant is not in possession or occupation, the answer shall set

interest claimed
time and manner of acquisition
k. If the lots have been assessed for taxation, the last assessed value
l. Encumbrances
Sec. 38 Hearing, Judgment, Decree
Trial shall be conducted in the same manner as in ordinary land registration


certificates issued pursuant to such decrees have the same effect as those granted in
ordinary land registration proceedings.
Certificate of Title
Sec. 39 Preparation of decree and Certificate of Title

reconsidered, nor appealed, and has become final.

Decree of registration shall be
a. Signed by the Commissioner;
b. Entered and filed in the LRA.
Original of the original certificate of title shall be
a. Signed by the Commissioner;
b. Sent, together with the owners duplicate copy, to the RD for entry in
its registration book.

Sec. 40 Entry of Original Certificate of Title


Upon receiving the original and duplicate of the original certificate of title,


the RD shall
a. Enter the same in its record book;
b. They shall be numbered, dated, signed and sealed by the RD.
c. The certificates shall take effect upon the date of entry thereof.
RD shall send notice by mail to the registered owner that his duplicate is
ready for delivery upon payment of legal fees.

Sec. 41 Owners duplicate certificate of Title



proceedings and shall be governed by the same rules. Decrees awarded and the

directing registration of title.

Clerk of court shall, w/in 15 days from entry of judgment, send to the
a. Certified copies of the judgment and the order of the court; and
b. A certificate stating that the decision has not been amended,

of initial hearing or within such further time as may be allowed by the


Court shall issue an order directing the Commissioner to issue the decree

Owners duplicate certificate shall be delivered to the registered owner or

his duly authorized representative.
If 2 or more persons are registered owners
a. Only one duplicate may be issued OR
b. A separate duplicate may be issued to each of them in like form, but
these shall all be surrendered to the RD upon any subsequent


transaction affecting the land or any interest therein.

RD shall note on each certificate of title as to whom a copy thereof was

Sec. 42 Registration Books
1. Original copy of the original certificate shall be filed in the RD.
2. Bound in consecutive order with the certificates of title.
3. These shall constitute the registration book for titled properties.
Sec. 43 Transfer Certificate of Title
1. A TCT is a subsequent certificate of title issued by the RD pursuant to any
voluntary or involuntary instrument relating to the same land.
a. It shall be in like form and issued in duplicate;
b. It must show
i. the number of the next previous certificate;


the fact that it was originally registered;

Record number, the number of the OCT, and the volume and page

of the registration book where the OCT is found.

Sec. 44 Statutory liens affecting title
1. GR: Every registered owner taking a certificate of title for value and in

good faith shall hold the same free from all encumbrances.
Exception: those noted in the certificate and any of the following which
may be subsisting
a. Liens, claims, or rights arising or existing under the laws and
Constitution, which are not required to appear of record in the RD in

order to be valid.
Unpaid real estate taxes those levied and assessed w/in 2 yrs
immediately preceding the acquisition of any right over the land by
an innocent purchaser for value, without prejudice to the
governments right to collect taxes payable before that period from


the delinquent taxpayer alone.

Public highway or private way, or any government irrigation canal or
lateral thereof those established or recognized by law, if the
certificate of title does not state that the boundaries of such highway


or irrigation have been determined.

Any disposition/limitation on the property those by virtue of PD27
or any other law or regulations on agrarian reform

Sec. 45 Statement of personal circumstances in the certificate

1. The certificate of title shall set forth the following
a. Full names of all persons whose interests make up the full ownership


in the whole land;

b. Civil status;
c. Names of spouses, if married;
d. Citizenship;
e. Residence;
f. Postal address;
If property forms part of conjugal partnership, it shall be issued in the

names of both spouses.

Sec. 46 General Incidents of registered lands
1. Registered lands are subject to burdens and incidents arising by operation

of law.
Registered lands or the owners thereof shall not be relieved from
a. Rights incident to the relation of
i. Husband and wife;
ii. Landlord and tenant;
b. Liability to attachment or levy on execution;
c. Liability to any lien established by law on the land or the buildings

covering them may do so by following the same procedure as provided for

in splitting.
Sec. 50 Subdivision and consolidation plans
Par (1) and (2)
1. An owner subdividing a tract of registered land which do not constitute a
subdivision project, as defined under PD957, shall
a. File a subdivision plan with the Commissioner of the LRA or with the


passageways, and waterways, if any.

If the subdivision plan has been duly approved the following shall be
presented to the RD
a. Subdivision plan;
b. Technical descriptions
Corresponding owners duplicate certificate.
Upon receiving the documents, the RD shall
a. Register the same, without requiring further court approval, in

thereon, or on the interest of the owner on such land or buildings;

Changing the laws of descent;
Changing the rights of partition between co-owners;
Right to take the land by eminent domain;
Liability to be recovered by
i. an assignee in insolvency cases;
ii. trustee in bankruptcy cases;
Changing or affecting other rights or liabilities created by law and

Bureau of Lands;
Distinctly and accurately delineating the boundaries, streets,

accordance with the Land Registration Act, as amended;

Annotate on the new certificate of title covering the street,
passageway or open space, a memorandum to the effect that except
by way of donation in favor of the government, province, city or
municipality, no portion of any street, passageway, waterway, or open
space shall be closed or disposed of by the registered owner w/o court

applicable to unregistered land, except as otherwise provided in this

Sec. 47 Registered land not subject to prescriptions
Registered lands cannot be acquired by prescription or adverse possession.
Sec. 48 Certificate not subject to collateral attack
A certificate of title cannot be altered, modified, or cancelled except in a direct
proceeding in accordance with law.
Sec. 49 Splitting, or Consolidation of titles
1. Splitting a registered owner of several distinct parcels of land covered by
a single certificate of title desiring to have separate certificates may do so


a. Filing a written request to the RD;
b. Surrendering the duplicate;
c. RD shall cancel the duplicate and its original;
d. RD shall issue separate certificates.
Consolidation a registered owner of several distinct parcels of land
covered by separate certificates of title desiring to have a single certificate

Par (3)

A registered owner desiring to consolidate several lots, requiring new

technical descriptions, shall
a. File with the LRA a consolidation plan showing how the lands were,


and how they shall appear after such consolidation

Upon approval of such plan, the following shall be surrendered to the RD
a. Duplicate certificates;
b. Duly approved consolidation plan.
The RD shall then cancel the certificates and issue a new one.

Par (4)
The LRA cannot order any change, modification or amendment in the certificate, or
any decree or plan, including the technical description therein, nor can it order the
cancellation of a new certificate which would result in the enlargement of the area
covered by the certificate.

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