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Tatyana Kan
June 17, 2016
Prof. Intawiwat

Bucket lists VS Depression.

Not only adventurous and reckless people with active life position benefit from creating
their bucket lists, but it also might be advantageous for those who got stuck in a swamp of
routine, apathy and depression.
why this is a compelling question: Many people feel stuck in routine and frustrated about their
life in general. They say that they've lost the purpose for living, the direction toward which they
should move. Without a plan, a set of adequate and inspiring goals, they just stamp at one place
reliving a devastatingly boring "Groundhog day" over and over again. Creating a bucket list
might be a beginning of exciting journey of self-discovery full of adventures (big and small),
unexpected turns and stunning opportunities.
why it is important to you : Being a sensitive person myself, struggling with constant inner
conflict, poor self-esteem and apathy, it took me almost 20 years to realize that most of my life
I've been living someone else's dreams (my parents', my husband's, etc.) changing my roles
according to expectations of other people. The truth is that I actually never had a chance to really
get to know myself, to explore my limits, my true passions and abilities.
why it is important to a certain audience. Everyone experiences inner crises from time to time.
Having a bucket-list, or at least considering creating it, might be very helpful during these
periods of hopelessness and apathy. The goal-setting has a miraculous ability to motivate people,
so that they could find inner power to make changes, create positive memories and brighter
expectations from their lives.
WHAT is a bucket list? It is the list of things one would like to see or achieve before he or she
dies. According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the expression bucket list comes from
the phrase kick the bucket (to die).
WHO can benefit from creating a bucket list?
WHY people start their bucket lists? As somebody wise has said, It doesnt matter how many
days there are in your life. What matters is how many life is there in your days. But how can

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one measure the amount of life in his or her days? It depends on factors such as the type of
personality, the core values, the background of the person, and many other big or small things.
Some lucky people know for sure what they want from their life. Many people pick couple of
major goals, such as family and average career, and feel happy and content with little. But also,
there are people who feel that one life is not enough to experience their existence on this planet
to the fullest. Sooner or later, these people take a piece of paper and start asking themselves a
very important questions. Who am I? What am I capable of? What is out there, around the corner,
in the other town, on the other continent? What else can I do in my life in order to feel alive?
That is how truly fascinating bucket lists start to appear.
WHAT kind of benefits it (creating a bucket list) might bring into one's life?

Exciting experience
Leaving the comfort zone
New opportunities
Meaningful relationships
Better self-esteem

HOW can ideas can be put into action? How to create a bucket list that is right for you? Where
brochures or manuals can be found?
List of the possible inspirational resources.

WHERE are bucket lists mentioned in a popular culture? (e.g. books, movies, reality shows, etc.)
WHY is it important and beneficial to depressed people to practice goal-setting?
HOW to stay focused on the bucket list and not to become overwhelmed and frustrated?

Facts from the credible sources (e.g. opinions of professional psychologists)

examples of bucket lists of famous people,
extracts from movies, or quotes from movies,
quotes from the books,
Personal stories,

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Informative Essay


Prezi presentation


probably something else

Byers, Chelsey. "Life's Too Short to Put Off Your Bucket List." News GazetteJan 20
2015. ProQuest. Web. 8 Jun. 2016 .
Kulbarsh, Pamela. "The Bucket List." (2014)ProQuest. Web. 8 Jun. 2016.
Lipton, Lauren. "OFF DUTY --- Adventure & Travel: A Bucket-List Travel Guide --- we Asked our
Favorite Sophisticated Globe-Trotters -- from Anne Rice to Ruth Reichl -- Where they'Re
Yearning to Go before they Kick it; their Answers might Surprise (and Inspire) You." Wall
Street Journal, Eastern edition ed. Jul 18 2015.ProQuest. Web. 8 Jun. 2016 .
Mead, Rebecca. "Kicking the bucket list." N.p., 11 Sept. 2014. Web. 11 June 2016.
Peterson, Christopher, Ph.D. "Bucket Lists and Positive Psychology." Sussex
Publishers, LLC |, 08 Feb. 20011. Web. 13 Jun. 2016.

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