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Lesson 1

Using Few Words or Being Quiet

brevity n.
concise adj.
laconic adj.
pithy adj.
quiescent adj.
reticent adj.
succinct adj.
taciturn adj.
terse adj.

circumlocution n.
colloquial adj.
diffuse adj.
digress vb.
eloquence n.
garrulous adj.
grandiloquent adj.
loquacious adj.
prattle vb.
rant vb.
rhetorical adj.
verbose adj.
voluble adj.

arrogant adj.
braggart n.
complacent adj.
contemptuous adj.
disdainful adj.
egotistical adj.
haughty adj.
insolent adj.
narcissist adj.
ostentatious adj.
presumptuous adj.
pretentious adj.
supercilious adj.
swagger vb.

banal adj.
dull or stale because of overuse; trite; hackneyed
clich n.
an idea or expression that has become stale due to overuse
derivative adj.
unoriginal; taken from something already existing
hackneyed adj.
made common place by overuse; trite
insipid adj.
lacking flavor or taste; unexciting
lackluster adj.
lacking vitality; energy or brightness; boring
mundane adj.
common place; ordinary
platitude n.
quality of being dull; an obvious remark uttered as if it is original
prosaic adj.
dull; common place
trite adj.
unoriginal or stale due to overuse
vapid adj.
lacking freshness and zeal; flat; stale
Lessening Pain, Tension/Conflict
to lessen fear; to calm; to relieve pain
alleviate vb.
to lessen pain or tension
ameliorate vb.
to make better; to lessen pain; difficulty or tension
appease vb.
to make tranquil or quiet; especially by going into elements; to pacify
assuage vb.
to alleviate; to lessen pain or conflict; pacify
conciliate vb.
to win a war over through special considerations or persuasive methods
mediate vb.
to act as a go-between in settling conflicts or disputes between people
mitigate vb.
to make or become less severe; to lessen pain or damage

Lesson 2

briefness or conciseness in speech or writing

using few words in speech or writing
using few words sin speech
brief and full of meaning and substance; concise
quiet; still; inactive
not talking much; reserved
clearly and briefly stated; concise
silent; sparing of words; close-method
very concise; using only needed words


Lesson 3

speaking in circles; roundabout speech

pertaining to common everyday speech; conversational
spread out; not concise; wordy
to wander off from the subject
artful ease with speaking; speak than can impact others
talkative; loquacious
using high and fancy words for purpose of impression
very talkative; liking to talk
to speak on and on in senseless manner, to talk foolishly
to talk very loudly
insincere in expression
using too many words; words; long-winded
talking a great deal with ease; glib

Feeling Superior

Lesson 4

overbearing; proud; haughty

one who boasts a great deal
self-satisfied; smug
lacking respect; scornful
full of bitter scorn and pride
excessively self-absorbed; very conceited
having a great pride in oneself and dislike for others
boldly disrespectful in speech or behavior; rude
having to do with extreme self-adoration
having to do with showing off; pretentious
too forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds
claiming or intending increase importance; ostentatious
looking down on others; scornful; proud
to walk around in proud; showy manner; to boast In a loud manner

Unoriginal, Dull, Played out

Lesson 5

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