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Call To My People

Darkness, is this what we want to toil in?! People of Florence, people living in this Dark
Age, what has this world come to? We cower in the street corners, in the alleys, from the plague
that has been sent by the Fallen Angel. But my brothers and sisters, I urge you all to raise your
heads! The plague is out there! It is all around us in the form of our Kings, our Queens, our
Warlords, our Nobles, and our Knights. It is these conditions for which we are living in. The
power of these tyrants is not divine, but mortal. We, the workers of the streets, the farmers, the
peasants, are the ones who give them their power. They depend on us to call them rulers. If we
do not listen to them, we take away their powers. They are nothing but fools without our
allegiance to them. We live in an age where Man toils away in the fields and mansions for a
sack of coins that can do nothing but pay back our debts to them. Why have we abandoned the
glorious ages of our Ancestors? There are people who call their streets their home and bed while
others can claim an entire mansion and estate as their own. There are those who survive on a
single piece of bread or nothing at all while others can eat the most exotic of foods and discard
their leftovers instead of feeding others. The worst part about all of this is that the wealthy people
still complain about their current situation. They want more and more and continue to disregard
their fellow civilians. All of you may now be asking what can be done to solve this problem. We
have tried tirelessly to improve our situation but that's just not how the world works. Well, I
declare the best way to change this is through the share of wealth. Some people have so much
money, they have no clue how to spend it. I implore to you my people, let us rip the foundation
beneath these Rulers, these Tyrants! Let us not change the rulers, but the ruling! Well if I were
one of those rich people, I would donate the extra money to my fellow people. Brothers and
Sisters, we are confined with the heaviest of chains, molded by centuries of avarice and injustice
inflicted upon us by the very Men and Women who claim to protect us. Well I say no more! Let
us break free of these shackles, together. Follow me my brothers and sisters. We shall fight
against this injustice together, for a branch alone is weak, but a column of branches rivals the
strength of the strongest trees. We shall fight in the fields, in the alleys, in the manors, but we
shall never surrender. We shall enter this new age, heads held up high in unison. An age that
would rival even that of our glorious Romans, whose ruins still stand higher than our very own
city. We shall call it, the Re-Birth!

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