Instruction Circular 59-2016

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National Bank of Pakistan HEAD OFFICE KARACHI INSTRUCTION CIRCULAR NO:59/2016 June 20, 2016. VISED) CI xi int for Beneficiaries of Prime ‘hem The Ministry of inter Provincial Coordination (M/o. IPC), Government of Pakistan has awarded NBP a mandate for disbursing monthly stipend to students enrolled under the National Internship Programme (NIP), Prime Minister Youth Training Scheme (PMYTS). An ‘approximately 50,000 students per year are going to be enrolled for the PMYTS who shail receive a monthly stipend of Rs. 12,000/- per month for one year, through opening of Bank ‘Account with NBP. For the very purpose of ensuring opening of accounts and payment of stipends to the internees enrolled under the given programs, the Bank has decided to open Asaan Accounts remotely at Head Office where branches concerned shall only be required to carry out 2 limited set of activities to get these accounts operational / active; after completion of account ‘opening requirements at their end. The project involving opening of bulk accounts and later disbursement of stipend on monthly basis through credit to these accounts shall be executed and monitored by Payment Services & eBanking Division, Commercial & Retail Banking Group. ‘The procedure the Bank has prescribed for opening of accounts of beneficiary under Prime Minister Youth Training Scheme (PMYTS) and payment of stipend amount on monthly basis, is prescribed as below; SOP — PMYTS ASAAN ACCOUNT OPENING 1. Under this program, NBP will centrally opened Current (single or Individual) Asan Accounts of beneficiaries [ i. students / internees | on the basis of formal request and data received from Mlo IPC, NIP. 2. The centralized Account opening of Asaan Account will be administered by the ‘Support Team at Payment Services & e-Banking Division 3. To segregate them from rest of the Asaan Accounts, the same will carry separate product code and business type. 4. As per agreement, M/o. IPC will provide NADRA Verified Students / Intemees’ data in an excel file format with a Letter of Authorization to PMYTS Support team. 5. PMYTS Support team will review / scrutinize the received data, allocate / assign/map NBP Branch code where Asan accounts will be parked (after centralized opening). ‘A data file containing all required data shall then be shared with / forward to NBP IT Division for processing, 6. NBP IT Division will process the file through a Bulk Account Opening Module developed at their end and as a result of same, Asan Accounts will be opened with a “non-operative (provisional) state” at branches with zero balance. Hence, Aasan accounts at this stage, will be able to receive multiple credit entries but can't process debit transaction unless accounts are activated by respective branches. 7. A log report for unsuccessful cases shall be separately produced; for onward sharing ‘with Mio. IPC by PMYTS Support. 8. All terms. & conditions applicable on usual Aasan Account are also applicable on ‘Asan Accounts opened through IT Division. 9. As per existing process request for cheque book is processed by branch after verification of address and mobile number by call center, whereas for PMYTS ne call center verification is required and system will automatically generate request for issuance of (25 x leaves) cheque books against each successfully opened Account directly to the printer and as per routine, printed cheque books will be couriered by printer to respective branches, for their onward delivery to Asan Account holders. 10. NBP ITD will share the Asaan Account Opening Log with PMYTS Support team of PS & e-Banking for onward sharing with M/o IPC. 11. PMYTS Support team of Payment Services & e-Banking Division will advise concemed branches through email, about Aasan accounts opened at their end. 12. PMYTS Support team of Payment Services & e-Banking Division will confirm opening of Asan Account | Account Numbers along with Branch Code to M/o. IPC through email 12. Mio. IPC will mobilize the students/ internees to visit his/her assigned/allocated branch for completion of all account opening requirements and cheque book collection. This also includes Biometric verification, NADRA Verisys, submission of required documents, Specimen Signature Card and singing of Account Opening Form (to be printed at Branch’s end), cheque book requisition slip, etc. The Student / Intemee to produce his program enrolment card/Student ID Card /certificate to meet the source of fund condition. 44. A Student / Interne require visiting respective NBP Branch with his/her Original Proof of Identity i.e. Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC), Smart National Identity Card (SNIC) or Pakistan Origin Card (POC). 15. Activation of Asaan Account is therefore subject to completion of all formalties/requirements as prescribed under Instruction Circular No. 139/2015 dated October 15, 2015 on the subject "NEW SAVING AND CURRENT ACCOUNT- NEP ASAAN ACCOUNT. 16. The delivery of cheque book will be made if same has already received, otherwise Branch should contact the Account holder (on his/her given contact numbers) upon receiving the same, at a later stage. 17. Accounts that have not been activated by one reason or another, shall be reported to Mio. IPC by the PMYTS Support team of Payment Services & e-Banking Division, an monthly basis, 18. In case any such account remains un-activated beyond 2 months, it will be closed down by PMYTS Support team of Payment Services & e-Banking Division; under intimation to M/o. IPC. ‘SOEs Btipand Dishuresment In order to manage disbursement of monthly stipend to training program beneficiaries through credit of their Asaan Accounts, the Mlo. IPC has already opened an Assignment Account No. 270268-8 iitled Prime Minster’s Youth Training Scheme with NBP Main Branch ‘slamabad (Branch Code : 0341). The given Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been devised to administer disbursement of monthly stipends, 4. On or before 26” of every month, the M/o. IPC, NIP will deliver the Cheque for appropriation from Assignment Account to Main Branch Istamabad along with disbursement file in excel format containing account number of eligible ‘Students/Intemees to whom stipend is payable. Page 2 0f S INSTRUCTION CIRCULAR. NO:59/2016 ipt of instructions from PMYTS Support team of Payment Services & e- Banking Division’ IPC, NIP, Main Branch Islamabad will process the cisbursement file through standard Salary Posting Ulity.and share the log report with PS & e-Banking Division Support team at CRBG, Head Office, 3. As a result of given activity, the systam will debit the Assignment Account and will Credit the beneficiaries account, 4. PS & e-Banking Division Support tear will share the same with M/o. IPC for their ‘ecord purpose and as @ confirmation that payments have been made to eligible ‘studentsvintemees. PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM | circular as Annexure A & B. PROJECT SUPPORT TEAM. i a ‘The PMYTS Support team of Payment Services & e-Banking Division; CRB Group will remain available [ Telephone: 0321-2791201, Fax:042-99211243, email: ‘mran.malix@nbp ] for responding to any query in respect of accounts activation or maintenance of accounts and any other support required by field staff and branch ‘management, so that the project becomes a real success. ‘The team will Keep on monitoring the progress, performance and service quality so that no ‘complaints are arisen from any comer. All concerned are advised to follow the given instructions in later & spirit WY khan EVI ment Services & e-Banking Copy to:- 1. All SEVPs/Group Chiefs/Divisional Heads/Wing/Departments at Head Office. 2. All Regional Heads/RBDM/GM Operations/GM Credit / GM HR / RCO. 3. All Regional Audit Chiefs/Directors Staff Colleges/JNMDC. 4, AllGeneral Managers/Chief Managers/Branch Managers (Corporate! Domestic/Foreign) Branches. Page 3 of S INSTRUCTION CIRCULAR NO:59/2016 PROCESS FLOW ___Annexure A |PMYTS ~ Students / nternees Asaan Account Opening waireme 7508 tanec in men ‘exis erarces Tweene pons] | [Ratan ot revue |cutbe mare scans gant wate recover Foc varie spawn wake et nator ‘hia graterat ‘moceng, ‘maces ae L tem wa opr ns] ‘cous ntepecthe tranches moved ccs per Saree repr osc cae T ‘oon Opin Satomi eso sharan ‘Piuveciont nine Geo eer Boneh Oar ak ‘especie branches for Senin mic Stan 8 Chee bk reson staat easton ‘way ‘comdnesorsr epuigeaen reese rd 2. cesta haat Terenas anche ‘Sencooe 2 chae Bo Rein sp {A ar operon. ‘ach Op wl ahaa ibe cunt endnote Gees boat ober. C= } Page 4 of 5 PROCESS FLOW Annexure B PMVTS Stipend Disbursement — Monthly M/o.\PC- NIP Main Branch Islamabad Ops System 0n 26” of every month, Nib wll deliver the Cheque for ‘appropriation from Assignment Account with ‘Bulk Disbursement File ‘On last working day of every ‘month, Main Branch Islamabad Ops vil upload the fle & All concerned are advised to ensure meticulous compliance. execute the Bulk Disbursement Job through Salary Posting ‘lity. Page 5 of S System wll debit the Jassignment Account & credit beneficiaries’ saan Accounts with PKR.12,000/° System wull generate the log file and same will be shared with PSG & e-Banking for record purpose, End

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