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Candidates MUST answer ALL THREE questions in this section.

State Ohms law.
(2 marks)
(b) Figure 1 shows a series parallel circuit

Figure 1

Calculate the
total resistance when S1 is closed
(1 mark)
total resistance when S1 is open.
(1 mark)

Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination

Total current when S1 is closed.
(1 mark)

Power dissipated in the 2 resistor when the switch S1 is closed

(2 marks)
(c) Define temperature coefficient of resistance
(1 mark)

Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination


(a) Name TWO types of protective devices used in domestic installations. (2 marks)
(b) What is meant by


'Short circuit'

(2 marks)

(ii) 'Open circuit'.
(2 marks)

Which of the devices mentioned in (a) can be reset?

(2 marks)


Explain briefly the principle of operation of ANY ONE of the devices you
have listed in part (a) above.

(4 marks)


Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination

Total 12 marks
3. Figure I shows a resistive circuit connected across a 9V supply.


What quantity will the meter labelled
(1 mark)
What quantity will the meter labelled
(1 mark)


Explain what would happen if the meter labeled

the meter labeled
in Figure I.

was placed in the position of

(4 marks)


Name TWO types of resistors used in electronic circuits.

(2 marks)


Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination


Candidates MUST attempt ALL FOUR questions from this section.


(a) Name THREE factors which affect the resistance of a metallic conductor. (4 marks)
(b) (i) A copper cable 1500 m long, has a cross-sectional area of 25 x 10-6 at 20oC.
The resistivity of copper is 1.7 x 10-8 m.
Calculate the resistance of the cable

(4 marks)


resistance of the cable if the temperature rises from 20C to 35C, and the tem-

perature coefficient of copper is 0.004 /C.

(4 marks)


Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination

(c) Describe the difference between positive and negative temperature coefficients
of materials.
(4 marks)

Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination


(a) Beside EACH number below, write the name of the electrical item shown in Figure V.
________________________________________________________ (5 marks)
(b) Explain the MAIN function of each electrical item named in part (a) above.
(10 marks)
Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination

(c) Why are fluorescent lamps preferred to filament lamps in lighting circuits?
(2 marks)
(d) Which conductors connect exposed metal parts in an electrical installation to the general
mass of earth or ground?
(3 marks)

Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination



Explain briefly the following terms:

(i) Illumination
(2 marks)
(ii) Luminous intensity
(2 marks)


State TWO advantages of incandescent lamps over gas filled lamps

(2 marks)


Explain why lamps in domestic electrical installations are connected in

(2 marks)


Figure 7 shows a switch-start fluorescent circuit with glow type starter.


Explain briefly the function of the choke in the above circuit.

(2 marks)

Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination


State the function of C1 and C2 in the above circuit. (2 marks)



A lamp with radiating capacity of 2500 cd is mounted at a point 5m above

the surface. Calculate the level of illumination

directly below the lamp

(3 marks)


15m from this point on the horizontal surface

(5 marks)


Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination



Electrical and Electronic Technology

December 2013

End of Term Examination

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