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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Yaa Sayidee Irham lanaa

O'my Master, be merciful towards us
In nilta ya reehas sabaa yowman Ilaa aardil haram
Ballig salaami rowdatan feehan nabiyyul muhtaram
O Winds! If someday you pass by the sacred land, then pass my salaams
before the Rauza-e-Azqas where the most exalted Nabi s rests
Maw wajhuhoo shamsud duhaa man khadduhoo badrud dujhaa
Man zaatuhoo noorul hudaa man kaffuhoo bahrul hamam
He who's blessed face is the midday sun
and his blessed cheeks are the full moon
He who's self is the light of guidance and who's generosity is an ocean
Qur'aanuhoo burhaanoonaa faskhal li'adyaanin madat
Iz jaa'a naa ahkaamuhoo kulloos suhufi saaral adam
,The Qur'aan is our source that shows the other religions are abbrogated
when it's rules and regulation came to us
the other books became like non-existing
Akbaadunaa majruhatun min sayfi hijril mustafaa
Tubaa li ahleey baladatin feehan nabiyyool muhthashaam
The Sadness of separation from Madinah feels like a sword stuck deep into my
How fortunate are the people of that city in which is the Exalted and Beloved
Prophet s
Ya Rahmatal lilaalameen Anta shafi ul muznibeen
Akrim lanaa yowmal ha'zeen fadlaw wa joodaw wal karam
O' Mercy for All the worlds!, you are the intercessor for the sinners
Shower your blessings upon us on the day of grieve (Judgment)
Ya Rahmatal lilaalameen Adrik li zainil aabeedeen
Mahboosi aydiz zaalimeen fil mowkabee wal muzdahaam
.O Rahmatulil Aalameen! Assist Zainil Abideen
.Who is standing alone and in difficulty amongst the tyrants

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