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Baki's Mountain Training

This workout is based on the training that Baki did up on the mountain in
preparation to fight the Yasha Ape.

Baki's Mountain Training

Level One

1. Wood Chopping- 100 Downward Swings

2. 100 Yard Hill Sprint
3. Fingertip Push-ups- MAX Reps
4. Hitting Heavy Bag -5 Minute Round
5. 100 Punches to Tree (as is comfortable)
6. Bodyweight Bench Press- MAX Reps
7. Climb 100 Feet

Level Two

1. Wood Chopping- 200 Downward Swings

2. 2 x 100 Yard Hill Sprint
3. Fingertip Push-ups- 2 Sets of MAX Reps
4. Hitting Heavy Bag -2 x 5 Minute Rounds
5. 100 Punches to Tree (as is comfortable)
6. Bodyweight Bench Press- 2 Sets of MAX Reps
7. Climb 150 Feet

Level Three

1. Wood Chopping- 300 Downward Swings

2. 4 x 100 Yard Hill Sprint

3. Fingertip Push-ups- 3 Sets of MAX Reps

4. Hitting Heavy Bag -3 x 5 Minute Rounds
5. 100 Punches to Tree (as is comfortable)
6. Bodyweight Bench Press- 3 Sets of MAX Reps
7. Climb 200 Feet

Master Level

1. Wood Chopping- 500 Downward Swings

2. 8 x 100 Yard Hill Sprint
3. Fingertip Push-ups- 4 Sets of MAX Reps
4. Hitting Heavy Bag -5 x 5 Minute Rounds
5. 100 Punches to Tree (as is comfortable)
6. Bodyweight Bench Press- 4 Sets of MAX Reps
7. Climb 250 Feet


You can try to put a lot of power into your wood chopping swings or go for speed,
it's up to you.
If you can't find a 100 yard hill, find the biggest hill you can and run it. You should
still be doing the distance, though. If you only have a 50 yard hill, 2 sets of 50 will
be the first level instead of 1 set of 100 yards.
Use less fingers for the push-ups as necessary.
"Fight" the heavy bag for the rounds. Use every weapon in your arsenal and try to
go hard the whole time.
The punches to the tree are obviously not going to be very hard. Do it as hard as is
comfortable for you. Eventually (and I'm talking way down the road), you'll be able
to hit the tree with a moderate amount of power and then, finally, almost as hard as
you can. However, it's going to take a long, long time. If you hit it full-on right of the
bat, you'll have a fun few hours in the emergency room waiting for you and several
weeks of wearing a cast as well.

Counting the weight of the bar, the "bodyweight" bench press, is just that. You'll
load weight onto the bar to however much you weigh and do as many reps as you
can. If you can't do any, lower the weight until you can get a single rep.
When it says, "Climb 100 or 200 Feet" that does not mean straight up without any
gear. What that mean is if you have a 10 foot rope, climb it 10 or 20 times. Or if
there is a tree nearby that you can climb 20 feet up into, climb it 5 or 10 times. Be
safe, use gear if you have it, and have someone with you, if at all possible.

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