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Pro-Life Voters Forum

Circular 2007-02

All Parish Priests and Heads of Diocesan Ministries

Pro-life Philippines will be holding a Pro-life Voters Forum on February 3, 2007 from 1-5
PM at the Gymnasium of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila. The aim of
the forum is to get senatorial and party-list candidates to pledge in writing that they will push for
pro-life, pro-family, pro-poor and pro-Filipino legislation should they win the elections.
I can perceive that this move by Pro-Life is timely and wise considering that many
legislatures are fearful of the reported pronouncement by some religious sects a few months back
that they will not vote for candidates who are against the Reproductive Health Bill. These sects
are also reported to be in favor of the Gay Rights Bill. So it is time to counter the fears of the
politicians by making them see that the Pro-life vote is stronger. Failure to deliver such electoral
strength will pressure our legislators to approve these anti-life bills even against their conscience if
it will mean their political survival.
But crucial to the success of this undertaking is the presence of thousands of pro-lifers
from all over the country to show the candidates that the pro-life vote is stronger and will gain
much more votes by signing the Covenant for Life. It is in this context that I would like to
request your help in ensuring that every parish in our Diocese will send 5 key people to attend this
forum. These 5 key people are:
1) Parish Chairman of the Family and Life Ministry;
2) Parish Chairman for Basic Ecclesial Communities;
3) Parish Chairman of the Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting;
4) Parish Chairman for Social Action; and
5) Parish Chairman for Public Affairs
A Registration Fee of P100.00 is to be collected from each delegate to defray the expenses
of the forum such as rental of venue, sound system, forum materials, snacks, etc.
Hoping that you will give your utmost efforts to support this initiative; otherwise we will
lose the battle in defense of life, the poor, the family and the Filipino.
Given in the Chancery in Fairview, Quezon City, this 16th day of January, in the Year of
Our Lord, 2007.
Most Rev. Antonio R. Tobias, DD
Attested by:
Rev. Fr. Jaime Z. Lara

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