Mcma Agency Organization Culture Presentation Script

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Client management

Sem 3 2014
Assessment 2 Presentation
Scenario: Organization culture
Case: MCMS agency
Bui Thi Dan Anh s3411831
Tran Thuy Linh s3310213
Nguyen Ba tue Linh - s3467632
RMIT electronic submission of work for assessment. I declare that in submitting
all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content
and expectations of the Assessment declaration.
MCMS is a PR agency located in Hanoi. These days the firm has been facing a
problem that some of its staffs quit their jobs, and even worse, the account
executive has stated negative things about the company. This issue can make
MCMS lose current clients. Therefore, it is the HR departments responsibility to
find a way to re-build MCMS as an outstanding agency in the market which work
well externally as well as internally. And from the point of view of our managing
director, he thinks the root cause maybe at the Organization culture, Leadership
and management and Ineffective teamwork. So, we will analyze the current
problem of the company, then propose a unique and appropriate strategy. Firstly,
take a look at the overall information about MCMS as well as its current situation.
About MCMS
MCMS has 15 employees including a leader, a creative director, Concept team,
Design team, PR team and Sales team. They offers various services, such as:
Branding, Visual Identity, Verbal Identity, Multimedia and Online Marketing.
MCMS values hidden potential in everything. With their workers, they always
motivate them to be more creative, even has their own projects to work on. With
their challenges from clients, they tend to focus on maximizing the strengths and
be more creative rather than creating a new one.
MCMS works with a lot of clients such as: American Red Cross, UNESCO, VP
Bank, Megastar,, Kim Dong Publisher One of the loyal customers of
MCMS is UNESCO with more than 8 projects are done.

According to Vietnam News 2014, Viet Nam together with Indonesia and
Myanmar are countries that have high potential for PR development in South
East Asia. In recent years, even though the global economic turns down, PR
industry in VN still develops rapidly and achieves double-digit growth. However,
according to Thanh Nien News 2014, in the last two years many foreign
companies enter the Vietnamese market and gain 80 percent of Vietnam's
advertising firms, therefore, it is a big challenge for local companies. To grow in
this industry, MCMS need to build a strong brand image among local and foreign
Strengths: As an active and enthusiastic organization, MCMS has young,
creative and dynamic employees. We have successful digital branding with
logical and stunning website interface. We also have high qualification in social
project profiles such as The field Hoi An, Hoi An passport or Thang Long
citadel book.
Opportunities: Utimately, those strengths allow MCMS to have the chance to
join the developed technology era, which is now needed in Vietnam advertising
industry. And because we have been working in numerous projects for social
organization like UNESCO or American Red Cross, MCMS is confident with its
experience and profession in this market.
Weaknesses : The lacking of understanding and empathy between manager and
staff, the lacking of collaboration and coherence between staff and staff is our
current issues.
Threats : Those mentioned problems combined with the fact that there are other
more well-treated agencies with better working support will attract young talented
employees and even our good ex-employees, are the threat to MCMS. The
contrast between Costco and Walmart is typical one. While Costco put its
workers at the center of its success, it empowers employees to solve problems
and recommend changes with reasonable salary; Walmart treats its workers as a
cost to be minimized. According to LeCain 2014, if you invested in Costco 10
years ago, your money would have tripled. If you invested in Walmart, it would
have gone up by 40-50 percent.
And to summarise this part, with the high working experience and potential
human source we have, if we do not rebuild the agencys operation, we will not
only lose the talented people but also will harm to our future success.

Current problem & what we want to achieve

The SWOT analysis indicates that MCMS has various Strengths as well as
Opportunities to develop, however, there are some significant Weaknesses. Most
of the Weaknesses come from our internal operation, which might make MCMS
leave behind other employee-well-treated agencies in the market.
In particular, firstly, MCMS faces a challenge about Leadership style. The
employees often feel stressful with their work because of the leaders
authoratitive power. Moreover, there are some staffs quit the job because they
feel they do not have enough skills to complete the tasks given by their leader.
Secondly, MCMS is having problem in its Working style. The employees just do
their own task without caring about a mutual goal of the whole project or the
company. For example, in the last career event, as the task of arranging the
booth is not of marketing or Concept or Finance or Production team, they do not
care about it, the one who set up the booth is the managing director. In addition,
the company is even lacking of conversation, they do not feel comfortable to
communicate in the office. So how they can naturally support and collaborate
with each other in working?
Therefore, it come down to our strategy is to build MCMS as a United agency
that we Lead by understanding and we Work by collaborating. We can see
that it is the right time to build a Collaborative culture in our agency, then we
will communicate this spirit and identification to our target clients.
Strategy & tactics
We will use Communication to promote and educate about Collaborative
culture inside the agency, and then communicate this indentification to external
There are mainly five very first tactics as below:
Internal Comunication
1. Team minimum framework
2. homie working environment

External Communication
4. Homie networking event
Collaboration on website

Collaboration on office computers

1. Team minimum framework

This is a framework contains six minimum factors that a leader need to consider
in order to have effective teamwork, which are: Team, JD, Plan, Training,
Tracking & Coaching, Evaluation & Reflection.
Firstly, we suggest to change the leadership style as a priority because it is
notable that a leader is the one who give the direction to the company (Daft et. al
2010). A strong or weak culture depends on how the leader lead his organization.
In fact, there are a lot of great leader who build their company as a strong brand
about operational culture, such as Tony Hsieh of Zappos, Reed Hastings of
Netflix, etc.
Secondly, we propose this framework with six elements because True
leadership lies in guiding others to success, in ensuring that everyone is
performing at their best, doing the work they are pledged to do and doing it well
Bill Owens.
At MCMS, the leaders have Team, JD, Plan and Tracking only, they do not truly
be in a team with their team mates, because they track to know where the work
is going but they do not ask their team mates whether they are having troubles
with the task, whether they are in need of supports, or whether the JD is
appropriate with their strengths. As a result, by always following this framework,
the leaders need to give more time with their employees to understand them,
support them, give them comfortable space to share honest feedback by
Coaching, Evaluation and Reflection.
In order to implement this framework, MCMS can (1) notice about this change
and its purpose in Weekly team briefing, (2) implement right away in the next
project, and (3) stick a creative paper reminder about this framework on the wall
in the office.
Evaluation: by evaluating the quality of work that the team done when they well
receive supports and have comfortable space to express their ideas. We can
evaluate in Feedback or Evaluation and Reflection meeting.
Budget: The implementation of Team minimum may cost 0$.

2. homie working environment

The idea is to decorate the office to look more relaxing, friendly and like you are
at home. The office will get away from a boring and simple working space with
basic desks and chairs. It will be replaces by a working room and a living room
combined with an entertainment room and maybe a bedroom. It also has a
kitchen and a mini garden.
Firstly, according to Fried et al. (2001), working space affects the nature of
communication between people and people. It has strong impacts on employees
behavioral and attitudinal reactions. The research said that individuals who are
stress with working environment will result in negative behavior and lacking of
collaboration with others. Therefore, if employees could satisfy with their relaxed
working environment, they will create a sense of empathy and they will work well
with each other.
So, we want to create a friendly space which let them feel like home, let them
naturally communicate with each other about personal things, their interests and
hobbies. Chatting about personal interests in a relax space like home is easier
than a rigid environment as normal office. Then, when the employees can feel
free to talk with each other and understand each other, then get closer and raise
a sense of collaboration.
Secondly, there are several world leading companies use a friendly and
comfortable working environment to build a strong sense of belonging, sense of
being a family member in order to boost up working energy, such as Google,
Microsoft, Zappos. Therefore, we can adapt this idea and adjust it to promote
Collaborative mindset in our office.
We will use DIY-Do It Yourself trend, which means we will encourage our
employees to be freely creative to decorate and design their office. We absolutely
can make a mattress sleep or we can create the kitchen shelves, a floor of
grasses, or a desk by truck wheels.
Moreover, we plan to create a sharing space on the fridge. We will use sticky
notes to express opinion about particular topics. For example, in the first week,
well encourage our employees to complete the sentence: If I were the MCMS
Director, Ill They are encouraged to share their feeling and what they want to
do or what they want to change if they are the directors. Similarly, in second
week, the sentence could be If I were the Finance team, Ill Then well stick a
question like: What stuck with you today? to deeply understand our employees
about what they are struggling with. It will create a mutual understanding
between managers and employees as well as build a good relationship among

Evaluation: by evaluate feeling and satisfaction of team members about new

working environment. We can conduct surveys or ask about this in feedback
Budget: About 500$
3. Inspirational quotes about Collaboration on office computers
Every week our agency will have a quote about collaboration mindset to follow.
The quote will be set as destop wallpaper of the staffs and on the office
The purpose is to remind about collaborative mindset and to inspire the staffs
about this culture.
Budget: 0$
4. homie networking event
We organise a netwotking event named Homie which is decorated in the theme
of a house with livingroom, kitchen, bathroom just like our office.
The purpose of this networking event is to show the spirit of MCMS as an united
agency we are a family working in our house . Therefore, we can make the
audience actually experience the vision of our company that MCMS works well
internally and externally.
Furthermore, as the host of this event, we are able to invite appropriate audience
to reach our most target clients. This event will also increase our visibility,
enhance our business relationships with alliances, joint ventures and referrals.
Lastly, it allows us to stay on current trends in the industry. ( Wilsonville 2014)
The estimated attendant is around 70. And we choose Work caf for the venue
because of its spacious and cool environment. This caf is also fit our homie
spirit with simple furniture and cozy space which is convenient for us to design
and decorate as the way we want.
We will promote this event firstly with sending invitation emails to clients and
other agencies. We also post our profile and networking information on to
LinkedIn, a considerable popular and credible professional site with more than
200 million members. And we also announce to people by posting on, an event gathering and organizing website with more than

40000 followers in six cities.
Finally, we have the One day at MCMS office which we invite people who
attend the networking event to come and visit our real office in one day.
Intentionally we offer people the chance to explore our new designed office and
our new working style in real life.
Evaluation: To evaluate how successful this networking event is, we provide
attendees feedback forms at the end of the event.
Budget: The estimated budget for this whole event is around 1500$, which is for
renting venue and decoration. LinkedIn and is charge no fee
in advance.
5. Inspirational quotes about Collaboration on website
Inspirational quotes about collaboration will be post on our website in the first 3
second viewing.
The purpose is to make impression with the viewers, especially our target clients
about our Collaborative culture, and to nuture our identification as a United
agency in their mind time by time when they surf on our website.
Budget: This idea may cost 0$ because our strength is about digital branding.
Basically, in order to build MCMS as an agency that work well externally as well
as internally, our vision is to build MCMS as a United agency that Lead by
understanding and Work by collaborating. Therefore, our first mission is to build
Collaborative culture in the company.
To build a strong internal operation, we focus on changing the Leadership and
management style and promoting Collaborative culture as our key identification
in the company. The most interesting tactic is to re-build our agency like a home
to boost up conversation and the connection among all workers.
Then to communicate this spirit and this identification to the external, we will host
a homie networking event to show it, and even ask them to come and visit our
real office to experience it.
The budget for this whole campaign is about 2000$.

Daft, R., Achua, C., Pirola-Merlo, A., DuBrin, A. & Lussier, R., 2010, Leadership
and management, Cengage learning, Australia.
Fried et al. 2001, Exploring the relationship between workspace density and
employee attitudinal reactions: An integrative model, Journal of Occupational
and Organizational Psychology, The British Psychological Society Published, US,
pp. 359372

LeCain E. 2014, A Revolution in Retail: Treat Workers Well to Boost Profits,,
Nguyen N. 2014, Foreign giants gobble up Vietnam's PR firms,, July 3, 2014, viewed December 16, 2014
Vietnam News 2014, Opportunities abound for PR industry,,
Wilsonville - Area Chamber of Commerce 2014, "Building Your Network : Why is
Networking Important for Business ?",, viewed December

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