UNIF - Uniforms of The Confederate States Military Forces

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Uniforms of the Confederate States military


An 1895 illustration showing the uniforms of the Confederate

army contrasted with those of the U.S. Army.

The Uniforms of the Confederate States military

forces were the uniforms used by the Confederate Army
and Navy during the American Civil War, from 1861 to
1865. The uniform initially varied greatly due to a variConfederate Battle Flag
ety of reasons, such as location, limitations on the supply
of cloth and other materials, State regulations that were
dierent from the standard regulations, and the cost of
1800s uniforms of the Austrian and French Armies.
materials during the war.
Although the regular Confederate military had a paper
strength of 6,000 personnel, the rst 100,000 volunteers
from all over the South participated in a variety of dress.
Many were from state militia outts, which had their own
state-issued uniforms. In the early battles, some ConfedEarly on, servicemen sometimes wore combinations of
erate units that wore dark blue uniforms were often misuniform pieces, making do with what they could get from
taken on the eld of battle for the enemy. Conversely,
captured Union soldiers, or from Union and Confederate
many Union units that were originally militia units went
dead, or just wear civilian clothing.
to war wearing gray.
There are some controversies about some of the exact deIt was not until the depot system was established in early
tails of a few of the uniforms, since some of the records
1862 by the Confederate Quartermaster in Richmond,
were lost or destroyed after the Civil War ended.
Virginia, that uniforms were mass-produced and supplied
to troops. Until that time, the commutation system was
in place; this allowed soldiers to have their own uniforms
made to the new CSA regulations and to be reimbursed
1 Overview
by the CS government. The allowance for uniforms was
The original Confederate uniforms from all branches of $21 per six months.
Texas units, for example, had access to massive stocks of
Federal blue uniforms, which were acquired after Confederate forces captured a Federal supply depot in San
Antonio in 1861. These were worn as late as 1863.

the military closely followed the lines of the Unions uniforms. This was until June 6, 1861, when the Confederate
Council issued General Order 9, the new regulations for
the Confederate Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery.

Ocers always had to buy their own uniforms until March

6, 1864, when General Order 28 was released; this allowed Confederate ocers to purchase uniforms from
the same sources as the troops, and at cost price.

The new uniforms were designed by Nicola Marschall, a Following the Richmond Depot, other depots started
German-American artist who also designed the original up throughout the South to supply their respective reConfederate ag. He was heavily inuenced by the mid- gional forces. Major depots were in Columbus, Athens

and Atlanta, Georgia for the Army of Tennessee and

Houston, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana for the TransMississippi forces. The use of the depot system meant
that army-wide uniformity was impossible, as dierent
depots had unique uniforms (Columbus Depot Jackets
for instance, had breast pockets, whilst Richmond Depot
Jackets did not). This resulted in a varied set of uniforms
worn by dierent Confederate units.
As the war progressed, the image began to shift from
the ragged rebel look to a well-uniformed Army in the
Eastern and Western theaters. In the last 12 months of
ghting, these Confederate forces were well-uniformed,
the best they had ever appeared in terms of consistency,
wearing clothing made of imported blue-gray cloth, either manufactured locally or bought ready-made under
contract from British manufacturers, such as Peter Tait of
Limerick, Ireland who became a major supplier of uniforms for the Confederacy.
Unfortunately, in the department of the TransMississippi, problems with the distribution of the
plentiful uniforms made in Houston and Shreveport
meant that the South Western forces went without proper
uniforms for some part of the war.
Confederate headgear was to be the chasseur cap, or
"kepi", a French military cap. Often broad felt or straw
hats or even slouch hats were worn instead. The Federal Army style forage cap was also popular. General
Stonewall Jackson was famous for wearing the forage
cap. Confederate Cavalry troops often wore Hardee hats,
much like the Union Cavalry, which was a representative of the additional air associated with the Cavalry
troops. Two examples of CSA Cavalry ocers famous
for wearing these hats are Colonel John S. Mosby and
General J.E.B. Stuart.



Richmond Depot shell jacket

The use of wool in the uniform meant that the uniforms

were not suited to the warm climates that were common in the South. This helped contribute to the fact
that many Confederate soldiers suered from heatstroke
on long marches.[1] However, one understanding of the
heavy woolen garments, is that after the marching during the day time, when the soldiers would rest at night


and cool themselves down, the thermal-shock could render some men unable to function the next day. As such,
the woolen garments would protect the soldiers from this,
and keep them able to keep marching the next day to fulll their duties. This was also the case with the better
equipped U.S. Army. Many Confederate soldiers started
the war with frock coats. However, cloth shortages and
wartime wear insured that, by 1863, waist-length cadet
gray or butternut shell jackets were generally worn by
Confederates in the Eastern and Western Theater. Examples of frock coats being worn by enlisted men can be
seen in photographs taken after the battles of Gettysburg,
(1863), and Spotsylvania, (1864).
Gray was not chosen for camouage, however, it did, at
times, provide enough of a mask along tree lines during
battle; keeping the line of Infantry hidden long enough
to strike eectively. At the time of the American Civil
War, the usefulness of camouage was not generally recognized. Gray was chosen for Confederate uniforms because gray dye could be made relatively cheaply and it
was the standard uniform color of the various State Militias.[2] The gray uniforms worn by early State volunteers
was normally a shade of Cadet gray, which is not suitable
for combat wear, as it gives away the position of the individual easily from its bright blue-gray tones, and for this
reason it was preserved by some men for dress-parade
functions. The gray mentioned is dull toned, often varying in color depending on the region and time during the
conict, resulting in a uniform that could blend in with
the tree lines, or hide the men in the eld wearing them.
Generally, the uniform jacket of the Confederate soldier
was single breasted, made of gray or brown fabric, with
a six to nine button front. The design of the garment featured several variations: a four to six piece body, and one
or two piece sleeves, usually with lining, often of a cotton
material. The fabric used in these jackets, ranged from
the ner kerseys and broadcloths used early in the war, to
the cotton/wool blends of jeans, satinette, and cassimere,
to name several examples. The exact color of the fabric also ranged from the prewar bright cadet gray, similar to the fabric used by Virginia Military Institute, or
West Point U.S. Military Academy dress uniforms, to the
sumac and logwood dyed fabrics, that would eventually
fade to the ragged butternut appearance. Epaulettes may
have been used in the construction of the jacket, as was
the case for the Richmond clothing bureau designed jackets, commonly called today, the Richmond Depot types I,
II, and III. Belt loops were also in intermittent use, such as
the Richmond and the Charleston clothing depots. Trimming on the jackets range from piped or taped collars,
cus, and front lapel edges, to full facings on the collar and cus, commonly in light blue, dark blue, red, or
black. Due to the diculty in obtaining yellow dye ingredients as the war progressed, yellow was infrequently
used by the Cavalry Corps throughout the conict.


Field and company ocers

Confederate States Army uniforms


General ocers


Rank insignias


Collar insignias and buttons

William Mahone wearing one version of Three

Gold Stars and Wreath on a Generals Collar

CS General Joseph E. Johnston wearing the 3 stars
of a Colonel
CS General Wineld Scott Featherston wearing the
3{?} stars of a Colonel
CS General Thomas R. R. Cobb wearing the 3 stars
of a Colonel

2.2 Field and company ocers

2.2.1 Rank insignias

George Pickett wearing one version of Three Gold

Stars and Wreath on a Generals Collar

Collar insignias Colonels wore three gold stars of the

same size on their collar; the same as generals, but with William Extra Billy Smith wearing one version of out the wreath. While lieutenant colonels wore two stars
Three Gold Stars and Wreath on a Generals Collar on their collars, majors wore one star, which was placed
in the middle of the collar. Captains had three gold hor John Wharton wearing one version of Three Gold izontal bars, rst lieutenants wore two bars, and second
Stars and Wreath on a Generals Collar
lieutenants wore one bar.[3] However, the Confederate
Congress often created new commissions, and did not al Daniel Harvey Hill wearing one version of Three ways standardize rank insignia immediately.[4]
Gold Stars and Wreath on a Generals Collar
Edmund Kirby Smith wearing one version of Three 2.2.2 Sleeve insignias, branch of service colors
Gold Stars and Wreath on a Generals Collar
Confederate Army ocers indicated their military aliation with dierent colored facing on their coats or jackets. The colors were red for artillery, yellow for cavalry,
light blue for infantry, and black for medical. A very dis Albert Sidney Johnston wearing one version of
Three Gold Stars and Wreath on a Generals Collar tinctive feature of the Confederate ocers uniforms was
the gold braid Austrian knots on their sleeves. More elaborate braiding indicated higher rank and some knots al "Stonewall Jackson" Example of the Three Gold
most reached the shoulder. However, a general order, isStars and Wreath on a Generals Collar
sued in 1862, called for the Austrian knots not to be worn
On the upright collar of full generals, lieutenant generals, in the eld, as this made ocers conspicuous to enemy
major generals, and brigadier generals three stars were combatants.
stitched within a wreath, all embroidered in gold coloring.
The center star was slightly larger than the other stars.[3] 2.2.3 Buttons
It was not possible to know which grade of general an
ocer was by his collar insignia. However, major gen- Field Grade ocers, and Company Grade ocers comerals and lieutenant generals wore two rows of nine but- monly wore two rows of seven equally spaced buttons
tons in groups of three down the front of the overcoat, each, despite regulations calling for the top two buttons
and brigadier generals wore two rows of eight buttons to be spaced at four inches apart, coming closer together
in groups of two.[3] However, Confederate Army Reg- at the waist at 3 inches in distance.[3]
ulations had no distinction between the General Ocer
grades, and had only the insignia for Brigadier Generals
recognized. At least three Generals ocers did not wear 2.2.4 Trousers
the prescribed uniform: Robert E. Lee who wore the uniform of a Colonel, refusing to wear a generals insignia The Confederate trousers were very similar to those of
until the Confederate victory; Joseph L. Hogg, who died the Union forces. Early on, the trousers were sky blue in
of a fever; and Benjamin McCulloch.
color. They were most often made of wool, and were easily worn during long marches. If trousers did not arrive
CS General Robert E. Lee wearing the 3 stars of a for the troops the soldiers would have to use their own
pants to wear. Regimental and company ocers wore
the colors of their respective branch on the outer seam of
CS General A. P. Hill wearing the 3 stars of a
their pants on one and one-quarter inch stripes. GenerColonel
als wore two and ve-eighths inch stripes on each pant
PGT Beauregard wearing one version of Three
Gold Stars and Wreath on a Generals Collar


leg. While the quartermasters, commissary, and engineer ocers wore a single magenta, one and one-quarter
inch outer-seam stripe. Non-commissioned ocers were
to wear on their outer seams a one and one-quarter inch
cotton stripe or braid of colors appropriate to their army


waist sashes for all service branches were only allowed

to NCOs above Sergeant (i.e. First Sergeant, Ordnance
Sergeant, Hospital Steward, Sergeant Major etc.))
2.3.2 Trousers
Army trousers were of similar pattern to the U.S. Army
trousers, or civilian designs, depending on the area in
which they were made. They were typically a shade of
gray or brown, with a variety of medium blues also produced. The individual could also have them trimmed to
reect his militia un it, his Non-commissioned ocer status, or as a personal are, to the ubiquitous service pants.
Noncommissioned ocers were to wear on their outer
seams a one and one-quarter inch cotton stripe or braid
of colors appropriate to their army branch.[5]
2.3.3 Belt

Butternut kepi in a German museum

The French pattern kepi was the standard issue headgear to all army personnel, with a dark blue band, sides
& crown for generals, sta ocers, and engineers. Kepis
worn by commissioned ocers and enlisted personnel
had two patterns, specied by regulations in 1861 and
1862, respectively. The rst pattern was a colored band,
denoting the branch of service, with the crown and sides
Example of a CS Belt Buckle
to be made of Cadet Gray cloth. The second pattern had a
dark blue band for all branches, with the crown and sides
colored according to the branch of service. The branch
of service colors were as follows, Red for artillery, yellow
for cavalry, and light or sky blue for infantry.


Army enlisted men

Rank insignias

Chevrons In the Confederate Army, chevrons were

worn by sergeants (three on each sleeve) and corporals
(two on each sleeve)[3]
Sword and sash When in full dress and sometimes also
in battle, all ranks above Corporal (i.e. all Sergeants) in
non-mounted service branches carried the M1840 NCO
Sword (when available) suspending on a leather belt (as
did their counterparts in the Union Army, except Hospital Stewards who carried a special Sword Model). Additionally all CSA Sergeant ranks were permitted worsted
waist sashes: red for Artillery and Infantry (and all others Service branches), but yellow for Cavalry.[6][7] (For
their counterparts in the Union Army crimson worsted

Example of a CSA Belt Buckle

There were numerous types of belts produced for the

Confederate Military during the Civil War. There were
literally dozens of types of buckles used and produced
by or for the Confederacy. The buckles ranged from single plates with hooks, to two piece interlocking buckles,
to simple roller buckles and countless other variations.
Many buckles use plates that bore the state seal or motto
of their home states. The vast majority used simple roller


Infantry uniforms

buckle plates of the type found on a common dog collar. based grays, that would fade to brown or tan. The typiAs the War progressed, more and more men used cap- cal jackets issued had 5-7 button fronts, with collar and
tured US belt plates, often wearing them upside down.[8] cu trim that varied from era, region and source, and an
outside pocket on occasion.


Infantry uniforms

The Confederate Infantry, (the largest Corps of the

Army), had a large variety of uniforms, and the greater
amount of records. The initial Confederate Army
Uniform, consisted of a Kepi, double-breasted tunic,
trousers, and Jeerson Bootees/Brogans. The Kepi was
not specied until the 1862 Regulations, as a sky-blue
kepi, reecting the Infantry Corps, with a dark blue band,
and leather visor. The Tunic, was to be of Cadet gray,
with two rows of yellow-metal, (brass or gold,) buttons,
'solid' cu and collar facings in sky-blue, and be lined
with a lighter gray fabric. The coat was of the same pattern specied as regulation for the eld and company ocers; as well as for the artillery and cavalry enlisted-men.
These designs for the uniform, however, did not prevail,
as the complexity of the uniform proved to be dicult
for mass-production. The simpler uniform turned to be
the regulations dictated by Judah Benjamin. He stated
that the uniform should be that of: a gray jacket; a blue,
gray, or brown pair of trousers; any slouch hat or cap type
of head cover; and any kind of foot-wear to be worn for
Confederate service in mid-1861. His regulations, however, were overruled by the subsequent set of regulations
of June 1861, stating the Franco-Austrian styled uniform
to be issued and purchased; to all Corps and by all ocers, respectively.
The guidelines set by Judah Benjamin in 1861 soon became the choice of the Clothing Depots across the south
as the war went into its second year. This easier to produce jacket, with the loosened hat and trouser regulations,
made it easier to clothe Confederate Infantryman. The
typical uniform by the end of 1861 and beginning of 1862
was a slouch or kepi, a shell-jacket, pair of sky-blue or
gray cloth trousers, with brogans.

Jackets and coats

The jacket prescribed for Infantry use was of the same

design for all service men. The design itself depended
entirely on the region, time, and the source of fabrics.
The Eastern Theater uniform jacket was the Richmond
Depot design, with three primary types issued throughout the war. The jacket varied from a cadet gray, piped
and trimmed jacket, looking much like a pre-war militia
jacket, to the jeans-cloth jacket that was worn out in six
months. The materials and uniforms imported from England were also issued to the troops through this facility.
The Western and Deep Southern facilities manufactured
similar uniforms, being jeans-cloth, dyed with vegetable

The previous styles were the militia uniforms. These consisted of everything from the more sharp-looking jackets
and coats, which resembled the French or Northern Infantry uniforms, to the no-ares Battle-Shirt, meant for
drilling and battles only. The uniform for these militia
units varied by each company through a single county or
parish, let alone the country itself. The militia uniforms
were a menagerie of colors, from Cadet gray, dark blue,
and hunter green, to Reds, bus and gold tones. The
other variety of CS Army uniform jackets and coats is
the Zouave. This jacket was meant to be loose-tting and
reect the French-African Zouave units. There were several units to consist of this uniform, including the Richmond Zouaves, in the 44th Virginia Infantry Regiment,
the Wheats Tigers, of the 1st Louisiana Special Battalion, and Coppens Zouaves, of Louisiana.
2.4.3 Buttons
The buttons worn on the Infantrymans clothing is not
as minor a detail as it would sound. The average infantryman may have had his uniform made for him
in Richmond, Virginia, however, the man enlisted in
Georgia, and is now marching through the former state.
In reection to his loyalties to home, this man, for example, could have adorned his uniform with Georgia State
buttons. This would indicate to his fellow soldiers his allegiance to both his state and his military unit. This was
common practice during the war for both sides in the conict.
The regulation infantry buttons for enlisted men described the button as to have a number on the front to
reect the unit designation; for example, a soldier in the
1st Confederate Infantry Regiment would have a 1 on
the buttons of his coat. These buttons are rare or nonexistent. However, the ocers regulation button, consisting of the block I button, for Infantry, the A for
Artillery, etc.; was very common amongst soldiers, and
replaced the eorts to produce the dierent, numbered
buttons for each regiment in service.
As before, the uniform buttons could also reect the state
loyalties of an individual. All of the Confederate States
made an eort to supply their respective State buttons to
their troops. The states that did not join the Confederacy,
but had men within its ranks, such as Maryland and Missouri, also made buttons, that have turned up on surviving
The confederacy also implemented ready-made supplies
of button, consisting of the U.S. Government stockpiles
throughout the war. These consisted of the Enlisted mens
coat button, (an eagle with the shield of the U.S., with the
olive branch and arrows held in its talons,) and the ocers


buttons, (the same as before, but the shield is replaced by

a blank shield, with the respective letter for each branch
of service, I for infantry, A for artillery, C for cavalry,
and D for dragoons).

ordered the uniform to become organized, being cadet

gray and lined with a thin layer around the sleeve. The
pant legs were light blue with a yellow strip rising from
the bottom of the leg to the top. Non-commissioned ocers of the cavalry wore either regular clothes from home
or a variety of dierent types of uniforms.[3] yellow was
2.4.4 Hats and kepis
the prescribed branch of service color, but surviving uniforms show beyond a doubt that the vast majority of cavThe headgear of the typical Confederate Infantryman
alrymen who used any branch of service color, used bu
was the slouch hat, or the military Kepi. The Kepi is a
as yellow cloth was virtually non existent in the Confedshort fatigue and dress cap that was easy to manufacture
for the Army during the war. This type of hat had its
drawbacks, however. It provided little weather protection, and was worn out easily after a few months of hard
wear. The Infantryman design cap was sky-blue with a 2.5.2 Buttons
dark blue band, but this was rarely seen outside of ofcer private-purchase caps. More typical would be the According to the June 1861 regulations, and later the
plain gray/brown cap, with or without the branch of ser- 1862 and 1863 regulations, enlisted men were to wear a
vice trim. There are examples of deep-south made caps frock coat with the same button pattern as the Company
that were trimmed in red cotton and wool, and issued to and Field Grade ocers.[3]
Infantry units, showing that any available clothing was issued to the troops as the war progressed.
The slouch hat was the preferred choice of many soldiers,
including ocers. The hat was normally a oppy, wide
brimmed, woolen body head-cover, meant to protect the
individual from the sun, and inclement weather. It was
normally a civilian hat, of brown, gray, or black wool.
This simple hat saw widespread use throughout the Confederate Armies, and even with U.S. Army personnel.
Occasionally, the hat was adorned with insignia of the
wearers preference, and may have been pinned up for
the drill in the use of the regular weapon of the time, the


Cavalry uniforms

2.5.3 Hats
A cap copying the French Kepi was the prescribed headgear for all three branches of the land service, adorned
with the various branch of service colors, but Confederates preferred the slouch hat and surviving photographs
show that as many or more men wore some type of slouch
hat than wore the prescribed cap, especially as the War
The Troiani book says, Although in some units hats
seem dominate, the issuance of caps was widespread.
For example, requisitions for the 19th Alabama Infantry
throughout 1863 and early 1864 show a decided preference for hats, whereas those for the 17th Mississippi
Infantry for the same period record only caps being received. One Confederate clothing facility in Charleston,
South Carolina, was devoted entirely to the manufacture
of caps. These were cut out by government employees at
the depot and sent to 1,000 to 1,500 local persons of a
needy class for assembly.

2.6 Artillery uniforms

2.6.1 Design
The rst of the Artillery uniforms were a variety of handmade and personally customized uniforms. By 1862, the
Confederate uniforms became organized. They became
cadet gray and were to be lined with a layer of red around
the sleeve. The pant legs were light blue. Even after the
2.5.1 Design
uniforms were organized many of the artillerymen wore
The rst of the Cavalry uniforms were made by the caval- regular clothes due to the heat and discomfort caused by
rymen themselves. By 1862, the Confederate regulations the regular uniforms.[3]
1st Virginia Cavalry-Example of a Confederate cavalryman
wearing the stag hat


Shoulder straps


In the Confederate Artillery, a normal junior ocer had

two rows of seven evenly spaced buttons, grouped into
pairs, while a senior ocer could have as many as eight
buttons in two rows.[3]


The kepi was also standard issue to the artillerymen, they

were made red to match that of the rest of their uniforms.
During the summer months they were also allowed to
wear straw hats because of the heat.[3]


Confederate States Navy uniforms


Example of a Confederate Naval Ocers Uniform (Statue of

Captain Raphael Semmes, Mobile, Alabama).
Confederate States Navy Department

The rst of the Navy uniforms were made in dark blue,

but with the Southern style of rank insignia for the ocers. The 1862 Confederate regulations ordered the uniform to be steel gray and lined with a dark black silk
serge. They were also made in medium gray and cadet
gray. They were made of wool, and these uniforms were
not t for the heat of the lower decks of a ship.[9] Noncommissioned ocers wore a variety of uniforms, or
even regular clothing.[10]


Shoulder straps

According to the dress code of the Confederate Navy,

shoulder straps were to be worn dierently by each

Admirals wore a shoulder strap of sky-blue cloth,

edged with black, that was four inches long and one
inch and three-eighths wide embroidered with gold
one-quarter of an inch in width. They had ve stars
spaced equally, the two on the ends six-tenths of an
inch in diameter, and the three intermediate stars
six-eighths of an inch in diameter.
Flag ocers wore a shoulder strap of sky-blue cloth,
edged with black, that was four inches long and one
inch and three-eighths wide embroidered with gold
one-quarter of an inch in width. They had four stars
spaced equally, the two on the ends six-tenths of an
inch in diameter, and the two intermediate stars sixeighths of an inch in diameter.
captains wore the same shoulder straps as the ag

ocers, but with three equally spaced stars, each 1865, right after the wars end, Lloyd J. Beall, commansix-tenths of an inch in diameter.
der of the CSMC, had a re at his home which destroyed
most of the CSMCs records.[12] It is clear, however, that
Commanders also had the same shoulder straps, but the Marines were often equipped out of the stores of
with only two stars.
whichever garrison was nearest their location. One description has the Marines dressed in frock coats of a parLieutenants had the same shoulder straps, with a sinticular (and undetermined) shade of gray, and dark blue
gle, central, star.
or black trousers. It appears that Confederate Marines
The shoulder straps worn by masters had the same wore forage caps although it is unclear if there was any
ornamentation on the cover.[13] Much of the gear worn
design, but without any stars.
by the CSMC was imported from Russia, and from Great
Passed midshipmen wore a strip of gold lace four Britain and its empire, mainly Canada. This created a
inches in length and a half an inch wide.
fairly unusual look.[12]

For a midshipman, no shoulder straps were to be




5 See also
Military of the Confederate States of America


Confederate Naval Caps were made of steel gray cloth.[11]

They were not to be less than three inches and a half, nor
more than four inches in height. They were also not to
be more than ten, or less than nine inches and a half, at
the top, and had a patent leather visor, to be worn by all
ocers in their service dress.
For a ag ocer, the cap had an anchor in an open
wreath of oak leaves, with four stars above the anchor. They were to be embroidered in gold as per

United States Civil War

Confederate States Army
Confederate States Navy
Confederate States Marine Corps
Uniform of the Union Army

6 Notes and references

For a captain, the same as a ag ocers, except that 6.1 Notes

there were only three stars above the anchor, and the
[1] Manseld pg. 33
gold band was one and one-half inches wide.[11]
For a commander it was to be the same as for a captain, except that there were only but two stars.
For a lieutenant, the same as that of a captain, except
there was only one star.
For a master, the same as for a captain, except that
there was no star.

[2] Smith pg. 25

[3] Davis pp. 390-1.
[4] Miller pg. 122
[5] Troiani pp. 106-107

For a passed midshipman, an anchor without a


[6] Uniform and Dress of the Army of the Confederate States

(1861), Adjutant and Inspector Generals Oce, Richmond, September 12, 1861, Samuel Cooper, Adjutant
and Inspector General

For a midshipman, no caps were to be worn.[11]

[7] Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States, 1864.

War Dept, James Alexander Seddon , Secretary of War

Confederate States
Corps uniforms


[8] Collecting the Confederacy by Shannon Pritchard or Confederate Belt Buckles and Plates, by Steve Mullinax
[9] Konstam, (2001) pg. 1873
[10] Faust pg. 770

The uniform used by the Confederate States Marine

Corps resembled that prescribed for the Confederate [11] Van Doren Stern pg. 233
Army. However, there is controversy about some of the [12] Van Doren Stern pg. 181
exact details of the uniform, since the CSMC was not
as large, and many of its records were destroyed. In [13] No, Albert A., pg. 152



Davis, George B., Perry, Leslie J., and Kirkley,

Joseph W., The Ocial Military Atlas of the Civil
War, Random House Value Publishing, (1988)
ISBN 0-517-53407-X
Faust, Patricia L., Historical Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War, HarperPerennial, (1986)
ISBN 0-06-273116-5
Konstam, Angusand and Bryan, Tony Confederate
Ironclad 1861-65, Osprey Publishing, (2001) pg.
1873 ISBN 1-84176-307-1
Manseld, Howard, The Same Ax, Twice:
Restoration and Renewal in a Throwaway Age,
UPNE, (2001) ISBN 1-58465-117-2
Miller, David (2001). Uniforms, Weapons, and
Equipment of the Civil War. London: Salamander
Books Ltd. ISBN 1-84065-257-8.
No, Albert A., Marine Corps Book of Lists:
A Denitive Compendium of Marine Corps Facts,
Feats, and Traditions, Da Capo Press, (1997) ISBN
Shaw, Anthony The Civil War catalog, Running
Press, (2003) ISBN 0-7624-1625-4
Smith, Carl, Hook Adam, Chancellorsville 1863:
Jacksons Lightning Strike, Osprey Publishing,
(1998) ISBN 1-85532-721-X
Troiani, Don, Coates, Earl J., McAfee, Michael
J., Jensen, Leslie D., Don Troianis Regiments
and Uniforms of the Civil War,Stackpole Books,
(2002) ISBN 0-8117-0520-X
Van Doren Stern, Philip, The Confederate Navy: A
Pictorial History, Da Capo Press, (1992) pg. 181
ISBN 0-306-80488-3

External links
Photographs of Confederate soldiers in uniform at
Library of Congress
Uniform and Dress of the Confederate Navy
Confederate Marine Corps Rank Insignia
Confederate and State Regulations
Uniform and Dress of the Army of the Confederate States (1861), Adjutant and Inspector Generals Oce, Richmond, September 12, 1861, Samuel
Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General
Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States,
1864. War Dept, James Alexander Seddon, Secretary of War



Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



Uniforms of the Confederate States military forces Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniforms_of_the_Confederate_States_

military_forces?oldid=724534624 Contributors: The Anome, Jengod, PaulinSaudi, Jayjg, Daranz, Koavf, Bubba73, Bedford, Bgwhite,
Rsrikanth05, Manxruler, Marcus Cyron, BusterD, BorgQueen, SmackBot, Patrickneil, Kintetsubualo, Gilliam, Chris the speller, MeekSaron, Haus, CmdrObot, Cydebot, Mojo Hand, NorwegianBlue, JustAGal, Kresock, The Anomebot2, KConWiki, Fallschirmjger, Anaxial, R'n'B, CommonsDelinker, MishaPan, Scewing, Thomas.W, Je G., EricSerge, CobraDragoon, SGT141, Grayghost01, FNAadventures,
StAnselm, Lucasbfrbot, Sf46, SiefkinDR, Sfan00 IMG, Z1701, ClueBot, RobertLunaIII, The Thing That Should Not Be, Niceguyedc,
Nick19thind, Searcher 1990, DerBorg, Versus22, Addbot, Lordoliver, Ronhjones, Tassedethe, Zorrobot, Killiondude, Jim1138, Ipatrol,
LilHelpa, Dougofborg, FrescoBot, I dream of horses, Degen Earthfast, TBloemink, RenamedUser01302013, Illegitimate Barrister, EWikist, UltimaRatio, ClueBot NG, Helpful Pixie Bot, BG19bot, Glevum, Trailspark, Achowat, Wasserlufer, Khazar2, Mogism, Customembroidered, Lugia2453, Colonel Pritchard, DavidLeighEllis, DrBungle, UY Scuti, 12thVAgrunt, 248Garland, RWDPloessl, Donkey Kong
Fanatic, AUbb101, Taterian and Anonymous: 70



File:Battle_flag_of_the_US_Confederacy.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/Battle_flag_of_the_

Confederate_States_of_America.svg License: Public domain Contributors: This vector image includes elements that have been taken or
adapted from this: <a href='//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Mississippi.svg' class='image'><img alt='Flag of Mississippi.svg'
of_Mississippi.svg.png 1.5x, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/Flag_of_Mississippi.svg/60px-Flag_of_
Mississippi.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='900' data-le-height='600' /></a> Flag of Mississippi.svg. Original artist: Phroziac cut this out of
Image:Flag of Mississippi.svg, which is public domain work by Zscout370.
File:CSA_Belt.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f9/CSA_Belt.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:CS_Navy_Department_Seal.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/CS_Navy_Department_Seal.png
License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Confederate_Artillery_Lieutenant{}s_Kepi.JPG Source:
Artillery_Lieutenant%27s_Kepi.JPG License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Own work
Original artist:
Lordoliver (talk) (Uploads)
File:Confederate_Calvary_Colonel{}s_Kepi.JPG Source:
Colonel%27s_Kepi.JPG License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Own work
Original artist:
Lordoliver (talk) (Uploads)


File:Confederate_Cavalrymen.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/39/Confederate_Cavalrymen.jpg License: PD

Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Confederate_Civil_War_Belt_Buckle.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Confederate_Civil_
War_Belt_Buckle.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: Lordoliver
(talk) (Uploads).
File:Confederate_General{}s_Kepi.JPG Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/17/Confederate_General%27s_Kepi.
JPG License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Own work
Original artist:
Lordoliver (talk) (Uploads)
File:Confederate_Infantry_Captain{}s_Kepi.JPG Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/99/Confederate_Infantry_
Captain%27s_Kepi.JPG License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Own work
Original artist:
Lordoliver (talk) (Uploads)
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Captain-Marines.svg Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Captain-Marines.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Based on PD image found at U.S. ARMY
RANK INSIGNIA Original artist: FOX 52
Confederate_States_of_America_Captain-Navy.png License:
Csn_sleeve_capt.png Original artist: Hoodinski

CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:

File:Confederate_States_of_America_Captain.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/Confederate_

States_of_America_Captain.png License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: SGT141




File:Confederate_States_of_America_Colonel-Infantry.svg Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Colonel-Infantry.svg License: Public domain Contributors: This le was derived from: Confederate
States of America Colonel-Infantry.jpg
Original artist: FOX 52
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Colonel.png Source:
States_of_America_Colonel.png License: GFDL Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CSAColonel.png Original artist: M.K.
Bartel (User:CaptainMike)
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Commander-Navy.png Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Commander-Navy.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:
Csn_sleeve_cmdr.png Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Corporal-Cavalry.jpg Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Corporal-Cavalry.jpg License: GFDL Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CSACorporal.jpg
Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_First_Lieutenant-Artillery.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/
1b/Confederate_States_of_America_First_Lieutenant-Artillery.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Based on PD image found at
U.S. ARMY RANK INSIGNIA Original artist: FOX 52
File:Confederate_States_of_America_First_Lieutenant.png Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_First_Lieutenant.png License: GFDL Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CSA_1Lt.png
Original artist: Hoodinski
Confederate_States_of_America_First_Sergeant.jpg License: GFDL Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CSA1Sergeant.jpg
Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Flag_Officer-Navy.png Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Flag_Officer-Navy.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:
Csn_sleeve_flag.png Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_General-Staff_Officer.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/
Confederate_States_of_America_General-Staff_Officer.svg License: Public domain Contributors: This le was derived from: Confederate
States of America General.jpg
Original artist: FOX 52
Confederate_States_of_America_General-collar.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: 248Garland
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Lieutenant-Navy.png Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Lieutenant-Navy.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:
Csn_sleeve_lieut.png Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Lieutenant_Colonel-Staff_Officer.svg Source:
commons/7/7d/Confederate_States_of_America_Lieutenant_Colonel-Staff_Officer.svg License: Public domain Contributors: This le
was derived from: Confederate States of America Lieutenant Colonel-Sta Ocer.jpg
Original artist: FOX 52
c/c8/Confederate_States_of_America_Lieutenant_Colonel.png License:
GFDL Contributors:
CSALtColonel.png Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Lieutenant_strap-Navy.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/
Confederate_States_of_America_Lieutenant_strap-Navy.png License: Public domain Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:
Csn_strap_lieut.png Original artist: Hoodinski
Confederate_States_of_America_Major-Medical.svg License: Public domain Contributors: This le was derived from: Confederate States
of America Major-Medical.jpg
Original artist: FOX 52
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Major.png Source:
States_of_America_Major.png License: GFDL Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CSAMajor.png Original artist: Hoodinski
Confederate_States_of_America_Master-Navy.png License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Csn_sleeve_mast.png Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Master_strap-Navy.png Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Master_strap-Navy.png License: Public domain Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:
Csn_strap_mast.png Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Midshipman-Navy.png Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Midshipman-Navy.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:
Csn_sleeve_mid.png Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Ordnance_Sergeant-Artillery.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/
6/67/Confederate_States_of_America_Ordnance_Sergeant-Artillery.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist:
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Passed_Midshipman-Navy.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/
03/Confederate_States_of_America_Passed_Midshipman-Navy.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
File:Csn_sleeve_pmid.png Original artist: Hoodinski



File:Confederate_States_of_America_Passed_Midshipman_strap-Navy.png Source:
commons/b/b7/Confederate_States_of_America_Passed_Midshipman_strap-Navy.png License:
Public domain Contributors:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Csn_strap_pmid.png Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Regimental_Quartermaster_Sergeant.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/
commons/f/f5/Confederate_States_of_America_Regimental_Quartermaster_Sergeant.jpg License: GFDL Contributors: http://en.
wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chevron_-_Regimental_Quartermaster_Sergeant.jpg Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Second_Lieutenant-Cavalry.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/
9/9f/Confederate_States_of_America_Second_Lieutenant-Cavalry.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Based on PD image found at
U.S. ARMY RANK INSIGNIA Original artist: FOX 52
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Second_Lieutenant.png Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Second_Lieutenant.png License: GFDL Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CSA_2Lt.png
Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Sergeant-Artillery.svg Source:
Confederate_States_of_America_Sergeant-Artillery.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: MDragunov
File:Confederate_States_of_America_Sergeant_Major-Infantry.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/
01/Confederate_States_of_America_Sergeant_Major-Infantry.jpg License: GFDL Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:
CSASergeantMajor.jpg Original artist: Hoodinski
File:Confederate_cavalry_1st_virginia_bw.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Confederate_cavalry_
1st_virginia_bw.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Morgan collection of Civil
War drawings, Online: The 1st Virginia Cavalry at a halt Original artist: Alfred Waud
File:Corporal_Artillery_CS_Army.jpg Source:
Army.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: George B. Davis, Leslie J. Perry, and Joseph W. Kirkleys The Ocial Military Atlas of
the Civil War (1983) Pg. (391) that was published under the direction of the U.S. government Original artist: George B. Davis, Leslie J.
Perry, and Joseph W. Kirkleys
File:Csn_cover_capt.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Csn_cover_capt.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Grayghost01 (talk)
File:Csn_cover_cmdr.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Csn_cover_cmdr.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Grayghost01 (talk)
File:Csn_cover_flag.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/Csn_cover_flag.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Grayghost01 (talk)
File:Csn_cover_lieut.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Csn_cover_lieut.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Grayghost01 (talk)
File:Csn_cover_mast.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Csn_cover_mast.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Grayghost01 (talk)
File:Csn_cover_mid.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/Csn_cover_mid.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Grayghost01 (talk)
File:Csn_cover_pmid.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/16/Csn_cover_pmid.png License: PD Contributors:
I created this work entirely by myself.
Original artist:
Grayghost01 (talk)
File:Csn_strap_capt.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Csn_strap_capt.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Grayghost01 (talk)
File:Csn_strap_cmdr.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Csn_strap_cmdr.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Grayghost01 (talk)
File:Csn_strap_flag.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Csn_strap_flag.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist: Grayghost01 (talk)
File:DeckSceneCSSAlabama.JPG Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/DeckSceneCSSAlabama.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Extracted from PDF public domain version of above work on the Internet Archive Original artist:
Mike Cline
File:Depot_Shell_Jacket_(left).jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Depot_Shell_Jacket_%28left%29.
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. National Park Service (NPS). Original artist: National Park Service
File:Edwin_Francis_Jemison.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/05/Edwin_Francis_Jemison.jpg License: Public
domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Raphael_semmes.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/Raphael_semmes.png License: Public domain Contributors: Basil Original artist: Buberl, Caspar, 1834-1899, sculptor.
File:SuedstaatlerCappi.JPG Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/SuedstaatlerCappi.JPG License: CC BYSA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: StromBer
File:War_of_the_Rebellion_Atlas_Plate_172.jpg Source:
Rebellion_Atlas_Plate_172.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Atlas to Accompany the Ocial Records of the Union and
Confederate Armies Original artist: United States Department of War


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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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