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Du E Hujjat

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Kindly recite Sura E Fatiha for Marhumeen of all those who have worked towards making this small work possible.

Du E Hujjat

O Allh bless Muhammad and the family of


Du E Hujjat

In the name of Allh the Beneficent, the


Du E Hujjat

O Allah, be,
for Your representative,
the Hujjat (proof), son of AlHasan,

Du E Hujjat

Your blessings be on him and his


Du E Hujjat

in this hour and in every hour,

Du E Hujjat

a guardian, a protector, a leader,
a helper,

Du E Hujjat

a proof, and an eye.

until You make him live on the earth,

Du E Hujjat


in obedience (to You),
and cause him to live in it for a long time.

Du E Hujjat

O Allh bless Muhammad and the family of


Du E Hujjat

Please recite
Srat al-Ftia
For any errors / comments please write to:

Kindly recite Sura E Fatiha for Marhumeen of all those who have worked towards making this small work possible.

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