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Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Amaal for Night of

Fifteenth Shaban

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Method of performing the Amaal

The Holy Prophet (S.A.) had said that during the

night of 15th Shaabaan, the Almighty Allh
(SWT) takes decisions in the matters of
sustenance, life and death and welfare of the
Next to the Night of Qadr the night of 15th
Shaaban is the most auspicious night (also
known as night of Baraat).
According to the Holy Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al
Baqir (A.S.) and Jaafar bin Muhammad As Saadiq
(A.S.) the Almighty Allh (SWT) has promised to
fulfill every legitimate desire put forward to Him
(SWT) tonight.

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Method of performing the Amaal

Perform Ghusl
After Isha Namaaz, recite 2 Rakaat Namaaz.
After Surah Al-Hamd recite Surah-e-Kaafiroon
in 1st rakaat and Surah-e-Ikhlaas (Qul
huwallaah) in 2nd rakaat. Then do tasbih in
this format : SUB-HAANALLAAH (x 33), AL
Recite Du'a (Mafateeh Al Jinaan pg.167) - YAA

: MAFATIHUL JINAAN (pg.nos. as per Iran print) ***

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Method of performing the Amaal

Recite Ziyarat of Imam Husain (Mafateeh Al

Jinaan Pg.438) - ASSALAAMU ALAYKA YABNA - - - -. Followed by 2 Rakaat Namaaze Ziyarat.


: MAFATIHUL JINAAN (pg.nos. as per Iran print) ***

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Method of performing the Amaal

Recite Namaaz -e- Jaafar-e-Tayyaar

(Mafateeh Al Jinaanpg.46)
4 rakaats (2 Namaaz x 2 rakaats each).
Following Surah to be recited after Surah AlHamd of each rakaat

A) 1st namaaz Surah Al-Zilzaal in 1st

rakaat and Surah Al-Aadiyaat in 2nd rakaat.

B) 2nd namaaz Surah An-Nasr in 1st rakaat

and Surah Al-Ikhlaas in 2nd rakaat.

In addition 75 x Tasbihaate Arbaa have to

be recited in EACH rakaat in following
positions :

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Method of performing the Amaal

A) 15 x after Qiraat.
B) 10 x in each of these 6 positions - in Ruku,
after ruku, in each Sajdah, after each Sajdah.
Note : In the last Sajdah i.e. 2nd Sajdah of
4th Rakaat (after Dhikr and 10 Tasbihaate
Arba) a short Dua has to be recited (Mafateeh
Al Jinaan pg.46). Also some Duas to be
recited after Namaaz

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Method of performing the Amaal

Recite Du'a (Mafateeh Al Jinaan pg.166) ALLAAHUMMA BIHAQQI LAYLATINA - - - - -

Recite Du'a (Mafateeh Al Jinaan pg.166) ALLAAHUMMA ANTAL HAYYUL QAYYOOM - - -
Recite Du'a (Mafateeh Al Jinaan pg.167) ALLAAHUMMAQ - SIMLANA MIN KHASHYATIKA
- - - -
Recite Du'a (Mafateeh Al Jinaan pg.156) SHAJARATIN - NUBUWWATI - - -
Recite Du'a - e - Kumail (Mafateeh Al Jinaan

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Method of performing the Amaal


Recite Du'a (Mafateeh Al Jinaan pg.169) ILAAHI TA-ARRADHA LAKA FI HAAZAL-LAYLI - - - -
Go in Sajdah and recite Du'a (Mafateeh Al
Jinaan pg.169) - SAJADA-LAKA SAWAADI - - - -

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Method of performing the Amaal

Sit and then go in another Sajdah and recite

Du'a (Mafateeh Al Jinaanpg.170) - A-OODHU
Then keep your RIGHT CHEEK on the Sajdagah
Then keep your LEFT CHEEK on the Sajdagah
(Mohr) and repeat as above.

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

2 Rakat Namaaz

2 Rakat Namaaz
After Surah Al-Hamd recite Surahe-Kaafiroon in 1st rakaat and
Surah-e-Ikhlaas (Qul huwallaah) in
2nd rakaat. Then do tasbih in this
format :
AKBAR (x 34)..

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

Short Dua
Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(Pg. 167)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

In the name of Allh,

the Beneficent, the Merciful.

bismi allahi alrrahmin alrrahimi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O He to Whom the servants (of Him) resort

in urgencies

ya man ilayhi maljau al`ibadi fi almuhimmati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and to Whom the creatures turn in ordeals;

wa ilayhi yafza`u alkhalqu fi almulimmati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O He Who knows the open and the hidden

ya `alima aljahri wal-khafiyyati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O He from Whom neither the ideas of

illusions nor the initiatives of delusions can
be concealed;
ya man la takhfa `alayhi khawatiru alawhami wa
tasarrfu alkhatarati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O the Lord of creatures and beings;

ya rabbi alkhalaiqi wal-bariyyati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O He Who grasps the kingdoms of the earth

and the heavens;

ya man biyadihi malakutu alaradina wal-ssamawati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

You are verily Allah; there is no god save

anta allahu la ilaha illa anta

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

I thus try to connect with you in the name

of There is no god save You

amutt ilayka bila ilaha illa anta

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

So, O He save Whom there is no god:
(please) include me at this night with those
at whom You have looked and thus You have
mercy upon them;
faya la ilaha illa anta aj`alny fi hadhihi allaylati mimmn
nazarta ilayhi farahimtahu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and with those whose prayers have been
heard by You and thus You have responded
to them;
wa sami`ta du`aahu fa-ajabtahu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and with those whose true repentance has

been admitted by You and thus You have
accepted it;
wa `alimta astiqalatahu fa-aqaltahu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and You have thus overlooked their past
sins and enormous offenses.

wa tajawazta `an salifi khatiiatihi wa `azimi jariratihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

verily, I am seeking Your shelter against my


faqadi astajartu bika min dhunubi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and I am resorting to You so that You may

conceal my defects.

wa lajatu ilayka fi satri `uyubi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allah: (please) bestow lavishly upon me
with Your generosity and Favor;

allahumma fajud `alayy bikaramika wa fadlika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and condone my misdeeds out of Your
forbearance and pardon,

wahtut khataiaiya bihilmika wa `afwika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and encompass me, at this night, with Your

opulent honoring,

wa taghammdny fi hadhihi allaylati bisabighi karamatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and include me at this night with Your

intimate servants whom You have selected
for obeying You,
waj`alny fiha min awliaika alladhina ajtabaytahum

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and whom You have chosen for worshipping

wakhtartahum li`ibadatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)


and whom You have made Your elite and
select people.

wa ja`altahum khalisataka wa sifwataka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allah: (please) make me of those whose
efforts are of a happy end,

allahumma aj`alny mimmn sa`ada jadduhu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and those whose shares of good things are

wa tawaffra mina alkhayrati hazzuhu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and make me of those who enjoy blissful

life as they have been safe (from sins)

waj`alny mimmn salima fana`ima

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and those who have been awarded
excellently as they have won,

wa faza faghanima

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and rescue me from the evil consequences

of what I have committed,

wakfiny sharr ma aslaftu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and save me from doing more acts of
disobedience to You,

wa`simny mina alazdiadi fi ma`siyatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and make me love the acts of obedience to

You and whatever draws me near You and
approaches me toward You.
wa habbib ilayya ta`ataka wa ma yuqarribuny minka wa
yuzlifuny `indaka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O my Master: a fugitive resorts to none save


sayyidy ilayka yaljau alharibu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and a needy begs none save You,

wa minka yaltamisu alttalibu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and only on Your generosity does a
repentant, contrite one depends

wa `ala karamika yu`awwilu almustaqilu alttaibu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

You have disciplined Your servants by means

of generosity; and You are verily the most
Generous of all those who are generous.
addabta `ibadaka bilttakarrumi wa anta akramu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and You have instructed Your servants to

pardon; and You are verily the All-forgiving,
the All-merciful.
wa amarta bil`afui `ibadaka wa anta alghafuru

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allah: (please) do not deprive me of Your

generosity for which I hope,

allahumma fala tahrimny ma rajawtu min karamika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and do not make me despair of Your opulent


wa la tuiisny min sabighi ni`amika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and do not disappoint me of Your abundant

sustenance that You decide, this night, for
those who are obedient to You,
wa la tukhayybny min jazili qisamika fi hadhihi allaylati
liahli ta`atika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and include me with Your protection against
Your evil creatures.

waj`alny fi junnatin min shirari bariyyatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O my Lord: If I do not deserve so, then You

are worthy of acting generously to me, and
pardoning and forgiving me,
rabbi in lam akun min ahli dhalika fanta ahlu alkarami
wal-`afui wal-maghfirati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and (please) bestow upon me
magnanimously according to that which
befits You, not according to what I deserve,
wa jud `alayya bima anta ahluhu la bima astahiqquhu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

verily, I carry an excellent opinion about


faqad hasuna zanni bika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and I do hope for You,

wa tahaqqaqa rajaiy laka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and my self is hanged to the rope of Your

wa `aliqat nafsi bikaramika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

for You are verily the most Merciful of all
those who show mercy,

fa-anta arhamu alrrahimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and You are the most Generous of all those
who are generous.

wa akramu alakramina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allah: (please) confer upon me exclusively

with an abundant share of what You decide,
out of Your generosity,
allahumma wakhsusny min karamika bijazili qisamika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and I seek refuge with Your pardon against
Your chastisement,

wa a`udhu bi`afwika min `uqubatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and (please) forgive me the sin that

prevents me from enjoying high morals,

wa ghfir liya aldhdhanba alladhy yahbisu `alayya


Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and suppresses my sustenance,

wa yudayyiqu `alayya alrrzqa

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

so that I will do that which excellently
achieves Your satisfaction

hatta aquma bisalihi ridaka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and I will enjoy Your profuse granting,

wa an`ama bijazili `ataika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and I will be delighted by Your abundant

wa as`ada bisabighi na`maika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

I am having recourse to Your sanctity,

faqad ludhtu biharamika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and I am asking for Your generosity,

wa ta`arradtu likaramika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and I am taking shelter in Your pardon
against Your punishment,

wasta`adhtu bi`afwika min `uqubatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and in Your forbearance against Your ire.

wa bihilmika min ghadabika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

So, (please) bestow upon me generously
with that which I have asked from You,

fajud bima sa-altuka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and confer upon me with that which I have
begged from You,

wa anil ma altamastu minka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

I beseech You in Your name, since there is

nothing great that You are.

asaluka bika la bishayin huwa a`zamu minka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Please go into Sajdah

And recite the

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 20 times


O my Lord!

ya rabb(i)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 7 times

O Allah!

ya allah(u)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 7 times

There is neither might nor power save with

la hawla wala quwwata illa billah(i)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 10 times

Only that which Allah wants (will be).

ma shaallah(u)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 10 times

There is no power save with Allah.

la quwwata illa billahi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Ziyarat of Imam Hussein (A) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 438)

Ziyarat of Imam Hussein

Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(pg. 438)
Please rise & face towards

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Salaat Hadiya Ziarat

Please recite Two

Rakaat Salaat
Hadiya Ziyarat

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Namaaz -e- Jaafar-e-Tayyaar Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 46)

Namaaz -eJaafar-e-Tayyaar

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Namaaz -e- Jaafar-e-Tayyaar Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 46)

4 rakaats (2 Namaaz x 2 rakaats each).

Following Surah to be recited after Surah AlHamd of each rakaat
A) 1st namaaz Surah Al-Zilzaal in 1st
rakaat and Surah Al-Aadiyaat in 2nd rakaat.
B) 2nd namaaz Surah An-Nasr in 1st rakaat
and Surah Al-Ikhlaas in 2nd rakaat.

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Namaaz -e- Jaafar-e-Tayyaar Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 46)

In addition 75 x Tasbihaate Arbaa have to be

recited in EACH rakaat in following
positions :
A) 15 x after Qiraat.
B) 10 x in each of these 6 positions - in
Ruku, after ruku, in each Sajdah, after
each Sajdah.
Note : In the last Sajdah i.e. 2nd Sajdah of
4th Rakaat (after Dhikr and 10 Tasbihaate
Arba) a short Dua has to be recited

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

Short Dua
Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(Pg. 166)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

In the name of Allh,

the Beneficent, the Merciful.

bismi allahi alrrahmin alrrahimi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O Allah: I beseech You in the name of this

night and in the name of him whom was
born at it
allahumma bihaqqi laylatina hadhihi wa mawludiha

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and in the name of Your Argument and in

the name of Your promise in it,

wa hujjtika wa maw`udiha

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

the night that You have added a new merit
to its many merits

allaty qaranta ila fadliha fadlan

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

So, Your Word has been accomplished truly

and fairly;

fatammt kalimatuka sidqan wa `adlan

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

no one can change Your words,

la mubaddla likalimatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

nor obscure Your signs,

wa la mu`aqqba li-ayatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

(He is) Your glowing Light

nuruka almutalliqu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and Your bring splendor

wa diauuka almushriqu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and the luminous sign in the obscurity of


wal-`alamu alnnuru fi takhyai alddayjuri

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and the absent and the concealed,

alghaibu almasturu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

Lofty is his birth and noble is his lineage

jalla mawliduhu wa karuma mahtiduhu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and the angels are his witnesses

wal-malaikatu shuhhaduhu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and Allah is his Supporter and Backer

wallahu nasiruhu wa muayyduhu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

when his time comes and the angels shall be
his sponsors;

idha ana mi`aduhu wal-malaikatu amdaduhu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

(He shall act as) the sword of Allah that

shall never miss the target,

sayfu allahi alladhy la yanbu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and His light that shall never be

wa nuruhu alladhy la yakhbu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

And the forbearing person who shall never

deviate the truth.

wa dhu alhilmi alladhy la yasbu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and the motive and reason of the course of

madaru alddhri

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and the one for whom the laws of ages have
been made

wa nawamisu al`asri

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and (one of) the men of authority

wa wulatu alamri

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

who receive that which is revealed on the
Grand Night.

wal-munazzalu `alayhim ma yatanazzalu fi laylati


Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and the managers of the Resurrection and
the Account;

wa ashabu alhashri wal-nnashri

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

(They are) the interpreters of His


tarajimatu wahyihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and in charge of what is deemed lawful and
what is deemed unlawful by Him.

wa wulatu amrihi wa nahiihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O Allah: send blessings on their seal and
their Riser

allahumma fasalli `ala khatimihim wa qaimihim

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

whom is hidden from their world.

almasturi `an `awalimihim

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O Allah: (please) make us causes for the

coming of him,

allahumma wa adrik bina ayyamahu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and causes for his advent and reappearance

wa zuhurahu wa qiyamahu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and (please) include us with his supporters

waj`alna min ansarihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and join our vengeance to his

waqrin tharana bitharihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and decide us to be among his assistants
and retinue.

waktubna fi a`wanihi wa khulasaihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and make us live in bliss in his reign,

wa ahiinafi dawlatihi na`imina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and make us win the ecstasy of his

wa bisuhbatihi ghanimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and make us of those who carry out our
duty toward him,

wa bihaqqhi qaimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and save us from evil.

wa mina alssuI salimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O the most Merciful of all those who show

yaarhama alrrahimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

All praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

walhamdu lillahi rabbi al`alamina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

His blessings be upon our master,


wa salawatuhu `alasayydinamuhammadin

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

the seal of the Prophets and the

khatami alnnabiyyina wal-mursalina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and upon his Household, the veracious,

wa `alaahli baytihi alssadiqina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and his offspring, the spokespersons of the

wa `itratihi alnnatiqina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and curse all the wrongdoers

wal-`an jami`a alzzalimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and judge between them and us

wahkum baynanawa baynahum

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O the Most Just of all judges.

ya ahkama alhakimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

Short Dua
Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(Pg. 166)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

In the name of Allh,

the Beneficent, the Merciful.

bismi allahi alrrahmin alrrahimi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O Allah: You are verily the Ever-living, the


allahumma anta alhayyu alqayyumu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

the Most High, the All-great,

al`aliyyu al`azimu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

the Creator, the Sustainer,

alkhaliqu alrraziqu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

the Giver of live, the Causer of death,

almuhiy almumitu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

the Originator, the Maker.

albadiu albadi`u

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

To You is the Majesty

laka aljalalu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and to You is the favor,

wa laka alfazlu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and to You is all praise,

wa laka alhamdu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and to You is thanks,

wa laka almann

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and to You is magnanimity,

wa laka aljudu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and to You is generosity,

wa laka alkaramu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and to You do belong all affairs,

wa laka alamru

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and to You is glory,

wa laka almajdu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and to You is gratitude;

wa laka alshshkru

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

You are alone without having any partner
with You.

wa hdaka la sharika laka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O the One: O the Absolute: O the Besought
of all:

ya wahidu ya ahadu ya samadu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O He Who neither begets nor is He


ya man lam yalid wa lam yulad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and there is none like to Him.

wa lam yakun lahu kufwan ahadun

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

(please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and forgive me; and have mercy upon me;

waghfir li warhamny

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and relieve me from whatever has

aggrieved me;

wakfiny ma ahammany

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and help me settle my debt;

waqdi dayni

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and expand my provisions;

wa wassi` `alayy fi rizqi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

for You, at this night, make distinct all

affairs of wisdom;

fainnaka fi hadhihi allaylati kull amrin hakimin tafruqu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and You grant sustenance to whomever You
wish among Your creatures.

wa man tashau min khalqika tarzuqu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

So, (please do) grant me sustenance and You
are verily the Best of sustainers.

farzuqny wa anta khayru alrraziqina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

You have saidand You are the Best of those
who speak and utter

fainnaka qulta wa anta khayru alqailina alnnaiqina:

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

Ask Allah of His bounty.

was-alu allaha min fadlihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

I thus ask You of Your bounty;

famin fadlika as-alu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and to You do I turn my face;

wa iyyaka qasadtu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and the intercession of Your Prophets son
do I seek;

wabna nabiyyka a`tamadtu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

and for You do I hope.

wa laka rajawtu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

So, (please do) have mercy upon me; O the
most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

farhamny ya arhama alrrahimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 166)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

Short Dua
Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(Pg. 167)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

In the name of Allh,

the Beneficent, the Merciful.

bismi allahi alrrahmin alrrahimi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allah: (please do) grant us an amount of
fearfulness of You

allahumma aqsim lana min khashiyatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

that prevents us from committing acts of
disobedience to You;

ma yahulu baynana wa bayna ma`siyatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and an amount of obedience to You that
makes us attain Your satisfaction;

wa min ta`atika ma tuballghuna bihi riwanaka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and an amount of conviction that help us
tolerate the vicissitudes of this worldly life.

wa mina aliyaqini ma yahunu `alayna bihi musibatu


Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allah: (please do) make us enjoy our

hearings, sights, and powers

allahumma amti`na biasma`ina wa absarina wa


Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

so long as You decide to keep us alive; and
(please do) make it the inheritor of us.

ma ahiyaytana waj`alhu alwaritha minna

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

And (please do) make us avenge ourselves
against them who wrong us;

waj`al tharana `ala man zalamana

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and back us against them who antagonize

wansurna `ala man `adana

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and do not suffer misfortunes in affairs of

our religion;

wa la taj`al musibatana fi dinina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and do not make our worldly affairs happen
to be our greatest concern or our utmost
wa la taj`ali alddunya akbara hammna wa la mablagha

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

and do set him who does not have mercy
upon us as master over us;

wa la tusallt `alayna man la yarhamuna

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

in the name of Your mercy; O the most
Merciful of all those who show mercy.

birahmatika yarhama alrrahimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156)

Salavat taught By
Imam Zainul Abideen
Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(pg. 156)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

In the name of Allh,

the Beneficent, the Merciful.

bismi allahi alrrahmin alrrahimi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

the tree of Prophethood;

shajarati alnnbuwwati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and the trustees of the (Divine) Mission;

wa mawdi`i alrrisalati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and the frequently visited by the angels;

wa mukhtalafi almalaikati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and the core of knowledge;

wa ma`dini al`ilmi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)


and the Household of the Divine Revelation.

wa ahli bayti alwahii

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon

Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad

allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

the sailing ships through the abysmal waves.

alfulki aljariyati fi allujaji alghamirati

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

He who embarks on will be saved

yamanu man rakibaha

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

but he who abandons will be drowned.

wa yaghraqu man tarakaha

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

He who precedes them will miss the Right

almutaqaddmu lahum mariqun

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and he misses them will lose,

wal-mutakhkhru `anhum zahiqun

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

but he who adheres to them will win.

wal-lazimu lahum lahiqun

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon

Muhammad and the Household of
allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

the impregnable shelter;

alkahfi alhasini

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and the succorers of the helpless,
distressed ones;

wa ghiyathi almudtarr almustakini

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and the haven of the fugitives;

wa malja alharibina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and the asylum of those who seek refuge.

wa `ismati almu`tasimina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon

Muhammad and the Household of
allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

so much blessings that please them

salatan kathiratan takunu lahum ridan

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and settle all (our) duties towards
Muhammad and the Household of
wa lihaqq muhammadin wa ali muhammadin adaan wa

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

by Your might and power; O the Lord of the


bihawlin minka wa quwwatin ya rabb al`alamina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon

Muhammad and the Household of
allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

the pure, the pious, the righteous

alttayyibina alabrari al-akhyari

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

whose rights have been made incumbent

upon us by You

alladhina awjabta huquqahum

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and the obedience to whom has been
deemed obligatory upon us by You and
whose (divinely commissioned) leadership
has been (also) deemed obligatory upon us
by You.
wa faradta ta`atahum wa wilaiyatahum

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon

Muhammad and the Household of
allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and fill in my heart with the obedience to

wa a`mur qalby bita`atika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and do not disgrace me by acts of

disobedience to You;

wa la tukhziny bima`siyatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and grant me the feeling of sympathy
towards those whom You have decided to
straiten their sustenance
warzuqny mwasata man qattrta `alayhi min rizqika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

by means of Your favors that You have
decided to make expansive for me

bima wa ss`ta `alayy min fadlika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and by means of that with which You have
covered me out of Your fairness;

wa nasharta `alayy min `adlika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and make me live under Your shade.

wa ahiyaytany tahta zillka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

This is the month of Your Prophet and the

Master of Your Messengers.

wa hadha shahru nabiyyka sayyidi rusulika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

It is Sha`ban, which You have encompassed

with Your mercy and pleasure,

sha`banu alladhy hafaftahu minka bilrrahmati walrridwani

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and on which the Messenger of Allahpeace

and blessings be upon him and his Family
used to observe fasting painstakingly and
used to spend it with acts of worship
alladhy kana rasulu allahi salla allahu `alayhi wa alihi wa
sallama yadabu fi siamihi wa qiamihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

on all of its days and night

fi layalihi wa ayyamihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

on account of Your honoring and dignifying

this month, up to his death.

bukhu`an laka fi ikramihi wa i`zamihi ila mahall


Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

O Allah: (please do) help us follow the

example of him (i.e. the Holy Prophet as
regards the honoring of this month)
allahumma fa`inna `ala alastinani bisunntihi fihi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and help us attain nearness to him.

wa nayli alshshfa`ati ladayhi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

O Allah: (please do) decide him as my
interceder (before You) whose intercession
for me is acceptable
allahumma waj`alhu li shafi`an mushaffa`an

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and as my clear path toward You;

wa tariqan ilayka mahiya`an

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and make me follow him until I meet You on

the Resurrection Day enjoying Your
pleasure with me
waj`alny lahu muttbi`an hatta alqaka yawma alqiamati
`anni radiyan

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and Your overlooking my sins

wa `an dhunuby ghadiyan

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and thus You will confer upon me with Your
mercy and pleasure

qad awjabta li minka alrrahmata wal-rridwana

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

and allow me to reside in the Eternal Abode

and the Place of the Righteous.

wa anzaltany dara alqarari wa mahall al-akhyari

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 156)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Dua Kumayl

Dua Kumayl
Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(pg. 169)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 1

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 2

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 3

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 4

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 5

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 6

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 7

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 8

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 9

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 10

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 11

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 12

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 13

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 14

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 15

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 16

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 17

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 18

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 19

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 20

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 21

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 22

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 23

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 24

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 25

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 26

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 27

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 28

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 29

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 30

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 31

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 32

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 33

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 34

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 35

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 36

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 37

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 38

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 39

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 40

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 41

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 42

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 43

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 44

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 45

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 46

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 47

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 48

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 49

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 50

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 51

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 52

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 53

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 54

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 55

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 56

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 57

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 58

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 59

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 60

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 61

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 62

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 63

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 64

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 65

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 66

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 67

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 68

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 69

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 70

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 71

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 72

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 73

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 74

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 75

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 76

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 77

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 78

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 79

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 80

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 81

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 82

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 83

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 84

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 85

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 86

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 87

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 88

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 89

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 90

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 91

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 92

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 93

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 94

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 95

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 96

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 97

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 98

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 99

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Recite 100 times

Glory be to Allh. All praise be

to Allh. Allh is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship
besides Allh.
Tasbih Counter : 100

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

Short Dua
Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(pg. 169)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

In the name of Allh,

the Beneficent, the Merciful.

bismi allahi alrrahmin alrrahimi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

O Allah: tonight the seekers of favors,

restless and eager, present themselves to
ilahy ta`arrada laka fi hadha allayli almuta`arriduna

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

the determined aspirers have You in mind;

wa qasadaka alqasiduna

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

those who make requests look long and
attentively at Your obligingness and
wa ammla fadlaka wa ma`rufaka alttalibuna

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

You, in this night, give gifts, bounties

beyond measure,

wa laka fi hadha allayli nafahatun wa jawaizu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

free donations, and favors,

wa `ataya wa mawahibu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

to those whom You will from among Your

servants when they make a request,

tamunnu biha `ala man tashau min `ibadika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

and say no to those who do not try to get in
advance (remain behind) for obtaining the
bounties from You.
wa tamna`uha man lam tasbiq lahu al`inaiyatu minka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

I, a modest needy bondman,

wa ha ana dha `ubayduka alfaqiru ilayka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

am hopeful of Your obligingness and


almuammilu fadlaka wa ma`rufaka

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

Indeed if You, O My Master, bestows a favor

on any one, in this night, from among Your
created beings,
fain kunta ya mawlaiya tafaddalta fi hadhihi allaylati
`ala ahadin min khalqika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

and multiply profits and gains for him out of

love and affection,

wa `udta `alayhi bi`aidatin min `atfika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

please send blessings upon Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad:

fasalli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

the pure, the immaculate, the virtuous, and

the righteous;

alttiyyibina alttahirina alkhayyrina alfadilina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

and then let me have enough and be
contented on account of Your liberality and
wa jud `alayya bitawlika wa ma`rufika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

O Lord of the worlds!

ya rabba al`alamina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

May Allah send blessings upon Muhammad,
the seal of the Prophets,

wa salla allahu `ala muhammadin khatami alnnabiyyina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

and upon his Household, the immaculate,

wa alihi alttahirina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

and may He exalt them very much.

wa sallama tasliman

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

verily, Allah is worthy of all praise, full of all

inn allaha hamidun majidun

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

O Allah: I am praying You as You ordered me
to do,

allahumma inni ad`uka kama amarta

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

So, (please) respond to me as You promised.

fastajib li kama wa`adta

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

verily, You never break Your promise.

innaka la tukhlifu almi`ada

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

O Allh send Your blessings on

Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'aali Muhammad

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua in Sajda Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

And recite:

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

Prostrating before You are my body and my


sajada laka sawady wa khayali

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

and my heart is in full faith of You

wa amana bika fuadi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

These are my two hands and this is what I
have committed against myself,

hadhihi yadaiya wa ma janaytuhu `ala nafsi

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

O the All-great: You are hoped for all
enormous things;

ya `azimu turja likulli `azimin

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169)

forgive my serious offences because,

beyond a shadow of doubt, no one can
forgive the grave trangression except the
Great Lord.
Ighfir Liyal Azeemafainnahu Laa Yaghfiruddanbal
Azeema Illar Rabbul Azeem

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 170)


And recite:

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

I seek the protection of the light of Your

Face that has lit the heavens and the earth

a`udhu binuri wa jhika alladhy adaat lahu alssamawatu


Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

and has removed all darkness

wankashafat lahu alzzulumatu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

and has made active all the affairs of the
past and the coming generations

wa salaha `alayhi amru al-awwalina wal-akhirina

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

against Your sudden chastisement

min fuj-ati naqimatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

and against withdrawing the good health

that You have granted me

wa min tahwili `afiyatika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

and against the vanishing of Your bounties.

wa min zawal-i ni`matika

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

O Allah: (please) grant me a heart that is
pious and pure,

allahumma arzuqny qalban taqiyyan naqiyyan

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

and is released from polytheism, and is

neither atheist nor unhappy.

wa mina alshshirki barian, la kafiran wa la shaqiyyan

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 170)


and recite:

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

I put my face on the earth and roll in the

dust because it is imposed as a duty that I
prostrate myself in adoration before Thee
Affartu Waj-hee Fit-turaab Wa-huqqalee An As-juda Lak

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 170)


and recite:

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

I put my face on the earth and roll in the

dust because it is imposed as a duty that I
prostrate myself in adoration before Thee
Affartu Waj-hee Fit-turaab Wa-huqqalee An As-juda Lak

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua to be recited tonite & rest of the month Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(Pg. 170)

Short Dua to be recited

tonite until rest of the
Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 170)

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Short Dua to be recited tonite & rest of the month Mafateeh Al Jinaan
(Pg. 170)

O Allh if Thou has forgiven us during the

previous days of Shaaban, then please be
merciful to us in the days now follow.

Allaahumma In Lam Takun Ghafarta Lanaa Feema Mazaa

Min Saabaana Faghfirlanaa Feema Baqiya Minhu

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

ADDITIONAL AAMAAL - (These can be performed individually)

1.Recite 4 Rakaat Namaaz (2 Namaaz of 2

rakaats each) - In each rakaat after Surah
Al-Hamd recite 100 times Surah Al-Ikhlaas
(Qul huwAllhu ahad).
2.On completion recite Dua (Mafateeh Al
ILAYKA - - - - -
3.Recite 100 Rakaat Namaaz (50 Namaaz of 2
rakaats each) - In each rakaat after Surah
Al-Hamd recite 10 times Surah Al-Ikhlaas
(Qul huwAllhu ahad)..

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

ADDITIONAL AAMAAL - (These can be performed individually)

1.Recite 6 Rakaat Namaaz (3 Namaaz of 2

rakaats each) - In each rakaat after Surah
Al-Hamd recite following 3 Surah : Surah
Al-Yaaseen x1, Surah Al-Mulk x1, and
Surah Al-Ikhlaas x1.
2.Recite Namaaze Shab.
3.Keep awake the whole night with prayers
and repentance to Allaah.
4.Keep Fast on 15th Shabaan day.

Amaal for the 15th night of Shaaban.

Please recite
Srat al-Ftia
For any errors / comments please write to:

Kindly recite Sura E Fatiha for Marhumeen of all those who have worked towards making this small work possible.

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