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FAR - Find And Replace 1.

8 (01-07-2014)
A GUI for find and replace operations accross multiple files in entire directory
With or without regular expressions. Special support for expressions spanning mu
ltiple lines.
Special thanks to the Launch4j team ( for provid
ing the tool
to create a windows executable.
And another: "ICO File Tool" ( all
ows to create
multi image .ico files.
Installation & Removal:
Unpack the archive (zip or tar.gz) at a location of your choice, e.g. "C:\Progra
m Files" or
"/opt". The archive will create a subdirectory "far" that contains everything. T
o uninstall,
delete that directory.
Double click the application icon.
See the Help > Manual menu section for instructions how to use FAR.
FAR is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.0.
It includes libraries from the Apache Software Foundation, released under Apache
License 2.0.
See the licenses directory for details.
Requires Java 1.5 (or later) in your path. Run
:> java -version
on your command line to verify you have it.
Large Files:
Processing and display of very large files (several MB, depending on system RAM)
may lead
to OutOfMemoryErrors. FAR will indicate that the file can not be displayed/proce
While there is a machine dependent upper bound for display, processing will
typically work even with large files, unless such file contains only very few ma
(but at least one). Thus it may still be possible to process a file (in a replac
e operation),
even if it can not be displayed. The only workaround for this is to reduce file

Opening File/Directory from Context Menu:
The options "Open file" and "Open Directory" from the file list context menu may
not work
under certain conditions. Instead of starting the default application or the pla
file browser, only an error message will be shown (Linux) or the application wil
l block
(Windows). This is a JVM (Java) bug. Note that neither option is available when
FAR with Java 5 (any OS).

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