PS 182 Case Analysis

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Name: Lord
Section: WFV
Date: 10 October 2014
Russia and Putin Composite Case Analysis Exercise






The skills developed by KGB agent Vladimir Putin

during his posting in Dresden that would prove
extremely useful during his later work as a state
official may be summarised as
a. Intimidation and assassination
b. Entrepreneurship and capital accumulation
c. Public administration and governance
d. Networking and confidence-building
Despite the failure of the military-KGB sponsored
coup detat in 1991, ex-KGB agent Putin
nonetheless recovered his career through a series
of events which featured combined aspects of
a. Elections and party politics
b. Assassination and espionage
c. Privatisation and trade
d. Civil society and NGO formation
The documentary associates the creation of the
moneyed oligarch class throughout Russia, the
outbreak of the 1994-1996 Chechen War and the
controversial defeat of Anatoly Sobchak in the
1996 elections for the mayorship of St. Petersburg
as the results of
a. Democratisation and decentralisation
b. Autocracy and dictatorship
c. Bureaucratisation and management
d. Corruption and criminal behaviour
The event that appears as definitive of the
distinctive Putin brand of politics, which gained
the approval of both the oligarchs and the Russian
masses, was
a. The justification of the Second Chechen War
b. The investigation of prosecutor Yuri Skuratov
c. The investigation of corruption implicating
Boris Yeltsin (1999)
d. The expensive rehabilitation of St. Basils
Cathedral in Moscow (1999)
but the political tactic that Putin used, despite his
low-key bureaucratic background, to co-opt even
the oligarch class, regardless of their self-serving
systems, was
a. High-level diplomatic pressure
b. Open intimidation and physical assault
c. Image building through broadcast media
d. Bribery and other inducements
and the continuation of this approach to
governance and statecraft resulted in a relation
among the political elites of Russia that is best
summarised as
a. Cooperative
b. Adversarial
c. Functional

d. Non-existent
An interesting, but potentially crucial, side issue
regarding the Putin government is the perception
of Putin held by the younger generations in Russia,
which is
a. Overwhelmingly positive
b. Overwhelmingly negative
c. Apathetic
d. Increasingly influenced by Europe and the US
8. Once settled in administrative operations, Putin
reconfigures the petroleum industry, and the
personal relations associated with the industry as
a. An area for technical and socio-political
research and collaboration
b. Secondary to the redevelopment of the military
and manufacturing
c. A concern to be managed by private
companies and foreign investors
d. A means to exert direct influence on national
politics and international relations
9. and in regard to the conduct of the Russian war
with Chechnya, the involvement of Ramzan
Kadyrov is presented in the documentary as
a. A strategic mistake, considering the
ineffectiveness of Kadyrov as a military leader
b. An opportunity for Europe and the US to
directly influence Russian security
c. A strategic move to disassociate Russia from
essentially a local conflict
d. An example of cooperation based on principles
of humanitarian assistance
10. The deaths of Anna Politkovskaya and Alexander
Litvinenko, which were linked to the investigations
concerning the wars in Chechnya, are also linked to
Putin in the documentary presumably because
a. European states needed leverage against
Russia to reduce oil and gas prices
b. Continued criticism would have reduced Putins
popularity in an election year
c. American intelligence agents have begun
attempts to discredit the Putin government
d. The Russian state has, to date, done nothing to
investigate and prosecute suspects

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