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Chapter one
Pak Kia (Zakaria bin Mat

As soon as the novel starts, we are introduced to Pak Kia, one of the main character in the novel.


Hes in his 40s. This can be seen in page 4


Pak Kia had lived more than forty years and knew the vagaries of the weather.

Source of income rice field

Stubborn, did not bother to listen to his brothers advice.


Its true that if you work hard, the rice and the fruits from the ancestral land are enough for
you to live on; but for the future, why not start a rubber plantation? Pak Kia would not listen.
He had no wish to plant rubber. (Page 8)

He represents the unchanging tradition of the Malays.

He believes in the Malay way. For Pak Kin, the rice fields symbolise culture, family and a way of
life. Others are eager to give up their land because they feel the times are changing. When floods
destroy their rice-fields, they take it as a bad omen, and they give up. They are also eager for the
large amounts of money offered them for their land. Pak Kia, however, remains steadfast,
patient and hardy.

Youngest brother of Pak Kia.


Modern thinking guy


Owns a retail shop.

Lived in the new village.

Main Character


Did not plant rice like his brother Pak Kia.

Own rubber plantations.

While waiting for his rubber trees and the fruit trees around his house to mature, he went on
working in the rice-field in the old village with his brother. Then, when his rubber trees were
mature enough, he tapped them. (Page 7)

Ventured into wholesale supplying of jungle produce such as rattan, bertam and bamboo to
contractors engaged in the construction or repair of government buildings. (Page 7)

Mak Sinah

The first to use aboriginal labor in acquiring jungle produce. (Page 7)

Was looked upon as a rich man.

Kind. Supported Pak Kias family.

Wife of Pak Kia.

She cares for her family. This can be seen in page 5


If we dont get rice today, well be eating tapioca for another two days, she thought to herself.

Eat up your food, snapped Mak Sinah, Stay home, all of you. Cant you see its raining?

Rahimah reliable.

Children of Pak Kia and

Mak Sinah

Karim, come with me. Rahimah, look after the little ones. (Page 6)

Aman (Raman)

Aim (Karim)

The baby

Pak Abu

Neighbor of Pak Kia

Also owns a rice field

Children of Zaidi
- Udin
Villagers at Jalils Coffee

Pendekar Atan

Chapter two

The young shop assistant at Zaidis retail shop.

Owns a coffee shop.
They were talking about Zaidi who brought back a religious teacher of the new school, Kaum

Fierce, tall and big.

Explaining that Kaum Muda is very different from them.

Daughter of Pak Kia and Mak Sinah

Loves little children

Pampered her little cousin, Atiah

Wanted to play with her brothers and cousins but she couldnt do so. Because its not in
Malay tradition that a girl play with boys

Has a feeling for Nazri.


She took another cup and handed it to Nazri. She felt a special joy as Nazri took
the cup from her hand. (Page 25 and 26)

Tuk Mukim Mat Zain

Tuk Empat Manap (head of Ketari Village)

Tuk Empat Nong (head of Benus Village)

Aki Lebar

Batin Anjang

Hes from Benus Village

He said that a dragon came down from Kutu Hill.

Actually he got the story from Batin Anjang.

Started the story of the dragon that came down from Kutu Hill.

Knows magic.

Hey Nazri. Dont talk that way. Batin Anjang knows magic. If he puts a spell on
you, thatll be the end of you. Page 22

Chapter threee
Zaidi and his friends

They found that the religious teacher is different from the pious elders of
Terengganu and Kelantan who often came to preach them. This particular religious
teacher teaches them the meaning of Arabic words and explains their full

Sergeant Mat Diah

Was directed to tell the religious teacher as well as Zaidi and his friends to disperse
the gathering

Was also directed to tell Cikgu Nasir and the religious teacher to see the kadi at his

office at nine tomorrow morning. (Page 29)

A mosque official

The religious teacher

From Sumatera

Stays with a students of his in Kuala Pilah for a while

Will be returning to Sumatera soon

Khatib Seman
Tuk Empat Manap
Tuan Sheikh Rasul

Chapter Four
Pendekar Atan

Was not born in Bentong

Came to Bentong eight years before when the Benus people sold their land to move to
Janda Baik

Was called Pendekar meaning champion when he defeated four gangsters who tried
to beat up Towkay Chan

Works for Tuan Pekok

Work hard to get Pak Kia, Pak Abu, Mat Tutung and Mat Tapa to sell their lands.

Willing to do anything, even if its the wrong way

Had tried to bribe Tutung and Tapa (Page 39)

Short tempered person

Its proven again that she has feelings for Nazri.

Chapter 5

Nazri? the name escaped her lips, with emotion. Nazri, coming so early in the
morning! She did not even glance at Udin. Her attention was focused on the
Penghulus son. (Page 45)

But she dared not sing. She felt shy because Nazri was there. (Page 53)

No new character was introduced in this chapter. But we can clearly see more of the differences between Pak Kia and his
brother Zaidi in this chapter.

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