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Project report

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Tally was introduced by Peutronics Pvt.
Ltd (now it becomes tally solutions Pvt. ltd). In 1988 Tally Is A
Versatile Accounting Package And Is Also Based On A Windowing
Interface. Tally is based on programming language is c++
language. All screens in tally are viewed as windows
processing the following:-
• A title bar that display the name of application.
• A tally icon to the left (of the user) that pulls down a
menu comprising restore, move, size, minimize and
maximize menu items .
• Three small buttons to the right (of the user) that
activates minimize, maximize and closure of the window.
• These menu items and buttons are invoked through
the usual short cut keys and hot keys as any other window
based application.
• Tally is a user friendly accounting package . tally
software does not require any computer programming
language skills . the user only should have accounting
• The visible advantage advantages of the package are
simplicity, flexibility, speed, scalability and real time access
to data across location and even with other applications.
• Tally is based on the mercantile accounting concept.

Software detail of the programme:

Tally software
is accessible through a windowing interface or
that runs on Microsoft windows operating system.
The tally software requires the hardware which
minimum disk space, of 10 mb and operating
system as one of these:- Microsoft windows
95/98/me/nt/2000.the application directory
houses the tally software, the data directory stores
all data entered by user through tally and the
configuration directory contains the initialization
file (tally.ini.) .the user can change the default
destination directories mentioned above by
clicking the appropriate buttons to the right (of
the user). After necessary input click install

Working of tally software: - after installing the tally first

time the first page of tally shows the following screen :
First of all a new company is to be creating a company is basically a
file where transactions relating to particular company are entered. A
company may be a sole proprietorship, partnership, Joint Stock
Company or any other company where there are transactions
present. Every day transactions taking place like purchase of raw
material, assets, sale, or some expenses paid are entered through
vouchers ..
1. Company information. The company information screen
has 5 options:
a. Select the company, to select an existing
company from the list of companies already
created. This option is deselected the first time
tally is run. Key F1 can be used to select
b. Create company is to create a new one. Keys
Ctrl+C can be used to create company .
c. Backup is meant to take a back up of the stored
data into back up device like floppy, cd or
magnetic tape .
d. The restore option is to extract the backup device
to the data directory.
e. Last option is quit to exit from tally , on click it it
will ask a question from us whether to quit or not.
Select the choice we want to select either quit or
not .

2. creating company :- first of all select the create company

option the following window
open :
Then fill the necessary information regarding company. And then
press yes. Now the company is created. Some information is
required to be filled necessary like . name, currency symbol,
maintain accounts , financial year, books beginning from , base
currency information.
Once company is created then further steps are followed to
3. Creating groups: The groups classify the accounts under
different heads so that summarized information is possible.
When we select the accounts info. In gateway of tally screen
then following screen will appear .

Then enter in group and following window will appear in which

single group or multiple group can be created and further the
alteration can be possible. Single group can is useful when you
wish to work on one group at a time. Multiple saves time and
labour and is useful to work on sub groups. Once we select group
option the screen will show the part of its contents like in the next
page ..

After that enter into the create option then another screen will
We can also create multiple groups. Like as follow…
These groups will automatically adopt the features of their parent
groups including those specified in advanced mode. If there any
change for an individual group we have to select the single group
4. Creation of ledger : creation , display of ledgers is similar to that
of groups. An additional point here is the opening balance
1. Name : specify the name of ledger here.
2. Under : specify the group under which the ledger is to be created.
3. currency of ledger : maintain foreign currency accounts only if
we want its balance in that currency
4. If we type the opening balance we will receive a sub screen
asking for bill wise detail if we have opted to maintain balance on a
bill-by-bill basis.
5. Effective date for reconciliation (bank accounts only ) can be
given . and default date is beginning of books of books.

4(b). Creating multiple ledgers: we can create the multiple ledger

for the same group in multiple mode . we can also create one debtor
in single mode and also another debtor In the multiple mode. It will
save the time. We can also set the credit limits of personal accounts
and branches using multiple mode but in single mode this option
will not available

4(c). Display ledger: we can display in either single or multiple

modes. Under multiple modes we can display all ledgers by
choosing “ all items” in “under groups” option. We can also specify
the particular group of the ledger we want to display.

4(d). Alter ledger : we can alter ledger either single or multiple

modes.but tally does not allow to delete a ledger from multiple
modes. Press Alt+D to delete ledger under single alteration mode.
5. Voucher entry : voucher is a primary document for recording all
financial transactions. Recording and analysis are easy for different
types of transactions because tally is provides 16 vouchers types in
tally 6.3, and 21 in tally 7.2, these predefined vouchers formats
fulfill all our normal transactions needs different vouchers can be
created for data entry purpose. We can also customize the vouchers
as per your requirements.

Then selecting the create voucher the next screen will appear and in
that screen we have to enter a name of the voucher type and select
the voucher type from the given list. And accept the transaction.
5(b) Voucher entry : every transaction is done through vouchers it is
the basic document.
6.Types of vouchers :
(a) payment voucher

(b) receipt voucher:

(c) purchase voucher:

(d) sales voucher :

(e)Contra voucher:

(f) stock journal :

(g)physical stock journal:

(h) journal :
7. Working of a company : (xyz ltd co.)

Purchase of material

Sale of finished goods

Inventory voucher

Rent paid through cash

Contra entry:

Payment voucher:
Opening stock summary:

Closing stock summary:

List of ledgers:
Cash flow/fund flow statements: cash flow/fund flow statements
are the statements which help the management to decisions making
process. The cash/fund flow statements can be displayed in display
option from gate way of tally screen. And then select the cash/fund
flow statement.
Fund flow statement :
Ratio analysis :

Ratio analysis is a financial analysis tool ratio analysis helps the

management in taking financial decisions. Like current ratio signifies
the current assets over the current liabilities like these ratios
management can see the proportion of one aspect to another and take
necessary steps to improve the operations. The ratio analysis is
displayed on the gate way of tally.
Profit & loss A/c : profit and loss a/c is the statement which shows the
income and expenditure of the co. in a year, and shows the profit or
loss position of a co. on a particular date ..

The profit & loss statement can be displayed from the gate way of tally.
Balance sheet: balance sheet is a statement which shows the true
financial position of a company on a particular date. It has two sides
left is liabilities side another is assets side.. Liabilities side includes
share capital, secured loans, unsecured loans, current liabilities and
provisions, contingent liabilities .., and assets side includes fixed
assets, investments, current assets&loans and advances, miscellaneous
expenditure, & p/l (dr.) Balance,,

The balance sheet can be displayed from the gate way of tally.
Security & control: security and control displayed from company
information window.

It has three parts ,

User and password:
Type of security :

In this type of security the user can allow diff option to another user by
selecting the option by giving full access. The another user in absence
of the real user can access only upto the given access permission only.
Back up: in tally it is possible to take backup of a data from storage
medium into any other medium. Like cd, floppy, pen drive, zip drive,
The back up option is available in company information screen.

After this it will ask for insert any disk in drive in drive
Restore: restore option will restore the tally data into tally data
directory by some external disk on that disk
Export of data: in tally the data can be export to any other program
like if we want to see my day book in Microsoft excel then we can
export the data to the destination of the tally software where tally data
is stored in that particular format which we want to open. But the
default tally export file type is xml. We can four type of formats
The export file is saved in tally parent directory . it can be only possible
through Tally ODBC (open database connectivity) program.

Deletion of data: in tally if we want to delete the company then go to

company info.>alter>then press alt+d to delete the company . But we
cannot delete the group directly if is has some ledger in it , similar
ledger cannot be deleted if it has some vouchers so in order to delete
groups first we have to delete all vouchers in all ledgers and then
ledgers and then delete all ledgers and then delete groups. But company
can be deleted directly.
Some short cut keys of tally :

Key Function Availability

F1 To select a company At all masters menu
F2 To change date At menu
F3 To select a company At all menu
F4 For contra voucher At accounting voucher
F5 For payment voucher At accounting voucher
F6 For receipt voucher At accounting voucher
F7 For Journal voucher At accounting voucher
F8 For sale voucher At accounting voucher
F9 For purchase voucher At accounting voucher
F10 For reversing journal voucher At accounting voucher
F11 For company info. At the gate way of tally
F12 For configuration At all menu
ALT+2 For change the period At all menu
ALT+C For insert a column At all vouchers entry
ALT+D To delete vouchers/or any At master, at vouchers, at
columnar report/master the reports screen
ALT+E To export the data At all reports screens in
ALT+P To print the report At all reports screens in
ALT+F2 To change period At almost all screens in
ALT+F3 To select the company info At gate way of tally
ALT+F1 To close a company At all menu screens
To view detailed report At all reports screens
To select inventory vouchers At the inventory/payroll
voucher creation
CONCLUSION: at the end the tally is a complete accounting
package it has many advantages like it will provides excellent
backup facilities. And allows users to migrate to the operating
system by just typing esc key once or more times depending on
the level of the menu worked on. However a confirmation is
always solicited from the user existing tally.
It provides data at the data directory. Viewing stored
information by accessing the contents of the directory is not
possible. Decryption is possible only through logging on to
But on the other hand tally has some disadvantages like tally
format of data is compatible with other formats and the mode
of data exchange happens through XML (Extensible markup
language). And it is not possible to add or rename fields
(customize) however the list is exhaustive to include the
possible options. There is no point in exercising controls on
automatic entries as tally is based on solid accounting theories
and practices.

The succeeding pages contain a report on the practical

training undergone by MANIKA at ICAI, Sector 35B,

Chandigarh under the valuable guidance of Mr. Barinder

Singh. During the training my main aim was to acquire as much

as knowledge and information as I could, in the stipulated time

period and to develop a through understanding to get familiar

with actual working condition prevailing in the day to day life.

The report also included the detail of the projected work allotted

to me. At all it gave me a great sense of knowledge, which will

be going to help me a lot in my future.


Before going ahead, I would like to express my deep

thanks towards all those people who helped me in this endeavor.

I am heartily thankful to Mr. Barinder singh

for teaching us all the concepts related to computer.

I am thankful to My Friends for their simulated

discussion and valuable suggestions.

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