Telling My Story

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Assignment 1 Telling My Story

Jennifer Buck
National University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

TED 690Capstone Course
Professor Carol Sheperd



I have incorporated the six domains of the California Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs).
I have chosen three artifacts to show mastery of domain A within the TPE guidelines. This
assignment also self evaluates progress of proficiency in the domain selected. Listed are
strengths and weaknesses after self-reflecting on my intern experience, possible TPE
competencies to be used in my Professional Development Quest Portfolio (PDQP). A rationale
is also provided for each artifact I have selected for completion of the selected domain.


The Six Teaching Performance Expectations

Many think teachers receive their degree and credential and the learning stops there.
Teachers know this is not the case and learning takes place each day, week, month, and year.
Teachers are continually redefining their curriculum, lessons, and theories. Costantino, De
Lorenzo, & Tirrell-Corbin (2009) states teachers must present authentic evidence of what they
know, what they are able to do, and how their teaching increases student achievement (p. 28).
The Teaching Performance Expectations outline the set of knowledge, skills, and abilities
teachers should have and be able to do (CTC, 2013). The six Teaching Performance
Expectations (TPEs) are:
A. Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students
B. Assessing Student Learning
C. Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
D. Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students
E. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
F. Developing as a Professional Educator
The first artifact I selected was a lesson plan in English-Language Arts. The lesson plan
is a representation of what was carried out during the actual teaching of the lesson. The use of
different teaching strategies is represented under the differentiation, adaptation, and
accommodation strategy section of the lesson. As Tomlinson (2001) states, if you are a highly
auditory learner, you may be prone to be an auditory teacher, as well. Thats great for kids who
learn like you do, but not great for kids with visual or kinesthetic learning preferences (p. 63).
With this being said, I challenged myself in developing lessons with at least two different means
of learning preferences. Therefore, I incorporated a short video clip for visual and auditory


learners, read a short story out loud to perhaps give visual images to students and as an auditory
strategy, as well as, allowing students to kinesthetically act out personification examples using
realia in the classroom.
The second artifact I selected to represent was the observation evaluation from my
supervising principal from the lesson from the plan above. Tomlinson (2001) suggests:
the goal of the teacher is, therefore, not to suggest that individuals from a particular
culture ought to learn in a particular way, but rather to come to understand the great range
of learning preferences that will exist in any group of people and to create a classroom
flexible enough to invite individuals to work in ways they find most productive. (p. 62)
The principal had the opportunity to sit in on an hour lesson and give immediate feedback to my
teaching. I chose this artifact because in her written feedback, she applauds the use of varied
instructional tools to meet the needs of every student.
The third artifact I selected was a review of supporting literature written by an education
consultant about learning styles. He mentions the one size fits all phrase is inadequate.
Teachers need to get to know each students learning preference and incorporate those learning
styles in their lessons. Students are able to make connections to the content of the lesson if
different learning modalities are used (McCarthy, 2014). I chose this artifact because it
correlates with making connections in ELA by using different teaching modalities to target every
Telling My Story
I began my journey first as a substitute and second as an intern. The growth I have made
from the beginning of the school year until now has been tremendous. I have struggled with
making connections for TPE Domain A but am able to make sense of it and apply it in ways that


will encourage student success. Everyday I learn something new from colleagues, students, selfreflection, and research. I will continue to grow and seek strategies that will best suit my
Strengths and Needs within TPE Domain A:
TPE 1: Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction

Teaching EnglishLanguage Arts in a
Multiple Subject

Area for Growth: What

do I want to learn more
about? Where can I
strengthen my skills?
-I realize through research,
Giving students options for
that using different teaching mastering the concept or
modalities will increase
skill in their preferred
student achievement. I
learning style.
have been able to
incorporate Howard
Allowing a variety of
Gardners Multiple
different choices (activities
Intelligences into my lesson or assessments) to show
plans to target learning
mastery of a skill, concept,
preferences of each student. or topic based on their own
-I come from a time in
learning preference.
history where technology is
accessible everywhere at
anytime. This has prepared
me to use devices
(chromebooks) and
instructional tools (video
clips) to motivate and
engage students in the
lesson. I have students
hooked from the beginning
until the end. Using these
sources help students
connect prior knowledge to
new learning. Students are
able to transfer this new
learning and apply it in
ways that show mastery of
the content!


Potential Competencies to be Used for the Professional Development Quest

I agree with Costantino & De Lorenzo (2009) that, portfolios are one of the most
authentic ways to represent the knowledge, dispositions, and skills of a teacher (p. 7). While
developing my PDQP, I am able to reflect on my strengths, as well as, my areas for growth. This
will allow me to continue growing in the areas I believe I am competent and focus on improving
in areas that I do not feel I have mastery yet.
Rationale for selecting TPE Domain A
I selected domain A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students. Under this
domain, I chose TPE 1A: Subject-Specific Pedagogical Skills for Multiple Subject Teaching
Assignments. Within this domain, I selected Teaching English-Language Arts in a Multiple
Subject Assignment. I chose this domain because as an intern during the 2015 and 2016 school
year, I struggled making connections with the material to the students. I am a visual and
auditory learner, and therefore, typically used to teach lessons using these same preferences.



Costantino, Patricia M., De Lorenzo Marie N., & Tirrell-Corbin, Christy. (2009).
Developing a Professional Teaching Portfolio: A Guide for Success. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson.
Commission on Teaching Credentialing. (2013). California teaching performance expectations.
Retrieved from
McCarthy, J. (2014, August 13). How Learning Profiles Can Strengthen Your Teaching.
Retrieved July 05, 2016, from
Tomlinson, C. A. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms.
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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