SFPOA Blue Ribbon Release

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For Immediate Release: July 11, 2016

Contact: Nathan Ballard (415) 235-6283


SFPOA President Halloran: Gascon Is Biased; Panel Is
A Kangaroo Court; Gascon Censored Police
Testimony; Gascon Made Racially Divisive Comments
SAN FRANCISCO Today, District Attorney George Gascons handpicked Blue
Ribbon Panel issued a report and the President of the San Francisco Police Officers
Association (SFPOA) condemned it as divisive at a time when San Francisco sorely
needs unity between police officers and the community we serve.
On Thursday, a sniper in Dallas took aim at police officers and murdered five in cold
blood, said Martin Halloran, President of the union. Today, George Gascon is taking
aim at police officers in San Francisco with half-truths and distortions.
Were sitting on a tinderbox and Gascon is lighting a match, added Halloran. Its the
wildly irresponsible act of a man who is thirsty for media coverage at any cost.
Halloran blasted Gascons report for four reasons: 1. Gascon is biased, 2. Gascons panel
is a kangaroo court, 3. Gascon censored the testimony of police officers who disagreed
with him, and 4. a legitimate U.S. Department of Justice review is underway.
I. George Gascon Is Biased
George Gascon has demonstrated his bias against police officers again and again, said
Halloran pointed to Gascons statement to CNN comparing the citys police union to
racist 1950s police officers in the Deep South.
Gascon demonstrates his deeply-held bias when he compares the most racially diverse
police union in the U.S. to 1950s police officers in the Deep South, said Halloran. By
making such false, divisive statements, Gascon proves that he is too biased to sit in
judgment of our police officers.

II. George Gascons Panel Is A Kangaroo Court

The union blasted Gascons panel as a kangaroo court with no legal standing under
either the San Francisco City Charter or the California Constitution.
Gascon organized this whole charade to publicize his inflammatory claims of
widespread racism in the police department, when in fact the problem is much more
limited in scope, said Halloran. This panel is nothing more than a kangaroo court
orchestrated by Gascon and the three puppets he handpicked.
Halloran said Gascons report leaned too heavily on anonymous sources.
If Gascon had a really good case, he would have been able to find legitimate witnesses
who would go on the record, said Halloran. But because Gascon is an attention-seeking
politician, and not an experienced lawyer, he decided to add sizzle to his report by
liberally quoting anonymous anti-police critics.
Gascons panel has also been criticized as illegitimate by civic leaders:

Former Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr. said that Gascon should have asked a prosecutor
from another county to investigate the police department instead of doing it himself.
(San Francisco Chronicle, March 6, 2016.)

Superior Court Judge Quentin Kopp (ret.), in a February 17, 2016 letter to
Gascon, accused Gascon of a conflict of interest. Kopp said that by handpicking the
panel, Gascon created the perception that he is investigating himself, because Gascon
was chief during some of the time period being scrutinized by the panel.

III. George Gascon Censored The Testimony Of Police Officers Who Disagreed
Halloran said that the union offered testimony from minority police officers who disagree
with Gascons view that widespread bias exists in the department, but that Gascon
censored their testimony.
Gascon handpicked his own panel to produce a pre-determined result, but rank-and-file
police officers disagreed with his allegations, said Halloran. Like any petty tyrant,
Gascon refuses to hear from anybody who disagrees with him.
Gascon censored the testimony of these police officers:

Sgt. Tracy McCray, who is African-American and a member of the LGBT

community, says that she has never been subject to bias as a result of her race,
gender, or sexual orientation by the department nor the SFPOA.

Inspector Clifford Cook who is a member of the African-American community

rejects Gascons view that racial bias is widespread in the department. Cook says that
the department and the SFPOA are swift to condemn racism and inequality.

Inspector Gary Delagnes (ret.), whose deposition dismantles Gascons broad-brush

condemnation of the police department. The Delagnes deposition contains a firsthand
account of the dinner in Cambridge, Massachusetts in April, 2010, where Gascon
himself used racially disparaging language. In the video, Delagnes also recounts how
an African-American restaurant patron approached Gascon and asked him to stop
using offensive language. https://youtu.be/znwJtiHqIuw

Sgt. Christopher Breen (ret.), who provides a firsthand account of an

inflammatory scene where Gascon drank alcohol heavily and used racially
disparaging language. Breen testifies that Gascon repeatedly referring to AfricanAmericans as those people in a derogatory way. https://youtu.be/ZV0LXFH_eHc

Its astonishing to me that Gascon, who uses racially inflammatory language himself,
would have the hubris to accuse his former colleagues of racism, said Halloran.
Gascons hypocrisy knows no bounds.
IV. A Legitimate U.S. Department Of Justice Review Is Underway
While he criticized Gascons incendiary approach to the issue, Halloran acknowledged
that there is plenty of room for improvement within the department. Today Halloran
again condemned the racist text messages written by a small number of officers,
wrongdoing that he has repeatedly described as despicable.
Halloran also expressed approval for the U.S. Department of Justice review of the
department that is underway.
We are fully cooperating with the Department of Justice, said Halloran. They have the
standing, the authority, and the credibility to conduct a real investigation, untainted by the
ambitions of local politicians.

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