Campaign Worksheet - Shadowrun

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Shadowrun Campaign Worksheet

Campaign Premise: Conversion of Shadowrun 4th edition to Strands of Fate

Campaigns Power Level
Mythic Hero
Variations from Standard CamPL (if any):
Campaigns Tech-Level

Characters required to be built using the Aspect Alphabet.( pg. 17)

Will character be built collaboratively? (pg. 28)
Allow trading Refresh for Advantage Points? (pg. 24)
Allow purchasing Advantages with Resources (pg. 90)
Deviating from the standard Character Advancement Rules? (pg. 29)
Using an Organic Growth Method? (pg. 30)
Allowing Non-Human Races? (pg. 44)
If yes, which ones?:
Imposing a Fate Point Expenditure Limit? (pg. 53)
If yes explain:
Allowing Fate Point Debt? (pg. 60)

Elf, Dwarf, Ork, Troll
Limit is 3 FP per turn

Power Sources/Affinity Abilities (pg. 89)


Affinity Ability: Augment

Stress Track: System

Notes: A character with access to this Power Source has undergone some sort of augmentation
procedure. Most cybernetic or bio-tech augments do not require activation rolls, or are activated
through the use of a Fate Point. Advantages representing augmentations can be purchased with
Resources (Cost = AP Cost x 4, or AP Cost x 5 for bio-tech). Most basic augmentations can be
represented by using Specialty Aspects alone.


Affinity Ability: Magic

Stress Track: Physical

Notes: A character with access to this Power Source can wield the magical energies that suffuse the
world. Magical spells are represented by Powers and all require you to roll to activate them. Each spell
is a separate Power. You may not purchase the Control Meta-Power.
All practitioners of magic have the same Weaknesses. Their Powers require them to be able to
whisper an incantation and they must be able to gesture with their hands. In addition, augmentation
disrupts the natural flow of magical energies through the body. You suffer a penalty on Magic rolls
equal to the total AP value of all augmentations you have, minus your Endurance. Subtract 1 from the
AP value of bio-tech augments for these purposes (min 1). Augments that are modeled with Specialty
Aspects are considered to be worth 1 AP. These Weaknesses are worth a total of 2 Advantage Points.

Adept Magic

Affinity Ability: None

Stress Track: None

Notes: A character with access to this Power Source can channel the magical energies of the world
through themselves, enhancing their physical capabilities. The Powers you may learn must function as
extensions or enhancement to your natural physical capabilities. Such Power must either require no
activation or must be activated with a Fate Point.


Affinity Ability: Resonance

Stress Track: Mental

Notes: A character with access to this Power Source is capable of sending, receiving and interpreting
wireless signals without the need for internal or external computer hardware. This capability is
represented with the Control (Matrix) Power, which costs 4 AP.



AP Cost: 2
Racial Aspect: Elf
Specialty Aspect: Elven Grace (Agility)
Advantages: Night Vision (Natural Night Vision)

AP Cost: 2
Racial Aspect: Dwarf
Specialty Aspect: Dwarven Constitution (Endurance)
Advantages: Thermal Vision (Natural Heat Vision)

Elves hold a position in pop culture unchallenged by

any other metatype, partly due to their exotic looks,
striking features, and the adoption of Sperethiel, their
own ancient language (a claim disputed by some).
Many media iconsfrom models to singers to
politicians to porn stars to high-profile lawyersare
elves. Unlike dwarfs, orks, and trolls, who are
discriminated against on the basis of being different
and ugly, elves are often looked down upon by the
other metatypes due to being different and beautiful.

In folklore, dwarfs are depicted as hard workers,

taking on physical labor that no others would do. This
holds true in the Sixth World, as dwarfs are known both
for their strong work ethic and for an incredible ability
to adapt to new technology and processes. When it
comes time for megacorps to recognize the true brains
behind many innovations, its often a dwarfto the
surprise of many.

AP Cost: 3
Racial Aspect: Orc
Specialty Aspect: Orcish Might (Strength)
Advantages: Toughness
Likely due to their high birth rates, orks often live in
large, communal, extended family groups. Children are
most often born in litters of four, but some ork mothers
have given birth to as many as eight young.
Their language, Orzet, is an interpretation of an
ancient text, one of the many secrets of the old world
that the great dragon Dunkelzahn hoarded until his
death. Orzet soon became a cultural phenomenon and
helped fuel ork pride throughout the sixties. On the
other hand, it also has led to an explosion of
orxploitation media that exploits the stereotyped
image of orks as poorly tempered or prone to criminal

AP Cost: 3
Racial Aspect: Troll
Specialty Aspect: Monstrous Stature (P) (Strength)
Advantages: Persistent Specialty (Monstrous Stature)
Perhaps because they still face a certain amount of
prejudice in societynot to mention the daily size
difficulties of living in a society primarily oriented
towards smaller peopletrolls often band together
socially and culturally. Like orks, many trolls have been
driven to the fringes of society by fear and intolerance,
leading to extensive populations of SINless squatter
trolls. Some trolls prefer the outcast lifestyle, preferring
to live simple isolated lifestyles in wilderness or remote
urban settings. On the flipside, many trolls have found
gainful employment for the very traits that make them
marginalized: size, strength, and intimidation. Trolls
often work as manual laborers and are in high demand
as bouncers, bodyguards, and other security positions.

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