10-05-22 Press Release: FBI Complaint Against Gary Perez - President, Christine Schwarz - Vice President, and USC Credit Union of Fraud, Extortion S

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by Joseph Zernik
Joseph Zernik, PhD DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750; email=jz12345@e
arthlink.net, c=US
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: jz12345@earthlink.net Date: 2010.05.23
12:15:56 +03'00'
Blog: http://inproperinla.blogspot.com/ Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/Human_Rights_Alert

10-05-22 Press Release: FBI Complaint against Gary Perez – President, Christine Schwarz –
Vice President, and USC Credit Union of Fraud, Extortion.
Los Angeles, May 22 – Dr Joseph Zernik, Los Angeles County resident filed with FBI White Collar Crime
Squad supervisor Steven Goldman complaint of fraud and extortion against Gary Perez – President, Christine
Schwarz – Vice President, and USC Credit Union. [1] The complaint provided compelling evidence of
collusion by Schwarz, Perez, and others at USC Credit Union with Countrywide, later also with Bank of
America Corporation in a real estate fraud and extortion scheme against Dr Zernik. The essence of real estate
fraud in the case, was perpetrated by David Pasternak – former president of the Los Angeles Bar Association -
as was opined in a letter by highly decorated FBI veteran, fraud expert James Wedick, which was provided as
part of the complaint. Additional opinion letters by highly reputable fraud expert Robert Meister were
previously provided – regarding false banking records of Bank of America Corporation.
The complaint stated that in November- December 2007, USC Credit Union conducted transactions in Dr
Joseph Zernik’s accounts with no authorization and with no notice at all. Such conduct was essential in
enabling the real estate fraud by David Pasternak.
Starting 2008, when Dr Zernik requested that USC Credit Union provide documentation of the legal
foundation for its conduct in the matter, USC Credit Union produced a series of banking records, which were
alleged as financial institution fraud, in and of themselves. Such alleged fraud culminated in production in
2009 of false and deliberately misleading records of December 2008 minutes of the USC Credit Union Board
of Directors , where Gary Perez – President, was purported to have been appointed as Custodian of Records.
The signatures of the Chair and Secretary of the Board were “redacted” from the minutes, and Jerry Jellison -
Chairman of the Board of USC Credit Union, refused to authenticate the minutes.
The complaint also provided an August 2008 letter by fraud expert Wedick, documenting that FBI Special
Agent assigned to the case agreed with Mr Wedick that Dr Joseph Zernik was indeed the victim of real estate
fraud, and that it was within the duties and obligations of FBI to investigate and provide protection in such
case. The complaint further stated that the lawlessness in Los Angeles County was recognized by FBI already
in the early 2000s, when it distinguished Los Angeles County as “the epicenter of the epidemic of real estate
and mortgage fraud”. Moreover, since January 2008, FBI repeatedly promised US Congress to investigate,
and later to “speed up” investigations of conduct of lenders that caused the current mortgage/credit crisis. The
complaint stated that lawlessness in Los Angeles County, California, which was reflected in the complaint,
was contrary to duties and obligations of the US government pursuant to international law – the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, and also contrary to the Basel Accords on international banking. The
complaint requested FBI and the Los Angeles White Collar Crime Squad to initiate investigation in the
matter, to provide Dr Zernik equal protection under the law, and to return to Dr Zernik’s possession his lawful
property at 320 South Peck Drive, Beverly Hills.
Copies of the complaint were forwarded to US banking regulator – John Dugan – Comptroller of the
Currency, to chairs of the House and Senate judiciary and banking committees, to United Nations Human
Rights Commissioner, and the Basel Accords Committee on international banking.
[1] May 23, 2010 FBI complaint of fraud, extortion by Gary Perez - President, Christine Schwarz - Vice
President, and USC Credit Union:
• http://www.scribd.com/doc/31799262/10-05-23-USC-Credit-Union-FBI-complaint-for-fraud-and-

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