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Ullage surveys are the methods used to determine the quantity of liquid cargo loaded or discharged .
The survey are generally split into two sections : 1- the ship , 2-the terminal . The shore figure tends to
take precedence over the ships figure and is generally used for the Bill of Lading but a comparison is
made with the ships figures and discrepancies accounted for . A difference of less than 0,2% is
usually considered as reasonable and acceptable .
-TOTAL OBSERVED VOLUME (TOV) = The total measured volume of all cargo liquids ,
including B.S.&W. and free water if applicable , at observed temperature and pressure.
-TOTAL CALCULATED VOLUME (TCV) = The total measured volume of all cargo liquids
including B.S.&W., if applicable , corrected by the appropriate volume correction factor (VCF) for the
observed temperature and density , API Gravity or Specific Gravity , to a standard temperature
(usually 150C or 600F) and also if necessary corrected by the appropriate pressure correction factor
(Cpl) , to a standard pressure (usually 1.01325 bar) and meter factor, plus all free water.
-GROSS OBSERVED VOLUME (GOV) = The total measured volume of all cargo liquids and
B.S.&W., if applicable , but excluding free water , at observed temperatures and pressure.
-GROSS STANDARD VOLUME (GSV) = The total measured volume of all cargo liquids and
B.S.&W., if applicable , but excluding free water , corrected by the appropriate volume correction
factor (VCF) for the observed temperature and density (API Gravity or Specific Gravity) to a standard
temperature (usually 150C or 600F) and if necessary also corrected by the appropriate pressure
correction factor (Cpl) to a standard pressure (usually 1.01325 bar) , and meter factor .
-NET STANDARD VOLUME (NSV) = The total measured volume of all cargo liquids excluding
B.S.&W., if applicable , and free water , corrected by the appropriate VCF , for the observed
temperature and density (API Gravity or Specific Gravity) to a standard temperature (usually 15 0C or
600F) and if necessary corrected by the appropriate pressure correction factor (Cpl) to a standard
pressure (usually 1.01325 bar) and meter factor.
-INDICATED VOLUME (IV) = The change in meter readings that occurs during a receipt of a
-BASE SEDIMENTS AND WATER (B.S.&W.) = Non hydrocarbon solid material and water in
suspension in crude oil or petroleum liquids.
-FREE WATER (FW) = The calculated volume of water at observed temperature and pressure ,
present in the ships tanks , which is not in suspension in the cargo liquid .
-VESSELS EXPERIENCE FACTOR (VEF) = The ships total calculated volume loaded (less
OBQ) or discharged (less ROB) divided by the total calculated volume pumped or received from/in
the shore tanks .
-ON BOARD QUANTITY (OBQ) / REMAINING ON BOARD (ROB) = The liquid and nonliquid material found in the ships tanks before loading (OBQ) or after discharging (ROB). The said
material consists of (usually) cargo remaining , water , oil , slops , oil-water emulsion , sludge and
sediments .
-LETTER OF PROTEST (LOP) = A letter issued by any participant or nominated agent to a
commercial transaction , related to a discrepancy , condition or action to which issue is taken . The
letter serves as a written record that the particular discrepancy , condition , action or finding was
mentioned at the time of occurrence .
-LOADING ON TOP (LOT) = The loading of additional cargo in a tank where oil and/or slops are
already present .
The ships experience factor is the comparison of the sum of ship and shore volumes over a number of
voyages. The various Institutes are unclear whether part cargoes should be used in the calculations and
various conventions have gradually grown up where a minimum 50% or 80% of the vessels
deadweight has to be loaded/discharged before the figure is used in the calculation. It should be noted

however that the effect of any error in determining quantity or error in the calculated tank volumes
increases inversely as the percentage of cargo to the deadweight decreases . The VEF is obtained by
comparing the sum of total calculated volumes minus ROB/OBQ with sum of the shore calculated
volumes . Preferably only manual measurements should be used and it is essential that the method of
calculation is consistent throughout .
VEF = [Sum of TCVs OBQ/ROB]/Sum of total calculated shore volumes
Although ten qualifying voyages is the optimum number for calculating the VEF , it can be
calculated after a minimum of five voyages .
There are a number of ways to determine qualifying voyages . These are :
1. Those voyages where the vessels load/discharge ratio to the ships TCV less OBQ/ROB ,
divided by the total calculated shore volume for an individual voyage , is statistically
significant at the 95% probability level. (The calculation is long and laborious but is the most
statistically correct.
2. Discard those ratios which are not within 0.3% of the mean value of all voyages used in the
3. Discard the two highest and the two lowest ratios used in the calculations . This gives an
answer within acceptable limits .
The following are not qualifying voyages :
1. Voyages prior to any structural modifications which affect the vessels cargo capacity
2. Voyages where shore measurements are not available
3. The voyage immediately after a vessel has dry-docked
The VEF is mainly used (as a divisor) to modify the ships figure for comparison with the shore figure
when loading/discharging crude oils or oil products . The modified figure is obtained from the formula
Modified ships figure = [TCV-ROB/OBQ]/VEF
The modified ships figure is sometimes used also as B/L figure ..
NOTE : The ratio between the ship and shore figures is reasonably constant but it can only be
consistent when all (or the same) ships tanks are used .
As the quantity of material remaining is usually small and is quite often sludge , it is the innage that
should be measured , and the use of a solid sounding rod for this purpose is preferable to using a sonic
tape , as more accurate results can be obtained . (A graduated 30 cm long round bar is ideal for this
purpose , as it is the best shape for the application of oil and water finding paste , and the length
ensures that there are no cuts on ungraduated areas).
It is necessary to record what the remaining is, when sounding a tank for the OBQ /ROB . If the
material , in the surveyors opinion , is free flowing , it is recorded as oil or water , or if it is not free
flowing , in the surveyors opinion , it is recorded as sludge , sediment or solidified cargo , the
surveyor using his experience to differentiate between them .
1. Even if the liquid is regarded as free flowing and recorded as oil or water , it may not be possible
to completely drain a tank of small quantities of the liquid . Much is dependent on the capacity of
the pumps and the shape of the tanks bottom . The crew should do their best in order to strip the
tanks with maximum efficiency before recording the OBQ
2. If there is sufficient liquid in the tank , the temperature should be measured , and a sample of the
oil and water , if present , taken. If there is sufficient fluid to obtain a temperature , any oil is

assumed to be at sea water temperature , and the appropriate volume correction factor applied ,
while water , sludge/sediment and solid cargo is assumed to be at standard temperature .
3. Additional measurements will be required for solidified cargo, to determine whether it is evenly
distributed across the bottom or sloped to the after end of the tank.
The ROB form issued by the ship must contain the same figures as in the surveyors form (or as close
as possible).
If slops are to be commingled with cargo , they are treated as OBQ . If not , the results are to be
recorded on a separate form (SLOP report)
All compartments should be sounded for OBQ/ROB even if they are not to be loaded into or
discharged from.
All ullages/innages for oil and water, must be corrected for trim and list before entering the tables , but
if the liquid does not cover the bottom of the tank , the tables may not give an accurate volume, and
the wedge formula should be used to obtain the quantity of liquid.
No trim or list correction is to be applied for sludge or sediment or for solidified cargo which appears
to be evenly distributed over the bottom. If the solidified cargo is sloped , trim and list correction or
the wedge formula is applied as appropriate.
The wedge formula is used to determine the amount of oil left in the bottom of a tank, when the
quantity remaining does not cover the bottom . It cannot be used if the ship is not upright, or if the
tank has a V shaped bottom and makes the assumption that the liquid is free flowing .
The formula is : V = (P x W x i2)/2T where :
V is the volume of liquid in the wedge
P is the distance between the perpendiculars
T is the ships trim
i is the corrected innage . i is obtained from the formula :
i = [Scosec + (y- d tan)]tan where
i is the corrected innage
S is the measured innage
Z is the distance the innage is measured from the bulkheads
d is the height of the tank
is the trim angle and is obtained from the formula tan=T/P where T is the ships apparent trim and
P is the distance between perpendiculars .
As the ratio for cotangent are nearly equal for small angles , the formula for the corrected innage can
be re-written without much loss of accuracy as :
Corrected innage =measured innage x LBP x Z - measured innage x trim x trim
Where LBP = the distance between perpendiculars
Z is the distance of the ullage point from the after bulkhead of the tank
The wedge formula should be applied only if the corrected innage is less then X (which is the
minimum innage necessary for liquid to cover tank bottom ,at the vessels current trim)
L is the length of the tank . X= Ltan which can be written as Lxtrim/LBP
Before and after the loading /discharging, the ships tanks must be measured. The ullages/innages
taken should be compared with the automatic gauges of the tanks and if there is a significant
difference, this should be recorded and further investigated if necessary .
Before recording the ullages/innages , there should be obtained three measurements that agree within
0.003 meters each other . This margin may be increased to 0.005 meters if ullaging is done in winds
over force 4.
Ideally a minimum of one or two hours should be allowed before dipping a tank which has been in
use, to allow the liquid time to settle and reach equilibrium conditions and any accumulation of static

electricity to leak to earth. It is generally preferable to use a sonic tape to record ullages, as a more
accurate result can obtained than measuring the ullages with a standard tape. If in addition the
instrument has the capacity to measure temperature and oil/water interface, the time saved can be
considerable. The main disadvantage is that they are usually bulky and sometimes difficult to carry
up .
Should the tank be empty or nearly empty and there is little or no sludge built up , the best result is
obtained by innaging the remaining quantity with a solid rod , as this gives a more accurate result
rather than a tape which may bow .
Where oil or water finding paste has been used , any cut obtained should be sharp , well defined and at
right angles to the tape/rod edge . If it is not , the result must be discarded and the dip repeated .
Ideally - in order to minimise the effect of bottom movement in a tank , when measurement are made
the depth of liquid should not be less than 1.5 meters ; to reduce the effect of any measurement
e44rors , the change in liquid level in any one tank should not be less than 3 meters .
When taking an oil dip with a solid rod or bob in a heavy viscous liquid , the tape should be allowed
to remain in the product for about ten seconds so as to allow the indentation , made by the tape in the
surface of the liquid when entering the product , to level out .
With light products , the tape must be removed as soon as possible after the wanted depth is reached ,
as there is a tendency for the surface liquid to creep up the rod .
Water dips should be done as a matter of course . For bottom water , a thin layer of water-finding
paste is applied to the rod or bob , which is then lowered into the tank until it just touches the bottom .
The rod/bob is left in this position for about 20 seconds and then withdrawn . The water cut should
show up as straight or nearly straight line between the two colours , but when taking dips on viscous
or black products , it may be necessary to wash the rod with kerosene in order to see water paste and it
is possible only spots of colour change will be found.
The number of temperature readings required depends largely on the depth of the liquid in the tank
and whether or not the surveyor expects any layering .
NOTE : In addition to the vertical temperature gradient , a horizontally gradient may also exist . It is
usually difficult to measure this latter gradient due to the lack of suitable access points but it can be
significant .
The temperature should be measured at levels corresponding to 5/6, and 1/6 of the total depth of the
liquid . As a rough guide , if the temperature of the middle level is within 0.5 0C of the average of the
three levels , this average may be taken as the temperature of the tank contents.
If the difference is greater then 0.50C , additional temperature must be measured at 9/10, 7/10, 3/10
and 1/10 of the liquid depth . If the average of these four temperatures is within 0.5 0C of the middle
temperature previously obtained , this average may be taken as the temperature of the tank content .
NOTE : If the surveyor is of the opinion that layering has occurred , the temperature must be
measured every metre above through the depth and the results averaged .
Using an electronic digital thermometer is the easiest way to obtain temperatures and a lot of
time is saved if this is coupled with a sounding tape . If normal thermometers are used , there some
recommended lengths of time for the thermometer immersion in the liquid , depending on the product
in which the temperature is being measured . Thus for :
- Light crude and white oils immersion time of 5 min
- Medium crude fuel and lubricating oils immersion time of 15 min
- Heavy crude and heavy oil - immersion time of 30 min
NOTE : Digital thermometers should be regularly checked against a master thermometer to ensure
that the readings obtained are within +0.50C . If the difference found is greater than this , the
instrument should be adjusted . The results of the test and any adjustment made must be recorded .

Mercury thermometers should be checked against a master thermometer before being used for the first
time and the result recorded . If the difference is greater than 0.5 0C , the thermometer should be
discarded .
A Master Thermometer is one which meets ASTM/IP standards and is by a recognized outside
authority . It is used solely for testing purposes .
DENSITY The density is the mass per unit volume of a product . It is usually expressed in Kg/l at
standard temperature (usually 150C)
B.S.&W. Non hydrocarbon solid material and water in suspension in oil can be determined in a
number of ways , two of which are :
1. By centrifuge , after the sample test has been diluted , usually with benzene and heated to about
500C . The water and sediments separates to the bottom of a specially graduated tube where the
percentage can be easily measured .
2. By distillation . The percentage of suspended water can be determined after a measured portion of
oil is mixed with a suitable solvent and the mixture is distilled in an approved water determination
apparatus . The distillatory discharges into a graduated trap and as the water is heavier , it collects at
the bottom .
SULPHUR There are several test methods to determine the quantity of sulphur , which is the major
source of corrosion and smell in the oil . The selected is usually part of the specification .
REID VAPOUR PRESSURE This is a measure of the volatility of the oil . A sample of oil is placed
in a pressure chamber to which a pressure gauge is attached and placed in a water bath at 38 0C . The
increase in pressure caused by the evaporation of the oil is then measured .
COLOUR Colour is a degree of transparency , and the sample is usually compared against a chart .
FLASH POINT The flash point is the lowest temperature at which a combustible material will give
off enough vapour to form a flammable mixture with air . The sample is heated in an open or closed
can at a uniform rate and a test flame introduced at regular intervals . The lowest temperature at which
a distinct flash occurs inside the cup is the flash point .
CLOUD POINT This is the temperature at which solid substances begin to separate from solution
when the sample is cooled under standard conditions .
POUR POINT This the lowest temperature at which oils flows when cooled under standard
conditions .
VISCOSITY The viscosity of a liquid is a measure of its resistance to flow , but as it is dependent on
temperature , this must be given when stating the viscosity of a liquid . The usual method to determine
viscosity is to measure the time taken for a specific volume of liquid to flow through a standard orifice
DISTILLATION Oil is a complex compound with each component having its own boiling point .
Products are thus classified according to their distillation range . The test sample is heated an a flask
and the vapours condensed and recorded in a measuring cylinder . The temperature at which the first
drop of condensed vapour falls into the measuring cylinder is called the initial boiling point (IBP) and
the temperature at the end of the distillation process is the final boiling point . The temperature at
which each 10% of the sample condenses is also recorded .
CORROSION - This is normally determined by the copper strip test . A clean strip is placed in a
sample of oil and the combination is heated . The discoloration of the strip is compared with a
standard , to determine the corrosion number .
OCTANE NUMBER The octane number of a fuel is an indication of its knock characteristics . The
determination is made in a single cylinder engine with a variable compression ratio (CFR engine) .
The compression ratio is increased until knocking occurs , which is then measured by a detonation
meter .
CETANE NUMBER The determination of the ignition quality , which is basically the delay
between the injection of the fuel and ignition, is tested in a CFR engine . It can also be calculated , as
a correlation exists between the aromatic content of the fuel and the cetane number.
GUM The stability of the oil is determined by the amount of the existent and potential gum in the oil
. The tendency of the oil to deposit gum immediately (existent gum) is determined by passing air over

the sample in a heated dish , and evaporating the sample completely . The residue then is weighed and
expressed in milligrams per 100 ml of existent gum . To determine the gum is likely to be formed on
long storage (potential gum) the sample is heated in a chamber at 100 0C with oxygen under pressure
for a specified period of time . The sample is then cooled and evaporated by passing air over it . The
residue is then weighed and expressed in milligrams per 100 ml of existent gum .
a. Using the hydrometer The hydrometer should be made of glass and to conform to ASTM or
Australian/British standards . The beaker in which the oil to be measured is poured should
have an inside diameter at least 25 mm bigger than the outside diameter of the hydrometer
cylinder to be used , and should be of sufficient height that there is a minimum of 25 mm
clearance between the bottom of the hydrometer and the bottom of the beaker . The oil should
be poured into the beaker without splashing , to avoid the formation of air bubbles and to
reduce the evaporation of the light ends .
b. Measurement Stir the sample continuously with the thermometer ensuring the mercury
thread is kept fully immersed . As soon as a steady reading is obtained , record the
thermometer reading to the nearest 0.25 of a degree and then remove the thermometer .
Lower the hydrometer gently into the liquid , releasing it on reaching the expected reading .
After it has settled , depress the hydrometer about 2 scale divisions and then release it ,
imparting a slight spin while doing so . This will assist in bringing it to the rest , while floating
freely away from the walls of the beaker . When the hydrometer has come to rest and any air
bubbles formed are removed , record the reading . For transparent liquids , take the reading by
placing the eye below the level of the liquid , and slowly raising it until the surface seen
initially as a distorted ellipse appears to become a straight line cutting the hydrometer scale .
For opaque liquids take the reading at the top of the meniscus and apply the correction for the
meniscus. For an hydrometer with a graduation interval of 0.0005 , this will be +0.0007 , and
for a hydrometer with an interval of 0.001 , the corrfection will be
+0.0014 .
Immediately after reading the hydrometer , again stir the sample and read the temperature . If
this second reading reading differs from the first by more than 0.50C , the test must be repeated
until the temperature stabilises.
The density obtained is then converted from density at observed temperature to density at 15 0C
, specific gravity at 60/600F or API gravity at 600F , using the appropriate table .

The VCF is obtained from the appropriate table (6 or 54) using the arguments density at 15C or API
gravity at 60F , and the observed temperature . Care must be taken to use the correct table as the
correction factors are not the same :
Table A
Crude Oils
Table B
Table C
Individual & Special Application
Table D
Lube Oils
The GOV is then multiplied by the VCF to obtain GSV . Strictly speaking a further correction factor
for pressure may also be necessary , but this , except when using meters , is rarely applied.
Basic sediments and water To be deducted from the GSV resulting NSV . This , when multiplied
by density at 15C gives the weight in vacuo.
This is the final figure required for the Bill of Lading and it is obtained by multiplying the Gross
Standard or Net Standard volume by the weight correction factor. The weight correction factor , if the

calculation has been in cubmeters , is obtained from Table 7 (basically the density at 15C minus
0.0011 for the range of densities and temperature usual involved . The answer obtained is in metric
If the calculation has been made in barrels , Tables 11 or 13 must be used to obtain the multiplier ,
depending on whether the answer is required in long or metric tonnes.
Should the line be used for cargo operation be empty on commencement and full on completion , or if
the line is already full and the contents are replaced with a different grade , it is necessary to make
allowance for this volume in determining the total calculated volume . In the first case above , it is
necessary to determine the volume of the pipe line , and to deduct this from the tank volume , and in
the second case above to ascertain the change in volume of the tank containing the different product
and add this to the volume of the product being loaded or discharged .
Ther is some argument as to the density that should be used , but probably the least contentious is to
use the B/L density of the product if coming from the ship , and the composite desity of the product
being loaded if from the shore , for both the initial and final dips.
It is necessary to be kept a full record of all the events such as : Pilot on board , first line ashore ,
custom clearance , free pratique granted , surveyor on board , commencement of the tank inspection ,
completion of the tank inspection , hose connected , commencement of the loading or of the
discharging , all times used for other operation than the loading/discharging (even if the operation is
ceased at terminals request or if it is ceased by the ship) , completion of the operation , final tank
inspection , hose disconnected , documents on board . NOTE to the above times may be added other
significant times as well . It is highly recommended to keep a detailed time log (eventually on a scrap
book) , detailing times of all events such as tank changes , starting various pumps (cargo and/or
ballast) starting the IG plant , opening various valves etc .
The most frequently used conversion factors and formulae are :
- Long Tons = Metric Tons / 1.016047
- Cubic Meters at 150C = Barrels at 600F / 6.293 (where the density at 150C is between
0.779 and 0.901)
- Temperature 0C = Temperature 0F -32 x 5/9
- API Gravity = (141.5/S.G. at 60/600F) 131.5
Where the product from different tanks with slightly different densities are mixed , a composite
density can be obtained from the formula :
dc = d1 x Vr1 + d2 x Vr2 + + dn x Vrn
where dc = the composite density ; d1 , d2 , d3 dn are the tank densities ; Vr are the ratios of the
volume of product from the tanks to the total volume .
If a product is added to another already in tank , the composite density can be calculated from the
formula :
dc = [d1 + Vi(di-d1)]/ Vf
where dc = composite density ; d1 is the density of the incoming product ; di is the density of the
product in the tank initially ; Vi is the initial volume of the product in the tank ; Vf is the final volume
of the product in the tank .
NOTE : the densities must all be at the same temperature ; the formula may also be used to obtain the
composite temperature .


When meters are used to determine the quantity of cargo loaded, it is essential not only to monitor the
performance of the meter and proving system , but also to check that the associated instrumentation
functions correctly . The proving of each meter used during loading must be witnessed and the
surveyor should ensure that this process is carried out as soon as the average throughput and stable
conditions are reached. The readings obtained should be within:
1. 0.05% for consecutive pulse counts , in a sequence of five proving runs
2. 0.20C temperature difference between each proving run for the meter and prover
3. 0.2% difference between the calculated meter factor and the previous meter factor, at the
equivalent operating conditions.
1.Changes in meter factor can occur with significant differences in flow rate , temperature and
2.The prover base volume must be calculated every two years for the computation to be valid .
The meter factor (F) is obtained from the formula :
F = Vb x Cts x Cps x Citl x Cipl (expressed to 5 significant figures)
Vm x Ciitl x Ciipl
Where :
Vb = the prover base volume at standard temperature and pressure
Vm= the meter volume and is obtained by dividing the average pulses per cubic meter for barrel by the
K factor
Cts = the correction for the temperature on steel of pipe prover
Cps = the correction for the pressure on steel of pipe prover
Citl = the correction for temperature on liquid of pipe prover
Ciitl = the correction for temperature on liquid at meter
Cipl = the correction for pressure on liquid of pipe prover
Ciipl = the correction for pressure on liquid at meter
The Gross Standard Volume put through a meter is obtained from the formula :
GSV = indicated volume x F x Ciitl x Ciipl
The K factor
The object of proving a turbine meter is to establish the relationship between a train of electric pulses
collecting in an electronic counter and the volume passed by the meter , which must be obtained
simultaneously . This ratio is known as the K factor and is expressed as :
K= n/Vb where n= the number of pulses ; Vb=the prover base volume
K is then divided into the number of pulses emitted by the meter to determine the volume delivered .
Alternatively the number of pulses can be multiplied by the reciprocal of K to obtain the volume .
This reciprocal is known as the one pulse volume and is expressed as :
g = 1/K = Vb/n
It is common practice in many terminals for a constant K factor to be set into the meter and the
reading obtained corrected to obtain the true volume delivered. The volume correction factor in this
case is given by the formula :L
VCF = K factor (set in) /K factor (obtained during proving)
Pressure 1 bar = 0.0689476 lb/in2
Correction for pressure on steel (Cps) = 1 + pressure on prover inbar x internal diameter of prover/
(Elastic modules x wall thickness of prover)
Correction for temperature on steel (Cts) = 1 + (temperature 150C) x volumetric coefficient of
thermal expansion
Correction for pressure on liquid = 1+ compressibility factor x pressure in bar

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