Srvspeq Lite Software: Consolidated Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual

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GE Oil & Gas

SRVSpeQ Lite Software

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing
and Configurator User Manual
Version v.



Last Update

March 10th , 2015

Created by

Alfredo Castravelli

Last Modified by

Alfredo Castravelli

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Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 2

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5
2. System Requirements, Download and Installation ................................................... 5
3. Getting Started with SRVSpeQ Functions .................................................................... 6
3.1 Menu Bar ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Project Functions: create, edit and manage projects ................................................................................ 7
3.3 Add, edit and manage line items ......................................................................................................................11
3.4 Library ...........................................................................................................................................................................13
3.5 Dynamic Searching Feature................................................................................................................................17
3.6 Set SRVSpeQ under your preferences ............................................................................................................18
3.7 Reports to generate technical documentation ..........................................................................................20
3.8 Reports Examples ....................................................................................................................................................21

4. Sizing a Safety Relief Valve ........................................................................................... 30

4.1 Item Data .....................................................................................................................................................................30
4.2 Item Defaults ..............................................................................................................................................................31
4.3 Sizing & Selection .....................................................................................................................................................33
4.3.1 General Information .................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.2 Valve Data ........................................................................................................................................................................ 36
4.3.3 Service Conditions ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
4.3.4 Sizing Basis ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.3.5 Fluid Data .......................................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.3.6 DIERS Data ....................................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.3.7 Size ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
4.4 Select Accessories and Option ...........................................................................................................................49
4.4.1 Selection Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 50
4.4.2 Valve Configuration and Variables ....................................................................................................................... 52
4.4.3 Accessories and Options ........................................................................................................................................... 53
4.4.4 Errors/Warnings ............................................................................................................................................................ 53
4.5 Configure Parts/Material.......................................................................................................................................54
4.6 Drawings ......................................................................................................................................................................55

5. Sizing Error Messages ................................................................................................... 56

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1. Introduction
SRVSpeQ software is designed to size, select and configure Consolidated Safety and Safety Relief valves
from GE. This manual provides for an overview of functionalities and describes the process to be followed to
size a safety relief valve with the SRVSpeQ software.
This manual is not intended to be a guide or training for the use of a safety relief valve. That requires the
product, codes and standard knowledge as well as understanding of physics and process. All the processes
described here assume that you are familiar with codes, standards, products and terminology.

2. System Requirements, Download and Installation

SRVSpeQ Lite software is compatible with Windows OS, with below-minimum system requirements:
Hardware Requirements
Pentium IV 1GHz Processor 1 Gb RAM minimum 500-MB free disk space required on the system drive.
Software Requirements
Windows XP or Windows 7. SRVSpeQ Lite software is available on:

Channel Connect Portal available to GE's Channels and GE's internals under
section Online Tools/ SRVSpeQ

M&C Download Center Public portal

Download the installation from the link and save it to your PC. Do not click the Run button from the download
dialog. Click only the Save As button. Once downloaded, use the Right Click, Run as Administrator option on
all installations and updates.

Once the program is installed, a shortcut to the desktop on the taskbar is created; both launch the program.

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3. Getting Started with SRVSpeQ Functions

Upon starting the application, the system appears with three major sections, showing a dashboard with
saved projects.
Menu Bar

Project List

Item List

3.1 Menu Bar

The Menu Bar provides various options for executing different features or functionality

The following menus are available on the application menu bar:

1. Project
2. Line Item
3. Library
4. Preferences
5. Reports
6. Help

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3.2 Project Functions: create, edit and manage projects

Project dropdown functions are shown here:

Create a new project. Once the functionality is recalled, a form with project data appears for user entry.
Information flagged with a red asterisk * is mandatory.

Save project. (The same function appears on right bottom after clicking Add.)

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Lists existing projects (the screen appears at Startup). Note that the project grid has a check box on the left
side for selecting a project.

By clicking one of the projects listed, the SRVSpeQ program shows the list of the items pertaining to project
This screen also allows you to manage project information data by editing or deleting the project using two
buttons located on the right side.
Edit / Delete project button

This function copies a project and is enabled only after project selection. (The checkbox is on the left side.)

This function deletes a project and is enabled only after project selection. (The checkbox is on the left side.)

Quick Size Template

This function creates a template that can be imported into new or existing projects.
The function of template creation follows the same steps of valve sizing and selection and will be described
in Chapter 4.
The only addition to sizing and selection is that you must define the name of the template for further recall.

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This function filters existing project database findings specified by given parameters. When recalled, a menu
appears with three parameters to be configured:

The three variables to be configured are:

Columns: Project Number, Project Name, Client, Date


Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With

Equals, Does Not Equal, On or Before, On or After (Date Only column)

Value: Free text to be searched

After the above have been defined, click the Add button to apply the filter.
Example: Look for all projects quoted after 20th January.

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Once Apply is clicked, a list of projects appears.

This function exits from the program.
For quick access, major functions of the Project Menu are reported on the second row of the Menu Bar.
Those refer to the same functions in the Project dropdown menu.

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3.3 Add, edit and manage line items

Line item functions appear only after the selection of a project. A project must be selected before this menu
can be enabled.

To open a project, double click on the corresponding row.

Double Click

Once a project is recalled, the first screen to appear is the Project Information tab, which can be edited.

Line Item dropdown functions are shown here:

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 11

Add (Pressure Relief Valve)

Add a new valve. Once the functionality is recalled, the system recalls the Sizing & Selection tab. The sizing
and selection will be separately addressed in this manual in section 4.3.

This function saves the current line item and is enabled only when a line item is selected.

This function copies and pastes as the last item the current line item and is enabled only when a line item is

This function deletes the current line item and is enabled only when a line item is selected.

These functions are not enabled for the Lite version.

Import Template
This function imports a template previously created with the Quick Size function.
Once recalled, a pop-up menu appears recalling a list of existing templates. The template to be imported
must be selected through the left check box, then imported through the Import button.

This message will show the result of the import process.

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This option is used to cancel the selected line item. A canceled item is visible in the project but does not
appear in print. This option is used for items on hold from the customer. Note that the message below will

3.4 Library
Library allows to save templates as complete valves (see paragraph 3.2, Quick Size Template) or as Notes to
be associated with single items that can be stored and recalled.

Notes Library
A Note is a free-text description shown on a data sheet that can be saved as a template to be used for
different items or projects. Once the Notes Library is recalled, the following screen appears:

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Under the field Enter New Note, you may fill the free text you want as the template. Once texted and saved,
the system shows a line template with a description.

Each note can be viewed by recalling the View Note button on the right side. The Delete button allows you to
delete a previously saved item note.
View Note
Delete Note

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To edit a note, recall it from View Note.

Then edit the description and Save. The sizing note will appear edited.

A template is a valve that is already configured and can be added to a specific project.
A template can be created to the Quick Size function under the Project menu and also from the Template
menu that appears as follows:
Each saved template can be copied to the current project (quote), edited or deleted through three buttons on
the right side of each template line.
Template to

Edit Template


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Other available functions are:

Find Template
This function allows you to filter the template through these parameters:

Sizing Method
From Date (Calendar appears)
To Date (Calendar appears)
Once all data is entered, the Find button allows you to filter out the template under the above conditions.

Add (Template)
This function recalls the same Quick Size function under the Project menu.

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3.5 Dynamic Searching Feature

This searching feature allows you to search data within the database and changes the type of search if
youre at the Project or Item level.
If on the Project level (e.g., you are not yet working in a specific project, but are visualizing the project list),
searching filters are:

Project Number
Project Name
If you are within a specific project, searching features are:

Tag No.
Results allow editing of additional data:

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3.6 Set SRVSpeQ under your preferences

SRVSpeQ can be set to define preferences while working.
There are two kinds of preferences:

These are the general user preferences and apply on all projects.

Project preferences are defaults that override the user preferences and will applied for the specific/current
project only.
User preferences are defaulted to project preferences whenever a new project is created.
It is strongly recommended that you set user preferences at least for the most common UOM; this will allow
for quick data entry.
Tip: Use tab on keyboard. The SRVSpeQ software will navigate from the first dropdown menu on the top left to
the bottom. Use the arrow keys to change the selection on the dropdown menu.

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Here is an example of a minimum set of user preferences that can be defined.

My Settings
This panel allows you to save the user information that will be displayed on documentation generated by the
SRVSpeQ software. It is strongly recommended that you populate this.

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3.7 Reports to generate technical documentation

This option generates the standard documentation associated with the project or quote.
The following screen is displayed on the Call of Report option.
All items within the project are listed on the left view, and available reports are listed on the right view.
Available reports are grouped and listed by category.
The list displays the items logical line number in the project file and the description of the item as configured.
You can select one or more line items from the list.

Project No.
This dropdown menu allows you to select a specific project and appears pre-populated with the current
project if recalled from the project and not from the Main Menu.

Line No.
To select multiple line items listed sequentially, select the starting line item and, holding the Shift key, click on
the line item to indicate the end of selection. To select multiple line items not in a sequence, click on the first
line item and, holding the Ctrl key, click on the other line items that are required.

Select All will select all reports, while checking individual reports will select only those chosen.

Generate Report / Options

The Size and Language option will set the unit of measure to be shown on documentation with respect to
valve size.

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Print Options and exporting in different formats

Once Generate Report is clicked, the SRVSpeQ program shows a preview of documentation, and a Menu Bar
appears on top.


Print Layout


The Export button allows you to save in various formats (Excel, Word, PDF). However, a more immediate
button, Export to PDF Book, allows you to generate a PDF document in a more direct way.

3.8 Reports Examples

Technical Summary
This list includes all valves with TAG, Model, Size, Orifice Area, Pressure, Connection and Weight.

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Valve Data Sheet

The Valve Data sheet, also known as the Sizing & Selection Report, contains all technical information of sized
valves with calculation input and output.

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Calculation Sheet
This contains the equation used for sizing as well as the numerical results from that equation.

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Vessel Calculation Sizing and Selection Report

These reports are generated when vessel calculations are invoked (see paragraph 4.3.4).

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Vessel Calculation - Calculation Sheet

These reports are generated when vessel calculations are invoked (see paragraph 4.3.4).

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DIERS Method Sizing and Selection Report

These reports are generated when the DIERS Method is selected (see paragraph 4.3.1).

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DIERS Method Calculation Sheet

These reports are generated when the DIERS Method is selected (see paragraph 4.3.1).

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4. Sizing a Safety Relief Valve

Before sizing a safety relief valve, you should have created a project (see section 3.2) and set up the
preferences (see section 3.5).
Once a project is added and created, a line item must be added through the Line Item/Add/Safety Relief
Valve button or through the Visual button on the Menu Bar.

When a line item is added, the SRVSpeQ program shows a screen with four tabs:

Item Data
Item Defaults
Sizing & Selection
Each tab has a green or red point.

The green point indicates that user intervention is not required; the red point indicates that you must
complete actions or that you have pending actions to take before validating sizing and selections.
The SRVSpeQ program shows as default the Sizing & Selection screen.

4.1 Item Data

The Item Data tab contains information that is pre-populated from the Project or Sizing & Selection tab,
although it can be overridden.
The Notes box contains a free text notepad that allows you to create free text notes that will be included in
the Sizing & Selection Report.
The Item No., Tag No., and Qty. can be entered directly by the Sizing & Selection screen, and the SRVSpeQ
software will synchronize that data with the Sizing and Selection screen.

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Notes has a similar box in the Sizing & Selection screen. However, a different text can be added and, if both
Notes are populated, the SRVSpeQ program will report both Notes on the Sizing & Selection Report.

4.2 Item Defaults

Item Defaults shows the default from project preferences.

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Tip: Use tab on keyboard. The SRVSpeQ program will navigate from the first dropdown menu on the top left to
the bottom. Use the arrow keys to change the selection on the dropdown menu.

Capacity/Area Safety Factor

You can oversize and shift the capacity calculated. If the initial selected capacity/area is within the
percentage of the required capacity/area, the next larger valve orifice will be selected.

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4.3 Sizing & Selection

Sizing & Selection requires you to fill the following sub sections in this order:

General Information
Valve Data
Service Conditions
Fluid Data
Next, proceed with BOM and additional configurations.

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4.3.1 General Information

Tip: Use the tab on the keyboard. The SRVSpeQ program will navigate from the first dropdown menu on the
top left to the bottom. Use the arrow keys to change the selection on the dropdown menu.

Tag No./Item No. /Spec. Sheet No.

These are a free text field. The Tag No. and Spec. Sheet No. indicate the Tag number provided by the
customer. The Item No. may be required by the customer or you can define it. It is recommended that you
use a numeric to have the best view into the Report List.

This indicates the quantity of valves, and is a numeric field only.

P & ID No.
This is a free text field and indicates the P & ID number provided by the customer.

This is a free text field and indicates the location provided by the customer.

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Sizing Method
Possible options are:

The system will filter out the available valve selection and, for DIERS, the Fluid Data to match the Sizing
Method with the valve series:
(Gas /Vapour)

Sizing Method

Product Line

(Liquid / Gas / Vapour)


(Two Phase )
























IBR Verification
This check box enables verification according to Indian Boiler Regulation.

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4.3.2 Valve Data

This section varies according to the Sizing Method previously selected, as an option may not be available.
The option not available appears to be grey shaded.
Option available:

Option not available:

Valve Series
This defines the available valve series according to the Sizing Method.

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Valve Design
This defines the available design option based on the valve series:
Product Line

Design Options

Product Line













All Others

Options not available

Note: After you have selected a series and design, if you change the valve series, the SRVSpeQ software will
default the design option to Conventional.

P/T Rating
This defines the Rating Standard on which the rating check is performed. The options are ASME or API when
Product Line

P / T Rating Options

1900 / 3900


All Others



Orifice Calculation
This defines Orifice Calculation options, which are ASME or API when available:
Product Line

Orifice Calculations Options

1900 / 3900


All Others



Rupture Disc CCF (Only ASME VIII / DIERS)

This defines the Combination Capacity Factor (CCF) of Rupture Disc, and is provided by the customer. Typical
values are:

1 (system without Rupture Disk)

0,9 (system with Rupture Disk, typical from ASME)
Close to 0.9 (system with Rupture Disk, when required by the customer)
UM Design (1900 Only)
This allows you to select the Universal Media Design trim.

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ASME B31.1 P/T Limit (1700/2700 Only)

This check box performs a rating check according to ASME B31.3 only.

Size, Type, Rating and Facing Configurator

The information here is filled with data provided by the customer. The SRVSpeQ software will determine if
that data is consistent with the calculation results and provide feedback in case of discrepancy.
Facing legend:

Rf: Raised Face

Rtj: Ring Joint
Lm: Large Male
Sm: Small Male
Lf: Large Female
Sf: Small Female
Lt: Large Tongue
St: Small Tongue
Lg: Large Groove
Sg : Small Groove
Lj: Lens Joint
Bw: Butt Weld
Rs: Raised Face / Serrated
Ff: Flat Face
This dropdown menu selects the Material Construction Variation as defined in the Consolidated valve catalog
from GE.
Once this option is defined, all valve parts will be defined accordingly.
The ASME VIII valve series will show Material Class as code, where CC is the Carbon Steel Standard.
The ASME I valve series will show Material Class as code or body material, depending on the product line.
Product Line

Material Option

1700 / 3500

Trough Body Material

All other products

Defined by class code

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Pilot Material (pilot valves only)

This dropdown menu selects the Pilot Material Construction Variation as defined in the Consolidated catalog
from GE. Once this option is defined, all pilot valve parts will be defined accordingly.

Part of Set/Low Set of Group (ASME I only)

Drum application requires multiple valve installations. By clicking the Part of Set option, the SRVSpeQ
software performs the calculation of multiple valves on the boiler.
Low Set of Group is the lowest set pressure that the system considers.
Note: Low Set of Group UOM appears after it is selected in the Service Conditions pressure unit.

4.3.3 Service Conditions

This section varies according to valve data previously selected; some options may not be available.

This defines the pressure values and relevant UOM to size a valve. Based on the definition below, the
SRVSpeQ software makes a consistency check, giving feedback in case some entered data does not match
the expected value.

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This is an example of pressure consistency feedback.

Note: Unit of Measure is dynamic and converts values in to different unit. Example, if you put 1 bar than
change UOM to psig, system will turn it automatically to 14.5 psig.

Operating Pressure: Gauge pressure to which the valve normally is subjected in service
Set Pressure: Gauge pressure for which the safety valve has been adjusted to open under service

MAWP: Maximum Allowable Working Pressure at a designed temperature

P1 using MAWP: Flowing pressure calculated using MAWP pressure instead of Set pressure
Built Up: Pressure developed at outlet of valve as a result of flow
Total Back Pressure: Calculated by SRVSpeQ as result of all the above back pressures
Barometric: Pressure exerted by the atmosphere at a given point. If not defined by the customer, it needs
to be set at 1.0133 Bar(a). Note that this value is only expressed in absolute UOMs

Back Pressure (only ASME VIII and DIERS Sizing Method):

Superimposed Min: Minimum value of back pressure, e.g., minimum pressure in the discharge before valve

Superimposed Max: Maximum value of back pressure, e.g., maximum pressure in the discharge before
valve opens
Note: To set Constant Superimposed, define minimum pressure value. To set Variable Superimposed, define
minimum/maximum pressure value and/or maximum pressure value.

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This defines the temperature values and relevant UOM-to-size valve.

Operating Temperature: The temperature the valve is normally subjected to while in service
Relieving Temperature: The temperature of fluid at discharge
Design Temperature: Maximum allowable temperature
Calculation of Saturated Steam Temps
The utility calculates the Operating, Relieving and Design Temperature of saturated steam based on the
Operating, Set and MAWP Pressures.

Note: This tool is independent from Fluid Data defined; check that Steam is selected.

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4.3.4 Sizing Basis

This defines the basis of calculation and can be:

Area (Area value and UOM is required)
Note that the SRVSpeQ software can oversize the value required through a setting in the Item Defaults tab
(see paragraph 4.2). EN ISO 4126 (ASME VIII only)

This check enables the calculation according to EN ISO 4126. The maximum vessel accumulation is to be
defined by the applicable local regulation or directive; however, if there is a need for multiple pressure relief
devices, one device must be set at no higher than the maximum allowable pressure set forth by local
Any additional devices can be set up to a maximum of 5% above this maximum allowable pressure.
In case of fire, these set pressures may be higher than 105% of the maximum allowable set pressure.

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 42 Fire Sizing (ASME VIII / DIERS only)

This check box enables the calculation of the accumulation according to ASME VIII rule, reporting on Sizing &

Report the correspondent value.

Fire sizing checkbox not selected

Single Valve
Accumulation is set to 10% over the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP).
Multiple Valves
When multiple PRVs are required, the accumulation is set to 16 % above the MAWP.

Fire sizing checkbox selected

Single Valve
Accumulation is set to 21 percent over the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP).
Multiple Valves
When multiple PRVs are required, the primary valve can again be set no higher than the MAWP. Any
supplemental valve can be set to open at a pressure 10 percent above the MAWP.
The overall vessel accumulation that is allowed by the Code is now 21 percent. Vessel Data (ASME VIII and Fire Sizing only)

This performs the calculation required by API in case an open fire occurs around equipment or vessels, and
heat will be absorbed by anything in contact with flames, such as vessels.
The sizing appears only if Fire Sizing is checked.

The form depends on Fluid State in Fluid Data, so Environmental factor, Latent Heat or % Wetted Surface
Area are enabled only if required by the fluid status (gas/liquid) in Normal and Fire State condition.
Those conditions must be set on the Fluid Data form.

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Vessel Type
It can be cylindrical or spherical.

Environmental Factor (liquid only)

See table here below:

Surface Area Units

These can be m2 or Ft2.

Latent Heat (liquid only)

This is defined by the customer.

Vessel Area
This method is an alternative to the Vessel Dimension form. Total area must be entered.

% Wetted Surface Area (liquid only)

This indicates what part of the area is exposed to liquid before size with fire case.

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Vessel Dimension
This method allows for entering the Vessel Geometric data:

Length (seam to seam, so hemispherical or ellipsoidal flat ends height are not to be accounted)
Height above ground
Percentage full (liquid height from bottom of vessel)
Position (vertical/horizontal)
Vessel ends (flat/hemispherical/ellipsoidal)
Once entered, the SRVSpeQ software will calculate the Vessel Area.

Fire Protection
Available options are Yes or No.

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4.3.5 Fluid Data

The Fluid Data defines the Fluid properties.

A fluid database with defined properties is loaded in the SRVSpeQ program to default the values; however,
you can override those properties by simply typing required data where designated.

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In case of Vessel Fire Sizing, capacity is not allowed (the system will size the SRV based on vessel and not on
capacity) and state of fluid after fire is required for liquids.

4.3.6 DIERS Data

If the DIERS Method is recalled from the Sizing Method, Fluid Data must be entered with a dedicated input.
Data is to be provided by customers. Three alternatives methods must be chosen:

C2.1 Direct integration of the Isentropic Nozzle Flow

C2.2 Two-phase flashing or non-flashing flow
With reference to API RP 520 8th edition, this method can be used in following cases:
Two-phase system (saturated liquid and saturated vapor) enters the PRV and flashes. No
non-condensable1 gas present. Also includes fluids both above and below the thermodynamic
equilibrium point in condensing two-phase flow.
Example: Saturated liquid/vapor propane system enters PRV and the liquid propane flashes.

Two-phase system (highly subcooled2 liquid and either non-condensable gas, condensable
vapor or both) enters PRV and does not flash.
Example: Highly subcooled propane and nitrogen enters PRV and the propane does not flash.

C2.3 Sub-cooled liquid at the PRV inlet

With reference to API RP 520 8th edition , this method can be used when subcooled (including saturated)
liquid enters PRV and flashes. No condensable vapor or non-condensable gas are present.
Example: Subcooled propane enters PRV and flashes.

A non-condensable gas is a gas that is not easily condensed under normal process conditions. Common
non-condensable gases include air, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and
hydrogen sulfide.
The term highly subcooled is used to reinforce that the liquid does not flash passing through the PRV.

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4.3.7 Size
Clicking the Size button will have the SRVSpeQ program run the calculation of the valve, sizing it under the
product line defined in Valve Series with best size matching process conditions.
Valve Size can be different than required in Valve Data/Size if capacity is not matched.

At sizing of the valve, SRVSpeQ will recall a new screen, Select Accessories and Option.

4.4 Select Accessories and Option

This screen appears after sizing is performed and shows the valve sized according to data you entered.
Note: Configure step also is required.

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4.4.1 Selection Summary

The Model No. is not populated until the valve is fully configured. Tag No. and Set Pressure indicated here are
the only information that cannot be set on this screen; you must go back to Sizing & Selection and change
Sizing Notes is a free text note that can be entered here (see also paragraph 4.1).

Multi-valve Sizing
This option allows for multi-valve sizing. There is no mandate in Section VIII that requires the use of multiple
relieving devices, but in some applications the required capacity to be relieved may be too much for a single
relieving device.

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The SRVSpeQ software needs to have an orifice entered.

Then, a list of suitable orifices associated to their relevant discharge values appears.

Once the orifice is selected, the selection screen appears again, asking you to enter the information of the
second valve having the process repeated. Note that the Tag No. here can be edited.
The SRVSpeQ software calculates the Capacity for the current valve and the Total Actual Capacity.

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4.4.2 Valve Configuration and Variables

Tip:Valve Configuration shows the Configuration required by Sizing and allows you to change Type, Rating
and Facing if further modification is required. The SRVSpeQ software also reports Capacity, Area and Orifice
The Variables calculations are informational only.

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4.4.3 Accessories and Options

This screen allows you to select options allowable for the sized series. This screen is dynamic, and only
applicable options will appear.

4.4.4 Errors/Warnings
This screen shows warnings and errors from sizing.

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 53

4.5 Configure Parts/Material

This screen is recalled from the Configure button on the Select Accessory and Option screen.
You can go into the detail of BOM and validate or change the option.

When multiple options exist under the same construction class (see Piston O-Ring Material on the above
screen), first enter the value before accepting BOM.
Note: Accept BOM step also is required.
Once BOM is accepted, the system will return the Model No. in the Select Accessory and Option screen.

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 54

4.6 Drawings
The SRVSpeQ program can preview drawings at Item level, having details of the Main valve, Pilot (if any) and
The Print button allows for exporting in PDF.

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 55

5. Sizing Error Messages

As shown below, the SRVSpeQ software has an internal check on sizing errors that also reports actions to be
followed to fix sizing.
Although other messages exist throughout the program regarding operational errors or input validation,
those are included in-line with the code and not reported here, since they are not useful for sizing purposes.

Message Description


The combination of design pressure and design temperature

exceeds the allowable limits for the base material specified.
Select a different base material or reduce the design pressure
and/or design temperature.

Select a different base material or

reduce the design pressure and/or
design temperature.

The ratio of the flowing backpressure to the set pressure

exceeds the allowable value for the bellows/backpressure

Revise backpressures or change

valve type.

The value of total backpressure exceeds the 19000 series total

backpressure limit of [percentage defined by specific

Revise backpressures or change

valve type.

The ratio of total backpressure to set pressure exceeds the

limit of [percentage defined by specific calculation] for this
valve type.

Revise backpressures, or set or

change valve type.

At the indicated flowing pressure and relieving temperature

conditions, the fluid will be STEAM instead of WATER. Please
revise the fluid data or pressure/temperature data.

Revise the fluid data or

pressure/temperature data.

At the indicated flowing pressure and relieving temperature

conditions, the fluid will be WATER instead of STEAM. Please
revise the fluid data or pressure/temperature data.

Revise the fluid data or

pressure/temperature data.

Per API 520, only the amount of the vessel within 25' of grade
is required to be fire-protected. Therefore, based upon the
value in the Height Above Grade field, no valve is required for
this application.

Valve not required for this


The operating pressure/set pressure ratio is incorrect. This is

causing a relieving temperature that exceeds the maximum
recommended vessel wall temperature per API RP 520.

Revise operating pressure or set


The relieving temperature is above [percentage defined by

specific calculation], which is out of range for calculating the
superheat correction factor Ksh. Please revise the temperature
and resize.

Revise the temperature and


Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 56


Message Description



The viscosity exceeds the clean service pilot valve limit of

above [percentage defined by specific calculation], and the set
pressure is too high for the dirty service option. Please reduce
the set pressure or viscosity, or select another valve type.

Reduce the set pressure or

viscosity, or select another valve


Due to the pressure, backpressure, or temperature inputs, the

valve type selected cannot be used in this application. Check
input for accuracy or select another valve type.

Select another valve type.


The combination of flowing pressure and relieving

temperature indicates that the fluid is supercritical steam.
Please reduce the set pressure and/or relieving temperature,
or resize under ASME Section I and select a 1700, 2900-40, or
3500 series valve.

Reduce the set pressure and/or

relieving temperature, or resize
under ASME Section I and select a
1700, 2900-40, or 3500 series


A bellows design has either been selected or is required due to

backpressure conditions.

Select bellows design.


The 19096M-BP design is required due to the backpressure

and has been automatically selected.

Change design to 19096M-BP


Unable to size heat exchanger because the value of volume

necessary to refill main valve dome could not be retrieved.

Revise selected temperatures.


The set pressure exceeds the limit for the required heat
exchanger. Please reduce the set pressure and resize.

Reduce the set pressure.


Too many heat exchangers required for this valve. Please

verify process data.

Revise selected temperatures and

verify process data.


Invalid O-ring material specified.

Specify O-ring material.


Unable to retrieve O-ring pressure limits.

Specify different O-ring material.


Unable to retrieve O-ring temperature limits.

Specify different O-ring material.


A valve solution could not be determined for the given service

conditions, using the desired valve configuration. Please
modify the desired valve configuration or verify the service

Verify the service conditions.


The operating pressure to set pressure gap is too small.

Verify the service conditions.


An O-ring soft seat design is required due to the operating

pressure-to-set pressure ratio. However, the set pressure or
operating temperature exceeds the tolerances of all available
O-ring materials.

Verify the service conditions or

contact engineering if soft seat is

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 57


Message Description



The set pressure is out of range. The maximum set pressure

allowed for this valve is [percentage defined by specific

Revise set pressure or change

valve type.


A bellows design is required for the T2 material variation and

has been selected.

Select bellows design.


For this set pressure and relieving temperature, the fluid state
is flashing (two-phase) in the valve outlet. The built-up
backpressure due to the flashing may cause the selection of a
bellows/BP design.

Select bellows design.


Based on the preliminary fluid data, DIERS sizing methods

cannot be used. Please revise the fluid data or resize using
standard sizing methods.

Revise the fluid data or resize

using standard sizing methods.


The combination of design pressure and design temperature

exceeds the allowable limits for the nozzle material specified.
Select a different nozzle material or reduce the design
pressure and/or design temperature.

Select a different nozzle material

or reduce the design pressure and
or design temperature.


Due to the ratio of total backpressure-to-set pressure, multiple

valves are required in order to calculate an appropriate
backpressure correction factor.

Size with multiple valves.


A valid supercritical correction factor (Ksc) could not be

obtained, because the flowing pressure and/or relieving
temperature is out of range.

Verify the service conditions.


The required valve pressure class exceeds the limit of 600# for
the Cryogenic Trim design.

Verify the service conditions.


Please consult factory for heat exchanger sizing.

Please consult factory for heat

exchanger sizing.


Relieving temperature has been increased to the minimum

value required for steam sizing.

Verify the service conditions.


A bellows design is required for the HA material variation and

has been selected.

Select bellows design.


An O-ring soft seat design is required due to the operating

pressure-to-set pressure ratio. However, the set pressure or
operating temperature exceeds the tolerances of the o-ring
material required by the HA variation.

Verify the service conditions or

contact engineering if soft seat is


The flowing pressure and/or relieving temperature is out of

range for calculating the superheat correction factor Ksh.
Please revise the pressure/temperature and resize.

Verify the service conditions.

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 58


Message Description



Unable to retrieve 3500 orifice information.

Verify the service conditions.


The input viscosity value has produced an invalid viscosity

correction factor. Please reduce the viscosity and resize.

Verify the service conditions.


Either the operating, relieving, or design temperature has

exceeded the temperature limits (%0 to %1) of the %2 series.

Verify the service conditions.


The operating pressure exceeds the valve design limitation of

[percentage defined by specific calculation] of the set

Revise the operating/set pressure.


The operating pressure exceeds the recommended limit of

[percentage defined by specific calculation] of set pressure.

Revise the operating/set pressure.


A pressure class greater than 900# is required, but Monel

flanges are limited to 900# by ASME Code Case 1750. Please
reduce the pressure/temperature or select a different base

Reduce the pressure/temperature

or select a different base material.


The 19000 series cannot currently be sized for Steam under

IBR. It may only be sized for Water.

Change valve type.


The maximum pressure for the 1900-UM design on steam

service is [percentage defined by specific calculation]. Please
revise the set pressure and/or MAWP.

Revise the set pressure and/or



An input value is required in the specific gravity field.

Input value in the specific gravity



A screwed or packed cap is required due to process

conditions; however the 1982 series is currently unavailable
with a screwed or packed cap on gas/steam service due to a
capacity issue. Please consider a 19000 series valve as an

Change valve type.


Only lb/hr and kg/hr may be used for capacity units on Steam.

Change UOM.


The 1900-UM design is currently not available for Steam


Change valve type.


Minimum design temperature for this application is

[percentage defined by specific calculation]. Please increase
the design temperature or revise other service conditions.

Increase the design temperature

or revise other service conditions.


Low-temperature material variations are only available below

-20 deg F (-28.9 deg C). Please select a different material
variation or enter a lower temperature value.

Select a different material

variation or enter a lower
temperature value.

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 59


Message Description



The 19000 L3 material variation is only available below -150

deg F (-101.1 deg C). Please select a different material
variation or enter a lower temperature value.

Select a different material

variation or enter a lower
temperature value.


High-temperature material variations are only available above

1000 deg F (537.8 deg C). Please select a different material
variation or enter a higher temperature value.

Select a different material

variation or enter a higher
temperature value.


An O-ring soft seat design is required for the selected valve.

However, the set pressure or operating temperature exceeds
the tolerances of all available O-ring materials.

Revise the operating/set pressure.


Specific heat ratio (k) value has caused an invalid outlet

temperature to be calculated. Please modify the specific heat
ratio input so that it is greater than 1.

Select k greater than 1.


Valve set pressure exceeds pressure restrictions of China

manufacturing license. Please reduce the set pressure and

Reduce set pressure.


You have selected a nonstandard outlet rating. The outlet will

be configured as fully-rated if you select it on the sizing input
page, even if a lower rating is sufficient. If you intend to select
a mating-only outlet, please return to the sizing input.

Revise the outlet rating.


Only AIR or STEAM can be sized for this valve type.

Revise valve type or fluid type.


Relieving temperature and/or design temperature have been

increased to the minimum value for steam sizing.

Informational message


Sizing for supercritical flowing pressure in combination with

subcritical relieving temperature cannot be performed above
[percentage defined by specific calculation]. Please revise
pressure and/or temperature input.

Revise pressure and/or

temperature input.


The 19000 H pressure class is required due to the design

pressure, but is not available for the given design temperature.
Please decrease the design pressure or increase the design
temperature, or select a different valve series.

Decrease the design pressure or

increase the design temperature
or select a different valve series.

Consolidated* Pressure Relief Valve Sizing and Configurator User Manual | 60

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