Pokemon White 2 Walkthrough

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Pokmon Black Version 2
Pokmon White Version 2
An FAQ/Walkthrough
By KeyBlade999
Current Version: v2.30
| Previous Update: 7:38 AM 2/5/2016 |
/ \
/ \
Section Negative One: Donations
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_-1** |
While I do write all of my guides for free, it does take a lot of time and
effort to put them together. If you're feeling generous and want to show your
appreciation, I am gladly accepting donations. I don't know exactly what the
donations will be used for, but just know that you would definitely be helping
me make more quality FAQs! Even the smallest donation amounts are appreciated,
and are a great way to say how much you appreciate the work I do. If you do
decide you'd like to donate, please send the donations through PayPal at the
e-mail address listed below. Thank you so very much for considering this!!
By the way, this is also my contact e-mail, so if you want to contribute
something to this or any of my other FAQs, or have a question to ask about one
of them, go ahead and use this e-mail.

/ \

Section Zero: Table of Contents
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_0** |
| Using the Table of Contents: |

To skip to a particular section of the guide, first press CTRL and F at the
same time. This will bring up a dialogue box. Double-click the tag that
represents the desired section and then press CTRL and C (or right-click and
choose "Copy"). In the box, press CTRL and V (or right-click and "Paste"),
then click "Find" once or twice to arrive at the desired section.
And, yes, the tags have the accented E's to help maintain the quickness of
your finding the desired section, and they also prevent just using a normal
"E". So you'll probably want to just copy-paste the tags.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Section Title] ........................................... [CTRL+F Tag]

Donations .............................................
Table of Contents .....................................
Introduction ..........................................
Version History .......................................
Legalities ............................................


4. Pre-Credits Walkthrough ............................... **POKMON_4**

Some Quick Format Notes ............................. **POKMON_41**
Basic Badge
~ Aspertia
~ Route 19
~ Floccesy
~ Route 20
~ Floccesy
~ Floccesy
~ Aspertia

City ....................................
Town ....................................
Ranch ...................................
Town ....................................
City ....................................


Toxic Badge .........................................

~ Floccesy Town ....................................
~ Route 20 .........................................
~ Virbank City .....................................
~ Virbank Complex ..................................
~ Virbank City Gym .................................


Insect Badge ........................................

~ Virbank City .....................................
~ Route 20 .........................................
~ Virbank City .....................................
~ Castelia City ....................................
~ Castelia City's Sewers ...........................
~ Castelia City Gym ................................


Bolt Badge ..........................................

~ Castelia City ....................................
~ Route 4 ..........................................
~ Desert Resort ....................................



Relic Castle .....................................

Nimbasa City .....................................
Old Nimbasa City Gym .............................
Route 16 .........................................
Lostlorn Forest ..................................
Route 5 ..........................................
New Nimbasa City Gym .............................


Quake Badge .........................................

~ Nimbasa City .....................................
~ Route 5 ..........................................
~ Driftveil Drawbridge .............................
~ Driftveil City ...................................
~ Route 6 ..........................................
~ Chargestone Cave .................................
~ Driftveil City Gym ...............................


Jet Badge ...........................................

~ Driftveil City ...................................
~ P.W.T.: Main Area & Driftveil Tournament .........
~ P.W.T.: Team Plasma Frigate ......................
~ Relic Passage ....................................
~ Route 6 ..........................................
~ Chargestone Cave .................................
~ Mistralton City ..................................
~ Route 7 ..........................................
~ Celestial Tower ..................................
~ Mistralton City Gym ..............................


Legend Badge ........................................

~ Mistralton City ..................................
~ Lentimas Town ....................................
~ Reversal Mountain ................................
~ Undella Town .....................................
~ Undella Bay ......................................
~ Route 13 .........................................
~ Lacunosa Town ....................................
~ Route 12 .........................................
~ Village Bridge ...................................
~ Route 11 .........................................
~ Opelucid City ....................................
~ Route 9 ..........................................
~ Opelucid City Gym ................................


Wave Badge ..........................................

~ Opelucid City ....................................
~ Marine Tube ......................................
~ Humilau City .....................................
~ Humilau City Gym .................................


The Pokmon League ..................................

~ Humilau City .....................................
~ Route 21 .........................................
~ Seaside Cave .....................................
~ Team Plasma Frigate (Pokmon Black Version 2) ....
~ Team Plasma Frigate (Pokmon White Version 2) ....
~ Route 22 .........................................
~ Giant Chasm ......................................
~ Team Plasma Frigate (Pokmon Black Version 2) ....
~ Team Plasma Frigate (Pokmon White Version 2) ....



Giant Chasm ......................................

Route 23 .........................................
Victory Road (Pokmon Black Version 2) ...........
Victory Road (Pokmon White Version 2) ...........
The Pokmon League ...............................

5. Post-Credits Walkthrough ..............................

Exploring Southeastern Unova ........................
~ Aspertia City ....................................
~ Skyarrow Bridge ..................................
~ Pinwheel Forest - Inside .........................
~ Pinwheel Forest - Outside ........................
~ Nacrene City .....................................
~ Route 3 ..........................................
~ Wellspring Cave ..................................
~ Striation City ...................................
~ The Dreamyard ....................................
~ Route 2 ..........................................
~ Accumula Town ....................................
~ Route 1 ..........................................
~ Nuvema Town ......................................
~ Route 1 ..........................................
~ Route 17 .........................................
~ Route 18 .........................................
~ P2 Laboratory / Team Plasma Frigate ..............
~ Route 17 .........................................
~ Route 18 .........................................


Exploring Northwestern Unova ........................

~ Tubeline Bridge ..................................
~ Route 8 ..........................................
~ Moor of Icirrus ..................................
~ Icirrus City .....................................
~ Dragonspiral Tower ...............................
~ Clay Tunnel & Underground Ruins ..................
~ Twist Mountain ...................................


Exploring East-Central Unova ........................

~ Marvelous Bridge .................................
~ Route 14 .........................................
~ White Forest (White 2) / Black City (Black 2) ....
~ Undella Town .....................................


Hunting Down the Legendary Dragon Trio ..............

~ Victory Road .....................................
~ N's Castle .......................................
~ Dragonspiral Tower ...............................
~ Giant Chasm ......................................


Hunting Down the Sinnoh Spirit Trio ................. **POKMON_55**

Hunting Down the Four Regi Legends .................. **POKMON_56**
~ Clay Tunnel & Underground Ruins .................. **POKMON_561**
~ Twist Mountain ................................... **POKMON_562**
The Remainder: Heatran and Cresselia ................ **POKMON_57**
~ Marvelous Bridge ................................. **POKMON_571**
~ Reversal Mountain ................................ **POKMON_572**

6. Miscellaneous Quests and Stuff ........................

The Battle Subway ...................................
The Pokmon World Tournaments .......................
Pokmon Musicals ....................................
Pokstar Studio Movies ..............................
Medal Rally Medals ..................................


7. Pokdex ............................................... **POKMON_7**

8. Items Dex .............................................
Pokballs ...........................................
Pokmon Hold Items ..................................
Dungeon Items .......................................
Battle Items ........................................
Medicinal Items - HP/PP Healers .....................
Medicinal Items - Status Healers ....................
Medicinal Items - Stat Boosters .....................
Berries .............................................
Technical Machines and Hidden Machines (TMs/HMs) ....


9. Credits and Closing ................................... **POKMON_9**

/ \
/ \
Section One: Introduction
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_1** |
And welcome to my most recent FAQ/Walkthrough for the newest Pokmon game,
Pokmon Black/White Versions 2. Yep, Nintendo has finally run out of names!
Much like the first and second generations (Red/Blue/Yellow/Green and
Gold/Silver/Crystal) of years past, this game finally gives us another sort of
sequel; as much as one can really give in the Pokmon series, anyways! It took
long enough, but it is finally time to play another well-done Pokmon game!
And that means it is also time for someone to write an FAQ for it. Well, I'm
on call, so let's do this.
I hope you enjoy this FAQ!

/ \
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Section Two: Version History
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_2** |

v1.00 - Finally finished up what remained of the pre-credits walkthrough.

1:48 AM 9/23/2012
v1.10 - Finished the exploration section for south/southeast Unova. Sucks,
though, that I couldn't get the Pokmon data for the latter 2/3 of it.
I had to rush due to the English versions coming out tomorrow. Oh well.
Also changed Seigaiha to Humilau. 12:54 AM 10/7/2012
- Added the needed Pokmon lists. 4:49 PM 10/8/2012
v1.20 - Fixed the version-exclusive stuff in the pre-credits walkthrough; I
will finally get around towards finishing the post-credits tomorrow.
11:38 PM 10/10/2012
v2.00 - And the post-credits walkthrough, after fifteen exhilirating hours of
work, a few gallons of Mountain Dew, and several pounds of Hot Pockets,
is done. *checks time* Oh, crap, I gotta go to school in about half
an hour! 6:35 AM 10/12/2012
v2.10 - Added in the Miscellaneous section with Battle Subway, PWT, Musicals,
and Pokstar Studios entries, all of which should be complete.
11:58 PM 10/14/2012
v2.20 - Added in Medals to the Miscellaneous section, an Items Dex, a formal
Credits and Closing section, and fixed a few minor errors.
12:50 AM 10/16/2012
v2.30 - HUGE reformatting update, HUGE navigability update, and lots of minor
corrections here and there. Kind of odd how I call it huge, even
though it resulted in a 50 KB loss. :P 3:40 AM 2/9/2013

/ \
/ \
Section Three: Legalities
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_3** |
This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
2012-2014 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).
If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this
e-mail: keyblade999.faqs@gmail.com, or PM me on the GameFAQs message boards.
Allowed sites for this FAQ

Forever-Banned Sites

GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com)
| Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com) |
| SuperCheats (www.supercheats.com) |

CheatCC (www.cheatcc.com)
| Cheat Index (www.cheatindex.com) |
| Cheat Search (www.cheatsearch.com) |
| Game Express (www.gameexpress.com) |
Mega Games
| Cheats Guru (www.cheatsguru.com) |

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Section Four: Pre-Credits Walkthrough
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_4** |
Some Quick Format Notes
In this section, I will quickly describe some of the things you will notice
throughout the guide. This is often because the things within are a bit
technical or something. It pretty much all pertains to the tables in the
walkthroughs, so I don't have to explain the many paragraphs here in an area
worth only one sentence. It also helps to make a nice quick-paste "bank" to
go to when I need a chart. :)
Of course, if one thing is not in an area -- i.e., no Pokmon are in an area -you won't find a table there. Of course, if the data is incomplete or hasn't
been gathered for an area, you'll see a table marking such - basically, that
means "X" is there, but I've haven't finished "X"'s documentation.
First things first. You see that Pokball-connecting ASCII above here? That
marks a main section: Walkthrough, Pokdex, etc. The multiple-# box marks a
sub-section: for the most part, different badges and such. Each has a CTRL+F
tag associated with it. Further down on the levels is a town and such, marked
by an 80-character === header. And, if I do decide to go down to something
like the floors of a cave or something, you'll see something like <== B2F ==>.
The latter header rarely will have CTRL+F tags associated with them unless it
is to skip a long sidequest.
That's about it. Now, onto the many tables of my FAQ. Note that information
within the tables is likely to be false just to display the format on your end,
and to test column widths on my end. Not to mention it gives *some*
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |

| Magikarp
| Water
| 640,000 | Master Ball | 1 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Metagross | Electric/Flying | 1,250,000 | DeepSeaScale,| 2 Defense,| Both |
| Electirizer | 3 Sp.Atk. |
| Yamask
| Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
Let me explain the above table, if I may, which differs from ones I have used
in the past. This table describes the Wild Pokmon for the area. The first
column is the species name - Pikachu, Snivy, Rayquaza, whatever. The second
column is the Pokmon's Type - this is used to determine whether a move is
super-effective, not very effective, or does no damage to a certain type.
The third column tells the exact amount of EXP. it would take to get this
Pokmon straight from an Egg at Level 1 to Level 100. The fourth column shows
what items this Pokmon *MAY* hold when caught -- see the Pokdex for the
precise percentages. The fifth column shows how many Effort Values you'll gain
for defeating this Pokmon in-battle.
EVs (Effort Values) will determine the stat changes by Level 100 by raising
them off of their set values as seen in the Pokdex. By Level 100, you'll have
gained (EVs/4) points in a stat based on the number of EVs you have. Each stat
can hold up to 255 EVs (note the truncation of the EV/4 function will mean
that those extra three are useless), and 510 overall. To lower EVs, you must
eat certain berries.
Finally, the last cramped column is the version(s) for which the Pokmon is
available. "Both" means you will find the Pokmon in both versions; "B2" means
it is only in Pokmon Black Version 2; "W2" means the Pokmon is only in
Pokmon White Version 2.
Given the slight potential of a Pokmon to have multiple hold items, or EV
gains for multiple stats, whenever there are two lines, one with a species name
and the one below it blank in the species column, assume this to mean that is
the data for the same Pokmon.
Overall, there may be instances where I divide this list quite obviously into
encounter methods, which should be easy to interpret. If nothing is listed,
consider the main method of the Route to be it. For example, if a whole Route
is all grass, consider grass the primary method; if it is all water, consider
Surfing to be the main method.
| Potential Trades/Gifts \
| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |
| L100 EXP. |
| Both | Magikarp
| Reshiram
| Fire/Dragon
| 1,250,000 |
| W2 | (none)
| Farfetch'd (Gift) | Normal/Flying | 1,000,000 |
Not much unique about this. This shows the trades you may find in an area. You
will notice whether it is for Pokmon Black Version 2 ("B2") or Pokmon White
Version ("W2"), or both. You'll note the Pokmon you'll end up giving away,
the Pokmon you receive, the received Pokmon's type, and the amount of EXP.
this newly-received Pokmon will have at Level 100.
If the Pokmon is actually a gift, you'll see something more like the bottom
row of the table: "(none)" in the "Given" column, a "(Gift)" note in the
"Received" column, and all else is normal.

| Trainers' Pokmon \
Zekrom Lv. 1, Rayquaza Lv. 1, Hydreigon Lv. 1, Lapras Lv. 1,
Arceus Lv. 1, Magikarp Lv. 100
Snivy Lv. 50 (x5), Serperior Lv. 42
Metagross, Tangrowth, Abomasnow, Dewott, Meganium, Snorlax; all Lv. 50 |
This shows the Trainers' Pokmon for an area. Each " " bullet will mark one
Trainer battle, be it a single, double, triple, or rotation battle. You will
get to see each Pokmon and their level; no strategies or anything else. If you
see a (x#) marking, that means there are # identical Pokmon of that species
and level - not necessarily anything else - so as to save space. A similar idea
comes with our third fake battle: all the Pokmon are of the same level, so I
just list the species and the level at the end.
The trainers will usually be listed in the order of their encounters as per the
walkthrough for that section. Note that this section can be multi-columned to
conserve space as is needed, so the order in those situations is left-to-right
then up-down.
| BOSS: KeyBlade999 \
| Pokmon: Arceus (Normal) Lv. 99
Serperior (Grass) Lv. 53
Kyogre (Water) Lv. 100
Froslass (Ghost/Ice) Lv. 42
Missingno. (Bird/Normal) Lv. 255
Charizard [if you chose Bulbasaur] (Fire/Flying) Lv. 100 <--, Only|
Venusaur [if you chose Squirtle] (Grass/Poison) Lv. 100 <--+- 1 |
Blastoise [if you chose Charmander] (Water) Lv. 100
| Money Earned: $999,999,999
This is a boss box. Within it is data on the boss you will fight. Firstly, you
get their Pokmon party, with their first-used Pokmon at the top, then just
going down as I noticed them in the game. You'll get their type and their
level. In the case of starters and such, you may see a "Only 1" notice; this
means that, based on conditions in the [], you may fight different Pokmon.
This can be based on your starter, or even your version of the game. If I end
up doing this box for, say, a wild Pokmon, then I'll list its level, type, and
moves in this area, instead.
Below that, you'll find the amount of money earned if you win this fight. This
is just the money, and doesn't account for the Amulet Coin. This is not found
in special encounters in the wild, and should be replaced with EV gains.
Below the === line is further data. For example, I typically will detail the
Pokmon's weaknesses and immunities. Sometimes, I will also note abilities and
stuff about the Pokmon's moves if it is noteworthy or the battle is just
hard. I will also try my best to give recommendations for who to use and how
in the fight, typically at the end of the "strategy".

| Treasures Checklist \
| Master Ball ................... [] | Max Revive .................... [] |
| Quick Claw .................... [] |
Pretty simple. This is an alphabetical listing of the treasures in the area.
It makes a handy checklist if you decide to print this FAQ out. They can be
double- or triple-columned, depending on the size limitations, but the
treasures will go alphabetically left to right, then up and down.
| XYZ Town PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
This is an example of what you can expect to see in a town in which you can
buy items. This has the most variable table-header, so you'll just need to
watch out for what it says. It may not necessarily be a PokMart, and I may
list more than one table for more than one type of shop. If it is multiple
shops within a shop, I'll just use the |---...+...---| divider again.

Basic Badge
Once you begin the game, you'll meet up with the main Pokmon expert of the
Unova region, and currently, the only female one - Professor Juniper. She'll
briefly explain what Pokmon are, and how they are used by humans - sometimes
as friends, as partners, and, in your case, battle partners. You'll then have
to define the gender of the character you will play as, your name, and your
rival's name.
| During the course of the game, we'll just call him "your rival", and
| the player will obviously be called "you". Simple enough?
Afterwards, we'll begin in the world of Pokmon!
Aspertia City
| Treasures Checklist \

| Pok Ball (x10) ............... [] | Pokdex ....................... [] |

| Potion ........................ [] | Running Shoes ................. [] |
| Town Map ...................... [] |
| Potential Trades/Gifts \
| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |
| L100 EXP. |
| Both | (none)
|Snivy (Gift)<-, Only| Grass
| 1,059,860 |
| Both | (none)
|Tepig (Gift)<-+- Get| Fire
| 1,059,860 |
| Both | (none)
|Oshawott(G.)<-' One| Water
| 1,059,860 |
| Aspertia PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Greet Mail ................... $50 | Favored Mail ................. $50 |
| RSVP Mail .................... $50 | Thanks Mail .................. $50 |
| Inquiry Mail ................. $50 | Like Mail .................... $50 |
| Reply Mail ................... $50 |
Once you start in the first starting city ever, your mother will get a call
right outside of your house. After she takes it, she'll head inside, then call
you after her. Once you gain control, move over to and speak with her. Select
the top option as the dialogue progresses, then leave the house.
Outside, go up the street to the west. Eventually, you'll meet your rival and
his sister. After some conversing, the latter will leave, and your rival shall
decide to tag along. Yay. Afterwards, go towards the reddish building, the
Pokmon Center. Head up the street to the right and you'll reach the lookout.
There, your rival will stop and converse with you; after that ends, speak with
Bianca, answering "Yes" to both questions. Speak to her after the conversation
ends and you'll finally be allowed to choose one of the three Unova starters.
This will be one of the most critical decisions you make in the whole game.
Choose wisely. My evaluations:
Snivy is of the Grass type, as are its evolutions Servine (Lv. 17) and
Serperior (Lv. 36). These Pokmon are weak to Fire, Ice, Bug, Poison, and
Flying, while being advantageous over Water, Rock, and Ground. Their
Level-Up learnset is dominated mostly by Grass- and Normal-type moves,
making unfavorable situations difficult. Snivy's original stats tend to
favor the Defense and Speed stats over power, but not by much. Snivy is
fairly well-rounded, numerically, but I'd recommend Snivy only to advanced
Tepig is of the Fire type, and therefore weak to Rock, Ground, and Water.
Its evolutions, Pignite (Lv. 17) and Emboar (Lv. 36), are Fire/Fighting and
weak to Ground, Water, Psychic, and Flying. Both are advantageous over Ice,
Steel, Grass, and Bug, with the latter two also adding in another Rock,
another Steel, another Ice, and Normal. Tepig has a fairly varied moveset
containing Normal, Fire, Rock, and Dark in its level-up set, and a few
Fighting moves coming in later evolutions. Tepig's base stats are mostly
oriented towards HP and Attack, with the remainder having about 2/3 the

stat level. Overall, Tepig allows for a fair amount of challenge to the
player without over-challenging newbies and under-challenging veterans.
Oshawott is of the Water type, as are its evolutions Dewott (Lv. 17) and
Samurott (Lv. 36). Such Pokmon are weak to Electric and Grass, while
being advantageous over Fire, Rock, and Ground, and being one of only a few
types that deal regular damage to Steel (which resists around 11 types). Its
Level-Up moveset is predominantly Normal- and Water-typed moves, though
there is more variation versus Snivy. Oshawott's base stats peak in Special
Attack, which is good, being Water-typed; HP and Attack take the second-best
stats of them. Overall, Oshawott is perhaps the best for newbies to the
After choosing, you'll also get to give your Pokmon a nickname, if you want;
it doesn't particularly matter, as usual. Afterwards, Bianca hands over the
legendary Pokdex! *angels go "Ahhhh..."* This magnificent device contains
data on all 649 Pokmon of the known universe. Yes, I said "contains" - if you
catch a Pokmon, it somehow either figures the stuff out itself or already
knew it and shows it to you. You figure out which is more likely. :P
After you finish talking, head back downstairs and you'll be stopped by your
rival. He'll get his own starter Pokmon (Tepig if you got Snivy, Oshawott if
you got Tepig, Snivy if you got Oshawott) and his Pokdex. Awww... You know
what that means? After heading downstairs, you'll be stopped and have to have
a fight!
| BOSS: Pokmon Trainer [Rival's Name] \
| Pokmon: Snivy [if you chose Oshawott] (Grass) Lv. 5 <--,
Tepig [if you chose Snivy] (Fire) Lv. 5
<--+- Only one
Oshawott [if you chose Tepig] (Water) Lv. 5 <--'
| Money Earned: $580
| In all honesty, this is really just a bit of a practice battle, as is the |
| first one in every mainstream game. Both your and your opponent's Pokmon |
| currently only have a Normal-type damaging move (Tackle) and a move that |
| reduces Defense. So, basically, just Tackle him to death. =/
After the battle, you'll talk briefly with your rival before he leaves. Bianca
then takes you over to the Pokmon Center. There, you can hand over your
Pokmon to heal their HP, PP, and status, and even learn if the Pokmon has the
legendary Pokrus (which won't be cured! ^_^). You'll also learn of the PC,
which you use to store Pokmon - after all, you only can have six in your party
at once. You also get the basics of the PokMart nearby which is ... well, a
store. Duh.
After this, you'll get ten Pok Balls - in the other mainstream games, it is
usually just five! - before needing to leave. Outside, your mom will come up
with your rival's sister. The former will hand over the Running Shoes, and the
latter hands over the Town Map. Then, Bianca will leave and you're free to
explore around, more or less.
Go up the street east of the Pokmon Center to the gate, then go on through.
Inside here, go forward to find the person in charge of the gate; speak with
her for a free Potion. Continue north onto Route 19.

Route 19
| Treasures Checklist \
| Potion ............................................................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Patrat
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Purrloin
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Time to enter the first Route of the game, it seems. Go forward to Bianca and
she'll give you an explanation on catching Pokmon. I'll do better.
Whenever you find a Pokmon in the wild, be it on the grass, water, or
whatever, you'll probably want to catch it. You'll first want to lower its HP
as far as possible without making it go to zero - generally, 30% is the upper
barrier to go for. After that, if possible, put a status on it - any will work,
but Paralysis and Sleep are best. Statuses multiplicatively raise the catch
rate. Then toss a Pokball of some type. For now, Pok Balls will suffice but,
later on, take note of your surroundings and stock. For example, Dusk Balls
work four times better than Pok Balls at night and in caves. Food for thought.

After the tutorial, Bianca will leave and finally let us get on with business.
Go along the linear path. Eventually, past the girl, you'll be south of the
area with the boy and the Pokball item-marking. Go along to the item, a
Potion. You can also speak with the kid nearby to learn about jumping over
ledges (use the second option for a visual tutorial).
As you go along, as well, consider catching Pokmon and grinding. Patrat and
Purrloin are, in my opinion, are not superb choices except for Pokdex
completionism. However, Purrloin's moveset is full of Dark-type moves, so at
least think about getting one. Also consider grinding your starter up to around
Level 7 to learn its first typed move (aside from Normal).
Continue on towards Floccesy Town. Near the end of the Route, a red-haired man
will stop you. This is Alder, the Champion of the Pokmon League ... Well, he
was two years ago in Pokmon B/W 1. Continue along into town.
Floccesy Town
| Treasures Checklist \
| Potion ............................................................... [] |
| Floccesy PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Potion ...................... $300 |

| Greet Mail ................... $50 | Favored Mail ................. $50 |

| RSVP Mail .................... $50 | Thanks Mail .................. $50 |
| Inquiry Mail ................. $50 | Like Mail .................... $50 |
| Reply Mail ................... $50 |
First things first. Get in the habit of, whenever you enter a town, especially
a new one, enter the Pokmon Center to heal your Pokmon. Afterwards, exit and
head east. You'll speak with Alder briefly; after regaining control, go into
the first house east of the Pokmon Center and speak with the man inside for a
free Potion.
Leave said house and go north. You'll soon reach Alder for a third time; after
this, he'll stand adamantly in front of his house, refusing to let you in.
What? Like we'd steal that Level 77 Volcarona he had back in the day?
Okay, fine, we totally would. >_>
Continue along to Route 20.
Route 20
| Treasures Checklist \
| Parlyz Heal .......................................................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Patrat
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Pidove
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Purrloin
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Sewaddle
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 1 Defense | Both |
| Sunkern
| Grass
| 1,059,860 | Coba Berry | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Patrat Lv. 4
Purrloin Lv. 4
Patrat Lv. 4
Head along towards the bridge. Ignore the girl near it and challenge the
Youngster nearby for a battle. Continue on past the bridge to find a Lass. Beat
her (in battle, obviously), then head north into the grass. Snatch up the
Parlyz Heal here. Parlyz Heal heals the Paralysis status, often a side-effect
of Electric-type moves, which hinders the ability of a Pokmon to attack, and
even reduces its Speed.
Here in the grass, I'd consider catching some Pokmon. Sunkern or Sewaddle are
a must for those whose starter is Tepig (to counter Water, Rock, AND Ground).
Audino makes a nice staller early on. Dunsparce tends to be great if you can
get the right moves on 'im. Pidove is an ABSOLUTE MUST, like any Flying-type
Pokmon, early on. If you're to catch any one Pokmon here, that would have to

be it. Otherwise, grind and finish off the Pokmon of the Route. Preferably, I
would begin choosing two or three main Pokmon (I opted for my starter, who was
Tepig, Pidove, and Sunkern) to begin training in earnest. Make sure they're
around Level 7 before leaving the Route, and keep cycling them around in the
battles to maintain levels. Better options for mains come soon, so don't worry
about delaying.
Afterwards, go north out of the grass. Go west of the Hiker, over the bridge,
then north when possible. Continue along to the Floccesy Ranch.
Floccesy Ranch
| Treasures Checklist \
| Parlyz Heal ................... [] | Pok Ball ..................... [] |
| Potion ........................ [] | Potion ........................ [] |
| TM21 (Frustration) ............ [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Azurill
| Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Lillipup
| Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Mareep
| Electric
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Patrat
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Pidove
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Psyduck
| Water
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Riolu
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Purrloin Lv. 6, Sewaddle Lv. 6
Lillipup Lv. 6, Mareep Lv. 6
Patrat Lv. 6, Psyduck Lv. 6
See that patch of grass to the left? That's where you can find some Pokmon and
do some last-minute grinding. The Pokmon here are slightly stronger than on
Route 20, so it is worth it.
Any worthy catches? Heck, yes! Once Nintendo decided to let us actually get
non-Generation V Pokmon in the game, a lot of options opened up. The new ones
worth mentioning include Mareep (few Electric types will come along, period),
Psyduck (meh, there's better, but good enough if you're using Snivy), and
Riolu. Riolu is an absolute must-have. THAT is the Pokmon you want to get
here for sure, and be sure it is your main at least through the first gym,
which is coincidentally a Normal Gym.
Afterwards, head along the path north. Past the gap in the fence, you'll end up
battling your rival again! Fun!
| BOSS: Pokmon Trainer [Rival's Name] \

| Pokmon: Snivy [if you chose Oshawott] (Grass) Lv. 8 <--,

Tepig [if you chose Snivy] (Fire) Lv. 8
<--+- Only one
Oshawott [if you chose Tepig] (Water) Lv. 8 <--'
| Money Earned: $800
| Snivy is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, and Poison. Its moves consist of |
| Vine Whip (Grass), Tackle (Normal), and Leer (lowers Defense).
| Tepig is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. Its moves consist of Ember
| (Fire), Tail Whip (lowers Defense), and Tackle (Normal).
| Oshawott is weak to Electric and Grass. Its moves consist of Water Gun
| (Water), Tail Whip (lowers Defense), and Tackle (Normal).
| Recommendations: If you're against Snivy, Pidove inherently will know Gust |
| which does extra damage, so you're cool there. Versus Tepig, I'd say use |
| anything but a Grass-type. And for Oshawott? Sunkern knows Mega Drain at |
| Level 5, so he'll be your best bet there.
After the battle, some people will come up and graciously hand over a Potion.
You'll speak briefly with them, learning that their Herdiers (the evolved form
of Lillipup) were stolen; my bet is on Team Plasma. They want you and your
rival to find them and return them. Your rival swiftly leaves.
Once you regain control, speak with the girl nearby to freely heal your Pokmon.
Go on through the gate when you're reader. Go west to the north/west fork from
the fenced area. Go west, then south to find a Lass. Defeat here and move east
a few steps.
See that grassy gap between the fences running east and west? Go in there and
grab the Pok Ball at the end of the path. Return to the north/west fork, then
go along the unused path. Your rival will quickly breeze by. Catch up and pass
Go along the western path and you'll soon reach a Janitor battle. Wipe the
floor with him, then go east and downstairs. Your rival will come up, handing
over a Parlyz Heal. How nice! It seems he couldn't afford a Full Restore! After
heading down, go east and through the grass. Continue along to defeat the
Youngster with the Patrat and Psyduck.
After the battle, go south past him to find the X Attack. Go north and east
along the narrow path you could've used to avoid him. Further east, your rival
will catch up. Continue along to the Potion in the grass, then head south. You
will find a man who kidnapped a Herdier!
Go around and along the path to him. The man will get mad, then toss something.
This "something" is TM21. TM21 teaches the move Frustration. It is a move that
grows in power as your Pokmon hates you. Given that walking tends to make
Pokmon like you over time, and it is HARD to not max out Happiness by the end
of the game without trying, remember to sell it at the next PokMart.
Oh, right. You can't sell TMs in these games. Crap!
The man will flee without fighting (aww....) and the two trainers from before
come up, thanking you for rescuing their Herdier.
That's it for here. Grind for a while longer if you want, or continue back to
Route 20. Be sure to catch Riolu, Mareep, and Pidove at least before returning

back to Floccesy Town, which where you oughta go. To get there, go south across
the ledges to the beginning of the ranch, then continue onto Route 20, then go
along the western ledges into town.
Floccesy Town
| Treasures Checklist \
| Medal #001 .................... [] | Medal Box ..................... [] |
| Oran Berry (x5)................ [] |
| Floccesy PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Greet Mail ................... $50 | Favored Mail ................. $50 |
| RSVP Mail .................... $50 | Thanks Mail .................. $50 |
| Inquiry Mail ................. $50 | Like Mail .................... $50 |
| Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Panpour Lv. 9 [only if your starter is Snivy]
Pansage Lv. 9 [only if your starter is Tepig]
<--+- Only one
Pansear Lv. 9 [only if your starter is Oshawott] <--'
Pansear Lv. 9 [only if your starter is Snivy]
Panpour Lv. 9 [only if your starter is Tepig]
<--+- Only one
Pansage Lv. 9 [only if your starter is Oshawott] <--'
As you re-enter town and try to bypass Alder's crib, he'll decide to let you
inside. You'll have to do this, so heal at the Pokmon Center, shop if you
want, and enter the house.
Inside, you'll be forced into two battles, being healed in-between them. In the
first, you'll fight the Unova simian that is weak to your starter. In the
second, you'll fight the Unova simian that is advantageous over your starter.
This is an attempt to make sure you learn that just one Pokmon will never do
you any good type-wise (except Spiritomb and Sableye). You'll also receive
$360 between the two battles.
Afterwards, leave the building. Outside, you'll get the Medal Box and Medal
#001. Afterwards, he'll walk off, with Alder coming out of his house only for a
brief moment to converse.
That's about it. Go to the Pokmon Center and heal if you feel like it, then
attempt to leave town towards Route 19. As you do, Alder will come up, handing
over five Oran Berries. These items, when held in battle, will heal 10 HP of
the holder when their HP falls below 33%, and without wasting a turn! Great
for early Gyms. Go back along Route 19 to Aspertia.

Aspertia City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Basic Badge ................... [] | C-Gear ........................ [] |
| Fresh Water ................... [] | Medal #004 .................... [] |
| TM27 (Return) ................. [] | TM83 (Work Up) ................ [] |
| X Defend ...................... [] | Xtransceiver .................. [] |
| Aspertia PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Greet Mail ................... $50 | Favored Mail ................. $50 |
| RSVP Mail .................... $50 | Thanks Mail .................. $50 |
| Inquiry Mail ................. $50 | Like Mail .................... $50 |
| Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Patrat Lv. 9, Lillipup Lv. 9
Lillipup Lv. 9, Patrat Lv. 9
Once you return to Aspertia, head along to the Pokmon Center and heal and
whatnot. Also there, speak with the man next to the counter to receive Medal
#004. After you're done, exit and enter the Trainers' School to the west.
Inside, speak with the person north of the northeastern desk to get an X
Defend. Also examine the blackboard if you're new to the series and want to
learn stuff about battling - which kinda is gibberish if you're playing the
Japanese version like me. :P
Then exit the school to the north to enter the Gym... What?
Yep, for the first time ever in a Pokmon game, Black 2/White 2 make the Gym be
outdoors, and not some pseudo-garden like Celadon in the Kanto games, either!
Once you exit the school, a man, Clyde, will come up and hand over a Fresh
Water (heals 50 HP) before mentioning stuff about this Gym.
Afterwards, the Gym Leader, Cheren, one of your two rivals from the original
Black/White, will speak with you. You'll have to simply battle two trainers
and continue on to Cheren. Be sure to use the Pokmon Center before heading on
to Cheren, and perhaps even in-between the minor fights.
Then onto Cheren!
| BOSS: Gym Leader Cheren \
| Pokmon: Patrat (Normal) Lv. 11
Lillipup (Normal) Lv. 13
| Money Earned: $1,560
| Both of these Pokmon are weak to Fighting and immune to Ghost. They have |
| the moves Tackle (Normal) and Work Up (Attack boost) in common. In

| addition, Lillipup has the move Bite, which does extra damage to Ghost and |
| Psychic types. Given how STAB works, Bite is only 80% as powerful as
| Tackle (you shouldn't have Ghost or Psychic right now), so yay.
| Recommendations: Riolu all the way! It learns both Counter and Force Palm |
| at Level 11 and 15, both of which are Fighting-type moves. Force Palm will |
| have a Power of 150 in this fight, almost guaranteeing a one-hit KO, and |
| Counter returns all physical damage (e.g. Tackle, Bite). Riolu also will |
| resist Bite, so all the better!
| If Riolu somehow loses, your starter is your next best bet. Use the move |
| that it has that is of its type for a 50% damage boost. Any participating |
| Pokmon are ideally at Level 15.
After the battle, Cheren will hand over your first badge of the Unova region,
the Basic Badge. Congratulations! Throw a party or something! You'll also get
TM83 (Work Up).
Outside the Gym, you'll find Bianca again. She'll hand over TM27, which teaches
Return, which is a move that is more powerful based on how much the Pokmon
is happy - the more, the better. Cheren will also have a nice reunion with his
old friend, Bianca.
Afterwards, you'll also receive the Xtransceiver and have a four-way call, with
Person #4 being Professor Juniper. After the conversation ends, your rival
comes up. More chatting, Cheren and your rival leave, and Bianca hands over yet
another gift - the C-Gear. This allows you to do some trading. Yay?

Toxic Badge
So, we finally begun our journey towards becoming Pokmon League Champion by
dominating the Gym in our hometown of Aspertia.
Once you've won, backtrack your way to Floccesy Town.
Floccesy Town
| Floccesy PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Potion ...................... $300 | Super Potion ................ $700 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Escape Rope ................. $550 |
| Repel ....................... $350 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |

| Greet Mail ................... $50 | Favored Mail ................. $50 |

| RSVP Mail .................... $50 | Thanks Mail .................. $50 |
| Inquiry Mail ................. $50 | Like Mail .................... $50 |
| Reply Mail ................... $50 |
Once you arrive, let's consider some shopping... Well, there's not much I'd
actually consider buying except a few Great Balls and Super Potions. An Escape
Rope or two is always great to have on-hand in an emergency, though, and Repels
do stop wild_Pokmon battles for a bit. Do note that the catch rate of Great
Balls are 1.3x greater than that of a regular Pok Ball.
Also heal up at the Pokmon Center and process towards Route 20. As you do,
Bianca once again decides to stop you (I'm starting to think that she just
takes pleasure in this). Choose the bottom option to her question, then go
along, back to Route 20, once she leaves.
Route 20
| Treasures Checklist \
| Antidote ...................... [] | Dire Hit ...................... [] |
| Great Ball .................... [] | Great Ball (x2) ............... [] |
| Pecha Berry (x3) .............. [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Patrat
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Pidove
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Purrloin
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Sewaddle
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 1 Defense | Both |
| Sunkern
| Grass
| 1,059,860 | Coba Berry | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Venipede* | Bug/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense | Both |
| * - Found only in the darker grass. For all others, it won't matter.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Riolu Lv. 11
Psyduck Lv. 10
Lillipup Lv. 10
Dunsparce Lv. 11
Sunkern Lv. 9, Sunkern Lv. 9
Go along to and past the bridge. Continue north past the bridge, then into and
past the grass. Go east to the Hiker. Defeat him, then go south and downstairs.
At the bottom, defeat the moving Preschooler. Continue along afterwards to have
Cheren and your rival appear.
Cheren will explain the darker grass. This is just basically regular grass,
but with (possibly) slightly higher levels and the possibility of double
battles in the wild. Double Battles consist of you using the top Pokmon the

right list from the Pokmon menu, and the usual first Pokmon, against two
other Pokmon. Some moves will hit both opponents, some will be usable against
your partner, and single-target moves often allow target selection. During a
double battle (again, two-on-two) in the wild, you cannot throw a Pok Ball
until only one Pokmon remains.
Afterwards, Cheren will leave you a gift of three Pecha Berries before leaving.
Pecha Berries heal Poison, and do so automatically if held in battle. Go south
of where your rival is to find a Great Ball. Snatch it. Also consider catching
a Venipede in the grass here, if you want.
Go north and east to the next stairs. Use them and defeat the Preschooler at
the top. Go east and into the grass there to find an Antidote, which also will
heal Poison, but not automatically. Go around the westbound stairs and defeat
the Trainer at the top.
Go east and upstairs. At the top, go north to find a Dire Hit, which raises
your critical-hit chances. Then go up another staircase and east to find two
twins for your first Trainer double battle. Woo hoo.
Afterwards, continue along into the inter-Route gate. The guard here will hand
you two Great Balls as you go. Continue along into Virbank City.
Virbank City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Antidote ...................... [] | Burn Heal ..................... [] |
| Pok Ball (x5) ................ [] | Pok Toy ...................... [] |
| Virbank PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Potion ...................... $300 | Super Potion ................ $700 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Escape Rope ................. $550 |
| Repel ....................... $350 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Greet Mail ................... $50 | Favored Mail ................. $50 |
| RSVP Mail .................... $50 | Thanks Mail .................. $50 |
| Inquiry Mail ................. $50 | Like Mail .................... $50 |
| Reply Mail ................... $50 |
As you enter the city, you'll have to take a call from your mom. Afterwards,
continue along to the white-haired person. No, Final Fantasy fans, it is not
Sephiroth, but Roxie, the Virbank City Gym Leader. She'll speak briefly with
someone before heading off. Afterwards, continue along into the Pokmon Center.
Heal, shop, etc., leave.
Now, exploration! Or, to use the more proper terms, looting and taking

Go east, past the barred path, to find a house. Head inside and grab the Pok
Toy. Continue west outside, back to the Pokmon Center. Go south from there to
an intersection; there, head west. Go along the west side of the house and dig
through their trashcan to find an Antidote, then go inside the house and speak
with the woman for a Burn Heal.
Backtrack outside to the intersection. Head east towards the unusually small,
but lit-up, Pokmon Gym. Speak with the man in front to receive five Pok
After that, you can head into the Gym and do your business, but you'll likely
be sent out just as quickly. Go south into the Virbank Complex area for a bit
more grinding and such.
Virbank Complex
| Treasures Checklist \
| Great Ball (Trade w/Pok Ball) [] | Silk Scarf .................... [] |
| TM46 (Thief) .................. [] | TM94 (Rock Smash) ............. [] |
| X Accuracy .................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon That Are Found Outside the Complex
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Elekid
| Electric
| 1,000,000 | Electirizer | 1 Speed | W2 |
| Magby
| Fire
| 1,000,000 | Magmarizer | 1 Speed | B2 |
| Magnemite | Electric/Steel | 1,000,000 | Metal Coat | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Patrat
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Pidove
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
Pokmon That Are Found Inside the Complex
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Elekid
| Electric
| 1,000,000 | Electirizer | 1 Speed | W2 |
| Growlithe | Fire
| 1,250,000 | Rawst Berry | 1 Attack | Both |
| Koffing
| Poison
| 1,000,000 | Smoke Ball | 1 Defense | Both |
| Magby
| Fire
| 1,000,000 | Magmarizer | 1 Speed | B2 |
| Magnemite | Electric/Steel | 1,000,000 | Metal Coat | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Patrat
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| * - Found only in the shaking grass.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Lillipup Lv. 13
Woobat Lv. 13
Magby Lv. 12, Koffing Lv. 12
Patrat Lv. 12, Elekid Lv. 12

Patrat Lv. 13
Riolu Lv. 12, Lillipup Lv. 12
<== Outside ==>
So, I see we finally have some version-exclusive Pokmon here. Both Elekid and
Magby will make great additions to your team, and I highly suggest catching
them. Magnemite will be extremely critical in the next Gym, being immune to
Poison-type moves, so also be sure to catch one of them. Growlithe is another
excellent Fire-type, superior to Magby if playing Black 2. Koffing also is a
half-decent Poison-type whose ability immunizes it to ground, so not bad.
Once you arrive, go south and into the western grass, where you'll end up
finding an X Accuracy. Go along to the fork in the path and head along the
eastern path to its conclusion. There, use the stairs north of the crane to
get alongside the water. Speak with the man there and use the top option to
lose a Pok Ball ... but gain a Great Ball!
Go north and west to get behind the buildings. Continue along the path to soon
reach some stairs and run along a path between the city and some trees. At the
end of the path, face east and press the A Button to find the Silk Scarf, which
will boost the power of Normal-type moves.
Backtrack to the fork from before. There, go south into the complex itself.
<== Inside ==>
Go along the main path and south past the shiny-head dude. Past the orange pipe
above, you'll find a Youngster. Defeat him and go as far south as possible.
Defeat the nearby Lass by speaking to her. Go north and west to the stairs.
At the top, go
so long as you
way, you'll do
find a Worker.

northeast along the platforms. It is okay to walk on the pipes,

don't walk off (obviously) or stay still for too long; either
some backtracking. Continue along to the east, then south to
Defeat him in a battle.

Go down the second staircase and, at the bottom, you'll find TM46, which will
teach Thief. Go back up both staircases and head north a platform, then go to
the northernmost one. Speak with the Worker and defeat yet another poor guy.
Go west another platform, then go to the other side.
Use the next pipe to go northwest. Defeat that Youngster, then get back on the
just-used pipe. Fall off and defeat the nearby Worker.
<== The Rest ==>
That'll be it. Go south and over the ledge, then continue along until you are
out of the grass and as far south as possible. Go east to the main path. Go
back to the entrance of the area, then backtrack to the City. Grind up a bit
first to get around Level 16 - your starter may even evolve.
Also, speak with the dude you originally spoke to at the beginning of the area;
if you fought every Trainer here, you should be able to obtain TM94, Rock
Smash. How ... useful.
In the City, heal up at the Pokmon Center, maybe buy a few Antidotes, then
go south and east to the Gym.

Virbank City Gym
| Treasures Checklist \
| Fresh Water ................... [] | Toxic Badge ................... [] |
| TM09 (Venoshock) .............. [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Venipede Lv. 14, Koffing Lv. 14 |
Koffing Lv. 14, Grimer Lv. 14
Poison and a music club. Nice reference - if you don't know, there is a fairly
famous band called Poison that typically deals with hard rock and metal. That
or it is just pure coincidence. Eh... >_>
Being a Poison-type Gym, I'd come prepared with a Magnemite and/or about five
Antidotes. That's actually about all. When you enter, go downstairs and to
Clyde to be given another free Fresh Water. He'll also speak briefly on the Gym
before letting you through into the music club. Ignore the two people off-stage
as they are just random people.
Continue along onto the stage and defeat the Guitarist and the Roughneck. Go
off to the Pokmon Center and heal, then return to cleanse the poison out of
Roxie or something epic-sounding like that.
| BOSS: Gym Leader Roxie \
| Pokmon: Koffing (Lv. 16) Poison
Whirlipede (Lv. 18) Poison/Bug
| Money Earned: $2,160
| Koffing is weak to Psychic and is immune to Ground due to its ability. It |
| can use Tackle (Normal), Smog (weak Poison attack; 30 Power with STAB),
| and Assurance (Dark).
| Whirlipede is weak to Fire, Flying, Rock, and Psychic. It is able to use |
| Pursuit (Dark), Venoshock (Poison), and Protect (immune to damage).
| Recommendations: Magnemite will absolutely dominate here. It is able to
| take no damage from Smog and Venoshock, and will only take half-damage
| from the rest of the moves. There is nothing particular Magnemite should |
| be using, but note that Electric moves will get a 50% Power boost. This
| guy should do well at Level 15+. SonicBoom is a fixed damage move, by the |
| way, and something pretty good this early in the game.
| Otherwise... I guess your starter will do fine versus Koffing, unless you |
| chose Snivy; in that case, use something else. As for Whirlipede, Magby, |
| Growlithe, and Pidove should all work well. Any Pokmon used for this
| latter option should be Level 19+.
After the battle, you'll receive TM09, which teaches the decent Poison-type
move Venoshock. You'll also receive your second badge, the Toxic Badge. Don't
worry - it won't poison you!

After some more chatting, it'll be time to leave.

Insect Badge
So, two badges down. Exit the Gym so we can do stuff in Virbank.
Virbank City
| Treasures Checklist \
| HM01 (Cut) .................... [] | Super Potion .................. [] |
| Virbank PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Potion ...................... $300 | Super Potion ................ $700 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Escape Rope ................. $550 |
| Repel ....................... $350 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Patrat Lv. 14
After having earned your second badge and left the Gym, head over into the
Pokmon Center and heal and shop. Head northeast of the Center into the gate.
Previously blocked, you can now go here.
You'll end up at Pokstar Studios. On the other side of the gate, you'll find
the blocking guy, who will soon drag you all around the place. Meh. You'll get
to watch some kind of movie, and have to create your own. To do the latter,
speak with the blonde dude mext the door at the back of the studio. Pick an
option - doesn't matter which - and enjoy the fake battle. Afterwards, you're
free! Make some more movies if you want, then return to the main city of
There, be sure your Pokmon are fully healed. Then head east of the Pokmon

Center, then south on that path to reach Roxie and your rival. They seem to be
fighting the villain team of the Unova region, Team Plasma. Move on over to the
duo and speak, choosing the top option when asked. Afterwards, you'll end up
fighting a grunt.
After defeating his
There will be a bit
teaches Cut, a move
is an unexceptional

lone Patrat, the grunt will flee, followed by his friends.

more of conversation before Roxie hands over HM01. HM01
that, in the field, can cut down small trees. In battle, it

Right now, for example, you can head to the Virbank Complex and use it to cut
down a tree on the west side (I think) to find a Super Potion.
Anyways, heal up if needed, then get back onto Route 20.
Route 20
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Patrat
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Pidove
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Purrloin
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Sewaddle
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 1 Defense | Both |
| Sunkern
| Grass
| 1,059,860 | Coba Berry | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Venipede* | Bug/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense | Both |
| * - Found only in the darker grass. For all others, it won't matter.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Purrloin Lv. 14
Back here, make your way back along the Route to where the Hiker was (the first
trainer you fought on your previous trip through here). Go further west from
there to find your rival, who lost his target. *facedesk* Looks like we'll
be doing the work ourselves.
Head down the ledges to the west to return near the Route's start, then go east
and across the bridge. You'll find a female grunt nearby. Defeat her and her
lone Purrloin by speaking to her.
After the (hopefully easy) battle, the grunt flees, and your rival will speak
to you briefly before you have to head on back to Virbank City.
Virbank City
| Virbank PokMart \

| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |

| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Potion ...................... $300 | Super Potion ................ $700 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Escape Rope ................. $550 |
| Repel ....................... $350 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
Once you return here, be sure that you've Cut down the tree in the Virbank
Complex to reach the Super Potion. They are pretty useful, you know, healing
50 HP and all...
Back at the docks, you'll meet up with Roxie and a boat captain. After the
conversing ends, follow the captain into the building. Your rival is already
buying a ticket and heading aboard; select the top option in the conversation
to proceed.
After a nice scene, you'll end up in the main port city of the mainland Unova
region - Castelia City, perhaps the biggest city in Pokmon history.
Castelia City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Amulet Coin ................... [] | Bicycle ....................... [] |
| Charcoal ...................... [] | Dowsing Machine ............... [] |
| Ether ......................... [] | EXP. Share .................... [] |
| Heart Scale ................... [] | Moomoo Milk ................... [] |
| Quick Ball (x2) ............... [] | Quick Claw .................... [] |
| Rare Candy .................... [] | Revive ........................ [] |
| Scope Lens .................... [] | Soda Pop ...................... [] |
| [Status-Healing] Berry ........ [] | Timer Ball (x5) ............... [] |
| [Type-Damage +20% Item] ....... [] | TM44 (Rest) ................... [] |
| TM45 (Attract) ................ [] | TM70 (Flash) .................. [] |
| Castelia PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Potion ...................... $300 | Super Potion ................ $700 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Escape Rope ................. $550 |
| Repel ....................... $350 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |

| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |

| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Casteliacones .......... $100 each |
| Fresh Water (Vending Machine) $200 | Soda Pop (Vending Machine) .. $300 |
| Lemonade (Vending Machine) .. $350 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Clefairy Lv. 16
Pansage Lv. 14, Pansear Lv. 14, |
Pidove Lv. 17
Panpour Lv. 14
Marill Lv. 16
Growlithe Lv. 16
Budew Lv. 16
Eevee Lv. 17, Herdier Lv. 17
When you arrive, your rival will thankfully walk off. When you regain control,
go south and examine the next to the southeastern streetlight to find a Heart
Scale. Go north and away from the dock. As you do, some guy will stop you and
hand over the Bicycle. So either they don't cost $1,000,000 like they do/did
in Kanto, or this stole it and is trying to pin you for it. >_> Anyways,
this basically is a super-fast walk. Enjoy.
<== Randomness, Part 1 ==>
Go east along this street towards the Pokmon Center, then the end. Go into the
Route gate and speak with the girl nearby to get a Quick Claw. This allows the
holder a slight chance at going first if it normally doesn't.
Leave the gate and head west. Go along the street east of the Pokmon Center heal there if needed - then go into the first building on the right along that
street to find the Game Freak Building. Ah, shameless self-allusions. Head to
the top floor. In the southwestern corner, you can find a valuable Revive,
which revives a Pokmon from KO with around half of their HP.
Also speak with the two people (a Hiker, and the legendary Shigeki Morimoto)
around the table for some battles, albeit fairly easy ones. After the fight,
return to the streets and go north, then into the next building to the left.
Speak with the guitar dude there to find TM44. TM44 teaches Rest, a move that
heals the Pokmon's HP and status at the cost of putting them to sleep for a
few turns - a dangerous idea if the Pokmon isn't holding a Chesto Berry or
doesn't know Snore or Sleep Talk! Leave the building and go north to the
fountain area.
Go to the next street to the west. Go south to find
Buy some for $100 a pop(sicle) if you want. Then go
the street. Here in the art gallery, speak with the
of the room. If you bring him a Pokmon of a chosen
your choosing. Your choices, in a respective order:

the Casteliacone stand.

into the building across
man in the northeast corner
type, you get a Berry of

Cheri Berry (auto-heal of Paralysis when held in battle or when used)

Chesto Berry (auto-heal of Sleep when held in battle or when used)
Pecha Berry (auto-heal of Poison when held in battle or when used)
Rawst Berry (auto-heal of Burn when held in battle or when used)
Aspear Berry (auto-heal of Freeze when held in battle or when used)

This event also happens once daily, so screw with the clock and slowly reap
some rewards.
<== The Battle Company ==>
Afterwards, return to the street and go south and east back to the Pokmon
Center, if Morimoto weakened you. Then go west towards the Battle Company
building. Inside, as you enter, you'll receive an EXP. Share. This item lets
Pokmon who didn't participate in the battle gain a share of the EXP. (50% of
what they'd normally receive) or, if used on a Pokmon who WAS in the battle
alone, gain 50% more EXP. or so. I tend towards the latter option. :P
Afterwards, go east and speak with the neon-blue-headed girl. Depending on the
choice you pick, you'll get an item. With respect to the choices:

Miracle Seed (holder's Grass-type moves' Power is boosted by 20%)

Mystic Water (holder's Water-type moves' Power is boosted by 20%)
Charcoal (holder's Fire-type moves' Power is boosted by 20%)
Exit conversation and pick an item later

Note that when you do this, you'll very soon get a Charcoal later on, and, if
other games are any indication, others will appear later. I, personally, would
pick the item that applies to my starter, and, if that was taken by the
soon-to-be-found Charcoal, the back-up for him (in this case, Mystic Water).
Pick however you wish, though. Also speak with the Harlequin nearby to help
progress through the hunt.
Afterwards, go to the elevator and up to 47F. Defeat the four trainers here;
after one fight, you'll get five Timer Balls, and another yields two Quick
Balls. The former item raises the catch rate every ten turns, maxing at 40;
the latter is best to catch Pokmon faster than the current Pokmon in the
fight. Afterwards, speak with the southeastern man for a Scope Lens (boosts
critical-hit rate) and head up to 55F.
There, west and snatch up the Ether (heals 10 PP, and can't be bought), then
head east to the northeastern corner. After some conversing, you'll battle the
CEO of the company ... a School Kid? Eh, finish him and leave the building.
<== Randomness, Part 2 ==>
Afterwards, go into the next street to the west. Go along it and some random
dude will stop you and give you TM70. Oddly suspicious and familiar. Anyways,
this TM teaches Flash. In battle, it will lower enemy accuracy; its main use is
in the field, where it can light up dark caves. Yay?
Go into the nearby Sonata Caf, where you'll end up being able to get some
Moomoo Milk (heals 100 HP) by speaking with the barkeep or whatever he is.
Leave the caf and continue to the other end of the alley.
Back in the fountain area, speak with the bald man nearby, then head northeast
and interact with the Vending Machines. Note that Lemonades are the best to
get based on their HP-healing (80) to cash ($350) ratio, being cheaper than
even a Super Potion. In fact, you can heal 3.2x the amount of HP from what you
spend on two Lemonades to buy one Super Potion. STOCK. UP.
Go along the street to the north, then into the first building on the right.
Speak with the man next to the elevator and say "Yes" to see if he can frisk
you. >_> <_< After the creepy-ish moment, head into the elevator to 47F,

where you'll be able to speak with someone to TM45. This TM teaches Attract,
which, when used on a Pokmon of the opposite gender, often stops them from
attacking you out of love.
Leave the building and head across the street. In there, speak with the bald
guy for an Amulet Coin. What this item does is, if the holder participates in
a Trainer battle, the amount of money earned is somehow doubled. This gets
pretty great later on in the game.
Leave THAT building and go northeast into the next building. There, head up
to 47F (yes, all you get in these buildings is 1F, 47F, and 55F) to find a
Charcoal to the southeast. As said earlier, it boosts the holder's Fire-type
moves' Power by 20%.
Afterwards, leave to the street and continue northward. At the end of the
road, use the vending machine nearby, if you want, then continue along to be
stopped by Bianca, yet again! I bet 20 Pokdollars that she's stalking you.
Anywho, she ends up giving you the Dowsing Machine, which allows you to find
certain hidden items on the ground.
Backtrack southward to the fountain area. Go along the westernmost street and
head southward. In the next building on the left, you can find a man sitting by
himself; this guy is the Name Rater, and he'll let you change the nickname of
Pokmon you originally caught on this file. On another floor, you can find a
woman who will massage your Pokmon once daily. This raises Happiness, a key
factor in the Return and Frustration moves, and in the evolution of some
Pokmon: Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Golbat, Happiny, Chansey, Eevee (into Espeon
and Umbreon), Munchlax, Togepi, Azurill, Budew, Chingling, Buneary, Riolu,
Woobat, and Swadloon. Yes, very critical indeed. On 2F, you'll find the main
bit of the Medal Rally company and the next Harlequin in the hunt.
Further south on this street, you'll see Clyde and Iris (the other person). A
conversation discloses the fact that Burgh had to leave because of Team Plasma
doing stuff. Head south to the docking area, then to the westernmost one if you
want to visit Liberty Garden, where Victini was (not now).
Otherwise, head east if you want to the C-Gear Survey thing - finishing the
surveys nets you a Soda Pop, and you'll also find another Harlequin from the
hunt in there. That should be your last one - go speak with the Harlequin who
handed you the Bicycle to get a Rare Candy.
If you really want to get on with the plot, go east, heal up at the Pokmon
Center, and go further east to find Iris. She'll tell you about the grunts
being at the eastern dock. Go there. Iris will then say something about needing
to enter the sewers, and your rival pops out of nowhere. Answer "Yes" to his
question and he'll flee into the sewers.
Head around, plug your nose well, and enter.
Castelia City's Sewers
| Treasures Checklist \
| Heart Scale ................... [] | HM04 (Strength) ............... [] |
| Leftovers ..................... [] | Rare Bone ..................... [] |
| TwistedSpoon .................. [] | X Special ..................... [] |

| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Grimer
| Poison
| 1,000,000 | Nugget
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Rattata
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | Chilan Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Zubat
| Poison/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Lillipup Lv. 16, Trubbish Lv. 16 |
Drilbur Lv. 17
Sewaddle Lv. 17
Scraggy Lv. 16, Sandile Lv. 16
*vomits* Personally, I wouldn't be wanting any Berries or "Nuggets" that these
Pokmon find around here. Do so at your own risk. :)
Head downstairs and when your rival speaks to you, use the top option and you
will have him tag along. This means random wild battles are two-on-two, with
only your Pokmon being controlled. (For the record, your rival has a Level 20
variation of his starter Pokmon.) Also, between each battle, your Pokmon will
be healed fully - HP, PP, and status - as will his Pokmon.
Anywho, once you gain control, cross the bridge and continue to another. Go
along to the south/west fork in the road. I would recommend heading south. As
you do, the westbound path down there is blocked. Defeat the Janitor and go on
south some more.
Cross the next westbound bridge and go into the alcove you pass for an
X Special. Go north and west behind the wall for a bit. Continue along to the
set of two northbound bridges. Use the eastern one to fight a Worker, then use
the other bridge. Continue onwards to the Doctor. Defeat him and, if you ever
speak to him afterwards, he'll heal your Pokmon, much like the original B/W.
Afterwards, go east and past the door. Pick up the item on the ground to find
some Leftovers - these heal 1/16 of the holder's max HP each turn. Go through
the recently-passed door. Speak with the scientist within to receive what seems
to be an indeterminable random item - as in, you get an item, but you don't
really seem to be able to control it. Eh.... >_>
Leave the room and go back over the southbound bridges twice, then go west, and
north. Collect the Rare Bone, then backtrack to the south/west fork from
Go west and grab the TwistedSpoon (boosts Psychic moves' Power by 20%), then
further west to have a double battle with the grunts. After the evil beings
do something equivalent to leaving a trail of urine behind them in fear, Burgh
will come along. After some chatting, your rival will hand over HM04.
HM04 teaches the Normal-type 80-Power (120 on a Normal-type) move Strength. It
is a nice move in battle, and will also let you move spherical boulders in the
field, when you get the proper badge.
Your rival then leaves; some guy comes and leaves; and Burgh will let you know
that he will be soon back in his Gym.
Go west and along the path to the Heart Scale at the end. Go back to the
entrance of the area, leave, heal at the Pokmon Center, then go very far west

and north to the Gym.

Castelia City Gym
| Treasures Checklist \
| Fresh Water ................... [] | Insect Badge .................. [] |
| TM76 (Struggle Bug) ........... [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Sewaddle Lv. 20, Sewaddle Lv. 20
Combee Lv. 20, Swadloon Lv. 20
Sewaddle Lv. 19, Combee Lv. 19, Dwebble Lv. 19
Dwebble Lv. 20, Swadloon Lv. 20
Like in the original B/W, Burgh's Gym is Bug-themed. That is to say, he'll kill
Dark, Psychic, and Grass types, and will be smashed by Fire, Flying, and Rock
moves. Many Pokmon here, in fact, have dual-weaknesses to Fire and Flying
simultaneously - Pidove, Tranquill, Magby, Magmar, Tepig, Pignite, and
Growlithe will all blaze through this test with flying colors. (See what I did
'Kay, onto the good stuff. Speak with Clyde to get a free Fresh Water so we can
So, then, when you start, enter the first cacoon. Once you land, go east and
defeat the Harlequin, then go into the cacoon further east, at the end. Go
southeast, near that cacoon, to defeat another Harlequin. Go into the newly
opened cacoon. Getting sticky yet?
Once you land, defeat the Trainer, then enter the cacoon to the east. Back to
3F we go! Upon landing, defeat the nearby Harlequin and go into the next cacoon
and enter the left side if you want to continue; otherwise, exit and heal first
to be well prepared. If you want the latter, drop into the hole west of Burgh's
cacoon and that cacoon you exit from will easily warp you back.
Once ready, speak to Burgh. Time to fight!
| BOSS: Gym Leader Burgh \
| Pokmon: Swadloon (Lv. 22) Bug/Grass
Dwebble (Lv. 22) Bug/Rock
Leavanny (Lv. 24) Bug/Grass
| Money Earned: $2,880
| Swadloon and Leavanny are weak to Fire (4x), Flying (4x), Rock, Ice, and |
| Poison, and Bug. They both have the moves Razor Leaf (Grass), Struggle
| Bug (Bug), and String Shot (slows target down). Leavanny additionally has |
| the Normal-type move of Slash.
| Dwebble is weak to Water, Rock, and Steel moves. It can use Smack Down
| (Rock), Faint Attack (Dark), and Rock Polish (Speed boost).

| Recommendations: Any Fire or Flying type will be good versus Leavanny and |
| Swadloon - examples include Growlithe, Magmar, Pignite, Tranquill, and so |
| on - and Poison types (Grimer, Whirlipede, Zubat/Golbat) are also okay.
| Dwebble might be a bit of a problem, though. If you've got Dewott or got a |
| good Psyduck/Golduck/Marill earlier, that'll be okay. Magnemite also is a |
| good for Dwebble, though, generally, non-Fire/Flying will be the main idea |
| to go with because of Smack Down. All participants should be Level 26+.
After the fight, Burgh will hand over the Insect Badge and TM76 (Struggle Bug)
as your rewards.

Bolt Badge
After gaining the Insect Badge, use the hole on the west side of the room to
return to the beginning of the Gym. Give Clyde a big ol' hug to celebrate and
give him some feeling of companionship, since he seems to do nothing but stand
in Gyms all day. v_v
Of course, don't choke him - we need water!
Castelia City
| Castelia PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Potion ...................... $300 | Super Potion ................ $700 |
| Hyper Potion .............. $1,200 | Revive .................... $1,500 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Escape Rope ................. $550 |
| Repel ....................... $350 | Super Repel ................. $550 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| TM73 (Thunder Wave) ...... $10,000 | TM74 (Gyro Ball) ......... $10,000 |
| TM16 (Light Screen) ...... $30,000 | TM33 (Reflect) ........... $30,000 |
| Casteliacones .......... $100 each |
| Fresh Water (Vending Machine) $200 | Soda Pop (Vending Machine) .. $300 |
| Lemonade (Vending Machine) .. $350 |

Head back south and east to the Pokmon Center to heal your Pokmon, and
perhaps partake in some of the new items.
Once you're ready, head onto Route 4.
Route 4
| Treasures Checklist \
| Green Shard ................... [] | Grip Claw ..................... [] |
| Hyper Potion .................. [] | Mystic Water .................. [] |
| Protein ....................... [] | Red Shard ..................... [] |
| Sitrus Berry .................. [] | Stardust ...................... [] |
| Stardust ...................... [] | Wide Lens ..................... [] |
| Yellow Shard .................. [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Darumaka
| Fire
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Minccino
| Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Sandile
| Ground/Dark
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Scraggy
| Dark/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Shed Shell | 1 Attack | Both |
| Trubbish
| Poison
| 1,000,000 | Black Sludge,| 1 Speed | Both |
| Nugget
| Potential Trades/Gifts \
| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |
| L100 EXP. |
| B2 | Petilil
| Cottonee
| Grass
| 1,000,000 |
| W2 | Cottonee
| Petilil
| Grass
| 1,000,000 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Drilbur Lv. 16, Marill Lv. 15
Growlithe Lv. 16, Herdier Lv. 16 |
Basculin Lv. 17
Psyduck Lv. 16, Basculin Lv. 16 |
Magnemite Lv. 21, Klink Lv. 23
Riolu Lv. 21, Growlithe Lv. 21
Herdier Lv. 22
Darumaka Lv. 22
Venipede Lv. 21, Sandile Lv. 21 |
Pidove Lv. 22
Zubat Lv. 21, Timburr Lv. 21
Cottonee Lv. 21, Petilil Lv. 21 |
Once you enter, go forward some. The second trainer you come across is willing
to battle. Defeat him and move on. You will be able to go north, go left, or
into the sandy area. I'll end up assuming you opted to head left. Remember,
there is no grass on this Route; much like the original B/W, dark sand is wild
Pokmon sand.
Defeat the Policeman as you approach the sandy area, then go northwest and
downstairs. You'll find some Fishermen to battle here; further past, you can

find a Mystic Water, which boosts the holder's Water-type moves' Power by 20%.
Return to the main path and go north. Eventually, you'll find Colress, the guy
who stopped you as you left Castelia City earlier. He tells you that some
Crustle are blocking the road. Rather than let us try capturing one, he uses
some kind of machine to make them run off. Then he battles you.
Afterwards, he'll also leave, giving you a Protein on the way out. Proteins
will end up giving 10 EVs in Attack to a Pokmon. Anyways, go further north up
the road, then into the second building on the east side. There, on the second
floor, you can find a Wide Lens next to the T.V. The woman on the first floor
seems to be looking to trade your Petilil, if any, with a Cottonee. I would
guess this also true on the other version, but in reverse. (Statistically,
Petilil seems to be preferable, though.)
Leave the building and head further north, then into the next building on the
west side. Speak with the man on its second floor for a Sitrus Berry (heals
30 HP) before leaving. Outside, continue north to the intersection, then enter
the building on the right. There's something about the woman there, but I'm
confused as to what. Moving on.
Outside in the desert, you can either head north towards Nimbasa or, much more
intelligently, explore what remains of the Route.
Let's assume you do the latter. Go west to the Policeman and defeat him.
Continue along the path and, as it turns north, go into the building on the
side of the road. Inside, the woman will freely heal your Pokmon. Yay!
Afterwards, exit the building, then go east and down the stairs to the south.
Go further south and upstairs, then north to the construction zone. Go between
the building and the edge of the ledge to the end of the path. Examine the tile
at the end of the path for a Red Shard.
Go back downstairs, then go southeast. Defeat the Policeman, then head south
and east some more. As you reach the staircase, use the Dowsing Machine to find
a Hyper Potion nearby. Then go upstairs and you'll find a bunch of trainers,
all wanting you to beat up their Pokmon. I'd hate to disappoint them.
Afterwards, west of the first few fights should be a Stardust (just an easy
money item). South of the single-battle trainers, you can get a Grip Claw as
you progressed to the Hooligans. West of said Hooligans, use the Dowsing
Machine to find a Green Shard. Also near the Hooligans, you'll find a gap in
the fence to the east.
Use it and head into the sand. Start looking around with the Dowsing Machine
to find the Yellow Shard. Go east from there and you'll be able to find another
That pretty much finishes off this route. Go back to the healing lady's place.
You can go north from there into the Desert Resort, or east and north from the
main intersection to Nimbasa. I will cover the Desert Resort.
Desert Resort
| Treasures Checklist \
| Blue Shard .................... [] | Blue Shard .................... [] |

| Fire Stone .................... [] | Green Shard ................... [] |

| Ground Gem .................... [] | Heart Scale ................... [] |
| Max Ether ..................... [] | Nugget ........................ [] |
| Rawst Berry ................... [] | Rawst Berry ................... [] |
| Red Shard ..................... [] | Red Shard ..................... [] |
| Soft Sand ..................... [] | Stardust ...................... [] |
| Star Piece .................... [] | Super Repel ................... [] |
| Yellow Shard .................. [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Darumaka
| Fire
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Dwebble
| Bug/Rock
| 1,000,000 | Hard Stone, | 1 Defense | Both |
| Rare Bone
| Maractus
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | Miracle Seed | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Sandile
| Ground/Dark
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Sandshrew | Ground
| 1,000,000 | Quick Claw | 1 Defense | Both |
| Scraggy
| Dark/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Shed Shell | 1 Attack | Both |
| Sigilyph
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Trapinch
| Ground
| 1,059,860 | Soft Sand
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Cleffa Lv. 22
Darumaka Lv. 23
Sandshrew Lv. 22
Dwebble Lv. 22
Drilbur Lv. 22
Sandile Lv. 22
Munna Lv. 23
Woobat Lv. 22, Yamask Lv. 22
Magby Lv. 23
As you pass northward from the healer lady's crib in the desert, the landscape
will quickly change to further reflect that past the highway. Continue along
this path towards the gate. Before you cross over to the other side, so to
speak, note that Scraggy is found on the Route 4 side of the gate, and Trapinch
and Sigilyph are on the other side. All three are great Pokmon to have,
especially Trapinch by the time it evolves into Flygon.
On the other side, you'll be an open, vast desert... Well, not so big as
Bikanel Island in FFX, but still pretty big. Go northwest and defeat the Nurse;
afterwards, speaking with her nets you free heals. Woo.
Go further west and defeat the Pokmon Ranger, who will hand over a Rawst Berry
after the fight. Further west, in the lower area, you can find another Stardust
to sell later. Steal it, return to the Ranger, then go north. Using the Dowsing
Machine, you'll be able to find a Star Piece, which is only good to sell, more
or less.
Go northwest from there and Dowse to find a Blue Shard. Defeat the nearby
female Backpacker, then go west to find another Blue Shard. Ever-further west
is a battleable male Backpacker. He has a Red Shard near him you can Dowse for,
so, why not?
Go along the narrow south and west path to soon come up on another Backpacker
itchin' for a fight. South-southeast of there, you can Dowse to find a Fire
Stone. The Fire Stone is an evolution-triggering item you can use, namely, on
Growlithe (into Arcanine). Do as you will with it. Go west of it to find a Max

Ether, which fully heals the PP of one move.

Return to the male Backpacker (the one near the Red Shard and using Dwebble),
then go north to find another. (Sorry, no fight.) The Dowsing Machine should
find something, a Red Shard, to the northeast. Grab it and defeat the nearby
Then the Dowsing Machine registers an item to the east; it is a Ground Gem,
which I believe powers up a Ground-type move one time. Then go back west to
the pacifist Backpacker, then northwest to find a Psychic. Win the battle,
then go further northwest to find a Nugget. Unlike the hold items of the
Castelia Sewers, this is almost more likely to be gold. :P Nuggets have no
real use other than to be sold for $5,000.
Go southeast back to the no-fighting Backpacker, then go east to where you
found the Ground Gem. Look around for an entrance into the Relic Castle and,
somewhere nearby, is a Psychic. I predict you will fight him. Do so and win.
Remember the location of the Relic Castle; we ain't done here yet.
Go north of the entrance to find a Heart Scale, then east, using the Dowsing
Machine, to find a Super Repel. Go south and you'll soon find a man who is
oddly garbed. (Black clothes tend to raise your skin temperature by about 10
degrees Fahreinheit, or about 5.5 degrees Celsius, in the desert, since they
retain heat.)
Anyways, speak with the cool dude (heh) to get a Soft Sand, which boosts the
power of Ground-type moves by 20%. Further south is a Yellow Shard. Then go
along the deeper sand to find a Pokmon Ranger. Dowse her Magby's flame for a
free Rawst Berry. Then head further south back to the Nurse, then
north-northwest back to the Relic Castle. Head on inside.
Relic Castle
| Treasures Checklist \
| Heart Scale ................... [] | TM39 (Rock Tomb) .............. [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Sandile
| Ground/Dark
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Sandshrew | Ground
| 1,000,000 | Quick Claw | 1 Defense | Both |
| Yamask
| Ghost
| 1,000,000 | Spell Tag
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Solosis Lv. 23
Sigilyph Lv. 23
Gothita Lv. 23
Right around now, I would suggest grabbing Yamask and another one of the above
Pokmon. Yamask is a Ghost-type, which isn't too bad, when all is said and
done. Sandshrew makes both an excellent HM slave and an excellent main party
member, when trained right. Sandile may be better than Sandshrew in that he has
TWO immunities, but also more weaknesses.

There's actually not much you can do here, akin to the first allowed visit in
the original B/W. Go forward and fall into the quicksand to NOT die, but just
On the floor below, the Dowsing Machine will show up a Heart Scale nearby. Go
east and defeat the Psychic. Then go up the stairs nearby, back to the top
floor. Jump over the ledge, then go west, around the quicksand pit WHILE
WALKING, and you'll predictably find a Psychic.
Go downstairs from there, then go east to the final battle for here, for now.
Go further east and you'll find TM39, which has Rock Tomb. That'll be it for
Backtrack to the entrance, leave, go south-southeast out of the Desert Resort,
go south to the healer lady and heal, then go east, then north at the
intersection to find Join Avenue.
Nimbasa City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Lost and Found 2 .............. [] | Macho Brace ................... [] |
| Parlyz Heal ................... [] | Red Shard ..................... [] |
| Revive ........................ [] | Soothe Bell ................... [] |
| Sun Stone ..................... [] | Thunderstone .................. [] |
| TM49 (Echoed Voice) ........... [] | VS. Recorder .................. [] |
| Nimbasa PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Potion ...................... $300 | Super Potion ................ $700 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Escape Rope ................. $550 |
| Repel ....................... $350 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Fresh Water (Vending Machine) $200 | Soda Pop (Vending Machine) .. $300 |
| Lemonade (Vending Machine) .. $350 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Liepard Lv. 24
<-- Spring only <--,
Swadloon Lv. 24 <-- Summer only <--|__,-- Male Character Ferris
Minccino Lv. 24 <-- Autumn only <--|
Wheel Trainer Event Fights |
Flaaffy Lv. 24
<-- Winter only <--'

Darumaka Lv. 24 <-- Spring only <--,
Tranquill Lv. 24 <-- Summer only <--|__,-- Female Character Ferris
Boldore Lv. 24
<-- Autumn only <--|
Wheel Trainer Event Fights |
Whirlipede Lv. 24 <-- Winter only <--'
Gurdurr Lv. 26, Boldore Lv. 26
<== Join Avenue ==>
As you

approach the city, you'll end up first having to deal with the Join
in lieu of the usual gate. It is a hub for the avatars of people met
via battling. Which, if you live the sticks like me, will become dusty

Anyways, go forward to meet a man and some girls. After some chatting, say
"yes", then there will be more talking. You'll soon have to name two things; it
doesn't seem to matter what you name the ... whatever it is, so do it as you
will. More chatting, etc., and you'll have to name the building to the left.
Okay, pointless crap aside, go north into Nimbasa.
<== The City ==>
Inside the city, go north to the intersection, then west towards the Pokmon
Center. Heal up and such; while there, speak with the man next to the nurse's
counter to receive a Red Shard.
Now, leave the Center so we can do some lootin'.
Try going into the building west of the Pokmon Center and you'll be stopped by
some girl. You'll be informed that this building, the Battle Institute, won't
allow you in for a while. Use the Dowsing Machine around the Pokmon Center and
you should get a reading, which will lead you next to it; you'll get a
Thunderstone, which is used to evolve certain Pokmon.
Go into the building at the end of the street, then upstairs to the second
floor. Speak with the elderly woman; if the lead Pokmon is happy enough, you
will get a Soothe Bell, a hold item used to increase the rate at which Pokmon
become happy.
Leave and head next door. On the second floor of this building, speak with the
neon-head dude to get a Sun Stone, used to evolve just a few Pokmon. Leave and
go to the Pokmon Center, then east. You'll see a person standing in front of a
building north of there - said person is the main character (male/female) you
are not playing as. We'll just refer to this person as "your partner", given
that is how he/she would function in most of the other Pokmon games.
Your partner is battling two men. Speak with your partner and you'll be asked
for your help; say "Yes" to begin a double battle. Once you win, there will be
some talking before Ingo and Emmet leave. Your partner will hand over the VS.
Recorder, mainly used to record non-AI battles and battle records, before
heading into the Gear Station. Head inside if you wish, though I won't cover
Return to the Pokmon Center, then go north
Big Stadium in front of you, with the Small
Theater to the east. The former two options
trainers at most times of the day, and vary

and over the bridge to find the

Court to the west and the Musical
allow you to battle various
across the various days. The

Musical Theater is where you can do musicals, and you'll also find TM49, Echoed
Voice, there. The musicals are akin to the Pokmon Contests and Musical Theater
of the past, and you get tutorials, so meh, do it yourself.
Go west from the trio to
16. Both are good places
visiting the Old Nimbasa
as to level up for those
dude near Route 16.

find Route 5; if you headed east, you'll reach Route

for training Pokmon prior to the Gym. We'll be
Gym first before actually fighting the Gym Leader, so
areas. Anyways, also snatch the Macho Brace from the

So, let's go south and east to the amusement park. There, once you enter, go
south to find a Lost and Found 2. After the tutorial on its function, return to
the main path and go east. You'll soon reach some Vending Machines; get some
Lemonade, and also examine the nearby trashcan for a Revive. Further along the
path, you'll notice the Ferris Wheel.
At the Ferris Wheel, you can fight a Trainer once daily who has a Lv. 24
Pokmon. The Trainer and Pokmon will vary depending upon the season in the
game, as well as the gender of the character you're playing as. Go east, past
it when you're done, and past the northbound turn. At the grassy flat, you'll
see a Pokmon statue. Further east, you'll find a Parlyz Heal.
Now, let's go to the Old Nimbasa City Gym. Heal up at the Pokmon Center so we
can do some pre-leveling for Routes 5 and 16, then go to the western part of
the amusement park.
Old Nimbasa City Gym
| Treasures Checklist \
| Parlyz Heal .......................................................... [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Blitzle Lv. 24
Flaaffy Lv. 24
This place seems quite familiar to players of the original Black/White. This is
the old Gym Elesa used in those games. She later changed to the current full
Gym, modeled moreso after a fashion show than some roller-coaster ride. Which,
being a male, is just as good. :)
'Kay, then, once you enter the Gym, go forward and onto the blue-tracked car.
At the next stop, get off and bypass the kid to stand on the blue switch
further north. Get on the car with the newly-switched path.
At the next stop, get off and go along the path to the green button. Stomp it
good to change the green-dashed path. Use the next car going along the new path
to find someone inside. Defeat him and take his cash - after all, he forced you
to wait, may as well take the time to mug this Rich Boy! >:) Once the next
car comes along that path again, get on.
Get off at the stop, bash the purple button, and get on the next car from the
orange path. Or try - you'll have to defeat a Lady to continue. Once you defeat
her Flaaffy, get on the carriage. (By the by, if you have used the Amulet Coin
in the previous two battles, you earned over $15,000.)

At the next stop, you'll find yourself at the Gym's end. Speak with the woman
nearby to get a Parlyz Heal. (How cheap! Where's the usual TM?) You also learn
you can enter the New Nimbasa City Gym; we'll be doing pre-training on Routes
5 and 16, first.
Anyways, hit the red switch nearby and ride the pink track to the start of the
Gym, then leave. Heal at the Pokmon Center, then exit to the northeast to find
Route 16, or northwest to Route 5. We'll cover the former first, by the flip of
a coin.
Route 16
| Treasures Checklist \
| Fresh Water ................... [] | Heal Ball ..................... [] |
| TinyMushroom .................. [] | TM66 (Payback) ................ [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Cinccino* | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Emolga*
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Gothita
| Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Liepard
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Minccino
| Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Solosis
| Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Trubbish
| Poison
| 1,000,000 | Black Sludge | 1 Speed | Both |
| * - Shaking grass tiles only.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Drilbur Lv. 25
Tranquill Lv. 25
Scraggy Lv. 24, Scraggy Lv. 24
Whirlipede Lv. 25
Liepard Lv. 25
Watchog Lv. 25
On this Route, you'll find version-specific Psychic types, which aren't too bad
an idea to grab up. Emolga is also one of the rare Electric types, also immune
to Ground, but weak to Ice and Rock, but still not too bad an idea if you have
not grabbed Mareep and got it to Flaaffy/Ampharos yet. Everyone else is better
used for Dex completionism.
Once you enter Route 16, go along towards the man in green for a battle, then
head south and along the path. Defeat the Cyclist and continue along the road
towards the two dudes to get a double battle. Afterwards, defeat the Cyclist
further ahead, then continue along into Marvelous Bridge. It isn't open yet,
but speak with the guy next to the vending machines for a Fresh Water.
Return to the main route and go back towards the double-battle people. Head
over to the large boulder nearby and use Strength (taught via HM04) on it to
move it into the hole. Continue along into the dark grass. Defeat the female

Backpacker, then go east behind the fence.

Go along the path to the item, TM66, which teaches Payback. Return to the
Backpacker and use the Dowsing Machine. It will register something to the
north; go there and you'll soon find a TinyMushroom. Now, return to the main
Go west and along the path, then go off-road into the regular, light grass. Go
along to the Backpacker and defeat him. To the west, you'll find a Cut tree;
Cut it down to reveal a Heal Ball, which fully heals Pokmon upon capture.
(Word of note: this is useless if you have six Pokmon in your party, since the
caught Pokmon will be sent to your PC, where it is fully healed anyways.)
Continue northeast to the next area, which is Lostlorn Forest.
Lostlorn Forest
| Treasures Checklist \
| Cheri Berry ...... [] | Leaf Stone ....... [] | Net Ball ......... [] |
| Pecha Berry ...... [] | TM95 (Snarl) ..... [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Combee
| Bug/Flying
| 1,059,860 | Honey
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Cottonee
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | B2 |
| Heracross | Bug/Fighting
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Attack | B2 |
| Petilil
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Pinsir
| Bug
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Attack | W2 |
| Roselia
| Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Swadloon
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 2 Defense | Both |
| Venipede
| Bug/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense | Both |
Double Battle Dark Grass-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Whirlipede | Bug/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Leavanny
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 3 Attack | Both |
| Lilligant | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Panpour
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Rindo Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Pansage
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | Occa Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Pansear
| Fire
| 1,000,000 | Passho Berry | 1 Speed | Both |

| Roserade
| Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 3 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Whimsicott | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | B2 |
| Vespiquen | Bug/Flying
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Tranquill Lv. 24, Liepard Lv. 24 |
Trubbish Lv. 25
Emolga Lv. 26
There are a lot of Pokmon here. A few are ones you've already caught, and most
are ones I consider "meh" for use in the game. However, Panpour, Pansage, and
Pansage all are EXTREMELY worth catching. You have an overall 30% chance of
finding one in the shaking grass. Like in the original B/W, I'd at least go for
the one your starter has an advantage over (Panpour for Snivy, Pansage for
Tepig, Pansear for Oshawott). The version-exclusive Heracross and Pinsir are
nice additions, as well.
There are also three good Pokmon for use, to a point, though I would mostly
get them for skipping hard evolutionary requirements. Leavanny skips the
high Happiness of Swadloon; Roserade skips the use of a Shiny Stone on Roselia;
and Vespiquen skips finding a rare female Combee and leveling it. Altogether,
you have a 15% chance of finding one of these three in the shaking grass.
Whimsicott and Lilligant also skip the use of a Sun Stone and have a 5% chance
of being found.
Okay, Pok-evaluations over.
Go north and across the bridge. Defeat the Pokmon Breeder, then go into the
tree hollow and grab the Ultra Ball._These Pokballs have a 2.0x catch rate
over the Pok Ball, and these are 1.3x better than Great Balls. Nice.
Go northward, taking the left path. You'll soon notice a leaf on the ground;
get next to the hidden trainer for a quick fight, after which you'll get a
free Pecha Berry. Go to the southwestern corner of the clearing further ahead,
then use your Dowsing Machine to find a Leaf Stone nearby. Cool.
Go north and we'll experience an event reminiscient of a few in the original
B/W. Speak with the Backpacker next to the tree stump. After some talking, and
answering a question however you want, you'll receive TM95, which was resultant
of a Zorua event in the original B/W. Also reminiscient of said event - this
fellow walks off and turns into either Zorua or Zoroark as he leaves, to your
surprise. Well, they ARE the Illusion Pokmon.
Go east and defeat the Pokmon Ranger, after which you'll receive a Cheri
Berry. Further east, you'll find a Net Ball.
That ends this part of the sidequests. Backtrack back to Nimbasa, heal up, then
exit to the northwest to Route 5.
Route 5
| Treasures Checklist \
| Cheri Berry ................... [] | HM02 (Fly) .................... [] |

| Hyper Potion .................. [] | Pomeg Berry (x5 for $200) ..... [] |

| Super Repel ................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Cinccino* | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Emolga*
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Gothita
| Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Liepard
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Minccino** | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Solosis
| Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Trubbish
| Poison
| 1,000,000 | Black Sludge | 1 Speed | Both |
| * - Shaking grass tiles only.
| ** - Here, you'll have a special forced battle with one that has the Dream |
World (now just Hidden) Ability of Skill Link, which is rare. Other |
such Pokmon can appear later in the Hidden Grottos.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Sigilyph Lv. 25
Budew Lv. 25, Roselia Lv. 25
Minccino Lv. 25, Minccino Lv. 25 |
Scraggy Lv. 25
Sunkern Lv. 24, Combee Lv. 24
As you head out onto Route 5, Bianca will immediately halt you and shove HM02
into your item sack. Rude, yes; helpful, verily, for HM02 teaches Fly. Fly is a
two-turn, 90-Power, Flying-type move; additionally, out of battle, it is the
most useful HM in that it lets you Fly back to any visited town/city! ^_^
Answer her question however you wish, then you'll be (forcefully?) dragged into
the grass nearby, then towards the Hidden Grotto. Answer another question how
you choose to, then you get shoved inside. There, you'll find a Minccino and
battle it (once you "speak" to it). It is special in that it has its Dream
World or Hidden Ability of Skill Link. Catch it if you want.
Afterwards, leave and west to a man. Defeat him in battle, and then go further
west into the dark grass for a Super Repel as you go. Continue to find a
Pokmon Ranger. Defeat her and you'll earn a Cheri Berry.
Leave the dark grass and jump down the ledge. You'll find a crowd nearby, all
itchin' for some battlin'. Why should we leave them waiting? Go south of the
cool dude on the motorcycle for a double battle, then go east to the Dancer,
then turn on your Dowsing Machine. Go along its directions to a Hyper Potion,
which heals 200 HP, and won't likely be efficiently more useful than a Moomoo
Milk for a while.
Go east and defeat the Baker next to the trailer. Go inside and speak with the
maid to sell food items (TinyMushroom, Big Mushroom, etc.) for higher prices
than the PokMart would give. You can also speak with the other woman to buy
five Pomeg Berries, for one time, all at once, for $200. Their main use is to
reduce HP EVs by ten, opening up other development, and is also notorious in
Pokmon Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver for the
Pomeg Glitch.

That's it. Fly back to Nimbasa, heal up in the Pokmon Center, shop, and then
go east of the Ferris Wheel in the amusement park to find the new Gym.
New Nimbasa City Gym
| Treasures Checklist \
| Fresh Water ................... [] | Bolt Badge .................... [] |
| TM72 (Volt Switch) ............ [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Elekid Lv. 27, Flaaffy Lv. 27
Flaaffy Lv. 27, Blitzle Lv. 27
Blitzle Lv. 27, Elekid Lv. 27
This new Gym of Nimbasa is only unlocked once you've beaten the old Gym
reminiscient of the original B/W. Here, Nintendo gives props to various
electrical scientists by naming the Beauties after them. Since I have to put
*something* here, and the path to Elesa is easy enough, I'll give you the
Wait, hold up, so some of these women are named after men? I get the whole idea
of unisex naming, and that we could really have something like "Sherrie Tesla",
but, come on, too coincidental. >_>
The first Beauty is named after Nikola Tesla, who ended up developing the
alternating current (AC) system. There's also a rock band named after him. >_>
The next is the least known of the trio (thank you Wikipedia). Fremy is mostly
known for discovering/inventing Fremy's Salt, a chemical used in some
The final Beauty is named after Andre-Marie Ampere. Easily the most well-known
of this trio (so screw you Wikipedia), Ampere is probably best known for having
his name plastered on the SI unit of electric current, the amp(ere), as well as
helping to create the field of Classical Electromagnetism, which deals with one
of the four fundamental forces of nature (the other three being the weak
nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and gravitation).
After defeating (the risen-from-the-dead, so to speak) Ampere, return to the
Pokmon Center, heal, return and continue along to Elesa.
| BOSS: Gym Leader Elesa \
| Pokmon: Emolga (Lv. 28) Electric/Flying
Flaaffy (Lv. 28) Electric
Zebstrika (Lv. 30) Electric
| Money Earned: $3,600
| Emolga is weak to Ice and Rock, and is immune to Ground. It can use Volt |
| Switch (Electric damage and user switches Pokmon), Quick Attack (Normal), |
| Aerial Ace (Flying with no miss), and Pursuit (Dark).
| Flaaffy is weak to Ground. It can use Volt Switch, like Emolga; Take Down |

| (Normal), Thunder Wave (paralyzes), and Confuse Ray (confuses).

| Zebstrika is also weak to Ground. It, too, uses Volt Switch, in additon to |
| Stomp (Normal), Flame Charge (Fire), and Pursuit (Dark).
| Recommendations: Pretty much any Ground-type will dominate the last two
| Pokmon - so go for Krokorok or Sandslash, pretty much. Being immune to
| Electric, they already have a pretty good chance of making out of those
| two Pokmon's grasp.
| More likely to be your bane will be Emolga. It is already immune to the
| lone weakness of Electric (Ground), and has two pretty rare weaknesses for |
| this point in the game. Rock would be only abusable one. Sandslash does
| get Rollout at Level 21, making it marginally more useful than Krokorok, |
| and both can use TM39. I'd probably end up using either one still, mainly |
| focusing on Rollout, Rock Tomb (TM39), or Strength. If not that, Magneton |
| (as it probably now is) resists Electric and may be able to live long
| enough to use SonicBoom to death.
| Recommended level is 30+.
After the fight, there will be some chatting before you finally get the Bolt
Badge, as well as TM72. TM72 teaches Volt Switch, a 70-Power Electric-type
move that has the user attack, then switch to another Pokmon. A very useful
and strategic move if you get caught in an unfavorable situation.
Enjoy your departure!

Quake Badge
Nimbasa City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Prop Case ............................................................ [] |
| Nimbasa PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Potion ...................... $300 | Super Potion ................ $700 |
| Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 | Antidote .................... $100 |
| Parlyz Heal ................. $200 | Awakening ................... $250 |
| Burn Heal ................... $250 | Ice Heal .................... $250 |
| Full Heal ................... $600 | Escape Rope ................. $550 |
| Repel ....................... $350 | Super Repel ................. $550 |

| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |

| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Fresh Water (Vending Machine) $200 | Soda Pop (Vending Machine) .. $300 |
| Lemonade (Vending Machine) .. $350 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Liepard Lv. 24
<-- Spring only <--,
Swadloon Lv. 24 <-- Summer only <--|__,-- Male Character Ferris
Minccino Lv. 24 <-- Autumn only <--|
Wheel Trainer Event Fights |
Flaaffy Lv. 24
<-- Winter only <--'
Darumaka Lv. 24 <-- Spring only <--,
Tranquill Lv. 24 <-- Summer only <--|__,-- Female Character Ferris
Boldore Lv. 24
<-- Autumn only <--|
Wheel Trainer Event Fights |
Whirlipede Lv. 24 <-- Winter only <--'
Watchog Lv. 27
Trubbish Lv. 27
So, four badges down, four to go. Next stop would be the Ground-type Gym found
in Driftveil. Once you leave the New Nimbasa City Gym, head over to the Pokmon
Center and heal up. If you want to do Pokmon Musicals (northeastern part of
town in the Theater), go to the Theater and you'll have a Prop Case shoved in
your grasp. You'll get a basic tutorial on them, though they aren't really
that major.
Otherwise, head to the northwestern part of town and try exiting off onto
Route 5. You'll notice your rival staring down a quartet of Team Plasma Grunts.
After some eavesdropping, you'll be called by your rival for some aid. Speak
with either of the bottom grunts to fight one, then the other, without a break
in-between. Of course, these guys are also pretty easy, having just beat Elesa,
so I'm not worried.
After winning, the grunts flee and your rival gives his thanks in a
non-material manner. Cheapskate.
Heal up at the Pokmon Center, then head back onto Route 5.
Route 5
| Treasures Checklist \
| Electric Guitar ...................................................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |

| Cinccino* | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Emolga*
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Gothita
| Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Liepard
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Minccino
| Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Solosis
| Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Trubbish
| Poison
| 1,000,000 | Black Sludge | 1 Speed | Both |
| * - Shaking grass tiles only.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Maractus Lv. 25
Sigilyph Lv. 26, Tirtouga Lv. 26, Archen Lv. 26
We'll be assuming this is your second visit here, with the prior visit being a
training trek for pre-leveling prior to the New Nimbasa City Gym. If you want
the associated details, see Section V.
Anywho, continue west. You'll notice a Musician on the north side of the road
west of the trailer. Speak with him, burn his Maractus into ashes (or whatever
burnt Grass Pokmon become), and you'll receive the Electric Guitar prop. Meh.
Further west, you can speak with a Motorcyclist to get your first Rotation
Battle or triple battle in Pokmon Black 2 and White 2 respectively.
In a Rotation Battle, it is basically a one-on-one with three Pokmon on the
field. The center one on each side is the only one doing anything, so that is
why is like a single battle. However, you can "rotate" your field around to
switch your Pokmon out. Seems kinda pointless, personally, since it is
basically switching Pokmon. Maybe you're just limited to three Pokmon?
In a triple battle, it is a lot cooler. There are three Pokmon per side, each
taking a move every turn. The center Pokmon can hit anyone with a single-enemy
move, but the side Pokmon can't hit the one that is farthest from them without
the aid of an all-enemy or field-wide move (Powder Snow, Earthquake). Other
than that, like a double battle.
After the fight, Charles will leave to everyone's happiness. That's it unless
you didn't come here before; if you DID come before, go west onto the Driftveil
Driftveil Drawbridge
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Ducklett
| Water/Flying
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
Not much to do here. You could catch Ducklett for some training; they are found
sometimes by running into the shadows on the bridge. Ducklett's level-up
moveset isn't absolutely bad, dominated by Water and Flying moves, and its
base stats are also sub-par until it evolves into Swanna at Level 35.

Also in the shadows, you can find various Wings that increase your Pokmon's
EVs for a certain stat, or, in the case of the Pretty Wing, are good for
selling for some money. If I remember correctly, the Health Wing is for HP,
the Muscle Wing for Attack, the Resist Wing for Defense, the Genius Wing for
Special Attack, the Clever Wing for Special Defense, and the Swift Wing for
Continue west into the next town.
Driftveil City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Air Balloon ................... [] | Big Root ...................... [] |
| Calcium ....................... [] | Everstone ..................... [] |
| Heart Scale (daily TM event) .. [] | Luxury Ball (x3) .............. [] |
| Shell Bell .................... [] | Ultra Ball .................... [] |
| Potential Trades/Gifts \
| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |
| L100 EXP. |
| Both | (none)
| Zorua (Gift)
| Dark
| 1,059,860 |
| Driftveil PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Potion ...................... $300 | Super Potion ................ $700 |
| Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 | Antidote .................... $100 |
| Parlyz Heal ................. $200 | Awakening ................... $250 |
| Burn Heal ................... $250 | Ice Heal .................... $250 |
| Full Heal ................... $600 | Escape Rope ................. $550 |
| Repel ....................... $350 | Super Repel ................. $550 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Heal Powder ................. $450 | EnergyPowder ................ $500 |
| Energy Root ................. $800 | Revival Herb .............. $2,800 |
| Odd Incense ............... $9,600 | Sea Incense ............... $9,600 |
| Rose Incense .............. $9,600 | Wave Incense .............. $9,600 |
| Rock Incense .............. $9,600 | Pure Incense .............. $9,600 |
| Luck Incense .............. $9,600 | Lax Incense ............... $9,600 |
| Full Incense .............. $9,600 |
| Moomoo Milk ............ $500 each |

| Trainers' Pokmon \
Sigilyph Lv. 26, Tirtouga Lv. 26, Archen Lv. 26
Herdier Lv. 27, Swoobat Lv. 27
As you enter the city and proceed west, round the fountain to the south; do so
while using the Dowsing Machine to find an Ultra Bell. Continue west up the
bridge stairs and you'll find Team Plasma VS. Team Plasma. Okay, let's let them
do our work themselves... Oh wait.
Let me correct that: NEW Team Plasma fighting OLD Team Plasma. The former will
shove the latter, speaking about N, the leader of Team Plasma in the original
B/W who soon saw the light and dissented their criminal organization. Your
rival's shout suddenly fills the text box while he rushes the New Plasma Grunt,
who quickly flees. The Old Plasma Grunt will briefly speak with you before
walking off.
Continue west into the main city. Heal up and/or shop at the Pokmon Center.
While there, speak with the woman at the northwest corner to receive three
Luxury Balls; these make it easier for Pokmon to raise their Happiness. These
are quite a boon when raising Pokmon to use Return, or using Pokmon that
evolve via Happiness.
Okay, leave the Pokmon Center and head east to the dead end. Go south along
the narrow path to find some Calcium at the end; this magnificent $9,800 item
will raise your Special Attack EVs by 10. Return to the main road, then go
north into the hotel. Head up to 25F and speak with the man, who will hand over
and tutorialize the Big Root.
Leave the building and go west from the Pokmon Center. Go into the building
you quickly find and speak with the man on the first floor. If you hand over
enough Red Shards, you can teach a Pokmon one of the below moves. Of course,
costs are in number of Red Shards.
| Cost | Type | Power | Accuracy | Max PP | Class | Target |
| Covet
| 2 | Normal | 60 | 100
| 40 | Phys. | One
| Bug Bite
| 2 | Bug
| 60 | 100
| 20 | Phys. | One
| Drill Run
| 4 | Ground | 80 |
| 10 | Phys. | One
| Bounce
| 4 | Flying | 85 |
5 | Phys. | One
| Signal Beam | 4 | Bug
| 75 | 100
| 15 | Spec. | One
| Iron Head
| 4 | Steel
| 80 | 100
| 15 | Phys. | One
| Super Fang | 6 | Normal | --- |
| 10 | Phys. | One
| Uproar
| 6 | Normal | 90 | 100
| 10 | Spec. | Random |
| Seed Bomb
| 6 | Grass
| 80 | 100
| 15 | Phys. | One
| Dual Chop
| 6 | Dragon | 40x |
| 15 | Phys. | One
| Low Kick
| 8 | Fighting | --- | 100
| 20 | Phys. | One
| Gunk Shot
| 8 | Poison | 120 |
5 | Phys. | One
| Fire Punch | 10 | Fire
| 75 | 100
| 15 | Phys. | One
| ThunderPunch | 10 | Electric | 75 | 100
| 15 | Phys. | One
| Ice Punch
| 10 | Ice
| 75 | 100
| 15 | Phys. | One
I, personally, would only go for an Elemental Punch, Gunk Shot (debatably),
Dual Chop, or Bug Bite. Choose as you wish.
Continue up to 25F and, there, speak with a man to receive an Air Balloon, then
leave. Head south and into the building to find the Driftveil Marketplace,

which has several shops.

The southeastern vendor sells some natural medicines which are cheaper than
their pharmaceutical counterparts, or just are non-existent in PokMarts;
however, they also lower a Pokmon's Happiness, so beware. The Old Plasma Grunt
standing at the intersection sells a variety of incenses. ... Let's try to
leave pagan ritualism out of their long list of odd things, okey-dokey?
Finally, north of there, there is a woman selling Moomoo Milk at $500 a pop.
Still not too bad, given you have yet to really get a large stock of Hyper
Potions, though I still prefer Lemonades.
Leave the market to the south, then go west and around to find Charles again.
You know, the Rotation/Triple Battle guy from Route 5? If you challenge him to
another battle, you'll end up getting the type of battle that you didn't get
before - Black 2 gets Triple Battles, White 2 gets Rotation Battles.
Next, go east and, at an intersection, go into the building nearby to find a
Shell Bell. The higher-up floors are useless to us, so leave. Go west, past
the intersection, then go around the corner and east into another building.
There, on the floor, if you the girl a Pokmon with a randomly-chosen TM move,
you can get a Heart Scale once daily. Go up to 23F to find a man; speak to him
to get an Everstone. This item merely prevents evolution while it is held. It
is probably best just to sell it; you can cancel evolution manually. =/
Return to the Pokmon Center and head northward. Go through a gap in the fence
to reach a paved road. You can go east to the Gym, or west to Route 6. Let's
go up the stairs heading east for now to soon reach the Old Plasma Grunt from
After some chatting, you'll probably say something to the effect of "Bring me
to your leader," as the Grunt brings you to the Old Team Plasma Leader, Rood.
Rood was one of the united Team Plasma's Seven Sages back in the original B/W.
Wonder what really happened these past two years? Anyways, Rood challenges you
to a battle; answer "Yes" and kick his butt.
Afterwards, you rival comes up and Rood flees. You quickly tail him, leading to
a quick chat. Your rival has to go urinate or something (I'm not going to
translate that; it's a half-decent joke), so he speeds off. Rood then asks for
you to do accept the Zorua. Like with many Pokmon Team Plasma took, the Old
team is raising the stolen ones, but Rood wants you to have this one.
Leave when you regain control. If you want to, you can challenge the Driftveil
City Gym. However, like with Nimbasa, let's just coast on over northwest onto
Route 6...
Route 6
| Treasures Checklist \
| Elixir ........... [] | Leaf Stone ....... [] | Moon Stone ....... [] |
| Pecha Berry ...... [] | Protein .......... [] | Shiny Stone ...... [] |
| TinyMushroom ..... [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |

| Potential Trades/Gifts \
| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |
| L100 EXP. |
| Both | (none)
| Deerling
| Normal/Grass
| 1,000,000 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Deerling
| Normal/Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Foongus
| Grass/Poison
| 1,000,000 | Big Mushroom | 1 HP
| Both |
| Karrablast | Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Shelmet
| Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Swadloon
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 2 Defense | Both |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Azumarill | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Castform
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | Mystic Water | 1 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Leavanny
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 3 Attack | Both |
| Unfezant
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Minccino Lv. 27, Deerling Lv. 27 |
Castform Lv. 28
Deerling Lv. 27, Shelmet Lv. 27 |
Deerling Lv. 28
Shelmet Lv. 27, Karrablast Lv. 27 |
Foongus Lv. 27, Karrablast Lv. 27 |
Castform Lv. 28
Whirlipede Lv. 28, Foongus Lv. 28 |
Once you arrive on the Route, head over the bridge into the grass. Go along and
beat up the Pokmon Breeder, then continue along the linear path to defeat a
Parasol Lady, then a School Kid to the north. Go north and examine the Pokball
to find a Foongus; defeat it, then move southeast to find the Elixir item,
which heals 10 PP of all of a Pokmon's moves.
Go west and past the bridge to find the Season Research Lab. First defeat the
Scientist outside. Inside, speak with the people. You should be able to get a
Leaf Stone from one of them, and a free Deerling from another. Yay?
Leave the lab and go into the fenced-off portion nearby. You can find a Moon
Stone here, used to evolve a few species of Pokmon - Nidorina, Nidorino,
Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Skitty, and Munna (literally 2/3 of them are from the
first generation of games).
Go onto the main path and continue along. Defeat the Scientist and go south,
then through the western gap in this fence. Continue along to the right side

and use the Dowsing Machine to find a TinyMushroom. Return to the main path
and continue along to the next bridge.
Use it to ford the river beneath it, then defeat the Foongus camouflaging
itself as a Pokball nearby in the grass. Defeat the trainer next to the water
puddle, and go into the grass for an Ultra Ball. Go north and defeat the
Parasol Lady, then south into the grass to find a Foongus faux-item.
Head north from the last-battled trainer, then east into the house. The woman
there will heal your Pokmon for free, and the little girl will give you a rare
Shiny Stone, used to evolve Togetic, Roselia, and Minccino. Leave the house and
head east from in, into the grass. Defeat the Pokmon Ranger at the end of the
path, who will hand over a Pecha Berry upon being defeated.
Go west of the house to the bridge. Head into the grass and use the Dowsing
Machine to find a Protein, which raises Attack EVs by 10.
That pretty much ends the Route. You can go back to Driftveil for the Gym, if
you want, or take a short tour through Chargestone Cave. I'd opt for the latter
Chargestone Cave
| Treasures Checklist \
| Full Heal ............................................................ [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Drilbur*
| Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Ferroseed | Grass/Steel
| 1,000,000 | Iron Barbs | 1 Defense | Both |
| Joltik
| Bug/Electric
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Klink
| Steel
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Nosepass
| Rock
| 1,000,000 | Hard Stone | 1 Defense | Both |
| Tynamo
| Electric
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| * - Swirling dust clouds only.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Magneton Lv. 30
There isn't a whole lot to do here; mostly mentioned for completionism and a
slight chance at leveling up, etc., etc.
Go along the path to find Bianca looking at a glowing, electrified crystal. She
will notice you, speak with you, and walk off. Stalk her and you'll find that
she blocked you with a large crystal. *glare* Push it to the east - you know
the mechanics if you played the original B/W - and go south and around the big
crystal to find a Full Heal.

Get heading on northward to another big rock, then push it north toward the
big(ger) rock to the east. Continue along up the eastern stairs to beat up a
We'll leave it there, for now... Leave the cave, Fly to Driftveil, heal up, and
head into the Gym.
Driftveil City Gym
| Treasures Checklist \
| Fresh Water ................... [] | Quake Badge ................... [] |
| TM78 (Bulldoze) ............... [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Baltoy Lv. 31
Drilbur Lv. 29, Sandile Lv. 29, |
Baltoy Lv. 30, Sandile Lv. 30
Baltoy Lv. 29
Sandile Lv. 30, Drilbur Lv. 30
Drilbur Lv. 31
Drilbur Lv. 30, Baltoy Lv. 30
Sandile Lv. 31
Inside the Gym, move onto the big elevator and examine the panel to go on down.
Once you land, snatch that Fresh Water from Clyde as he explains the Gym some.
Once you're ready, down the steps to the west, then head north towards the
first conveyor belt. It gets a bit complex from here on out.
Go north one platform.
Battle the Worker.
Go east one platform.
Go south one platform.
Go east one platform.
Battle the Worker.
Go north one platform.
Battle the Worker.
Go north three platforms.
Go west two platforms.
Go south two platforms.
Battle the Worker.
Go north three platforms.
Go east two platforms.
Battle the Worker.
Go east two platforms.
Battle the Worker.
Go west two platforms.
Go south three platforms.
Go east two platforms.
Go north two platforms.
Battle the Worker.

Go back to the Pokmon Center and heal.

From the very start of the maze, go north one platform.
Go east one platform.
Go south one platform.
Go east one platform.
Go north three platforms.
Go east two platforms
Go north one platform.
Time to battle Clay.
| BOSS: Gym Leader Clay \
| Pokmon: Krokorok (Lv. 31) Ground/Dark
Sandslash (Lv. 31) Ground
Excadrill (Lv. 33) Ground/Steel
| Money Earned: $3,960
| Krokorok is weak to Water, Grass, Ice, Bug, and Fighting; it is also
| immune to Electric and Psychic. Its moveset contains Bulldoze (Ground),
| Sand Tomb (Ground), Crunch (Dark), and Torment (Dark).
| Sandslash is weak to Water, Grass, and Ice, and is immune to Electric. It |
| can use Bulldoze (Ground), Crush Claw (Normal), Fury Cutter (Bug), and
| Rollout (Rock).
| Excadrill is weak to Water, Fire, Fighting, and Ground, and is immune to |
| Electric and Poison. Its moveset contains Bulldoze (Ground), Rock Slide
| (Rock), Metal Claw (Steel), and Slash (Normal).
| Recommendations: In general, a Water type Pokmon, such as Simipour or
| Samurott, will dominate this Gym. Alternatively, you can pretty much just |
| bring weakness-abusing Pokmon for Krokorok; Water for Sandslash; and
| Water/Fighting/Ground for Excadrill. Level should be 35+.
| Normally, I would recommend using a Flying-type Pokmon, but, at best,
| they're only useful towards Krokorok; the other two have Rock-type moves |
| that'll cause mass murder on Flying Pokmon. Electric Pokmon in general |
| should not be used, nor should Rock, Steel, Fire, or Poison. Again, Water |
| be the best Pokmon to use here, and not a Water/Flying Pokmon (weakness |
| to Rock, again).
After the fight, you'll receive TM78, which contains Bulldoze. It is a pretty
decent Ground-type move that will hit everyone but the user in double/triple
battles, but, since the majority of fights are single battles, it is worth
putting on.
After some chatting, go south and leave.

Jet Badge

Driftveil City
| Driftveil PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Heal Powder ................. $450 | EnergyPowder ................ $500 |
| Energy Root ................. $800 | Revival Herb .............. $2,800 |
| Odd Incense ............... $9,600 | Sea Incense ............... $9,600 |
| Rose Incense .............. $9,600 | Wave Incense .............. $9,600 |
| Rock Incense .............. $9,600 | Pure Incense .............. $9,600 |
| Luck Incense .............. $9,600 | Lax Incense ............... $9,600 |
| Full Incense .............. $9,600 |
| Moomoo Milk ............ $500 each |
After beating Clay, you'll chat briefly before being escorted out of the Gym,
for the most part; a few steps south will let you exit. So, woo, five badges.
Outside, you'll find Clay speaking with your rival. They notice you and motion
you over. After a fair bit of conversing, Clay, then your rival, will leave.
Head over the Pokmon Center and heal and shop. Afterwards, exit Driftveil to
the south to find the Pokmon World Tournament.
Pokmon World Tournament - Main Area & Driftveil Tournament
| Treasures Checklist \
| Ether ......................... [] | PP Up ......................... [] |
| Rocky Helmet .................. [] | Zinc .......................... [] |
| Pokmon World Tournament Stores \

| Item Name ...... Cost | Item Name ...... Cost | Item Name ...... Cost |
| Protein ........ 1 BP | Iron ........... 1 BP | Zinc ........... 1 BP |
| Carbos ......... 1 BP | HP Up .......... 1 BP | Fire Stone ..... 3 BP |
| Thunderstone ... 3 BP | Water Stone .... 3 BP | Leaf Stone ..... 3 BP |
| Scope Lens ..... 8 BP | Wide Lens ...... 8 BP | Muscle Band .... 8 BP |
| Wise Glasses ... 8 BP | Razor Claw ..... 8 BP | Razor Fang ..... 8 BP |
| Binding Band ... 8 BP | BrightPowder .. 12 BP | Focus Band .... 12 BP |
| Zoom Lens ..... 12 BP | Iron Ball ..... 12 BP | Air Balloon ... 12 BP |
| Power Bracer .. 16 BP | Power Belt .... 16 BP | Power Lens .... 16 BP |
| Power Band .... 16 BP | Power Anklet .. 16 BP | Power Weight .. 16 BP |
| Toxic Orb ..... 16 BP | Flame Orb ..... 16 BP | White Herb .... 16 BP |
| Power Herb .... 16 BP | Absorb Bulb ... 16 BP | Cell Battery .. 16 BP |
| Red Card ...... 16 BP | Eject Button .. 16 BP | Choice Band ... 24 BP |
| Choice Specs .. 24 BP | Choice Scarf .. 24 BP | Focus Sash .... 24 BP |
| Life Orb ...... 24 BP | Rare Candy .... 24 BP |
| TM17 (Protect) .... 6BP| TM20 (Safeguard) .. 6BP| TM32 (Double Team) 6BP|
| TM59 (Incinerate) . 6BP| TM31 (Brick Break) 12BP| TM79 (Frost Breath)12BP|
| TM89 (U-turn) .... 12BP| TM10 (Hidden Power)18BP| TM23 (Smack Down) 18BP|
| TM48 (Round) ..... 18BP| TM75 (Swords Dance)18BP| TM87 (Swagger) ... 18BP|
| TM88 (Pluck) ..... 18BP| TM34 (Sludge Wave) 24BP| TM51 (Ally Switch) 24BP|
| TM60 (Quash) ..... 24BP| TM64 (Explosion) . 24BP| TM77 (Psych Up) .. 24BP|
| Fresh Water ... $200 | Soda Pop ....... $300 | Lemonade ....... $350 |
(So you know, the last three items here come from vending machines.)
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Servine Lv. 25, Simisear Lv. 25, Tranquill Lv. 25 [chose Oshawott]<-,Only|
Pignite Lv. 25, Simipour Lv. 25, Tranquill Lv. 25 [chose Snivy] <-| One|
Dewott Lv. 25, Simipour Lv. 25, Tranquill Lv. 25 [chose Tepig]
Stoutland Lv. 25, Watchog Lv. 25, Cinccino Lv. 25
Magneton Lv. 25, Elgyem Lv. 25, Klink Lv. 25
Once you enter, turn on your Dowsing Machine and head south. At the turn in the
path, you'll find a hidden item somewhere nearby; following the Dowsing Machine
will lead you to an Ether. Return to the main path, go east, and you'll find
some stalls.
The northern one tells you a type a Pokmon is strong against; the west one
allows you to relearn moves that you forgot (not TMs/HMs); the final one lets
you forget any move, even HMs, on a Pokmon! Use them as you wish, then go east
into the main building of the Pokmon World Tournament.
By the way, further east of the main building, you can find two sets of Move
Tutors. The first teaches the ultimate element moves to the fully-evolved
starter Pokmon. Each move has 150 Power, or 225 with the STAB, but requires a
rest on the next turn. The other Tutor will teach the elemental Pledges to a
starter Pokmon - they kinda suck, so don't even worry over them too much.
As you do, speak with your rival and Clay outside the building, then you'll be
escorted in. Clay will briefly speak with someone wanting to enter the tourney
before going on in, with your rival at his heels. You'll need to enter, as
well, eventually. But, first, picking up some stuff.

Leave to find yourself at a crossroads. Go south to the docks, then west at the
next intersection to find a PP Up! Return in front of the main building, then
go east to find some other stalls, whose function I am not aware of. At the end
of the path is a northbound-looking man, who will hand over the Rocky Helmet.
You should then go further north to the vending machines; examine a nearby
trashcan for a Zinc, which boosts Special Defense EVs by 10.
Return into the Pokmon World Tournament building.
Here, there will only be one tourney open to you: the Driftveil Tournament.
You will have to go further in the game to unlock more. Let's sign up - speak
with green-clothed woman next to the stairs. Use the first option to enter the
tourney, then choose the top option. (That is "single battle". Later on, you
will also get double/triple/rotation battles.) Choose the three desired Pokmon
to begin.
| Firstly, as said earlier, you can only do single battles in the first
| time you do this. Later on, you can do other battle types. Also, you'd |
| normally use TWO Pokmon, not three, in a single battle tourney.
| During the matches, only the opponents' Pokmon is set to a certain
| level. In this case, they'll be forced to Level 25, whereas your Pokmon |
| will retain their current level, whether above or below 25.
| Obviously, this can considered a sort of Battle Tower. You will earn no |
| EXP. and no money. Therefore, switch your Amulet Coin/EXP. Share to
| something useful. As your only allowed items are to be held items, be
| careful in your choosing.
| And, finally, Pokmon are fully healed between battles, and you lose
| nothing if you do lose, except time.
Once the tournament begins, you'll see the bracket. Your first match will be
against your rival (party in area intro, like the other two fights). After
winning, you'll face Cheren in the semi-finals, then Colress in the finals.
Defeat them with aplomb.
Afterwards, back in the lobby, you'll get the epic prize of 1 BP. =/ These
can be exhcanged for various prizes at the BP Exchange Service Corners, as
shown in the area intro.
After that, you'll speak with your rival, Cheren, and Clay. Roxie soon appears
and joins in briefly, with Clay following. Once you regain control, leave and
your rival and Cheren stalk you for some chatting. All of a sudden, a New
Plasma Grunt will rush in, heading to the docks.
Colress then bolts out of the main building, revealing himself as a member of
the New Team Plasma. I KNEW IT! >_> Your rival follows the Grunt, followed by
Cheren. Colress briefly speaks with you, after which you can run towards the
Grunt as well.
Head south to the docks, where you'll find a boat. All aboard!

Pokmon World Tournament - Team Plasma Frigate

| Trainers' Pokmon \
Koffing Lv. 30
Trubbish Lv. 30
Grimer Lv. 29, Krokorok Lv. 29, Liepard Lv. 29, Golbat Lv. 29
Grimer Lv. 29, Koffing Lv. 29, Raticate Lv. 29, Watchog Lv. 29
As you get your sea legs, you'll be following your rival and Cheren in the
ship. After some talking, a Grunt approaches and alerts everyone to your
presence. Now why can't Bowser's Koopa/Goomba army be this efficient? :)
Anyhow, some Grunts will come from the north and south to surround you, leading
you into two consecutive fights. Purify their Poison Pokmon to push everyone
aside, more or less. Then speak with Cheren to fight a double battle with him
as your ally (higher-level party he had in the Driftveil Tourney), then repeat
a similar ideal with your rival.
After the battle, it seems you've won. After Cheren and your rival chat very
briefly, Zinzolin, another one of the united Team Plasma's Seven Sages, will
appear. There will be some chattin', Pokmon appear, then you're back on the
docks and the ship is ... gone!? Your rival freaks out and flees, leaving a
nice trail of urine behind him. How ... terrific.
Cheren will also speak shortly, then leave in a calmer manner. Once you regain
control, you'll be allowed to re-enter the Driftveil Tournament at your own
whim. For now, let's go to the Relic Passage for now.
Relic Passage
| Treasures Checklist \
| Blue Shard ....... [] | Green Shard ...... [] | Max Repel ........ [] |
| Max Repel ........ [] | Protein .......... [] | Rare Candy ....... [] |
| Red Shard ........ [] | Rock Gem ......... [] | Rocky Helmet ..... [] |
| Sun Stone ........ [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Yellow Shard ..... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon World Tournament Entrance - Area #1
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Drilbur*
| Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |

Pokmon World Tournament Entrance - Area #2
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Drilbur*
| Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Raticate
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | Chilan Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Relic Castle Entrance
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Krokorok
| Ground/Dark
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Sandile
| Ground/Dark
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Sandslash | Ground
| 1,000,000 | Quick Claw | 2 Defense | Both |
| Volcarona** | Bug/Fire
| 1,250,000 | SilverPowder | 3 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Yamask
| Ghost
| 1,000,000 | Spell Tag
| 1 Defense | Both |
| * - Found only in swirling dust clouds.
| ** - Single-time encounter only.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Sandslash Lv. 32
Raticate Lv. 32
<--+- P.W.T. Entrance Area #1
Drilbur Lv. 31, Roggenrola Lv. 31 <--'
Roggenrola Lv. 31, Timburr Lv. 31 <--,
Swoobat Lv. 33
<--|__,- P.W.T. Entrance Area #2
Watchog Lv. 32
Baltoy Lv. 32, Yamask Lv. 32
Not a lot new here. If you didn't get/don't have Krokorok or Sandslash, now's
as good a chance as any. Onix makes an okay Rock/Ground type, but that's about
it. That Volcarona near the end is one you'll want to catch, especially given
its rarity, so bring along some Ultra Balls if you've got them!
<== Pokmon World Tournament Entrance, Area #1 ==>
When you arrive here, go south and speak with the Worker next to the wall, then
go further south, then downstairs. You'll come upon a fork. Go along the west
path to battle a female Backpacker; after winning, go along the pathway to some
stairs. Use 'em.
There will be two eastbound paths nearby. Use the northern one and continue
along to a crossroads. Use the wide northbound path to soon reach a pacing
Backpacker. Defeat him and head eastward to soon find a Protein. Backtrack to
the crossroads and go east to find a Hiker.
Defeat him in the battle, then continue east to find a door into the next area.
Let's go.

<== Pokmon World Tournament Entrance, Area #2 ==>

Go south, downstairs, then east to battle a Hiker. Go south past him, then west
once you bump into the wall. You'll notice a standalone rock; examine it to
find a Blue Shard. Head east, past the intersection, switching on the Dowsing
Machine as you do to find a Max Repel in some water.
Go back to where the Hiker is and go east. Once you find the two southbound
paths, take no worries and just pick one to soon meet up with a Psychic trainer
to fight.
Go south to find another standalone rock; this one yields a Green Shard when
scrutinized. Go east to find a north/south fork. Go south for now, and you'll
quickly find a tri-branching path. Go along the western path; defeat the female
Backpacker and grab the Yellow Shard from a rock (use the Dowsing Machine) on
the way.
Continue along to the stairs at the end of the linear path. Ascend and go
through the doorway back into the Castelia Sewers. Go along the path to the
Strength boulder; push it into the hole, then head north to soon find another
door. Use it to reach an Ultra Ball, Rock Gem, Rocky Helmet, and Rare Candy!!
Backtrack to the Strength boulder, jump over the nearby ledge, and continue
back into Castelia. Grab the Max Repel in full sight on the way back, then
Fly and backtrack back to the north/south fork from before.
There, go north and along the path to find a Psychic. Defeat this trainer,
examine the nearby standalone rock for a Red Shard, then continue northward.
Use Strength on the boulder, then push it into the hole and continue along into
the Relic Castle part...
<== Relic Castle Entrance ==>
Don't worry, this'll be quick.
Go northeast and through the eastern door. Go east and through the next door.
There, flip on the Dowsing Machine and head to the middle of the room where you
will find a Sun Stone, then go east to another room. Repeat.
Here, go to the northeast corner and you'll find an Ultra Ball. Return to the
room with the northbound door, then use it. Continue along to the end of the
hall there,
and prepare to battle Volcarona.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #637 Volcarona \
| Pokmon's Type : Bug/Fire
| Pokmon's Level: Level 35
| EVs Gained
: 3 Special Attack
| Potential Moves: - Ember (Fire)
- Gust (Flying)
- Leech Life (Bug)
- String Shot (Bug)
- Fire Spin (Fire)
| Volcarona is a very rare Pokmon that you will want to catch. It is weak |
| to Rock (4x), Water, and Flying. It will resist Grass (4x), Ice, Bug, and |
| Steel. All other move types will do Normal damage. It can have the ability |
| Flame Body (contact attackers may get burned) or Swarm (Bug-type moves'
| Power gets increased at low HP).

| It can pretty much have five moves for now. Ember and Fire Spin do extra |
| damage to Ice, Grass, Bug, and Steel; Fire Spin also hits multiple times. |
| Gust will hurt Grass, Bug, and Fighting types. Leech Life will hurt Grass |
| and Psychic types more, and String Shot will reduce Speed.
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible, status it, and toss an Ultra Ball. Here, you
| may want to begin with Paralysis and then switch to a Grass-type-move user |
| or Sleep and use Special-class moves to avoid awakening. You'll want the |
| HP to be in the red before attempting a catch with one of your limited
| Ultra Balls. Also note that the use of False Swipe, if you somehow have
| it, will never kill an enemy, and therefore will cause the Pokmon to
| remain at one HP, prime for catching.
Afterwards, backtrack to the main Pokmon World Tournament area. Fly to
Driftveil, heal up, and progress northwest to Route 6.
Route 6
| Treasures Checklist \
| HM03 (Surf) .......................................................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Deerling
| Normal/Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Foongus
| Grass/Poison
| 1,000,000 | Big Mushroom | 1 HP
| Both |
| Karrablast | Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Shelmet
| Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Swadloon
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 2 Defense | Both |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Azumarill | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Castform
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | Mystic Water | 1 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Leavanny
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 3 Attack | Both |
| Unfezant
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
This will be assuming you have visiited the Route once before, prior to the
Driftveil Gym Battle. If not, associated details are in Section VI.

As you enter the Route, progress along the fairly linear path northwestward
to the Season Research Lab. As you pass by, Cheren will come along, taking you
inside the lab. There, he'll give you HM03. This move teaches Surf, which is,
in my opinion, the most battle-oriented HM. It has 90 Power, hits all but the
user, and is of the Water type. In the field, it will let you sail across the
water, albeit not up waterfalls. That is a different HM. It is well worth
putting on a Pokmon.
Return outside and continue along the rest of the Route towards Chargestone
Cave. As you cross the final bridge, another familiar Pokmon appears, freaks
you out yet again, then it flees. An old couple will appear nearby and chat
with you for a fair bit before letting you continue along into Chargestone
Cave. If you need some healing, use the shack nearby before entering.
Chargestone Cave
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Nugget ....... [] | Carbos ........... [] | Carbos ........... [] |
| Chesto Berry ..... [] | Chesto Berry ..... [] | Iron ............. [] |
| Magnet ........... [] | Nugget ........... [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
1F & B1F Wild Encounters
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Drilbur*
| Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Ferroseed | Grass/Steel
| 1,000,000 | Iron Barbs | 1 Defense | Both |
| Joltik
| Bug/Electric
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Klink
| Steel
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Nosepass
| Rock
| 1,000,000 | Hard Stone | 1 Defense | Both |
| Tynamo
| Electric
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| * - Swirling dust clouds only.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Klink Lv. 33, Sandslash Lv. 33, Unfezant Lv. 33
Ampharos Lv. 34
Solosis Lv. 32, Gothita Lv. 32
Minccino Lv. 33, Excadrill Lv. 33
Joltik Lv. 32, Golbat Lv. 32
Tirtouga Lv. 34, Magmar Lv. 34
Aron Lv. 32, Nosepass Lv. 32
<== 1F ==>
As before, we'll assume you were here briefly before visiting the Driftveil
Gym and claiming your badge.

Continue along to the bridge where you found Bianca and a Worker speaking.
Seems they left ... or fell into the gap, I don't particularly care.
Anywho, cross the bridge and, as you cross the midpoint, you'll be stopped by
someone calling out to you. Afterwards, continue onto the other side. Push the
floating crystal south to open the path. Go south and along the path to find
an Ace Trainer, who will fight you in a triple battle!
(Few notes of trivia on this 3-on-3. He uses Pokmon all of Level 33, and their
evolutionary stage numbers are 1, 2, and 3. The money awarded can be divided
by three to become $660, then again to $220. He has three different Pokmon
used as well, and is the third 3-on-3 type of battle you've fought in this
game. Yep, lots of numerical trivia.)
After the fight, continue past the stairs to find two aerial crystals. Push the
south one west, then go along the path to the edge of the cliff. There, you'll
find a Magnet, which boosts the holder's Electric-type moves' Power by 20%.
Neat. Backtrack to the stairs and head on down.
<== B1F (mostly) ==>
Go along the path and you'll soon meet two people. Speak with them to receive
not just a Nugget, and not just two Nuggets, but one Nugget, and a Big Nugget
too! If I remember correctly, that's $15,000 right there! *faint*
Anywho, go west to find some stairs heading up to 1F again. Use 'em and jump
over the ledge for a quick leave. Speak with the woman above the stairs, then
go south and beat the Ranger to the south, who will yield a Chesto Berry upon
Flip on your Dowsing Machine and go south; you'll soon find a Carbos underneath
some crystals, which boosts Speed EVs by 10. Go back to the guys that handed
you their Nuggets. So to speak. :P
From the Nugget Brothers, go north and upstairs, then along the western path.
Continue along, using the Dowsing Machine to find an Ultra Ball, then continue
further. Defeat the Doctor to be healed whenever you speak with him. Go east
and snatch up the Iron. Continue further and south to find a Pokmon Ranger.
Defeat her in battle to receive a Chesto Berry. Backtrack to the Doctor from
before, heal, and head north. You'll find a Scientist; baffle his mind with
your Pokmon's might! Afterwards, go down the westbound stairs.
Push the first of the floating crystals west, and the next one north. Oh, crap,
we found Bianca. ;_; Well, we still probably need here for an HM or two, so
we may still have some use for her... Chat and go upstairs.
<== 1F ==>
Go east and south to find a four-way intersection. Go along to the pacing Ace
Trainer for a fight, then go along the southern branch of the intersection.
Continue along to find a Hiker; defeat him and snatch up the Carbos. Return to
the intersection and go along the eastern path.
Along the way, you'll find a floating crystal. Push it west so as to open the
path into Mistralton City.

Mistralton City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Flying Gem ....... [] | HP Up ............ [] | Iron ............. [] |
| Master Ball ...... [] | Max Repel ........ [] | Net Ball ......... [] |
| Sharp Beak ....... [] | TM58 (Sky Drop) .. [] |
| Mistralton PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
As you enter the airport city of Unova, a first for any region, enter the
nearby Pokmon Center. Heal, shop, etc. Leave and go east, into the red house,
and you'll find a girl within. Speak with her to get an HP Up, and examine the
trashcan in the bottom-left corner to get an Iron.
Leave, go west, and along the path north and west of the Pokmon Center. As you
walk along it, Professor Juniper finally meets you in person. She'll chat with
you, examine your Pokdex progress and ... holy crap, give you a FREE MASTER
BALL! These magnificent Pokballs are one-of-a-kind (per game, mostly) and will
catch any wild Pokmon without fail, regardless of any numerical data. (That's
because it's catch rate is 255x that of the normal Pok Ball, which REALLY
trumps dang near anything you toss it at. So it technically CAN fail, but good
luck with that one.)
Right after that, Skyla, still the Gym Leader of the Flying-type Mistralton
Gym, comes by to chat with the two of you. Juniper will leave, followed by
Skyla after some more chatting. If you want, challenge her Gym, but I'd prefer
to do some grinding beforehand.
Go along to the intersection; south heads you to the Pokmon Center and the
Chargestone Cave, west brings you to the Gym and the airplane runway, and
east towards Route 7. Go west and into the control tower. Inside, speak with
the woman near the main counter to get a Sharp Beak (boosts the holder's
Flying-type moves' Power by 20%), then go northeast. Show the man a Tranquill
and you'll get a Net Ball.
Exit and head onto the runway. Look out for landing planes - we don't want your
pixels to squirt pixellated blood all over the pixellated plane and runway,
right? On the east side, along the parked plane's southern end, you'll find

TM58. TM58 teaches Sky Drop, a move that caused much grief to online players
through a glitch that forced Nintendo to outright ban it from online play. It
is a Flying-type move that requires two turns to execute.
Return to the main runway and go south to the end. Around here, look around the
southwestern greenhouses to find a partially-obscured Max Repel. Go along the
west side of the runway, heading north, to the Backpacker. Speak with her to
make something happen. Turn on the Dowsing Machine and head north until it
registers an item; grab that Flying Gem.
That'll be it. You can go ahead and proceed on into the Mistralton Gym, or let
us do some brief grinding. Go east from town onto Route 7.
Route 7
| Treasures Checklist \
| Elixir ........................ [] | Leaf Stone .................... [] |
| Revive ........................ [] | TinyMushroom .................. [] |
| TM81 (X-Scissor) .............. [] | Zinc .......................... [] |
| Potential Trades/Gifts \
| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |
| L100 EXP. |
| Both | Emolga
| Gigalith
| Rock
| 1,059,860 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Cubchoo
| Ice
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Deerling
| Normal/Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Foongus
| Grass/Poison
| 1,000,000 | Big Mushroom | 1 HP
| Both |
| Seviper
| Poison
| 1,640,000 | None
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Sp.Atk. |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Watchog
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Zangoose
| Normal
| 600,000 | Quick Claw | 2 Attack | Both |
| Zebstrika | Electric
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Unfezant
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| * - Found only in the Winter seasons.

| Trainers' Pokmon \
Ducklett Lv. 34, Tranquill Lv. 35
Stoutland Lv. 33, Deerling Lv. 33, Deerling Lv. 33
Ducklett Lv. 33, Ducklett Lv. 33, Unfezant Lv. 33
Cleffa Lv. 34, Cinccino Lv. 34
Sunflora Lv. 34
Darumaka Lv. 34
Seviper Lv. 33, Zangoose Lv. 33
Baltoy Lv. 35
Baltoy Lv. 35
Pokmon-wise, this Route features nothing exceptional, except in winter. You
can find Cubchoo then, a Pokmon that could be critical versus Dragon types
later on. Otherwise, meh. Also, taking a look at the parallelism in the
original B/W walkthrough I wrote, I'm really starting to think not a lot of
wild Pokmon sets were changed. Seriously, Nintendo?
Once you arrive, go north until you spot a side path going west. Use it and
go along the past. Defeat the Breeder you coem across, then continue on and
downstairs. Go southeast and defeat the Youngster via a Rotation Battle. Now
go east to find two item balls. One is a Foongus battle; another is a Zinc.
Go west to the main path, then go north. Go into the house when you find it to
find a Hiker, much like in the original B/W - he is searching for an Emolga,
which has a 5% chance of being found in shaking grass around here, and will
give you a Gigalith in exchange. It's not worth giving up your main-use one, if
you are doing so; still worth catching a spare, though, since you get to bypass
the trading evolution condition (Boldore -> Gigalith).
Leave and go east onto the raised path, which prevents battling mostly if you
don't stay still for too long or idiotically walk off. Go east and down the
ramp there, then move over to the Lass and beat her birds in a triple battle!
Go north along the main path, defeat the next Trainer, then go northwest to
beat up the poor ol' Preschooler. Go west into the clearing to find a Leaf
Stone, then head north to find a Foongus to battle.
Go north to find the entrance to Celestial Tower, which we'll plunder in a
moment. Go around the east side, to the back, and flip on the Dowsing Machine
to find a TinyMushroom. Let's ignore the Tower for now and continue along to
the end of Route 7; there isn't too much left now.
Go south, then into the grass to the east. Defeat the Preschooler there, then
bypass her to find an Elixir. Return to the main path and head south to the
northbound raised walkway. Go east and onto it, then cross to the other side.
Use the Dowsing Machine around here to find a Revive, then head into the house.
Speak with the woman next to the T.V. to get healed. You can also speak with
the bald guy here to learn about Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus if you meet
certain, currently-undefined (by my knowledge) conditions, even letting some
data enter the Pokdex.
Leave, then go east and upstairs. Your mother will call; chat, ignore her, and
so on. Move north and defeat the twins in a double battle (with rivaling
Pokmon, if you know Hoenn lore). Go south and onto the walkthrough, then
continue along to the Harlequin.
Beat his Baltoy, then continue along to the eastern ramp and go on down to find
TM81, which teaches a decent Bug-type move known as X-Scissor. Return to where

the Twins are, move north onto the ramp, and continue along to find another
That's it. You could have gone north to Twist Mountain, but have yet to get
enough badges to be allowed forward. You can return to Mistralton for the Gym
Battle, if you want, or, like me, backtrack to Celestial Tower and do some more
Celestial Tower
| Treasures Checklist \
| Ghost Gem ..................... [] | Hyper Potion .................. [] |
| Lucky Egg ..................... [] | PP Up ......................... [] |
| Revive ........................ [] | TM61 (Will-O-Wisp) ............ [] |
| TM65 (Shadow Claw) ............ [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
1F and 5F Wild Encounter Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Litwick
| Ghost/Fire
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
2F - 4F Wild Encounter Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Elgyem
| Psychic
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Golbat
| Poison/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Litwick
| Ghost/Fire
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Musharna Lv. 36
Litwick Lv. 35
Clefairy Lv. 35
Cubchoo Lv. 35
Espeon Lv. 36
Elgyem Lv. 35, Duosion Lv. 35
Leavanny Lv. 35
Roselia Lv. 35
Umbreon Lv. 35
Yamask Lv. 35, Gothorita Lv. 35 |
<== 1F ==>
When you arrive, head north to find Professor Juniper nearby. Speak with her
and you'll receive a Lucky Egg. Sweet! This hold item will boost EXP. gains
in battle for the holder, if the holder participates; just don't let them get
out of hand and stop Pokmon from obeying you!
Continue upstairs.
<== 2F ==>

Go northwest, maneuvering through the gravestones, to find a Psychic. Defeat

the Trainer and go northwest to snatch up a Hyper Potion. Go east and defeat
the School Kid, then go around to grab TM61. This TM will teach Will-O-Wisp,
which will Burn its target.
Go towards the stairs to the next floor. Defeat the Pokfan near them and go
on up.
<== 3F ==>
Go east, south, and west to find another Trainer. Defeat her, then go south to
the walking Psychic. Win the ensuing fight, then go west and grab the Revive.
(Ironic and sad, is it not?) Go east and defeat another Psychic, then south to
beat the Nurse. Afterwards, let her heal your Pok's, then go upstairs.
<== 4F ==>
Go northwest and defeat the Socialite, then further northwest to find a PP Up.
Continue northeast to find a Gentleman, who also takes on my name (^_^). Defeat
him, if you so wish, then defeat the Psychic further east. Even further east,
you'll find TM65. TM65 teaches Shadow Claw, a decent Ghost-type move that also
has a raised critical-hit rate.
Go up the northern stairs.
<== 5F ==>
You won't find any Pokmon or Trainers here. Go southwest and around to the
west side of the raised platform. Turn on your Dowsing Machine and you'll be
able to find a Ghost Gem nearby. Ascend to the platform's bell, and ring it if
you want by selecting "Yes".
That's it. Return to 1F, leave, and Fly to Mistralton. Heal up at the Pokmon
Center, then go north, west, and north into the Gym!
Mistralton City Gym
| Treasures Checklist \
| Fresh Water ................... [] | Jet Badge ..................... [] |
| TM62 (Acrobatics) ............. [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Swoobat Lv. 37
Sigilyph Lv. 37
Archen Lv. 36, Unfezant Lv. 36
Unfezant Lv. 37
Ducklett Lv. 36, Swoobat Lv. 36 |
Once you enter the Gym, go forward just to watch the wind gust, flinging Clyde
toward you, quite literally. He'll hand over a Fresh Water, then speak some,
nothing the turbines at the back of the Gym. These things will periodically
blow strong winds, bringing you southward unless you get stopped by a wall -

standing on the darker tiles means you're okay. Hm, sounds kinda like the ice
tile puzzles.
Go down the ramp and go along into the safe area. Let the wind calm, then go
northeast. Defeat the Pilot and get in front of the wall. Then run north and
into the safe area. After the wind calms, go south and west to another safe
After the calm, go southwest to the next safe area, then get blown south to the
left wall. Defeat the Pilot there, then go north to the next safe area. Wait
for the calm, then go around the wall and north to the next safe area.
Wait for the calm, then head east to next safe area. Wait for the calm, then go
west and north to another safe area. Defeat the nearby Pilot, then go along the
windy path east in front of the wall to the south. Defeat the Pilot there.
Go east and north to the next safe area. As usual, wait for the calm and head
north. Then go west when first possible, quickly heading north when the next
safe area is visible. Go along the eastbound path that is second from the
bottom when the calm begins, then go as far as possible until the wind blows.
If you went as I said, defeat the nearby Pilot. Crash his plane, so to speak,
then go north along the small path to the red area, which is safe from the
wind, but dangerous in another fashion... Go along to Skyla, and speak with her
to begin the battle that will begin the final quarter of your journey!
| BOSS: Gym Leader Skyla \
| Pokmon: Swoobat (Lv. 37) Flying/Psychic
Skarmory (Lv. 37) Flying/Steel
Swanna (Lv. 38) Flying/Water
| Money Earned: $4,680
| Swoobat is weak to Rock, Ice, Electric, Dark, and Ghost. Its moves consist |
| of Acrobatics (Flying), Assurance (Dark), Heart Stamp (Psychic), and
| Attract (members of opposite gender have only a 50% chance of attacking). |
| I'd also note, rather late, that it's immune to Ground.
| Skarmory is weak to Electric and Fire, and immune to Poison and Ground.
| Its moveset is Air Cutter (Flying), Steel Wing (Steel), Fury Attack
| (Normal), and Agility (Speed boost).
| Swanna is weak to Electric (4x) and Rock, and is immune to Ground. Its
| moveset will consist of Air Slash (Flying), Bubblebeam (Water), Roost
| (user loses Flying-type status and heals HP), and FeatherDance (Attack
| boost, I think). If Swanna happens to lose her Flying status, then the
| weaknesses are Electric and Grass.
| Recommendations: For Swoobat, pretty much type abuse will do okay, unless |
| you end up using Ghost Pokmon (Assurance). For Skarmory, I'd prefer to
| use an Electric type (Air Cutter resistance). As for Swanna, I'd use an
| Electric type without contest. Recommended level is 40+.
| If you were to use a general Pokmon for this, something like Magneton or |
| Magnezone would be best, given their multiple Electric-type moves and
| their resistance to almost every single move here. I'd also think about
| bringing along a Grass-type to combat Swanna in the case of the use of
| Roost. Pokmon not to bring would definitely include Grass (generally),
| Bug, and Fighting.

After the fight, you'll receive the Jet Badge, opening up the final quarter of
your journey... You'll also receive TM62. TM62 teaches Acrobatics, a Flying
move of 55 Power, which also happens to increase in power if the target is
holding an item.

Legend Badge
Once you've beaten Skyla, we can proceed onto the City of Dragons, Opelucid
City. Let's begin by going south of Skyla and going straight back to the
Gym entrance. Leave.
Mistralton City
| Treasures Checklist \
| TM40 (Aerial Ace) .................................................... [] |
| Mistralton PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
Back outside, Skyla will come on over to speak with you, then Juniper suddenly
decides to as well. After some chatting, you'll eventually regain control of
your character. Go heal/shop at the Pokmon Center, then go north and into the
house. Speak with the kid there and you'll be told to find his treasure. It is
at the southwestern corner of the runway, and is TM40, Aerial Ace, a no-miss
60-Power Flying-type move. It's a great move.
Next, you'll need to ring the bell atop Celestial Tower, found on Route 7. If
you haven't done so - I mentioned doing it in Section VII as part of the
pre-Gym grinding - go back to the previous section for the full walkthrough.

Otherwise, head into the airport control tower.

Inside, speak with Skyla and say "Yes" to opt to fly off to Lentimas Town in
eastern Unova. Bianca suddenly appears and has a reunion with Prof. Juniper they were from the same town in the original B/W.
Lentimas Town
| Treasures Checklist \
| Fire Stone .................... [] | Spell Tag ..................... [] |
| TM57 (Charge Beam) ............ [] |
| Lentimas PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
When you land in this town, there will be a lengthy conversation, with a
question you can answer however you wish. After it ends, Bianca leaves and
you're finally flee to loot the town or whatever. But first, go into the
Pokmon Center to heal/shop, then speak with the southwestern old woman to get
a Spell Tag.
Afterwards, leave the building and go north and into the western building.
Speak with the woman inside for TM57, which teaches Charge Beam. Leave and
head into the building west of the Pokmon Center. Speak with the northeastern
man in the house for move tutoring based on Blue Shards:
| Cost | Type | Power | Accuracy | Max PP | Class | Target |
| Last Resort | 2 | Normal | 140 | 100
5 | Phys. | One
| Iron Defense | 2 | Steel
| --- | --| 15 | Stat. | User |
| Magnet Rise | 4 | Electric | --- | --| 10 | Stat. | User |
| Magic Coat | 4 | Psychic | --- | --| 15 | Stat. | User |
| Block
| 6 | Normal | --- | --|
5 | Stat. | One
| Hyper Voice | 6 | Normal | 90 | 100
| 10 | Spec. | All Opp|
| Electroweb | 6 | Electric | 55 |
| 15 | Spec. | All Opp|
| Icy Wind
| 6 | Ice
| 55 |
| 15 | Spec. | All Opp|
| Iron Tail
| 6 | Steel
| 100 |
| 15 | Phys. | One

| Aqua Tail
| 8 | Water
| 90 |
| 10 | Phys. | One
| Earth Power | 8 | Ground | 90 | 100
| 10 | Spec. | One
| Zen Headbutt | 8 | Psychic | 80 |
| 15 | Phys. | One
| Foul Play
| 8 | Dark
| 95 | 100
| 15 | Phys. | One
| Superpower | 10 | Fighting | 120 | 100
5 | Phys. | One
| Gravity
| 10 | Psychic | --- | --|
5 | Stat. | Field |
| Dragon Pulse | 10 | Dark
| 80 | 100
| 15 | Spec. | One
| Dark Pulse | 10 | Dragon | 90 | 100
| 10 | Spec. | One
Afterwards, leave and return to the runway. Go north along its east side to
find a gap in the fence. Go on through and answer the Xtransciever. Afterwards,
go on, upstairs, and grab the Fire Stone. Return to the Pokmon Center and head
east to Reversal Mountain.
Reversal Mountain
Quick note to the reader. Reversal Mountain's interior will differ somewhat,
mostly aesthetically, though not entirely, depending on what version you are
playing on. This walkthrough was written with Pokmon Black Version 2. You may
be able to follow this, to a point, from the point of view in White 2, but I'd
be wary of inaccuracy.
| Treasures Checklist \
| Blue Shard ....... [] | Calcium .......... [] | Elixir ........... [] |
| Green Shard ...... [] | Hyper Potion ..... [] | Max Repel ........ [] |
| Nugget ........... [] | Persim Berry ..... [] | Persim Berry ..... [] |
| PP Up ............ [] | Revive ........... [] | Star Piece ....... [] |
| TM69 (Rock Polish) [] | Toxic Orb ........ [] | Water Gem ........ [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Exterior Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Rawst Berry | 1 Attack, | W2 |
| 1 Sp.Atk. |
| Drifblim
| Ghost/Flying
| 1,640,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Grumpig
| Psychic
| 800,000 | Tanga Berry | 2 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Numel
| Fire/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Rawst Berry | 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Skarmory
| Steel/Flying
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Skorupi
| Poison/Bug
| 1,250,000 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense | Both |
| Spoink
| Psychic
| 800,000 | Tanga Berry | 1 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Trapinch
| Ground
| 1,059,860 | Soft Sand
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Vibrava** | Ground/Dragon | 1,059,860 | Soft Sand
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Speed |
Interior Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |

| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Rawst Berry | 1 Attack, | W2 |
| 1 Sp.Atk. |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Grumpig
| Psychic
| 800,000 | Tanga Berry | 2 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Numel
| Fire/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Rawst Berry | 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Skorupi
| Poison/Bug
| 1,250,000 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense | Both |
| Spoink
| Psychic
| 800,000 | Tanga Berry | 1 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| * - Only found in shaking grass or swirling dust clouds.
| ** - Only found in the dark double-battle grass.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Zebstrika Lv. 37
Unfezant Lv. 37
Gurdurr Lv. 37, Scraggy Lv. 37, Scraggy Lv. 37
Gurdurr Lv. 37, Crustle Lv. 37 <--,__,-- Can be fought together
Golbat Lv. 37, Swanna Lv. 37
as part of a double battle
Banette Lv. 38, Golduck Lv. 38
Swoobat Lv. 38
Riolu Lv. 37, Riolu Lv. 37, Gurdurr Lv. 37
Boldore Lv. 37, Golbat Lv. 37, Darmanitan Lv. 37, Excadrill Lv. 37
Vibrava Lv. 39, Camerupt Lv. 39 <--,__,-- Can be fought together as
Grumpig Lv. 39, Drifblim Lv. 39 <--'
part of a double battle.
Nothing exceptional worth catching here, except Numel/Camerupt if you lack a
Fire-type, and Vibrava is a great idea always.
<== Exterior ==>
Go along the path a Cyclist; win the battle, as well as the one with the next
Cyclist. South of the second Cyclist, you'll find a horizontalish path of
tall grass; go along it to find the Stranger's House. (Section coming later.)
From the female Cyclist, go northwards. There will be a Full Heal on the left,
and, further along and downstairs, you can head into the mountain.
<== Interior - 1F - Area #1 ==>
Head north and upstairs, and continue along. When you see a westbound pathway,
go along it and snatch the Max Repel at the end. Return to the main path and
go further forward. Go through the door when you get to it.
<== Interior - 1F - Area #2 ==>
Here, you'll find Bianca.
along together. Like with
are double battles, where
healed in-between battles
is alone on the field. By
(Psychic), Lv. 38 Mienfoo

She'll decide it'll be a good idea for you two to tag

your rival in the Castelia Sewers, all wild fights
you only control your Pokmon. Your Pokmon are fully
of any type, and you can only catch Pokmon when one
the by, Bianca's party consists of a Lv. 40 Musharna
(Fighting), and Lv. 38 Stoutland (Normal).

Continue along the path towards the Black Belt. Defeat him via a Rotation
Battle. After dizzying him around some, go further south, then along the first
viable eastbound path. At the end, you'll find a good ol' Nugget. Return to
the main path and head further south, switching on the Dowsing Machine as you
do, to find a Green Shard on a sharp rock.
Further ahead, you'll take note of a Hiker and a Backpacker. They can be
fought individually, or through a double battle; for the former option, speak
with the Backpacker from the north side. Afterwards, bypass them to the east
and "borrow" the Hyper Potion. At the end of the path, use your Dowsing
Machine to also find a Blue Shard.
Return to the Backpacker/Hiker duo and go north, then east to soon find a
Pokmon Ranger. Defeat her to earn a Persim Berry, then continue east some
more. You'll be stopped briefly as Bianca chats, then you can freely go onto
the Doctor. Defeat him and you can have your Pokmon healed for fr -- oh,
right, we got Bianca, so there's point in even mentioning this.
After the battle, go past the Doctor. Ignore the downstairs path with the door,
as it leads nowhere. Further east, you'll find another branch from the main
pathway. Use this northbound path to find TM69, Rock Polish. Return to the main
path and head ever-further east to find a Trainer willing to fight you in a
triple battle.
Afterwards, go east some more. Ignore the northbound path you reach and
continue along to the sharp rock; examine it for a Star Piece. Return to the
recently-skipped northbound path to find a Revive at the end of the path. Now
do some backtracking to where the Rotation Battle Black Belt was.
Go east from the entrance and continue along to find another Hiker and another
Backpacker, both in a duo. Win the double battle and move south past the Hiker
to collect a PP Up. Return to the path and head east. You'll find a duo of Ace
Trainers, which you can fight in two single-battles or one double-battle.
Afterwards, go south past the female, then west. At the end of the path, you
will find a Calcium (just use your Dowsing Machine). Backtrack to the Ace duo,
then go east and downstairs. Continue along past the scientist until you go up
some stairs. To the east, check the sharp rock for an Elixir. Continue south
and downstairs.
<== Interior - B1F ==>
Go south and examine the sharp rock for a Water Gem, then head downstairs and
beat up the Pokmon Ranger, who will hand you a Persim Berry when you win. Also
grab the nearby Toxic Orb.
Then backtrack to the scientist on 1F and head east.
<== Interior - 1F - Area #3 ==>
Go south to the end of the area, then through the door to leave the mountain.
As you prepare to do so, Bianca will ask you a question; answer "Yes" and she
will leave your party, and you can't progress further without her doing so.
Exit to find yourself in Undella Town.

Undella Town
| Treasures Checklist \
| Berry Juice ...... [] | Draco Plate ...... [] | Heart Scale ...... [] |
| Heart Scale ...... [] | Pearl ............ [] | Pearl ............ [] |
| Prism Scale ...... [] | Shiny Stone ...... [] |
| Undella PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
Once you arrive in town, use the stairs north of the exit from the mountain.
Go along the path west of the truck and use the Dowsing Machine to find a
Shiny Stone. Return downstairs and head east to find gaps before the fence
where the town's perimeter is. Use the southern gap and follow it to a Berry
Juice. It's berry, berry good! ... Okay, I lied. It only heals like 20 HP. =/
Return back into the town itself. The first building you pass is easily able
to be skipped. Further ahead, you'll find a blue thing heading underground.
We can't use that now, so let's continue further east. Continue downstairs onto
the sand, then go into the Pokmon Center. Heal, shop, etc. Also speak with the
man along the western wall of the center to get a Prism Scale.
Return to the sand and use the Dowsing Machine. You'll find a Pearl nearby.
Head east into Undella Bay briefly to find a Heart Scale and a Draco Plate
hidden along the narrow beach of the Bay. Return to the main town.
Go west and along the beach through the town. Turn on your Dowsing Machine to
soon find a Heart Scale. Once you grab it, continue along as the path turns
south to reach another Pearl, also hidden. Go south and west to find some
stairs. Use 'em and stand next to the fence to receive, listen to, and end a
That'll be it. For now, let's try going through the gate north of the Pokmon
Center - be sure to be healed, too, since you'll have a RIVAL FIGHT!!!
| BOSS: Pokmon Trainer [rival's name] \
| Pokmon: Unfezant (Lv. 39) Normal/Flying
Simipour (Lv. 39) Water
<--,__,- Only fought if your

Emboar (Lv. 41) Fire/Fighting <--'
starter was Snivy.
Simisage (Lv. 39) Grass
<--,__,- Only fought if your
Samurott (Lv. 41) Water
starter was Tepig.
Simisear (Lv. 39) Fire
<--,__,- Only fought if your
Serperior (Lv. 41) Grass
starter was Oshawott.
| Money Earned: $4,100
| Unfezant is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric, and is immune to Ghost and
| Ground.
| Simipour and Samurott are weak to Grass and Electric.
| Simisage and Serperior are weak to Ice, Flying, Fire, Poison, and Bug.
| Simisear is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground.
| Emboar is weak to Water, Ground, Psychic, and Flying.
| Recommendations: First and foremost, your starter will be able to take
| care of your rival's simian Pokmon, end of story. Unfezant can be easily |
| deal with Magneton/Magnezone, like you used in the Mistralton Gym.
| As for the starter, if you have a simian Pokmon that works (Simipour for |
| Emboar, Simisage for Samurott, Simisear for Serperior), eh, why not? You |
| can also use Magneton/Magnezone for Samurott; a Fire-type you should have |
| been raising (namely just Simisear or Arcanine) for Serperior; and a
| Flying-type (Unfezant) or Water-type (Simipour) or combination (Swanna)
| for Emboar. Participants should be Level 43+.
After the fight, heal up in the Pokmon Center, then continue along back into
Undella Bay for some fuller exploration ... or exploitation?
Undella Bay
| Treasures Checklist \
| Splash Plate ......................................................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Any-Season Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Remoraid
| Water
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Wailmer*
| Water
| 1,640,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Wailord*
| Water
| 1,640,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Only Found in Spring/Summer/Autumn
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |

| Mantine*
| Water/Flying
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Mantyke
| Water/Flying
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Only Found in Winter
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Sealeo*
| Water/Ice
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Spheal
| Water/Ice
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Walrein*
| Water/Ice
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| * - Only found in bubbling waters.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Pelipper Lv. 40, Starmie Lv. 40 |
Sealeo Lv. 39
Basculin Lv. 39
Spheal Lv. 38, Wailmer Lv. 38
Mantyke Lv. 39
Alomomola Lv. 39
Go to the southeastern bit of the beach here and begin to Surf. Head onto the
shallow water and go southeast. Beat the Ace Trainer with the Pelipper/Starmie
combo. Go southeast some more to find the Splash Plate, then Surf to the east
of the shallows.
Defeat the Swimmer and go north for another Swimmer, then another, then west
for yet another.
Afterwards, go north and betwixt the rocks to find a Swimmer. Defeat her and
head north onto the sand. You'll be allowed to enter Seaside Cave from here,
but only once you enter from the north side (which is around Route 21, I
believe) and defeat the Black Belt.
Return to Undella Town, heal, shop, etc., then continue along to Route 13.
Route 13
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Pearl ........ [] | Blue Shard ....... [] | Heart Scale ...... [] |
| Luxury Ball ...... [] | Max Ether ........ [] | Max Repel ........ [] |
| Pearl ............ [] | Power Lens ....... [] | Red Shard ........ [] |
| Sitrus Berry ..... [] | Sitrus Berry ..... [] | Star Piece ....... [] |
| TM29 (Psychic) ... [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] | Yellow Flute ..... [] |
| Zinc ............. [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Absol
| Dark
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Drifblim
| Ghost/Flying
| 1,640,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |

| Lunatone
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Moon Stone | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Pelipper
| Water/Flying
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Solrock
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Sun Stone
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Tangela
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Cobalion* | Steel/Fighting | 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Defense | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Tangrowth | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Staryu
| Water
| 1,250,000 | Stardust,
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Star Piece |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic | 1,250,000 | Stardust,
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Star Piece |
| * - Special, one-time only encounter found just before leaving the area. |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Gurdurr Lv. 41
Scrafty Lv. 41
Delcatty Lv. 41, Eelektrik Lv. 41
Vaporeon Lv. 40
Castform Lv. 40
Golduck Lv. 40
Alomomola Lv. 40
Basculin Lv. 39, Staryu Lv. 39
Lopunny Lv. 41, Lampent Lv. 41
Jolteon Lv. 39, Galvantula Lv. 39, Nosepass Lv. 39
Larvesta Lv. 39, Flareon Lv. 39, Vibrava Lv. 39
Quite a few new Pokmon. Of note, I would enjoy using Absol, Drifblim, and,
perhaps, Starmie for battling. That's pretty much all that would be good here,
and they probably won't surpass any Pok's you already have designated for a
certain type advantage. Everyone else is just completionism.
And, of course, come on this Route prepared with plenty of Ultra Balls and
such, because of the Cobalion fight!

Once you enter the Route, go north and defeat the Black Belt on the sand. After
that, go west and upstairs to reach a grassy path. Follow this linear path to
the next Trainer; defeat her and move along to find some stairs returning you
to the beach. Bypass them and head south.
You'll soon reach a Cut tree. Slice
path to find a Max Repel. Return to
Go south, onto the grass, then east
bunch of grass. Look around some of
find a Zinc.

it down with Cut and continue along the

the stairs further north and head on down.
and upstairs. At the top, you'll notice a
the gaps using your Dowsing Machine to

Go north and you'll notice a Strength boulder in the way. Shove it into the
nearby hole, then use it as a bridge to grab a Red Shard. Return down the long
staircase and head north from there onto the beach. You'll notice a small bit
of it heading eastward. Go along it, defeating the nearby Ace Trainer as you
do, and continue further to find an Ultra Ball.
Use the Dowsing Machine here to find a Heart Scale, then go west and defeat
the Fisherman. (You need to talk to initiate conflict.) Return wherever the
Ace Trainer from before was, then go north to find a Parasol Lady near
someone's chair and umbrella. Casing the joint? Perhaps we can teach her
(Pokmon) a bit of a lesson. After the fight, use the Dowsing Machine to locate
a Big Pearl to the north-ish.
Go west and you'll find some dude, likely an Ace Trainer; he won't fight you,
but rather hand over the Yellow Flute. This magnificent item, when used in a
battle, will cure confusion status, and has an infinite number of uses. Sweet.
Anywho, Surf across the water to the east if you're keen on double battle
grass ... and finding a Luxry Ball.
Surf east from that island to find some shallow coastline. There, defeat the
nearby Fisherman and also grab the nearby TM, TM29, which teaches the move
Remember where the conspicuous Parasol Lady was? Get back over there and head
northward and continue along the narrow peninsula to find two Fisherman. Defeat
them and head along to the beach on the other side of the peninsula-like thing
you are on.
There, flip on the Dowsing Machine (wonder if its battery runs out?) and you'll
find a Pearl nearby. Get it and go up the staircase found to your northwest.
At the apex, go southwest and south along the bridge. Defeat the Trainer in the
grass there, then go south across another bridge.
Snatch up the Star Piece, then go back northward over the bridges. You'll
likely notice some Cut trees to the north. First, however, go along the gap in
the trees to reach some stairs. Defeat the Pokmon Ranger here - it's a
Rotation Battle - and you'll receive a Sitrus Berry. Meh. I preferred them in
Mystery Dungeon.
Afterwards, go through the grass and along the westbound sand corridor between
the ocean and cliffs. You'll find a small building nearby. Inside, you'll find
a girl playing with a Wingull. Speak with her for a Power Lens and leave. Go
back past the Ranger to the main path.
Go north and don't Cut down the trees. Rather, head east and use the paths of
tall grass to find a Pokmon Ranger. Defeat her trio of Pokmon to receive yet
another Sitrus Berry. Also grab the two items nearby - a Max Ether and a Blue
Shard - then continue along.

Eventually, a Pokmon will call out to you... This legendary Pokmon is

Cobalion, one of three Pokmon in the Unova legends said to have saved many
Pokmon, and perhaps humans, from a forest fire long ago, alongside its
friends Virizion and Terrakion. The choice is yours as to whether you want to
catch it. Personally, I would. If not, continue on into Lacunosa Town.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #638 Cobalion \
| Pokmon's Type : Steel/Fighting
| Pokmon's Level: Level 45
| EVs Gained
: 3 Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Helping Hand (Normal)
- Retaliate (Normal)
- Iron Head (Steel)
- Sacred Sword (Fighting)
| Cobalion is weak towards Fire, Ground, and Fighting. It retains an
| immunity to Poison, both type and status. Water, Electric, Flying, and
| Psychic will inflict normal damage on Cobalion. All other move types will |
| be resistances; Bug, Rock, and Dark will do 1/4 damage, with the remainder |
| doing 1/2 damage.
| As for its moveset, Helping Hand is pretty useless here. Retaliate will
| not hit for any type advantages, and even won't affect Ghosts. Iron Head |
| will hurt Ice and Rock, and Sacred Sword hurts Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, |
| and Dark.
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible, status it, and toss an Ultra Ball. Here, you
| may want to begin with Paralysis and then switch to a 1/4-damage move user |
| or Sleep and use Special-class moves to avoid awakening. You'll want the |
| HP to be in the red before attempting a catch with one of your limited
| Ultra Balls. Also note that the use of False Swipe, if you somehow have
| it, will never kill an enemy, and therefore will cause the Pokmon to
| remain at one HP, prime for catching.
| Specifically, to avoid being dominated, you'll probably want to definitely |
| avoid bringing along Ice or Rock types. Normal, Steel, and Dark types are |
| negotiable, and a Ghost type won't be hurt in this battle unless it is by |
| Iron Head. However, not many Ghost-type Pokmon have moves that inflict
| minimal damage, so just be careful of that.

Lacunosa Town
| Treasures Checklist \
| Full Heal ..................... [] | Metronome ..................... [] |
| Lacunosa PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |

| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |

| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Fresh Water (Vending Machine) $200 | Soda Pop (Vending Machine) .. $300 |
| Lemonade (Vending Machine) .. $350 |
Ah, I bet players of the original B/W remember this place. Not very far from
here - in fact, walking/seeing distance - there is a Giant Chasm. It is there
where a (Pocket) monster is said to live. This "monster" is also the mascot of
Pokmon B/W 2 - Kyurem. It is said that Kyurem has been known to actually come
out at night and feast on humans. Scary. It is he that completes the legendary
trio of Unova alongside Zekrom and Reshiram. You'll be catching him soon
As you head north into this small town, Bianca and Juniper decide to chat it
all up with you. You'll follow them to an elderly woman, who will bring you
inside. There will be more talking and then a question (answer won't matter).
They'll eventually head south.
Follow them and you'll get a call on the Xtransciever. Take it and continue
along to the Pokmon Center. Here, if I remember correctly, you could get a
Gracidea if you brought a legit Shaymin here. Not too sure about now, but
whatever. Heal up, shop, leave.
Go east of the Pokmon Center and along the path, past the vending machine,
to find a Full Heal to the west of the building found before the path turns
north. Go further along the path and you'll find a house at the end. Enter
and grab the Metronome.
Return the Pokmon Center and head west. You'll find your rival nearby.
Suddenly, Zinzolin and a Team Plasma Grunt appear and start chatting it up,
quickly infuriating your rival. You'll get asked a question; say "Yes", the
top option, and you'll engage in a double battle alongside your rival.
| BOSS: Team Plasma Zinzolin & Team Plasma Grunt \
| Zinzolin's Pokmon: Cryogonal (Lv. 42) Ice
Sneasel (Lv. 44) Ice/Dark
| Grunt's Pokmon: Golbat (Lv. 39) Poison/Flying
Garbodor (Lv. 39) Poison
| Rival's Pokmon: Unfezant (Lv. 41) Normal/Flying
Simipour (Lv. 41) Water
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Emboar (Lv. 43) Fire/Fighting <-'
starter was Snivy.|
Simisage (Lv. 41) Grass
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Samurott (Lv. 43) Water
starter was Tepig.|
Simisear (Lv. 41) Fire
<-,__,- Only used if your |

Serperior (Lv. 43) Grass
starter was
| Money Earned: $9,480
| Cryogonal is weak to Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire.
| Sneasel is weak to Fighting (4x), Rock, Steel, Fire, and Bug. It is immune |
| to Psychic.
| Golbat is weak to Electric, Ice, Rock, and Psychic, and is immune to
| Ground.
| Garbodor is weak to Psychic and Ground.
| Unfezant is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric, and is immune to Ghost and
| Ground.
| Simipour and Samurott are weak to Grass and Electric.
| Simisage and Serperior are weak to Ice, Flying, Fire, Poison, and Bug.
| Simisear is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground.
| Emboar is weak to Water, Ground, Psychic, and Flying.
| Recommendations: Let's evaluate who you're rival will be okay with. If
| your starter was Oshawott or Snivy, your rival will have a Fire type to
| work with versus Zinzolin's party, obviously reducing the load. If you
| chose Snivy, in fact, he'll have multiple advantages by being both Fire
| and Fighting! He'll have a pretty average time versus the main Grunt.
| You probably should be able to combat Zinzolin pretty well, since you or |
| your rival are GUARANTEED to have a Fire type. As for the other dude, meh. |
| Your starter, if not Serperior, will do just fine. In the case of it being |
| Serperior, you probably have Magneton/Magnezone still, which is immune to |
| Poison, so hint hint. So, basically, I want you to use your starter and/or |
| Magnezone, each preferably at Level 45+.
After the fight, the two Plasma guys will flee, with your rival right on their
heels. Heal up at the Pokmon Center and follow them onto Route 12.
Route 12
| Treasures Checklist \
| Green Shard ...... [] | Max Potion ....... [] | Max Repel ........ [] |
| PP Up ............ [] | Rare Candy ....... [] | Timer Ball ....... [] |
| Ultra Ball ....... [] | Yellow Shard ..... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |

| Combee
| Bug/Flying
| 1,059,860 | Honey
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Heracross | Bug/Fighting
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Attack | B2 |
| Pinsir
| Bug
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Attack | W2 |
| Roselia
| Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Swadloon
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 2 Defense | Both |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Leavanny
| Grass/Bug
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 3 Attack | Both |
| Roserade
| Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 3 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Unfezant
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Vespiquen | Bug/Flying
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Heracross Lv. 42
Gurdurr Lv. 41, Mienfoo Lv. 41
Roselia Lv. 40, Roselia Lv. 40
Once you arrive, go north and through the grassy flat onto the hill. Use the
Dowsing Machine up here to find a Rare Candy to the east, then head northeast
and grab the Timer Ball, then northwest to find an Ultra Ball in the darker
Go west and you'll soon find both a Yellow Shard and a PP Up near each other.
Grab 'em, obviously, and continue west with the Dowsing Machine on. You'll soon
have it register something; go along its directions to find a Max Repel. Go
east of it and defeat the Black Belt. Go east and beat that Trainer.
Then go south into the grass, then go west. Grab the Green Shard you'll soon
find and continue west, then south. Defeat the Backers, then go through the gap
in the fence. Head west to reach a useful Max Potion. Continue along, past the
Backers, to the Village Bridge.
Village Bridge
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Mushroom ..... [] | Big Pearl ........ [] | Blue Shard ....... [] |
| Carbos ........... [] | Heart Scale ...... [] | Max Ether ........ [] |
| PP Up ............ [] | Rare Candy ....... [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Vending Machines \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |

| Fresh Water (Vending Machine) $200 | Soda Pop (Vending Machine) .. $300 |
| Lemonade (Vending Machine) .. $350 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Golduck
| Water/Psychic | 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Seviper
| Poison
| 1,640,000 | None
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| Zangoose
| Normal
| 600,000 | Quick Claw | 2 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Azumarill | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Azumarill | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Lapras
| Water/Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Whimsicott Lv. 44
Lilligant Lv. 44
Sunflora Lv. 42
Basculin Lv. 42
Durant Lv. 43, Lucario Lv. 43
Heatmor Lv. 42
Elekid Lv. 42, Elekid Lv. 42, Electabuzz Lv. 42
Magby Lv. 42, Magby Lv. 42, Magmar Lv. 42
Sandslash Lv. 42
As you enter the area, go into the first house on the northern portion of the
bridge to find a "makeshift" Pokmon Center - basically, speak with the woman
inside to be healed.

Leave the house and go south from the end of the bridge. Head to the tennis
court and you'll find some Smashers running around. Battle the both of them,
then go north of the western one to find a Carbos.
Go west and along the path under the bridge. On the other side, you can defeat
an Artist. Go further north to find a somewhat obscured eastbound path. As you
go along the path, turn on your Dowsing Machine to find a Big Mushroom, with a
Rare Candy past the crazy dude.
Backtrack to the other side of the bridge and Surf across the river. Defeat the
Fisherman halfway across, on a small island, then snatch up the Heart Scale.
Surf onto the western bank, go to the start of the bridge, then continue along
it. Heal back in the first house if you need it again. Continue along to the
middle of the bridge.
Speak with the Gentleman there and answer "Yes" to his question to begin a
fight, after which you'll be allowed to proceed across. Enter the second house
and speak with the man inside, then answer "Yes" to battle. Leave and head to
the relatively unexplored half of the area.
Go north and you'll notice the vending machines. Examine the trashcan near them
for a PP Up, then head to the basketball courts. Speak with both of the
Hoopsters here for triple battles, then head south of the bridge. At the grass,
flip on the Dowsing Machine and search out the Max Ether.
Go east, through the grass, to defeat a Youngster, then snatch up the Ultra
Ball further east. Go through the fence, then further along to the man. Head
north to find a girl singing. Speak with her to get shoved. Go north and under
the bridge to find a Blue Shard at the end.
Surf eastward to a small isle, on which you can find a Big Pearl. Then just
leave the area to the west, heading onto Route 11.
Route 11
| Treasures Checklist \
| Aspear Berry .................. [] | Favored Mail .................. [] |
| Full Heal ..................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Amoonguss | Grass/Poison
| 1,000,000 | Big Mushroom | 2 HP
| Both |
| Gligar
| Ground/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Golduck
| Water/Psychic | 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Karrablast | Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Shelmet
| Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Seviper
| Poison
| 1,640,000 | None
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| Virizion* | Grass/Fighting | 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Zangoose
| Normal
| 600,000 | Quick Claw | 2 Attack | Both |

Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Azumarill | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Gliscor
| Ground/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Buizel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Floatzel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| * - A special, one-time encounter that is completely optional.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Emolga Lv. 41, Altaria Lv. 41
Tympole Lv. 42, Palpitoad Lv. 42 |
Another pretty short Route, since you don't have Waterfall. Meh.
Go west and defeat the Breeder, then go further west. Invade the trailer and
speak with the Ranger inside to be handed some Favored Mail. How ... cheap.
Return outside and go west to find another Pokmon Ranger. Win the fight to
gain an Aspear Berry. =/ Why are all of these Rangers so darn cheap?
Continue west to the bridge, then Surf south of it. Jump onto the grass
south of the western fence. Go along to the end of the path to obtain a Full
Heal. Backtrack to the bridge and cross to find another legendary Pokmon in
the "Musketeer" trio/quartet - Virizion, and personally my favorite. Try to
catch it, if you wish.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #640 Virizion \
| Pokmon's Type : Grass/Fighting
| Pokmon's Level: Level 45
| EVs Gained
: 3 Special Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Helping Hand (Normal)
- Retaliate (Normal)
- Mega Drain (Grasd)
- Sacred Sword (Fighting)
| Virizion is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying (4x), Poison, and Psychic. It lacks |
| immunities, and will resist Water, Grass, Electric, Ground, Rock, and Dark |
| types. Everything else will do normal damage.

| As for its moveset, Helping Hand is pretty useless here. Retaliate will
| not hit for any type advantages, and even won't affect Ghosts. Mega Drain |
| will hurt Rock, Water, and Ground, and Sacred Sword hurts Normal, Rock,
| Steel, Ice, and Dark.
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible, status it, and toss an Ultra Ball. Here, you
| may want to begin with Paralysis and then switch to a 1/2-damage move user |
| or Sleep and use Special-class moves to avoid awakening. You'll want the |
| HP to be in the red before attempting a catch with one of your limited
| Ultra Balls. Also note that the use of False Swipe, if you somehow have
| it, will never kill an enemy, and therefore will cause the Pokmon to
| remain at one HP, prime for catching.
| Specifically, to avoid being dominated, you'll probably want to definitely |
| avoid bringing along pretty much any type that Mega Drain or Sacred Sword |
| will hit for extra damage. I'd probably use a Grass or Electric-type to
| try and grind down the HP slowly.
If you fought, or not, continue along to the next patch of grass. Go into it,
then head northwest. Use the Dowsing Machine to find a Max Potion, then return
to the main path and head west into Opelucid City. Finally.
Opelucid City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Bag .......... [] | Float Stone ...... [] | Gift Box ......... [] |
| Ring Target ...... [] | Scarlet Hat ...... [] | Smoke Ball ....... [] |
| Opelucid PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Fresh Water (Vending Machine) $200 | Soda Pop (Vending Machine) .. $300 |
| Lemonade (Vending Machine) .. $350 |
As you enter the city, you'll meet up with Iris. Unlike in the original B/W,

where either Drayden or Iris was the Gym Leader in Opelucid, now the leader is
always Drayden, and the Pokmon League Champion is ... Iris, surprisingly
enough. Bet that's the youngest Champion ever.
After the chat ends, go west and into the Pokmon Center. Heal, shop, etc.,
leave. After all, no one wants to miss lootin' the city! >:)
Go along the path west of the Pokmon Center, heading north, then into the
building at the end. Go to the upper floor and speak with the people there to
get a Ring Target (answer the question with "Yes") and a Float Stone. Leave
the building and continue west along the newly-dubbed Main Street.
At the next northbound path, go along it and into the first viable entrance
on the left. Speak with the dude here to get a Gift Box, then repeat this over
the next three days for a Fluffy Beard, Big Bag, and Scarlet Hat. If you want
to speed that up, just screw with the DS/3DS clock.
Leave and continue northward. At the end of the street is the Opelucid City
Gym. If you feel you need no more grinding - I strongly recommend your Cobalion
and Virizion, and other good ones, be Level 50+ by now - go on in. Otherwise,
exit the city to the southwest to find Route 9.
As you're backtracking out of this street, be sure to enter the building on
the right and speak with the woman to find a Smoke Ball. THEN leave the city,
if you're going to.
Route 9
| Treasures Checklist \
| Dark Gem ......... [] | Elixir ........... [] | HP Up ............ [] |
| Iron ............. [] | Nugget ........... [] | Quick Ball ....... [] |
| Vending Machines \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Fresh Water (Vending Machine) $200 | Soda Pop (Vending Machine) .. $300 |
| Lemonade (Vending Machine) .. $350 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Duosion
| Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Garbodor
| Poison
| 1,000,000 | Black Sludge,| 2 Attack | Both |
| Nugget
| Gothorita | Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Liepard
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Minccino
| Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Muk
| Poison
| 1,000,000 | Nugget
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 HP
| Pawniard
| Dark/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |

Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Cinccino
| Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Gothitelle | Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Reuniclus | Psychic
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Pawniard Lv. 43
Krokorok Lv. 43
Scraggy Lv. 43
Skorupi Lv. 43
Krookodile Lv. 42, Drapion Lv. 42 |
As you enter the 9th of Routes, to a point, go through the gap in the fence to
the south. Go west and south to find an Elixir, then go west through the grass
to the (darker) grass. Once you enter, go southwest and defeat the Roughneck.
Go west and around the trees past him to find a Nugget. Go
Roughneck, then south, past the steps, and east to the end
path. As you go along it, switch on the Dowsing Machine to
nearby; it will direct you to a Dark Gem. Backtrack to the
stairs and use 'em.

east to the
of a small branching
find a reading
previously skipped

Grab the Iron at the bottom, then backtrack your way to the start of this
Route. Go west along the main path to battle a Biker, then a Roughneck, then a
Biker, then some Hooligans.
As went west from the Roughneck, you could go use the nearby vending machines,
and also go north into the Department Store of the Unova region, also the first
to be on a Route - the Shopping Mall Nine. There was also a Quick Ball near the
last Biker, and a HP Up near the Hooligans.
For now, that ends the Route. Return to Opelucid, heal at the Pokmon Center,
then go along the second northbound street to the west of it to find the Gym.
Opelucid City Gym
| Treasures Checklist \
| Fresh Water ................... [] | Legend Badge .................. [] |
| TM82 (Dragon Tail) ............ [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Fraxure Lv. 46
Fraxure Lv. 45, Druddigon Lv. 45
Fraxure Lv. 45, Druddigon Lv. 45
Fraxure Lv. 44, Axew Lv. 44, Druddigon Lv. 44
Fraxure Lv. 44, Axew Lv. 44, Druddigon Lv. 44

Go forward and speak with Clyde to get some Fresh Water, then he'll speak about
Gym ... You know, the usual.
Anywho, the dragon at the bottom of the Gym is a sort of elevator. You can use
it to move up and down the various floors, as well as side to side. (Kinda like
that freaky elevator in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".) When you win
a battle on a floor, you can go to the next floor, or finish off the other
battle on that floor and *then* go. I recommend the latter.
This will continue up to the fourth floor, where Drayden, the old coot, is. To
move the elevator, stand on the dragon head. Once the arrows appear, stand on
one to move in that direction. The trainers' locations are listed below; the
parties, above. You know how to move.

east (triple battle)
west (Rotation Battle)

Once you're done, leave, heal at the Pokmon Center, and return.
| BOSS: Gym Leader Drayden \
| Pokmon: Druddigon (Lv. 46) Dragon
Flygon (Lv. 46) Dragon/Ground
Haxorus (Lv. 48) Dragon
| Money Earned: $5,760
| Druddigon is weak to Ice and Dragon. It can use Slash (Normal), Dragon
| Tail (Dragon; forces switch), Revenge (Fighting), and Crunch (Dark). This |
| makes it trouble for Dragon, Ice, Rock, Steel, Normal, Psychic, and Ghost. |
| Flygon is weak to Ice (4x) and Dragon, and is immune to Electric. Its
| moveset consists of Dragon Tail (Dragon; forced switch), Crunch (Dark),
| Rock Slide (Rock), and Earth Power (Ground). It will therefore be
| troublesome for Dragon, Psychic, Ghost, Ice, Fire, Flying, Rock, Steel,
| Poison, and Electric.
| Haxorus is weak to Dragon and Ice. Its moves are Slash (Normal), Dragon
| Tail (Dragon; forced switch), Assurance (Dark), and Dragon Dance (Attack |
| and Speed boost). It will be troublesome for Dragon, Ghost, and Psychic, |
| though too many Dragon Dances will screw you over quick.
| Recommendations: My recommended party would include Virizion, Cobalion,
| and Beartic as the three big members. Beartic would be coming first,
| absolutely abusing the Ice weakness these three have. Yes, two of the
| three will have a good chance at killing it, but I'd rather abuse that 4x |
| weakness on Flygon, wouldn't you? The former two are secondaries use
| mostly for stalling (except versus Flygon, but you don't need it there)
| if Beartic is KO'ed. Remember, Steel resists most moves in this fight,
| except Earth Power, so you'll be wanting those as stallers. Magneton or
| Magnezone may also be good, and if Emboar has Fighting moves, all the more |
| power to you. Recommended level is 50+.
After the fight, you'll receive the Legend Badge, thereby concluding the

penultimate Gym fight in the Unova region. You'll also be given TM82, Dragon
Tail, that devilish move that forces a switch on the target's party. It is of
the Dragon type, and had 60 Power. So I guess it's mostly a filler move.
Okey-dokey, let's leave. Once Drayden decides to end his speech, go along

Wave Badge
Seven down, and one to go. Our journey, for the second time, across the Unova
region is coming to a close. Soon, we will have the final Gym Badge, a third
legendary Pokmon, and the Pokmon League Championship will be just within our
Are you up to the challenge?
Opelucid City
| Opelucid PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Max Potion ................ $2,500 | Full Restore .............. $3,000 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Fresh Water (Vending Machine) $200 | Soda Pop (Vending Machine) .. $300 |
| Lemonade (Vending Machine) .. $350 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Watchog Lv. 44, Muk Lv. 44
Golbat Lv. 44, Garbodor Lv. 44
Seviper Lv. 44, Weezing Lv. 44
Cryogonal Lv. 46, Cryogonal Lv. 46, Weavile Lv. 48
Pawniard Lv. 46, Pawniard Lv. 46, Absol Lv. 48

As you return outside of the Opelucid Gym, Drayden will stalk you outside and
speak some more. Afterwards, go south and heal up at the Pokmon Center. Also
shop ... you know, the usual crap.
Afterwards, leave the Center and go west to find Drayden on the northbound
path. Speak with him, follow him, and he'll go inside. There, speak with him.
As the conversation drones on, the ground shakes. Obviously, you both head
outside to find - what else? - the Team Plasma Frigate flying over Opelucid!
Cannons appear and start shooting ice down from above, freezing the city into
ice. O-o-o-o-o-h c-r-r-r-r-r-rap.
Drayden will try to get one of his Pokmon to do something, but in vain Dragon-types hate ice. Next, Zinzolin and two of his underlings come along,
chat, and leave, with Drayden hot, so to speak, on their tail. You oughta help.
Go south to find an ice-covered path. You are able to slide along it in one
direction until you bump into something, like the ice puzzles of generations
past. Go south near the Center, then go to the northeast to find a battleable
Grunt. Defeat him.
Afterwards, slide north to find some defrosted ground. Go north to the next
patch, then to the northern portion of this area and go west. You'll find a
patch of land with another Grunt on it. Defeat her and go west to find the
Move through the gap near the ice and eastern building; it goes north. Then
go south to find the final Grunt... then lose 'im! >_< Get on the west side
of your patch of land, then slide north. Defeat the Grunt there.
After this sequence, head north to the Gym to find Zinzolin. Speak to him and
defeat him - after pwning Drayden, I think you're quite fine. After the fight,
Zinzolin will briefly and leave. Drayden will come by and speak to you before
going inside.
He suddenly hands over a valuable key item ... then, suddenly, members of the
Shadow Triad of Team Plasma come up and take it from you. Drayden runs off,
obviously in distress; follow him. Once you reach him again, continue to the
Pokmon Center. Heal up.
Go east towards Route 11. As you approach the gate, one of the Shadow Triad
will confront you. Defeat him. Afterwards, Drayden reaches you, but too late
to stop the Shadow Triad member. You'll get a call, after which Cheren will
come up to you for further chatting. He then leaves, followed by Drayden after
a chat.
Afterwards, Fly to Undella Town. Heal at the Pokmon Center, then go west to
the Marine Tube. Go on in after the call from your rival.
Marine Tube
| Treasures Checklist \
| TM42 (Facade) ........................................................ [] |
A pretty linear path. Go along it towards the end and through the door. Here,

speak with the Parasol Lady to get TM42. TM42 teaches Facade, a move of the
Normal-type that increases in power when the user is Burned, Paralyzed, or
Continue onto the final Gym's city. Yep, that was fast. *uses DoubleSlap*
I know what you were thinking. Pervs. >_>
Humilau City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Full Restore .................. [] | Heart Scale ................... [] |
| Heart Scale ................... [] | Protein ....................... [] |
| Shell Bell .................... [] |
| Humilau PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Max Potion ................ $2,500 | Full Restore .............. $3,000 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Staryu
| Water
| 1,250,000 | Stardust,
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Star Piece |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Corsola
| Water/Rock
| 800,000 | Hard Stone | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |

| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic | 1,250,000 | Stardust,
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Star Piece |
As you leave the Tube of the Marine, go north and speak with your rival so we
can get on to looting and taking handouts. You know, same as usual. Go west,
first, to find the Pokmon Center on the beach. Heal, shop, etc. Go back to the
Marine Tube entrance.
Go north to find a large glassy building nearby; that is the Gym, which is
currently unavailable. Go east and north along the path. As you head over the
bridge, go into the first house you see; as you do so, a man jumps out of the
water, telling you to go to the Gym. That was Marlon, the Gym Leader.
Anyways, the house contains another move tutor, whose prices are based on
Yellow Shards.
| Cost | Type | Power | Accuracy | Max PP | Class | Targets |
| Bind
| 2 | Normal | 15x |
| 20 | Phys. | One
| Snore
| 2 | Normal | 40 | 100
| 15 | Spec. | One
| Heal Bell | 4 | Normal | --- | --|
5 | Stat. | Allies |
| Knock Off | 4 | Dark
| 20 | 100
| 20 | Phys. | One
| Synthesis | 6 | Grass
| --- |
| 15 | Stat. | One
| Roost
| 6 | Flying | --- | --| 10 | Stat. | User
| Sky Attack | 8 | Flying | 140 |
5 | Phys. | One
| Role Play | 8 | Psychic | --- | --| 10 | Stat. | One
| Heat Wave | 10 | Fire
| 100 |
| 10 | Spec. | All Opp.|
| Giga Drain | 10 | Grass
| 75 | 100
| 10 | Spec. | One
| Drain Punch | 10 | Fighting | 75 | 100
| 10 | Phys. | One
| Pain Split | 10 | Normal | --- | --| 20 | Stat. | One
| Tailwind
| 10 | Flying | --- | --| 30 | Stat. | Allies |
After finishing the dark deed, return outside and go west. Head along the ramp
into the shallow water, then head south whilst Surfing. Get on the beach and
head west and upstairs. Go around to the back of the Gym to find a Shell Bell.
Return to the shallow waters.
Go west and up the ramp, then continue westward.
something happens. Return to the house back east
outside to find a Full Restore. Why would anyone
east and into the shallows, then north under the

Speak with the bald dude and

and dig through the garbage
throw THIS away!? Anywho, go

As you do, flip on the Dowsing Machine and you'll find a Heart Scale in the
vicinity. Go east, near the edge of the shallows, you'll find another Heart
Scale. Go under the previous walkway, then west under the next, then head
onto the next.
Go northeast to find a Protein. Now, heal up at the Pokmon Center and head
into the Gym!
Humilau City Gym
| Treasures Checklist \

| Fresh Water ................... [] | Wave Badge .................... [] |
| TM55 (Scald) .................. [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Floatzel Lv. 47, Mantine Lv. 47
Alomomola Lv. 48
Walrein Lv. 48
Pelipper Lv. 47, Wailord Lv. 47
Golduck Lv. 47, Starmie Lv. 47
Basculin Lv. 46, Basculin Lv. 46, Azumarill Lv. 46
Go forward and speak with Clyde to get some Fresh Water, then he'll speak about
Gym... You know, the usual.
Anywho, go onto the first path, going west when possible. Hop onto the first
lilypad and ride it westward. Jump off on the next path, then go north and win
a battle. Go onto the lilypad to your east and ride it that way. You'll stop
soon; use the northbound path.
Go on the next lilypad to the east. When it stops, get off and defeat the Ace
Trainer, then return to the lilypad and ride it some more southward. Get on the
walkway there and head east. Continue north and use the next lilypad to reach
the next path. Go along this fairly linear path.
Hop on the lilypad at the end. Take it southward and jump off, then take it
east and defeat the trainer. Afterwards, go south onto the next lilypad; ride
it and jump off the next path. Go east over the bridge, then continue some
more until the path turns south. Use the nearby lilypad to head north.
Go along to the pacing Ace Trainer, then go southwest, use that lilypad,
and head west. Get on the next path, then take the lilypad to the north
northward. Head onto the path to the east, defeating the Ace Trainer at the
end, then take the next lilypad southward.
Jump on the eastern pathway and defeat the trainer at the end. Jump on it from
the south, ride north, then jump on from the west to ride east. Jump off the
path to the north and go further north to see Marlon. You can take the previous
lilypad south to the beginning of the Gym if you need to heal and shop, you
Speak to him to fight for your final Unova badge!
| BOSS: Gym Leader Marlon \
| Pokmon: Carracosta (Lv. 49) Water/Rock
Wailord (Lv. 49) Water
Jellicent (Lv. 51) Water/Ghost
| Money Earned: $6,120
| Carracosta is weak to Grass (4x), Electric, Fighting, and Ground. Its
| moveset includes Smack Down (Rock), Shell Smash (Normal), Crunch (Dark), |
| and Scald (Water; may Burn). It'll be trouble for Flying, Ice, Fire,
| Ghost, Psychic, Rock, Bug, and Ground types. It can also be a bit hard to |
| beat if Shell Smash is used to a certain extent - it lowers the Defenses |
| on the user to raises its Attacks and Speed, so be careful, though that

| move is largely a double-edged sword.

| Wailord is weak to Grass and Electric. Its moveset consists of Bounce
| (Flying; two-turn), Scald (Water; may Burn), Rollout (Rock; multi-hit),
| and Amnesia (Special Defense boost). It will be strong against Fighting, |
| Grass, Bug, Rock, Ground, Fire, and Ice. Your main problem will be against |
| Rollout, since it gets stronger as the move rolls on, so to speak. For the |
| first two or three hits, you can probably try whittling down its HP, but |
| I'd be more careful near the end and try to heal.
| Jellicent is weak to Grass, Electric, Dark, and Ghost. It is able to use |
| Brine (Water), Scald (Water; may Burn), Ominous Wind (Ghost), and Recover |
| (HP restoration). It will be strongest against Fire, Rock, Ground, Ghost, |
| and Psychic.
| Recommendations: There are a few good Pokmon for this fight. Magneton and |
| Magnezone won't be able to take super-effective damage at all in this
| fight; in fact, they'll only really get hurt by Water-type moves.
| Virizion isn't too bad a choice, except against Wailord, because it'll
| resist Water, Rock, and Dark, big types in the other Pokmon's parties.
| A general Grass-type, such as Virizion, Serperior, or Simisage, will
| absolutely obliterate Carracosta, hands down. Jellicent is best handled
| with a Grass type as well. Wailord tends to be the big problem in this
| fight, being well endowed with HP (can max out at 544). You'll be best off |
| with using Magneton/Magnezone there to add to resistance, and to make sure |
| you're around long enough to do good damage. Participants should be around |
| Level 52.
After the fight, you'll receive the eighth and final badge of the Unova region.
The Wave Badge will grant you access to the Pokmon League Championships and
will guarantee that all Pokmon, no matter their level, nationality, or being
traded, will obey you without question.
Okay, back to business. You'll also get TM55, which teaches Scald. It is unique
in that it is a 80-Power Water-type move that also may Burn the opponent, an
attribute usually reserved to Fire-type moves.
Okay, leave.

The Pokmon League
Humilau City
| Humilau PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |

| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Max Potion ................ $2,500 | Full Restore .............. $3,000 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Staryu
| Water
| 1,250,000 | Stardust,
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Star Piece |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Corsola
| Water/Rock
| 800,000 | Hard Stone | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic | 1,250,000 | Stardust,
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Star Piece |
After leaving the Gym, your rival will halt you and chat with you. Marlon then
comes along to also engage in the chat. When you're asked the question,
respond as you desire and the conversation will end shortly.
Heal up at the Pokmon Center. We should now explore Route 21 and the Seaside
Cave. Surf south from the Pokmon Center to Route 21.
Route 21
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Pearl ..................... [] | PP Up ......................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \

Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Mantyke
| Water/Flying
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Remoraid
| Water
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Alomomola | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Mantine
| Water/Flying
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Wailord Lv. 46
Remoraid Lv. 45, Remoraid Lv. 45
Octillery Lv. 46
Crustle Lv. 47
Wingull Lv. 45, Wingull Lv. 45
Alomomola Lv. 46
Frillish Lv. 44, Frillish Lv. 44, Frillish Lv. 44
Go south and defeat the Swimmer, then continue southward. Go through the gap,
then proceed southeast towards a second Swimmer. Go west and along that path
to find another Swimmer after the path turns southward.
Follow the path going south to soon reach the beach. No time to enjoy a
vacation though - there are trainers to beat! Defeat the one nearby, then Surf
noeast of the Black Belt into the shallows, where you can find a Big Pearl.
Surf east from the northern edge of the shallows.
Continue east and south to find another Swimmer to fight, the last of this
area. Go southeast and make landfall, then go west along the beach. You'll find
a Doctor near Seaside Cave. Defeat him to get a free healing of your Pokmon,
as well as whenever you ask. Yay.
Go through the gap in the trees to the west to come upon a trainer. Win the
battle versus the trainer, then go south and snatch the ever-useful PP Up.
Backtrack to the Doctor, heal up, and head into Seaside Cave.
Seaside Cave
| Treasures Checklist \
| Blue Shard .................... [] | Calcium ....................... [] |
| Dive Ball ..................... [] | Full Restore .................. [] |
| Heart Scale ................... [] | Max Repel ..................... [] |
| Persim Berry .................. [] | Persim Berry .................. [] |
| Rare Candy .................... [] | TM06 (Toxic) .................. [] |

| Wild Pokmon Encounters \ Seaside Cave 1F \
Pokmon Found On Land
(* = Dust Cloud Only; ** = Single-Time Encounter)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Crustle** | Bug/Rock
| 1,000,000 | Hard Stone, | 2 Defense | Both |
| Rare Bone
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Golduck
| Water/Psychic | 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Seel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Tynamo
| Electric
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Seel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Dewgong
| Water/Ice
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \ Seaside Cave B1F \
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Eelektrik | Electric
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Golduck
| Water/Psychic | 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Shuckle
| Bug/Rock
| 1,059,860 | Oran Berry | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| * - Found only in a dust cloud.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Heracross Lv. 47
Vibrava Lv. 46, Gligar Lv. 46
Onix Lv. 46, Lairon Lv. 46
Roggenrola Lv. 44 (x4)
Scrafty Lv. 47
Mienfoo Lv. 47
Gurdurr Lv. 47

<== 1F ==>
Go south and east to defeat a Battle Girl, then go south, downstairs, and east.
There, you'll find a free Full Restore. Go upstairs and west, past the trainer
from before, then south and over the ledge. Defeat the Pokmon Ranger nearby to
receive a Persim Berry.
Then flip on the Dowsing Machine - it IS a cavern, after all - and collect the
nearby Blue Shard. Jump over the ledge to the south and continue along; you
soon will reach a Dive Ball. Continue further and defeat the next Ranger, who
also yields a Persim Berry upon defeat.
Go further south and you'll probably see a familiar face. If you defeat this
Black Belt's four Roggenrolas (say "Yes" to battle), you'll be allowed to go
through to Undella Bay along the blocked path, and vice versa, as you wish.
After the fight, go north and east over the bridge. At the end, go along the
path northward to the Battle Girl. Jump over the southbound ledge to her west,
then jump over the eastbound ledge. Go downstairs and along to find some water.
Defeat the Black Belt found further south.
After the battle, go east whilst Surfing to find a Heart Scale on a small
island. Steal it and continue north to find some land. Get onto it, then head
west and downstairs.
<== B1F ==>
Here, head southwest and past the steps towards the southwestern corner of B1F.
Go through the gap to the east and run along the path to find a Max Repel. Go
back to the stairs and use 'em, then use Strength to push that boulder into
the hole.
Go over it and downstairs. Defeat the trainer nearby, then bypass her and head
upstairs. Push the first boulder west, into the hole. Then push the one to the
northwest northward. As for the boulder further north, push it north and east
into the hole.
Push the boulder to its south southward into another hole. Push the adjacent
boulder east and north into yet another hole. Snatch up the Rare Candy, then
push the lonesome boulder into the hole to north, joining its brothers in a
claustrophic space. So to speak. >_>
Anywho, move over this boulder and downstairs. Defeat the Black Belt, then go
upstairs to 1F.
<== 1F ==>
Go west and upstairs to find an item. This item is TM06, which teaches Toxic.
Toxic is a move that will Badly Poison the enemy; the damage the move deals
will increase over time, rather than remain semi-constant like with regular
Go downstairs and jump over the southbound ledge.
the exit to the cave blocked by Crustle. A pretty
catch it if I were you. After the fight, go north
to find some Calcium (of course, in a cave), then

Go east and upstairs to find

simple fight, but I'd try to
and use the Dowsing Machine
leave the cave!

Team Plasma Frigate (Pokmon Black Version 2) **POKMON_4104**
Note that, for this part of the walkthrough, after we head down into B1F, the
area will differ depending on which version you're playing.
This section is for Pokmon Black Version 2.
| Treasures Checklist \
| Magmarizer .................... [] | Plasma Card ................... [] |
| Revive ........................ [] | TM67 (Retaliate) .............. [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Watchog Lv. 46, Garbodor Lv. 46
Golbat Lv. 46, Seviper Lv. 46, Garbodor Lv. 46, Drapion Lv. 46
Drapion Lv. 47
Krookodile Lv. 47
Pawniard Lv. 45, Pawniard Lv. 45, Pawniard Lv. 45
Scraggy Lv. 46, Liepard Lv. 46
Garbodor Lv. 47
Whirlipede Lv. 46, Watchog Lv. 46
Weezing Lv. 47
Krokorok Lv. 46, Raticate Lv. 46
Deino Lv. 45, Deino Lv. 45, Sneasel Lv. 45
So, yeah, go east ito see the Plasma Frigate. Your rival suddenly rushes out
of the cave (stalker!) and chats briefly. Afterwards, an access ramp to the
friggin' Frigate hits the beach, with Marlon walking down. I guess he must've
snuck aboard. He leaves, and you and your rival are left to do whatever you
please to the Frigate. Enter.
<== 1F ==>
This will immediately begin with a battle against versus a Grunt. Once you win,
the Grunts will flee. Good 'nuff, for now, I guess. Go to the southeastern part
of the frigate, then upstairs to the end. You'll find TM67, which teaches
Retaliate. Go north and upstairs to find a Revive.
Go downstairs and head over to your rival. Speak with him to move through a
door. You'll end up tagging up with your rival for them - his party isn't
exactly different than ever, nor is the fight worth too much mention.
After the fight, the Grunts leave twin trails of urine behind them as they
flee. Speak with your rival and go to the deck, then go downstairs to the
<== B1F ==>
You did read that note above the introductory tables, right? Right?
Once you arrive here on B1F, IN POKMON BLACK VERSION 2, you'll find your
rival chatting it up with some Team Plasma Grunts. The former runs off and the
Grunts actually do their job. Whelp, I guess we gotta make it sure that these

guys get fired. Defeat the both of them; one is to the east, one to the west.
Nearby, you'll find six rooms. Go into the southwestern one. Inside, you'll
find some teleporters, whose function is quite obvious - they'll teleport you
to other parts of the ship. Ruby/Sapphire memories abound. In this room, the
southeast room, the northwest room, and the east-central room, you'll find a
teleporter that will bring you to a button. You'll need to press the four to
be able to truly progress.
So, go west and pwn the tri-Pawniard Grunt, then go further west to another
Grunt. Use the northwestern teleporter and press the button in that room. Reuse
the teleporter and leave the room. Go into the west-central room.
Speak with the woman here to learn of Zekrom and Reshiram. I'm not going to
translate the entire tale, but I remember it being something like this. IIRC,
two trainers vied for control of Unova and the legendary Pokmon - back then,
said legendary Pokmon was actually a fusion of Zekrom and Reshiram, and
possibly Kyurem. Of course, Reshiram and Zekrom embody different beliefs, and
the difference in the trainers' views actually caused them to split apart.
They clashed and therefore were forced into a hibernate in the Light and Dark
Stones, much like in the Kyogre/Groudon clash. Interesting, huh?
Anywho, leave that room and go into the northwestern room. Go west and defeat
the two grunts, then use the northwestern teleporter. Activate the button, then
leave. Backtrack to the six-room area.
Go into the northeastern room and head to the southeast corner to find the
Magmarizer, an item that, if held by Magmar during a trade, will let it evolve
into Magmortar. Leave the room.
Go into the east-central room. Go east and defeat the two Team Plasma Grunts,
then enter the northwest teleporter. Press the button, reuse the teleporter,
then return to the six-room area.
Go into the southeastern room. Go east, defeat a Grunt, then go into the
southeastern teleporter. Press the button, re-teleport, then go into the
six-room area.
Okay, I recommend healing, so use the northeastern of the six rooms. Then, once
you return into the six-room area, go north into the teleporter to find the
Storage Room.
There, you'll meet up with Zinzolin and another Team Plasma Grunt. When you
move north some, there will be chatting, or more like you delaying for your
rival to come, which he eventually does. Looks like we'll team up again!
| BOSS: Team Plasma Zinzolin & Team Plasma Grunt \
| Zinzolin's Pokmon: Cryogonal (Lv. 48) Ice
Cryogonal (Lv. 48) Ice
Weavile (Lv. 50) Ice/Dark
| Grunt's Pokmon: Liepard (Lv. 45) Dark
Scolipede (Lv. 45) Bug/Poison
Watchog (Lv. 45) Normal
| Rival's Pokmon: Unfezant (Lv. 48) Normal/Flying
Simipour (Lv. 48) Water
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Emboar (Lv. 50) Fire/Fighting <-'
starter was Snivy.|
Simisage (Lv. 48) Grass
<-,__,- Only used if your |

Samurott (Lv. 50) Water
starter was Tepig.|
Simisear (Lv. 48) Fire
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Serperior (Lv. 50) Grass
starter was
| Money Earned: $10,800
| Cryogonal is weak to Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire.
| Weavile is weak to Fighting (4x), Rock, Steel, Fire, and Bug. It is immune |
| to Psychic.
| Liepard is weak to Fighting and Bug, and is immune to Psychic.
| Scolipede is weak to Fire, Flying, Rock, and Psychic.
| Watchog is weak to Fighting, and immune to Ghost.
| Unfezant is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric, and is immune to Ghost and
| Ground.
| Simipour and Samurott are weak to Grass and Electric.
| Simisage and Serperior are weak to Ice, Flying, Fire, Poison, and Bug.
| Simisear is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground.
| Emboar is weak to Water, Ground, Psychic, and Flying.
| Recommendations: Let's evaluate who you're rival will be okay with. If
| your starter was Oshawott or Snivy, your rival will have a Fire type to
| work with versus Zinzolin's party, obviously reducing the load. If you
| chose Snivy, in fact, he'll have multiple advantages by being both Fire
| and Fighting! He'll have a pretty average time versus the main Grunt.
| Said Fire-type will also have an advantage over Scolipede, and, if the
| Pokmon is Emboar, an advantage over Liepard and Watchog. ^_^
| That's why I love choosing Snivy.
| You probably should be able to combat Zinzolin pretty well, since you or |
| your rival are GUARANTEED to have a Fire type. As for the other dude, meh. |
| Your starter, if not Serperior, will do just fine. In the case of it being |
| Serperior, you probably have Magneton/Magnezone still, which is immune to |
| Poison, so hint hint. So, basically, I want you to use your starter and/or |
| Magnezone, each preferably at Level 53+.
After that "grueling" conflict, you'll speak with Zinzolin for a bit. Suddenly,
some of the Shadow Triad will appear and knock you out or something. You'll
awaken on the beach of Route 21 to find the Frigate flying off. Crap - I didn't
get a chance to light the gas tanks.
After comes to speak with you, Fly to Humilau and heal up, then let us head to
Route 22. Go northeast from the Gym and over the bridge to the north, then use
the westbound path. Go down the ramp to the shallow water, then head northwest
and north. Go west under a second walkway and upstairs, then west onto the
beach to find Route 22.

Team Plasma Frigate (Pokmon White Version 2) **POKMON_4105**

Note that, for this part of the walkthrough, after we head down into B1F, the
area will differ depending on which version you're playing.
This section is for Pokmon White Version 2. Also note that the password here
can be randomized from a number of different playthroughs; this is just going
through what I received. The other passwords are as easily derived.
| Treasures Checklist \
| Electirizer ................... [] | Plasma Card ................... [] |
| Revive ........................ [] | TM67 (Retaliate) .............. [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Watchog Lv. 46, Garbodor Lv. 46
Golbat Lv. 46, Seviper Lv. 46, Garbodor Lv. 46, Drapion Lv. 46
Scrafty Lv. 47
Scraggy Lv. 45, Golbat Lv. 45, Krokorok Lv. 45
Garbodor Lv. 47
Pawniard Lv. 45, Pawniard Lv. 45, Pawniard Lv. 45
Weezing Lv. 47
Drapion Lv. 47
Whirlipede Lv. 46, Watchog Lv. 46
Krokorok Lv. 46, Raticate Lv. 46
So, yeah, go east ito see the Plasma Frigate. Your rival suddenly rushes out
of the cave (stalker!) and chats briefly. Afterwards, an access ramp to the
friggin' Frigate hits the beach, with Marlon walking down. I guess he must've
snuck aboard. He leaves, and you and your rival are left to do whatever you
please to the Frigate. Enter.
<== 1F ==>
This will immediately begin with a battle against versus a Grunt. Once you win,
the Grunts will flee. Good 'nuff, for now, I guess. Go to the southeastern part
of the frigate, then upstairs to the end. You'll find TM67, which teaches
Retaliate. Go north and upstairs to find a Revive.
Go downstairs and head over to your rival. Speak with him to move through a
door. You'll end up tagging up with your rival for now - his party isn't
exactly different than ever, nor is his party worth too much mention. You'll
begin the invasion with a double battle.
After the fight, the Grunts leave twin trails of urine behind them as they
flee. Speak with your rival and go to the deck, then go downstairs to the
<== B1F ==>
You did read that note above the introductory tables, right? Right?
Once you arrive here on B1F, IN POKMON WHITE VERSION 2, you'll find your
rival chatting it up with some Team Plasma Grunts. The former runs off and the

Grunts actually do their job. Whelp, I guess we gotta make it sure that these
guys get fired. Defeat the both of them; one is to the east, one to the west.
Nearby, you'll find six rooms. Go into the southwestern one. Inside, you'll
be able to fight the second Grunt to the west. Go east and north and snatch up
the Electirizer - this hold item, if held by an Electabuzz, will evolve it into
Electivire during a trade. Anywho, get rid of the west-central Grunt to also
earn the Plasma Card. Speak with the northwestern woman to register both
Reshiram and Zekrom into the Pokdex.
Return to the six-room area and head into the northwestern room. Defeat the
Grunt there and leave. You'll also learn the first letter of the password: "R".
Back in the six-room room, head into the northeastern room and repeat this.
She'll reference, indirectly, that the password has something to do with a
Dragon Pokmon. Am I the only one who just narrowed it down to Reshiram? :P
Return to the six-room room and head into the east-central door.
Here, you can examine a bed and say "Yes" to fully heal your party. Yay!
Leave afterwards and go into the southeastern door.
Go east to run straight into a Grunt battle. Win it to learn that the password
is the name of the legendary Pokmon. =/ Yeah, we DID NOT figure that out
earlier. Go east and win the next battle to learn that the password is the name
of a white dragon Pokmon. *KeyBlade999 used DoubleSlap on the Grunt!*
Leave, heal in the east-central room, then go above deck. Go north into the
area from before and enter the password, as follows, minus the quotation marks:
"Reshiram". Afterwards, go north into the teleporter.
Go north and you'll meet up with Zinzolin. Suddenly, he decides to show you
what is below. You can see a Pokmon, with the figure of a Dragon, covered in
ice. Can that be Kyurem!? As Zinzolin prepares to destroy you, your rival
arrives and teams up with you for a double battle against Zinzolin!
| BOSS: Team Plasma Zinzolin & Team Plasma Grunt \
| Zinzolin's Pokmon: Cryogonal (Lv. 48) Ice
Cryogonal (Lv. 48) Ice
Weavile (Lv. 50) Ice/Dark
| Grunt's Pokmon: Liepard (Lv. 45) Dark
Scolipede (Lv. 45) Bug/Poison
Watchog (Lv. 45) Normal
| Rival's Pokmon: Unfezant (Lv. 48) Normal/Flying
Simipour (Lv. 48) Water
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Emboar (Lv. 50) Fire/Fighting <-'
starter was Snivy.|
Simisage (Lv. 48) Grass
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Samurott (Lv. 50) Water
starter was Tepig.|
Simisear (Lv. 48) Fire
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Serperior (Lv. 50) Grass
starter was
| Money Earned: $10,800
| Cryogonal is weak to Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire.
| Weavile is weak to Fighting (4x), Rock, Steel, Fire, and Bug. It is immune |
| to Psychic.

| Liepard is weak to Fighting and Bug, and is immune to Psychic.
| Scolipede is weak to Fire, Flying, Rock, and Psychic.
| Watchog is weak to Fighting, and immune to Ghost.
| Unfezant is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric, and is immune to Ghost and
| Ground.
| Simipour and Samurott are weak to Grass and Electric.
| Simisage and Serperior are weak to Ice, Flying, Fire, Poison, and Bug.
| Simisear is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground.
| Emboar is weak to Water, Ground, Psychic, and Flying.
| Recommendations: Let's evaluate who you're rival will be okay with. If
| your starter was Oshawott or Snivy, your rival will have a Fire type to
| work with versus Zinzolin's party, obviously reducing the load. If you
| chose Snivy, in fact, he'll have multiple advantages by being both Fire
| and Fighting! He'll have a pretty average time versus the main Grunt.
| Said Fire-type will also have an advantage over Scolipede, and, if the
| Pokmon is Emboar, an advantage over Liepard and Watchog. ^_^
| That's why I love choosing Snivy.
| You probably should be able to combat Zinzolin pretty well, since you or |
| your rival are GUARANTEED to have a Fire type. As for the other dude, meh. |
| Your starter, if not Serperior, will do just fine. In the case of it being |
| Serperior, you probably have Magneton/Magnezone still, which is immune to |
| Poison, so hint hint. So, basically, I want you to use your starter and/or |
| Magnezone, each preferably at Level 53+.
After that "grueling" conflict, you'll speak with Zinzolin for a bit. Suddenly,
some of the Shadow Triad will appear and knock you out or something. You'll
awaken on the beach of Route 21 to find the Frigate flying off. Crap - I didn't
get a chance to light the gas tanks.
After Cheren speaks with you, Fly to Humilau and heal up, then let us head to
Route 22. Go northeast from the Gym and over the bridge to the north, then use
the westbound path. Go down the ramp to the shallow water, then head northwest
and north. Go west under a second walkway and upstairs, then west onto the
beach to find Route 22.
Route 22
| Treasures Checklist \
| Calcium .......... [] | Carbos ........... [] | Colress Machine .. [] |
| Green Shard ...... [] | Max Potion ....... [] | Poison Barb ...... [] |
| PP Up ............ [] | Rare Candy ....... [] | Red Shard ........ [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \

Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Amoonguss | Grass/Poison
| 1,000,000 | Big Mushroom | 2 HP
| Both |
| Delibird
| Ice/Flying
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Golduck
| Water/Psychic | 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Lunatone
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Moon Stone | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Mienfoo
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Pelipper
| Water/Flying
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Solrock
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Sun Stone
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Terrakion* | Rock/Fighting | 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Azumarill | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Azumarill | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| * - A special, one-time encounter that is completely optional.
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Starmie Lv. 47, Drapion Lv. 47
Vanillite Lv. 45, Bouffalant Lv. 45
Nosepass Lv. 45, Steelix Lv. 45
Camerupt Lv. 45, Grumpig Lv. 45
Swinub Lv. 45, Darmanitan Lv. 45
Arcanine Lv. 47, Excadrill Lv. 47
Once you enter the Route, go south to the staircase. Defeat the Ace Trainer
and head west, upstairs, then go north into the grassy area. Flip on the
Dowsing Machine and use it to find a Carbos.
Go south to the steps to the west, which take you north onto a higher ledge.
Defeat the Backpacker, then head west and downstairs. Go northeast into the
darker grass and examine the Pokball to battle Amoonguss.

Go west and to the northeastern corner of the dark grass to find a PP Up.
Return to the stairs and go on up the westbound staircase. At the top, you'll
spot Terrakion, the complement of Virizion and Cobalion. You'll also meet
Colress again, who will hand over the Colrees Machine, I think, to you before
Take on Terrakion, if you feel like it.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #639 Terrakion \
| Pokmon's Type : Rock/Fighting
| Pokmon's Level: Level 45
| EVs Gained
: 3 Attack
| Pokmon's Moves: - Helping Hand (Normal)
- Retaliate (Normal)
- Rock Slide (Rock)
- Sacred Sword (Fighting)
| Terrakion is weak towards Water, Ground, Steel, Fighting, Grass, and
| Psychic. It will resist Normal, Fire, Poison, Bug, Rock, and Dark. All
| other moves will deal normal damage.
| As for its moveset, Helping Hand is pretty useless here. Retaliate will
| not hit for any type advantages, and even won't affect Ghosts. Rock Slide |
| will hurt Ice, Fire, Bug, and Flying. Sacred Sword hurts Normal, Rock,
| Steel, Ice, and Dark.
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible, status it, and toss an Ultra Ball. Here, you
| may want to begin with Paralysis and then switch to a 1/4-damage move user |
| or Sleep and use Special-class moves to avoid awakening. You'll want the |
| HP to be in the red before attempting a catch with one of your limited
| Ultra Balls. Also note that the use of False Swipe, if you somehow have
| it, will never kill an enemy, and therefore will cause the Pokmon to
| remain at one HP, prime for catching.
| Specifically, to avoid being dominated, you'll probably want to definitely |
| avoid bringing along Ice or Rock types. Normal, Steel, and Dark types are |
| negotiable, and a Ghost type won't be hurt as easily here unless it is by |
| Iron Head. However, not many Ghost-type Pokmon have moves that inflict
| minimal damage, so just be careful of that.
After the fight, ascend the ramp to the narrow pathway. Stand still on it to
hit the dark grass below, then go west to find a useful Rare Candy. Go south
and east towards the jumpable ledge. Nearby, you'll find a Hiker to defeat;
afterwards, take a hop.
Move up onto the narrow raised walkway to the east. Move around and go west off
of the ramp north of where you entered this path. At this elevated area, hunt
down the Green Shard via the Dowsing Machine, then return to the raised path
and go eastward, then south along the path. Go down to the Pokmon Breeder and
win the battle.
Push the Strength boulder next to you into the hole, then go south and begin to
Surf to the western shoreline. Make landfall and go west behind the trees to
find a Calcium. Surf to the other shore, then use the raised walkways to return
to where Terrakion is/was.

Go south into the grass, and you'll soon reach two staircases. Go south past
them to find a Poison Barb. Go west and downstairs, then north and down some
more stairs. Go north along the grassy flat to find a Pokball; examine it to
battle an Amoonguss, then go southwest to find a Red Shard.
Go northwest and defeat the Backpacker, then go along to the Giant Chasm
entrance rather obviously nearby. You're able to head in if you want - and
you eventually will need to - but let's finish exploring first.
Go south and defeat the Ace Trainer. Then go south and down the stairs to the
east. Go along the northbound path to the end, then head over to the Max
Potion. Get on the walkway and drop onto the ground, then head into the Giant
Giant Chasm
| Treasures Checklist \
| Heart Scale ...... [] | Hyper Potion ..... [] | Ice Gem .......... [] |
| Max Potion ....... [] | Max Repel ........ [] | Max Revive ....... [] |
| Moon Stone ....... [] | Moon Stone ....... [] | Razor Claw ....... [] |
| Star Piece ....... [] | Star Piece ....... [] | TM13 (Ice Beam) .. [] |
| Ultra Ball ....... [] | Yellow Shard ..... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \ Main Cave \
Pokmon on Land (* = Found in Dust Clouds only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Clefairy
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 2 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Delibird
| Ice/Flying
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Lunatone
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Moon Stone | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Piloswine | Ice/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 HP
| Sneasel
| Dark/Ice
| 1,059,860 | Grip Claw, | 1 Speed | Both |
| Quick Claw |
| Solrock
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Sun Stone
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Vanillish | Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Seel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |

| Dewgong
| Water/Ice
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \ Route 13 Entrance \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Clefairy
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 2 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Delibird
| Ice/Flying
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Lunatone
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Moon Stone | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Pelipper
| Water/Flying
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Solrock
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Sun Stone
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Tangela
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Vanillish | Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Clefable
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 3 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Tangrowth | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Vanilluxe | Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \ Crater Forest \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Clefairy
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 2 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Delibird
| Ice/Flying
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Ditto
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | Metal Powder,| 1 HP
| Both |
| Quick Powder |
| Lunatone
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Moon Stone | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Metang
| Steel/Psychic | 1,250,000 | Metal Coat | 2 Defense | Both |
| Piloswine | Ice/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 HP
| Solrock
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Sun Stone
| 2 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Clefable
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 3 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Mamoswine | Ice/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Metagross | Steel/Psychic | 1,250,000 | Metal Coat | 3 Defense | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \

Weezing Lv. 47, Muk Lv. 47
Wow, all those Pokmon Encounter lists, but only that one trainer and so few
treasures. =/
<== Main Cave ==>
Go south to find some Grunts. You rival comes along, then a Grunt comes by from
the south. The other two leave, and you'll speak with the remaining one. Your
rival and the Grunt soon leave.
Go south to the Strength boulder. Push it into the hole, then go north. Surf on
the water and go far north to find TM13, which teaches the ever-useful Ice
Beam. Surf south to the westbound path and follow it to some stairs. Go to the
southern edge of the area and bypass the doorway to the west.
Flip on the Dowsing Machine as you do to find a Star Piece. Return to the
southern path and head further west, then head north at the first chance. Push
the Strength boulder into the hole, then snatch up the Max Repel it was
blocking. Go north to the end of the area and past the Grunt duo.
Once you reach the northwest corner of the cave, use the Dowsing Machine to get
an Ultra Ball, then go east and push another boulder into another hole to get
a Star Piece. Further east, push another boulder into its hole to find an Ice
Gem, if you use the Dowsing Machine.
Backtrack to the south-central part of the area, then go through the doorway
on the southern edge not down some stairs.
<== Route 13 Entrance ==>
There isn't a whole lot to do here, unless you want to grab a few items or go
further to the next town ... which I don't recommend. Go up the stairs to the
east and, at the top, go along the path around to the west through some darker
grass. At the end of the path, use the Dowsing Machine to grab a Max Potion.
Backtrack out of the grass to find a
don't think you oughta go along that
grab some items real quick; go south
the shallows to find a Hyper Potion,
Dowsing Machine for the latter.

southbound path leading to Route 13. I

path, but it's your choice. We can still
along the path to the water. Go through
as well as a Heart Scale - you'll need the

Backtrack to the chasm entrance and go west and upstairs. As you go on up, grab
the Yellow Shard. At the top, use the Dowsing Machine on the viewing platform
to find a Moon Stone. Backtrack inside the chasm.
<== Main Cave ==>
Go downstairs and through the unused doorway.
<== Crater Forest ==>
Go north and you'll find your rival eavesdropping on the conflict between Old
and New Team Plasma. He acts rashly and idiotically on a never-before-seen

scale by shouting at them all! TAKE COVER!

Okay... Well, he dazes Old Team Plasma briefly, then some of the New Plasma
Grunts come up to battle you. Win the fight and the Old Team Plasma leader
dude will have over a Max Revive. New Team Plasma makes their advance, but
Old Team Plasma will hold them off. Follow your rival as he heads northeast.
Or you *should*; give us a sec.
Go west into the grass and to the southwest corner where you'll find a Razor
Claw. Go east, on the east side of the New/Old Team Plasma members. Go north
and west through the grass; at the corner, you'll be able to get another Moon
Return the Plasma teams and go east after your rival. Move up the icy steps
onto the ice. Once you enter the icy field, go east, east, north, west, south,
west, south, south, south, and east to find the friggin' Team Plasma Frigate.
Team Plasma Frigate (Pokmon Black Version 2) **POKMON_4108**
Note that, for this part of the walkthrough, after we head inside the ship, the
area will differ depending on which version you're playing.
This section is on Pokmon Black Version 2. Also note that the password here
can be randomized from a number of different playthroughs; this is just going
through what I received. The other passwords are as easily derived.
| Treasures Checklist \
| Max Elixir ....... [] | Max Revive ....... [] | Plasma Card ...... [] |
| Power Band ....... [] | Zinc ............. [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Trubbish, Scraggy, Garbodor, Scrafty, Whirlipede, Golbat; each at Lv. 46 |
Skorupi Lv. 45, Golbat Lv. 45, Foongus Lv. 45
Krookodile Lv. 47
Raticate Lv. 47, Watchog Lv. 47
Leavanny Lv. 49
Trubbish Lv. 46, Zangoose Lv. 46
Scolipede Lv. 47
Scrafty Lv. 47
Drapion Lv. 47
Grimer Lv. 46, Seviper Lv. 46
Cryogonal Lv. 49, Cryogonal Lv. 49, Weavile Lv. 51
Pawniard Lv. 49, Pawniard Lv. 49, Absol Lv. 51
Pawniard Lv. 49, Pawniard Lv. 49, Accelgor Lv. 51
Pawniard Lv. 49, Pawniard Lv. 49, Banette Lv. 51
Once you enter the Frigate, go south and through the door. You'll be ambushed
and forced into a six-on-something double battle. Afterwards, go south and
teleport. Speak with the nearby docile Grunt, then head southwest for a fight,
then northeast and southeast for another.

After defeating the Grunt with the Krookodile, go south and onto the pathway.
Go onto the button to move the paths, then head west and north. Get the Zinc,
then go south and east along the platform to find a Grunt. Continue along to
find a Doctor. Defeat him and speak to him as you wish to be healed. You'll be
needing it soon enough.
Go north and downstairs, then north and east to find a Power Band. Backtrack to
the Doctor and go west and defeat a Grunt. Go southwest and snatch up the Max
Elixir and Max Revive, then go north and downstairs. Go along the path north,
defeating the Grunt at the end, who will yield a Plasma Card. We need this to
proceed forward, but what law says that we are not allowed to beat the living
crap out of every Team Plasma member we see?
Yeah, I thought that. *grabs a Pokball*
Anywho, go south and upstairs, then use the walkway to go to the top of the
next staircase. Smash the button, then go east and south to the main platform.
Go west and downstairs, then further west to a Grunt. Win the fight, then go
north and beat up another one of these dudes.
Afterwards, return to the staircase and ascend. Go to the northbound walkways
nearby and use the one in the middle. Go north at the first intersection, and
east at the second. Push the button there. Then head west, south, then go east
and down the eastern staircase.
Further east, relieve the Grunt of his Pokdollars, and repeat with the next
one northward. Then go south and upstairs. Speak with the Doctor to heal up and
use the central northbound pathway. Go west at the first intersection and smash
the button ahead. Afterwards, go south to the main platform.
This time, at the three pathways, go east at the first intersection. Smash the
button at the next intersection, then go north and use the button. Next, head
west and south to the main platform. Get on the western path and smash the
button at the first intersection.
Head east, north, and east to find another button. Use it and go north onto the
platform there. Head over to the teleporter and examine the computer to the
northwest. Select "Yes" and begin to input the password - "Zekrom". Then
press "Enter" and, if you did this right, the barriers will fall. Good.
Go north and you'll find Kyurem. *shuffles through pockets* Where is that
freakin' Master Ball when I need it!? So, yep, no catching yet, or for quite a
while. Zinzolin decides to come along, chat, and battle. No boss box, since he
is really starting to get too easy. =/
Afterwards, backtrack to the Doctor, heal, backtrack to Zinzolin, then go north
and east into the teleporter. Here, you'll meet up with Colress. Speak with him
to engage in battle.
| BOSS: Team Plasma Colress \
| Pokmon: Magneton (Lv. 50) Steel/Electric
Magnezone (Lv. 50) Steel/Electric
Metang (Lv. 50) Steel/Psychic
Beheeyem (Lv. 50) Psychic
Klinklang (Lv. 50) Steel
| Money Earned: $10,400
| Magneton and Magnezone are weak to Ground (4x), Fire, and Fighting. They |

| tend to be troublesome towards Rock, Ice, Flying, and Water types, and are |
| immune to the status and type Poison.
| Metang is weak to Fire and Ground. It typically is a problem towards Ice, |
| Rock, Water, Flying, Fighting, and Poison. It is immune to Poison as well. |
| Beheeyem is weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark, and is just troublesome towards |
| Fighting and Poison.
| Klinklang is weak to Fire, Ground, and Fighting, and is immune to Poison. |
| It'll trouble Ice, Rock, Water, and Flying.
| Recommendations: For Magnezone and Magneton, I'd probably use some kind of |
| Ground-type that I've been building up for a while now; I'd use either
| Sandslash, Krookodile, or Camerupt. Metang would also be a good target for |
| using either of the latter two; a Fire-type is otherwise preferred.
| Towards Beheeyem, your starter should do fine, unless it is Emboar, in
| which case I'd opt for a simian. Then again, Krookodile is immune to
| Psychic, so take your pick. Klinklang is easy enough to deal with as well; |
| a Fire-type is a good preference to pick for it. Any participant by this |
| point should hopefully be around Level 55.
After the battle, answer Colress's question however you wish, then the chatting
will continue some more. Use the teleporter and go along to the Doctor and heal
up. Continue back to where Zinzolin is and head west. Speak with the Grunt and
use the teleporter to find Ghetsis's room.
And he's in there! Ghetsis was the pretty-much overlord of the united Team
Plasma several years ago, alongside N. Inside, after a lot of talking, he'll
call in a member of the Shadow Triad and flee, while your rival comes in.
Defeat the dude of the Triad, then defeat the other two that appear. Go back
to the Doctor, heal up, and leave to return outside.
Team Plasma Frigate (Pokmon White Version 2) **POKMON_4109**
Note that, for this part of the walkthrough, after we head inside the ship, the
area will differ depending on which version you're playing.
This section is on Pokmon White Version 2.
| Treasures Checklist \
| Max Elixir ....... [] | Max Revive ....... [] | Power Belt ....... [] |
| Zinc ............. [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Trubbish, Scraggy, Garbodor, Scrafty, Whirlipede, Golbat; each at Lv. 46 |
Skorupi Lv. 45, Golbat Lv. 45, Foongus Lv. 45
Krookodile Lv. 47
Koffing Lv. 46, Amoonguss Lv. 46
Scolipede Lv. 47
Deino Lv. 45, Deino Lv. 45, Sneasel Lv. 45
Leavanny Lv. 47

Trubbish Lv. 46, Zangoose Lv. 46
Grimer Lv. 46, Seviper Lv. 46
Scrafty Lv. 47
Cryogonal Lv. 49, Cryogonal Lv. 49, Weavile Lv. 51
Pawniard Lv. 49, Pawniard Lv. 49, Absol Lv. 51
Pawniard Lv. 49, Pawniard Lv. 49, Accelgor Lv. 51
Pawniard Lv. 49, Pawniard Lv. 49, Banette Lv. 51
Once you enter the Frigate, go south and through the door. You'll be ambushed
and forced into a six-on-something double battle. Afterwards, go south and
teleport. Speak with the nearby docile Grunt, then head southwest for a fight,
then northeast and southeast for another.
After defeating the Grunt with the Krookodile, go south and onto the pathway.
Go onto the button to move the paths, then head west and north. Get the Zinc,
then go south and east along the platform to find a Grunt. Defeat this dude and
go into the nearby teleporter. Trigger the switch and return.
Go west into the next teleporter. Go south, east, upstairs, and south to fight
a battle. Win it, then grab the two items to the southeast - a Max Revive and a
Max Elixir. Go to the far west and defeat the Grunt, then the Doctor. Be sure
to use the Doctor's curative services!
Backtrack now to where you entered this area and go north a block. Defeat the
Grunt here, then use the teleporter. Trigger the switch you reach, then return
to the previous area.
Remember the stairway you first used, found to the south? Climb it and go east
and north. Trigger the switch on the bridge, then go west and south. Go west to
the Doctor, then north. Trigger the switch there and use the teleporter at the
foot of the staircase.
Then go south and defeat another Grunt. Go west and grab the Power Belt, then
go north and defeat another Grunt. Enter the teleporter next to you and use the
switch there. Return and go south and east into the next teleporter to remove
the final barrier... as soon as you press the switch. Return. Go north into the
next teleporter.
Go back south onto the stairs. Go east, trigger the switch, head north, use
that switch, then go along north past where the electric barriers were.
There, you'll find Kyurem encased in a supposedly indestructible container.
Zinzolin sneaks up behind you and fights you - I won't use a boss box, it being
a relatively easy fight by now.
Afterwards, backtrack to the Doctor, heal, then go back to Zinzolin. Head north
and east, then into the teleportation device. There, you will find Colress.
After some chatting, initiate another conversation... And another brawl!
| BOSS: Team Plasma Colress \
| Pokmon: Magneton (Lv. 50) Steel/Electric
Magnezone (Lv. 50) Steel/Electric
Metang (Lv. 50) Steel/Psychic
Beheeyem (Lv. 50) Psychic
Klinklang (Lv. 50) Steel
| Money Earned: $10,400

| Magneton and Magnezone are weak to Ground (4x), Fire, and Fighting. They |
| tend to be troublesome towards Rock, Ice, Flying, and Water types, and are |
| immune to the status and type Poison.
| Metang is weak to Fire and Ground. It typically is a problem towards Ice, |
| Rock, Water, Flying, Fighting, and Poison. It is immune to Poison as well. |
| Beheeyem is weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark, and is just troublesome towards |
| Fighting and Poison.
| Klinklang is weak to Fire, Ground, and Fighting, and is immune to Poison. |
| It'll trouble Ice, Rock, Water, and Flying.
| Recommendations: For Magnezone and Magneton, I'd probably use some kind of |
| Ground-type that I've been building up for a while now; I'd use either
| Sandslash, Krookodile, or Camerupt. Metang would also be a good target for |
| using either of the latter two; a Fire-type is otherwise preferred.
| Towards Beheeyem, your starter should do fine, unless it is Emboar, in
| which case I'd opt for a simian. Then again, Krookodile is immune to
| Psychic, so take your pick. Klinklang is easy enough to deal with as well; |
| a Fire-type is a good preference to pick for it. Any participant by this |
| point should hopefully be around Level 55.
After the battle, answer Colress's question however you wish, then the chatting
will continue some more. Use the teleporter and go along to the Doctor and heal
up. Continue back to where Zinzolin is and head west. Speak with the Grunt and
use the teleporter to find Ghetsis's room.
And he's in there! Ghetsis was the pretty-much overlord of the united Team
Plasma several years ago, alongside N. Inside, after a lot of talking, he'll
call in a member of the Shadow Triad and flee, while your rival comes in.
Defeat the dude of the Triad, then defeat the other two that appear. Go back
to the Doctor, heal up, and leave to return outside.
Giant Chasm
| Treasures Checklist \
| Carbos ........... [] | PP Up ............ [] | Star Piece ....... [] |
| Sun Stone ........ [] | TM03 (Psyshock) .. [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \ Crater Forest \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Clefairy
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 2 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Delibird
| Ice/Flying
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Ditto
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | Metal Powder,| 1 HP
| Both |
| Quick Powder |
| Lunatone
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Moon Stone | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Metang
| Steel/Psychic | 1,250,000 | Metal Coat | 2 Defense | Both |

| Piloswine | Ice/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 HP
| Solrock
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Sun Stone
| 2 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Clefable
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 3 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Mamoswine | Ice/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Metagross | Steel/Psychic | 1,250,000 | Metal Coat | 3 Defense | Both |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \ Crater Forest Cave \
Pokmon on Land
(* = Found in Dust Clouds only; ** = One-Time Encounter For Now)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Clefairy
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 2 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Delibird
| Ice/Flying
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Lunatone
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Moon Stone | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Piloswine | Ice/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 HP
| Sneasel
| Dark/Ice
| 1,059,860 | Grip Claw, | 1 Speed | Both |
| Quick Claw |
| Solrock
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Sun Stone
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Vanillish | Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Seel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Dewgong
| Water/Ice
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
Special One-Time-Only Wild Encounter Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Kyurem
| Ice/Dragon
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 HP,
| Both |
| 1 Attack, |
| 1 Sp.Atk. |

<== Crater Forest ==>

Outside of the Giant Chasm, slide south on the ice to the stairs. Go on down,
then slide south, east, north, east, north, east, south, west, south, east,
north, and east onto the steps.
Then go east, south, east, south, and east onto the next stairs. Once off the
ice, go north and along the linear path to some stairs. Ascend.
<== Crater Forest Cave ==>
Go along the linear path to the next area.
There, go north and you'll meet up with Ghetsis in the clearing ahead. There,
Kyurem, the legendary frost Dragon, will be summoned from within the Frigate.
Once out, Kyurem goes absolutely crazy, following Ghetsis's orders to kill you
with Glaciate. Oh crap...
Then N flies in on Reshiram! N commands Reshiram to use Fusion Flare, its
signature move versus Kyurem's, melting the ice and saving you. There will then
be some talking and something happens after some cool Pokmon fighting.
Something completely ****ed up.
Kyurem returns Reshiram into its Light Stone and fuses with it! O_O
There will be more talking and you'll battle White Kyurem. All you can do is
beat it; not capture (that's technically catching two at one time). Dragon,
Rock, Fighting, and Steel are super-effective.
After the fight, Ghetsis goes crazy and decides to deal with you personally...
| BOSS: Team Plasma Ghetsis \
| Pokmon: Cofagrigus (Lv. 50) Ghost
Drapion (Lv. 50) Poison/Dark
Eelektross (Lv. 50) Electric
Seismitoad (Lv. 50) Water/Ground
Toxicroak (Lv. 50) Poison/Fighting
Hydreigon (Lv. 52) Dark/Dragon
| Money Earned: $9,360
| Cofagrigus is weak to Ghost and Dark, and is immune to Normal and Fighting |
| typed moves.
| Drapion is weak to Ground and Fighting, and is immune to Psychic.
| Eelektross is weak to nothing, I guess, if its ability is Levitate; also, |
| that makes it immune to Ground.
| Seismitoad is weak to Grass (4x), and is immune to Electric.
| Toxicroak is weak to Psychic (4x), Ground, and Flying.
| Hydreigon is weak to Ice, Dragon, Fighting, and Bug.
| Recommendations: Definitely a hard fight. Early on, I'd probably stick

| with a Krookodile or my starter against Cofagrigus, or perhaps even a good |

| Normal type with non-Normal moves to defend against the Ghost type.
| Drapion should be readily handled by some Ground type, or by Cobalion's
| Sacred Sword. Eelektross will be handled fairly well by Virizion's Sacred |
| Sword or non-Grass moves, or a Ground-type preferably with non-Ground
| moves.
| Seismitoad is easily dispatched with Serperior, Simisage, or Virizion.
| Toxicroak can be dealt with by your Flying-type you should have been
| raising (Unfezant) or some random Psychic type you may have. As for the
| Hydreigon, you'll probably end up abusing the Ice weakness with Beartic; |
| otherwise, toss in Cobalion or Magneton/Magnezone to build resistance.
| In fact, I'd use Cobalion for Sacred Sword, which IS Fighting.
| I personally used Serperior, Krookodile, Cobalion, Beartic, and Unfezant |
| pretty well, all around Level 54 ~ 56 by now.
After the battle, Ghetsis rages, calls the Shadow Triad, and flees. N will
speak with you and soon leave with his Reshiram. Your rival then comes on in,
too late for anything. Chat it up, answering the question as you wish, then
Well. That was a bit of a revealing scene. @_@
<== Crater Forest ==>
Well, the Frigate's gone, and has obviously left a lot of destruction in its
wake. That does allow you to find some items. Head on towards the Old Team
Plasma members, then northeast into the darker grass. On the other side, you
can see an item amongst the trees to the south. Go in the gap between the far
east tree and the wall of trees further east; use said gap to reach the PP Up.
Return to the Old Team Plasma, then go north of them. At the first patch of
light grass, go east and southwest through the gap in the trees. At the other
side of the gap, use the northbound ledge and go along the path and through
the grasses. Northwest of two patches of dark grass is a Carbos; past it is a
Sun Stone. Return to the darker grass and go north, out of it, then use the
eastern ledge.
Return to the Old Team Plasma group, then go west to the grass, then north to
the darker grass. There, you'll find TM03, which teaches Psyshock. Return to
the Old Team Plasma, then go southwest to find some more dark grass. Go south
and through it, then east through another patch, then further east along the
path to find a Star Piece.
Return to the Old Team Plasma and go south, then west into the light grass.
Past it, go south and use the stairs to return to the main cave.
There, go upstairs, then south to the wall. Go west, north, and continue along
to the cave exit. You'll reach Route 23.
Route 23
| Treasures Checklist \

| Calcium ....................... [] | Full Heal ..................... [] |
| Green Shard ................... [] | Heart Scale ................... [] |
| HP Up ......................... [] | Iron .......................... [] |
| PP Up ......................... [] | Max Potion .................... [] |
| Rare Candy .................... [] | Sitrus Berry .................. [] |
| Sitrus Berry .................. [] | Star Piece .................... [] |
| Star Piece .................... [] | TM05 (Roar) ................... [] |
| TM12 (Taunt) .................. [] | TM35 (Flamethrower) ........... [] |
| Ultra Ball .................... [] | Yellow Shard .................. [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
(* = Light Grass Only, ** = Dark Grass Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Amoonguss | Grass/Poison
| 1,000,000 | Big Mushroom | 2 HP
| Both |
| Bouffalant | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Gligar
| Ground/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Golduck
| Water/Psychic | 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Mienfoo*
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Mienshao** | Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Rufflet
| Normal/Flying | 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Attack | W2 |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Vullaby
| Dark/Flying
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Defense | B2 |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Gliscor
| Ground/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| B2 |
| Expert Belt |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Buizel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles-Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Floatzel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 2 Speed | Both |

| Trainers' Pokmon \
Throh Lv. 53
Emolga Lv. 53, Jellicent Lv. 53 |
Piloswine Lv. 51, Probopass Lv. 51|
Swanna Lv. 53, Galvantula Lv. 53 |
Stunfisk Lv. 52, Amoonguss Lv. 52 |
Sawk Lv. 53
Floatzel Lv. 53, Lucario Lv. 53 |
Boldore Lv. 53, Aggron Lv. 53
Scolipede Lv. 54, Arcanine Lv. 54 |
Gurdurr Lv. 53, Scrafty Lv. 53
Magmar Lv. 54, Mamoswine Lv. 54 |
Well, how 'bout this. Looks like this is the final Route before we reach
Victory Road. I bet you know what that means - this walkthrough is coming to an
Nah, there's more to do. Looks like you'll be reading a fair bit longer!
Anywho, once you reach the Route, go north and upstairs to find a house. Go on
in and speak with the woman within to heal your Pokmon. Then leave and go
west. Cross the bridge, then go south along the waterway to find a Cut tree.
Cut it down to find a Heart Scale, or, I guess you could Surf around it.
Return to the western end of the bridge and go north along the shoreline. You
will soon defeat a Battle Girl, then continue along to find an Ace Trainer.
Afterwards, go east through the gap between the cliff and rock, then turn
north. Further ahead, still along the stream, you can defeat a Hiker.
Afterwards, go east and under the bridge, then over to the stairs. Go east
past the staircase to reach the river. Surf across and go into the river on
the other side, then speak with the man within to get TM35, which teaches the
ever-useful Flamethrower.
Leave the house and Surf back to the other side of the river. Go to the stairs
and ascend. Defeat the trainer at the top. Go over the bridge to the east,
flipping on the Dowsing Machine as you do. You'll find a Rare Candy in the
southwestern portion of the area on the other side of the bridge.
Return to the Ace Trainer from before, then go over the bridge to the west and
south. Examine the Pokball in the grass there to battle an Amoonguss. Go south
and over the next bridge. Head to the big stand-out leaf nearby to battle a
Pokmon Ranger, who yields a Sitrus Berry upon defeat. Then grab the nearby
TM05, which teaches Roar, a move that will force the opponent to switch
Pokmon, or ends wild Pokmon battles.
Go over the previous bridge, then go east and defeat the Black Belt. Head along
the path east and south. At the eastbound bridge, flip on your Dowsing Machine
and it will register a Star Piece to the southeast. Go to the southern end of
this path to find an Iron. Yay.
Go back over the bridge, then head south through the grassy area. At the Cut
tree, slice it down and go on through northward to find another Star Piece. Hop
over the ledge and return to the bridge, then head north. Bypass the Black
Belt from before and cross the bridge to the north. Continue along the dirt
You'll soon come to some stairs, as well another Ranger battle. (You'll win a
Sitrus Berry again.) Go west past the Ranger to another Cut tree. Cut it down

and go through the grass, then southwest to some stairs. Ascend to find a Full
Heal. Go downstairs now.
Push the Strength boulder nearby south into the hole, then go northeast to
where the small tree is. Go west into the gap betwixt the trees and, further
along the path, you'll find a fork. Use the southern path and you'll find a
Hiker soon enough. Defeat the Hiker, then west and defeat the Amoonguss posing
as an item.
Get rid of the Cut tree nearby, then go along the path southwest from there to
find a Strength boulder. Push it south twice, then go west along the path to
find another Ace Trainer. Win the duel, then return to the Hiker. Go west along
the path, which soon will double back and head north.
At the end of the path, defeat the Black Belt and, once again, backtrack to the
Hiker. Cut down the tree to the east and along the path to its end, where you
can find an Ultra Ball if you flip on the Dowsing Machine. Go west and, when
the paths split, use the northern one. Head west and defeat the Ace Trainer.
Afterwards, go around to the southern path, using it to head west all of the
way past to the Black Belt. Nearby, as you approach, north of the patch of
grass is a hidden path. Use it and go west and upstairs. Go along to the
downbound stairs, where you'll find an HP Up at the end of the path.
Return to the main path and head along to the Black Belt. Go further along to
the small tree; Cut it down and go through the gap. Go along the path to find
a Calcium at the end of this path. Go back through the grass and hop over the
ledge to the east.
Head further east and downstairs to find some water. Surf across to the other
side, then go east. Bypass the stairs and you'll find a Strength boulder. Push
it into the hole, then go up the next staircase. At the top, push the Strength
boulder west one time.
Go downstairs and west towards the water, ascending the unused staircase when
you reach it. Hop over the ledge at the apex, then push the Strength boulder
north twice. Go around to the water and Surf onto the northwestern area. Go on
upstairs, then head east. Push the Strength boulder east once and north once
into the hole.

of there, you'll find another Strength boulder. Push it east into the
- you should've already pushed it south before... Then head southeast to
another boulder; push it east one time, then go around and push it south
a hole, ending this boulder puzzle.

Now head west to the steps, then flip on the Dowsing Machine to hunt down a
Yellow Shard nearby. Return to the previous boulder pushed - the one that
ended the puzzle - and cross it. Head upstairs and defeat the trainer atop it
to finish off the last trainer of the Route.
Go east and snatch up the Max Potion, then go further east to the bridge. Go
north and to the other side, where you'll find some grass. Use the Dowsing
Machine to hunt down a PP Up here. Go west over the next bridge and to the
other side of the double-battle grass to find TM12 (Taunt). Recross both of
the bridges.
Bypass the Battle Girl and head
north some to find an Amoonguss
the path until you find a Green
ledge to find yourself close(r)

downstairs. Go west and through the grass, then

in the grass, posing as an item. Continue along
Shard. Afterwards, go east and hop over the
to the entrance of Victory Road.

Gp east to find a female Pokmon Ranger near some stairs. Go up them if you
want to enter the Victory Road. Just go on in.
Victory Road (Pokmon Black Version 2)
Note that, after entering the main portion of Victory Road, research has
suggested that it will differ between Pokmon Black Version 2 and Pokmon White
Version 2.
This section covers Pokmon Black Version 2.
| Treasures Checklist \
| Cheri Berry ...... [] | Dragon Fang ...... [] | Dragon Scale ..... [] |
| Dusk Stone ....... [] | Escape Rope ...... [] | Full Restore ..... [] |
| Full Restore ..... [] | Full Restore ..... [] | HM05 (Waterfall) . [] |
| Iron ............. [] | Max Elixir ....... [] | Max Elixir ....... [] |
| Max Repel ........ [] | Max Repel ........ [] | Max Revive ....... [] |
| Max Revive ....... [] | Normal Gem ....... [] | PP Max ........... [] |
| PP Up ............ [] | Rare Candy ....... [] | Rawst Berry ...... [] |
| Red Shard ........ [] | Star Piece ....... [] | TM01 (Hone Claws) [] |
| TM24 (Thunderbolt) [] | TM93 (Wild Charge) [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Interior Caverns (Some Caves) - Found Anywhere
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Banette
| Ghost
| 800,000 | Spell Tag
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Golurk
| Ghost/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Light Clay | 2 Attack | Both |
Interior Caverns (Some Caves) - Found Anywhere
(* = Dust Clouds Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
Interior Caverns - By Surfing
(* = Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Azumarill* | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |

Exterior Areas in the Grass (Some Areas)
(* = Shaking Grass Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying | 600,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce* | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Unfezant* | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
Exterior Areas in the Grass (Some Areas)
(* = Shaking Grass Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Cottonee
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | B2 |
| Dunsparce* | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Lilligant* | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Petilil
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Roselia
| Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Roserade* | Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 3 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Whimsicott* | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | B2 |
Exterior Areas in the Grass (Some Areas)
(* = Shaking Grass Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Sawk*
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh*
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| B2 |
| Expert Belt |
Exterior Areas - By Surfing
(* = Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Buizel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Floatzel* | Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Golurk Lv. 55, Sigilyph Lv. 55
Lampent Lv. 54, Musharna Lv. 54

Sigilyph Lv. 55, Crobat Lv. 55
Clefable Lv. 54
Whimsicott Lv. 55, Unfezant Lv. 55
Swoobat Lv. 55, Lilligant Lv. 55
Heatmore Lv. 55, Galvantula Lv. 55
Durant Lv. 55, Ferrothorn Lv. 55
Sawsbuck Lv. 54
Braviary Lv. 55, Mandibuzz Lv. 55, Archeops Lv. 55, Carracosta Lv. 55
Metang Lv. 54, Cofagrigus Lv. 54
Drifblim Lv. 55, Claydol Lv. 55
Gigalith Lv. 55, Skarmory Lv. 55
Swanna Lv. 55, Ampharos Lv. 55
Darmanitan Lv. 55, Tangrowth Lv. 55
Fraxure Lv. 54, Flygon Lv. 54, Zweilous Lv. 54
Sawk Lv. 54, Throh Lv. 54
Zweilous Lv. 54, Eelektross Lv. 54
Magmar Lv. 54, Camerupt Lv. 54
Electabuzz Lv. 54, Probopass Lv. 54
Pinsir Lv. 54, Heracross Lv. 54
Fraxure Lv. 55, Vanilluxe Lv. 55
Zebstrika Lv. 54, Sawk Lv. 54, Starmie Lv. 54
Beartic Lv. 54, Golurk Lv. 54, Throh Lv. 54
Sorry about the huge vagueness in the Pokmon Encounter lists. Just think of it
like this until I find them all to get sorted - most of the non-shaking tiles
Pokmon are unique to an area. If you find one in Area X, but don't want it, go
somewhere else. They are generally aligned chronologically, though previous
sets will come in on occasion.
<== Entrance to Victory Road ==>
Well, well, well...
Once you move up the stairs towards the Road, go along the black-and-white path
northward to find N. He doesn't want to fight; merely chat for a bit before
giving over HM05, which teaches Waterfall. You'll need to teach this to a
Pokmon soon enough, so think about who to teach it to.
Anywho, afterwards, go along the path west. As you move between the pillars,
you will be checked for your respective Badge - if you've followed the
walkthrough and general common sense (come on, since when HAVE you been let
into Victory Road with seven or less Badges?) you should be alright.
Afterwards, you'll reach the main gate, which will light up and slide into the
ground. Go past it and north to find the main entrance to the main Victory
Road. East of the entrance, use the Pokmon Center (which has a PokMart
within) to heal and get a Waterfall user if needed. Buy a lot now; mostly
Hyper Potions and Revives should be your concern; I doubt you'll need more than
20 Ultra Balls if you plan on catching anything.
Outside, head east and use the path between the trees and the northern of the
cliffs to find a TM01 (Hone Claws) at the end of the path. Return to the
Pokmon Center, then go southeast to find a ledge. South of there, go along
the path to the south, which has an Iron at the end. Return to the fork and
use the western path.
At the two trees, go east and examine the rock to find a Dusk Stone. Go back
to the main path and go south and east to another fork. Go south and you'll

find a PP Up. Go to the next southbound path along the main path to find some
grass. Head east and north, then northwest to find a Star Piece. Jump down
the ledge, heal up if needed, then head into Victory Road.
<== Victory Road Itself ==>
Go north and across the bridges to fight an Ace Trainer, then further north to
find a Strength boulder. Push it west once, then north into a hole. Cross it
and continue along to the bridge. Cross it and defeat the Psychic, then go
north through the doorway to return outside.
Go east to find some double-battle grass, where you'll find a Full Restore. Go
along the path northward to the stairs, then head on down. Continue to the
water and proceed to Surf. Go west to the piece of land with a staircase. Make
landfall and go upstairs, where you'll fight a Veteran.
Go south and grab the Ultra Ball, then go up the next staircase. Go along the
path north to find a Doctor. Defeat him and you'll be allowed to fully heal
your party whenever you speak to him. After the battle, go east and defeat an
Ace Trainer.
Go east and snatch up the Max Repel, then go northeast to the stairs. Descend
and defeat the next Ace Trainer. Backtrack to the Doctor, heal up, and head
into the cave nearby.
Go north and flip on the Dowsing Machine to find the very useful Max Revive. Go
west and you'll soon reach a fork; use the southern branch and you'll meet up
with a violent Ace Trainer as you go. U-turn around to the fork and use the
unused path, where you'll find another Ace Trainer. Defeat him and head west.
Ascend the staircase you'll find, and then you'll find
us begin with the one to the south. Go along to return
Backpacker, then cross the stream. Get the Escape Rope
other side. Then go south and down the waterfall, then
cave. In ya go!

four viable paths. Let

outside. Defeat the
and get back on the
east to find another

Here, go down the steps to the south and head to the water. Go south to the
west/south fork; go south and under the bridge. You'll soon reach some land;
get on it and head upstairs to double-battle two Veterans. (Coincidentally,
they have names based on characters in Grand Theft Auto III (Claude) and
Final Fantasy IV (Cecil).)
After the onslaught, go east and U-turn upstairs to the west. You'll find a
TM93, Wild Charge, at the path's conclusion. Go east and hop over the ledge to
find a Psychic pacing "awfully" close to a hole. Meh, defeat him and go north,
past the big crack.
You'll soon find an Ace Trainer. Win the fight to end the 12th Trainer battle
thus far, making another 13 ahead. ... Yeah, you can do it. Anywho, south and
east over the ledge. I recommend going back south to the Pokmon Center for a
quick healing.
Afterwards, retrack your way to the four-way intersection from before. Go west
this time. Go west and flip on the Dowsing Machine to get a Full Restore, then
further west outside. Defeat the Veteran on your way out. Outside, go east and
through some grass to find a Max Repel.
Head on downstairs and defeat the Ace Trainer, then continue downstairs. Get on
the water nearby and go south. Make landfall, ascend the stairs, then go

through the grass into the forest.

You will end up finding three southbound paths. Let's begin with the western
one. At the end of the path, Cut down the tree and continue along the path to
find another Full Restore. Return to the tri-branch fork and use the eastern
Along the way, you'll beat up another Ace Trainer. Afterwards, go east and
northeast through the grass to find an Ultra Ball. Backtrack through the dark
grass and go south. You'll find a staircase, leading down to the first cave of
the Victory Road. We'll backtrack via this way for some stuff. ... Okay, not
Anywho, if you opted to go into the cavern, go south and cross the bridge. Push
the Strength boulder west twice, once south, east until it is north of the
hole, then south. Cross the bridge to the east, then go south to find a ledge
to the east. Hop over it and, once again, backtrack to the four-way crossway;
heal if needed at the Pokmon Center to the south. You will, to a pretty decent
extent, need Flash for this next bit.
Back at the four-way, let's continue our clockwise motion by going north. You
will find some Strength boulders; push the eastern one into the hole and let's
go through the door. Hope you brought Flash! Use it to light up this dark room.
Go west and north past the stairs. You'll find an item to the east - grab it to
find a PP Max (i.e. three PP Ups used at once)! Backtrack to and use the
At the top of the stairs, flip on the Dowsing Machine to snatch up a Red Shard
nearby, then go east and downstairs. Surf on the water, then head northeast and
land. Switch on the Dowsing Machine to find a Max Elixir nearby, then Surf back
to the main area. Go west and north up anotehr staircase, then go along the
path to exit the cave.
Go up the next staircase to find a Dragon Fang, then up the eastern staircase.
Enter the cave at the stairs' peak. Inside, go west and downstairs, then south
and defeat a Veteran.
Go south and down the next westbound staircase, at the bottom of which you'll
find a Dragon Scale. Backtrack to the start of this cave and leave; going over
the hoppable ledge shows you a Pokmon guarding something, but we can't go in.
Remember where you found the Dragon Fang? Go there and up the northbound
staircase. You see that large northbound staircase? That leads to the Pokmon
League, and you're free to go that way if you want ... but why skip out on
what remains of a wealth of EXP.?
Sticking around? good. Go west to find some southbound steps. Use them and you
will fight a Battle Girl. Continue down, then go northeast through the grass
to find a staircase with a bunch of rocks at the top. Use the Dowsing Machine
and you'll be able to find a Rare Candy somewhere around here.
Afterwards, go back through the grass to the southwest and down another bunch
of stairs. Getting some good exercise, eh? Get the Max Revive down here, then
continue down to find an Ace Trainer. Defeat him and continue downstairs, then
into the cavern.
Defeat the nearby Pokmon Ranger, who yields a Rawst Berry upon being defeated.
Go east through the cave. At the Strength boulders, push the one not in a hole

into it, then go east over the boulders to find a Pokmon Ranger. Defeat him
and you'll get a Cheri Berry, then go east and outside.
Outside, go west and upstairs, then head and up some more. Defeat the Black
Belt up here, then head west to find a Max Elixir. Get it and go back and
up more stairs. Go west and northwest through teh grass to find a smaller
set of stairs. Up here, amongst the rocks, use the Dowsing Machine to find a
Normal Gem, then return to the main staircase.
Ascend some more and defeat the Ace Trainer on the way. After the final
staircase, dry the mass of sweat off of you, then go west to find some big
staircase. Defeat the Veteran nearby so you can move up, then ascend and
defeat another Veteran.
I'd recommend healing or backtracking to the Doctor and healing, for we have a
rival fight a-coming. Go through the cave past the second Veteran. Go along the
Path of Linearity (not real name) to find your rival.
Whaddaya think is coming?
| BOSS: Pokmon Trainer [rival's name] \
| Rival's Pokmon: Unfezant (Lv. 55) Normal/Flying
Bouffalant (Lv. 55) Normal
Simipour (Lv. 55) Water
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Emboar (Lv. 57) Fire/Fighting <-'
starter was Snivy.|
Simisage (Lv. 55) Grass
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Samurott (Lv. 57) Water
starter was Tepig.|
Simisear (Lv. 55) Fire
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Serperior (Lv. 57) Grass
starter was
| Money Earned: $5,700
| Unfezant is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric, and is immune to Ghost and
| Ground. It'll mostly be trouble for Ghost-type-heavy Pokmon, Fighting,
| Bug, and Grass Pokmon.
| Bouffalant is weak to Fighting and immune to Ghost. It's main problem is |
| when you use a Ghost-type-heavy Pokmon, but otherwise ... meh.
| Simipour and Samurott are weak to Grass and Electric. Main ones to avoid - |
| Fire, Rock, and Ground.
| Simisage and Serperior are weak to Ice, Flying, Fire, Poison, and Bug.
| Pokmon to avoid are of the Rock, Ground, and Water types.
| Simisear is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. Try to avoid Ice, Steel, Bug, |
| and Grass here.
| Emboar is weak to Water, Ground, Psychic, and Flying. Pretty much try to |
| not use what you wouldn't use for Simisear, plus Rock and Normal.
| Recommendations: First up, Unfezant. This Pokmon can be easily dealt with |
| by Terrakion, Magnezone, or Cobalion with absolute ease. General type
| abuse will work okay here.
| Bouffalant will be easier to deal with. Cobalion will be your desired one |
| to use here, given the Steel/Fighting combo. Easy-peasy.

| The two Water-types can be dealt with fairly swiftly with Virizion, your |
| Grass starter, or Simisage. Not really hard here, still; just a lot of
| thinking ahead of time.
| The two Grass-types are a bit harder to deal with. To a point. Odds are, |
| you have raised up a Flying type of some sort, so you should be okay
| there. You also could use Emboar or another good Fire-type.
| The two Fire-types are likely to be the toughest crowd, relativistically. |
| Terrakion, Simipour, and Samurott all are pretty desireable.
| In the end, I brought along my Serperior, Cobalion, Terrakion, and
| Arcanine for mainstream battling, each around Lv. 58 by now. The other
| two slots were the general HM slaves.
After defeating your rival once again, he'll leave, tossing you TM24, which
teaches the useful Thunderbolt, on the way out. Continue out and into the
Pokmon League.
Victory Road (Pokmon White Version 2)
Note that, after entering the main portion of Victory Road, research has
suggested that it will differ between Pokmon Black Version 2 and Pokmon White
Version 2.
This section covers Pokmon White Version 2.
| Treasures Checklist \
| Cheri Berry ...... [] | Dragon Scale ..... [] | Dusk Stone ....... [] |
| Escape Rope ...... [] | Full Restore ..... [] | Full Restore ..... [] |
| Full Restore ..... [] | HM05 (Waterfall) . [] | Iron ............. [] |
| Max Elixir ....... [] | Max Elixir ....... [] | Max Repel ........ [] |
| Max Repel ........ [] | Max Revive ....... [] | Max Revive ....... [] |
| Normal Gem ....... [] | PP Max ........... [] | PP Up ............ [] |
| Rare Candy ....... [] | Rare Candy ....... [] | Rawst Berry ...... [] |
| Red Shard ........ [] | Star Piece ....... [] | TM01 (Hone Claws) [] |
| TM24 (Thunderbolt) [] | TM93 (Wild Charge) [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Interior Caverns (Some Caves) - Found Anywhere
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Banette
| Ghost
| 800,000 | Spell Tag
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Golurk
| Ghost/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Light Clay | 2 Attack | Both |
Interior Caverns (Some Caves) - Found Anywhere
(* = Dust Clouds Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |

| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
Interior Caverns - By Surfing
(* = Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Azumarill* | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
Exterior Areas in the Grass (Some Areas)
(* = Shaking Grass Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying | 600,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce* | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Unfezant* | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
Exterior Areas in the Grass (Some Areas)
(* = Shaking Grass Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Cottonee
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | B2 |
| Dunsparce* | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Lilligant* | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Petilil
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Roselia
| Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Roserade* | Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 3 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Whimsicott* | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | B2 |
Exterior Areas in the Grass (Some Areas)
(* = Shaking Grass Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Sawk*
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh*
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| B2 |
| Expert Belt |

Exterior Areas - By Surfing
(* = Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Buizel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Floatzel* | Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Drifblim Lv. 55, Claydol Lv. 55
Metang Lv. 54, Cofagrigus Lv. 54
Swoobat Lv. 55, Lilligant Lv. 55
Whimsicott Lv. 55, Unfezant Lv. 55
Clefable Lv. 54
Sigilyph Lv. 55, Crobat Lv. 55
Gigalith Lv. 55, Skarmory Lv. 55
Heatmor Lv. 55, Galvantula Lv. 55 <--,__,-- Can be fought in a
Durant Lv. 55, Ferrothorn Lv. 55 <--'
double battle.
Magmar Lv. 54, Camerupt Lv. 54
Zweilous Lv. 55, Eelektoss Lv. 55
Throh Lv. 54, Sawk Lv. 54
Sawsbuck Lv. 54
Mandibuzz Lv. 55, Braviary Lv. 55, Carracosta Lv. 55, Archeops Lv. 55
Swanna Lv. 55, Ampharos Lv. 55
Darmanitan Lv. 55, Tangrowth Lv. 55
Lampent Lv. 54, Musharna Lv. 54
Golurk Lv. 55, Sigilyph Lv. 55
Fraxure Lv. 54, Flygon Lv. 54, Zweilous Lv. 54
Fraxure Lv. 55, Vanilluxe Lv. 55
Pinsir Lv. 54, Heracross Lv. 54
Electabuzz Lv. 54, Probopass Lv. 54
Zebstrika Lv. 54, Starmie Lv. 54, Sawk Lv. 54
Beartic Lv. 54, Golurk Lv. 54, Throh Lv. 54
Sorry about the huge vagueness in the Pokmon Encounter lists. Just think of it
like this until I find them all to get sorted - most of the non-shaking tiles
Pokmon are unique to an area. If you find one in Area X, but don't want it, go
somewhere else. They are generally aligned chronologically, though previous
sets will come in on occasion.
<== Entrance to Victory Road ==>
Well, well, well...
Once you move up the stairs towards the Road, go along the black-and-white path
northward to find N. He doesn't want to fight; merely chat for a bit before
giving over HM05, which teaches Waterfall. You'll need to teach this to a
Pokmon soon enough, so think about who to teach it to.
Anywho, afterwards, go along the path west. As you move between the pillars,
you will be checked for your respective Badge - if you've followed the
walkthrough and general common sense (come on, since when HAVE you been let

into Victory Road with seven or less Badges?) you should be alright.
Afterwards, you'll reach the main gate, which will light up and slide into the
ground. Go past it and north to find the main entrance to the main Victory
Road. East of the entrance, use the Pokmon Center (which has a PokMart
within) to heal and get a Waterfall user if needed. Buy a lot now; mostly
Hyper Potions and Revives should be your concern; I doubt you'll need more than
20 Ultra Balls if you plan on catching anything.
Outside, head east and use the path between the trees and the northern of the
cliffs to find a TM01 (Hone Claws) at the end of the path. Return to the
Pokmon Center, then go southeast to find a ledge. South of there, go along
the path to the south, which has an Iron at the end. Return to the fork and
use the western path.
At the two trees, go east and examine the rock to find a Dusk Stone. Go back
to the main path and go south and east to another fork. Go south and you'll
find a PP Up. Go to the next southbound path along the main path to find some
grass. Head east and north, then northwest to find a Star Piece. Jump down
the ledge, heal up if needed, then head into Victory Road.
<== Victory Road Itself ==>
Go north and across the bridges to fight an Ace Trainer. Win and go west to the
Strength boulder. Push it west and north into the hole. Cross it and head
northwest, then north across the bridge. Defeat the Trainer nearby, then go
north and outside.
Defeat the nearby Ace Trainer, then head north along the slightly grassier
northbound path on the right. As you turn west, defeat Beckett, another Ace
Trainer. Afterwards, go west to the treeline, then south. Cut down the tree
and go along the path to the Full Restore. Return to Beckett and go northeast
to find an Ultra Ball. Return to Beckett and head northwest to the next area.
There, head east and downstairs. Begin to Surf and head north. Make landfall
at the next viable spot and ascend the stairs there. Go north, west, and south
to find a Max Repel. Go west and defeat the Doctor. Speak to him whenever you
wish to fully heal your party! Then go south and defeat the Veteran, then go
back north. Heal via the Doctor and head into the next area.
There, defeat the Veteran to your north. Then use the Dowsing Machine to find
the Full Restore to the southeast. Go along the linear path to the next two
Ace Trainers and slay 'em both. Go north, east, and upstairs. At the four-way
intersection, head south, along the path, and outside.
Defeat the Trainer you meet. Surf across the river to the east, then grab the
Escape Rope on the other side. Go back and down the waterfall. Surf to the far
east and you'll soon reach a cave. Enter and go south. Surf on the water
At the east/west fork, go east, as the west branch is blocked. At the end of
the linear path, make landfall and ascend the staircase to beat the living,
and possibly dead, crap out of the Veteran duo. Then go east, south, and west
to find TM93, Wild Charge. Jump over the ledge to the east and make your way
back to the four-way intersection - use the Doctor on the way!
Here, go north and push the boulder into the hole with Strength. Go to the far
west and defeat the Pokmon Ranger - you'll earn a Rawst Berry for winning.
Then continue outside.

Go west and upstairs. Defeat the Ace Trainer. Go along the fairly linear path
upstairs for a bit. Get the Max Revive on the way. On the next level, your
Dowsing Machine will register something - go northeast after the signal to find
a Rare Candy. Go west from the previous staircase and continue your upward
trek. Defeat the Battle Girl.
Continue along and use the next downbound staircase you find. Grab the item, a
Dragon Fang, and go down the left staircase. In the next cave, use Flash and go
west. Go along the path to some stairs. Use them and use the Dowsing Machine at
the top to find a Red Shard. Go down the stairs, north, and east to find a PP
Return to the water and Surf east. Get the item, a Max Elixir, registered on
your Dowsing Machine, then Surf south to some more land. There, you'll find a
Rare Candy. Return to the start of your Surfing and go west, south, east, and
south to the next area.
Here, you'll find yourself back at the four-way intersection. For now, let's,
this time, go east and along the linear path. Near the end, use the Dowsing
Machine to find a Man Revive, then leave to the south.
Outside, go east and grab the Max Repel, then south and downstairs. Grab the
Ultra Ball and continue down to the Ace Trainer. Defeat him and begin Surfing
eastward. Make landfall at the other side, then go along the path. Defeat the
nearby Ace Trainer and grab the Full Restore. Go west and south to the next
Defeat the Psychic to the southeast, then go east across the bridge to find a
Strength boulder. Push it north once, east thrice, south thrice, west once,
and south twice. Cross it and head west to defeat another Ace Trainer. Go along
the path some more to return to where you fought the first Ace Trainer of the
Victory Road! Go along the path from before to the four-way intersection. Use
the Doctor on the way.
There, use the pushed-in left boulder to reach the north-central doorway you
were using earlier until we got sidetracked. >_> Re-Flash and go west,
north, east, north, west, north, east, and south back outside. Go down the
other staircase to the right and go into the cave there.
Go downstairs once, then south to beat a Veteran. Go down the stairs nearby to
grab a Dragon Scale, then hop over the ledge. Go south and leave. That's all
for this portion, really. Going outside just leads to an interesting look at a
Zoroark guarding something. Hm... Didn't N use to have one? And wasn't N's
Castle somewhere in this general area?
Backtrack back through the previous cave, then go climb back up the
mountainside to just prior to the big staircase to the north. Go far east and
downstairs to challenge another Ace Trainer. Defeat her and go down two more
You'll see a side path going to the west. Go along it to find a Normal Gem in
the northernmost rock of the rocky field. Go back to where you turned west,
then continue downstairs. Defeat the Karate Kid -- excuse me, Black Belt -there. Then go west and snatch up the Max Elixir, then continue down into the
next cavern.
Go west and defeat the Pokmon Ranger; you'll receive a Cheri Berry for having
won the battle. Go further west and push in the Strength boulder. That makes us
a nice shortcut. Now, remember that big freakin' staircase we keep skipping for

some obvious, albeit unstated explicitly? Backtrack there however you wish.
Go on up and defeat the Veteran on the way. Defeat the Veteran atop the stairs
and head into the cave, though you may want to backtrack and heal at the Doctor
In the cave, continue west along the path. As you go, your rival will arrive,
asking you for a battle.
| BOSS: Pokmon Trainer [rival's name] \
| Rival's Pokmon: Unfezant (Lv. 55) Normal/Flying
Bouffalant (Lv. 55) Normal
Simipour (Lv. 55) Water
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Emboar (Lv. 57) Fire/Fighting <-'
starter was Snivy.|
Simisage (Lv. 55) Grass
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Samurott (Lv. 57) Water
starter was Tepig.|
Simisear (Lv. 55) Fire
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Serperior (Lv. 57) Grass
starter was
| Money Earned: $5,700
| Unfezant is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric, and is immune to Ghost and
| Ground. It'll mostly be trouble for Ghost-type-heavy Pokmon, Fighting,
| Bug, and Grass Pokmon.
| Bouffalant is weak to Fighting and immune to Ghost. It's main problem is |
| when you use a Ghost-type-heavy Pokmon, but otherwise ... meh.
| Simipour and Samurott are weak to Grass and Electric. Main ones to avoid - |
| Fire, Rock, and Ground.
| Simisage and Serperior are weak to Ice, Flying, Fire, Poison, and Bug.
| Pokmon to avoid are of the Rock, Ground, and Water types.
| Simisear is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. Try to avoid Ice, Steel, Bug, |
| and Grass here.
| Emboar is weak to Water, Ground, Psychic, and Flying. Pretty much try to |
| not use what you wouldn't use for Simisear, plus Rock and Normal.
| Recommendations: First up, Unfezant. This Pokmon can be easily dealt with |
| by Terrakion, Magnezone, or Cobalion with absolute ease. General type
| abuse will work okay here.
| Bouffalant will be easier to deal with. Cobalion will be your desired one |
| to use here, given the Steel/Fighting combo. Easy-peasy.
| The two Water-types can be dealt with fairly swiftly with Virizion, your |
| Grass starter, or Simisage. Not really hard here, still; just a lot of
| thinking ahead of time.
| The two Grass-types are a bit harder to deal with. To a point. Odds are, |
| you have raised up a Flying type of some sort, so you should be okay
| there. You also could use Emboar or another good Fire-type.
| The two Fire-types are likely to be the toughest crowd, relativistically. |
| Terrakion, Simipour, and Samurott all are pretty desireable.

| In the end, I brought along my Serperior, Cobalion, Terrakion, and

| Arcanine for mainstream battling, each around Lv. 58 by now. The other
| two slots were the general HM slaves.
After defeating your rival once again, he'll leave, tossing you TM24, which
teaches the useful Thunderbolt, on the way out. Continue out and into the
Pokmon League.
The Pokmon League
| Pokmon League PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Max Potion ................ $2,500 | Full Restore .............. $3,000 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
<== Introduction/Preparation ==>
So the culmination and fruition of a months-long journey (okay, more like 30
hours) and gathering the eight Badges of the Unova region is this, the ultimate
goal of any Pokmon Trainer - the Pokmon League Championships! Here, you will
fight five more Trainers. Four of these are aptly named the Elite Four and are
perhaps the hardest trainers you have fought thus far. The fifth is the Pokmon
League Champion, Iris, one-time (in White Version) Gym Leader of Opelucid, then
the eighth Gym.
Only after beating these five trainers in succession will be you be fully and
truly deemed the Champion of the Unova region and have your name etched into
the Hall of Fame. Are you ready?
This will truly be quite an endeavor. We need to prepare, and prepare well. We
shall begin with items - you easily scored well over $30,000 in the Victory
Road, I hope. You'll namely want:
Hyper Potion (x25)
Revive (x15)
Full Restore (x10)
You'll probably already have some of these in-stock from previous shopping and
finds. If so, just end up making that the end result. With any spare cash, I
recommend splitting it between Hyper Potions and Full Restores, with the former

taking priority. The Full Restores are mostly for emergency healings when you
also have a status, which is rare since you could just use another item to heal
said status if your HP is fine.
Party planning time. Here, you'll fight Trainers mostly focused around Psychic,
Fighting, Ghost, and Dark, then the varied Iris, who does have half of her
party as Dragons. My preferred party would be the following. Pretty much the
first four are my "essentials", which I could probably go with alone, with
the final two being extras and back-ups.
Beartic: This

Pokmon will be essential to taking down Iris, as you've had

time to level this up than Dragons you may gotten before. You
end up fighting three Dragons and Archeops (also weak to Ice).

Unfezant, Reuniclus, or Gothitelle: Marshal is all about Fighting.

Krookodile: Dark helps to combat the Ghost-types, plus Ground to
coincidentally help out with Chandelure versus Shauntal and
Bisharp versus Grimsley. The Dark also helps to take out Caitlin
and her Psychics.
Cobalion: Steel resists a lot of stuff here. I mostly used him in the fight
versus Grimsley - Fighting hurts Dark, and really hurts Dark/Steel
don't it? Fighting also helps against Hydreigon, Lapras, and
Aggron in the final fight.
Virizion: Basically Cobalion with help against some Ground- and Water-types.
Terrakion: Basically Cobalion with help versus some Fire- and Flying-types.
My movesets for these are as follows. I leveled up to around Level 60 with
these, and had spare Rare Candies to get Virizion to Level 67 for Leaf Blade.
Yes, I actually saved my Candies, and, yes, I had to power-level a little to
make up for the lack of a starter/simian in this strategy, since they would
inferioriate this. (Is that even a word? "Inferioriate"?)
Beartic :
Unfezant :
Cobalion :
Virizion :
Terrakion :

Icicle Crash,
Earthquake ,
Sacred Sword,
Sacred Sword,
Sacred Sword,

Ice Beam ,
Air Slash ,
Iron Head ,
Leaf Blade,
Rock Slide,

Air Cutter ,
Volt Switch,
Mega Drain ,
Earthquake ,

Brick Break
Aerial Ace
Aerial Ace
Aerial Ace
Aerial Ace

This is a team I will make references to in the strategies. If you do not have
these Pokmon, I assume you have enough knowledge to make educated edits based
on your own strategem; otherwise, since you ARE looking at this FAQ, pretty
much do what you can to get this set.
<== The League ==>
You ready yet? Once you are, speak with the man in front of the staircase and
say "Yes" so we can begin.
When you enter the structure, much like in the original B/W, you can fight the
Elite Four in any desired order. I'll list the strategies from left to right.
Again, remember I'm referencing my party in the Recommendations.
| BOSS: Elite Four Shauntal \

| Pokmon: Cofagrigus (Lv. 56) Ghost
Golurk (Lv. 56) Ghost/Ground
Drifblim (Lv. 56) Ghost/Flying
Chandelure (Lv. 58) Ghost/Fire
| Money Earned: $6,960
| Cofagrigus is weak to Ghost and Dark, and is immune to Normal and
| Fighting. It can use Grass Knot (Grass; more damage to heavy Pokmon),
| Psychic (Psychic), Shadow Ball (Ghost), and Will-O-Wisp (Burns). Avoid
| Rock, Ground, Water, Fighting, Poison, Psychic, and Ghost here.
| Golurk is weak to Ghost, Dark, Water, Grass, and Ice, and is immune to
| Electric, Normal, and Fighting. It uses Earthquake (Ground), Brick Break |
| (Fighting), Heavy Slam (Steel), and Shadow Punch (Ghost). Avoid Rock,
| Fire, Steel, Electric, Poison, Ice, Normal, Ghost, and Psychic.
| Drifblim is weak to Ghost, Dark, Ice, Rock, and Electric; it is immune to |
| Ground, Normal, and Fighting. It can use Acrobatics (Flying), Psychic,
| Shadow Ball (Ghost), and Thunderbolt (Electric). To avoid - Fighting, Bug, |
| Grass, Poison, Ghost, Psychic, Flying, and Water.
| Chandelure is weak to Ghost, Dark, Rock, Ground, and Water, and is immune |
| to Normal and Fighting. It can use Psychic (Psychic), Energy Ball (Grass), |
| Shadow Ball (Ghost), and Fire Blast (Fire; may Burn). To avoid - Fighting, |
| Poison, Ground, Water, Rock, Ghost, Psychic, Ice, Steel, Grass, and Bug. |
| Recommendations: Krookodile was my main here, although I didn't use him
| versus Cofagrigus (Grass Knot) and Chandelure (Energy Ball). Crunch was
| good for Drifblim and Golurk. I switched to Beartic for Drifblim with its |
| Ice Beam. Chandelure was a bit of an iffy, so I tossed out Terrakion for |
| its Earthquake, forgetting about Energy Ball, but I got lucky.
| BOSS: Elite Four Grimsley \
| Pokmon: Liepard (Lv. 56) Dark
Krookodile (Lv. 56) Dark/Ground
Scrafty (Lv. 56) Dark/Fighting
Bisharp (Lv. 58) Dark/Steel
| Money Earned: $6,960
| Liepard is weak to Fighting and Bug, and is immune to Psychic. It will use |
| Aerial Ace (Flying; no-miss), Night Slash (Dark), Fake Out (Dark), and
| Attract (opposite gender may not attack). I'd avoid Fighting, Bug, Grass, |
| Psychic, and Ghost.
| Krookodile is weak to Fighting, Bug, Water, Ice, and Grass; it is immune |
| to Electric and Psychic. It will use Earthquake (Ground), Dragon Claw
| (Dragon), Crunch (Dark), and Rock Tomb (Rock). To avoid - Fire, Rock,
| Steel, Electric, Dragon, Psychic, Ghost, Flying, and Bug.
| Scrafty is weak to Fighting and Flying, and is immune to Psychic. It can |
| use Rock Tomb (Rock), Crunch (Dark), Poison Jab (Poison), and Brick Break |
| (Fighting). It is best to avoid Flying, Ice, Bug, Psychic, Ghost, Grass, |
| Rock, Normal, and Steel.

| Bisharp is weak to Fighting (4x), Fire, and Ground, and is immune to both |
| the status and type of Poison, as well as Psychic. It can use X-Scissor
| (Bug), Aerial Ace (Flying; no-miss), Metal Claw (Steel), and Night Slash |
| (Dark). To avoid - Dark, Psychic, Grass, Bug, Fighting, Rock, Ice, and
| Ghost.
| Recommendations: Y'know, the movesets of the Pokmon seem to deeply
| suggest NOT using Cobalion. I actually did, and solo'd it well. In
| reality, it is only weak to Fire, Ground, and Fighting, types which are
| restricted to two Pokmon. So, given MY advantages, I'm okay.
| Anywho, it was Sacred Sword for Liepard, Krookodile, and Bisharp. In the |
| case of Scrafty, I went with Aerial Ace for the no-miss benefit.
| BOSS: Elite Four Caitlin \
| Pokmon: Musharna (Lv. 56) Psychic
Reuniclus (Lv. 56) Psychic
Sigilyph (Lv. 56) Psychic/Flying
Gothitelle (Lv. 56) Psychic
| Money Earned: $6,960
| Musharna is weak to Bug, Dark, and Ghost. It can use Charge Beam
| (Electric), Reflect, Yawn (Sleep in several turns), and Dream Eater
| (damage to sleeping Pokmon; Psychic). To avoid - Flying, Water.
| Reuniclus is weak to Ghost, Dark, and Bug. It can use Psychic (Psychic), |
| Energy Ball (Grass), Focus Blast (Normal), and Recover (heal HP). It is
| best to avoid Fighting, Poison, Water, Rock, and Ground.
| Sigilyph is weak to Ghost, Dark, Rock, Electric, and Ice, and is immune to |
| Ground. It can use Ice Beam (Ice), Shadow Ball (Ghost), Psychic (Psychic), |
| and Air Slash (Flying). I'd avoid Flying, Ground, Grass, Ghost, Psychic, |
| Fighting, Poison, and Bug.
| Gothitelle is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. It can use Psychic (Psychic), |
| Thunderbolt (Electric), Shadow Ball (Ghost), and Calm Mind (boost in
| Special Defense). To avoid - Fighting, Poison, Flying, Water, Ghost, and |
| Psychic.
| Recommendations: My main preference was again Krookodile. It mostly was
| used on Musharna, Reuniclus, and Gothitelle, with the main move being
| Crunch. It didn't have a whole lot of trouble with Reuniclus, despite the |
| whole Energy Ball thing, and it was immune to Psychic moves, so a bonus. |
| As for Sigilyph, I swapped that over to Beartic and Ice Beamed it into a |
| nice, long, frozen slumber. Not hard.
| BOSS: Elite Four Marshal \
| Pokmon: Throh (Lv. 56) Fighting
Sawk (Lv. 56) Fighting
Mienshao (Lv. 56) Fighting
Conkeldurr (Lv. 56) Fighting

| Money Earned: $6,960

| Throh is weak to Flying and Psychic. It can use Rock Tomb (Rock), Bulldoze |
| (Ground), Payback (Dark), and Storm Throw (Fighting). To avoid - Flying, |
| Ice, Fire, Rock, Steel, Electric, Psychic, Ghost, and Normal.
| Sawk is weak to Psychic and Flying. It can use Rock Slide (Rock), Payback |
| (Dark), Brick Break (Fighting), and Retaliate (Normal). Avoid Flying, Ice, |
| Fire, Normal, Rock, and Steel.
| Mienshao is weak to Flying and Psychic. It can use Hi-Jump Kick (Fighting; |
| hurts user with miss), Bounce (Flying), U-turn (Bug; user switches), and |
| Retaliate (Normal). Avoid using Rock, Ice, Steel, Normal, Fighting, Grass, |
| Bug, Dark, and Psychic.
| Conkeldurr is weak to Flying and Psychic. It can use Stone Edge (Rock),
| Retaliate (Normal), Hammer Arm (Fighting), and Bulk Up (stat boosts). I'd |
| avoid Flying, Ice, Fire, Rock, Steel, and Normal.
| Recommendations: Well, a quick look at that really puts down pretty much |
| any use of the main weakness you'll be able to abuse - Flying. In the end, |
| I also had to somewhat toss away the ideas of Cobalion and Terrakion. They |
| and Unfezant became back-ups to Terrakion.
| Terrakion mostly abused its authority by tossing around Aerial Ace on most |
| of these guys. It should really only have problems when faced with a hard |
| hitting Fighting move (Hammer Arm), and is otherwise okay. He could faint |
| in battle, though; if so, toss in Unfezant and keep going without a stop. |
Are you ready?
After having beaten the four members of the Elite Four, heal your HP with some
Hyper Potions, your status with Full Heals, and your PP with whatever ya got.
Back in the central area, you'll find a teleporter. Use it to find the
The final battle is upon you. Good luck.
| BOSS: Champion Iris \
| Pokmon: Hydreigon (Lv. 57) Dark/Dragon
Druddigon (Lv. 57) Dragon
Archeops (Lv. 57) Rock/Flying
Aggron (Lv. 57) Steel/Rock
Lapras (Lv. 57) Water/Ice
Haxorus (Lv. 59) Dragon
| Money Earned: $11,800
| Hydreigon is weak to Dragon, Ice, Fighting, and Bug; it is immune to
| Psychic. It can use Dragon Pulse (Dragon), Surf (Water), Charge Beam
| (Electric), and Flamethrower (Fire). To avoid - Dragon, Fire, Ground,
| Rock, Flying, Water, Ice, Steel, Grass, and Bug.
| Druddigon is weak to Dragon and Ice. It can use Rock Slide (Rock), Focus |
| Blast (Normal), Dragon Tail (Dragon; forces a switch), and Flamethrower
| (Fire). Avoid using Flying, Ice, Bug, Dragon, Grass, and Steel.
| Archeops is weak to Electric, Ice, Rock, and Water; it's immune to Ground. |

| It uses Rock Slide (Rock), Acrobatics (Flying), Dragon Claw (Dragon), and |
| Endeavor (Normal). To avoid - Flying, Ice, Bug, Grass, Fighting, and
| Dragon.
| Aggron is weak to Fighting (4x), Ground (4x), and Water, and is immune to |
| Poison. It can use Rock Slide (Rock), Autotomize, Double-Edge (Normal),
| and Earthquake (Ground). Avoid using Flying, Ice, Bug, Fire, Rock, Steel, |
| and Electric.
| Lapras is weak to Grass, Electric, Fighting, and Rock. It can use Surf
| (Water), Ice Beam (Ice), Thunderbolt (Electric), and Sing (put to Sleep). |
| I'd avoid Fire, Ground, Rock, Flying, Grass, and Water.
| Finally, Haxorus is weak to Dragon and Ice. It can use Dual Chop (Dragon), |
| X-Scissor (Bug), Earthquake (Ground), and Dragon Dance (Attack/Speed boost |
| to user). I'd avoid using Dragon, Dark, Psychic, Fire, Rock, Electric, and |
| Steel.
| Recommendations: We'll cover everyone one by one. First, Hydreigon. It is |
| too risky to toss pretty much anyone that WOULD work because of that
| Flamethrower and Surf, and then he dominates Unfezant... My idea would be |
| to toss out the least needed by the end. In the end, it comes down to
| Krookodile with Outrage, or Terrakion with Sacred Sword. I chose the
| latter because of the STAB boost. And he didn't get KO'ed, amazingly.
| Next is Druddigon. Like before, it is a bit risky tossing Beartic out in |
| there. I would recommend tossing out Krookodile and at least whittling it |
| down with Outrage, then going on to use Beartic in the case of a KO.
| This is where is gets easier. For Archeops, I would toss out Cobalion and |
| Volt Switch. If it doesn't induce a KO, then switch to Terrakion and use a |
| Rock Slide, which is super-effective. If those two are unavailable, Ice
| Beam with Beartic.
| Then there's Aggron. Use Virizion or Krookodile, then use Sacred Sword or |
| Earthquake, respectively.
| As for Lapras, it is another tough choice, though only slightly given the |
| whole only-one-Ice-move thing, which is unusual. Anywho, I'd toss out
| Cobalion and go for the Volt Switch to Virizion, or just flat-out start
| with Virizion and, either way, use Leaf Blade and Mega Drain.
| And, finally, Haxorus. If Beartic is still alive, pull him out and use
| only Ice Beam, even at the lowest of HP (unless he is moving second, in
| which case you WILL want to heal). If he gets KO'ed at some point, I'd
| toss in Virizion and use Sacred Sword (if not revivable; otherwise, use a |
| Revive, Hyper Potion, attack until KO'ed).
After having beaten Iris, enjoy some scenes.
Oh, and this ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

/ \
/ \
Section Five: Post-Credits Walkthrough
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_5** |
Exploring Southeastern Unova
Aspertia City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Max Revive (x2) ............... [] | National Pokdex .............. [] |
| Aspertia PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Max Potion ................ $2,500 | Full Restore .............. $3,000 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
*stretches out*
So, finally, we defeated the Pokmon League and became Pokmon League Champion.
We didn't quell Team Plasma's evil too well, though; nor did we catch Kyurem.
That's enough in a Pokmon game to leave me a little disappointed.
Whelp, we got better things to do than sit around in a real house watching a
virtual dude in a virtual house doing virtually nothing. We may as well make
that dude do something. Speak with your mother and Cedric Juniper, the father,
I believe, of Professor Juniper. He'll hand you an upgraded version of the
Pokdex. It will now function on a National level - that is to say, Pokmon are
now ordered moreso upon their introduction into the Pokmon series and their
original region. So, in effect, you'll see a crapload of blank spaces in this

649-entry 'Dex.
Your mother will hand you two Max Revives before you get to leave. Outside,
your rival and his sister will thank you for helping with saving her Purrloin
WAAAY back. And no reward? Come on, after thirty real-life hours, *some*
interest had to accumulate. >_<
So, anyways, we have a fair bit more we can do. In this sub-section, we'll take
a fairly linear cruise through the southeastern portions of Unova where your
journey in the original B/W began. Prepare for some rough battles and some
legendary catching!
First up, Fly to Castelia and go south onto the Skyarrow Bridge.
Skyarrow Bridge
| Random Merchant \
| Item Name .......................................................... Cost |
| Fresh Water ........................................................ $300 |
The bridge is linear and cool.
All else worth noting is the guy about halfway across selling Fresh Water for
$300 each. For your information, that is about 50% overpriced when it comes to
the actual cost. Keep saying "no" to him and move on into the Pinwheel Forest.
Pinwheel Forest - Inside
| Treasures Checklist \
| BalmMushroom ..... [] | Bug Gem .......... [] | Green Shard ...... [] |
| Lum Berry ........ [] | Lum Berry ........ [] | Max Repel ........ [] |
| Max Revive ....... [] | Net Ball ......... [] | PP Max ........... [] |
| Rare Candy ....... [] | Sitrus Berry ..... [] | Sitrus Berry ..... [] |
| TM22 (SolarBeam) [] | TM86 (Grass Knot) [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Ultra Ball ....... [] | Up-Grade ......... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Cottonee
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | B2 |
| Petilil
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Swadloon
| Bug/Grass
| 1,059,860 | Mental Herb | 2 Defense | Both |
| Vigoroth
| Normal
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Whirlipede | Bug/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense | Both |

Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Lilligant | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Panpour
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Rindo Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Pansage
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | Occa Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Pansear
| Fire
| 1,000,000 | Passho Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Scolipede | Bug/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 3 Speed | Both |
| Slaking
| Normal
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Whimsicott | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | B2 |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Azumarill | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Wooper Lv. 60, Tympole Lv. 60
Exeggcute Lv. 61, Miltank Lv. 61
Dratini Lv. 59, Bagon Lv. 59, Gible Lv. 59
Burmy Lv. 59, Paras Lv. 59, Scyther Lv. 59
Chansey Lv. 61, Leavanny Lv. 61 <--,__,-- Can be fought in a double
Pineco Lv. 60, Ferrothorn Lv. 60 <--'
battle, or separately.
Sudowoodo Lv. 62, Gloom Lv. 62, Beartic Lv. 62
Weepinbell Lv. 62, Ursaring Lv. 62, Luxray Lv. 62
Mankey Lv. 60, Crawdaunt Lv. 60, Snubbull Lv. 60
Electrike Lv. 62, Rapidash Lv. 62, Farfetch'd Lv. 62
Ludicolo Lv. 64, Crobat Lv. 64, Forretress Lv. 64, Leafeon Lv. 64,
Magmortar Lv. 64, Electivire Lv. 64
Nidoran <F> Lv. 60, Nidoran <M> Lv. 60, Nidoqueen Lv. 60 <--,_ Can be a |
Cascoon Lv. 60, Silcoon Lv. 60, Scolipede Lv. 60
<--' 2-on-2. |
Munchlax Lv. 62, Kricketune Lv. 62, Zebstrika Lv. 62
Phanpy Lv. 60, Fearow Lv. 60, Doduo Lv. 60
Plusle Lv. 60, Minun Lv. 60
Holy crap, isn't THIS a good way to open up our post-credits walkthrough? A
wealth of great items, a place to find Level 55 simian Pokmon, Pokmon in
general over Level 50, and a crapload of battles with Pokmon not native at all
to Unova, with almost every Pokmon battle snatching you up a lot of EXP. and

I'm going to enjoy this. *cracks knuckles*

<== Alone, Part One ==>
As you enter the area, defeat the Preschooler. Yep, a kid around age six is
allowed to use Pokmon more powerful than ours late in our own journey. =/
Anywho, win and continue to the bridge. Defeat the nearby Nursery Aide, then
cross the bridge and defeat another Trainer. Coincidentally, this Preschooler
has the first-stage evolution of the main Dragon of the non-Unova regions
(Dratini for Kanto and Johto, Bagon for Hoenn, and Gible for Sinnoh).
Go south/southeast to the next Preschooler and win. Further south, you'll see
a westbound path with Cheren near. Speak with him and say "Yes" to let him
join your party. You know the deal by now - most battles are double, all wild
ones will be, and you're healed between the battles. He is using Stoutland at
Level 67, and Cinccino and Watchog at Level 65; they are all Normal-typed.
<== Partnered with Cheren ==>
Go west along the path into the forest. Defeat the Nursery Aide and the
Preschooler, then go southwest. Defeat the Pokmon Ranger in the grass; you
will also get a Sitrus Berry for winning. Go southeast and snatch up the Max
Repel. Return to the Ranger and go west.
Defeat the Pokmon Ranger hidden under the "completely invisible" leaf and
you'll get another Sitrus Berry. If only these were as useful as in Mystery
Dungeon, then I'd be happy... Go west through the fence, then through the grass
to the south to find an Ultra Ball. Go north and west to find a Youngster. Win.
(Am I odd in that I find it odd that his Mankey has an advantage over his other
Go through the grass now, Dowsing Machine switched on, and you'll find an Ultra
Ball, dropped obviously by some unwitting traveler. Well, finders keepers. Go
north out of the grass and get the Max Revive from the tree. Go through the
trunk and north under the next one to the Pokmon Ranger. Win to get a Lum
Berry, a rare and hard-to-grow (in previous games) Berry that heals all
After the battle, go west, south, and east to the the hollow trunk you moved
under previously. Go on through to the ledge above. Go around and down through
another trunk heading north. Defeat this difficult Veteran couple - their
Pokmon do not have one type repetition. Oh, and their Pokmon are above the
area's average, and stronger than the Pokmon party Iris had by seven levels.
After the grueling fight, pat yourself on the back and enjoy the $10,240 (or
$20,480 with the Amulet Coin). Thank Arceus for healers like Cheren!
Go east to another tree trunk. IGNORE it and go south and downstairs, then
down the next set. Afterwards, head northeast to the Youngster, then go north
and defeat the Lass/Youngster duo. I found it funny how the Youngster had two
Level 60 cocoon Pokmon (Gen. III) that, given the usual context in
three-Pokmon parties in the post-game, were supposed to evolve into Scolipede.
Just a nice bit of habitual trivia; get used to it.
Go up the staircase and west to the end of the path, then flip on the Dowsing
Machine to find a BalmMushroom nearby. Go back through the hollow log I told
you previously to ignore. Some weird (in)sane dude comes up behind you and

there will be some chatting. Cheren will soon hand over the Up-Grade. This
item will evolve Porygon into Porygon2 if held when traded. Just need to find
a Porygon. XD
And then we're alone. Aww...
<== Alone, Part Two ==>
Go northeast and defeat the final Pokmon Ranger, also yielding a Lum Berry.
Nearby, you can also grab TM86. TM86 teaches Grass Knot, a Grass-type move that
will inflict more damage onto heavier Pokmon. Not really a useful move, in my
opinion, unless it is on a Grass-type Pokmon with no real other choice.
Go southeast to the ledge, then hop over and return to the main path. Go south
and to the bridge. Hug the east side of the road to find the gap in the fence
from before now unblocked!
Go through the gap in the fence and go downstairs into the darker grass. Go
south and west along the path to find a Green Shard if you use the Dowsing
Machine. Go east to the end of the grass, then defeat the Youngster. Then head
northeast and upstairs.
Go along the path and through the hollow log, then through the next one going
to the east. As you do, switch on the Dowsing Machine to find a Bug Gem nearby.
That'll probably finish it for this part of the Route - further ahead is only
Rumination Field. It has no real use here, unlike in the original B/W, where
you found Virizion here.
Backtrack to the Youngster and go southeast and downstairs, then up another
staircase sequence into some grass. At the end of the linear path is TM22. This
TM teaches SolarBeam, a high-Power Grass-type move. It will take two turns to
use - one to charge, and one to execute - unless the weather is Sunny, in which
case it is an insta-use.
Go along the narrow path to some stairs leading to the water. Use 'em and go
west, flipping on the Dowsing Machine as you do, and you'll find a Rare Candy.
Surf on the water westward, past teh bridges, to find a PP Max atop some
Jump down the ledge nearby and go north into the grass, then upstairs, then
through a log. Go east to another ledge; hop down and go onto the main path.
Head southward, past the bridge, and go along the main path outside of the
Pinwheel Forest. You'll have a double battle with some Twins just before you
Pinwheel Forest - Outside
| Treasures Checklist \
| Fighting Gem ..... [] | Full Heal ........ [] | HP Up ............ [] |
| Max Elixir ....... [] | Nugget ........... [] | PP Max ........... [] |
| Protein .......... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \

Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Palpitoad | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Toxicroak | Poison/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Black Sludge | 2 Attack | Both |
| Yanma
| Bug/Flying
| 1,000,000 | Wide Lens
| 1 Speed | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Seismitoad | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Yanmega
| Bug/Flying
| 1,000,000 | Wide Lens
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Oddish Lv. 60, Tangela Lv. 60, Bellossom Lv. 60
Furret Lv. 63, Braviary Lv. 63, Seismitoad Lv. 63
Linoone Lv. 64, Toxicroak Lv. 63, Mandibuzz Lv. 63
Tyrogue Lv. 61, Makuhita Lv. 61, Scrafty Lv. 61
Tyrogue Lv. 61, Machop Lv. 61, Poliwrath Lv. 61
Venonat Lv. 60, Venomoth Lv. 60, Yanma Lv. 60
Go south to see a gap in the fence. Speak with the girl nearby and defeat her
in a battle to go inside the li'l broken railroad area from the original B/W.
Between the trees and the fence to the east is a fairly narrow northbound
pathway; go along it to find a Full Heal near the end. Return to the Trainer
you just defeated, then go south and you'll see a girl to the east. Bypass her
(she has no items, nor a wish to battle) and head east to a Protein.
Go back west, then south through the wet grassy area intermixed with puddles.
At the large southern puddle, use the Dowsing Machine to find a useful Max
Elixir. Go west along the southern border of this puddle, then through the
dark grass to find an also-useful HP Up.
Return to the puddle and head northwest. Defeat the Ace Trainer, then go north
and out of the grass. Further along should be a Nugget. Grab it, return to the
previous Trainer, then go east and defeat the next one. Go further east and
upstairs to defeat a Black Belt.
Further east, you can find an item (PP Max) and another Trainer to battle.
After doing the obvious to both, go northwest and downstairs. Go along the path
to the leapable ledge. Before doing the leaping, however, first use the Dowsing
Machine to find the nearby Fighting Gem. THEN jump over.

Afterwards, backtrack your way onto the main paved road. Head eastward to
Nacrene City. On the way, defeat the pacing Trainer, then continue on into
Nacrene City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Cover Fossil OR Plume Fossil [] | Dirty Hankerchief ............. [] |
| PP Up ......................... [] | Ultra Ball .................... [] |
| Potential Trades/Gifts \ You only get one of these, and via a Fossil. \
| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |
| L100 EXP. |
| Both | (none)
| Archen (Gift)
| Rock/Flying
| 1,000,000 |
| Both | (none)
| Tirtouga (Gift) | Rock/Water
| 1,000,000 |
| Nacrene PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Max Potion ................ $2,500 | Full Restore .............. $3,000 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| X Speed ..................... $350 | X Attack .................... $500 |
| X Defend .................... $550 | Guard Spec. ................. $700 |
| Dire Hit .................... $650 | X Accuracy .................. $950 |
| X Special ................... $350 | X Sp. Def. .................. $350 |
Ah, yes, I remember this place. Back in the day, this was the second Unova Gym
you'd take on. Its leader was Lenora, and she trained Normal-type Pokmon, much
like Cheren does now in Aspertia. Wonder why she quit. =/
Anywho, upon entering the city, go through the gap in the fence and along the
linear path to find an Ultra Ball - use the Dowsing Machine to find it. Return
to Nacrene and go east into the Pokmon Center. Heal, shop, etc.
Back outside, go west and into the first house you find. In here, you'll find
the fourth, and final, Move Tutor of the game. He'll teach you these moves for
the given cost of Green Shards:

| Move Names | Cost | Type | Power | Accuracy | Max PP | Class | Targets |
| Worry Seed | 6 | Grass | --- | 100
| 10 | Stat. | One
| Gastro Acid | 6 | Poison | --- | 100
| 10 | Stat. | One
| Helping Hand | 8 | Normal | --- | --| 20 | Stat. | One Ally|
| After You
| 8 | Normal | --- | --| 15 | Stat. | One
| Magic Room | 8 | Psychic | --- | --| 10 | Stat. | Field |
| Wonder Room | 8 | Psychic | --- | --| 10 | Stat. | Field |
| Spite
| 8 | Ghost | --- | 100
| 10 | Stat. | One
| Recycle
| 10 | Normal | --- | --| 10 | Stat. | User
| Trick
| 10 | Psychic | --- | 100
| 10 | Stat. | One
| Stealth Rock | 10 | Rock
| --- | --| 20 | Stat. | All Opp.|
| Outrage
| 10 | Dragon | 120 | 100
| 10 | Phys. | Ran.Opp.|
| Endeavor
| 12 | Normal | --- | 100
5 | Phys. | One
| Sleep Talk | 12 | Normal | --- | --| 10 | Stat. | User
| Skill Swap | 12 | Psychic | --- | --| 10 | Stat. | One
| Snatch
| 12 | Dark
| --- | --| 10 | Stat. | User
Also check the west side of the ground floor for someone selling some battle
stat raisers. The "X" items will boost the given stat, Dire Hit boost the
critical-hit rate, and Guard Spec. protects from stat changes.
After finishing your shopping, leave and go west along the rails to the fence,
then use the Dowsing Machine to find a PP Up. Go east into the main portion of
town and back towards the Pokmon Center. Go north from its west side to the
road, then head to the caf.
Enter the caf and go downstairs. Speak with a woman there and say "Yes" to get
a Dirty Hankerchief.
Exit and go east to find the museum to the north. Inside, you'll be stopped by
a scientist, who is also Lenora's husband. He'll speak with you briefly before
Lenora comes along and also chats. She'll also offer you a fossil - these can
be later revived to get Tirtouga (from a Cover Fossil, the first option) or
Archen (from a Plume Fossil, the second option). You can only get one, though.
After the conversation, you'll get toured around the museum, then stop at the
stairs. You can explore the old version of the Gym if you want - there's
nothing pseudo-material to gain there, though. Once you're done, return to the
museum entrance, with a spot empty in your party. Speak with the east-side
woman to revive your fossil - once you leave and return, the Pokmon will be
revived at Level 25! Get ready to EXP. Share it to death.
That's it for Nacrene. Prepare for the trip onto Route 3, then leave to the
southeast. If you plan on visiting Wellspring Cave, bring along a Pokmon that
can use Flash.
Route 3
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Nugget ....... [] | Calcium .......... [] | Full Heal ........ [] |

| Full Restore ..... [] | Nugget ........... [] | Rare Candy ....... [] |

| Rare Candy ....... [] | Quick Ball ....... [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Ultra Ball ....... [] | Zinc ............. [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Herdier
| Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Purrloin
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Watchog
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Yanma
| Bug/Flying
| 1,000,000 | Wide Lens
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Zebstrika | Electric
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Stoutland | Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Yanmega
| Bug/Flying
| 1,000,000 | Wide Lens
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Unfezant
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Corphish
| Water
| 1,640,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Crawdaunt | Water/Dark
| 1,640,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Skiploom Lv. 61, Jumpluff Lv. 61, Bellossom Lv. 61
Magikarp Lv. 58 (x6)
Slowpoke Lv. 61, Goldeen Lv. 61, Seaking Lv. 61
Natu Lv. 61, Fearow Lv. 61, Xatu Lv. 61
Emolga Lv. 62, Pachirisu Lv. 62
Vulpix Lv. 62, Flareon Lv. 62
Jigglypuff Lv. 61, Lickitung Lv. 61, Purugly Lv. 61
Beldum Lv. 61, Deino Lv. 61
Riolu Lv. 61, Ledian Lv. 61
Kirlia Lv. 61, Pikachu Lv. 61
As you enter Route 3, go east and into the grass. Defeat the Kid there, then

also snatch up the Quick Ball. Continue along to the bridge and, whilst on it,
Surf north and northwest. Defeat the Trainer you find, but be wary... This
Trainer is by far the hardest in the game, possibly even the series, even
harder than Red in HG/SS. Heal up, PP and HP, before the fight, and save...
Once you figure out I lied to you and defeat the six Magikarp (and gain six
Speed EVs), go upstairs and northeast to find a Full Restore, and some Calcium.
Go downstairs and west into the tall grass; examine the empty tile to find an
Ultra Ball. Return to the bridge and cross to the east.
There, go south and into the grass, then defeat the Fisherman. Also grab the
nearby Zinc before returning to the main path. Go east to find some dark grass.
Enter it and defeat the School Kid in a triple battle; also snatch up the Big
Nugget nearby.
Return to the main path and go north. Defeat the Backers and go north some more
to the intersection. Go into the grass nearby for an Ultra Ball, then go west
from the T-junction. Follow it as it turns north to find Wellspring Cave, which
we'll plunder shortly. Or you can go ahead and skip right to that section; I
don't mind.
East from the entrance, through the grass, you'll find another Trainer to
battle. As you continue to the jumping ledge, use the Dowsing Machine to find a
normal-sized Nugget. Then hop down and go east to the intersection. Go east
some more and go upstairs and into the building with the red roof.
You'll find a children's day-care. Speak with the woman near the entrance to
fully heal your Pok's, then get the Rare Candy from the northeast corner. Go
outside and defeat the Trainer to the west, then defeat the trio of children
on the playground with obscenely high-level Pokmon for their meager age. Then
use the Dowsing Machine around there to find a Rare Candy.
Go east from the stairs to find the Pokmon Daycare! Sweet. Here, you can go a
lot about leaving and breeding Pokmon. Here's a quick compilation of notes on
the Daycare, in a bulleted form so you skip over it if you just don't care.
You can leave up to two Pokmon (or just one, if you want) at the daycare.
Pokmon are returned at a cost of $100, plus $100 more per level gained.
Pokmon gain 1 EXP. for every step you gain while they remain here.
If a Pokmon levels up here, the top move of its moveset is replaced with
any new moves it learns, and the new move goes to down to the bottom of the
listing. You'll have to relearn the old move if you still want it. Beware of
Pokmon can be bred here, if you leave a male and a female here, except in
rare cases (most legendaries, for example).
If you breed two Pokmon, to get the same Pokmon species, the two bred
Pokmon must be of the same Egg Group (see my Pokdex for details), and
the female being the species desired. Otherwise, you generally end up
getting no Egg at all.
Through breeding, Egg Moves can be inherited, sometimes the only way for
Pokmon to learn specific moves. In this case, the two Pokmon must be of
the same Egg Group, the female being of the desired species, and the male

knowing the desired move.

Hidden Abilities (i.e. the Dream World or the Hidden Grotto) can be passed
on by a female knowing the ability, I believe.
If breeding is successful, you can get an Egg. Very commonly (like 99.99999%
of the time), this will just be an Egg. There are *extremely* rare cases
where you will receive a Bad Egg, though that is also usually because you're
a hacker. Anywho, the Egg will hatch, according to the previous rules, in
(((Base Steps) + (0 or 1)) x (255 or 256)) steps. These values are not often
represented in my FAQs, but this value rarely will vary more than by 376
from least-to-greatest, and usually closer to 200 steps, so it doesn't
particularly matter all that much.
The Egg hatches a Pokmon in the species of the bred female, with moves
determined by its Level 1 moveset and the Egg Moves the male can pass on,
and an ability (usually normal unless, by chance, with a Hidden Ability
female being bred) that is also inherited. The Pokmon hatches at Level 1,
with random IVs in each stat, random Shininess, and 0 EVs in each stat.
Gender is according to the species gender ratios, and that ... should do it.
That's pretty much it. Return to the main road and head east into Striation
City, if you want. If you opted to head for Wellspring Cave, head back there
real quick.
Wellspring Cave
| Treasures Checklist \
| Carbos ........... [] | Escape Rope ...... [] | Max Repel ........ [] |
| Max Revive ....... [] | Max Revive ....... [] | Protector ........ [] |
| TM47 (Low Sweep) . [] | TM52 (Focus Blast) [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* = Dust Clouds Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (100% Chance)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \

Hippowdon Lv. 61, Marowak Lv. 61, Rhydon Lv. 61
Medicham Lv. 62, Hitmonlee Lv. 62, Mienshao Lv. 62
Sawk Lv. 62, Conkeldurr Lv. 62, Breloom Lv. 62
Primeape Lv. 62, Hitmonchan Lv. 62, Scrafty Lv. 62
Throh Lv. 62, Machamp Lv. 62, Hitmontop Lv. 62
Gyarados Lv. 62, Druddigon Lv. 62, Crobat Lv. 62, Excadrill Lv. 62,
Gigalith Lv. 62, Snorlax Lv. 62
<== 1F ==>
Go west and to the water. Afterwards, go south, then east and upstairs.
Further east, you'll battle a Hiker. Defeat him and go further east to find a
free Max Repel. Go west and to the water, and commence Surfing. Go west and
defeat the Battle Girl. Snatch up the Escape Rope, then go south and along the
fairly linear path to the stairs. Go on down.
<== B1F ==>
Use Flash to brighten the area up somewhat, then go northeaat and downstairs.
After that, go north and along the path betwixt the pools of dihydrogen
monoxide (also known as water) and then east. Defeat the Black Belt and begin
Surfing to the south.
Go on across to the east side and make landfall. Continue along to the item
prior to the ledge, which is the ever-useful Max Revive. Backtrack to the water
and Surf across to where the Black Belt was. Go north and along the path to
find another Battle Girl.
Win in the battle, then go north, upstairs, and along the westbound path. Go
upstairs and south to find TM47, Low Sweep, at the end of the path. Go back and
downstairs, then go east past the southbound steps. You'll reach a slightly
bigger staircase soon; use it to find a Protector. This item will evolve a
Rhydon into Rhyperior if held during a trade.
Go upstairs and take the southbound path west of you to find a Carbos at the
end - you'll need to use the Dowsing Machine. Return to the stairs, then go
north to the next staircase. Go on down and defeat the Trainer, then head
further north and Surf north across the water.
Make landfall and speak with the Veteran for a pretty hard battle. (Oh, and
don't worry. You'll be fighting Level 70's when we're done.) After winning,
turn on the Dowsing Machine and go eastward to find another Max Revive.
Go back west and upstairs to find TM52, Focus Blast (basically Hyper Beam to a
different audience), then go downstairs. Surf and go southwest to find an Ultra
Ball if you use the Dowsing Machine.
That's it. Either use the Escape Rope you got earlier, Dig out, or backtrack.
Then go along the path in Route 3 to Striation.
Striation City
| Treasures Checklist \

| Big Mushroom ..... [] | Big Pearl ........ [] | Dusk Ball (x5) ... [] |
| Full Restore ..... [] | Great Ball ....... [] | Max Elixir ....... [] |
| PP Up ............ [] | Timer Ball ....... [] | Up-Grade ......... [] |
| Yellow Shard ..... [] |
| Striation PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Max Potion ................ $2,500 | Full Restore .............. $3,000 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Maractus Lv. 65, Ferrothorn Lv. 65, Simisage Lv. 67
Heatmore Lv. 65, Darmanitan Lv. 65, Simisear Lv. 67
Basculin Lv. 65, Slowking Lv. 65, Simipour Lv. 67
| You can do a battle with a combo of these three once daily. One is a
| Trainer you'll team up with for the double battle versus the other two.
Striation City... This city was a first for the Pokmon series. In it, you had
three chefs/Gym Leaders - Chili, Cilan, and Cress - and you'd fight one based
upon your starter. That is the first time ever you would "choose" your Gym
Leader. This leader had an advantage over your starter, which is why they would
direct you to get a simian Pokmon. This was also your first Badge in the
original B/W - the Trio Badge.
Go south to the fountain. Go south of it and to the southeast corner to find a
Yellow Shard, then go to the west side of the area to find a Full Restore via
the Dowsing Machine. Return to the fountain and go west to find a Max Elixir,
then Surf south of the bridge to get a Big Pearl by speaking with the man. Go
onto the eastbound bridge and go north, using the Dowsing Machine to find a
PP Up.
Surf south to the bridge/fountain, then go east into town.
Heal up at the Pokmon Center, and shop and whatnot. East of there, you can
find the old Gym. Speak with Clyde outside and follow him inside. You'll find
that this Gym has been converted into a fully-fledged restaurant by Chili,
Cilan, and Cress, rather than half-'n'-half.

You can speak with one of them and say "Yes" to partner with one of them in a
double battle against the other two chefs. Yet again, more uniquity! ^_^
Outside, go south and into the building. At the top floor, you'll find a second
Up-Grade. =/ Leave and go into the building just to the south, then speak
with the dude in the orange to find a Great Ball. A second "=/"-worthy item.
Back outside, go past the fence to teh south, then between the trees and fence
to the west to find a Timer Ball. Return north, then east. As you approach the
Dreamyard, go south and speak with the dude in the shade to get five Dusk
Balls. These Pokballs are four times better than a regular Pokball, or two
times better than an Ultra Ball, if used at night or in a dark place like a
cave. Sweet!
Then go into the Dreamyard to the north and east.
The Dreamyard
| Treasures Checklist \
| Dawn Stone ....... [] | HP Up ............ [] | Iron ............. [] |
| Moon Stone ....... [] | PP Up ............ [] | Psychic Gem ...... [] |
| Rare Candy ....... [] | Reaper Cloth ..... [] | TM85 (Dream Eater) [] |
| Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Golbat
| Poison/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Jigglypuff | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Liepard
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Munna
| Psychic
| 800,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Raticate
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | Chilan Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Watchog
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
Pokmon Found in Shaking Grass Tiles
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Crobat
| Poison/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 3 Speed | Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Musharna
| Psychic
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Wigglytuff | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
Special Encounter Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Latias
| Dragon/Psychic | 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Def. | W2 |
| Latios
| Dragon/Psychic | 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Atk. | B2 |

| Trainers' Pokmon \
Hypno Lv. 62, Dusclops Lv. 62
Gastly Lv. 63, Skuntank Lv. 63
Chingling Lv. 62, Mr. Mime Lv. 62
Klang Lv. 63, Porygon Lv. 63
Shroomish Lv. 63, Tangrowth Lv. 63
Slakoth Lv. 63, Slaking Lv. 63
Igglybuff Lv. 63, Lickilicky Lv. 63
<== Outside ==>
As you enter the Dreamyard, two things will occur. One - nostalgia. And number
two: a Latios (Black 2) or Latias (White 2) will fly east past you.
Yeah, you're gonna want to catch that.
Go east and past the Cut tree to the gap in the fence. As you do, the Pokmon
will head west. Go to the Cut tree, Cut it, then go on through into the burned
building. The Pokmon will fly back east. Go into the grass, snatch up the Rare
Candy, then go east to the northern grass. Go through it and past the wall to
the staircase.
Move under the ceiling east of the stairs so you can ascend. At the apex, the
legendary Pokmon will fly west. I think it's starting to just play games with
you! Go west and along the southbound path to find an Ultra Ball. And then
the Pokmon goes east.
Return to the stairs, then go south along the path east of the staircase whilst
still on the upper level. As the path turns east, continue along, then move
onto the seemingly extraneous east-jutting tile -- BUT SAVE BEFORE YOU DO
As you step on the tile, the legendary Pokmon will ram you. You have a Pok
to catch!
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #380 Latias (W2) or #381 Latios (B2) \
Latias's Data (White 2 Only)
Latios's Data (Black 2 Only)
| Type
: Psychic/Dragon
| Type
: Psychic/Dragon
| Level
: Level 68
| Level
: Level 68
| EVs Gained: 3 Special Defense
| EVs Gained: 3 Special Attack
| Moveset : - Heal Pulse (Psychic) | Moveset : - Heal Pulse (Psychic) |
- Psychic (Psychic)
- Psychic (Psychic)
- Charm (Normal)
- Dragon Dance (Dragon) |
- Psycho Shift (Psychic)|
- Psycho Shift (Psychic)|
| Latias and Latios are part of a version-exclusive duo originally found in |
| Ruby/Sapphire, though they've be re-iterated in later games. As far as
| type goes, they are the same - weak to Dark, Ghost, Dragon, Bug, and Ice. |
| They are immune to Ground via the ability Levitate, and will resist
| Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Fighting, and Psychic. All else deals normal |
| amounts of damage.
| As for their moves, Heal Pulse heals HP. Charm will reduce Attack sharply, |
| and Dragon Dance will raise the user's Attack and Speed, I believe.

| Psychic is a 90-Power (135 with the STAB) move that deals extra damage to |
| Fighting and Poison, but none to Dark. Finally, Psycho Shift will be your |
| bane in this fight. It is a move that will transfer the user's statuses
| onto the target. Crap.
| So, what do I suggest doing here? False Swiping the target is always a
| great initial strategy here to lower HP to 1, as it will never kill the
| target. Sad that we lack the TM at this point, but Zangoose learns it at |
| Level 44, Leavanny inherently learns it at Level 1, Karrablast gets it at |
| Level 25, Escavalier at Level 25, and Axew and its chain at Level 24. Of |
| course, a trade/import is just as good for this, but it's nice to know if |
| you have someone that potentially already knows it.
| Given the nature of Psycho Shift, I do not recommend using a status on the |
| Lati Pokmon at all until it is seemingly obvious that they've hit one HP. |
| At that point, either Paralyze them or put them to Sleep with some sort of |
| statusing move. Then, as for what Pokball to use... I don't recommend the |
| use of a Master Ball here - trust me, there are several other options. I |
| would prefer that you do this battle at night (just flip your DS/3DS clock |
| to 00:00 (midnight), basically) so you can use the Dusk Balls. These balls |
| are four times better than a regular Pok Ball, and two times better than |
| an Ultra Ball! Of course, otherwise, just toss more and more Ultra Balls |
| at it until you succeed. Good luck - you'll love using this Pokmon!
After the battle, go downstairs and south to find TM85. This TM will teach
Dream Eater, which is a Psychic type move that can only damage Sleeping targets
and then use the damage to heal the user's HP. Kind of decent to use if you've
gotten a Pokmon that knows Hypnosis or Sleep Powder.
Backtrack to where the Cut tree
the gap in the fence was. Go on
the ledges above. Once you bump
see an item somewhere on-screen

was, then go east along the main path to where

through, then northeast, then north underneath
into the barrier trees, you should be able to
- take it to find that it is the useful Moon

Next, go east and southeast to find the basement of the Dreamyard.

<== Basement ==>
Go along the fairly linear path to find a pacing Psychic. Like with many
Trainers here, he'll run away if you get in his visual range - I like to
wait around the corner of their path and rapidly mash the A Button to speak
with them, but do as you will to talk and battle.
Afterwards, go east and do the same with the Scientist, before or after getting
the nearby HP Up. Go west until you notice the two gaps in the wall to the
south. Go through them and east to find another odd Psychic. Southwest of
there is a Scientist.
Nearby, you'll find a Dawn Stone. This evolutionary stone will help a male
Kirlia evolve into Gallade, or a female Snorunt evolve into Froslass. Yep, just
two evolutions, and those being Generation IV Pokmon based off Generation III
Pokmon. =/
Go east and outside.
<== Outside ==>

Go northeast and defeat the Trainer, then go west and flip on the Dowsing
Machine. You'll manage to find another PP Up; once you do, head around to the
grass. Go east through it and defeat the Slakoth/Slaking Trainer.
At the other side of the grass, go west and northwest to find an item. You'll
battle an annoying School Kid on your way to this magnificent Reaper Cloth.
(Also known as: a Dirty Hankerchief colored black. Joking, of course.) This
item will evolve Dusclops into Dusknoir, the initial main antagonist of the
Pokmon Mystery Dungeon 2 games, if held during a trade.
After grabbing it, go southeast and then north to find some stairs that return
you into the basement.
<== Basement ==>
Go north to the grass. Go through it and snatch up the Iron, then go into the
grass to the east. Use the Dowsing Machine to snatch up a Psychic Gem, then go
back to the stairs and outside.
<== Outside ==>
To the north, there is a Strength boulder. Push it north and into the hole to
finish the area. This made a shortcut between here and the start of the area.
I recommend healing and shopping back in Striation before heading south onto
Route 2.
Route 2
| Treasures Checklist \
| Calcium .......... [] | Carbos ........... [] | Full Heal ........ [] |
| Max Revive ....... [] | Max Revive ....... [] | PP Max ........... [] |
| Repeat Ball ...... [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Single-Battle Tall Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Herdier
| Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Jigglypuff | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Lickitung | Normal
| 1,000,000 | Lagging Tail | 2 HP
| Both |
| Liepard
| Dark
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | Both |
| Watchog
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |

| Lickilicky | Normal
| 1,000,000 | Lagging Tail | 3 HP
| Both |
| Stoutland | Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Wigglytuff | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Beedrill, Dustox, Mothim, Scolipede, Volbeat; all of these at Level 61 |
Butterfree, Beautifly, Wormadam, Leavanny, Illumise; all at Level 61
Masquerain Lv. 66, Dragonair Lv. 66, Slowbro Lv. 66, Magnezone Lv. 66
Rattata, Sentret, Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Watchog; all at Level 61
Pidgey, Hoothoot, Taillow, Starly, Unfezant; all of these at Level 61
Wormadam Lv. 66, Exploud Lv. 66, Magcargo Lv. 66, Jumpluff Lv. 66
As you head onto the Route, go south and defeat the Youngster. This kid seems
to have some of the version-exclusive Bugs of previous generations. Neat. Go
west and Cut down the tree, then go along the path to find a Lass. This girl
has the other half of the version-exclusives that the Youngster had.
Yes, I'm actually bothering to point this out to you. It is nice trivia.
After the battle, go south and grab the Carbos, then go west from the Lass.
Use the Dowsing Machine to find the PP Max, then return to the Youngster and
head east and upstairs. At the top, head south and grab the Full Heal and the
Repeat Ball. The latter has a higher catch rate (I think four times) if used to
catch a Pokmon labeled as "caught" in your Pokdex.
Go back to the Youngster yet again, ten go west and south to the ledge. Jump
over the ledge to the south (the first one) and use the Dowsing Machine to find
a hidden Max Revive. Jump over the next ledge and defeat the nearby Veteran.
Go east into the grass. Go south of the nearby Youngster, if you want, before
fighting the Youngster to find an Ultra Ball. Then go north to the Youngster
and fight him. Turns out that he has some of the mostly-used Normal-typed
Pokmon, one from each generation (Rattata in R/B/Y/G, Sentret in G/S/C,
Zigzagoon in R/S/E/FR/LG, Bidoof in D/P/Pt/HG/SS, and Watchog from the B/W's).
Leave the grass to the southwest, then go west. Past the sign, you'll find a
Lass, who uses the more commonly-used (from the start, anyways) Flying Pokmon
from each generation. (Pidgey from R/B/Y/G, Hoothoot from G/S/C, Taillow from
R/S/E/FR/LG, Starly from D/P/Pt/HG/SS, and Unfezant from B/W/B2/W2.) Each also
is a Normal/Flying type, and Pidgey could've (and should've in my opinion)
been swapped for Spearow/Fearow.
Okay, trivia's done with for this Route. Still, have to admit it is rather
neat to note.
Go southwest through the grass patch, then defeat the Veteren. Afterwards, grab
the nearby Max Revive. Go south and leave the grass to find a Strength boulder.
Push it south into the hole, then cross it to find a Calcium.
Go north and east into the gatehouse, then further along into Accumula Town.
Accumula Town
| Treasures Checklist \

| BalmMushroom .................. [] | Fire/Grass/Water Gem .......... [] |
| Max Repel ..................... [] | Pok Ball ..................... [] |
| Accumula PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Max Potion ................ $2,500 | Full Restore .............. $3,000 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Trade -> Battle Index \
| Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received | Pokmon Type | Pokmon Level | L100 EXP. |
| Excadrill |
| Normal
| Level 40
| 800,000 |
| Hippowdon |
| Psychic
| Level 40
| 1,059,860 |
| This chart is special because it really serves two purposes. First, the
| first trade can be executed, then you get the battle the Excadrill you give |
| the girl, which is a first for the series. Then, after getting the Alakazam |
| for a Hippowdon (D/P/Pt), you'll battle the Hippowdon, as well as a
| Stoutland and Sandslash, both at Level 63. Neat!
Hey, remember this joint, original-B/W players? It was where you first met up
with Team Plasma, N, and Alder back in the day. It was also the first town you
visited aside from Nuvema Town where the journey began. And that's not too far
down the road, literally and metaphorically.
Okay, anyhow, go east and southeast into the Pokmon Center. Heal, shop, etc.,
exit. You know the deal.
Go west and examine the trashcan southwest of the two benches to find a Max
Repel within, which may explain why Pokmon aren't eating the garbage yet. >_>
Go north and into the western of the two buildings. On the top floor, speak
with the dude near the stairs to get a Pok Ball. Give him a fist in return.
Speak with the woman behind the desk to answer, from my translations, questions
about your starter's weight and height. Here's a quick chart detailing them.
| Starter | Imperial | Imperial | Metric | Metric |
| Pokmon | Height | Weight | Height | Weight |

| Snivy
2' 0" | 17.9 lbs. | 0.6 m. | 8.1 kg. |
| Tepig
1' 8" | 21.8 lbs. | 0.5 m. | 9.9 kg. |
| Oshawott |
1' 8" | 13.0 lbs. | 0.5 m. | 5.9 kg. |
Answer correctly to get a Gem matching your starter's type - Grass Gem with
Snivy, Fire Gem with Tepig, and Water Gem with Oshawott.
Leave the building and head into the one next to it. On the second floor, speak
with the southeastern man to get a BalmMushroom. You can also use the stairs to
the right side of the building and speak with the musicians to change the music
track, if you want, though you don't "earn" anything.
Go into the building at the end of the western path. Here, you can trade your
Excadrill for Ambipom - a wise trade if you don't have the fourth-generation
games. After that, you actually can battle the Excadrill!
And that's not all. Then you can trade a Hippowdon (only in the Generation IV
games, more or less) for an Alakazam (which is found by trading Kadabra, and
is in general a very smart trade, strategically). After that, you can fight
the Hippowdon, plus a Sandslash and Stoutland, both at Level 63.
That's a first, I believe. Leave the house and go south onto Route 1.
Route 1
| Treasures Checklist \
| Potion ........................ [] | Ultra Ball .................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
(* = Only in Dark Double-Battle Grass)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Herdier
| Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Jigglypuff | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Scrafty*
| Dark/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Shed Shell | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Watchog
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Stoutland | Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Wigglytuff | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (100% Chance)

| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Omanyte Lv. 62, Anorith Lv. 62, Shieldon Lv. 62, Archeops Lv. 62
Kabuto Lv. 62, Lileep Lv. 62, Cranidos Lv. 62, Carracosta Lv. 62
This part of the nostalgia will be cut
towards Route 17, Route 18, and the P2
areas, but, come on, don't we all just
town that was our hometown, but really

short. Route 1 juts off to the west

Laboratory. We'll shortly explore these
want that weird nostalgia of visting the
isn't our hometown?

Plus, you can heal there, so why not?

Go along and speak with the Backpacker. Defeat her in battle. Note that she has
one-half of the fossil Pokmon - Omanyte from the Kanto/Johto games, Anorith
from the Hoenn games, Shieldon from the Sinnoh games, and Archeops from Unova
games. Of course, this last one is actually fully evolved, thankfully, so a
little less work for you.
Go south some more to find the complement for the fossil set with a Backapcker.
He'll have Kabuto from Kanto/Johto, Lileep from Hoenn, Cranidos from Sinnoh,
and Carracosta (fully-evolved Tirtouga) from Unova.
Go east into the grass and use the Dowsing Machine to hunt down an Ultra Ball,
then speak with the woman nearby for a Potion. Dj vu and cheapness; how
full of awesomesauce this Route is. </sarcasm>
Afterwards, continue south into Nuvema.
Nuvema Town
| Treasures Checklist \
| Berry Juice ...... [] | King's Rock ...... [] | License .......... [] |
| Oval Charm ....... [] | Shiny Charm ...... [] | Super Rod ........ [] |
| Zinc ............. [] |
Soak in that nostalgia for a few moments before beginning. After all, this was
the town in which you started -Okay, I give up. Too much nostalgia-mentioning going on here, and I'm pretty
sure you've gotten the idea already. Go into the building southwest of the
town entrance and speak with the woman in there. This is mother of the main
character in the original B/W. She'll also heal your Pokmon for free whenever
you ask, which is a little creepy, but whatever. Also go upstairs and steal
(literally - it's yours, but NOT YOURS) the King's Rock beside the bed.
Confusion over, go outside and southeast. Inside the house, speak with Cheren's
father to get some Berry Juice. This item is actually pretty rare, despite its
usefulness being only in healing 20 HP. It was only available in FR/LG, I

believe, by blending together various Berries, much like you would Pokblocks
in the Hoenn games. So, basically, it's a pain to get Berry Juice in Unova gotta import to a fourth-gen game, then to Black/White... It's a little much,
no? Especially considering that I don't actually recall you being able to
PokTransfer items in to the Unova games. =P
Anywho, head into the other building down here if you want to meet some other
familiar faces, to a point, then go into the northwesternmost building. This is
Professor Juniper's Pokmon Research Laboratory. You can speak with Cedric here
if you want the Super Rod, which allows you to fish for Pokmon in the Unovan
You can also speak to Prof. Juniper once you've *SEEN* all of the Unova
Pokmon to get a License. Once you've *CAUGHT* all of the Unova Pokmon, you
will get an Oval Charm. Once you've *CAUGHT* *ALL* of the Pokmon in the
National Pokdex (barring a sparse few), you'll get the Shiny Charm. By far, in
all of Pokmon, this is the biggest reason ever to actually complete the
Why is that? Well, the easier two rewards have negligable effects, at least in
comparison to the almighty Shiny Charm. This magnificent item, once it is in
your possession, will raise the encounter rate for Shiny Pokmon by tinkering
with the IV encounter RNG to make it more likely to get certain sets of IVs
that result in a Shiny Pokmon. I lack the actual new chances, but, given that
the normal chance is between 1/8192 and 6/65536 (0.0092% ~ 0.0122%), any kind
of boost is helpful!
(Shiny Pokmon, by the way, are more aesthetic than anything. With Shinies, you
do end up getting around-normal stats. But their looks are why people lust for
them. Ever since Generation II, we've had these. Some of the changes are
minor, like Pikachu and Pichu being more orange, or very drastic, like a pink
Moltres or a cyan Sceptile.)
Okay, for a five-minute journey, that's a lot of text. Heal up at the old
main character's mother's house and leave.
Route 1
| Treasures Checklist \
| Lum Berry ..................... [] | Lum Berry ..................... [] |
| Prism Scale ................... [] | Protein ....................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
(* = Only in Dark Double-Battle Grass)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Herdier
| Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Jigglypuff | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Scrafty*
| Dark/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Shed Shell | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Watchog
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |

Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Stoutland | Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Wigglytuff | Normal
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (100% Chance)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Feebas
| Water
| 600,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Bubbling Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Milotic
| Water
| 600,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Durant Lv. 66, Honchkrow Lv. 66, Espeon Lv. 66
Heatmor Lv. 66, Umbreon Lv. 66, Mismagius Lv. 66
Wigglytuff Lv. 64, Girafarig Lv. 64, Vileplume Lv. 64
Vigoroth Lv. 64, Victreebel Lv. 64, Stantler Lv. 64
Go north to the westbound staircase. Use it and begin Surfing. Head south and
west onto some land at the end of the waterway. There, go upstairs and east,
then south into the grass. Go west and defeat the Ace Trainer, then defeat
another further south, on a hill.
After defeating her, use the Dowsing Machine to hunt down the Protein, then go
southwest. Defeat the Pokmon Ranger, who will hand over a Lum Berry when you
win. Go down and south, past the fence. To the east, you'll find another
Ranger. Win and accept the Lum Berry.
Now, do you see that narrow southbound path to the east, near the trees? Go
along it to get a Prism Case, then return to the Ranger and go east to find
Route 17 past the gatehouse.
Route 17

| Treasures Checklist \
| Blue Shard ....... [] | Blue Shard ....... [] | Dive Ball ........ [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Tiles)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Alomomola | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Finneon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Horsea
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Bubbling Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Kingdra
| Water/Dragon
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Sp.Atk.,|
| 1 Defense |
| Lumineon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Seadra
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk.,| Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Feebas Lv. 66, Finneon Lv. 66, Lumineon Lv. 66
Tentacool Lv. 65, Huntail Lv. 65
Clamperl Lv. 65, Shellder Lv. 65
Krabby Lv. 64, Kingler Lv. 64, Qwilfish Lv. 64
Go down the stairs and onto the shallow water. Use Surf to hit the deep water
with a splash, then head to the next shallow area. Defeat the Fisherman, then
go west. Use the Dowsing Machine to hunt down a Blue Shard, then Surf north to
the next shallow area. In plain sight should be a(nother) Blue Shard.
Go southwest, then Surf west and south. Defeat the Swimmer around here and you
will see two westbound currents if you look carefully. Use the northern one.

Once you land, defeat the nearby Swimmer, then go east, avoiding all of the
currents you come across, to reach some shallow water. Get on the area and
defeat the Fisherman. Go north and snatch up the Dive Ball, then go east and
begin Surfing once more!
Surf into the nearby current to return to the male swimmer from before, near
the dual currents. This time, use the southern one to reach a beach on
Route 18.
Route 18
| Treasures Checklist \
| Heart Scale ...... [] | Magma Stone ...... [] | Pearl String ..... [] |
| Rare Candy ....... [] | Star Piece ....... [] | TM19 (Telekinesis) [] |
| Zinc ............. [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Carnivine | Grass
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| 1,000,000 | Hard Stone, | 2 Defense | Both |
| Rare Bone
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Scrafty
| Dark/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Shed Shell | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Tropius
| Grass/Flying
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Watchog
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| B2 |
| Expert Belt |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |

Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Tiles)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Alomomola | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Corsola
| Water/Rock
| 800,000 | Hard Stone | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Finneon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Horsea
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Bubbling Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Kingdra
| Water/Dragon
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Sp.Atk.,|
| 1 Defense |
| Lumineon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Seadra
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk.,| Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Kingdra Lv. 68, Donphan Lv. 68, Skarmory Lv. 68
Hariyama Lv. 65, Hitmontop Lv. 65, Throh Lv. 65
Tyranitar Lv. 70
Hippopotas Lv. 64, Hippowdon Lv. 64, Crustle Lv. 64
Salamence Lv. 70
Staraptor Lv. 68, Krookodile Lv. 68, Relicanth Lv. 68
Head to the beach nearby, then up the stairs to the grass. Go north through it
and defeat the Veteran, then head further north. Go west to find a shack. In
there, you can speak with the female Trainer to get your Pok's healed for
free - trust me, looking at that list above here, what with Level 68's and 70's
coming along, you'll want it. The dude in the northeast corner will also take
Rare Bones from you for $10,000 each. They are found 5% of the time as a hold
item from Dwebble and Crustle, so you know.
Back outside, go south and cross the bridge. Push the Strength boulder into the
hole, then cross it and defeat the Black Belt. Go southeast and use the Dowsing
Machine to find the Rare Candy, then go west and grab the Zinc in the grass.
Go back over the bridge, west, and downstairs.
On the sand, go south and, at the shore, use the Dowsing Machine to find the
Pearl String. Go north and east, then upstairs and you'll find a Strength
boulder. Push it into the hole, then go east, under the bridge, and down the
staircase. Defeat the Veteran around here, then go north and snatch up the Star
Go back to the foot of the staircase prior to the boulder, then go north and

up the new staircase to find a Hiker. Win the battle and head west. Go south
and through the grass to defeat the Veteran, then take up the nearby TM19,
which teaches Telekinesis.
Go north and out of the grass, then go north and along the main path. Once you
hit a northbound staircase, go up and you'll find Crasher Wake. Crasher Wake
was the Gym Leader of the Pastoria City Gym in the Sinnoh region (Diamond,
Pearl, Platinum). The Pastoria Gym was a Water-type Gym, which kinda fits where
we are - a water Route. He also made a brief appearance in Pokmon HeartGold
and SoulSilver.
Speak and go east. Cross the bridge, defeating the Veteran in a Rotation Battle
on the way. On the other side, grab the Magma Stone. This item seems kinda
familiar, doesn't it... I think it was an event item in the Generation IV games
that let you catch the legendary Heatran. Of course, I'm not fully sure, so let
us just move on.
Go downstairs to the beach, then flip out the Dowsing Machine to find the Heart
Scale nearby. Surf east and use the southern current to reach Route 17.
But go east to the P2 Laboratory.
P2 Laboratory / Team Plasma Frigate
| Treasures Checklist \
| Dubious Disc .................. [] | Master Ball ................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Herdier
| Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Klang
| Steel
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Magneton
| Electric/Steel | 1,000,000 | Metal Coat | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Scrafty
| Dark/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Shed Shell | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Watchog
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Weezing
| Poison
| 1,000,000 | Smoke Ball | 2 Defense | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Klinklang | Steel
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Defense | Both |
| Magnezone | Electric/Steel | 1,000,000 | Metal Coat | 3 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Stoutland | Normal
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)

| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Tiles)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Alomomola | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Finneon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Horsea
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Bubbling Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Kingdra
| Water/Dragon
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Sp.Atk.,|
| 1 Defense |
| Lumineon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Qwilfish
| Water/Poison
| 1,000,000 | Poison Barb | 1 Attack | Both |
| Seadra
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk.,| Both |
| 1 Defense |
The P2 Laboratory is the once-abandoned lab of Team Plasma, abandoned around
two-plus years ago. The exact reason is unknown, but I have a pretty decent
Genesect is an artificial Pokmon that was created here by mixing both Pokmon
and technology together. As Murphry's Law would have it (and Mewtwo logic),
stuff happened to make the lab not a safe place to be. That, or basically the
scientist making Genesect (by the way, the final numbered Pokmon at #649) was
shunned away from Team Plasma. Anywho...
Holy crap, I just noticed the Plasma Frigate there! First, go into the main
lab and grab the Dubious Disc (evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z when held during
a trade), then go into the Frigate. Go to where you fought Colress when you
were at the Giant Chasm.
'Cuz we're going to whip 'im. Hopefully.
| BOSS: Team Plasma Colress \
| Pokmon: Magneton (Lv. 72) Steel/Electric
Magnezone (Lv. 72) Steel/Electric
Metagross (Lv. 72) Steel/Psychic
Rotom (Lv. 72) Electric/Water <-- It's in its Wash Forme, okay? |
Beheeyem (Lv. 72) Psychic
Klinklang (Lv. 74) Steel

| Money Earned: $14,800
| Magneton and Magnezone are weak to Ground (4x), Fire, and Fighting. They |
| tend to be troublesome towards Rock, Ice, Flying, and Water types, and are |
| immune to the status and type Poison.
| Metagross is weak to Fire and Ground. It mostly is a problem towards Ice, |
| Rock, Water, Flying, Fighting, and Poison. It is immune to Poison as well. |
| Rotom is in its Wash Forme. It will be weak to Ground and Grass. Given its |
| moveset, Rotom is moreso a problem to Psychic, Ghost, Flying, Water, and, |
| to a slight extent, Fire, Rock, and Ground types.
| Beheeyem is weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark, and is just troublesome towards |
| Fighting and Poison.
| Klinklang is weak to Fire, Ground, and Fighting, and is immune to Poison. |
| It'll trouble Ice, Rock, Water, and Flying.
| Recommendations: For Magnezone and Magneton, I'd probably use some kind of |
| Ground-type that I've been building up for a while now; I'd use either
| Sandslash, Krookodile, or Camerupt. Metagross is also a good target for
| using either of the latter two; a Fire-type is otherwise preferred.
| Towards Beheeyem, your starter should do fine, unless it is Emboar, in
| which case I'd opt for a simian. Then again, Krookodile is immune to
| Psychic, so take your pick. Klinklang is easy enough to deal with as well; |
| a Fire-type is a good preference to pick for it. Any participant by this |
| point should hopefully be around Level 75.
| And, of course, you notice I pretty much copied that from the Giant Chasm |
| strategy. The only other thing to note is Rotom, who can be beaten by your |
| Ground-type from Magneton/Magnezone/Metagross, or your Serperior,
| Simisage, or Virizion.
| So, perfect party?
Sandslash, Krookodile, or Camerupt
-> The Steel and Electric types |
Most anyone (prefer Krookodile)
-> Beheeyem and Metagross
Volcarona or Emboar (optional)
-> All of the Steel types
Terrakion with Earthquake (optional) -> The Steel and Electric types |
Virizion, Serperior, etc. (optional) -> Rotom
Volcarona with Bug moves (optional) -> Helps out with Beheeyem
If you win ... Holy crap, he gives you a second Master Ball! O_o Give 'im a
big hug or something, he deserves it!
Once you win, or lose, or whatever, leave the Frigate and return to Route 17.
Route 17
| Treasures Checklist \
| Pearl String ..... [] | Shoal Salt ....... [] | Shoal Shell ...... [] |

| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Tiles)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Alomomola | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Finneon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Horsea
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Bubbling Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Kingdra
| Water/Dragon
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Sp.Atk.,|
| 1 Defense |
| Lumineon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Seadra
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk.,| Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Carvanha Lv. 65, Sharpedo Lv. 65 |
Chinchou Lv. 65, Gorebyss Lv. 65 |
Remember where the currents tossed you out at? South of there, move between the
two eastbound currents carefully to return some shallows. Grab the visible
Pearl String and the Shoal Shell, the latter requiring the Dowsing Machine.
Return to where you started this area at (barring the P2 Laboratory), then go
between the two currents to the west. One is northbound, and the other is
eastbound. Between them is a path leading to some more shallows. There, use
the Dowsing Machine to reach some Shoal Salt.
Go to the southern edge of the shallows and Surf some more. Go west, between
the currents, to fight a Swimmer. Go east to the small rock, then south and
west between some more currents to reach the final Route 17 Swimmer, and
Afterwards, go south from the female Swimmer as far possible, then go west
between the current and the rocks to open water, and into Route 18!

Route 18
| Treasures Checklist \
| Iron ............. [] | Pearl ............ [] | PP Max ........... [] |
| PP Max ........... [] | Prism Scale ...... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Carnivine | Grass
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| 1,000,000 | Hard Stone, | 2 Defense | Both |
| Rare Bone
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Scrafty
| Dark/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Shed Shell | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Tropius
| Grass/Flying
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Watchog
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| B2 |
| Expert Belt |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Tiles)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Alomomola | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Jellicent | Water/Ghost
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |

| Corsola
| Water/Rock
| 800,000 | Hard Stone | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Finneon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Horsea
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (Bubbling Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Kingdra
| Water/Dragon
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Sp.Atk.,|
| 1 Defense |
| Lumineon
| Water
| 600,000 | Rindo Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Seadra
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Sp.Atk.,| Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Poliwrath Lv. 65, Medicham Lv. 65, Sawk Lv. 65
Once you arrive from Route 17, go west to the beach. There, go south to a small
portion of the shore, where you'll find a PP Max. Using the Dowsing Machine,
you can also go south to find a Prism Scale.
Return to Surfing and go north. Once you see a new beach to the west, make
landfall and use the Dowsing Machine along the shoreline to retrieve another
hidden Pearl. Afterwards, go northwest and defeat the Battle Girl.
Afterwards, go north and up the stairs to find some grass. Snatch up the Iron,
then go west. Flip on the Dowsing Machine and you should be able to find
another PP Max nearby!
And that does it for this sub-section. Next up is exploration of northwestern

Exploring Northwestern Unova
Let's begin this sub-section by Flying to Opelucid City and heading west onto
Route 9, then further west to the Tubeline Bridge!
Tubeline Bridge
| Treasures Checklist \

| EnergyPowder .................. [] | TM43 (Flame Charge) ........... [] |

Cross the bridge heading south, watching the trains pass by below on their way
to... wherever. There isn't a whole lot to do here, but there is a girl running
in tight ellipses around the midpoint of the bridge; speak with her to get a
TM43, which teaches Flame Charge. Continue south to the gate. Speak with the
Scientist north of the gate to find some EnergyPowder, then continue west to
Route 8.
Route 8
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Pearl ..................... [] | Heat/Ice/Damp/Dry Rock ........ [] |
| Max Repel ..................... [] | Nest Ball ..................... [] |
| Rare Candy .................... [] | TM36 (Sludge Bomb) ............ [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found in Watery Puddles (Can't Be Found in Winter)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Croagunk
| Poison/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Black Sludge | 1 Attack | Both |
| Karrablast | Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Palpitoad | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Shelmet
| Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Stunfisk
| Ground/Electric | 1,000,000 | Soft Sand
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (* - Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Palpitoad | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Seismitoad* | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Stunfisk
| Ground/Electric | 1,000,000 | Soft Sand
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (* - Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Barboach
| Water/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Stunfisk
| Ground/Electric | 1,000,000 | Soft Sand
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Whiscash* | Water/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Castform Lv. 60, Castform Lv. 60, Castform Lv. 60
Shelmet Lv. 60, Gastrodon Lv. 60, Slugma Lv. 60
Barboach Lv. 60, Whiscash Lv. 60, Stunfish Lv. 60
Castform Lv. 60, Jolteon Lv. 60, Ludicolo Lv. 60
Palpitoad Lv. 60, Vaporeon Lv. 60, Croagunk Lv. 60

| Much like the original Black/White, in winter (April, August, and
| December on your DS/3DS clock), this area changes rather drastically. |
| Other than snow, you'll also get icy tiles - remember the puzzles in |
| the frozen Opelucid? Yeah, that.
| The puzzle is pretty simple - just imagine a straighter version of
| the given path, or flip your clock around if it annoys you too much. |
| The puddles will become frozen over, stopping you from finding any
| wild Pokmon unless it is through Surfing or fishing in the deep
| water.
Okay, go north of the entrance and speak with the lady there. Depending on
the time of day, you'll get a holdable Rock. This can be the Heat Rock
(afternoon), Icy Rock (night), Damp Rock (morning?), and Dry Rock (dusk?). At
least, I think that's them - all I've seen are the former two. But, basically,
these rocks, IF I got their names right, will lengthen the time a weather
condition stays around - Sunny Day, Hail, Rain Dance, and Sandstorm,
Afterwards, go south and west to the puddles. Surf on the dark blue deep water
and go south to the item, which is a Big Pearl. Grab it, return to water, and
return to the northern shores. Go west and defeat the Parasol Lady with the
three Castforms. And they were one-per-file in the Hoenn games. ;_;
Afterwards, go northwest and into the next puddle, then go northeast to find a
Lass. Defeat her and go north. Speak with the Fisherman and defeat him. Next,
go east, Dowsing Machine activated, to find a Max Repel. Further east, you can
brawl with the Parasol Lady (another Castform!?). Northeast of there is the
entrance to the Moor of Icirrus. We'll explore there momentarily, but let's
first empty out the Route numbered "8".
Return to the Fisherman and go west, around the water, to the pacing kid. Win
the battle against him and go north to find TM36. TM36 teaches Sludge Bomb, a
fairly decent Poison-type move that may be worth teaching. Afterwards, go
northeast along the water and the treeline to find a Nest Ball.
As you backtrack to the Youngster, flip on the Dowsing Machine to find another
Rare Candy. Use it, then go northeast back to the Moor of Icirrus.
Moor of Icirrus
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Mushroom ..... [] | Dawn Stone ....... [] | Full Heal ........ [] |
| Green Shard ...... [] | Heart Scale ...... [] | Lum Berry ........ [] |
| Lum Berry ........ [] | Rare Candy ....... [] | TinyMushroom ..... [] |
| TM84 (Poison Jab) [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \

Pokmon Found in Watery Puddles (Can't Be Found in Winter)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Croagunk
| Poison/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Black Sludge | 1 Attack | Both |
| Karrablast | Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Palpitoad | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Shelmet
| Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Stunfisk
| Ground/Electric | 1,000,000 | Soft Sand
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing
(* - Bubbling Water Only; ** - Bubbling Water Only AND NOT in Winter)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Palpitoad | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Seismitoad**| Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Stunfisk* | Ground/Electric | 1,000,000 | Soft Sand
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (* - Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Barboach
| Water/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Stunfisk
| Ground/Electric | 1,000,000 | Soft Sand
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Whiscash* | Water/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Accelgor Lv. 62, Swalot Lv. 62, Kecleon Lv. 62
Poliwhirl Lv. 60, Politoed Lv. 60, Whiscash Lv. 60
Corphish Lv. 60, Stunfisk Lv. 60, Poliwag Lv. 60
Escavalier Lv. 62, Skuntank Lv. 62, Carnivine Lv. 62
| Much like the original Black/White, in winter (April, August, and
| December on your DS/3DS clock), this area changes rather drastically. |
| Other than snow, you'll also get icy tiles - remember the puzzles in |
| the frozen Opelucid? Yeah, that.
| The puzzle is pretty simple - just imagine a straighter version of
| the given path, or flip your clock around if it annoys you too much. |
| The puddles will become frozen over, stopping you from finding any
| wild Pokmon unless it is through Surfing or fishing in the deep
| water.
Switch on the Dowsing Machine as you enter and go west. Follow the registered
signal to reach a TinyMushroom. Then go north and uphill past the man. You'll
probably see a Strength boulder to the west - push it into the hole and go
along to the Pokmon Ranger. Defeat her and you'll earn a Lum Berry.

Go north and west, then around the dihydrogen monoxide - a.k.a. water - and go
along to the south. Grab the item, TM84. TM84 teaches the fairly decent move
Poison Jab, most known for its use in the Diamond/Pearl anime with Croagunk. :P
Backtrack to the Pokmon Ranger and go east to the bald dude on the hill. Go
north to the Fisherman; shock his Water Pok's and go east, around the water.
Grab the "useful" Green Shard and go west. If your Dowsing Machine is on, you
should be able to find a Big Mushroom.
From said item, go southeast to a puddle, then east through it to find a fork
in the path. Oh noes! Go along the northern one to find a Heart Scale, then go
back to the fork and along the other path. Hop over the ledge and head east to
beat up another Fisherman.
Your Dowsing Machine will also register the rare Dawn Stone, so grab it and go
into the alcove betwixt the trees to find a Rare Candy, just chilling there,
especially in winter. </bad joke> Go southwest and defeat the final Trainer
here to receive a Lum Berry, then go around the water to the east.
You'll be able to snatch up a Full Heal. Return to the start of the area and
backtrack onto Route 8, as there is nothing else to do here - just go west and
south. Back on the Route, backtrack to wherever the Youngster was, then go east
and south under the bridge to find Icirrus.
Icirrus City
| Treasures Checklist \
| Antidote / Parlyz Heal ........ [] | Black Belt .................... [] |
| Cleanse Tag ................... [] | EXP. Share .................... [] |
| King's Rock ................... [] | NeverMeltIce .................. [] |
| PP Up ......................... [] |
| Icirrus PokMart \
| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Max Potion ................ $2,500 | Full Restore .............. $3,000 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \

Pokmon Found in Watery Puddles (Can't Be Found in Winter)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Croagunk
| Poison/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Black Sludge | 1 Attack | Both |
| Karrablast | Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Palpitoad | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Shelmet
| Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Stunfisk
| Ground/Electric | 1,000,000 | Soft Sand
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (* - Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Palpitoad* | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Seismitoad* | Water/Ground
| 1,059,860 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Stunfisk
| Ground/Electric | 1,000,000 | Soft Sand
| 2 HP
| Both |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (* - Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Barboach
| Water/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Stunfisk
| Ground/Electric | 1,000,000 | Soft Sand
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Whiscash* | Water/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Bisharp Lv. 65, Bisharp Lv. 65, Absol Lv. 67
Bisharp Lv. 65, Bisharp Lv. 65, Accelgor Lv. 67
Bisharp Lv. 65, Bisharp Lv. 65, Banette Lv. 67
<== Any Season Stuff ==>
As you enter the region on the other side of the bridge, you'll find yourself
in the Icy Cirrus city. Go up the stairs to the right and cross the bridge you
went under to reach the Pokmon Center. There, heal, shop, etc. You can also
sell various items to the man next to the nurse's desk - for example, unneeded
evolutionary stones, Big Nuggets, Nuggets, Pearls, Big Pearls, and so on. These
will net you at least $30,000 - come on, I KNOW you couldn't have gotten rid of
that Big Nugget from Chargestone Cave. ... Right?
Also speak with the girl nearby to obtain a Black Belt. This item, when held,
will boost a Pokmon's Fighting-type moves' Power by 20%.
Outside, go back over the bridge and further
to the item, you will find the Shadow Triad.
to battle them; you can battle them all now,
the next time. The item they are guarding is

onto the older one. As you cross

Say "Yes" as they speak with you
or just quit and continue on in
a PP Up. Nice.

Regardless of what occurs, return to the Pokmon Center and go west and north.
At the four-way intersection, go west and into the northern building if you
want to investigate the old Icirrus City Gym. There's nothing much to gain
there except a scene with Brycen, so I'll just let you figure it out. As a
hint - the solution is the same as in the original B/W.

Outside, go into the house south of there. Speak with the man and, if you show
him a Pokmon that gained 25 ~ 49 levels, you'll earn an EXP. Share. If you
show him one that gained 50 ~ 98 levels, you'll get a Cleanse Tag. If you show
him one that gained 99 levels (hatched from an Egg and leveled to Level 100),
you'll get a King's Rock. The nearby woman will also, vaguely, notify you on
the happiness of a Pokmon.
Backtrack to the intersection and go east. Speak with the people inside and
you'll be given a quiz - it is basic crap you REALLY should know by now in the
game. Correct answers net you Antidotes; incorrect answers net you Parlyz
Heal. You can do this once daily. =/ I don't think you'll bother though.
These items are too cheap, eh?
If you want, we can also explore Dragonspiral Tower to the north. For now, it
is empty of what we *really* want, but we'll come back shortly. If you want
some certain Pok's or items that just can't wait, go on ahead.
Unless your season is winter. More to do, more to do.
<== Winter-Only Stuff ==>
In reality, it isn't all too much. You can climb up a snowy hill next to the
old Pokmon Gym to find a NeverMeltIce, which boosts the Power of Ice-type
moves by 20%. Southeast of the Pokmon Center, if you solve the ice "puzzle",
you can enter a previosly-inaccessible house to speak with an old Team Rocket
(from Kanto/Johto) member. Meh.
Go into Dragonspiral Tower.
Dragonspiral Tower
| Treasures Checklist \
| Adamant Orb ...... [] | Carbos ........... [] | Comet Shard ...... [] |
| Comet Shard ...... [] | Elixir ........... [] | Griseous Orb ..... [] |
| Lustrous Orb ..... [] | Max Revive ....... [] | Old Gateau ....... [] |
| PP Max ........... [] | Protein .......... [] | Red Shard ........ [] |
| Shiny Stone ...... [] | TM02 (Dragon Claw) [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon (Outside)
(* - Winter-Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Beartic*
| Ice
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Druddigon | Dragon
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Fang | 2 Attack | Both |
| Mienshao
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Sawsbuck
| Normal/Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Vanillish* | Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon (Outside)

(* - Winter-Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Unfezant
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Vanilluxe* | Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (100% Chance)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (* - Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Dragonair | Dragon
| 1,250,000 | Dragon Scale | 2 Attack | Both |
| Dragonite | Dragon/Flying | 1,250,000 | Dragon Scale | 3 Attack | Both |
| Dratini
| Dragon
| 1,250,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Attack | Both |
Pokmon Found Anywhere (Inside)
| (Druddigon and Mienshao are 1F-only. No random Pok's are on 3F upwards.) |
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Druddigon | Dragon
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Fang | 2 Attack | Both |
| Golurk
| Ghost/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Light Clay | 2 Attack | Both |
| Mienshao
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
Special One-Time-Only Encounter Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Reshiram
| Dragon/Fire
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Zekrom
| Dragon/Electric | 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Attack | B2 |
<== Outside ==>
As you approach the tower, you'll meet up with Cedric Juniper! If you already
have the Light/Dark Stone, you'll be sPokn to before receiving the Old
Gateau (fancy version of a Full Heal).
Go onto the bridge and Surf to the east to some more land. There, go northeast
and through the grassy area to find a Carbo(hydrate). Return to the bridge and
go along into the Tower.
<== 1F ==>

Go north, eaat, and north. Head upstairs to 2F after you're done catching the
Druddigon and Mienshao, if so desired.
<== 2F ==>
Turn on the Dowsing Machine and go northwest. At the Strength boulder, go north
and take up the Red Shard. Then go southeast and under the pillar to find an
Elixir nearby. Grab it and return to the Strength boulder. Push it into the
hole and cross it.
Upstairs, go south and east to the item on the cleaved pillar; grab it to find
it to be an Ultra Ball. Afterwards, go north and west to the next floor.
<== 3F ==>
Go up the staircase. At the apex, you'll find a jumping ramp puzzle. For the
first trip, go south, west on the middle ramp, and continue to the Shiny Stone.
Go north twice and east to find a Protein. Go south, south, and east to return
to the start.
Now, jump south and use the southernmost westbound ramp. Go west twice and
north to easily reach the linear pathway to the next area.
<== 4F ==>
Go west, upstairs, south, upstairs, east, upstairs, and north and upstairs some
more. You should be able to see an northbound staircase. Pass it to the east
to find some stairs heading down. Go down to find three items - the Adamant
Orb, Dialga's signature item; the Lustrous Orb, Palkia' signature item; and
the Griseous Orb, Giratina's signature item.
If I remember correctly, each of these orbs will raise the Power of Dragon
type moves by 20%, and, respectively, power up Steel, Water, and Ghost by a
similar level.
Anywho, go back to the northbound staircase and use it to reach 5F.
<== 5F ==>
Go east for a bit until you see a bridge taking you to a loop. Go west to the
next bridge and cross it to find TM02, which teaches Dragon Claw. Go over the
ramp and east, past the bridge, to find another loop further inside.
Once you reach the two bridges leaving the loop, move over them and go west to
find a PP Max. Then go east and back over the bridges, then head left to the
bridge. Cross to the innermost loop.
Go east and over the ramp, then over the bridge to the east going out. Go west
and across another, and east and across another to the outside; first go east,
though, to grab a Max Revive. THEN cross over the bridge to find the stairs to
the next floor.
<== 6F ==>
Go along the path, take the Comet Shard, and continue to the next staircase.

<== 7F ==>
Go east and north to the main area. Go forward.
If you brought the Light/Dark Stone, you'll be given an option. Choose "Yes" if
you want to fight your version legendary. Either way, also use the Dowsing
Machine to hunt down the Comet Shard.
If you are ready to fight your legendary... Go forward. Save. And speak with
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #643 Reshiram (W2) or #644 Zekrom (B2) \
Reshiram's Data (White 2 Only)
Zekrom's Data (Black 2 Only)
| Type
: Fire/Dragon
| Type
: Electric/Dragon
| Level
: Level 70
| Level
: Level 70
| EVs Gained: 3 Special Attack
| EVs Gained: 3 Attack
| Moveset : - Imprison (Psychic)
| Moveset : - Imprison (Psychic)
- Dragon Pulse (Dragon) |
- Dragon Claw (Dragon) |
- Fusion Flare (Fire) |
- Fusion Bolt (Electric)|
- Extrasensory (Psychic)|
- Zen Headbutt (Psychic)|
| Reshiram is weak to Rock, Ground, and Dragon. It will resist Fire (1/4), |
| Grass (1/4), Electric, Bug, and Steel. All else does normal damage to it. |
| As for Zekrom, it is weak to Ground, Ice, and Dragon and resists Fire,
| Water, Grass, Steel, Flying, and Electric (1/4). All else is normal damage.|
| Neither have any immunities, and their abilities allow them to use any of |
| the moves in their moveset, as above, regardless of all else.
| As for their moves, Imprison stops you from using any moves the user also |
| knows. Dragon Pulse and Dragon Claw both do super-effective damage to
| Dragons; they are pretty much the same, except Dragon Pulse is 25% more
| powerful. (Remember, STAB.) Extrasensory and Zen Headbutt do more damage |
| to Poison and Fighting, and are more-or-less the same, except where its
| Accuracy and Class come in. As for Fusion Flare, it does extra damage to |
| Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel. Fusion Bolt does extra damage to Flying and
| Water. Thusly, overall, avoid bringing Fighting, Poison, and Dragon Pok's |
| to this fight, as well as Grass, Ice, Bug, or Steel for Reshiram, or
| Water and Flying for Zekrom.
| The main capturing strategy is much the same as usual. If you have False |
| Swipe, you can almost consider this battle won. Use it until the Pokmon |
| doesn't seem to lose any more HP. Then have someone use Thunder Wave, Stun |
| Spore, or the like to put Paralysis on it. (Sleep is the other preference, |
| but do not put on Poison, Burn, or Confusion - you only have one shot!)
| Then I assume you can use Dusk Balls (2.0x better than Ultra Balls), it
| being in a tower, though you may want to flip your DS/3DS clock to make it |
| nighttime just in case. You can also just do this in four turns and use
| Quick Balls or wait 40+ turns and use Timer Balls for equal effects. Or
| just use Ultra Balls.
If you battled and captured your legendary, or didn't bring what you needed,
leave and return outside.
Now, we'll kill two birds with one stone by heading to the Clay Tunnel.
Fly into Driftveil City and go along the staircase to the tunnel in the

northwestern portion of town.

Clay Tunnel & Underground Ruins
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Nugget ....... [] | Blue Shard ....... [] | Full Heal ........ [] |
| Green Shard ...... [] | HP Up ............ [] | Iron ............. [] |
| Lum Berry ........ [] | Lum Berry ........ [] | Max Revive ....... [] |
| Metal Coat ....... [] | Nugget ........... [] | Rare Bone ........ [] |
| Rare Bone ........ [] | Red Shard ........ [] | Steel Gem ........ [] |
| Water Stone ...... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Durant
| Steel/Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Nosepass
| Rock
| 1,000,000 | Hard Stone | 1 Defense | Both |
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Steelix
| Steel/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Metal Coat | 2 Defense | Both |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (100% Chance)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (* - Bubbling Water Tiles)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Poliwag
| Water
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Poliwhirl | Water
| 1,059,860 | King's Rock | 2 Speed | Both |
| Poliwhirl | Water
| 1,059,860 | King's Rock | 3 Defense | Both |
Special Wild Pokmon Encounters
(* - This is only initially. Trade Keys to put it on the other game.)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Regice
| Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Def. | W2 * |
| Regirock
| Rock
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Defense | Both |
| Registeel | Steel
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Defense,| B2 * |

| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Aron Lv. 61, Mawile Lv. 61
Sableye Lv. 61, Dugtrio Lv. 61
Swoobat Lv. 61, Golem Lv. 61
Diglett Lv. 61, Machamp Lv. 61
Excadrill Lv. 60, Rhydon Lv. 60, Nidoking Lv. 60
Crustle Lv. 62, Armaldo Lv. 62
Onix Lv. 60, Steelix Lv. 60, Graveler Lv. 60
Graveler Lv. 60, Golem Lv. 60, Onix Lv. 60
Ferrothorn Lv. 62, Carnivine Lv. 62, Cradily Lv. 62
<== Outside Clay Tunnel ==>
Brief note on using the Dowsing Machine near the entrance to find a Rare Bone.
<== Clay Tunnel, Area #1 ==>
As you enter, go north along the rails to find the Hiker. Defeat him and marvel
at how inattention can make his name look like "Togepi". >_>; After the
dust clears, go north and west along the lines. As you hit the north turn, use
the Dowsing Machine to hunt down a Blue Shard.
Go north to the Worker going along the lines. Defeat him and go down the stairs
to the east. At the bottom, hunt down the Full Heal via your Dowsing Machine,
then go back to the Hiker. Go east and along the rails to find another Worker.
Speak with him and say "Yes" to continue to the next area.
<== Clay Tunnel, Area #2 ==>
Here, go south to find a Strength boulder. Push it into the hole to the west,
then go south to the water. Begin Surfing to the island in the center of the
aquifer and use the Dowsing Machine to find a Gem. Then Surf east back to land.
Continue southward and, in the corner near the curve going east, you'll be able
to procure a Red Shard. Afterwards, go along the rails to the Hiker. Wash 'im
away and go west. Flipping on the Dowsing Machine will help you hunt down a
Water Stone. Neato, considering how Poliwhirl, found here, evolves into
Poliwrath via the use of it.
Afterwards, go south and push the Strength boulder southward and into the hole.
Cross it to find an HP Up and a Nugget. Go back over the boulder and go north
along the cart rails to battle a Worker. Continue north and along the rails to
another Worker. Shine your light on him, blind him, and defeat his Pokmon.
Or something to that effect.
Go west to find an entrance to Mistralton Cave. While you can explore it, and
likely haven't, we still have two choices - Twist Mountain or that - and Twist
Mountain offers us a Regigigas. Perhaps another time.
Anywho, continue north into the next area.
<== Clay Tunnel, Area #3 ==>

Continue along the rails some more and defeat the Pokmon Ranger; he'll hand
over a Lum Berry upon being defeated. Go west and along the narrow path to find
a Metal Coat at the end. Return to Maxwell and go north along the rails. Defeat
the Worker, then repeat this "grueling" task further north.
Afterwards, pick up the nearby Max Revive and go further north to reach another
Pokmon Ranger. Challenge, win, and accept the Lum Berry.
If you were to continue north, you'd head into Twist Mountain. While we do plan
on going there quite soon, we'll want to first capture ourselves the original
Regi trio. So, in lieu of that, go south and east from the Ranger to find a
Worker. Speak with him and get transported.
<== Clay Tunnel, Area #1 ==>
Here, go south and past the Strength boulder, then downstairs to find another.
Push it south into the hole, then go west over it to find some stairs. Ascend
and go south at the apex, following the rails to the tunnel entrance, if you
need some healin'.
Afterwards (if you were after it), go east from the boulder and south to
snatch up the "common" Rare Bone. Go back to the Strength boulder and north
to find the one you skipped. It looks so lonely, not being in a hole and all,
so let's push it into the hole. Afterwards, snatch up the Green Shard and speak
with the worker.
Once you land, repeat with the next one.
<== Clay Tunnel, ??? ==>
You'll probably notice the bunch of water to the north. Head to it and Surf
northwards. On the other side, use the Dowsing Machine to find some Iron. I
guess the miners must've skipped over it. Anywho, into the next area.
Push the nearby Strength boulder into the hole, then go over it. Speak with
the next worker to continue.
In this new area, go west and push the Strength boulder into the hole as per
the usual. Continue along towards the door to the Underground Ruins. Be sure
to use the Dowsing Machine to hunt down the local Big Nugget.
<== Underground Ruins ==>
Continue along into the large open area. On its north side, speak with the
man as you wish. Further north, you'll see several circles nearby. Move into
the center of them, then go east NINE tiles, and south SIX tiles. Then press
the A Button and answer "Yes" to the question to cause a minor quake.
Continue on through the door north of the red circle. In there, go north to the
statue. To the left and the right, you'll find a gap between the rock and the
wall - go along one gap to find a small northbound path. Use it to find the
legendary Regirock before you. Save and battle with it!
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #377 Regirock \
| Pokmon's Type : Rock

| Pokmon's Level: Level 65

| EVs Gained
: 3 Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Zap Cannon (Electric)
- Lock-On (Normal)
- Charge Beam (Electric)
- Iron Defense (Steel)
| Regirock is weak towards Fighting, Steel, Ground, Grass, and Water. It
| will resist Normal, Fire, Poison, and Flying. All else deals normal
| damage.
| As for its moveset, Zap Cannon will hurt Flying and Water Pokmon, but it |
| is only actually 50% accurate, so that's not a lot to worry about. Charge |
| Beam is much the same, except it has about 58% less power. Iron Defense
| raises phyiscal Defense, and Lock-On guarantees a hit with the next move. |
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, this |
| being a cave battle, toss, toss, toss Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
After winning the battle, you'll receive some sort of Key, much like with the
Difficulty Key from winning the Pokmon League Championships.
In Pokmon Black Version 2, you'll receive the Iron Key, which lets you battle
In Pokmon White Version 2, you'll receive the Iceberg Key, which lets you
battle Regice.
To battle this second Regi, save, then soft reset (A+B+Select+Start). At the
menu, use Unova Link (fourth option), then go into the Key System (first
option). Select Mysterious Door and select the new key.
After that, reload the file and go to the circle you started on before and
repeat the same process as with Regirock. If you want the other Regi, you'll
need someone to transfer their Key from their version (opposite yours) via the
Unova Link Key System. Afterwards, once more repeat the process.
Here some Regi data.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #378 Regice \
| Pokmon's Type : Ice
| Pokmon's Level: Level 65
| EVs Gained
: 3 Special Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Ice Beam (Ice)
- Lock-On (Normal)
- Charge Beam (Electric)
- Amnesia (Psychic)
| Regice is weak to Fighting, Fire, Rock, and Steel. It resists just Ice,
| and lacks immunities. Therefore, all else does norma ldamage.
| As for its moveset, Charge Beam will hurt Flying and Water Pokmon. Ice
| Beam hurts Flying, Ground, and Grass, and may Freeze. Amnesia will end up |
| raising Special Defense, and Lock-On guarantees a hit with the next move. |

| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, this |
| being a cave battle, toss, toss, toss Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #379 Registeel \
| Pokmon's Type : Steel
| Pokmon's Level: Level 65
| EVs Gained
: 2 Defense, 1 Special Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Zap Cannon (Electric)
- Lock-On (Normal)
- Charge Beam (Electric)
- Iron Defense (Steel)
| Registeel is weak to Fighting, Fire, and Ground. It is also immune to the |
| type and the status Poison. Electric and Water will do regular damage, and |
| all else will deal halved damage except in special cases.
| As for its moveset, Zap Cannon will hurt Flying and Water Pokmon, but it |
| is only actually 50% accurate, so that's not a lot to worry about. Charge |
| Beam is much the same, except it has about 58% less power. Iron Defense
| raises phyiscal Defense, and Lock-On guarantees a hit with the next move. |
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, this |
| being a cave battle, toss, toss, toss Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
Got them all? Put them all in your party.
From the large room, go south and exit, then go southwest to the rails. Go
along westward, over the Strength boulder, then north. Continue along to the
Pokmon Ranger, then continue on to the entrance to Twist Mountain. Well, this
one anyways.
Twist Mountain
| Treasures Checklist \
| Armor/Claw/Dome/Helix/Old/Root/Skull Fossil .......................... [] |
| Dusk Ball ..................... [] | Dusk Stone .................... [] |
| Float Stone ................... [] | Full Restore .................. [] |
| Full Restore .................. [] | Rare Bone ..................... [] |
| Rare Bone ..................... [] | Red Shard ..................... [] |
| TM71 (Stone Edge) ............. [] | TM90 (Substitute) ............. [] |
| TM91 (Flash Cannon) ........... [] | Ultra Ball .................... [] |
| Yellow Shard .................. [] |

| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
(Found During All Seasons)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Durant
| Steel/Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Steelix*
| Steel/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Metal Coat | 2 Defense | Both |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
(Found During All Seasons But Summer)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Heatmor
| Fire
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
(Found During All Seasons But Winter)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Cryogonal | Ice
| 1,000,000 | NeverMeltIce | 2 Sp.Def | Both |
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
(Found Only During Spring and Autumn)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Beartic
| Ice
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
Special Wild Pokmon Encounters
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Regigigas | Normal
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Glalie Lv. 61, Beartic Lv. 61
Larvitar Lv. 61, Probopass Lv. 61
Sigilyph Lv. 62
Gyarados Lv. 64, Archeops Lv. 64, Kangaskhan Lv. 64
Blissey Lv. 62
Machoke Lv. 61, Abomasnow Lv. 61
Geodude Lv. 60, Boldore Lv. 60, Steelix Lv. 60
Golett Lv. 61, Mamoswine Lv. 61
Glaceon Lv. 63, Rhyperior Lv. 63, Bastidon Lv. 63, Drapion Lv. 63

Carracosta Lv. 64, Crobat Lv. 64, Taurus Lv. 64
Roggenrola Lv. 60, Graveler Lv. 60, Excadrill Lv. 60
Once you arrive from the Clay Tunnel, go north along the east side of the area
to the northeast corner. Go downstairs and procure TM71, which teaches the
powerful Stone Edge. Go upstairs and west, then through the doorway.
Do you have all three Regi's - Regice, Regirock, and Registeel - in your party?
If not, go back and get them, or your efforts will be in vain. Anywho, go west
and to the Strength boulder.
Push it north thrice, then go to the ledge and hop over it. Push the boulder
east into the hole, then push the nearby boulder southward into another hole.
Cross it and go along the path to another Strength boulder. Push it north
thrice, west once, north once, and west into the hole.
Cross it and go north to find the sleeping Regigigas. If you have all three
other Regi's, speaking with him will awaken him. But SAVE beforehand.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #486 Regigigas \
| Pokmon's Type : Normal
| Pokmon's Level: Level 68
| EVs Gained
: 3 Attack
| Pokmon's Moves: - Payback (Dark)
- Zen Headbutt (Psychic)
- Wide Guard (Rock)
- Revenge (Fighting)
| Regigigas is weak to Fighting, and immune to Ghost. ... That's it.
| As for its moveset, Payback hurts Psychics and Ghosts, Zen Headbutt hurts |
| Fighting and Poison, and Revenge hurts Normal, Rock, Ice, Steel, and Dark. |
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, this |
| being a cave battle, toss, toss, toss Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
Afterwards, backtrack to the previous area.
Go west and over the ledge, then south to the exit at the end. Continue into
the next area, then go upstairs. Be sure to speak with the dude facing the
wall - he can hand you a Fossil to regenerate a Pokmon from a previous
generation! =O And he hands a random one out once daily! =O
Continue south into the next area, which is outside.
Go upstairs and northeast for some more stairs. Go west to the Vending Machines
and look in the trashcan for a Full Restore. Go northwest to the next area.
Go north and defeat the Worker, then take the nearby Dusk Ball. Use the
Dowsing Machine from there to find a Rare Bone, then go east, past the
Worker, and south when forced to. Go through the door and south to the Hiker.
Win the battle, then go south and outside.

Go west and defeat the Worker along the path and go into the door nearby. Go
far west to have a Rotation Battle with a Veteran. Defeat her and grab the
nearby TM90 (Substitute). Go east, south, and west. Flip on the Dowsing
Machine and you'll find an Ultra Ball in the corner. Then go east and north
along the second path to find a Rare Bone. Go south, east, and outside.
There, go north along the path to TM91, Flash Cannon. Go along to the other
end of the path, ignoring all of the doorways. Speak to the Nurse at the end of
the path to battle her, then be allowed free healings. Also grab the nearby
Full Restore. Go back along the path and into the first doorway you find.
Go east and defeat the Worker, then flip on the Dowsing Machine, for it should
be registering something when you head east. Go to the item and get it to find
a Yellow Shard. Go north to the next area.
There, go north, upstairs, and defeat the Worker. Afterwards, head east to the
end of the small path to obtain a Dusk Stone. Return to the Worker and leave
the area to the west.
Outside, go along the path southward and speak with the Hiker to battle him.
Continue southward and then into the mountain once again.
Go along the path and battle the Veteran as you turn south. Go south and west
to find an intersection. Go north and along the path to head outside. Defeat
the Veteran out there, then go back inside. Head south to the intersection and
west to battle another Trainer. Go west, north, and west to exit the cave.
Go east and north to find the Float Stone, then go back to the entrance into
the mountain and along the other path. At the FAAAR end, you'll find yourself
a Red Shard. Backtrack to the Worker you passed, then go into the mountain. Go
along the linear path to have completed Twist Mountain. Yay!
Whelp, I think that does it for northwestern Unova. Yay-more!

Exploring East-Central Unova
Begin this trip, our final big exploration unit, by Flying to Nimbasa City.
Leave to the east onto Route 16, if I remember correctly, then go east to the
Marvelous Bridge.
Marvelous Bridge
| Potential Trades/Gifts \
| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |
| L100 EXP. |
| Both | (none)
| Magikarp ($500) | Water
| 1,250,000 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \

| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Cresselia* | Psychic
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Swanna
| Water/Flying
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| * - A special, one-time-only encounter.
There actually isn't much to this bridge. Much like with the Driftveil
Drawbridge, shadows will appear from time to time as you cross. Some will
contain EV-boosting Feathers, and some will contain battles with high-Level
Swanna. At the left side, you can also buy a Magikarp for $500. This ain't no
Kanto region, so buy it.
Partway across the bridge, if you got the Lunar Wing from the Strange House,
you'll be able to pass by a girl who suddenly disappears - it is that ghost
again! Continue along the bridge to find Cresselia. Save and battle it.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #488 Cresselia \
| Pokmon's Type : Psychic
| Pokmon's Level: Level 68
| EVs Gained
: 3 Special Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Psycho Cut (Psychic)
- Moonlight (Normal)
- Slash (Normal)
- Future Sight (Psychic)
| Cresselia is weak to Dark, Bug, and Ghost. It will take half-damage from |
| Fighting and Psychic, and will take normal damage from all else.
| As for its moveset, Psycho Cut and Future Sight will end up hurting Poison |
| and Fighting types the most, although the latter takes a few turns to
| work. Slash has no super-effectiveness, and Moonlight heals HP.
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, if
| this is a night battle, throw lots of Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
Afterwards, continue along to the next Route ... the final Route I'll cover as
"brand-new". And for good reason.
Route 14
| Treasures Checklist \
| HP Up ......................... [] | Max Potion .................... [] |
| TM26 (Earthquake) ............. [] | Ultra Ball .................... [] |
| Potential Trades/Gifts \

| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |

| L100 EXP. |
| Both | Ditto
| Rotom
| Electric/Ghost | 1,000,000 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Gligar
| Ground/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Pupitar
| Rock/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Sandslash | Ground
| 1,000,000 | Quick Claw | 2 Defense | Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Scrafty
| Dark/Fighting | 1,000,000 | Shed Shell | 1 Defense,| Both |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| W2 |
| Expert Belt |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Gliscor
| Ground/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Tyranitar | Rock/Dark
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Growlithe Lv. 60, Stoutland Lv. 60, Houndour Lv. 60
Gulpin Lv. 60, Garbodor Lv. 60, Magnezone Lv. 60
Meowth Lv. 60, Glameow Lv. 60, Liepard Lv. 60
Poochyena Lv. 60, Cubone Lv. 60, Torkoal Lv. 60
Seedot Lv. 60, Cacnea Lv. 60, Croagunk Lv. 60
First go southeast and defeat the Pokfan nearby. Go into the nearby trailer
if you want - and you should want to - trade a Ditto for a Rotom. Remember,
Rotom is a pseudo-legendary Pokmon, much like like the Weather and Musketeer
trios, and is one-time-only in the Sinnoh games.
Go up the stairs next to the trailer and you'll find a Scientist and a
building. Defeat the Scientist and go into the building, the PokTransfer Lab.
There, go there for the same intro, more or less, that you got to the feature
in the original B/W. Here whatcha need to know:
~ You will need two DS's. In one is your Pokmon Black 2/White 2 game that you
access the Pok Transfer with. The other contains a Pokmon Diamond, Pearl,
Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver game in the card slot.
~ Once this happens, start the connection from the Black 2/White 2 DS. On the

D/P/Pt/HG/SS DS, go to DS Download Play and use the option that pops up.
~ You will then select six -- no more or less -- Pokmon from the PC on the
D/P/Pt/HG/SS game card to bring over to Black/White.
~ They cannot know HM moves.
~ They cannot bring over items.
~ You, for some odd reason, are unable to bring over a Spiky-Eared Pichu.
(This was the odd case in the original Black/White. I've yet to test this
out with Black 2/White 2 because my idiot sister deleted my HeartGold
file. ;_;)
Anywho, do what you will, then go down the stairs east of the lab. Defeat the
Trainer at the bottom. Go south and downstairs. Push the nearby Strength
boulder south thrice, east once, north once, and east once more to put it into
the hole. Grab the TM on the other side - TM26, which teaches the superb
Earthquake move.
Go northeast through the grass to another Strength boulder. Push it west thrice
and north twice, then into the hole. Go south and defeat the Backpacker, then
go north over the boulder and up the narrow staircase. Flip the Dowsing Machine
on as you do and you'll be able to reach an Ultra Ball soon enough.
Go on back downstairs and west past the Backpacker. At the next narrow
staircase, ascend to the apex and go along the narrow path, at the end of which
you'll find a Max Potion. Steal it and return downstairs, then hop over the
nearby ledge. Defeat the nearby Trainer, then go east and over the first ledge.
Get the hidden HP Up here and continue on.
Circle back around to the previous Backpacker, then go up the stairs nearby.
Run over to the east side of the Route to find White Forest or Black City.
White Forest (Pokmon White Version 2) / Black City (Pokmon Black Version 2)
Okay, by my reckoning, there actually isn't much to do in these areas. Both
are supposed to have a market of some type west of the Pokmon Center, found
on the east side of town. They open up as you progress through the main feature
of the area.
The Black Tower and the White Treehollow are the main features here. They are
basically like the Battle Subway in a tree/tower. You can only access them
after beating Alder in Flocessy - he's in his house, and no harder than any of
the basic Route trainers we've fought so far.
There's one last thing to do before we go to hunting legends. Fly to Undella.
Undella Town
| Treasures Checklist \
| HM06 (Dive) .......................................................... [] |
| Undella PokMart \

| Item Name ................... Cost | Item Name ................... Cost |
| Pok Ball ................... $200 | Great Ball .................. $600 |
| Ultra Ball ................ $1,200 | Potion ...................... $300 |
| Super Potion ................ $700 | Hyper Potion .............. $1,500 |
| Antidote .................... $100 | Parlyz Heal ................. $200 |
| Awakening ................... $250 | Burn Heal ................... $250 |
| Ice Heal .................... $250 | Full Heal ................... $600 |
| Escape Rope ................. $550 | Repel ....................... $350 |
| Super Repel ................. $550 | Max Repel ................... $700 |
| Heal Ball ................... $300 | Net Ball .................. $1,000 |
| Nest Ball ................. $1,000 | Greet Mail ................... $50 |
| Favored Mail ................. $50 | RSVP Mail .................... $50 |
| Thanks Mail .................. $50 | Inquiry Mail ................. $50 |
| Like Mail .................... $50 | Reply Mail ................... $50 |
This is it for now. Speak with your rival, who is nearby, and you'll gain HM06,
which teaches Dive. Say "Yes" to him if you also want to battle him.
| BOSS: Pokmon Trainer [rival's name] \
| Rival's Pokmon: Unfezant (Lv. 62) Normal/Flying
Bouffalant (Lv. 62) Normal
Eelektross (Lv. 62) Electric
Flygon (Lv. 62) Ground/Dragon
Simipour (Lv. 62) Water
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Emboar (Lv. 64) Fire/Fighting <-'
starter was Snivy.|
Simisage (Lv. 62) Grass
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Samurott (Lv. 64) Water
starter was Tepig.|
Simisear (Lv. 62) Fire
<-,__,- Only used if your |
Serperior (Lv. 64) Grass
starter was
| Money Earned: $6,400
| Unfezant is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric, and is immune to Ghost and
| Ground. It'll mostly be trouble for Ghost-type-heavy Pokmon, Fighting,
| Bug, and Grass Pokmon.
| Bouffalant is weak to Fighting and immune to Ghost. It's main problem is |
| when you use a Ghost-type-heavy Pokmon, but otherwise ... meh.
| Eelektross is weak to nothing, as it is immune to Ground. It will mostly |
| affect your Flying and Water Pokmon.
| Flygon will be the bane of this fight is left alive. It is weak to Dragon |
| and Ice (4x), and is immune to Ground. It has a decent variation of moves, |
| so KO it soon with an Ice move.
| Simipour and Samurott are weak to Grass and Electric. Main ones to avoid - |
| Fire, Rock, and Ground.
| Simisage and Serperior are weak to Ice, Flying, Fire, Poison, and Bug.
| Pokmon to avoid are of the Rock, Ground, and Water types.
| Simisear is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. Try to avoid Ice, Steel, Bug, |
| and Grass here.

| Emboar is weak to Water, Ground, Psychic, and Flying. Pretty much try to |
| not use what you wouldn't use for Simisear, plus Rock and Normal.
| Recommendations: First up, Unfezant. This Pokmon can be easily dealt with |
| by Terrakion, Magnezone, or Cobalion with absolute ease. General type
| abuse will work okay here.
| Bouffalant will be easier to deal with. Cobalion will be your desired one |
| to use here, given the Steel/Fighting combo. Easy-peasy.
| The two Water-types can be dealt with fairly swiftly with Virizion, your |
| Grass starter, or Simisage. Not really hard here, still; just a lot of
| thinking ahead of time.
| The two Grass-types are a bit harder to deal with. To a point. Odds are, |
| you have raised up a Flying type of some sort, so you should be okay
| there. You also could use Emboar or another good Fire-type.
| The two Fire-types are likely to be the toughest crowd, relativistically. |
| Terrakion, Simipour, and Samurott all are pretty desireable.
| In the end, I brought along my Serperior, Cobalion, Terrakion, and
| White Kyurem for mainstream battling, each around Lv. 75 by now. The other |
| two slots were the general HM slaves.
That'll do it. We're done exploring.

Hunting Down the Legendary Dragon Trio **POKMON_54** #
Victory Road
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Interior Caverns (Some Caves) - Found Anywhere
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Banette
| Ghost
| 800,000 | Spell Tag
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Golurk
| Ghost/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Light Clay | 2 Attack | Both |
Interior Caverns (Some Caves) - Found Anywhere
(* = Dust Clouds Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |

| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
Interior Caverns - By Surfing
(* = Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Azumarill* | Water
| 800,000 | None
| 3 HP
| Both |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Marill
| Water
| 800,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
Exterior Areas in the Grass (Some Areas)
(* = Shaking Grass Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying | 600,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Dunsparce* | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Unfezant* | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
Exterior Areas in the Grass (Some Areas)
(* = Shaking Grass Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Cottonee
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | B2 |
| Dunsparce* | Normal
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 HP
| Both |
| Lilligant* | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Petilil
| Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Roselia
| Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Roserade* | Grass/Poison
| 1,059,860 | Poison Barb | 3 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Whimsicott* | Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Speed | B2 |
Exterior Areas in the Grass (Some Areas)
(* = Shaking Grass Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Sawk
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | B2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Sawk*
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 Attack | W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| W2 |
| Expert Belt |
| Throh*
| Fighting
| 1,000,000 | Black Belt, | 2 HP
| B2 |
| Expert Belt |
Exterior Areas - By Surfing

(* = Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Buizel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 1 Speed | Both |
| Floatzel* | Water
| 1,000,000 | Wacan Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
First, to find our legendary Pokmon, we need to find N. To do so, we need to
head to N's Castle. Fly to the Pokmon League and go into Victory Road. There,
go east into the cave, then east and south to leave. Go down the stairs past
the two Veterans and use the narrow staircase to the southwest. Go down the
second staircase and go down the eastern staircase next. At the bottom, you'll
see Zoroark run into the cave.
Go in after him and follow. Go north to the huge eastbound staircase; at the
bottom, you'll find N's Castle.
N's Castle
| Treasures Checklist \
| Dark Stone OR Light Stone ... [] | Luxury Ball ................... [] |
| Protein ....................... [] | TM50 (Overheat) ............... [] |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Zekrom/Reshiram Lv. 70
As you enter, N will be nearby. Move towards him and listen to him speak. When
asked the question, say "Yes" to team up with him. Go north through the door
for some talking. Get the Luxury Ball after he leaves, then leave yourself.
Go south down the ruined staircase, then west to find a Protein. Go east to
some more ruined stairs; use 'em and go east to find some more. Go on down and
east to TM50, Overheat. Go back upstairs, then east and north to find some
undamaged stairs. Use them and go west until N says something about you going
on alone.
Go north through the door and along until N catches up. After that, he'll fight
you with his legendary Dragon. If you need to be concerned on their movesets
and stuff, don't. They are weak to Dragon, with Reshiram adding Rock and Ground
and Zekrom having Ice and Ground. Their movesets are very unvaried - in short,
just choose your best Pokmon and go with it.
After the battle, the Pokmon will become its Light or Dark Stone. You will
receive it from N, which will mean that ... You can catch it now!
Leave the castle and Fly to Icirrus. Go north into the Dragonspiral Tower.
Dragonspiral Tower

| Treasures Checklist \
| Adamant Orb ...... [] | Carbos ........... [] | Comet Shard ...... [] |
| Comet Shard ...... [] | Elixir ........... [] | Griseous Orb ..... [] |
| Lustrous Orb ..... [] | Max Revive ....... [] | Old Gateau ....... [] |
| PP Max ........... [] | Protein .......... [] | Red Shard ........ [] |
| Shiny Stone ...... [] | TM02 (Dragon Claw) [] | Ultra Ball ....... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon (Outside)
(* - Winter-Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Beartic*
| Ice
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Druddigon | Dragon
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Fang | 2 Attack | Both |
| Mienshao
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Sawsbuck
| Normal/Grass
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Tranquill | Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Vanillish* | Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon (Outside)
(* - Winter-Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying | 1,000,000 | Cheri Berry | 2 Speed | Both |
| Unfezant
| Normal/Flying | 1,059,860 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Vanilluxe* | Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (100% Chance)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (* - Bubbling Water Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Dragonair | Dragon
| 1,250,000 | Dragon Scale | 2 Attack | Both |
| Dragonite | Dragon/Flying | 1,250,000 | Dragon Scale | 3 Attack | Both |
| Dratini
| Dragon
| 1,250,000 | Dragon Scale | 1 Attack | Both |
Pokmon Found Anywhere (Inside)
| (Druddigon and Mienshao are 1F-only. No random Pok's are on 3F upwards.) |
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |

| Druddigon | Dragon
| 1,000,000 | Dragon Fang | 2 Attack | Both |
| Golurk
| Ghost/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Light Clay | 2 Attack | Both |
| Mienshao
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
Special One-Time-Only Encounter Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Reshiram
| Dragon/Fire
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Zekrom
| Dragon/Electric | 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Attack | B2 |
<== Outside ==>
As you approach the tower, you'll meet up with Cedric Juniper! If you already
have the Light/Dark Stone, you'll be sPokn to before receiving the Old
Gateau (fancy version of a Full Heal).
Go onto the bridge and Surf to the east to some more land. There, go northeast
and through the grassy area to find a Carbo(hydrate). Return to the bridge and
go along into the Tower.
<== 1F ==>
Go north, eaat, and north. Head upstairs to 2F after you're done catching the
Druddigon and Mienshao, if so desired.
<== 2F ==>
Turn on the Dowsing Machine and go northwest. At the Strength boulder, go north
and take up the Red Shard. Then go southeast and under the pillar to find an
Elixir nearby. Grab it and return to the Strength boulder. Push it into the
hole and cross it.
Upstairs, go south and east to the item on the cleaved pillar; grab it to find
it to be an Ultra Ball. Afterwards, go north and west to the next floor.
<== 3F ==>
Go up the staircase. At the apex, you'll find a jumping ramp puzzle. For the
first trip, go south, west on the middle ramp, and continue to the Shiny Stone.
Go north twice and east to find a Protein. Go south, south, and east to return
to the start.
Now, jump south and use the southernmost westbound ramp. Go west twice and
north to easily reach the linear pathway to the next area.
<== 4F ==>
Go west, upstairs, south, upstairs, east, upstairs, and north and upstairs some
more. You should be able to see an northbound staircase. Pass it to the east
to find some stairs heading down. Go down to find three items - the Adamant
Orb, Dialga's signature item; the Lustrous Orb, Palkia' signature item; and
the Griseous Orb, Giratina's signature item.

If I remember correctly, each of these orbs will raise the Power of Dragon
type moves by 20%, and, respectively, power up Steel, Water, and Ghost by a
similar level.
Anywho, go back to the northbound staircase and use it to reach 5F.
<== 5F ==>
Go east for a bit until you see a bridge taking you to a loop. Go west to the
next bridge and cross it to find TM02, which teaches Dragon Claw. Go over the
ramp and east, past the bridge, to find another loop further inside.
Once you reach the two bridges leaving the loop, move over them and go west to
find a PP Max. Then go east and back over the bridges, then head left to the
bridge. Cross to the innermost loop.
Go east and over the ramp, then over the bridge to the east going out. Go west
and across another, and east and across another to the outside; first go east,
though, to grab a Max Revive. THEN cross over the bridge to find the stairs to
the next floor.
<== 6F ==>
Go along the path, take the Comet Shard, and continue to the next staircase.
<== 7F ==>
Go east and north to the main area. Go forward.
If you brought the Light/Dark Stone, you'll be given an option. Choose "Yes" if
you want to fight your version legendary. Either way, also use the Dowsing
Machine to hunt down the Comet Shard.
If you are ready to fight your legendary... Go forward. Save. And speak with
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #643 Reshiram (W2) or #644 Zekrom (B2) \
Reshiram's Data (White 2 Only)
Zekrom's Data (Black 2 Only)
| Type
: Fire/Dragon
| Type
: Electric/Dragon
| Level
: Level 70
| Level
: Level 70
| EVs Gained: 3 Special Attack
| EVs Gained: 3 Attack
| Moveset : - Imprison (Psychic)
| Moveset : - Imprison (Psychic)
- Dragon Pulse (Dragon) |
- Dragon Claw (Dragon) |
- Fusion Flare (Fire) |
- Fusion Bolt (Electric)|
- Extrasensory (Psychic)|
- Zen Headbutt (Psychic)|
| Reshiram is weak to Rock, Ground, and Dragon. It will resist Fire (1/4), |
| Grass (1/4), Electric, Bug, and Steel. All else does normal damage to it. |
| As for Zekrom, it is weak to Ground and Dragon. It resists Fire, Water,
| Grass, Steel, Flying, and Electric (1/4). All else does normal damage.
| Neither have any immunities, and their abilities allow them to use any of |
| the moves in their moveset, as above, regardless of all else.
| As for their moves, Imprison stops you from using any moves the user also |

| knows. Dragon Pulse and Dragon Claw both do super-effective damage to

| Dragons; they are pretty much the same, except Dragon Pulse is 25% more
| powerful. (Remember, STAB.) Extrasensory and Zen Headbutt do more damage |
| to Poison and Fighting, and are more-or-less the same, except where its
| Accuracy and Class come in. As for Fusion Flare, it does extra damage to |
| Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel. Fusion Bolt does extra damage to Flying and
| Water. Thusly, overall, avoid bringing Fighting, Poison, and Dragon Pok's |
| to this fight, as well as Grass, Ice, Bug, or Steel for Reshiram, or
| Water and Flying for Zekrom.
| The main capturing strategy is much the same as usual. If you have False |
| Swipe, you can almost consider this battle won. Use it until the Pokmon |
| doesn't seem to lose any more HP. Then have someone use Thunder Wave, Stun |
| Spore, or the like to put Paralysis on it. (Sleep is the other preference, |
| but do not put on Poison, Burn, or Confusion - you only have one shot!)
| Then I assume you can use Dusk Balls (2.0x better than Ultra Balls), it
| being in a tower, though you may want to flip your DS/3DS clock to make it |
| nighttime just in case. You can also just do this in four turns and use
| Quick Balls or wait 40+ turns and use Timer Balls for equal effects. Or
| just use Ultra Balls.
If you battled and captured your legendary, or didn't bring what you needed,
leave and return outside.
Now, to find Kyurem... Fly to Lacunosa Town and use the shortcut created a
while back to enter.
Giant Chasm
| Treasures Checklist \
| DNA Splicers ......................................................... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \ Crater Forest \
Normal Tall Grass and Dark Double Battle Grass Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Clefairy
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 2 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Delibird
| Ice/Flying
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Ditto
| Normal
| 1,000,000 | Metal Powder,| 1 HP
| Both |
| Quick Powder |
| Lunatone
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Moon Stone | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Metang
| Steel/Psychic | 1,250,000 | Metal Coat | 2 Defense | Both |
| Piloswine | Ice/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 HP
| Solrock
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Sun Stone
| 2 Attack | Both |
Shaking Grass Tiles-Only Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |

| Audino
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Clefable
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 3 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Mamoswine | Ice/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
| Metagross | Steel/Psychic | 1,250,000 | Metal Coat | 3 Defense | Both |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \ Crater Forest Cave \
Pokmon on Land
(* = Found in Dust Clouds only; ** = One-Time Encounter For Now)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Clefairy
| Normal
| 800,000 | Leppa Berry, | 2 HP
| Both |
| Moon Stone |
| Delibird
| Ice/Flying
| 800,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Lunatone
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Moon Stone | 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| Piloswine | Ice/Ground
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 HP
| Sneasel
| Dark/Ice
| 1,059,860 | Grip Claw, | 1 Speed | Both |
| Quick Claw |
| Solrock
| Rock/Psychic
| 800,000 | Sun Stone
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Vanillish | Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Regular Water)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Seel
| Water
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Sp.Def. | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (Bubbling Water Tiles Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Dewgong
| Water/Ice
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Def. | Both |
Special One-Time-Only Wild Encounter Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Kyurem
| Ice/Dragon
| 1,250,000 | None
| 1 HP,
| Both |
| 1 Attack, |
| 1 Sp.Atk. |
Go along to the big central staircase into Crater Forest. There, go downstairs
and north. Go along the grassy path to the east, then you'll arrive in the
place where the Team Plasma Frigate once was.
Go to the eastern portion of the clear and go northeast, through the gap and
some grass. At the edge of the area, go north and west into the cavern where
Kyurem was.

Go north and you'll eventually find it. Kyurem. Save before the fight begins,
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #646 Kyurem \
| Pokmon's Type : Ice/Dragon
| Pokmon's Level: Level 70
| EVs Gained
: 1 HP, 1 Attack, 1 Special Attack
| Pokmon's Moves: - Imprison (Psychic)
- Dragon Pulse (Dragon)
- Glaciate (Ice)
- Scary Face (Normal)
| Kyurem is weak to Dragon, Fighting, Steel, and Rock. It will resist Water, |
| Grass, and Electric. All else deals normal damage.
| As for its moveset, Imprison will prevent the target from using any moves |
| the user knows. Dragon Pulse really hurts Dragons, and Glaciate will
| strongly hurt Dragon, Flying, Grass, and Ground types. Scary Face merely |
| slows you down.
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, if
| this is a night battle, throw lots of Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
After the battle, Bianca and Cheren will come in and chat with you. Afterwards,
you can get the nearby DNA Splicers, which you can use to make Black/White
Kyurem by fusing Kyurem with Zekrom or Reshiram.
If only we could fuse all three... I wonder what that Pokmon of legend looked

Hunting Down the Sinnoh Spirit Trio
**POKMON_55** #
Begin this quest by Flying to Floccesy Town. Leave to the north onto Route 20
and go east, past the bridge, and north through some grass. Go down the
staircase to the east, south some, and east to the water. Get on this bunch of
water and Surf northward and west to the waterfall.
Use Waterfall to climb it, then go west and south along the path to the Cave of
Being. It is there you'll meet up with Professor Juniper within. Speak with her
and then head north, giving her the cold shoulder. (Ironic as it is, being
both in the presence of non-ignoring Spirit Pokmon, and the fact that we,
assumedly, just caught Kyurem.)
In the center of the cave, you'll find the Spirit Trio of the Sinnoh region.
After Arceus created the universe, and created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina to
command the temporal and spacial dimensions, he created the Spirit Trio to give
positive emotions unto human beings.

As you approach, they will flee across the region. As Juniper leaves, so should
--------------------Generalized Strategem
--------------------They're all practically the same, so I'll do it here. Each one is fought at
Level 65, and is a Psychic type. That means they resist Psychic and Fighting,
and are weak to Ghost, Dark, and Bug. Each one will take normal damage from
all else.
Each can use Extrasensory and Future Sight. Those are Psychic moves that
strongly hurt Poison and Fighting types, but note that Future Sight tkaes a
few turns to work. Uxie can use Flail (Normal; strong at low HP) and Amnesia
(Special Defense boost). Mesprit can use Copycat (use last-used move) and
Charm (lowers Attack). Azelf can use Nasty Plot (raise Special Attack) and
Last Resort (Normal; powerful, but only used after all other moves).
I recommend bringing along someone who can use a Paralyzing move, and someone
who can use False Swipe. Paralyze them, lower their HP to one, and toss Ultra
or Dusk Balls, depending on whether it is nighttime or not. You want to save
before each fight - you only get one chance here!
Each fled to a separate place. I'll start with Uxie.
---Fly to Nacrene City and go in front of the museum/Gym. Go into the center of
the circle in front of it, then you'll be asked a question. Say "Yes" and you
will fight Uxie.
------Here, Fly to Mistralton City and go northeast onto Route 7. Go along to
Celestial Tower near the end of the Route, and go to its top floor. Go along
towards the bell and you'll be asked a question; answer "Yes" to fight.
----Fly to the Pokmon Center at the start of Victory Road and go onto Route 23.
Go downstairs and under the bridge to the three-way intersection. Go west to
the Cut tree; Cut it down and go west along the new path.
Go past the next tree at the fork and continue along the southern westbound
path. Go upstairs and onto the platform and move onto the tile at the top of
the northwestern portion of the stairs. Answer "Yes" to the question and fight
That all should finish this trio of legendary Pok's.

Hunting Down the Four Regi Legends
**POKMON_56** #
Begin this journey by Flying to Driftveil. In the northwestern part of town,
go into the Clay Tunnel.
Clay Tunnel & Underground Ruins
| Treasures Checklist \
| Big Nugget ....... [] | Blue Shard ....... [] | Full Heal ........ [] |
| Green Shard ...... [] | HP Up ............ [] | Iron ............. [] |
| Lum Berry ........ [] | Lum Berry ........ [] | Max Revive ....... [] |
| Metal Coat ....... [] | Nugget ........... [] | Rare Bone ........ [] |
| Rare Bone ........ [] | Red Shard ........ [] | Steel Gem ........ [] |
| Water Stone ...... [] |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
| Durant
| Steel/Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Nosepass
| Rock
| 1,000,000 | Hard Stone | 1 Defense | Both |
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Steelix
| Steel/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Metal Coat | 2 Defense | Both |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found By Surfing (100% Chance)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
Pokmon Found By Fishing (* - Bubbling Water Tiles)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaTooth | 2 Speed | B2 |
| Basculin
| Water
| 1,000,000 | DeepSeaScale | 2 Speed | W2 |
| Poliwag
| Water
| 1,059,860 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
| Poliwhirl | Water
| 1,059,860 | King's Rock | 2 Speed | Both |
| Poliwhirl | Water
| 1,059,860 | King's Rock | 3 Defense | Both |

Special Wild Pokmon Encounters
(* - This is only initially. Trade Keys to put it on the other game.)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Regice
| Ice
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Def. | W2 * |
| Regirock
| Rock
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Defense | Both |
| Registeel | Steel
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Defense,| B2 * |
| 1 Sp.Def. |
| Trainers' Pokmon \
Aron Lv. 61, Mawile Lv. 61
Sableye Lv. 61, Dugtrio Lv. 61
Swoobat Lv. 61, Golem Lv. 61
Diglett Lv. 61, Machamp Lv. 61
Excadrill Lv. 60, Rhydon Lv. 60, Nidoking Lv. 60
Crustle Lv. 62, Armaldo Lv. 62
Onix Lv. 60, Steelix Lv. 60, Graveler Lv. 60
Graveler Lv. 60, Golem Lv. 60, Onix Lv. 60
Ferrothorn Lv. 62, Carnivine Lv. 62, Cradily Lv. 62
<== Outside Clay Tunnel ==>
Brief note on using the Dowsing Machine near the entrance to find a Rare Bone.
<== Clay Tunnel, Area #1 ==>
As you enter, go north along the rails to find the Hiker. Defeat him and marvel
at how inattention can make his name look like "Togepi". >_>; After the
dust clears, go north and west along the lines. As you hit the north turn, use
the Dowsing Machine to hunt down a Blue Shard.
Go north to the Worker going along the lines. Defeat him and go down the stairs
to the east. At the bottom, hunt down the Full Heal via your Dowsing Machine,
then go back to the Hiker. Go east and along the rails to find another Worker.
Speak with him and say "Yes" to continue to the next area.
<== Clay Tunnel, Area #2 ==>
Here, go south to find a Strength boulder. Push it into the hole to the west,
then go south to the water. Begin Surfing to the island in the center of the
aquifer and use the Dowsing Machine to find a Gem. Then Surf east back to land.
Continue southward and, in the corner near the curve going east, you'll be able
to procure a Red Shard. Afterwards, go along the rails to the Hiker. Wash 'im
away and go west. Flipping on the Dowsing Machine will help you hunt down a
Water Stone. Neato, considering how Poliwhirl, found here, evolves into
Poliwrath via the use of it.
Afterwards, go south and push the Strength boulder southward and into the hole.
Cross it to find an HP Up and a Nugget. Go back over the boulder and go north
along the cart rails to battle a Worker. Continue north and along the rails to
another Worker. Shine your light on him, blind him, and defeat his Pokmon.

Or something to that effect.

Go west to find an entrance to Mistralton Cave. While you can explore it, and
likely haven't, we still have two choices - Twist Mountain or that - and Twist
Mountain offers us a Regigigas. Perhaps another time.
Anywho, continue north into the next area.
<== Clay Tunnel, Area #3 ==>
Continue along the rails some more and defeat the Pokmon Ranger; he'll hand
over a Lum Berry upon being defeated. Go west and along the narrow path to find
a Metal Coat at the end. Return to Maxwell and go north along the rails. Defeat
the Worker, then repeat this "grueling" task further north.
Afterwards, pick up the nearby Max Revive and go further north to reach another
Pokmon Ranger. Challenge, win, and accept the Lum Berry.
If you were to continue north, you'd head into Twist Mountain. While we do plan
on going there quite soon, we'll want to first capture ourselves the original
Regi trio. So, in lieu of that, go south and east from the Ranger to find a
Worker. Speak with him and get transported.
<== Clay Tunnel, Area #1 ==>
Here, go south and past the Strength boulder, then downstairs to find another.
Push it south into the hole, then go west over it to find some stairs. Ascend
and go south at the apex, following the rails to the tunnel entrance, if you
need some healin'.
Afterwards (if you were after it), go east from the boulder and south to
snatch up the "common" Rare Bone. Go back to the Strength boulder and north
to find the one you skipped. It looks so lonely, not being in a hole and all,
so let's push it into the hole. Afterwards, snatch up the Green Shard and speak
with the worker.
Once you land, repeat with the next one.
<== Clay Tunnel, ??? ==>
You'll probably notice the bunch of water to the north. Head to it and Surf
northwards. On the other side, use the Dowsing Machine to find some Iron. I
guess the miners must've skipped over it. Anywho, into the next area.
Push the nearby Strength boulder into the hole, then go over it. Speak with
the next worker to continue.
In this new area, go west and push the Strength boulder into the hole as per
the usual. Continue along towards the door to the Underground Ruins. Be sure
to use the Dowsing Machine to hunt down the local Big Nugget.
<== Underground Ruins ==>
Continue along into the large open area. On its north side, speak with the
man as you wish. Further north, you'll see several circles nearby. Move into
the center of them, then go east NINE tiles, and south SIX tiles. Then press

the A Button and answer "Yes" to the question to cause a minor quake.
Continue on through the door north of the red circle. In there, go north to the
statue. To the left and the right, you'll find a gap between the rock and the
wall - go along one gap to find a small northbound path. Use it to find the
legendary Regirock before you. Save and battle with it!
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #377 Regirock \
| Pokmon's Type : Rock
| Pokmon's Level: Level 65
| EVs Gained
: 3 Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Zap Cannon (Electric)
- Lock-On (Normal)
- Charge Beam (Electric)
- Iron Defense (Steel)
| Regirock is weak towards Fighting, Steel, Ground, Grass, and Water. It
| will resist Normal, Fire, Poison, and Flying. All else deals normal
| damage.
| As for its moveset, Zap Cannon will hurt Flying and Water Pokmon, but it |
| is only actually 50% accurate, so that's not a lot to worry about. Charge |
| Beam is much the same, except it has about 58% less power. Iron Defense
| raises phyiscal Defense, and Lock-On guarantees a hit with the next move. |
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, this |
| being a cave battle, toss, toss, toss Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
After winning the battle, you'll receive some sort of Key, much like with the
Difficulty Key from winning the Pokmon League Championships.
In Pokmon Black Version 2, you'll receive the Iron Key, which lets you battle
In Pokmon White Version 2, you'll receive the Iceberg Key, which lets you
battle Regice.
To battle this second Regi, save, then soft reset (A+B+Select+Start). At the
menu, use Unova Link (fourth option), then go into the Key System (first
option). Select Mysterious Door and select the new key.
After that, reload the file and go to the circle you started on before and
repeat the same process as with Regirock. If you want the other Regi, you'll
need someone to transfer their Key from their version (opposite yours) via the
Unova Link Key System. Afterwards, once more repeat the process.
Here's some Regi data.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #378 Regice \
| Pokmon's Type : Ice
| Pokmon's Level: Level 65
| EVs Gained
: 3 Special Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Ice Beam (Ice)

- Lock-On (Normal)
- Charge Beam (Electric)
- Amnesia (Psychic)
| Regice is weak to Fighting, Fire, Rock, and Steel. It resists just Ice,
| and lacks immunities. Therefore, all else does norma ldamage.
| As for its moveset, Charge Beam will hurt Flying and Water Pokmon. Ice
| Beam hurts Flying, Ground, and Grass, and may Freeze. Amnesia will end up |
| raising Special Defense, and Lock-On guarantees a hit with the next move. |
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, this |
| being a cave battle, toss, toss, toss Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #379 Registeel \
| Pokmon's Type : Steel
| Pokmon's Level: Level 65
| EVs Gained
: 2 Defense, 1 Special Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Zap Cannon (Electric)
- Lock-On (Normal)
- Charge Beam (Electric)
- Iron Defense (Steel)
| Registeel is weak to Fighting, Fire, and Ground. It is also immune to the |
| type and the status Poison. Electric and Water will do regular damage, and |
| all else will deal halved damage except in special cases.
| As for its moveset, Zap Cannon will hurt Flying and Water Pokmon, but it |
| is only actually 50% accurate, so that's not a lot to worry about. Charge |
| Beam is much the same, except it has about 58% less power. Iron Defense
| raises phyiscal Defense, and Lock-On guarantees a hit with the next move. |
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, this |
| being a cave battle, toss, toss, toss Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
Got them all? Put them all in your party.
From the large room, go south and exit, then go southwest to the rails. Go
along westward, over the Strength boulder, then north. Continue along to the
Pokmon Ranger, then continue on to the entrance to Twist Mountain. Well, this
one anyways.
Twist Mountain
| Treasures Checklist \

| TM71 (Stone Edge) .................................................... [] |

| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
(Found During All Seasons)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Durant
| Steel/Bug
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Defense | Both |
| Steelix*
| Steel/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Metal Coat | 2 Defense | Both |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
(Found During All Seasons But Summer)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| 1,059,860 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Heatmor
| Fire
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Sp.Atk. | Both |
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
(Found During All Seasons But Winter)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Cryogonal | Ice
| 1,000,000 | NeverMeltIce | 2 Sp.Def | Both |
Pokmon Found Anywhere (* - Dust Clouds Only)
(Found Only During Spring and Autumn)
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Beartic
| Ice
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Defense |
Special Wild Pokmon Encounters
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Regigigas | Normal
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Attack | Both |
Once you arrive from the Clay Tunnel, go north along the east side of the area
to the northeast corner. Go downstairs and procure TM71, which teaches the
powerful Stone Edge. Go upstairs and west, then through the doorway.
Do you have all three Regi's - Regice, Regirock, and Registeel - in your party?
If not, go back and get them, or your efforts will be in vain. Anywho, go west
and to the Strength boulder.
Push it north thrice, then go to the ledge and hop over it. Push the boulder

east into the hole, then push the nearby boulder southward into another hole.
Cross it and go along the path to another Strength boulder. Push it north
thrice, west once, north once, and west into the hole.
Cross it and go north to find the sleeping Regigigas. If you have all three
other Regi's, speaking with him will awaken him. But SAVE beforehand.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #486 Regigigas \
| Pokmon's Type : Normal
| Pokmon's Level: Level 68
| EVs Gained
: 3 Attack
| Pokmon's Moves: - Payback (Dark)
- Zen Headbutt (Psychic)
- Wide Guard (Rock)
- Revenge (Fighting)
| Regigigas is weak to Fighting, and immune to Ghost. ... That's it.
| As for its moveset, Payback hurts Psychics and Ghosts, Zen Headbutt hurts |
| Fighting and Poison, and Revenge hurts Normal, Rock, Ice, Steel, and Dark. |
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, this |
| being a cave battle, toss, toss, toss Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
That should have gotten you all of the four Regi Pokmon.
Just one more set to go...

The Remainder: Heatran and Cresselia **POKMON_57** #
We'll cover Cresselia first. First, go to the Stranger House and get the Lunar
Wing, then Fly to Nimbasa City and go northeast onto Route 16. Go east onto
the Marvelous Bridge.
Marvelous Bridge
| Potential Trades/Gifts \
| Game | Pokmon Given | Pokmon Received |
| L100 EXP. |
| Both | (none)
| Magikarp ($500) | Water
| 1,250,000 |
| Wild Pokmon Encounters \

| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Cresselia* | Psychic
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Def. | Both |
| Swanna
| Water/Flying
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| * - A special, one-time-only encounter.
There actually isn't much to this bridge. Much like with the Driftveil
Drawbridge, shadows will appear from time to time as you cross. Some will
contain EV-boosting Feathers, and some will contain battles with high-Level
Swanna. At the left side, you can also buy a Magikarp for $500. This ain't no
Kanto region, so buy it.
Partway across the bridge, if you got the Lunar Wing from the Strange House,
you'll be able to pass by a girl who suddenly disappears - it is that ghost
again! Continue along the bridge to find Cresselia. Save and battle it.
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #488 Cresselia \
| Pokmon's Type : Psychic
| Pokmon's Level: Level 68
| EVs Gained
: 3 Special Defense
| Pokmon's Moves: - Psycho Cut (Psychic)
- Moonlight (Normal)
- Slash (Normal)
- Future Sight (Psychic)
| Cresselia is weak to Dark, Bug, and Ghost. It will take half-damage from |
| Fighting and Psychic, and will take normal damage from all else.
| As for its moveset, Psycho Cut and Future Sight will end up hurting Poison |
| and Fighting types the most, although the latter takes a few turns to
| work. Slash has no super-effectiveness, and Moonlight heals HP.
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, if
| this is a night battle, throw lots of Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
Afterwards, we need to finish this by catching Heatran. You'll need the Magma
Stone found on Route 18. Once that's been obtained, Fly to Lentimas Town and
head into Reversal Mountain.
Reversal Mountain
Quick note to the reader. Reversal Mountain's interior will differ somewhat,
mostly aesthetically, though not entirely, depending on what version you are
playing on. This walkthrough was written with Pokmon Black Version 2. You may
be able to follow this, to a point, from the point of view in White 2, but I'd
be wary of inaccuracy.

| Wild Pokmon Encounters \
Exterior Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Audino*
| Normal
| 800,000 | Sitrus Berry | 2 HP
| Both |
| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Rawst Berry | 1 Attack, | W2 |
| 1 Sp.Atk. |
| Drifblim
| Ghost/Flying
| 1,640,000 | None
| 2 HP
| Both |
| Grumpig
| Psychic
| 800,000 | Tanga Berry | 2 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Numel
| Fire/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Rawst Berry | 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Skarmory
| Steel/Flying
| 1,250,000 | None
| 2 Defense | Both |
| Skorupi
| Poison/Bug
| 1,250,000 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense | Both |
| Spoink
| Psychic
| 800,000 | Tanga Berry | 1 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Trapinch
| Ground
| 1,059,860 | Soft Sand
| 1 Attack | Both |
| Vibrava** | Ground/Dragon | 1,059,860 | Soft Sand
| 1 Attack, | Both |
| 1 Speed |
Interior Pokmon
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Boldore
| Rock
| 1,059,860 | Hard Stone | 1 Attack, | Both |
| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Rawst Berry | 1 Attack, | W2 |
| 1 Sp.Atk. |
| Excadrill* | Ground/Steel
| 1,000,000 | None
| 2 Attack | Both |
| Grumpig
| Psychic
| 800,000 | Tanga Berry | 2 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Numel
| Fire/Ground
| 1,000,000 | Rawst Berry | 1 Sp.Atk. | W2 |
| Skorupi
| Poison/Bug
| 1,250,000 | Poison Barb | 1 Defense | Both |
| Spoink
| Psychic
| 800,000 | Tanga Berry | 1 Sp.Def. | B2 |
| Woobat
| Psychic/Flying | 1,000,000 | None
| 1 Speed | Both |
Special Wild Pokmon Encounters
| Pokmon | Pokmon Types | L100 EXP. | Hold Items | EVs Won | Game |
| Heatran
| Fire/Steel
| 1,250,000 | None
| 3 Sp.Atk. | Both |
| * - Only found in shaking grass or swirling dust clouds.
| ** - Only found in the dark double-battle grass.
Inside, go north to the end of the first area, then through the door to the
east. Go south to the edge of that area, then east and you'll find a Doctor.
Speak with him to heal, then go downstairs and through the doorway.
Here, go north and downstairs, then you'll find a dip, lower than the rest of
the area. Save and go there to be asked a question. Answer "Yes" and Heatran
will appear. Battle!
| Special Wild Pokmon Encounter: #485 Heatran \
| Pokmon's Type : Fire/Steel
| Pokmon's Level: Level 68
| EVs Gained
: 3 Special Attack
| Pokmon's Moves: - Iron Head (Steel)

- Fire Spin (Fire)
- Lava Plume (Fire)
- Scary Face (Normal)
| Heatran is weak to Ground (4x), Water, and Fighting. It is immune to the |
| status and type of Poison. It takes normal damage from Rock and Electric, |
| and all else should be resisted to some degree.
| As for its moveset, Iron Head hurts Rock and Ice types. Fire Spin and Lava |
| Plume will greatly hurt Grass, Bug, Ice, and Steel types; note, also, that |
| Fire Spin hits several times. Finally, Scary Face slows down the target. |
| The general idea for this, like all Pokmon catching battles, is to reduce |
| its HP as low as possible. False Swipe or the normally-weak Normal type
| moves will help; Super Fang also comes to mind. Generally, once you have |
| HP pretty low, or sometime before, put the Pokmon in Paralysis and, if
| this is a night battle, throw lots of Dusk Balls until you win. You know, |
| same as the usual.
That ... should do it.

/ \
/ \
Section Six: Miscellaneous Quests and Stuff
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_6** |
The Battle Subway
Found in Nimbasa City, this is available as soon as you team up with the
main character of the opposite gender for the game against the Subway Bosses
and win. Inside, you'll find a bunch of trains, each with a little marker by
One, the brown one, goes to Anville Town, which is pretty useless.
As for the others, you'll find the Single Battle (3 Pokmon only), Double
Battle (4 Pokmon only), Multi Battle (2 Pokmon only), and Wi-Fi Battle (3
Pokmon) at the green, red, orange, and blue markers. Each, except the Wi-Fi,
has a Super version of its type, with the marker being lighter in color than
the normal version. These Super versions don't get unlocked until winning the
Pokmon League AND the regular version.
Pick whichever one you want and get ready. Note that certain Pokmon are not

allowed to go into the battles - all main legendaries (pseudo-legends such as

Terrakion and Moltres are usable) and Eggs are not allowed.
When you enter, all of your Pokmon will be boosted to or weakened to Level 50,
which evens the field a little. During the train ride, you'll go against
trainers who have an equal number of Pokmon to you, and also set to Level 50.
You'll battle them consecutively, being healed between battles, until you lose
a fight, or win 21 battles in a row... In the Super version, though, you keep
going until you lose.
After winning a fight, you'll be fully
retire. Whenever you quit, you'll gain
like with the Pokmon World Tournament
seven battles you win. This amount can
as you win more battles in a row.

healed and you can get a chance to

BP. BP can be traded for prizes much
booths, but you only gain BP with every
steadily, though non-linearly, increase

The 21st battle of the regular Subways will be against one of the Subway Bosses
or both in Multi Battle. This is the same for 49th battle in the Super versions
of the trains.
Anywho, a little research shows that the parties of the Subway Bosses are set
depending on the type of battle. I have to put *something* here - the other
matches are randomized, and these? Well, you can do these whenever, so it is
tough to give a decent party evaluation. I'll detail what I can...
Normal Single Battle Train - Subway Boss Ingo
| Pokmon | Pokmon Type |
| Garbodor | Poison
| Venoshock, Toxic, Focus Blast, Psychic
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Earthquake, Flail
| Klingklang | Steel
| Volt Switch, Giga Impact, Gear Grind,
| Shift Gear
Super Single Battle Train - Subway Boss Ingo
| Pokmon | Pokmon Type |
| Excadrill | Ground/Steel | Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Rock Slide,
| Poison Jab
| Chandelure | Ghost/Fire
| Shadow Ball, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Protect |
| Haxorus
| Dragon
| Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Dragon Dance,
| Earthquake
Normal Double Battle Train - Subway Boss Emmet
| Pokmon | Pokmon Type |
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Earthquake, Flail
| Garbodor | Poison
| Venoshock, Toxic, Focus Blast, Psychic
| Klingklang | Steel
| Volt Switch, Giga Impact, Gear Grind,
| Shift Gear
| Durant
| Bug/Steel
| Iron Head, X-Scissor, Rock Slide,

| Shadow Claw
Super Double Battle Train - Subway Boss Emmet
| Pokmon | Pokmon Type |
| Eelektross | Electric
| Thunderbolt, Discharge, Thunder Wave,
| Gastro Acid
| Excadrill | Ground/Steel | Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Rock Slide,
| Poison Jab
| Chandelure | Ghost/Fire
| Shadow Ball, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Protect |
| Haxorus
| Dragon
| Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Dragon Dance,
| Earthquake
Normal Multi Battle Train - Subway Bosses Ingo and Emmet
| Pokmon | Pokmon Type |
| Garbodor | Poison
| Venoshock, Toxic, Focus Blast, Psychic
| Galvantula | Electric/Bug | X-Scissor, Wild Charge, Cross Poison,
| Thunder Wave
| Klingklang | Steel
| Volt Switch, Giga Impact, Gear Grind,
| Shift Gear
| Durant
| Bug/Steel
| Iron Head, X-Scissor, Rock Slide,
| Shadow Claw
Super Multi Battle Train - Subway Bosses Ingo and Emmet
| Pokmon | Pokmon Type |
| Excadrill | Ground/Steel | Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Rock Slide,
| Poison Jab
| Eelektross | Electric
| Thunderbolt, Discharge, Thunder Wave,
| Gastro Acid
| Archeops | Rock/Flying | Aerial Ace, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Protect |
| Haxorus
| Dragon
| Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Dragon Dance,
| Earthquake

The Pokmon World Tournaments **POKMON_62**
| As a huge note to the reader, you need to remember one thing when you |
| read the Trainer evaluations for the tournaments. There, only three |

| of the top four are used in a Single Battle tourney; all of the top |
| four in a Double Battle or Rotation Battle; and all in a Triple
| Battle Tournament.
| Also note that the majority of random Trainers' names were based off |
| of translations from Pokmon Black Version 2's Japanese Version, when |
| I still had it and had my notes.
-----------So, let's see. You beat the Driftveil Tournament already? Good, because we'll
assume so.
Anyways, in case if you're not really able to remember how the Tournaments
work... You can enter one of four styles of Battles for the tournament: Single,
Double, Triple, or Rotation, with them requiring you to bring 3, 4, 6, and 4
Pokmon respectively. This cannot include mainstream legendaries (those like
Articuno, Raikou, and Terrakion are okay), though they are okay *sometimes*.
You'll fight a sequence of battles, detailed further along. You continue on
through the elimination tournament as expected - win a battle, continue to the
next round; lose a battle, you lose the tournament. That is overall; individual
Pokmon do not particularly matter.
After winning, you'll get BP. Okay, I think that does it.
------------------------------Tournament Unlocking Conditions
Unlocking Conditions
| Driftveil Tournament
| Beat the storyline version of the tournament.|
| Rental Tournament
| Beat the real Driftveil Tournament once.
| Mix Tournament
| Beat the real Driftveil Tournament once.
| Download Tournament
| Beat the real Driftveil Tournament once.
The following tournaments also require you to beat the Pokmon League. |
| Rental Masters Tournament | Win the Rental and Mix Tournaments.
| Mix Masters Tournament
| Win the Rental and Mix Tournaments.
| Type Expert Tournaments
| Win the Rental and Mix Tournaments.
| Unova Leaders Tournament | Defeat the Pokmon League.
| Kanto Leaders Tournament | Win the Unova Leaders Tournament.
| Johto Leaders Tournament | Win the Unova Leaders Tournament.
| Hoenn Leaders Tournament | Win the Unova Leaders Tournament.
| Sinnoh Leaders Tournament | Win the Unova Leaders Tournament.
| World Leaders Tournament | Win the regional Leaders Tournaments.
| Champion League
| Win the World Leaders Tournament ten times. |
-------------------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Driftveil Tournament, Second Try

This tournament will set all Pokmon up or down to Level 25. That's it, mostly.
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Bianca
| Musharna
| Psychic
| Dewott
| Water
| Pignite
| Fire/Fighting
| Servine
| Grass
| Audino
| Normal
| Fraxure
| Dragon
| Pokmon Trainer Cheren
| Stoutland
| Normal
| Zangoose
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Watchog
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Watchog
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Roxie
| Scolipede
| Bug/Poison
| Seviper
| Poison
| Garbodor
| Poison
| Golbat
| Poison/Flying
| Garbodor
| Poison
| Golbat
| Poison/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Burgh
| Leavanny
| Grass/Bug
| Vespiquen
| Bug/Flying
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Escavalier
| Bug/Steel
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Escavalier
| Bug/Steel
| Pokmon Trainer Elesa
| Zebstrika
| Electric
| Flaaffy
| Electric
| Galvantula
| Electric/Bug
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying
| Galvantula
| Electric/Bug
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Clay
| Excadrill
| Ground/Steel
| Krokorok
| Ground/Dark
| Claydol
| Ground/Psychic
| Palpitoad
| Ground/Water
| Krokorok
| Ground/Dark
| Palpitoad
| Ground/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Arashiyama | Throh
| Fighting
| Sudowoodo
| Rock
| Boldore
| Rock
| Scrafty
| Fighting/Dark
| Boldore
| Rock
| Scrafty
| Fighting/Dark
| Pokmon Trainer Jane
| Sawk
| Fighting
| Heracross
| Fighting/Bug
| Nosepass
| Rock
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| Nosepass
| Rock

| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Ex
| Archeops
| Rock/Flying
| Simisage
| Grass
| Rufflet
| Normal/Flying
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| Rufflet
| Normal/Flying
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| Pokmon Trainer Makina
| Tirtouga
| Water/Rock
| Ferroseed
| Grass/Steel
| Simisear
| Fire
| Vullaby
| Dark/Flying
| Ferroseed
| Grass/Steel
| Vullaby
| Dark/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Rio
| Cofagrigus
| Ghost
| Sigilyph
| Psychic/Flying
| Solosis
| Psychic
| Elgyem
| Psychic
| Elgyem
| Psychic
| Solosis
| Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Soprano
| Mr. Mime
| Psychic
| Swoobat
| Psychic/Flying
| Litwick
| Ghost/Fire
| Gothita
| Psychic
| Litwick
| Ghost/Fire
| Gothita
| Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Castro
| Whimsicott
| Grass
| Simipour
| Water
| Cubchoo
| Ice
| Growlithe
| Fire
| Cubchoo
| Ice
| Growlithe
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Tsugumi
| Lilligant
| Grass
| Alomomola
| Water
| Vanillite
| Ice
| Purrloin
| Dark
| Vanillite
| Ice
| Purrloin
| Dark
| Pokmon Trainer Shuichi
| Golduck
| Water
| Klink
| Steel
| Koffing
| Poison
| Tranquill
| Normal/Flying
| Klink
| Steel
| Koffing
| Poison
| Pokmon Trainer Eclair
| Lopunny
| Normal
| Swanna
| Water/Flying
| Grimer
| Poison
| Deerling
| Normal/Grass
| Grimer
| Poison
| Deerling
| Normal/Grass

----------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Rental Tournament

----------------------------------------In the Rental Tournament, you'll not be allowed to really choose your own
Pokmon. You'll get a choice between an offense-, defense-, or balance-oriented
party. Afterwards, you'll get enough Pokmon to fill you for the tourney,
matching that condition.
The Pokmon of the opponents is also random. Everyone is set to Level 50.
-------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Mix Tournament
-------------------------------------During this tournament, you will choose the desired Pokmon. Once you do, you
will see the other person's Pokmon party. So, what's the catch?
During that battle, you and your opponent will choose one each from the other's
party to take, then battle as normal. You will receive your Pokmon back at the
battle's end. All Pokmon are Level 50, and the parties below are pre-trade.
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Bianca
| Musharna
| Psychic
| Dewott
| Water
| Pignite
| Fire/Fighting
| Servine
| Grass
| Audino
| Normal
| Fraxure
| Dragon
| Pokmon Trainer Cheren
| Stoutland
| Normal
| Zangoose
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Watchog
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Watchog
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Roxie
| Scolipede
| Bug/Poison
| Seviper
| Poison
| Garbodor
| Poison
| Golbat
| Poison/Flying
| Garbodor
| Poison
| Golbat
| Poison/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Burgh
| Leavanny
| Grass/Bug
| Vespiquen
| Bug/Flying
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Escavalier
| Bug/Steel
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Escavalier
| Bug/Steel
| Pokmon Trainer Elesa
| Zebstrika
| Electric
| Flaaffy
| Electric
| Galvantula
| Electric/Bug
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying
| Galvantula
| Electric/Bug
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying

| Pokmon Trainer Clay
| Excadrill
| Ground/Steel
| Krokorok
| Ground/Dark
| Claydol
| Ground/Psychic
| Palpitoad
| Ground/Water
| Krokorok
| Ground/Dark
| Palpitoad
| Ground/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Arashiyama | Throh
| Fighting
| Sudowoodo
| Rock
| Boldore
| Rock
| Scrafty
| Fighting/Dark
| Boldore
| Rock
| Scrafty
| Fighting/Dark
| Pokmon Trainer Jane
| Sawk
| Fighting
| Heracross
| Fighting/Bug
| Nosepass
| Rock
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| Nosepass
| Rock
| Gurdurr
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Ex
| Archeops
| Rock/Flying
| Simisage
| Grass
| Rufflet
| Normal/Flying
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| Rufflet
| Normal/Flying
| Frillish
| Water/Ghost
| Pokmon Trainer Makina
| Tirtouga
| Water/Rock
| Ferroseed
| Grass/Steel
| Simisear
| Fire
| Vullaby
| Dark/Flying
| Ferroseed
| Grass/Steel
| Vullaby
| Dark/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Rio
| Cofagrigus
| Ghost
| Sigilyph
| Psychic/Flying
| Solosis
| Psychic
| Elgyem
| Psychic
| Elgyem
| Psychic
| Solosis
| Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Soprano
| Mr. Mime
| Psychic
| Swoobat
| Psychic/Flying
| Litwick
| Ghost/Fire
| Gothita
| Psychic
| Litwick
| Ghost/Fire
| Gothita
| Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Castro
| Whimsicott
| Grass
| Simipour
| Water
| Cubchoo
| Ice
| Growlithe
| Fire
| Cubchoo
| Ice
| Growlithe
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Tsugumi
| Lilligant
| Grass
| Alomomola
| Water
| Vanillite
| Ice

| Purrloin
| Dark
| Vanillite
| Ice
| Purrloin
| Dark
| Pokmon Trainer Shuichi
| Golduck
| Water
| Klink
| Steel
| Koffing
| Poison
| Tranquill
| Normal/Flying
| Klink
| Steel
| Koffing
| Poison
| Pokmon Trainer Eclair
| Lopunny
| Normal
| Swanna
| Water/Flying
| Grimer
| Poison
| Deerling
| Normal/Grass
| Grimer
| Poison
| Deerling
| Normal/Grass
------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Download Tournament
------------------------------------------This tournament isn't a true tournament. It, firstly, requires Nintendo WFC
connections. Once online, I am told that you'll be able to select from a number
of various downloadable tournaments.
------------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Rental Masters Tournament
------------------------------------------------In the Rental Masters Tournament, you'll not be allowed to choose your own
Pokmon. You'll get a choice between an offense-, defense-, or balance-oriented
party. Afterwards, you'll get enough Pokmon to fill you for the tourney,
matching that condition.
The Pokmon of the opponents is also random. Everyone is set to Level 50.
In case you're wondering, the different between this and the normal Rental
tournament consists both in opponent difficulty and variations in the rental
parties. Whereas you'll have around 200 differentations in the normal
tournament, there are thousands here.
---------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Mix Masters Tournament
---------------------------------------------During this tournament, you will choose the desired Pokmon. Once you do, you
will see the other person's Pokmon party. So, what's the catch?
During that battle, you and your opponent will choose one each from the other's
party to take, then battle as normal. You will receive your Pokmon back at the
battle's end. All Pokmon are Level 50, and the parties below are pre-trade.
Also, you have the banning restriction here.

Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Bianca
| Musharna
| Psychic
| Samurott
| Water
| Emboar
| Fire/Fighting
| Serperior
| Grass
| Stoutland
| Normal
| Haxorus
| Dragon
| Pokmon Trainer Cheren
| Stoutland
| Normal
| Porygon-Z
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Lickilicky
| Normal
| Castform
| Normal
| Bouffalant
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Roxie
| Scolipede
| Bug/Poison
| Toxicroak
| Poison/Fighting
| Garbodor
| Poison
| Crobat
| Poison/Flying
| Drapion
| Poison/Dark
| Amoonguss
| Poison/Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Burgh
| Leavanny
| Grass/Bug
| Vespiquen
| Bug/Flying
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Heracross
| Bug/Fighting
| Durant
| Bug/Steel
| Accelgor
| Bug
| Pokmon Trainer Elesa
| Zebstrika
| Electric
| Ampharaso
| Electric
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying
| Luxray
| Electric
| Stunfisk
| Electric/Ground
| Eelektross
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Clay
| Excadrill
| Ground/Steel
| Krookodile
| Ground/Dark
| Flygon
| Ground/Dragon
| Seismitoad
| Ground/Water
| Golurk
| Ground/Ghost
| Mamoswine
| Ground/Ice
| Pokmon Trainer Skyla
| Swanna
| Flying/Water
| Jumpluff
| Flying/Grass
| Drifblim
| Flying/Ghost
| Mandibuzz
| Flying/Dark
| Braviary
| Flying/Normal
| Archeops
| Flying/Rock
| Pokmon Trainer Drayden
| Haxorus
| Dragon
| Hydreigon
| Dragon/Dark
| Flygon
| Dragon/Ground
| Druddigon
| Dragon
| Salamence
| Dragon/Flying
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Marlon
| Jellicent
| Water/Ghost
| Carracosta
| Water/Rock

| Quagsire
| Water/Ground
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic
| Cloyster
| Water/Ice
| Wailord
| Water
----------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Type Expert Tournaments
----------------------------------------------This tournament is actually sub-divided into seventeen others, one per Pokmon
During them, you'll choose one type to use throughout the tournament. All of
the Pokmon your opponent uses will be at least partially of that type, and
your party must meet the same conditions. Your Pokmon go to Level 50, and the
ban rule is in effect.
Normal-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Cheren
| Stoutland
| Normal
| Porygon-Z
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Lickilicky
| Normal
| Castform
| Normal
| Bouffalant
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Lenora
| Watchog
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Sawsbuck
| Normal/Grass
| Braviary
| Normal/Flying
| Lickilicky
| Normal
| Kangaskhan
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Norman
| Slaking
| Normal
| Bouffalant
| Normal
| Ambipom
| Normal
| Staraptor
| Normal/Flying
| Sawsbuck
| Normal/Grass
| Exploud
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Whitney
| Miltank
| Normal
| Ambipom
| Normal
| Blissey
| Normal
| Tauros
| Normal
| Lopunny
| Normal
| Ursaring
| Normal
Fire-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Blaine
| Arcanine
| Fire

| Magmortar
| Fire
| Ninetales
| Fire
| Charizard
| Fire/Flying
| Rotom (Heat Forme) | Fire/Electric
| Flareon
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Chili
| Simisear
| Fire
| Darmanitan
| Fire
| Heatmor
| Fire
| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| Emboar
| Fire/Fighting
| Arcanine
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Flannery
| Torkoal
| Fire
| Blaziken
| Fire/Fighting
| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| Chandelure
| Fire/Ghost
| Houndoom
| Fire/Dark
| Magmortar
| Fire
Water-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Crasher Wake | Floatzel
| Water
| Ludicolo
| Water/Grass
| Gastrodon
| Water/Ground
| Empoleon
| Water/Steel
| Gyarados
| Water/Flying
| Poliwrath
| Water/Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Cress
| Simipour
| Water
| Samurott
| Water
| Azumarill
| Water
| Crawdaunt
| Water/Dark
| Slowking
| Water/Psychic
| Seismitoad
| Water/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Juan
| Kingdra
| Water/Dragon
| Walrein
| Water/Ice
| Whiscash
| Water/Ground
| Crawdaunt
| Water/Dark
| Relicanth
| Water/Rock
| Politoed
| Water
| Pokmon Trainer Marlon
| Jellicent
| Water/Ghost
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic
| Quagsire
| Water/Ground
| Carracosta
| Water/Rock
| Cloyster
| Water/Ice
| Wailord
| Water
| Pokmon Trainer Misty
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic
| Lanturn
| Water/Electric
| Lapras
| Water/Ice
| Jellicent
| Water/Ghost
| Quagsire
| Water/Ground

| Blastoise
| Water
Grass-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Cilan
| Simisage
| Grass
| Serperior
| Grass
| Jumpluff
| Grass/Flying
| Ferrothorn
| Grass/Steel
| Lilligant
| Grass
| Whimsicott
| Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Erika
| Vileplume
| Grass/Poison
| Venusaur
| Grass/Poison
| Exeggutor
| Grass/Psychic
| Cradily
| Grass/Rock
| Abomasnow
| Grass/Ice
| Tangrowth
| Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Gardenia
| Roserade
| Grass/Poison
| Breloom
| Grass/Fighting
| Tropius
| Grass/Flying
| Tangrowth
| Grass
| Leafeon
| Grass
| Torterra
| Grass/Ground
Electric-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Elesa
| Zebstrika
| Electric
| Luxray
| Electric
| Ampharos
| Electric
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying
| Stunfisk
| Electric/Ground
| Eelektross
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Lt. Surge | Raichu
| Electric
| Electrode
| Electric
| Electivire
| Electric
| Magnezone
| Electric/Steel
| Lanturn
| Electric/Water
| Jolteon
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Volkner
| Electivire
| Electric
| Raichu
| Electric
| Luxray
| Electric
| Rotom (Fan Forme) | Electric/Flying
| Electrode
| Electric
| Jolteon
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Wattson
| Manectric
| Electric
| Electrode
| Electric

| Rotom (Wash Forme) | Electric/Water
| Magnezone
| Electric/Steel
| Raichu
| Electric
| Ampharos
| Electric
Ice-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Brycen
| Cryogonal
| Ice
| Vanilluxe
| Ice
| Beartic
| Ice
| Weavile
| Ice/Dark
| Walrein
| Ice/Water
| Dewgong
| Ice/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Candice
| Froslass
| Ice/Ghost
| Weavile
| Ice/Dark
| Abomasnow
| Ice/Grass
| Glaceon
| Ice
| Glalie
| Ice
| Mamoswine
| Ice/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Pryce
| Mamoswine
| Ice/Ground
| Jynx
| Ice/Psychic
| Cloyster
| Ice/Water
| Dewgong
| Ice/Water
| Lapras
| Ice/Water
| Weavile
| Ice/Dark
Fighting-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Brawly
| Hariyama
| Fighting
| Machamp
| Fighting
| Breloom
| Fighting/Grass
| Scrafty
| Fighting/Dark
| Heracross
| Fighting/Bug
| Mienshao
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Chuck
| Poliwrath
| Fighting/Water
| Machamp
| Fighting
| Hitmontop
| Fighting
| Hitmonchan
| Fighting
| Hitmonlee
| Fighting
| Conkeldurr
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Maylene
| Lucario
| Fighting/Steel
| Gallade
| Fighting/Psychic
| Infernape
| Fighting/Fire
| Toxicroak
| Fighting/Poison
| Medicham
| Fighting/Psychic
| Machamp
| Fighting

Poison-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Botsuri
| Muk
| Poison
| Swalot
| Poison
| Skuntank
| Poison/Dark
| Dustox
| Poison/Bug
| Gengar
| Poison/Ghost
| Victreebel
| Poison/Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Janine
| Venomoth
| Poison/Bug
| Crobat
| Poison/Flying
| Nidoqueen
| Poison/Ground
| Weezing
| Poison
| Tentacruel
| Poison/Water
| Roserade
| Poison/Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Roxie
| Scolipede
| Bug/Poison
| Toxicroak
| Poison/Fighting
| Garbodor
| Poison
| Crobat
| Poison/Flying
| Drapion
| Poison/Dark
| Amoonguss
| Poison/Grass
Ground-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Clay
| Excadrill
| Ground/Steel
| Krookodile
| Ground/Dark
| Flygon
| Ground/Dragon
| Seismitoad
| Ground/Water
| Golurk
| Ground/Ghost
| Mamoswine
| Ground/Ice
| Pokmon Trainer Giovanni
| Rhyperior
| Ground/Rock
| Krookodile
| Ground/Dark
| Garchomp
| Ground/Dragon
| Hippowdon
| Ground
| Gliscor
| Ground/Flying
| Nidoking
| Ground/Poison
| Pokmon Trainer Ieji
| Krookodile
| Ground/Dark
| Gastrodon
| Ground/Water
| Claydol
| Ground/Psychic
| Camerupt
| Ground/Fire
| Steelix
| Ground/Steel
| Hippowdon
| Ground

Flying-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Falkner
| Pidgeot
| Flying/Normal
| Aerodactyl
| Flying/Rock
| Crobat
| Flying/Poison
| Honchkrow
| Flying/Dark
| Swellow
| Flying/Normal
| Xatu
| Flying/Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Skyla
| Swanna
| Flying/Water
| Jumpluff
| Flying/Grass
| Drifblim
| Flying/Ghost
| Mandibuzz
| Flying/Dark
| Braviary
| Flying/Normal
| Archeops
| Flying/Rock
| Pokmon Trainer Winona
| Altaria
| Flying/Dragon
| Gyarados
| Flying/Water
| Skarmory
| Flying/Steel
| Sigilyph
| Flying/Psychic
| Honchkrow
| Flying/Dark
| Tropius
| Flying/Grass
Psychic-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Cult
| Starmie
| Psychic/Water
| Sigilyph
| Psychic/Flying
| Exeggutor
| Psychic/Grass
| Beheeyem
| Psychic
| Medicham
| Psychic/Fighting
| Jynx
| Psychic/Ice
| Pokmon Trainer Liza
| Lunatone
| Psychic/Rock
| Bronzong
| Psychic/Steel
| Xatu
| Psychic/Flying
| Gothitelle
| Psychic
| Gardevoir
| Psychic
| Claydol
| Psychic/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Sabrina
| Alakazam
| Psychic
| Slowking
| Psychic/Water
| Metagross
| Psychic/Steel
| Exeggutor
| Psychic/Grass
| Sigilyph
| Psychic/Flying
| Espeon
| Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Tate
| Solrock
| Psychic/Rock
| Bronzong
| Psychic/Steel
| Xatu
| Psychic/Flying
| Reuniclus
| Psychic
| Gallade
| Psychic/Fighting
| Claydol
| Psychic/Ground

Bug-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Bugsy
| Scizor
| Bug/Steel
| Heracross
| Bug/Fighting
| Pinsir
| Bug
| Shuckle
| Bug/Rock
| Armaldo
| Bug/Rock
| Yanmega
| Bug/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Burgh
| Leavanny
| Bug/Grass
| Vespiquen
| Bug/Flying
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Heracross
| Bug/Fighting
| Durant
| Bug/Steel
| Accelgor
| Bug
| Pokmon Trainer Walter
| Heracross
| Bug/Fighting
| Parasect
| Bug/Grass
| Galvantula
| Bug/Electric
| Scolipede
| Bug/Poison
| Ninjask
| Bug/Flying
| Forretress
| Bug/Steel
Rock-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Brock
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| Golem
| Rock/Ground
| Tyranitar
| Rock/Ground
| Kabutops
| Rock/Water
| Rhyperior
| Rock/Ground
| Aerodactyl
| Rock/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Roark
| Rampardos
| Rock
| Probopass
| Rock/Steel
| Crustle
| Rock/Bug
| Archeops
| Rock/Flying
| Golem
| Rock/Ground
| Relicanth
| Rock/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Roxanne
| Probopass
| Rock/Steel
| Aggron
| Rock/Steel
| Armaldo
| Rock/Bug
| Cradily
| Rock/Grass
| Golem
| Rock/Ground
| Carracosta
| Rock/Water
Ghost-Type Tournament

Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Fantina
| Mismagius
| Ghost
| Dusknoir
| Ghost
| Spiritomb
| Ghost/Dark
| Drifblim
| Ghost/Flying
| Gengar
| Ghost/Poison
| Jellicent
| Ghost/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Morty
| Gengar
| Ghost/Poison
| Banette
| Ghost
| Mismagius
| Ghost
| Dusknoir
| Ghost
| Froslass
| Ghost/Ice
| Chandelure
| Ghost/Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Rensuke
| Cofagrigus
| Ghost
| Sableye
| Ghost/Dark
| Drifblim
| Ghost/Flying
| Golurk
| Ghost/Ground
| Gengar
| Ghost/Poison
| Banette
| Ghost
Dragon-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Clair
| Dragonite
| Dragon/Flying
| Salamence
| Dragon/Flying
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying
| Kingdra
| Dragon/Water
| Garchomp
| Dragon/Ground
| Druddigon
| Dragon
| Pokmon Trainer Drayden
| Haxorus
| Dragon
| Hydreigon
| Dragon/Dark
| Flygon
| Dragon/Ground
| Druddigon
| Dragon
| Salamence
| Dragon/Flying
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Ryuichi
| Salamence
| Dragon/Flying
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying
| Dragonite
| Dragon/Flying
| Druddigon
| Dragon
| Garchomp
| Dragon/Ground
| Kingdra
| Dragon/Water
Dark-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Bonnie
| Drapion
| Dark/Poison

| Mandibuzz
| Dark/Flying
| Bisharp
| Dark/Steel
| Liepard
| Dark
| Houndoom
| Dark/Fire
| Weavile
| Dark/Ice
| Pokmon Trainer Illusane
| Umbreon
| Dark
| Sharpedo
| Dark/Water
| Scrafty
| Dark/Fighting
| Spiritomb
| Dark/Ghost
| Krookodile
| Dark/Ground
| Cacturne
| Dark/Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Vito
| Shiftry
| Dark/Grass
| Skuntank
| Dark/Poison
| Honchkrow
| Dark/Flying
| Absol
| Dark
| Sableye
| Dark/Ghost
| Crawdaunt
| Dark/Water
Steel-Type Tournament
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Byron
| Bastiodon
| Steel/Rock
| Excadrill
| Steel/Ground
| Magnezone
| Steel/Electric
| Bronzong
| Steel/Psychic
| Forretress
| Steel/Bug
| Aggron
| Steel/Rock
| Pokmon Trainer Jasmine
| Steelix
| Steel/Ground
| Forretress
| Steel/Bug
| Magnezone
| Steel/Electric
| Skarmory
| Steel/Flying
| Lucario
| Steel/Fighting
| Metagross
| Steel/Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Thatcher
| Aggron
| Steel/Rock
| Magnezone
| Steel/Electric
| Skarmory
| Steel/Flying
| Bronzong
| Steel/Psychic
| Bisharp
| Steel/Dark
| Steelix
| Steel/Ground
-----------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Unova Leaders Tournament
-----------------------------------------------This tournament has the ban rule, and all Pokmon go to Level 50.
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Chili
| Simisear
| Fire

| Darmanitan
| Fire
| Heatmor
| Fire
| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| Magmortar
| Fire
| Arcanine
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Cilan
| Simisage
| Grass
| Maractus
| Grass
| Jumpluff
| Grass/Flying
| Ferrothorn
| Grass/Steel
| Lilligant
| Grass
| Whimsicott
| Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Cress
| Simipour
| Water
| Floatzel
| Water
| Azumarill
| Water
| Golduck
| Water
| Slowking
| Water/Psychic
| Basculin
| Water
| Pokmon Trainer Cheren
| Stoutland
| Normal
| Zangoose
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Lopunny
| Normal
| Castform
| Normal
| Bouffalant
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Lenora
| Watchog
| Normal
| Clefable
| Normal
| Sawsbuck
| Normal/Grass
| Audino
| Normal
| Dunsparce
| Normal
| Kangaskhan
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Roxie
| Scolipede
| Bug/Poison
| Seviper
| Poison
| Garbodor
| Poison
| Crobat
| Poison/Flying
| Drapion
| Poison/Dark
| Amoonguss
| Poison/Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Burgh
| Leavanny
| Bug/Grass
| Vespiquen
| Bug/Flying
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Escavalier
| Bug/Steel
| Durant
| Bug/Steel
| Accelgor
| Bug
| Pokmon Trainer Elesa
| Zebstrika
| Electric
| Ampharos
| Electric
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying
| Galvantula
| Electric/Bug
| Stunfisk
| Electric/Ground
| Eelektross
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Clay
| Excadrill
| Ground/Steel
| Krookodile
| Ground/Dark
| Claydol
| Ground/Psychic
| Seismitoad
| Ground/Water
| Golurk
| Ground/Ghost

| Mamoswine
| Ground/Ice
| Pokmon Trainer Skyla
| Swanna
| Flying/Water
| Unfezant
| Flying/Normal
| Swoobat
| Flying/Psychic
| Mandibuzz
| Flying/Dark
| Braviary
| Flying/Normal
| Archeops
| Flying/Rock
| Pokmon Trainer Brycen
| Cryogonal
| Ice
| Vanilluxe
| Ice
| Beartic
| Ice
| Weavile
| Ice/Dark
| Walrein
| Ice/Water
| Dewgong
| Ice/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Drayden
| Haxorus
| Dragon
| Hydreigon
| Dragon/Dark
| Flygon
| Dragon/Ground
| Druddigon
| Dragon
| Salamence
| Dragon/Flying
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Marlon
| Jellicent
| Water/Ghost
| Carracosta
| Water/Rock
| Alomomola
| Water
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic
| Mantine
| Water/Flying
| Wailord
| Water
-----------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Kanto Leaders Tournament
-----------------------------------------------This tournament has the ban rule, and all Pokmon go to Level 50.
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Brock
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| Golem
| Rock/Ground
| Omastar
| Rock/Water
| Kabutops
| Rock/Water
| Relicanth
| Rock/Water
| Aerodactyl
| Rock/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Misty
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic
| Golduck
| Water
| Lapras
| Water/Ice
| Seaking
| Water
| Slowbro
| Water/Psychic
| Blastoise
| Water
| Pokmon Trainer Lt. Surge | Raichu
| Electric
| Electrode
| Electric
| Electivire
| Electric
| Magnezone
| Electric/Steel
| Ampharos
| Electric

| Jolteon
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Erika
| Vileplume
| Grass/Poison
| Venusaur
| Grass/Poison
| Exeggutor
| Grass/Psychic
| Victreebel
| Grass/Poison
| Bellossom
| Grass
| Tangrowth
| Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Janine
| Venomoth
| Poison/Bug
| Crobat
| Poison/Flying
| Ariados
| Poison/Bug
| Weezing
| Poison
| Tentacruel
| Poison/Water
| Arbok
| Poison
| Pokmon Trainer Sabrina
| Alakazam
| Psychic
| Slowking
| Psychic/Water
| Hypno
| Psychic
| Mr. Mime
| Psychic
| Jynx
| Psychic/Ice
| Espeon
| Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Blaine
| Arcanine
| Fire
| Magmortar
| Fire
| Ninetales
| Fire
| Charizard
| Fire/Flying
| Rapidash
| Fire
| Flareon
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Giovanni
| Rhyperior
| Ground/Rock
| Golem
| Ground/Rock
| Marowak
| Ground
| Sandslash
| Ground
| Nidoqueen
| Ground/Poison
| Nidoking
| Ground/Poison
-----------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Johto Leaders Tournament
-----------------------------------------------This tournament has the ban rule, and all Pokmon go to Level 50.
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Falkner
| Pidgeot
| Flying/Normal
| Dodrio
| Flying/Normal
| Fearow
| Flying/Normal
| Honchkrow
| Flying/Dark
| Noctowl
| Flying/Normal
| Xatu
| Flying/Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Bugsy
| Scizor
| Bug/Steel
| Heracross
| Bug/Fighting
| Pinsir
| Bug
| Shuckle
| Bug/Rock
| Forretress
| Bug/Steel

| Yanmega
| Bug/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Whitney
| Miltank
| Normal
| Ambipom
| Normal
| Wigglytuff
| Normal
| Tauros
| Normal
| Lopunny
| Normal
| Clefable
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Morty
| Gengar
| Ghost/Poison
| Banette
| Ghost
| Mismagius
| Ghost
| Dusknoir
| Ghost
| Froslass
| Ghost/Ice
| Sableye
| Ghost/Dark
| Pokmon Trainer Chuck
| Poliwrath
| Fighting/Water
| Machamp
| Fighting
| Hitmontop
| Fighting
| Hitmonchan
| Fighting
| Hitmonlee
| Fighting
| Primeape
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Jasmine
| Steelix
| Steel/Ground
| Forretress
| Steel/Bug
| Magnezone
| Steel/Electric
| Skarmory
| Steel/Flying
| Mawilr
| Steel
| Metagross
| Steel/Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Pryce
| Mamoswine
| Ice/Ground
| Jynx
| Ice/Psychic
| Cloyster
| Ice/Water
| Dewgong
| Ice/Water
| Lapras
| Ice/Water
| Weavile
| Ice/Dark
| Pokmon Trainer Clair
| Dragonite
| Dragon/Flying
| Salamence
| Dragon/Flying
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying
| Kingdra
| Dragon/Water
| Garchomp
| Dragon/Ground
| Druddigon
| Dragon
-----------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Hoenn Leaders Tournament
-----------------------------------------------This tournament has the ban rule, and all Pokmon go to Level 50.
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Roxanne
| Probopass
| Rock/Steel
| Aggron
| Rock/Steel
| Armaldo
| Rock/Bug
| Cradily
| Rock/Grass
| Golem
| Rock/Ground

| Relicanth
| Rock/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Brawly
| Hariyama
| Fighting
| Machamp
| Fighting
| Breloom
| Fighting/Grass
| Medicham
| Fighting/Psychic
| Heracross
| Fighting/Bug
| Hitmontop
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Wattson
| Manectric
| Electric
| Electrode
| Electric
| Plusle
| Electric
| Magnezone
| Electric/Steel
| Raichu
| Electric
| Minun
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Flannery
| Torkoal
| Fire
| Blaziken
| Fire/Fighting
| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| Macargo
| Fire/Rock
| Houndoom
| Fire/Dark
| Magmortar
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Norman
| Slaking
| Normal
| Castform
| Normal
| Spinda
| Normal
| Kecleon
| Normal
| Zangoose
| Normal
| Exploud
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Winona
| Altaria
| Flying/Dragon
| Swellow
| Flying/Normal
| Skarmory
| Flying/Steel
| Pelipper
| Flying/Water
| Honchkrow
| Flying/Dark
| Tropius
| Flying/Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Liza
| Lunatone
| Psychic/Rock
| Chimecho
| Psychic
| Xatu
| Psychic/Flying
| Grumpig
| Psychic
| Gardevoir
| Psychic
| Claydol
| Psychic/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Tate
| Solrock
| Psychic/Rock
| Chimecho
| Psychic
| Xatu
| Psychic/Flying
| Grumpig
| Psychic
| Gallade
| Psychic/Fighting
| Claydol
| Psychic/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Juan
| Kingdra
| Water/Dragon
| Walrein
| Water/Ice
| Whiscash
| Water/Ground
| Crawdaunt
| Water/Dark
| Gorebyss
| Water
| Huntail
| Water

------------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Sinnoh Leaders Tournament

------------------------------------------------This tournament has the ban rule, and all Pokmon go to Level 50.
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Roark
| Rampardos
| Rock
| Probopass
| Rock/Steel
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| Sudowoodo
| Rock
| Golem
| Rock/Ground
| Relicanth
| Rock/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Gardenia
| Roserade
| Grass/Poison
| Cherrim
| Grass
| Carnivine
| Grass
| Tangrowth
| Grass
| Leafeon
| Grass
| Torterra
| Grass/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Fantina
| Mismagius
| Ghost
| Dusknoir
| Ghost
| Spiritomb
| Ghost/Dark
| Drifblim
| Ghost/Flying
| Gengar
| Ghost/Poison
| Rotom
| Ghost/Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Maylene
| Lucario
| Fighting/Steel
| Gallade
| Fighting/Psychic
| Infernape
| Fighting/Fire
| Toxicroak
| Fighting/Poison
| Medicham
| Fighting/Psychic
| Machamp
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Crasher Wake | Floatzel
| Water
| Ludicolo
| Water/Grass
| Gastrodon
| Water/Ground
| Empoleon
| Water/Steel
| Gyarados
| Water/Flying
| Quagsire
| Water/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Byron
| Bastiodon
| Steel/Rock
| Steelix
| Steel/Ground
| Magnezone
| Steel/Electric
| Bronzong
| Steel/Psychic
| Forretress
| Steel/Bug
| Aggron
| Steel/Rock
| Pokmon Trainer Candice
| Froslass
| Ice/Ghost
| Weavile
| Ice/Dark
| Abomasnow
| Ice/Grass
| Glaceon
| Ice
| Glalie
| Ice
| Mamoswine
| Ice/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Volkner
| Electivire
| Electric
| Raichu
| Electric

| Luxray
| Electric
| Rotom (Fan Forme) | Electric/Flying
| Electrode
| Electric
| Jolteon
| Electric
-----------------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: World Leaders Tournament
-----------------------------------------------This tournament has the ban rule, and all Pokmon go to Level 50.
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Brock
| Onix
| Rock/Ground
| Golem
| Rock/Ground
| Tyranitar
| Rock/Dark
| Kabutops
| Rock/Water
| Relicanth
| Rock/Water
| Aerodactyl
| Rock/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Misty
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic
| Jellicent
| Water/Ghost
| Lapras
| Water/Ice
| Lanturn
| Water/Electric
| Slowbro
| Water/Psychic
| Blastoise
| Water
| Pokmon Trainer Lt. Surge | Raichu
| Electric
| Electrode
| Electric
| Electivire
| Electric
| Magnezone
| Electric/Steel
| Lanturn
| Electric/Water
| Jolteon
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Erika
| Vileplume
| Grass/Poison
| Venusaur
| Grass/Poison
| Exeggutor
| Grass/Psychic
| Cradily
| Grass/Rock
| Abomasnow
| Grass/Ice
| Tangrowth
| Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Janine
| Venomoth
| Poison/Bug
| Crobat
| Poison/Flying
| Nidoqueen
| Poison/Ground
| Weezing
| Poison
| Tentacruel
| Poison/Water
| Roserade
| Poison/Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Sabrina
| Alakazam
| Psychic
| Exeggutor
| Psychic/Grass
| Metagross
| Psychic/Steel
| Slowking
| Psychic/Water
| Sigilyph
| Psychic/Flying
| Espeon
| Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Blaine
| Arcanine
| Fire
| Magmortar
| Fire

| Ninetales
| Fire
| Charizard
| Fire/Flying
| Rotom (Heat Forme) | Fire/Electric
| Flareon
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Giovanni
| Rhyperior
| Ground/Rock
| Krookodile
| Ground/Dark
| Hippowdon
| Ground
| Garchomp
| Ground/Dragon
| Gliscor
| Ground/Flying
| Nidoking
| Ground/Poison
| Pokmon Trainer Falkner
| Pidgeot
| Flying/Normal
| Crobat
| Flying/Poison
| Aerodactyl
| Flying/Rock
| Honchkrow
| Flying/Dark
| Swellow
| Flying/Normal
| Xatu
| Flying/Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Bugsy
| Scizor
| Bug/Steel
| Heracross
| Bug/Fighting
| Pinsir
| Bug
| Shuckle
| Bug/Rock
| Armaldo
| Bug/Rock
| Yanmega
| Bug/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Whitney
| Miltank
| Normal
| Ambipom
| Normal
| Blissey
| Normal
| Tauros
| Normal
| Lopunny
| Normal
| Clefable
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Morty
| Gengar
| Ghost/Poison
| Banette
| Ghost
| Mismagius
| Ghost
| Dusknoir
| Ghost
| Froslass
| Ghost/Ice
| Chandelure
| Ghost/Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Chuck
| Poliwrath
| Fighting/Water
| Machamp
| Fighting
| Hitmontop
| Fighting
| Hitmonchan
| Fighting
| Hitmonlee
| Fighting
| Conkeldurr
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Jasmine
| Steelix
| Steel/Ground
| Forretress
| Steel/Bug
| Magnezone
| Steel/Electric
| Skarmory
| Steel/Flying
| Lucario
| Steel/Fighting
| Metagross
| Steel/Psychic
| Pokmon Trainer Pryce
| Mamoswine
| Ice/Ground
| Jynx
| Ice/Psychic
| Cloyster
| Ice/Water
| Dewgong
| Ice/Water
| Lapras
| Ice/Water
| Weavile
| Ice/Dark

| Pokmon Trainer Clair
| Dragonite
| Dragon/Flying
| Salamence
| Dragon/Flying
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying
| Kingdra
| Dragon/Water
| Garchomp
| Dragon/Ground
| Druddigon
| Dragon
| Pokmon Trainer Roxanne
| Probopass
| Rock/Steel
| Aggron
| Rock/Steel
| Armaldo
| Rock/Bug
| Cradily
| Rock/Grass
| Golem
| Rock/Ground
| Carracosta
| Rock/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Brawly
| Hariyama
| Fighting
| Machamp
| Fighting
| Breloom
| Fighting/Grass
| Scrafty
| Fighting/Dark
| Heracross
| Fighting/Bug
| Mienshao
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Wattson
| Manectric
| Electric
| Electrode
| Electric
| Rotom (Wash Forme) | Electric/Water
| Magnezone
| Electric/Steel
| Raichu
| Electric
| Ampharos
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Flannery
| Torkoal
| Fire
| Blaziken
| Fire/Fighting
| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| Chandelure
| Fire/Ghost
| Houndoom
| Fire/Dark
| Magmortar
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Norman
| Slaking
| Normal
| Ambipom
| Normal
| Staraptor
| Normal/Flying
| Bouffalant
| Normal
| Sawsbuck
| Normal/Grass
| Exploud
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Winona
| Altaria
| Flying/Dragon
| Sigilyph
| Flying/Psychic
| Skarmory
| Flying/Steel
| Gyarados
| Flying/Water
| Honchkrow
| Flying/Dark
| Tropius
| Flying/Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Liza
| Lunatone
| Psychic/Rock
| Gothitelle
| Psychic
| Xatu
| Psychic/Flying
| Bronzong
| Psychic/Steel
| Gardevoir
| Psychic
| Claydol
| Psychic/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Tate
| Solrock
| Psychic/Rock
| Reuniclus
| Psychic
| Xatu
| Psychic/Flying

| Bronzong
| Psychic/Steel
| Gallade
| Psychic/Fighting
| Claydol
| Psychic/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Juan
| Kingdra
| Water/Dragon
| Walrein
| Water/Ice
| Whiscash
| Water/Ground
| Crawdaunt
| Water/Dark
| Politoed
| Water
| Relicanth
| Water/Rock
| Pokmon Trainer Roark
| Rampardos
| Rock
| Probopass
| Rock/Steel
| Crustle
| Rock/Bug
| Archeops
| Rock/Flying
| Golem
| Rock/Ground
| Relicanth
| Rock/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Gardenia
| Roserade
| Grass/Poison
| Breloom
| Grass/Fighting
| Tropius
| Grass/Flying
| Tangrowth
| Grass
| Leafeon
| Grass
| Torterra
| Grass/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Fantina
| Mismagius
| Ghost
| Dusknoir
| Ghost
| Spiritomb
| Ghost/Dark
| Drifblim
| Ghost/Flying
| Gengar
| Ghost/Poison
| Jellicent
| Ghost/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Maylene
| Lucario
| Fighting/Steel
| Gallade
| Fighting/Psychic
| Infernape
| Fighting/Fire
| Toxicroak
| Fighting/Poison
| Medicham
| Fighting/Psychic
| Machamp
| Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Crasher Wake | Floatzel
| Water
| Ludicolo
| Water/Grass
| Gastrodon
| Water/Ground
| Empoleon
| Water/Steel
| Gyarados
| Water/Flying
| Poliwrath
| Water/Fighting
| Pokmon Trainer Byron
| Bastiodon
| Steel/Rock
| Excadrill
| Steel/Ground
| Magnezone
| Steel/Electric
| Bronzong
| Steel/Psychic
| Forretress
| Steel/Bug
| Aggron
| Steel/Rock
| Pokmon Trainer Candice
| Froslass
| Ice/Ghost
| Weavile
| Ice/Dark
| Abomasnow
| Ice/Grass
| Glaceon
| Ice
| Glalie
| Ice
| Mamoswine
| Ice/Ground

| Pokmon Trainer Volkner

| Electivire
| Electric
| Raichu
| Electric
| Luxray
| Electric
| Rotom (Fan Forme) | Electric/Flying
| Electrode
| Electric
| Jolteon
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Bianca
| Musharna
| Psychic
| Samurott
| Water
| Emboar
| Fire/Fighting
| Serperior
| Grass
| Stoutland
| Normal
| Haxorus
| Dragon
| Pokmon Trainer Chili
| Simisear
| Fire
| Darmanitan
| Fire
| Heatmor
| Fire
| Camerupt
| Fire/Ground
| Emboar
| Fire/Fighting
| Arcanine
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Cilan
| Simisage
| Grass
| Serperior
| Grass
| Jumpluff
| Grass/Flying
| Ferrothorn
| Grass/Steel
| Lilligant
| Grass
| Whimsicott
| Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Cress
| Simipour
| Water
| Samurott
| Water
| Azumarill
| Water
| Crawdaunt
| Water/Dark
| Slowking
| Water/Psychic
| Seismitoad
| Water/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Cheren
| Stoutland
| Normal
| Porygon-Z
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Lickilicky
| Normal
| Castform
| Normal
| Bouffalant
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Lenora
| Watchog
| Normal
| Cinccino
| Normal
| Sawsbuck
| Normal/Grass
| Braviary
| Normal/Flying
| Lickilicky
| Normal
| Kangaskhan
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Roxie
| Scolipede
| Bug/Poison
| Toxicroak
| Poison/Fighting
| Garbodor
| Poison
| Crobat
| Poison/Flying
| Drapion
| Poison/Dark
| Amoonguss
| Poison/Grass
| Pokmon Trainer Burgh
| Leavanny
| Bug/Grass
| Vespiquen
| Bug/Flying
| Crustle
| Bug/Rock
| Heracross
| Bug/Fighting

| Durant
| Bug/Steel
| Accelgor
| Bug
| Pokmon Trainer Elesa
| Zebstrika
| Electric
| Ampharos
| Electric
| Emolga
| Electric/Flying
| Luxray
| Electric
| Stunfisk
| Electric/Ground
| Eelektross
| Electric
| Pokmon Trainer Clay
| Excadrill
| Ground/Steel
| Krookodile
| Ground/Dark
| Flygon
| Ground/Dragon
| Seismitoad
| Ground/Water
| Golurk
| Ground/Ghost
| Mamoswine
| Ground/Ice
| Pokmon Trainer Skyla
| Swanna
| Flying/Water
| Jumpluff
| Flying/Grass
| Drifblim
| Flying/Ghost
| Mandibuzz
| Flying/Dark
| Braviary
| Flying/Normal
| Archeops
| Flying/Rock
| Pokmon Trainer Brycen
| Cryogonal
| Ice
| Vanilluxe
| Ice
| Beartic
| Ice
| Weavile
| Ice/Dark
| Walrein
| Ice/Water
| Dewgong
| Ice/Water
| Pokmon Trainer Drayden
| Haxorus
| Dragon
| Hydreigon
| Dragon/Dark
| Flygon
| Dragon/Ground
| Druddigon
| Dragon
| Salamence
| Dragon/Flying
| Altaria
| Dragon/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Marlon
| Jellicent
| Water/Ghost
| Carracosta
| Water/Rock
| Quagsire
| Water/Ground
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic
| Cloyster
| Water/Ice
| Wailord
| Water
--------------------------------------Tournament Evaluations: Champion League
--------------------------------------This tournament has the ban rule, and all Pokmon go to Level 50.
Trainer Class and Name
Pokmon Party
Pokmon's Type
| Pokmon Trainer Blue
| Aerodactyl
| Rock/Flying
| Alakazam
| Psychic
| Gyarados
| Water/Flying
| Exeggutor
| Grass/Psychic

| Machamp
| Fighting
| Arcanine
| Fire
| Pokmon Trainer Lance
| Dragonite
| Dragon/Flying
| Kingdra
| Dragon/Water
| Salamence
| Dragon/Flying
| Hydreigon
| Dragon/Dark
| Flygon
| Dragon/Ground
| Druddigon
| Dragon
| Pokmon Trainer Red
| Venusaur
| Grass/Poison
| Blastoise
| Water
| Charizard
| Fire/Flying
| Pikachu
| Electric
| Lapras
| Water/Ice
| Snorlax
| Normal
| Pokmon Trainer Steven
| Metagross
| Steel/Psychic
| Excadrill
| Steel/Ground
| Aggron
| Steel/Rock
| Cradily
| Rock/Grass
| Armaldo
| Rock/Bug
| Archeops
| Rock/Flying
| Pokmon Trainer Wallace
| Milotic
| Water
| Walrein
| Water/Ice
| Ludicolo
| Water/Grass
| Sharpedo
| Water/Dark
| Starmie
| Water/Psychic
| Swampert
| Water/Ground
| Pokmon Trainer Cynthia
| Garchomp
| Dragon/Ground
| Lucario
| Fighting/Steel
| Spiritomb
| Ghost/Dark
| Togekiss
| Normal/Flying
| Roserade
| Grass/Poison
| Glaceon
| Ice
| Pokmon Trainer Alder
| Volcarona
| Bug/Fire
| Krookodile
| Ground/Dark
| Reuniclus
| Psychic
| Conkeldurr
| Fighting
| Braviary
| Normal/Flying
| Chandelure
| Ghost/Fire

Pokmon Musicals
Most Pokmon games since the third generation have held some form of Pokmon
Contests. The third and fourth generations, minus remakes, did the more direct
style of the contests found in the anime. To some's chagrin, there weren't
true contests put in the any fifth generation game.

In Pokmon Black and White, both sets, we have Pokmon Musicals. The mechanics
are the same as in the prequels, so, if you've played them, there's no need to
read further.
Anywho, in the northeastern portions of Nimbasa, you'll find the Pokmon
Musical building - it's the one nearest the Route 16 gatehouse. There, speak
with the woman at the left counter if you wish to participate in a Musical with
your friends (via local Wi-Fi or infrared connections); otherwise, speak with
the center woman to go with AI players.
Afterwards, choose a Pokmon to be in the Musical. It doesn't particularly all
that much, except for how many Props it can wear at once. Humanoid Pokmon tend
to have the most slots (because of the two arms, two feet, chest, waist, torso)
but choose whosoever you think is best. Being larger can also help - you can't
readily have two Props' designs overlap too much.
Afterwards, you'll need to pick a show. You can download more shows through
Nintendo WFC, but there are four by default. During each show, you'll need to
meet a certain "style" - more on that later. Anywho, you have "Stardom" (Cool
style), "Forest Stroll" (Cute style), "A Sweet Soiree" (Elegant style), and
"Exciting Nimbasa" (Unique style).
After picking the show, you'll need to dress your Pokmon with Props. You'll
have a few Props initially, and you can gain many more throughout the game.
When dressing a Pokmon, most head Props (i.e. Top Hat) will only have one
usable slot, as will torso items and waist items. Some Props can go on the
hands, arms, legs, and feet and therefore have two slots. Of course, this is
assuming humanoid Pokmon. Pokmon physiques vary greatly - for example,
Dodrio has three heads, Machamp has four arms, Hoothoot only (uses) one foot,
and Ditto is just a blob - so it all depends on the chosen Pokmon.
During the show, you'll mostly get to watch, though, at a few points, you can
appeal to the audience. On the Touch Screen, there appear buttons you can press
to have your Pokmon show off its hand/arm items in some way to grab attention,
because Pokmon are egomaniacs. XD Apparently, it is best to do this whenever
your Pokmon has the spotlight shining on it, for some reason. I guess it is
because your Pokmon is already getting attention, and this boosts it, but I'd
find that other times are better to snatch away attention. Oh well. Game Freak
Afterwards, if your Pokmon got a lot of attention, you can speak with people
in the main hall of the Musical building to get more Props and praise.
Now, you'll obviously need to know what "style" a Prop has attached to it.
Thusly, here is a list. Yay, game hacking!
| Styles |
| Beret
| Unique
| Bib
| Unique
| Big Bag
| Unique
| Big Barrette
| Cute
| Black Cape
| Elegant |
| Black Tie
| Elegant |
| Black Wings
| Cool
| Blue Barette
| Cute
| Blue Flower
| Cute
| Bouquet
| Elegant |
| Bowtie
| Elegant |


Chef's Hat
Colorful Parasol
Cowboy Hat
Crimson Scarf
Decorative Ribbon
Dressy Tie
Electric Guitar
Fake Belly Button
Fake Bone
Fluffy Beard
Frilly Apron (#1)
Frilly Apron (#2)
Frying Pan
Gentleman's Hat
Germ Mask
Gift Box
Googly Specs
Gorgeous Flower
Gorgeous Specs
Green Barette
Headband (#1)
Headband (#2)
Horn Helmet
Hula Skirt
Jester's Cap
Lace Cap
Laurel Wreath
Lonely Flower
Magic Wand
Paint Brush
Pink Barette
Pirate Hat
Pocket Watch
Professor Hat
Red Barette
Red Flower
Red Nose
Red Parasol
Rigid Shield
Round Button
Round Mushroom
Scarlet Cape
Scarlet Hat




| Shuriken
| Cool
| Small Barrette
| Cute
| Smiley-Face Mask | Unique
| Snow Crystal
| Elegant |
| Square Glasses
| Elegant |
| Standing Mike
| Cool
| Straw Hat
| Unique
| Striped Barrette | Cute
| Striped Tie
| Cool
| Tambourine
| Cute
| Thick Book
| Unique
| Tiara
| Elegant |
| Tie
| Cool
| Toy Cake
| Unique
| Toy Cutlass
| Cool
| Toy Fishing Rod
| Cool
| Toy Sword
| Cool
| Trident
| Cool
| Trumpet
| Elegant |
| Umber Belt
| Cool
| Whisk
| Cute
| White Cape
| Elegant |
| White Domino Mask | Cool
| White Pompom
| Cute
| White Wings
| Cute
| Wig
| Cool
| Wind-Up Key
| Cute
| Winner's Belt
| Cool
| Witchy Hat
| Unique
| Wrench
| Unique

Pokstar Studio Movies
As you progress into the game, in Virbank City, you'll see the Pokmon Studio
facility. There, you will be able to film and produce Pokmon movies.
The process is as such. Go into the facility and to the northwestern portions.
You can pick a film to make at the counter in the building. During the filming,
you'll be using a Pokmon - for the first time, this Pokmon is chosen by the
filmmakers, but, afterwards, you can choose whether to use one of your own or
what the studio provides.
You'll have to do things in a specific way, to some point, during the filming
if you want it to be good. You can choose to make your own unique ending to it,
be it good or bad, though you need to remember this is a film. Don't bring in
your Rayquaza to absolutely slaughter an enemy in the first turn. The film will
suck that way, despite Rayquaza's coolness.
Afterwards, you get to see the film in the theater. You'll watch it, with some
added content (conversations, scenes, text) and some other cool things. You'll
also get to see the reactions of people watching the movie on the Touch
Screen. After watching the film, you can choose the "Details" while selecting

the film to see how much money it earned, in billions (!?) of Pokdollars. The
better you do, the better.
So, here, I will detail how to make the films. Since, after making the film
once, you get to choose your Pokmon to use, I will only detail what to do if
you use the rental Pokmon. If you have a more money-earning way using the
rental Pokmon for the film, by all means, send it to me!
(Of course, certain Pokmon still can't participate. Those knowing Transform,
Torment, or Metronome are not allowed.)
Also, films come out as you progress through the game. Just saying. If you're
missing a film here, you'll need to go further in the game, make more films,
or make more money with your films.
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Force Palm.
Your line: "Bring it on!"
Scene #2:
Use Ice Punch.
Brycen-Man Strikes Back
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Protect.
Your line: "Why would I?"
Scene #2:
Use Endure.
Scene #3:
Use Protect; it's okay if it fails, possibly.
Scene #4:
Use Endure.
Scene #6:
Use Protect; it's okay if it fails, possibly.
Brycen-Man Strikes Back 2
Rental Party:

Your goal is to knock out that prop in fifteen scenes. It is of the
Dark/Psychic type, so Fighting moves are of normal power. However, the other
Lucario has a Bug-type move, dealing quadruple damage, so switch to it and
use him. Your opponent may also switch to Mandibuzz or Zoroark
Lucario has an advantage over Mandibuzz, so keep up your Bug move, but
Zoroark can be killed readily with Bug or Fighting
I'd use the latter for
the STAB bonus. You are free to ignore these other Pokmon, too, through
On the note of fighting the other Pokmon, too. Fury Cutter grows in power
as time passes, so it may actually be better to continue using Fury Cutter.
Also note that you may end up fighting Zoroark disguised, through its
ability, as a Mandibuzz. My specific strategy is below.
Scene #1:
Your line: "I must do this!"
Use Reversal.
Scene #2:
Use Reversal after the opponent switch to hit ... Zoroark!?
Get KO'ed from Flamethrower; send in Fury Cutter Lucario.
Scene #3:
Use Force Palm to finish off Zoroark.
Scene #4:
Your line: "Take this!"
Use Fury Cutter.
Scene #5:
Use Fury Cutter again.
Scene #6:
Use Fury Cutter once more!
Full Metal Cop
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Faint Attack.
Your line: "I won't lose!"
Remaining Scenes:
Use Faint Attack.
Full Metal Cop 2
Rental Party:

Scene #1:
Use Swords Dance.
Your line: "Stop bluffing!"
Scene #2:
Use Brick Break, which is bounced back via Counter for a single-hit KO on
your Sneasel, successfully finishing the film.
Full Metal Cop 3
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Sunny Day.
Your line: "Bring it!"
Scene #2:
Use Aerial Ace.
Your line: "You'll see."
Scene #3:
Use Sunny Day.
Scenes #4-5:
Use Slash.
Full Metal Cop 4
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "Battle me!"
Use Swagger.
Send in Sneasel when yours is KO'ed by Twineedle.
Scenes #2-5:
Use Low Kick.
Get KO'ed by Twineedle and send in another Sneasel.
Scene #4 Line: "Obsolete."
Scene #6:
Use Revenge.

Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Roar.
Scene #2:
Use Bite.
Your line: "I'll block it here!"
Scene #3:
Use Bite.
Invaders 2
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Lock-On.
Your line: "On it!"
Scene #2:
Use Zap Cannon.
Remaining Scenes:
Alternate between Lock-On, then Zap Cannon.
Invaders 3
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Thief.
Scene #2:
Use Whirlwind.
Your line: "NO!!"
Scene #3:
Use Thief.
Scene #4:
Use Rest and get awakened via Chesto Berry.
Scene #5:
Use Thief.

Scene #6:
Use Rest and get reawakened via Chesto Berry.
Scene #7:
Use Thief. Assuming Leech Seed wasn't used, you succeeded.
Invaders 4
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "You tricked me!"
Use Trick with Reuniclus.
Scene #2:
Switch to Krokorok.
Scene #3:
Use Roar with Krokorok.
Your line: "No! There's another way!"
Scene #4:
Switch to Reuniclus.
Scene #5:
Use Trick with Reuniclus. (May fail if Dark Pulses become critical/flinch.)
Scene #6:
If Reuniclus is still around, try to use Psywave.
If not, Earthquake. Do not switch to Krokorok to do this...
Remaining Scenes:
Use Earthquake with Krokorok.
Big Monster
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Slack Off.
Your line: "Everyone! This way!"
Scene #2-4:
Use Slack Off. (After anything, if you have full HP, Brine is okay.)
Big Monster 2
Rental Party:

Scene #1:
Have Slowbro use Sunny Day.
Your line: "Over here!"
Scene #2:
Switch to Typhlosion and hope for the best.
Scene #3:
Have Typhlosion use Overheat. This ends the fight with a critical hit.
Further Scenes:
You'll likely end up having Typhlosion KO'ed, so use Brine and Slack Off
with common sense as to how much HP you have.
Big Monster 3
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Reflect.
Your line: "Can we talk about this?"
Scene #2:
Use Brine; switch to Slowbro when KO'ed.
Scene #3:
Use Rain Dance.
Scenes #4-7:
Use Brine.
Big Monster 4
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Skill Swap with Duosion.
Your line: "No! It's different!"
Scene #2:
Use Psyshock with Reuniclus.
Your line: "Sneaky!"
Remaining Scenes:
Continue the Psyshock. If you run out of PP for it, and the Prop is still
alive, switch to Slowbro and use Flamethrower.

Timegate Traveler
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "Certainly!"
Use Trick.
Scenes #2-4:
Use Psyshock.
Timegate Traveler 2
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Skill Swap.
Your line: "Can we talk?"
Scene #2:
Use Rest.
Scene #3:
You are asleep.
Scene #4:
You are asleep.
Scene #5:
Use Protect.
Timegate Traveler 3
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Trick.
Your line: "I'll change it!"
Scene #2:
Use Skill Swap.
Scene #3:
Use Rain Dance.
Scenes #4-5:
Use Thunder.

Love and Battles
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "Prepare yourself!"
Use Belly Drum.
Scene #2:
Your line: "That was nice..." (or whatever the non-"..." line was)
Use Rollout.
Scene #3:
Your line: "I'll do my best."
Rollout's effect continues.
Scene #4:
Rollout continues.
Scene #5:
Begin another Rollout chain.
Your line: "I wonder if I can win..."
Remaining Scenes:
More Rollout.
Love and Battles 2
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "Let's go on a date!"
Use Screech.
Scene #2:
Your line: "Please do!" (Yikes, that was a little creepy.)
Use Screech.
Remaining Scenes:
Use Screech. If you're lucky, you'll be hit with Outrage a few times,
letting you be turned to the Dragon type and readily KO'ed.
Love and Battles 3
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Psychic.

Your line: "I love you!"

Scene #2:
Use Psychic.
Your line: "Look, it's Hypno!"
Scene #3:
Use Psych Up.
Your line: "The Ferris wheel."
Scene #4:
Use Focus Blast. Holy crap, you just beat a Pokmon 70 levels above you.
Mystery Doors of the Magical Land
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Icy Wind.
Your line: "Defeat them!"
Scene #2:
Use Astonish.
Scene #3:
More Icy Wind.
Your line: "I won't quit!"
Final Scenes:
More Icy Wind.
Mystery Doors of the Magical Land 2
Rental Party:
The idea is to make this fight last a suitable amount of time, whilst ending
it with Astonish. It is a decent idea to use Toxic, then Astonish in that
order so as to make it to the line on Scene #3. There, use Icy Wind and
answer "You too?" when needing to answer the line.
Use another Icy Wind and another, then answer "Flee with me!" to the next
line. One more Icy Wind, then Astonish to win.
Of course, this is assuming your opponent did Rest on the second turn and
stuff like that. You'll mostly need to use common sense here.
Mystery Doors of the Magical Land 3

Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "...Strategy!"
Use Hail.
Scenes #2-4:
Use Acid Armor.
Scene #3 Line: "Unforgivable!"
Scene #5:
Use Weather Ball, made Ice-type by Hail, and it's at your main target.
Your line: "I'll do it!"
Scene #6:
Restart Hail.
Scene #7-8:
Weather Ball.
The Giant Woman
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Swagger; the confusion is healed by the opponent's Persim Berry.
Your line: "But you are annoying..."
Scene #2:
Use Minimize.
Your line: "Good grief..."
Scene #3:
Use Minimize.
Scene #4:
It won't matter.
The Giant Woman 2
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "Huh?" -- the shorter line, not the big one with violence.
Use Poison Gas.
Scene #2:
Your line: "It opened all by itself!"
Use Poison Gas.

Scene #3:
Your line: "What do you mean?"
Use Poison Gas.
Remaining Scenes:
Use Poison Gas.
The Giant Woman 3
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "But... How?"
Use Fly.
Scene #2:
Your line: "Calm down!"
Fly hits.
Scene #3:
Use Fly.
Your line: "It's me, [YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME HERE]!"
Scene #4:
Fly hits.
Scene #5:
Use Fly.
Scene #6:
Fly hits, movie ends.
The Giant Woman 4
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "I'll get it sorted out!"
Use Pain Split.
Scene #2:
Use Pain Split.
Your line: "I'm sorry..."
Scene #3:
Use Pain Split.
Your line: "But -- I'm thinking!"
Scene #4:
Use Pain Split.
Your line: "Monica! Knock it off!!"

Scene #5:
Use Endure.
Scene #6:
Use Endure.
Red Fog of Terror
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Reflect.
Your line: "Better wait and see..."
Other Scenes:
Psybeam it is.
Red Fog of Terror 2
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Whirlwind.
Your line: "I'll finish it!"
Scenes #2-3:
Use Calm Mind.
Use Psychic.
Red Fog of Terror 3
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Protect.
Your line: "I won't forgive you!"
Scene #2:
Use Miracle Eye.
Use Psychic.
Everlasting Memories

Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Charge Beam.
Your line: "Good morning."
Scene #2:
Use Charge Beam.
Your line: "Someone you like!"
Remaining Scenes:
Use Charge Beam.
Everlasting Memories 2
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Leech Seed.
Your line: "Come on! It's fun!"
Scene #2:
Use Charm.
Your line: "Of course I do!"
Scene #3:
Use Charm.
Scene #4:
Use Charm.
Scene #5:
Use Wild Charge.
Your line: "Just be patient..."
Scene #6:
Use Wild Charge.
Everlasting Memories 3
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Use Hail with Cryogonal.
Your line: "I'm sorry..."
Scene #2:
Switch to Frillish; use Brine if Cryogonal was KO'ed.

Your line: "Are you okay!?"

Scene #3:
Use Brine with Frillish.
Scene #4:
If the Prop R2's HP is very low, use Blizzard. Otherwise, use Brine.
Everlasting Memories 4 (Thanks to Taylor Radford for the information here!)
Rental Party:
- Whimsicott
- Beartic
Scene #1:
- Your line: "Why?!"
- Use Charm with Whimsicott.
Scene #2:
- Use Memento with Whimsicott; Switch with Beartic when Whimsicott faints.
- Your Line: "No! I can't do it!"
Scene #3:
- Use Bide with Beartic
Scene #4:
- Bide continues.
Scene #5:
- Your Line: "Be strong, F-00!"
- Bide hits. You should win by this point.
Ghost Eraser
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "I'll mourn your passing."
Use Shadow Claw.
Scene #2:
Your line: "Worried about something?"
Use Shadow Claw.
Scene #3:
Your line: "I'll ask the ghosts!"
Use Shadow Claw.
Ghost Eraser 2

Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "Is your daddy here?"
Use Brick Break.
Scene #2:
Your line: "Did he get tired of it?"
Use Shock Wave.
Scene #3:
Your line: "Was he a bad guy?"
Use Shadow Claw.
Ghost Eraser 3
Rental Party:
Scene #1:
Your line: "Begone from the statue!"
Use Shadow Claw.
Scene #2:
Your line: "I'll mourn your passing"
Use whatever; Slaking is unable to move twice in a row.
Scene #3:
Your line: "Love!" (The director hates 'em all, so don't worry over it.)
Use Shadow Claw.
Scene #4:
Your line: "Slaking!"
Use whatever; Slaking is unable to move twice in a row.
Scene #5:
Use Shadow Claw.
Ghost Eraser 4
Rental Party:
You'll need to switch to Cofagrigus and let it get hit to remove the Wonder
Guard ability - on a Dark/Ghost type such Prop G1, that immunizes it from
everything barring statuses. Until Cofagrigus is hit, amuse yourself by
using Will-O-Wisp, then, for something to do, Hex.
Sooner or later, Cofagrigus will get hit, and Wonder Guard goes down. If
Cofagrigus is in - quite unlikely - keep it in for Hex.

Once it is KO'ed, swap to Octillery. Use Soak, then Rain Dance, then switch
to Slaking. Have it use Shadow Claw to adopt the Mummy ability, which
removes Truant, stopping that "only every two turns" thing. Then Thunder!
As for the scene lines, the first one is "You hate ... boredom?". The second
line is "Sleeping?". The third is "You are unique." The fourth is "I don't
know." There is a fifth, I believe, but you shouldn't end up making it that

Medal Rally Medals
When you reach Floccesy Town originally, you'll be forced into a battle in
Alder's house at some point. Not long afterwards, you'll be given the Medal
So begins one of the better sidequests of Pokmon. Akin to the Xbox 360
Achievements, each of the approximately 255 Medals you can earn have some
conditions you need to meet. In this section, you shall find said conditions.
Extreme thanks goes to Serebii for this info!
Medal Names
How to Get This Medal
| 1,000 Victories
| Beat 1000 people in Black Tower/White Treehollow.|
| Get ten fans after your Pokmon Musicals.
| 10 People Funfest
| Participate in a Funfest Mission with 10 people. |
| 100 Passerby
| Pass by one hundred people via the C-Gear.
| 100 Victories
| Beat 100 people in Black Tower/White Treehollow. |
| 120 Boxed
| Fill up four boxes in the PC.
| 20 Victories
| Beat 20 people in Black Tower/White Treehollow. |
| 30 Boxed
| Fill up one box in the PC.
| 30 Passerby
| Pass by thirty people via the C-Gear.
| 30 People Funfest
| Participate in a Funfest Mission with 30 people. |
| 360 Boxed
| Fill up twelve boxes in the PC.
| 50 Victories
| Beat 50 people in Black Tower/White Treehollow. |
| Ace of Hearts
| Score 80 or more points in the Feeling Check.
| Ace Pilot
| Repeatedly use Fly outside of battle.
| Achiever Lv. 1
| Win thirty Funfest Missions.

| Achiever Lv. 2
| Win one hundred Funfest Missions.
| All Types Champ
| Win every Type Expert Tournament at the PWT.
| Archeology Lover
| Revive one Pokmon from a Fossil.
| Around Unova
| Visit every single ares in the Unova region.
| Avenue of Fame
| Fill up Join Avenue so as to give it a name.
| Balloon Conqueror
| Obtain 1,000 points in Xtransceiver minigames. |
| Balloon Expert
| Obtain 500 points in Xtransceiver minigames.
| Balloon Rookie
| Obtain 50 points in Xtransceiver minigames.
| Balloon Technician
| Obtain 200 points in Xtransceiver minigames.
| Battle Guru
| Earn every single Battle Medal.
| Battle Learner
| Take part in one hundred battles.
| Battle Repeater
| Battle thirty trainers in the Nimbasa Stadiums. |
| Battle Teacher
| Take part in two hundred battles.
| Battle Veteran
| Take part in four hundred battles.
| Battle Virtuoso
| Take part in two thousand battles.
| Beginning of Memory
| See your first Memory Link flashback.
| Beginning Trader
| Make one trade.
| Best Minigamers
| Play one hundred Xtransceiver minigames.
| Big Star
| Win one Pokmon Musicial in Nimbasa City.
| Blockbuster Star
| Star in all Classic Pokstar Studios films.
| Born to Battle
| Take part in one hundred Wireless battles.
| Boxes Max
| Fill up every box in the PC.
| BP Wealthy
| Earn 100 or more BP at the Battle Subway/PWT.
| Bridge Enthusiast
| Cross every one of the bridges in Unova.
| Broad Friendship
| Get five Friends registered in the Pal Pad.
| Bug-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Bug-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Busy Saver
| Save the game twenty times.
| Capturing Spree
| Capture fifty Pokmon in a single day.

| Castelia Boss
| Defeat the Castelia City gang.
| Comedic Movie Master | Make the "The Giant Woman" movie series.
| Cop Movie Master
| Make the "Full Metal Cop" movie series.
| Cruise Connoisseur
| Ride the Royal Unova from Castelia ten times.
| Cult Classic Star
| Create all cult movies at Pokstar Studios.
| Dark-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Dark-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Daycare Faithful
| Have the Pokmon Daycare look after many Pokmon.|
| Deep Sleep Capture
| Catch fifty Pokmon in the Entralink.
| Diamond Dust
| Experience Diamond Dust for the first time.
| Double Express
| Defeat the Double Battle Line's Subway Bosses. |
| Dowsing Beginner
| Find one hidden item.
| Dowsing Collector
| Find fifty hidden items.
| Dowsing Specialist
| Find ten hidden items.
| Dowsing Wizard
| Find 150 hidden items.
| Dozing Capture
| Catch one Pokmon in the Entralink.
| Dragon-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Dragon-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Driftveil Mightiest
| Win the Driftveil Tournament at the PWT.
| Easy Cycling
| Ride a Bicycle 30 times.
| Egg Beginner
| Hatch one Pokmon Egg.
| Egg Breeder
| Hatch ten Pokmon Eggs.
| Egg Elite
| Hatch fifty Pokmon Eggs.
| Electric-Type Catcher | Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Electric-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Elite Guide
| Get twenty people into Join Avenue.
| Elite Medalist
| Reach Elite Rank.
| Entertainment Master | Obtain every one of the Entertainment Medals.
| Evolution Authority
| Evolve one hundred Pokmon.

| Evolution Expert
| Evolve fifty Pokmon.
| Evolution Hopeful
| Evolve one Pokmon.
| Evolution Tech
| Evolve ten Pokmon.
| Exam Genius
| Test fifty teams at the Battle Institute.
| EXP. Millionaire
| Earn 1,000,000 or more EXP. during a single day. |
| Experienced Saver
| Save the game fifty times.
| Extensive Friendship | Get ten Friends registered in the Pal Pad.
| Extreme Developer
| Open up fifty shops in Join Avenue.
| Face Board Memorial
| Get a photo taken at a Frillish sign in Humilau. |
| Fantasy Movie Master | Make the "The Mystery Doors of..." movie series. |
| Feeling Master
| Use the Feeling Check for the first time.
| Ferris Wheel Fan
| Ride Nimbasa's Ferris Wheel with many people.
| Fighting-Type Catcher | Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Fighting-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Fire-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Fire-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| First Cult Classic
| Create your first cult movie at Pokstar Studios.|
| First Friend
| Get one Friend registered in the Pal Pad.
| First Step
| Obtain the Medal Box.
| Flying-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Flying-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Frequent Trader
| Make fifty trades.
| Funfest Complete
| Finish every single Funfest Mission.
| Ghost Movie Master
| Make the "Ghost Erasers" movie series.
| Ghost-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Ghost-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Global Connection
| Communicate with someone across the world.
| Good Night
| Put a Pokmon to sleep via Game Sync.

| Good Rod Fisherman
| Use the Super Rod successfully ten times.
| Good Souvenir Getter | Obtain thirty souvenirs from Join Avenue.
| Graffiti Gazer
| Read the graffiti behind a sign.
| Grass-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Grass-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Great Adventure
| Collect every Adventure Medal.
| Great Customer
| Spend $100,000 in a PokMart.
| Great Souvenir Getter | Obtain fifty souvenirs from Join Avenue.
| Great Trade-Up
| Make one hundred trades.
| Ground-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Ground-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Guiding Champ
| Get one hundred people into Join Avenue.
| Hard Cycling
| Ride a Bicycle 100 times.
| Hatching Aficionado
| Hatch one hundred Pokmon Eggs.
| Heavy Machinery Pro
| Answer the quiz in Twist Mountain five times.
| Heavy Traffic
| Pass by one thousand people via the C-Gear.
| Heavy Walker
| Take 20,000 steps on land.
| Hero Ending
| Make the "Return of Brycen-Man" movie.
| Hero Movie Star
| Make the "Brycen-Man Strikes Back" movie series. |
| Hidden Grotto Adept
| Find every single Hidden Grotto in Unova.
| Hoenn Mightiest
| Win the Hoenn Leaders Tournament at the PWT.
| Honored Footprints
| Take 100,000 steps on land.
| Horror Movie Master
| Make the "Red Fog of Terror" movie series.
| Hustle Muscle
| Repeatedly use Strength to move boulders.
| Ice-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Ice-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Indulgent Customer
| Spend $1,000,000 in a PokMart.
| Johto Mightiest
| Win the Johto Leaders Tournament at the PWT.

| Kanto Mightiest
| Win the Kanto Leaders Tournament at the PWT.
| Legend Medalist
| Reach Legend Rank.
| Light Walker
| Take 5,000 steps on land.
| Link Battle Amateur
| Take part in one Wireless battle.
| Link Battle Expert
| Take part in fifty Wireless battles.
| Link Battle Pioneer
| Take part in ten Wireless battles.
| Lucky Color
| Capture or trade in a Shiny Pokmon.
| Magikarp Award
| Use Splash during a battle.
| Master Medalist
| Reach Master Rank.
| Masterpiece Star
| Earn over one trillion in movie grosses.
| Memory Master
| See every one of the Memory Link flashbacks.
| Middle Walker
| Take 10,000 steps on land.
| Mightiest Leader
| Win the World Leaders Tournament at the PWT.
| Mighty Fisherman
| Use the Super Rod successfully one hundred times.|
| Minigame Buff
| Play thirty Xtransceiver minigames.
| Minigame Expert
| Play fifty Xtransceiver minigames.
| Minigame Fan
| Play ten Xtransceiver minigames.
| Mission Host Lv. 1
| Begin and host ten Funfest Missions.
| Mission Host Lv. 2
| Begin and host fifty Funfest Missions.
| Mix Champ
| Win the Mix Tournament at the PWT.
| Mix Master
| Win the Mix Masters Tournament at the PWT.
| Moderate Customer
| Spend $10,000 in a PokMart.
| Monster Movie Master | Make the "Monster" movie series.
| Multi Express
| Defeat the Multi Battle Line's Subway Bosses.
| Musical Prima Donna
| Win thirty Pokmon Musicals in Nimbasa City.
| Musical Star
| Collect all of the Pokmon Musical Props.
| Naming Champ
| Give nicknames to ten Pokmon you captured.
| National Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon in the National Pokdex.
| Never Give Up
| Use Struggle during a battle.
| New Face Hero
| Make the "Brycen-Man" movie.

| New Guide
| Get ten people into Join Avenue.
| Noneffective Artist
| Use a move that doesn't affect a Pokmon.
| Normal-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Normal-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Occasional Trader
| Make ten trades.
| OK Souvenir Getter
| Obtain ten souvenirs from Join Avenue.
| Old Rod Fisherman
| Use the Super Rod successfully once.
| One and Only
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| Opposite Trader
| Trade a Pokmon from White Version (1 or 2) to |
| Pokmon Black Version 2, or from Black Version |
| (1 or 2) to Pokmon White Version 2.
| Participant Lv. 1
| Participate in one Funfest Mission.
| Participant Lv. 2
| Participate in ten Funfest Missions.
| Participation Prize
| I got it at Rookie Rank. Any ideas?
| Pass Power MAX
| Use one hundred Pass Powers.
| Pass Power+
| Use one Pass Power.
| Pass Power++
| Use ten Pass Powers.
| Pass Power+++
| Use fifty Pass Powers.
| Pedaling Legends
| Ride a Bicycle 500 times.
| Pen Pal
| Give a Pokmon some mail, then trade it.
| Pinpoint: Easy
| Clear an area between Areas 2 - 5 in the Black |
| Tower or White Treehollow without more than four |
| battles.
| Pinpoint: Hard
| Clear an area between Areas 6 - 10 in the Black |
| Tower or White Treehollow without more than six |
| battles.
| Poison-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Poison-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Pokmon Center Fan
| Heal your Pokmon several times at a Center.
| Pokrus Discoverer
| Get Pokrus or trade in a Pokmon that has it. |
| Popular Movie Star
| Star in every movie at Pokstar Studios.
| Psychic-Type Catcher | Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |

| Psychic-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Pure Youth
| Capture N's Pokmon.
| Quick Clear: Easy
| Clear an area within Areas 2 - 5 in Black Tower |
| or White Treehollow in under 100 steps.
| Quick Clear: Hard
| Clear an area within Areas 6 - 10 in Black Tower |
| or White Treehollow in under 1,000 steps.
| Rail Enthusiast
| Hear all of the train descriptions in Anville. |
| Regular Customer
| Make a return visit to a PokMart.
| Rental Champ
| Win the Rental Tournament at the PWT.
| Rental Master
| Win the Rental Masters Tournament at the PWT.
| Rising Star
| Win five Pokmon Musicals in Nimbasa City.
| Robot Movie Master
| Make the "Everlasting Memories" movie series.
| Rock-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Rock-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Romantic Movie Master | Make the "Love and Battles" movie series.
| Rookie Medalist
| Reach Rookie Rank.
| Ruins Raider
| Reach the final floor of the Abyssal Ruins.
| Runaway Express
| Reach a streak of 100 in the Battle Subway.
| Sci-Fi Movie Master
| Make the "Timegate Traveler" movie series.
| Scored 1,000
| Earn 1,000+ points during a Funfest Mission.
| Scored 100
| Earn 100 or more points during a Funfest Mission.|
| Shop Builder
| Open up ten shops in Join Avenue.
| Shop Constructor
| Open up twenty shops in Join Avenue.
| Shop Starter
| Open up five shops in Join Avenue.
| Signboard Savvy
| Read 15 different "Trainer's Tips" signs.
| Signboard Starter
| Read five different "Trainer's Tips" signs.
| Single Express
| Defeat the Single Battle Line's Subway Bosses. |
| Sinnoh Mightiest
| Win the Sinnoh Leaders Tournament at the PWT.
| Sleeping Capture
| Catch ten Pokmon in the Entralink.
| Smart Shopper
| Buy ten Pok Balls in bulk to get a Premier Ball.|

| Spin Trade Whiz

| Make a Spin Trade in the Union Room.
| Starter Cycling
| Ride a Bicycle for the first time.
| Steel-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Steel-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Step-by-Step Saver
| Save the game ten times.
| Subway Accelerator
| Reach a streak of 10 in the Battle Subway.
| Subway Low Gear
| Have your first Battle Subway battle.
| Subway Top Gear
| Reach a streak of 50 in the Battle Subway.
| Super Rich
| Spend $10,000,000 in a PokMart.
| Super Rod Fisherman
| Use the Super Rod successfully fifty times.
| Superb Locator
| Explore shaking grass or swirling dust.
| Supereffective Savant | Land very many super-effective attacks.
| Superstar
| Win ten Pokmon Musicals in Nimbasa City.
| Supreme Challenger
| Earn every single Challenge Medal.
| Sweet Dreamer
| Catch one hundred Pokmon in the Entralink.
| Sweet Home
| Get healed in Aspertia City by your mother.
| Talented Cast Member | Take part in a Pokmon Musical in Nimbasa City. |
| Television Kid
| Change the channel on a TV several times.
| Test Enthusiast
| Test thirty teams at the Battle Institute.
| Test Fan
| Test ten teams at the Battle Institute.
| Test Novice
| Have your first Battle Institute battle.
| The First Passerby
| Pass by one person via the C-Gear.
| Top Medalist
| Collect every single Medal (about 255 or so).
| Tower Junior
| Win Area 5 of Black Tower. (Black 2 only.)
| Tower Master
| Win Area 10 of Black Tower. (Black 2 only.)
| Trash Master
| Look inside empty trashcans several times.
| Treehollow Junior
| Win Area 5 of White Treehollow. (White 2 only.) |
| Treehollow Master
| Win Area 10 of White Treehollow. (White 2 only.) |
| Tycoon of Souvenirs
| Obtain one hundred souvenirs from Join Avenue. |
| UFO Movie Master
| Make the "Invaders" movie series.

| Undefeated: Easy
| Battle every trainer in an area (Areas 2 - 5) in |
| Black Tower or White Treehollow.
| Undefeated: Hard
| Beat every trainer in an area (Areas 6 - 10) in |
| Black Tower or White Treehollow.
| Unova Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon in the Unova Pokdex.
| Unova Mightiest
| Win the Unova Leaders Tournament at the PWT.
| Vending Virtuoso
| Buy ten drinks from Vending Machines.
| Veteran Guide
| Get fifty people into Join Avenue.
| Wailord Watcher
| See a Wailord while in the Marine Tube.
| Water-Type Catcher
| Catch all Pokmon of this type in the Unova Dex. |
| Water-Type Champ
| Beat the Elite Four and Pokmon League Champion |
| using only Pokmon of this named type.
| Wonder Writer
| Save the game one hundred times.
| World's Mightiest
| Win the Champion League Tournament at the PWT. |

/ \
/ \
Section Seven: Pokdex
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_7** |
Eh, just use this link:
It links to the FAQ list for Pokmon Black Version 2, where you can find my
Pokdex for both versions of the game. Better than putting 4.5 MB here!

/ \
/ \
Section Eight: Items Dex
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_8** |
Within this section, you'll find documentation on the effects on every item in
the games of Pokmon Black/White Versions 2. There are a vast number and
variety of items in the game, so I've subdivided this into several sections
based upon game sorting.

We'll cover the following types of items in this order:

Pokmon Hold Items
Dungeon Items
Battle Items
Medicinal Items - HP/PP Healers
Medicinal Items - Status Healers
Medicinal Items - Stat Boosters
Technical Machines and Hidden Machines (TMs and HMs)
**POKMON_81** |
[item name]
Description: [My personal description of this item.]
Cherish Ball
Description: A normal Pok Ball used to commemorate some event. Mostly, you
will find that Pokmon from Nintendo Events were "caught" with
Dive Ball
Description: A Pokball whose catch rate is 4x better than that of a normal
Pok Ball, but only when used on Pokmon living underwater.
Dream Ball
Description: A Pokball that appears in a bag, out of nowhere, in the Entree
Forest. It is supposed to catch any Pokmon. I assume it is
abiding by the Master Ball rules - in theory, you can possibly
not catch a Pokmon, but, given the catch rate is 255x that of
a normal Pok Ball, you can just say it will always work.
Dusk Ball
Description: A Pokball whose catch rate is 4x better than a normal
Pok Ball, but only at night or in dark places like caves.
Great Ball
Description: A Pokball whose catch rate is 1.5x better than a normal
Pok Ball.

Heal Ball
Description: A Pokball that will completely restore the caught Pokmon's
HP, PP, and status upon a successful capture. Useless if you
have six Pokmon in your party.
Luxury Ball
Description: A Pokball that will make Pokmon grow happier faster.
Master Ball
Description: A Pokball who is almost guaranteed to capture a Pokmon. In
absolute theory, you can sometimes not catch a Pokmon, but
that is extremely rare, and maybe even impossible, as the catch
rate of this is around 255x that of a normal Pok Ball. For all
intents and purposes, you can just say it will always catch a
Pokmon in the wild.
Nest Ball
Description: A Pokball that works especially well on weak wild Pokmon.
Net Ball
Description: A Pokball whose catch rate is higher when being used against
Water- and Bug-type Pokmon.
Pok Ball
Description: The most basic of Pok Balls, it has no special features.
Premier Ball
Description: Basically a Pok Ball, but with a different design, used to
commemorate buying 10 Pok Balls simultaneously at a PokMart.
Quick Ball
Description: A Pokball whose catch rate is 4x that of a normal Pok Ball
if used during the first four turns of a battle.

Repeat Ball
Description: A Pokball whose catch rate is high if you use it on species
you've previously caught.
Timer Ball
Description: A Pokball who has a base catch rate equal to that of a normal
Pok Ball, but increases slightly every 10 turns, maxing out at
40 turns.
Ultra Ball
Description: A Pokball whose catch rate is 2x better than a normal
Pok Ball.
Pokmon Hold Items
**POKMON_82** |
[item name]
Description: [My personal description of this item.]
Absorb Bulb
Description: When held, if the holder is hit by a Water-type move, the
holder's Special Attack increases.
Adamant Orb
Description: Raises the power of Dragon- and Steel-type moves by ~10%.
Air Balloon
Description: Immunizes the wielder from Ground-type moves, except a few,
until the user is hit, at which point the item is destroyed.
Amulet Coin
Description: If the holder participates in a Trainer battle, you'll earn
double the money you'd otherwise earn if you win.

Big Root
Description: Increases the HP restored from HP-absorbing moves, such as
Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, and so on.
Binding Band
Description: Increases the power of binding moves, such as Wrap and Bind,
when held.
Black Belt
Description: Raises the power of Fighting-type moves by ~20% when held.
Description: Raises the power of Dark-type moves by ~20% when held.
Black Sludge
Description: When held by a Poison-type, the holder's HP is restored by
~6.25% of its max HP every turn. For all other types, they
lose HP by that same factor. (6.25% = 1/16)
Blue Scarf
Description: It used to raise the Beauty of the Pokmon during a Contest in
previous generations. No real use now.
Description: Lowers the opponent's accuracy when held.
Bug Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Bug-type move once.
Burn Drive
Description: Makes Genesect's Techno Blast become Fire-type.

Cell Battery
Description: When held, if the holder is hit by an Electric-type move, the
holder's Attack goes up.
Description: Raises the power of Fire-type moves by ~20%.
Chill Drive
Description: Changes Genesect's Techno Blast to an Ice-type move.
Choice Band
Description: Increases Attack, but only lets the holder use one move.
Choice Scarf
Description: Increases Speed, but only lets the holder use one move.
Choice Specs
Description: Increases Special Attack, but only lets the holder use one
of its moves.
Cleanse Tag
Description: To some extent, keeps away wild Pokmon if the holder is the
first Pokmon in the party.
Damp Rock
Description: Makes Rain Dance last an extra two or so turns.
Dark Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Dark-type move, but just once.
Destiny Knot
Description: If the holder is infatuated, so will be the infatuater.

Douse Drive
Description: Changes Genesect's Techno Blast to a Water-type move.
Draco Plate
Description: Raises the power of Dragon-type moves by ~10%, and will change
Arceus to a Dragon type.
Dragon Fang
Description: Raises the power of Dragon-type moves by ~20%.
Dragon Gem
Description: Raises the power of a Dragon-type move, but only one time.
Dread Plate
Description: Raises the power of Dark-type moves by ~10%, and changes
Arceus to a Dark type.
Earth Plate
Description: Raises the power of Ground-type moves by ~10%, and changes
Arceus to a Ground type.
Eject Button
Description: If the holder is hit by a contact move, the holder will switch
out to another member of the party, if possible.
Electric Gem
Description: Boosts the power of an Electric-type move once.
Description: Prevents the evolution of a Pokmon, which is useless since you
can manually cancel it. So it's more of a convenience item.

Description: Raises the Defense and Special Defense of Pokmon that can
EXP. Share
Description: The holder will gain a share of EXP. without needing to battle.
I assume that this share is 50% what they would obtain had they
participated. You can also have the holder participate to gain
extra EXP.
Expert Belt
Description: Boosts the power of your super-effective attacks.
Fighting Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Fighting-type move, but only once.
Fire Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Fire-type move, but only once.
Fist Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Fighting-type moves by ~10%, and changes
Arceus to a Fighting type.
Flame Orb
Description: Burns the holder when held. There are possibly some uses for
it, such as abusing Facade.
Flame Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Fire-type moves by ~10%, and changes Arceus
to a Fire type.
Float Stone
Description: Cuts the weight of a Pokmon by ~50%, lessening the effects of

weight-based moves like Low Kick and Grass Knot.

Flying Gem
Description: Powers up a Flying-type move, but just once.
Focus Band
Description: May let the holder hang on with 1 HP after an attack that would
otherwise KO them. Works ~10% of the time.
Focus Sash
Description: May let the holder, if at full HP, survive a one-hit KO attack.
Works ~10% of the time. Useless on Pokmon with Sturdy, as that
always works.
Full Incense
Description: Reduces the Speed of the holder.
Ghost Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Ghost-type move once when held.
Grass Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Grass-type move once when held.
Green Scarf
Description: An item once used to raise the Smart stat in Contests of
previous generations, it has no particular use now.
Grip Claw
Description: Makes multiple-turn attacks last longer.
Griseous Orb
Description: Boosts the power of Dragon- and Ghost-type moves by ~10%. It
also could change Giratina to its Origin Forme.

Ground Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Ground-type move, but only once.
Hard Rock
Description: Boosts the power of Rock-type moves by ~20%.
Heat Rock
Description: Makes Sunny Day last around two turns longer.
Ice Gem
Description: Boosts the power of an Ice-type move, but only once.
Icicle Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Ice-type moves by ~10%, and also changes
Arceus to an Ice type.
Icy Rock
Description: Makes Hail last around two turns longer.
Insect Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Bug-type moves by ~10%, and also changes
Arceus to a Bug type.
Iron Ball
Description: Lowers Speed, removes the Flying-type, and neutralizes the
Levitate ability. Most useful when you use Trick to swap it to
an opponent, unless you actually want lower Speed.
Iron Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Steel-type moves by ~10%, and also changes
Arceus to a Steel type.

Lagging Tail
Description: Lowers Speed.
Lax Incense
Description: Makes the holder more evasive, or, to put it another way, makes
the opponent less accurate.
Description: Heals the holder each turn by up to 6.25% (1/16) of its max HP.
Life Orb
Description: Increases the power of moves by ~25%, but also costs the user
HP with each move.
Light Ball
Description: When held by Pikachu, it raises Attack and Special Attack. It
is also used during breeding to give it or Pichu Volt Tackle.
Light Clay
Description: Makes barrier moves (e.g. Reflect, Light Screen) last longer.
Luck Incense
Description: Doubles the prize money earned in a Trainer battle if the
holder takes part.
Lucky Egg
Description: Boosts the EXP. earned by the holder by ~50%.
Lucky Punch
Description: Makes it more likely for Chansey to get critical hits.

Lustrous Orb
Description: Boosts the power of Dragon- and Water-type moves by ~10%.
Macho Brace
Description: Doubles the EVs the holder earns while lowering Speed.
Description: Boosts the power of Electric-type moves by ~20%.
Meadow Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Grass-type moves by ~10%, and turns Arceus
into a Grass type.
Mental Herb
Description: When held, it will cure the user of infatuation once. Also will
lower the user's Happiness.
Metal Powder
Description: Boosts Ditto's Defense.
Description: Increases the power of a move as it is used consecutively. The
boost is voided if an alternate move is used.
Mind Plate
Description: Raises the power of Psychic-type moves by ~10%, and also
changes Arceus to a Psychic type.
Miracle Seed
Description: Boosts the power of Grass-type moves by ~20%.
Muscle Band

Description: Makes physical moves slightly more powerful.

Mystic Water
Description: Boosts the power of Water-type moves by ~20%.
Description: Boosts the power of Ice-type moves by ~20%.
Normal Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Normal-type move, but only once.
Odd Incense
Description: Boosts the power of Psychic-type moves by ~10%.
Pink Scarf
Description: It used to raise the Cuteness of a Pokmon in the Contests of
previous generations. It has no real use nowadays.
Poison Barb
Description: Boosts the power of Poison-type moves by ~20%.
Poison Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Poison-type move, but only once.
Power Anklet
Description: Increases the rate at which Speed goes up, likely by doubling
the Speed EVs earned, but, while equipped, lowers Speed.
Power Band
Description: Increases the rate at which Special Defense goes up, likely by
doubling the Special Defense EVs earned, but, while equipped,
lowers Speed.

Power Belt
Description: Increases the rate at which Defense goes up, likely by doubling
the Defense EVs earned, but, while equipped, lowers Speed.
Power Bracer
Description: Increases the rate at which Attack goes up, likely by doubling
the Attack EVs earned, but, while equipped, lowers Speed.
Power Herb
Description: Lets a move that requires a turn to charge up (e.g. SolarBeam,
Focus Punch) be used immediately, but only once. Also lowers
the Pokmon's Happiness.
Power Lens
Description: Increases the rate at which Special Attack goes up, likely by
doubling the Special Attack EVs earned, but, while equipped,
lowers Speed.
Power Weight
Description: Increases the rate at which max HP goes up, likely by doubling
the max HP EVs earned, but, while equipped, lowers Speed.
Psychic Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Psychic-type move, but only once.
Pure Incense
Description: To some extent, if held by the first Pokmon in the party, it
will keep wild Pokmon away.
Quick Claw
Description: Will let the holder move first ~10% of the time if it normally
does not.
Quick Powder

Description: Boosts Speed.

Red Card
Description: Whenever the holder is attacked, the attacker is swapped out of
battle. In the wild, the battle ends.
Red Scarf
Description: It was once used to boost the Coolness in Pokmon Contests.
Nowadays, it has no real use.
Ring Target
Description: Removes any immunities the Pokmon may have. Best used with
Trick to swap this to the opponent.
Rock Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Rock-type move, but only once.
Rock Incense
Description: Boosts the power of Rock-type moves by ~10%.
Rocky Helmet
Description: If the holder is hit with a direct attack, the attacker takes
some damage.
Rose Incense
Description: Boosts the power of Grass-type moves by ~10%.
Scope Lens
Description: Increases the likelihood of landing a critical hit.
Sea Incense
Description: Boosts the power of Water-type moves. Also is used when

breeding Marill to get Azurill.

Sharp Beak
Description: Boosts the power of Flying-type moves by ~20%.
Shed Shell
Description: Lets the holder switch with a waiting Pokmon in battle. Based
from the description, I guess that means without wasting a
Shell Bell
Description: Whenever the holder attacks a Pokmon, the holder will gain
some HP proportionate to the damage dealt.
Shock Drive
Description: Changes Genesect's Techno Blast into an Electric-type move.
Silk Scarf
Description: Boosts the power of Normal-type moves by ~20%.
Description: Boosts the power of Bug-type moves by ~20%.
Sky Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Flying-type moves by ~10%, and turns
Arceus into a Flying type.
Smoke Ball
Description: Allows the holder to escape from wild Pokmon battles without
Smooth Rock
Description: Makes Sandstorm last two or so turns longer.

Soft Sand
Description: Boosts the power of Ground-type moves by ~20%.
Soothe Bell
Description: Makes the holder grow happier faster.
Soul Dew
Description: Only meant to be held by Latias or Latios. It will raise their
Special Attack and Special Defense stats.
Spell Tag
Description: Boosts the power of Ghost-type moves by ~20%.
Splash Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Water-type moves by ~10%, and also turns
Arceus into a Water-type.
Spooky Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Ghost-type moves by ~10%, and also changes
Arceus into a Ghost-type.
Steel Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Steel-type move, but only once.
Description: Boosts the critical-hit ratio of Farfetch'd when held.
Sticky Barb
Description: Damages the holder every turn, but, if the holder is hit by a
contact move or Trick, the item may move to the attacker.

Stone Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Rock-type moves by ~10%, and also changes
Arceus into a Rock type.
Thick Club
Description: Boosts the Attack of Cubone and Marowak when held.
Toxic Orb
Description: Badly poisons the holder. Useful in the case of using Trick to
swap it to an opponent; some abilities also let Pokmon that
are Poisoned gain, not lose, HP.
Toxic Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Poison-type moves by ~10%, and also changes
Arceus into a Poison type.
Description: Boosts the power of Psychic-type moves by ~20%.
Water Gem
Description: Boosts the power of a Water-type move, but only once.
Wave Incense
Description: Boosts the power of Water-type moves by ~10%.
White Herb
Description: When held, if the user's stats are lowered, the stats are
immediately restored. Only usable once, and makes the Pokmon
less happy.
Wide Lens
Description: Boosts the accuracy of moves by ~10%.

Wise Glasses
Description: Boosts the power of Special-classed moves.
Yellow Scarf
Description: It was once used to boost the Tough stat in Pokmon Contests.
Nowadays, it has no real use.
Zap Plate
Description: Boosts the power of Electric-type moves by ~10%, and also
changes Arceus into an Electric-type.
Zoom Lens
Description: Boosts the accuracy of the holder by ~20% if the holder moves
Dungeon Items
**POKMON_83** |
[item name]
Description: [My personal description of this item.]
Escape Rope
Description: Allows instant escape from most caves or dungeons, much like
Description: Makes it more likely to encounter Pokmon wherever you are.
Max Repel
Description: If wild Pokmon are under the front Pokmon's level, then they
will not be battled for 250 steps.

Description: If wild Pokmon are under the front Pokmon's level, then they
will not be battled for 100 steps.
Super Repel
Description: If wild Pokmon are under the front Pokmon's level, then they
will not be battled for 200 steps.
Battle Items
**POKMON_84** |
[item name]
Description: [My personal description of this item.]
Dire Hit
Description: Raises the critical-hit ratio as long as the Pokmon remains
in battle.
Fluffy Tail
Description: Allows instant escape from any wild Pokmon battle.
Guard Spec.
Description: Prevents the lowering of your stats for five turns.
Pok Doll
Description: Allows instant escape from any wild Pokmon battle.
Pok Toy
Description: Allows instant escape from any wild Pokmon battle.
X Accuracy
Description: Boosts accuracy as long as the Pokmon remains in battle.

X Attack
Description: Boosts Attack as long as the Pokmon remains in battle.
X Defend
Description: Boosts Defense as long as the Pokmon remains in battle.
X Sp. Def.
Description: Boosts Special Defense as long as the Pokmon stays in battle.
X Special
Description: Boosts Special Attack as long as the Pokmon stays in battle.
X Speed
Description: Boosts Speed as long as the Pokmon remains in battle.
**POKMON_85** |
| Fossil Names | What Pokmon Is Revived | Pokmon's Type |
| Armor Fossil | Shieldon
| Rock/Steel
| Claw Fossil | Anorith
| Rock/Bug
| Cover Fossil | Tirtouga
| Rock/Water
| Dome Fossil | Kabuto
| Rock/Water
| Helix Fossil | Omanyte
| Rock/Water
| Old Amber
| Aerodactyl
| Rock/Flying
| Plume Fossil | Archen
| Rock/Flying
| Root Fossil | Lileep
| Rock/Grass
| Skull Fossil | Cranidos
| Rock
Pokmon Evolutionary Items
**POKMON_86* |
| Evolution Item | Pokmon Before | Pokmon After |
Method Used
| Dawn Stone
| (male) Kirlia | Gallade
| Direct use.
| (female) Snorunt | Froslass
| Direct use.

| DeepSeaScale
| Clamperl
| Huntail
| Hold in a trade. |
| DeepSeaTooth
| Clamperl
| Gorebyss
| Hold in a trade. |
| Dragon Scale
| Seadra
| Kingdra
| Hold in a trade. |
| Dubious Disc
| Porygon2
| Porygon-Z
| Hold in a trade. |
| Dusk Stone
| Murkrow
| Honchkrow
| Direct use.
| Misdreavus
| Mismagius
| Direct use.
| Lampent
| Chandelure
| Direct use.
| Electirizer
| Electabuzz
| Electivire
| Hold in a trade. |
| Fire Stone
| Vulpix
| Ninetales
| Direct use.
| Growlithe
| Arcanine
| Direct use.
| Eevee
| Flareon
| Direct use.
| Pansear
| Simisear
| Direct use.
| King's Rock
| Poliwhirl
| Politoed
| Hold in a trade. |
| Slowpoke
| Slowking
| Hold in a trade. |
| Leaf Stone
| Gloom
| Vileplume
| Direct use.
| Weepinbell
| Victreebel
| Direct use.
| Exeggcute
| Exeggutor
| Direct use.
| Nuzleaf
| Shiftry
| Direct use.
| Pansage
| Simisage
| Direct use.
| Magmarizer
| Magmar
| Magmortar
| Hold in a trade. |
| Metal Coat
| Onix
| Steelix
| Hold in a trade. |
| Scyther
| Scizor
| Hold in a trade. |
| Moon Stone
| Nidorina
| Nidoqueen
| Direct use.
| Nidorino
| Nidoking
| Direct use.
| Clefairy
| Clefable
| Direct use.
| Jigglypuff
| Wigglytuff
| Direct use.
| Skitty
| Delcatty
| Direct use.
| Munna
| Musharna
| Direct use.
| Oval Stone
| Happiny
| Chansey
| Hold & be happy. |
| Prism Scale
| Feebas
| Milotic
| Hold in a trade. |
| Protector
| Rhydon
| Rhyperior
| Hold in a trade. |
| Razor Claw
| Sneasel
| Weavile
|Hold & level at night|
| Razor Fang
| Gligar
| Gliscor
|Hold & level at night|
| Reaper Cloth
| Duskull
| Dusknoir
| Hold in a trade. |
| Shiny Stone
| Togetic
| Togekiss
| Direct use.
| Roselia
| Roserade
| Direct use.
| Minccino
| Cinccino
| Direct use.
| Sun Stone
| Gloom
| Bellossom
| Direct use.
| Sunkern
| Sunflora
| Direct use.
| Cottonee
| Whimsicott
| Direct use.

| Petilil
| Lilligant
| Direct use.
| Thunderstone
| Pikachu
| Raichu
| Direct use.
| Eevee
| Jolteon
| Direct use.
| Eelektrik
| Eelektross
| Direct use.
| Up-Grade
| Porygon
| Porygon2
| Hold in a trade. |
| Water Stone
| Poliwhirl
| Poliwrath
| Direct use.
| Shellder
| Cloyster
| Direct use.
| Staryu
| Starmie
| Direct use.
| Eevee
| Vaporeon
| Direct use.
| Lombre
| Ludicolo
| Direct use.
| Panpour
| Simipour
| Direct use.
Random Items For Selling
**POKMON_87** |
This is pretty much just a listing of what's good to save for maniacs. If I
remember correctly, you can sell ores to the guy in the Pokmon Center of
Mistralton, Relics to the rich dude in western Undella, and foodstuffs to the
chef in Route 5. Most anything else is just good to sell to the PokMart.
Big Mushroom
Big Nugget
Big Pearl
Black Flute
Blue Flute
Comet Shard
Heart Scale
Pearl String
Pretty Wing
Rare Bone
Red Flute
Relic Band
Relic Copper
Relic Crown
Relic Gold
Relic Silver
Relic Statue
Relic Vase
Shoal Salt
Shoal Shell
Star Piece
White Flute
Yellow Flute
Colored Shards
**POKMON_88** |

There are four types of Colored Shards. They can be sold to the ores maniac in
the Mistralton Pokmon Center, and can also be used for move tutoring.
Blue Shard
Green Shard
Red Shard
Yellow Shard
Pokmon Mail
**POKMON_89** |
This is just a bunch of mail you can let your Pokmon hold for some sort of
communicate during trades.
BridgeMail D
BridgeMail M
BridgeMail S
BridgeMail T
BridgeMail V
Favored Mail
Greet Mail
Inquiry Mail
Like Mail
Reply Mail
Thanks Mail
Medicinal Items - HP/PP Healers
**POKMON_810** |
[item name]
Description: [My personal description of this item.]
Berry Juice
Description: Heals up to 20 HP.
Description: Heals up to 50 HP; makes Pokmon less happy.
Energy Root
Description: Heals up to 200 HP; makes Pokmon much less happy.

Description: Restores 10 PP to each move.

Description: Heals up to 10 PP on one move.
Fresh Water
Description: Heals up to 50 HP.
Full Restore
Description: Fully heals HP and cures all statuses except KO and Pokrus.
Hyper Potion
Description: Heals up to 200 HP.
Description: Heals up to 80 HP.
Max Elixir
Description: Fully heals all the PP of all moves.
Max Ether
Description: Fully heals the PP of one move.
Max Potion
Description: Fully heals HP, regardless of how much it is.
Max Revive
Description: Revives a Pokmon from KO with full HP.
Moomoo Milk

Description: Heals up to 100 HP.

Description: Heals up to 20 HP.
Description: Heals up to 20 HP.
Revival Herb
Description: Revives a Pokmon from KO with full HP; makes the Pokmon much
less happy.
Description: Revives a Pokmon from KO with ~50% of its HP.
Sacred Ash
Description: Revives all Pokmon in the party from KO, and fully restores
the HP of the revived Pokmon.
Soda Pop
Description: Heals up to 60 HP.
Super Potion
Description: Heals up to 50 HP.
Sweet Heart
Description: Heals up to 20 HP.
Medicinal Items - Status Healers
**POKMON_811** |
[item name]

Description: [My personal description of this item.]

Description: Cures Poison.
Description: Cures Sleep.
Burn Heal
Description: Cures Burn.
Description: Cures all statuses except for KO and Pokrus.
Full Heal
Description: Cures all statuses except for KO and Pokrus.
Full Restore
Description: Cures all statuses except for KO and Pokrus, and fully heals
Heal Powder
Description: Cures all statuses except for KO and Pokrus. Makes Pokmon
less happy.
Ice Heal
Description: Cures Frozen.
Lava Cookie
Description: Cures all statuses except for KO and Pokrus.

Max Revive
Description: Revives a Pokmon from KO with full HP.
Old Gateau
Description: Cures all statuses except for KO and Pokrus.
Parlyz Heal
Description: Cures Paralysis.
Revival Herb
Description: Revives a Pokmon from KO with full HP; makes the Pokmon much
less happy.
Description: Revives a Pokmon from KO with ~50% of its HP.
Sacred Ash
Description: Revives all Pokmon in the party from KO, and fully restores
the HP of the revived Pokmon.
Medicinal Items - Stat Boosters
**POKMON_812** |
[item name]
Description: [My personal description of this item.]
Description: Boosts Special Attack EVs by 10. Fails if EVs are at 255 for
this stat, or 510 across all stats. 10 EVs will usually result
in an instant 2 or 3 point boost.

Description: Boosts Speed EVs by 10. Won't work if EVs are at 255 for this
stat, or 510 across all stats. 10 EVs will usually result
in an instant 2 or 3 point boost.
Clever Wing
Description: Boosts Special Defense EVs by 1. Fails if EVs are at 255 for
this stat, or 510 across all stats.
Genius Wing
Description: Boosts Special Attack EVs by 1. Fails if EVs are at 255 for
this stat, or 510 across all stats.
Health Wing
Description: Boosts max HP EVs by 1. Won't work if EVs are at 255 for this
stat, or 510 across all stats.
Description: Boosts max HP EVs by 10. Won't work if EVs are at 255 for this
stat, or 510 across all stats. 10 EVs will usually result
in an instant 2 or 3 point boost.
Description: Boosts Defense EVs by 10. Won't work if EVs are at 255 for this
stat, or 510 across all stats. 10 EVs will usually result
in an instant 2 or 3 point boost.
Muscle Wing
Description: Boosts Attack EVs by 1. Won't work if EVs are at 255 for this
stat, or 510 across all stats.
PP Max
Description: Boosts the max PP of a move by 60%. Won't work if the max PP is
already at 160% of the norm.
Description: Boosts the max PP of a move by 20%. Won't work if the max PP is

already at 160% of the norm.

Description: Boosts Attack EVs by 10. Won't work if EVs are at 255 for this
stat, or 510 across all stats. 10 EVs will usually result
in an instant 2 or 3 point boost.
Rare Candy
Description: Causes a level-up if the Pokmon is under Level 100.
Resist Wing
Description: Boosts Defense EVs by 1. Won't work if EVs are at 255 for this
stat, or 510 across all stats.
Swift Wing
Description: Boosts Speed EVs by 1. Won't work if EVs are at 255 for this
stat, or 510 across all stats.
Description: Boosts Special Defense EVs by 10. Fails if EVs are at 255 for
this stat, or 510 across all stats. 10 EVs will usually result
in an instant 2 or 3 point boost.
**POKMON_813** |
[item name]
Description: [The game's description of this item.]
Aguav Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but
will cause confusion if it hates the taste.
Apicot Berry

Description: If held by a Pokmon, it raises its Sp. Def stat in a pinch.

Aspear Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it defrosts it.
Babiri Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Steel-type attack against the holding
Belue Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Bluk Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Charti Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Rock-type attack against the holding
Cheri Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it recovers from paralysis.
Chesto Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it recovers from sleep.
Chilan Berry
Description: Weakens a Normal-type attack against the Pokmon holding this
Chople Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Fighting-type attack against the

holding Pokmon.
Coba Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Flying-type attack against the
holding Pokmon.
Colbur Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Dark-type attack against the
holding Pokmon.
Cornn Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Custap Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it gets to move first just once in a
Durin Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Enigma Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it restores its HP if it is hit by any
supereffective attack.
Figy Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but
will cause confusion if it hates the taste.
Ganlon Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it raises its Defense stat in a pinch.
Grepa Berry

Description: Using it on a Pokmon makes it more friendly, but it also

lowers its base Sp. Def stat.
Haban Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Dragon-type attack against the holding
Hondew Berry
Description: Using it on a Pokmon makes it more friendly, but it also
lowers its base Sp. Atk stat.
Iapapa Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but
will cause confusion if it hates the taste.
Jaboca Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon and a physical attack lands, the attacker
also takes damage.
Kasib Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Ghost-type attack against the holding
Kebia Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Poison-type attack against the holding
Kelpsy Berry
Description: Using it on a Pokmon makes it more friendly, but it also
lowers its base Attack stat.
Lansat Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it raises its critical-hit ratio in a

Leppa Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it restores a move's PP by 10.
Liechi Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it raises its Attack stat in a pinch.
Lum Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it recovers from any status problem.
Mago Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch,
but will cause confusion if it hates the taste.
Magost Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Micle Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it raises the accuracy of a move just
once in a pinch.
Nanab Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Nomel Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Occa Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Fire-type attack against the holding

Oran Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it heals the user by just 10 HP.
Pamtre Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Passho Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Water-type attack against the holding
Payapa Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Psychic-type attack against the
holding Pokmon.
Pecha Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it recovers from poison.
Persim Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it recovers from confusion.
Petaya Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it raises its Sp. Atk stat in a pinch.
Pinap Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Pomeg Berry
Description: Using it on a Pokmon makes it more friendly, but it also
lowers its base HP.

Qualot Berry
Description: Using it on a Pokmon makes it more friendly, but it also
lowers its base Defense stat.
Rabuta Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Rawst Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it recovers from a burn.
Razz Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Rindo Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Grass-type attack against the holding
Rowap Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon and a special attack lands, the attacker
also takes damage.
Salac Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it raises its Speed stat in a pinch.
Shuca Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Ground-type attack against the
holding Pokmon.
Sitrus Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it heals the user's HP a little.

Spelon Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Starf Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it sharply raises one of its stats in a
Tamato Berry
Description: Using it on a Pokmon makes it more friendly, but it also
lowers its base Speed stat.
Tanga Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Bug-type attack against the holding
Wacan Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Electric-type attack against the
holding Pokmon.
Watmel Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Wepear Berry
Description: A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will
buy it for a high price.
Wiki Berry
Description: If held by a Pokmon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but
will cause confusion if it hates the taste.
Yache Berry
Description: Weakens a supereffective Ice-type attack against the holding


Technical Machines & Hidden Machines (TMs/HMs) **POKMON_814** |
I'll just copy and paste the data from my Pokdex...

[Move Name]
Hone Claws
Dragon Claw
Calm Mind
Bulk Up
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Ice Beam
Hyper Beam
Light Screen
Rain Dance
Smack Down
Shadow Ball
Brick Break
Double Team
Sludge Wave
Sludge Bomb
Fire Blast
Rock Tomb
Aerial Ace
Flame Charge

[Type] [Power]
Psychic 80
Psychic --Normal --Poison --Ice
--Fighting --Poison
Normal --Fire
Normal 150
Psychic --Normal --Water
--Psychic --Normal --Normal --Grass
Electric 95
Electric 120
Ground 100
Normal --Ground
Psychic 90
Fighting 75
Normal --Psychic --Poison
Psychic --Normal ---


[Max PP] [Class]


All Opp.
Not User
Not User


Low Sweep
Echoed Voice
Ally Switch
Focus Blast
Energy Ball
False Swipe
Charge Beam
Sky Drop
Shadow Claw
Giga Impact
Rock Polish
Stone Edge
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave
Gyro Ball
Swords Dance
Struggle Bug
Psych Up
Frost Breath
Rock Slide
Dragon Tail
Work Up
Poison Jab
Dream Eater
Grass Knot
Flash Cannon
Trick Room
Wild Charge
Rock Smash






All Opp.
Not User
All Opp.
Not User
All Opp.
All Opp.
Not User

/ \
/ \
Section Nine: Credits and Closing
| CTRL+F Tag: **POKMON_9** |
This seems to be the end of the road, for this FAQ anyways. I really hope you
have enjoyed this guide.
But, of course, there were many people who helped with this guide, some in ways
they never even knew. I would like to end this guide by thanking all of these
people for what they've done. In no particular order...
GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and Supercheats:
Being great FAQ-hosting sites and having the decency to ASK.

CJayC, SBAllen, and Devin Morgan:

General sucking up to the GameFAQs admins. :P

The GameFAQs FAQ Contributors Boards:

Shaping me as an FAQ author.

Pokdex 3D:
Let's see... It's a Pokdex. Come on, whaddaya think it did!?

The completed Medal listings.

Alex Boparai:
Noting the trade on Route 4.

Pointed out how to get TM94 (Rock Smash) in the Virbank Complex.

Josh Einbinder:

Pointed out the Rare Candy reward for the Castelia City Harlequin Hunt.
Corrected me that the Combee in the Castelia City Gym is Level 19, not 10.
Corrected me that you receive a Deerling on Route 6, not the whole thing
like it was in the original B/W, which was showing them Deerling every

Matthew Alexander:
Correction on version-exclusiveness for Minncino and Sandile on Route 4.
Taylor Radford:
Information for Everlasting Memories 4.

tlo lo:
Noting that Scald was an 80-Power move when getting it from Merlon.
Easier way to heal in the Black 2 Plasma Frigate around there.

Will Hartmann:
Telling me that you can encounter Litwick on 5F of Celestial Tower.

Nintendo and Game Freak:

They made the game. Despite its shortcomings as far as staleness goes, it is
a rather good game.

Me (KeyBlade999):
Well, I did make this, you know!

You, the reader:

For hopefully enjoying this and finding it useful. And, of course, actually
reading THIS far!!

This is the end of KeyBlade999's
+++ Pokmon Black Version 2 and Pokmon White Version 2 FAQ/Walkthrough. +++

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