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Tips on Writing a Script

1) Remember to make full use of the 5W + 1H formula! (who, where,

when, what, why and how)
2) Writing a script is just like writing an essay! You will have to have these
elements in your script: a beginning, middle and an end.
3) Before you start to write your script, make sure you already have the big
idea. Plan your story properly!
4) Each time you write your script, each new scene needs a heading. The
heading is called a slug line. A slug line tells the reader: where the scene
is, the location and as well as the time.
5) If the scene is at outdoor, use EXT.
6) If the scene is at indoor, use INT.
7) As an example:
means that the scene is indoors, in the kitchen and it is early in the
8) You will have to describe the action in the script.
It is 7 oclock in the morning. Mrs. Richard is busy preparing breakfast for
her family. She prepared chicken pie for them. Mr. Richard is at the
kitchen as well. He is reading newspaper while drinking his coffee. Kelly is
looking at her mobile phone. She is smiling at the text that her best friend
Molly sent to her. Jack is looking at his empty plate. He is thinking about
something. Suddenly, he slaps his own face. Everyone looked at him.
9) Remember to include the characters names when they speak.
(shocked) Are you okay son?
I dont know, dad.

You can include how the characters say their

line. Mr. Richard is shocked; therefore he
needs to sound shocked when he speaks.
Actions can also be included, for example:
(hands on mouth) / (standing up)

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