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De La Salle Santiago Zobel School

High School Department

Social Studies for Grade 10
Contemporary Issues Confronting the Philippine Economic System
A. Y. 2015 - 2016
Subject Requirements:
1 notebook for SS
1 long clear book for SS (assessment portfolio)
1/8 crosswise for News Reporting
iPad (Edmodo, Google Drive, Google Docs, etc)
Course Outline
Term 1: Economics as a Contemporary Issue
A. Contemporary Issues as a Tool to the Understanding of Economics as a
Field of Study
B. Basic Economic Issue
b.1 Resources and Environmental Issue
b.2 Economics and their Basic Issues
a. Scarcity
b. Allocation
c. Other Economic Issues
Term 2: Issues Confronting Microeconomic Constructs

A. Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

a. 1 Eight Basic Consumer Rights
a.2 Five Basic Consumer Responsibilities
B. Human Rights in the Philippines
b.1 Fundamental Human Rights and some Controversial Rights
b.2 Violations Against Human Rights
b.3 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
b.4 Human Rights Issues and Cases in the Philippines
C. Gender Issues in the Philippines
c.1 Gender and Sexuality
c.2 Prostitution, Human Trafficking and other forms of Violation against
Women and Children
D. Religious Issues in the Philippines
d.1 Separation of the Church and the State
d.2 Abortion and reproductive Health Law
d.3 Divorce and Same-sex Marriage

E. Political-Economic Issues in the Philippines

e.1 Migration
e.1.1 Issues on Urban and Rural Migration
e.1.2 Effects of Migration to the economic development of a country
e.2 Territorial and Border Conflicts
e.2.1 Factors that lead to Territorial Disputes
e.2.2 West Philippine Territorial Dispute
e.2.3 Philippine Claim on Sabah
Term 3: Issues Confronting the Macroeconomic World
A. Political Issues in Economics
a.1 Monetary Policy
a.2 Fiscal Policy
a.3 Economic Systems
a.4 Market Systems
a.5 International Relations
a.5.1 Comparative Advantage
a.5.1 Absolute Advantage
B. Economic Sectors
a. Agriculture
b. Industry
c. Service
d. Banking
e. Government

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------News Reporting & Sharing

Choose one local or foreign news article to summarize the article based on the following
a. what
b. who
c. when
d. where
e. why
Write in 3 5 sentences a brief reflection about the news report. (what are your opinions, questions
and reactions regarding the news report you have presented to the class)
Choose one to include in the news report with a brief explanation:
a. political comic strip
b. editorial cartoon
c. news photo/s
There will be 2 news reporters every meeting
Each reporter will be given 3 minutes to present the context and details of their news report
Output: a. presentation of Word file
b. printed copy
If the reporter failed to report on the day they are assigned to present the news report, he/she will
automatically incur a grade of zero (0)- UNDERSTANDING (30%)

Schedule of News Sharing

Day 1: 25, 37
Day 2: 9, 21
Day 3: 27, 39
Day 4: 1, 13
Day 5: 29, 41
Day 6: 3, 15
Day 7: 10, 22
Day 8: 32, 33
Day 9: 34, 35
Day 10: 12, 24

Day 11: 28, 40

Day 12: 2, 14
Day 13: 30, 42
Day 14: 4, 16
Day 15: 5, 17
Day 16: 6, 18
Day 17: 7, 19
Day 18: 8, 20
Day 19: 26, 38
Day 20: 31, 36
Day 21: 11, 23

News Sharing Rubric (10 points)

Format for the Output for News Reporting

(Font size 12, Arial/Verdana/Times New Roman Short Bond Paper)
CN: ___
NAME: ___________________________ YR. & SEC. _____ DATE OF REPORTING: __________
HEADLINE: _____________________________________________________________________
NEWS SOURCE / REFERENCE: ____________________________________________________
WHAT : ___________________________________________________________________
WHO : ____________________________________________________________________
WHEN : ___________________________________________________________________
WHERE : __________________________________________________________________
WHY: _____________________________________________________________________


BRIEF EXPALANATION: _______________


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