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July 2010

Legal flow scheme to start production from a captive mine:

Ministry structure GoI:

Schedule of Legal actions for the Mine:

Sl. No

Permission / Clearance

Prospecting License

Permission to drill in forest



Grant of Prospecting License

Mining Plan Application
Mining Plan approval
Mining Lease Application
Environmental Clearance
Forest Diversion Proposal
Wild life management plan
R&R of forest dwellers


Labour related Permissions


Permission to change usage of land

Permission to start a vocational
cum technical training centre



Permission to draw water


Permission to draw construction



Grant of Forest Clearance


Grant of Environmental Clearance

Use of Radio Frequency
communication system in mines
Grant of Mining Lease
Vocation Training
Approval from National Highway
authority for diversion of highway


Diversion of Nallah


Use of Explosives


Use of Explosive Van, Design of

Magazine, Location of Petrol Pump

Authority / Act
Forest Conservation Act
Ministry of Coal
Ministry of Coal
Forest Conservation Act
Wild Life Act, MoEF
Forest Dwellers Act
Minimum Wages Act,
Contract Labor Abolition
State Revenue Dept
Factories act, VT Rules,
State laws??
State Water Resource
State Industry Dept and
Electricity Board
Forest Conservation Act
Ministry of Defense
VT Rules
National Highway
Water Resource Depot,
Pollution Control Board
Indian Explosive Act,
Ministry of Petroleum
Indian Explosive Act,
Ministry of Petroleum

Likely Schedule

Sl. No

Permission / Clearance


License for storage of Petroleum


Permission for Boilers

Permission to use premises as
Completion of Land Acquisition
Opening Permission, Traffic Rules,
Exemptions under certain
provisions of CMR, Dumping Rules,



Authority / Act
Petroleum Act, Chief
Controller of Explosives
Boilers Inspector
Factories act
LA Act
Coal Mines Regulation,

Likely Schedule

Check list:

Application in Form B to the concerned District Magistrate of respective State, India

with a non refundable fee calculated @ Rs. 250 per sq. km. and further Rs. 50 for
every subsequent sq. km.
Affidavit Stating No Mining dues and Income Tax due in the State.
Company registration certificate (copy).
Power of attorney of authorized person who will sign the application.
List of Board of Directors.
Resolution of the company for appointing the authorized signatory.
Attested copy of the memorandum of association and article of association.
Year wise work schedule and expenditure.
Cadastral Map of the area on 1:4,000 scale in case of revenue land or 1:15,000 in case of
forest land.
Details of the financial and technical capability of the company.
Any other information desired by the applicant or office.


Check List:

Form A (Part-I, II, III, IV, V)

Copy of Govt. of India MoC regarding allocation of coal block.
Authenticated Land schedule of P.L. Area
Consent letter of party to undertake Test drilling
Undertaking to pay statutory due
Power of Attorney to sign this proposal.
Article of Association
Location map of PL area shown in Topo sheet in 1:50,000 scale.
Village map indicated the location of PL area.
Location map indicating the proposed boreholes for drilling.

Check list:

Copy of the block allotment letter

Copy of the formation of joint venture company
The authorisation letter for the authorised signatory by directors of the joint venture

Authorisation to the RQP to prepare mine plan. This should be signed by the authorised
Undertaking from the joint venture partners to abide by all the provisions of the
approved mine plan.
The block boundary marked on the cadastral plan and certified by CMPDI
The land schedule of the block area indicating forest land, agricultural land, non-forest
land, Govt. land and gochar land if any.
The land use plan
Location plan of the block with respect to nearby railway station and road.

Check list

Application in Form I to the DM office of respective State, India with a non refundable
fee of Rs. 3500
Affidavit Stating No Mining dues and Income Tax due in the State.
Company registration certificate (copy).
Power of attorney of authorized person who will sign the application.
List of Board of Directors.
Resolution of the company for appointing the authorized signatory.
Attested copy of the memorandum of association and article of association.
Cadastral Map of the area on 1:4,000 scale in case of revenue land or forest Map in case
of forest land. on 1:15, 000 scale.
Copy of the Prospecting Licence Order.
Details of the financial and technical capability of the company.
Prospecting report stating proof of mineral as per UNFC system.
Self certification for filing of prospecting data.
Any other information desired by the applicant or DM office.


Check list

Copy of Grant order issued by the Dept. of Steel & Mines, State Govt.
Copy of Mining Plan with approval of I.B.M. along with Mines Closure Plan and
Reclamation plan.
N.O.C. issued By State Pollution Control Board
Copy of Forest Diversion proposal with Maps
Land Schedule of the lease area.

List of Villages with demographic features coming within 10 K.Ms from the core of the
lease area.
Cattle Population of the said villages.
Note on local geology, rock and soil.
Note on mines drainage.
Note on existing perennial nalas/seasonal nalas existing in the lease area.
Map of the lease area depicted on the corresponding Topo Sheet along with adjoining
leases within a radius of 10 K.Ms.
List of wild animals/birds etc. locally seen by the villages.
Authentication of Flora & Fauna by DS.F.O. concerned.
Note on dependence of people on the forests proposed for diversion for mining.
Note on communication to the lease area from Bhubaneswar.
Note on mode of transport of ore from the mine to the plant.
Note on employment to be generated by establishment of the plant.
Map of the lease shown on the village sheet.
Vegetation map of the area along with the zone of impact (5 K.Ms.).
Lease area shown on the District map.
Digital Photo of the Mining Lease area, virgin forest area, mine pits, sprinkling system,
reclamation area, soil conservation methods taken, sign boards provided for educating
workers etc.


Check list

Copy of Lease grants order.

Copy of renewal of M.P. order/RML application form "D"
Copy of lease deed / if any in case of R.M.L.
Copy of Approved Mining Plan/ Scheme with Progressive Mine Closure Plan with letter
of approval of IBM/ Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India in case of Coal Mine
Copy of Environmental clearance obtained from MoEF or copy of T/O/R. approved by
Copy of NOC consent to establish issued by State Pollution Control board
Short narrative of the proposal
R.L. highest & lowest in the mine
Note on Drainage Pattern
Note on Local Geology, Risk and Soil
Note on latitude and longitude
Note on distance from nearest Rail Head, N.H., if any
Annual rate of Production/ Life of Mine
Generation of employment potentiality of the project

Cost of Iron Ore / Manganese Ore to be produced annually vis-a vis Steel. In case of Coal
the grade and its cost and value addition cost when converted to power.
Copy of MOU made with the State Govt. for establishment of Steel Plant for mineral
beneficiation or Power Plant, if any.
Population to be benefited directly & indirectly
Rehabilitation of any village, if involved then copy of draft R & R Plan
Cost of the project i.e. Cost on infrastructure / Cost on operation / Cost of establishment
/ Cost of raw material / Cost to be paid to State Forest Dept. for Con. Affn & NPV etc.
Copy of article of Association
Copy of affidavit to sign the diversion proposal
Land use details i.e. for Mining / Storing Minerals / Storing of O.B. /Const. of
infrastructure / Road & Railway / Magazine with Safety Zone
Land schedule authenticated by Tahsildar, concerned
Details of Broken Forest Land map dully authenticated by the Official present on the
date of verification
Location of Map / Topo Sheet indicating lease area with adjoining Leases / Map of lease
area in villager sheet / Map of broken area / Existing land use map / Proposed land use
map / Safety zone map / Phased reclamation map / Method of reclamation /Map of
non-forest land identified for compensatory aforestation / Geological Map.

Procedure Steps

Screening: This phase facilitates decision-making about applicability of EC process. It

provides clear guidance to decide whether the proposed project requires environmental
clearance from MoEF or not. If not, does it require clearance from State Department
(like in thermal Power plant) or to approach State Pollution Control Board for Consent
to establish.
Siting and EIA Report Preparation: This phase facilitates identifying the siting guidelines
applicable to the project so as to select the right location for the proposed project. This
phase also guides about the stage when it can start detail rapid EIA study.
Public hearing: This phase facilitates screening the applicability of public hearing for the
proposed project and what steps to follow for completion of public hearing completion.
It also provides the direction of legislated time limit applicable to pubic hearing process
and NOC from Pollution Control Board.
Other Approvals, recommendations, and certifications: This phase provides direction
for approvals / recommendation essential in case utilities like power, water, raw
material; handling of hazardous chemicals, hazardous waste, explosives etc has the
repercussion on environment before the EC process. These requirements would
necessitate approvals from the concerned government departments. This phase also

provide direction about the Coastal Regulated Zone (CRZ) approvals requirement and its
Clearance from IAA-MoEF: This phase facilitates the steps of EC process and time limits
for completion of EC process.
Post Environmental Clearance Monitoring: This phase defines the monitoring
requirement once a project has been accorded environmental clearance.

Check List:

To check the requirement of Environmental Clearance

o Capital Investment from Project proponent
o Technical Information of project - from Project proponent
o Regulations Applicable and requirement under them from MoEF / SPCB / State
Department of Environment websites / Gazette Notification


Obtain site clearance / consent to establish / air and water consent from State Pollution
Control Board
o Basic project information includes information about location, proposed
investment, manpower, raw materials, products, manufacturing process, siting
details, climate, settlement
o Regulations Applicable and requirement under them
o Emission inventory of air pollution
o Assessment of waste water discharge
o Information about solid waste/hazardous waste
o Other type of pollution like noise, odour pollution, emergency mgmt.
o Other attachments
 Industrial license
 Explosive license
 Permission from local body
 Land schedule of the site
 Layout map of the proposed project
 List of pollution control equipment
 Process flow chart

EIA Report Preparation

Preparation of EIA report and submission to MOEF for their appraisal

o General information about the proposed facility
o Geographical information
o Environmental settings
o Mine details
o Micro-meteorological information


Air environment
Water environment
Waste management
Noise environment
Fuel/Energy requirements
Atmospheric impact
Pollution load statement (applicable to expansion/modernization plants)
Occupational health and safety
Pollution control
Green belt
Construction phase
Human settlement
Environment Management Plan
Emergency preparedness and Response plan

Public Hearing

Conduct of public hearing of the project and grant of NOC from SPCB
o Requisite number of copies of Executive summary of the project in English and
local language.
o EIA report (on request by concerned stake holder)
o Advertisement in two newspapers notifying about the public hearing (one should
be of the local language.
o Filled in Form I prescribed under Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act
o Filled in Form 13 prescribed under Water (prevention and control of pollution)

Other certifications, recommendations and approvals

Grant of other licenses, approvals and recommendations from concerned departments

o Approval of ground water board / irrigation department / municipality for water
o Approval of electricity connection from electricity supply board
o Approval of chief controller of explosives for storage of hazardous substances
o Forest Clearance from state department of Forest
o Approval from atomic Energy Division Mining plan approval from Indian Bureau
of Mines / Ministry of Coal Observations / recommendations of chief wildlife

Clearances from IAA-MOEF

Environmental clearance from MOEF

o 20 copies of filled up application form as per Schedule II of EIA notification dated

27th Jan 1997
o 20 copies of EIA/Risk assessment report
o Filled in Questionnaire along with enclosure/other approvals
o One copy of project report (RAP report if required, NOC and public hearing
Post Project Monitoring

Monitoring the terms and conditions for environmental safeguards as stipulated by IAA
o Six monthly compliance report to be submitted to the regional MOEF
o Monitoring report/suggestions and recommendations to the MOEF.


The District Collector accords permission for drawal of water of less than 1 mgd in
consultation with W.R.D, subject to clearance from Pollution Control Board and
availability of water.

For industrial use, necessary Government order has to be obtained through the Regional
Chief Engineer. To draw water of 1 mgd and above from Government sources for
industrial / drinking water use etc., approval of Government is essential. Prior to that
approval of the Water Utilization Committee / Technical Committee is required.

Conditions for drawing water from a reservoir:

The withdrawal of water will be in accordance with provisions of Orissa irrigation rules.
The company will complete all the formalities required under the rule and obtain a
license from the competent authority of the Water Resource Department.
The company will execute necessary agreement(s) with competent authority of the
Water Resource Department.
The company will submit water management plan in support of their demand. They
should have appropriate arrangement for treatment and recycling of waste water
generated for reuse. Only consumptive use and evaporation loss need be drawn from
the reservoir. The proposal should include assessment and use of groundwater as well
as tapping of nearby streams or other sources.
The company will have a back up storage to meet their minimum requirement for a
period of about a month during dry season.
The company will install appropriate flow meters/measuring devices of approved quality
at their cost to measure the quantity of water drawn for industrial purposes and
domestic use purpose separately. The project authorities shall have unrestricted access
and authority to monitor and vary the withdrawal.

The company will pay the water rates in force or as may be fixed by the government
from time to time.
The company will compensate the loss of power generation on account of water drawn
for industrial purpose.
Any water generated will be treated by the Company to applicable standard before
disposal into water bodies or otherwise.
The company will submit their viable and economical proposal for the intake
location/structure and conveyance arrangement to the Department for approval.
Construction of the structure can be taken up only after approval of design/drawings by
the Department. The project authorities shall have the right to check on the
implementation of the approved plan by the company. Satisfactory
functioning/operation of the intake and conveyance system would be the responsibility
of the company.
The company shall ensure that there will be no adverse impact on the ecosystem and
other environmental set up while implementing the scheme.
The pollution control board or other authorities of the government shall have the right
to monitor the implementation of the environmental management plan. All applicable
statutory stipulations should be compiled by the company.
The company shall not claim as a matter of right to get the desired quantity of water for
meeting their full industrial use during the lean period.
The R&R action plan/welfare action plan, as applicable, shall be implemented by the
company at its cost.
The safety and design of all the structures will lie fully with the company.
In case of any dispute/interpretation required, the decision of the department of water
resources, state government shall be final and binding.


Check List

Certified copy of the Articles of Association/memorandum.

Certified copy of the incorporation of the company.
Certified copy of the partnership deed.
Certified copy of the registration of the firm by the registrar of the firms.
Certified copy of the constitution of the Society/ trust.
Certified copy of the registration of the society by the Registrar of societies.
Special power of attorney for the authorized signatory duly notarized.
Certified copy of the resolution authorizing the signatory to sign on behalf of the
Certified copy of the NOC from PPCB.
Certified copy of the NOC from PUDA.
Affidavits/ undertakings.

Undertaking that the company or its sister concern is not involved in theft case.
Undertaking that no court case or dispute is pending with the Board.
Undertaking to the effect that the Consumer shall not Claim damages in the event of
fluctuation of voltage on the system.
Undertaking that no other connection is running in his premises.


Applicants application has Rs.2/- court fee stamp.
The letter of the Executive Officer/Commissioner/Member Secretaries.
S.F.No. and sub division and S.F.Nos of the proposed change of land use.
Area for the S.F.No. and sub division S.F. No.
F.M.B. sketch for S.F.No. and sub division S.F.No.
If the proposed site is an agricultural wet/dry land, give details along with sites and
additional copies.
Whether the proposed change of land use site has a land use of wet/dry/cultivated dry
land/developed residential area/industrial /area/others in the Master Plan.
The Master Plan extract map with the certification of Town Planning Officer/Local body
officers should be enclosed.
Topo sketch with a radius of 100 metres around the boundary of the site indicating the
existing developments, present land use and building.
Map showing clear cut boundary details with S.F.Nos and sub division S.F.Nos to be
Site inspection reports of Town Planning Officer and Executive Officer to be enclosed.
Local body and Local Planning Authorities (LPA) resolution and recommendations.
Inspection report of the Member Secretary of LPA's/New Town Development
Authorities (NTDA's).
Inspection report and recommendation of regional Deputy Director of Town and
Country Planning.
As per the G.O.Ms.No.57 H&U.D. Dept dated 18.01.90, Treasury Chalan for a sum of
Rs.2500/- should be annexed. (Original Chalan Copy)
If the proposed site falls in agricultural land, a No Objection Certificate obtained from
the Government to Secretary Agricultural Department should be enclosed.
Encumbrance vertificate.
Xerox copies of document.
If the Change of land use proposed for industrial purpose and the site lay within 1 k.m.
distance of riverside and a consent letter from the Pollution Control Board should be
obtained and enclosed. If the chemical factory is proposed, a consent letter from the
Pollution Board should be enclosed..
Along with application 3 sets of maps, should be enclosed.
The applicant should submit the completed application to the Director of Town &
Country Planning through respective local bodies, LPA, NTDA and RDD.

The department will scrutinize all the application and forward to the Government with
necessary recommendation and while doing so, the matter will be informed to the



Submission of Community Radio Station (CRS) application to CRS Cell, Ministry of

Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India (MoIB, GoI)
Clearance from ministries and security check - by various ministries of GoI, including
Civil Aviation, Defense, Home affairs, Communication
Presentation to screening committee - to panel of govt. and civil society representatives
at MoIB in New Delhi
Issue of Letter of Intent (LoI) by MoIB, GoI
Application for SACFA clearance and frequency allocation - within a month of LoI issue
to Wireless Planning & coordination wing (WPC), Dept. of Telecommunication &
Information Technology (MoCIT), Govt. of India
Issue of SAFCA (Standing Advisory Committee on (Radio) Frequency Allocation)
clearance and frequency by WPC
Application for grant of permission agreement (GoPA) to MoIB with frequency in hand
Issue of GoPA by MoIB, GoI - sign this within a month of issue
Application for wireless operating license (WoL) to WPC, DoT, MoCIT
Issue of WoL by WPC, DoT, MoCIT
Commencement of CRS operations - within 3 months of signing of GoPA

Check list

A copy of your application to the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (MoIB) for
setting up the CRS;
A copy of the Letter of Intent (LoI) issued to you by the ministry (Reference No., date
A Demand Draft for Rs.1000 in favour of The Pay & Accounts Officer, Headquarters,
Dept. of Telecommunication, payable at New Delhi and preferably on the State Bank of
India. This may be shortened to PAO, HQ, DoT if necessary. (Note: SBI is to be strongly
recommended, but there are some indications that other banks drafts may also do. But
stick with SBI if you can.) You will need the DD number, issuing bank, and date.
Details regarding the proposed CRS address, location, contact details: This will include
geographical details for the station location [Latitude and longitude, and Measurement
from Sea Level (MSL) both preferably obtained from a Global Positioning System or
GPS device. You may also be able to obtain these from a Survey of India map of your

Details of the height of the building on which the mast and/or antenna will be installed
(in case they will be installed on the building);
Email address and contact details of the authorized signatory for the CRS application.



STEP 1: In the first stage of approval process the consultant has to prepare the
Feasibility report, which should includes the site plan and alignment plans for diversion
of National highway showing various options with merits and demerits, preliminary cost
estimates and necessitate / justifications for diversion.
STEP 2: Report will have to be submitted to Executive Engineer District division of
National Highway for review.
STEP 3: The proposal/ report will be reviewed by Executive Engineer and will have to be
modified as per the comments.
STEP 4: The modified proposal/ report has to be resubmitted for principal approval of
STEP 5: The proposal/ report will be forward to the Chief Engineer National Highway
division in State capital for further processing.
STEP 6: The report will be then forwarded to Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST) for
principal approval of final alignment along with the recommendations of CE, NH State.
o After getting the approval from authority for final alignment for proposed
National Highway under diversion, the Owner has to acquire the land.
o The land acquisition will have to be taken in the name of Bharat Sarkar and will
be hand it over to National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), before starting
the construction work.
o The construction of National Highways process will be done by NHAI.
o The Owner shall have to take all the necessary approvals from the concerned
authorities for diversion of National Highways. Following are the list of approvals
to be taken by the Owner for diversion of National Highways;
 Crossing the Canals and Nallah Irrigation Department, State Govt.
 Crossing the existing railway lines Railway Department
 Crossing the Forest Area Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF),



Preparation of Report for proposed scheme of diversion

Submission of report to Executive Engineer (EE), town division, Water resource dept,
Review by EE, Town Division, Water resource department, State.
Review by Chief Engineer (CE), WR Dept-State headquarters, State.
Put up the proposal by CE to Committee, Water resource department, State.
Send to Water resource department, New Delhi, Govt. of India for approval
Acceptance by Water resource department, GoI with recommendations.



The venture/project management shall give application to Senior General Manger (TP &
C) of State Power Transport Corporation Limited (SPTCL) giving details of project and
proposal for diversion. The proposal is presented before a committee chaired by CMD of
SPTCL and approval for re routing will be given by CMD.
After receiving approval venture has to conduct route survey and route map has to be
submitted to SPTCL for review and approval.
Based on approved route SPTCL will prepare estimate and calculate Supervision charges
and deposit. The supervision charges are 22% of total estimate.
The execution of work has to be done by venture.


Purpose of license form 22 - The license in Form-22 of Explosives Rules, 1983 is granted to
possess and use of explosives from a magazine

Licensing Authority (i.e. the authority empowered to grant license):

o For possess and use up to 2000 kgs of explosives from a magazine, the license will be
granted by the respective Circle Office of the Department of Explosives.
o For possess and use explosive of more than 2000 kgs from a magazine, the license is
granted by CCE, Nagpur.

Procedure for Grant of License

Various on-line steps adopted for grant of license in form-22 are as under:
1. Submission of drawings and the other required documents by the applicant to the
licensing authority for construction approval of the proposed premises.
2. Forwarding of draft license and other documents to the concerned District Magistrate
for NOC by the licensing authority.
3. Approval of the drawing by the licensing authority for construction of the facilities in the
proposed premises on receipt of NOC.

After completion of construction of the facilities, submission of drawings and the other
required documents by the party to the licensing authority for grant of license of the
5. Grant of license by the licensing authority.
6. Inspection of the magazine by the officer of the Department of Explosives.
7. Endorsement of the license.


Submission of documents by applicant for construction approval:

Applicant must submit the following documents to the licensing authority for prior approval
for construction of facilities:
Application Form-5 duly filled in and signed by the applicant/ authorized employee.
Typed copy of form-5 (given in the Explosives Rules, 1983) is acceptable. Please note
that no column of the form should be left blank. Inapplicable columns should be filled
as NA i.e., not applicable. Full postal address with pin code should be written. No
overwriting or major corrections will be accepted. Minor correction should be initialed.

Application Form 17 duly filled in and signed showing distances actually observed.

Six copies of drawings (blue print or computerized one without hand correction). Each
copy of drawing must show the details of site, layout, construction, sectional and
elevation view and necessary noting as stated below:
 Approach road to the premises may also be incorporated in the site details for
proper identification of the location and approach to the premises.
 The applicant should ensure and confirm that the site selected for the proposed
premises should have a clear title or undisputed legal status.
 The proposed premises should have proper access and approach road for the
purpose of inspection, fire-fighting and rescue operation, movement of firetenders etc.

The proposed site should no way interfere or bring legal confrontation with other Acts
and Rules administered by the Central Govt., State Govt., local authority etc.

Regarding layout plan:

o The layout of the premises should show the plan view.
o The layout plan must show the dimensions of the magazine.
Regarding sectional/elevation view:
o The drawing should show the sectional view of the magazine both cross-sectional and
the longitudinal view.
o The sectional view of the magazine must show the height and constructional details,
wall thickness and other details must also be incorporated in the drawing.
o The number and location of Z type ventilators and the height, bonding and nature of
lightning conductor system (which must conform to IS 2309)

Noting to be depicted in the drawing:

o All important noting as given above should be incorporated in the drawing.
o The drawing must indicate Khasra/Survey/ Kila no. and full address of the situation of
the premises.

Departmental Action : Forwarding of draft license to DM for NOC

The documents submitted by the applicant should be verified and proper scrutiny should be
exercised as follows: The application Form-5 submitted by the party is be checked to confirm that the
proper mailing address, signature of the party and all other relevant columns have
been duly filled in by the applicant. No overwriting or major corrections
are entertained. Minor correction if any, are be attested by the applicant.
The application Form 17 most of the distances have been given but in case there is
any inadvertent omission regarding distance from proposed premises to few
surrounding structure/facilities then such distance(s) are read as per scale given in
the drawing.
Sectional view has been properly shown or not. Necessary noting and full address of
the situation of the premises are incorporated in the drawing. Drawing is preferably
be signed by the applicant or authorized employee (in case of company). Any other
additional instruction of CCE/Licensing authority and various guidelines are complied
After necessary scrutiny of documents as referred above if, the documents are
found in order and conforming to the Explosives Rules-1983, then necessary
approval is accorded with intimation to the party to submit the required documents
for grant of license after completion of the construction as per the approved
drawing. The licensing authority executive orders are issued. These entail
complicated situation both for the party and the licensing authority. To overcome
these difficulties, approval may be considered valid for 6 month and may be
renewable for another 6 months on request. After receipt of the approval, the party
may start construction of the facilities in the proposed premises as per the approved
drawing and after completion of the construction the documents are submitted by
the party for grant of license may impose conditions as deemed proper.
Approval is generally given for a certain period. In many cases it is seen that after
taking approval and lapse of considerable time and party even does not apply for
grant of license for one reason or the other. In the mean time Rules are amended or


Departmental Action : Verification of drawing

The following check are carried out:-

In the site plan of the drawing whether proper road direction with approach has been
shown for exact identification of location. Khasra no., distances from other existing
structures etc. has to be shown in the plan. If
Note:- The magazine shall be made of brick, stone or concrete building which is closed
and secured so as to prevent unauthorized person from having access thereto
Noting to be depicted in the drawing and in no way adversely affect the public
The proposed site should have preferably open land surrounding it and should
not be vulnerable to natural calamities.
The purpose of the site plan is to identify and demarcate the location of the premises. In
many cases the area up to 100 metres is open land and hence such cases does not fulfill
the main purpose. Sometimes reference structures lie or located much beyond 100
metres. Therefore all such reference structures (even not coming within the scale of the
drawing) for example the nearest km stone, road crossing with road directions, temple,
village, schools, hospitals, canals, rivers, railway line or other such immovable reference
structures along with.
1. In this connection it is stated that one of the important documents is NOC from
District Authority. In some cases it is seen that the NOC is considerably delayed
and as a consequence, grant of license is delayed and finally the party will have to
suffer irreparable loss.
2. The party should ensure that construction of facilities and the premises are
confined within the NOC land.
3. It is reasonable to prehensile that the purpose of NOC is to ensure the lawful
possession of the site and verification of antecedent of the applicant.

Applicants Action : Submission of documents by the applicants for grant of license

After completion of the facilities the applicant must submit the following documents:Appropriate Bank Draft as license fee payable in same manner as mentioned during
Application Form-4 duly filled and signed.
Specimen signature of the applicant/authorized person to verify the reference to initial
application filled by the applicant or authorized person of the company.
Completion report that of the construction of the facilities of premises have been
completed as per the approved plan.
Three copies of the drawing which are faithful reproduction of the original approved
drawing. In case of conditional approval all such conditions are to be complied with.
Forwarding letter mentioning details of enclosures, Bank Draft No & date etc.


Grant of license (Departmental Action)

The documents submitted by the applicant are verified and proper scrutiny is exercised as
follows: Bank Draft to be checked and verified that it is drawn in favour of appropriate head
and at appropriate place drawn on any nationalized bank valid for at least 2 months.
If NOC is conditional, the licensing authority has to be reasonably satisfied that the
condition stipulated in NOC will be applicable or not. If applicable an undertaking to
that effect or compliance to that effect to be ensured before grant of license.
The drawing is replica of approved drawing or not. If not, matter is reconciled for
necessary action.
If the documents are found in order and the licensing authority is satisfied that there is no
legal constraint in grant of license then the license can be granted. However, the licensing
authority is to inspect the premises prior to grant of license. The variation or discrepancy
noticed during the inspection must be complied with and the compliance report should be
submitted for verification and there after the license will be endorsed and issued to the


Purpose of license form 25: The license in Form 25 under the Explosives Rules, 1983 is granted
to transport Explosives on land by Explosives Van . Such Van for transportation of Explosives
is called Explosives Van.
Licensing Authority (i.e. the authority empowered to grant license):
The Explosives license in Form 25 under Explosive Rules, 1983 granted by respective circle
office of the Department of Explosives.
Procedure of Grant of License
Various on-line steps adopted for grant of license in form-25 are as under:
1. Submission of drawings and the other required documents by the applicant to the
licensing authority for fabrication approval of the proposed van.
2. Approval of the drawing by the licensing authority for fabrication of the facilities in the
proposed van.
3. After completion of fabrication of the facilities, submission of drawings and the other
required documents by the party.
4. Grant of license by the licensing authority.

Applicants Action:- Submission of documents by applicant for construction approval:

Applicant must submit the following documents to the licensing authority for grant of license:


Bank draft of Rs. 600 as scrutiny fee and license fee for two years. The B/D should be
drawn on any nationalized bank, in favour of Jt. CCE/appropriate authority and should
be payable at appropriate place as applicable for the concerned licensing authority. The
Bank Draft should have at least 2 months validity from the date of submission of
application for grant of license. Note: Explosive Van license renewal for 2 years at a
Application Form 7 duly filled in and signed by the applicant/ authorized employee.
Typed copy of form 7 (given in the Explosive Rules, 1983) is acceptable. Please note that
no column of the form should be left blank. Inapplicable columns should be filled as NA
i.e., not applicable. Full postal address with pin code should be written. No overwriting
or major corrections will be accepted. Minor correction should be initialed.
Application Form 7 duly filled in and signed by the applicant/ authorized employee.
Typed copy of form 7 (given in the Explosive Rules, 1983) is acceptable. Please note that
no column of the form should be left blank. Inapplicable columns should be filled as NA
i.e., not applicable. Full postal address with pin code should be written. No overwriting
or major corrections will be accepted. Minor correction should be initialed.
Attested copy of the RC book showing name, address, laden, unlade weight.
Specimen signature of the applicant.
Three copies of drawings (blue print or computerized one without hand correction).
Each copy of drawing must show the details of construction, dimensions ( i.e. the length,
width/dia, height, plate thickness, distance between tyres, type of tyres total length, gap
between the cab and the body, the rear gap, position and the nos. of the fire
extinguishers, location and guarding of the fuel tank, the location of the various safety
fittings, fire screen, the gap between fire screen and ground, double leaf door at the
back of the Van opening outside, brass plate with usual fall at the door sil level, position
of spare wheel etc. The drawing must also show necessary noting like registration no.,
engine no., chassis no., fabricators name, applicants full postal address with pin code
Forwarding letter mentioning details of enclosures, Bank Draft No & date etc.
1. For detailed construction, please see Specifications 1 of Schedule VII to the
Explosive Rules, 1983.
2. The license for Explosive Van only granted to person/company who already
possesses valid magazine license.

Departmental Action : Approval of Drawing

The documents submitted by the applicant are verified and proper scrutiny is exercised as
If bank draft is found defective or validity expiring shortly, the draft is returned to the
party. On receipt of proper bank draft, scrutiny and other checks are carried out.
The application Form 7 submitted by the party is checked to confirm that the proper
mailing address, signature of the party and all other relevant columns have been duly
filled in by the applicant. No overwriting or major corrections are entertained. Minor
correction if any, is attested by the applicant.


Departmental Action : Verification of Drawing

The following check is carried out:

If the documents are found in order and the licensing authority is satisfied that there is
no legal constraint in grant of license then the license is granted. However, the licensing
authority has liberty to get the premises inspected prior to grant of license. In the event
of inspection is carried out then variation or discrepancy noticed during the inspection
are complied with and the compliance report should be submitted for verification and
there after the license is granted.


Purpose: The license in form XIV under the Petroleum Rules, 1976 is granted to import and
store, otherwise than in bulk, petroleum class A in quantities exceeding 300 liters or petroleum
class B in quantities exceeding 25000 liters or petroleum class C in quantities exceeding 45000
liters or petroleum class A together with any other class of petroleum in quantities exceeding
300 liters in all in a petroleum godown.
Licensing Authority (i.e., the authority empowered to grant the above said license) Respective
circle office of the Department of Explosives.
Procedure- Grant of license:Various on-line steps adopted for grant of license in form XIV are as under:
Submission of drawings and the other required documents by the applicant to the
licensing authority for construction approval of the proposed premises.
Approval of the drawing by the licensing authority for construction of the facilities in the
proposed premises.
After completion of construction of the facilities, submission of drawings and the other
required documents by the party to the licensing authority for grant of license of the
Grant of license by the licensing authority.
a. Package Boiler
Submit following Original documents pertaining to the Boiler intended for registration to the
concerned Divisional Inspector.
Form-II, Form-III and Form-IVA
Form-IIIC of all mountings and fittings
Boiler drawings in original

Form-IIIA of feed pipe

Registration fee paid in challan

The registration of the Boiler will be done within 30 days or shorter period as may be prescribed
from the date of the receipt for examination of the boiler giving not less than 10 days notice of
the date fixed.
After satisfactory completion of open inspection and hydraulic test provisional order will be
issued pending steam test.

b. Water tube Boiler

Obtain permission to erect the Boiler through an authorized Boiler repairer from the Chief
Inspector of Boilers.
Submit following Original documents pertaining to the Boiler intended for
Registration to the concerned divisional Inspector.
o Form-II, Form-III, and Form-IVA
o Form-IIIC of all mounting s and fittings
o Form-IIIC of all mountings and fittings
o Boiler Drawings in original
o Form-IIIA of feed pipe
o Registration fee paid in challan
Offer the Boiler for carrying out stage inspection to the concerned divisional inspector and
obtain his clearance at every stage


Obtain approval of the proposed steam line drawing from the Chief Inspector of Boilers by
submitting following documents.
o Steam line drawing in triplicate showing clearly welding details, materials
specifications, working pressure of boilers and feed pipeline and registration
Number of Boilers
o Steam line drawing scrutiny fee paid in challan ( Fee is Rupees 30/- for every 30
meters or part thereof)
o Mention the authorized boiler repairer through whom you are getting the same

After obtaining approval of proposed steam line drawing from the Chief Inspector of Boilers
make application for registration of proposed steam line with the divisional inspector by
submitting the following original documents
o steam line certificates in Form-IIIA

o Mounting And fittings certificates in Form-IIIC

o Welders certificate
o Registration fee paid in challan.

Offer steam pipe and fittings for material inspection and obtain clearance for erection from
the inspector of boilers.

Offer the weld set up and weld edge preparation for inspection and obtain clearance for
erection from the inspector of boilers.

Subject the weld joint joints for radiographic examination if needed

Subject the erected steam line for hydraulic test to the inspector of boiler

Submit revised steam line drawing incorporating any deviations caused during the erection
due site condition for approval to the Chief Inspector of boiler through inspector of Boiler
drawing scrutiny fee.


Check list

A previous permission in writing from the Chief Inspector of Factories is to be obtained

before any factory building or premises is so constructed, Extended or taken into use as a
Factory or part of Factory..
License only be issued after the plans of factory are approved by Chief Inspectors of
Factories/by. Chief Inspector of factories and a Certificate of stability by the competent
person in respect of engineering construction in Form No. I-A has been submitted.
License will be issued only after receiving the application for the same and verifying it if
necessary by visiting the premises of the factory.
Application for the license shall be submitted to the Chief Inspector of Factories/Factory
Inspector's Office before commencing the operation in For m No. 2 (Triplicate) for the
registration & Form No. 3(Duplicate) for the grant of license accompanied by a treasury
challan for payment of fees.
A copy of the letter showing number and date of the plan approved by the Chief Inspector
of Factories/Dy. Chief Inspector of Factories.
An Evidence for power i.e. copy of light Bill or order of releasing the connection by G.E.B. or
A.E.C., as the case may be.
Detail of the Constitution of firm i.e. partnership deed in case of partnership, memorandum
& Article of Associations in case of limited or Pvt. Ltd. Firm and copy of office bearers and
constitution in case of co-operative sector

21. LAND Acquisition:

Documents needed at the time of 4(1) notification:

o Administrative Approval.

Alienment of the project.

Land Schedule
Village map
Copy of R.O.R. along with certified copy.
Certificate of emergency.
No possession of certificate.
Trace map
Cloth map
Blue print map
Soft copy of the land schedule & Draft Notification in Form No- 2 A.
Treasury challan showing deposit of establishment cost of 15%
Proof for deposit of balance 5% estt. cost (4.5% + 0.5 % ) in the savings bank account.

Documents needed at the time of 6(1):

o Draft declaration in form No.7

Assessment report on rate.
Fund certificate
Certificate stating no change of land schedule
Xerox copy of sale statistics
Xerox copy of annual yield
Xerox copy of bench mark valuation
Xerox copy of rent chart
Xerox copy of valuation of trees
Xerox copy of valuation of structure
Xerox copy of the valuation of the fruit bearing trees.

22. Notice of Opening in Form-I of CMR, 1957

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