Combustible Dust:: Safety and Injury Prevention

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Combustible Dust:

Safety and Injury Prevention

Awareness Training Program

Instructors Manual
Kirkwood Community College
Community Training and Response Center

Susan Harwood Grant Number SH-17797-08-60-F-19

Combustible Dust

Overhead (OVH) 1 &2

Cover Photo found on the following OSHA link:


Disclaimer: This material was produced under grant number SH-17797-08-60-F-9
from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor,
nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply
endorsement by the U.S. Government. This training manual was produced by
Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
The information in this publication has been compiled from a variety of sources
believed to be reliable and to represent the best current opinion on the subject.
However, neither Kirkwood Community College nor its authors guarantee accuracy
or completeness of any information contained in this publication, and neither
Kirkwood Community College or its authors shall be responsible for any errors,
omissions, or damages arising out of the use of this information. Additional safety
measures may be required under particular circumstances.

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Combustible Dust

Table of Contents

Acronyms Used in This Training ................................................................................. 5

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 6
Goal ......................................................................................................................... 6
Enabling Learning Objectives .................................................................................. 6
OVH7 ....................................................................................................................... 7
Terminal Learning Objective.................................................................................... 7
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 8
What is a Dust Explosion?....................................................................................... 9
OVH 34 .................................................................................................................. 11
Required Conditions .............................................................................................. 11
Explosive Concentrations.......................................................................................... 13
The Prevalence of Dust............................................................................................. 14
Recent Trends ....................................................................................................... 14
Where Do Dust Explosions Occur? ....................................................................... 14
Explosion Safeguards ............................................................................................... 15
Recognizing Dust Hazards........................................................................................ 18
Engineering Controls................................................................................................. 19
How to Prevent and Control the Hazard ................................................................... 20
Explosion Damage Control .................................................................................... 21
Lessons Learned....................................................................................................... 21
CSB Investigations of Dust Explosions OVH 71,72............................................... 21
Safety Issues Neglected ........................................................................................ 25
OVH 79, 80 ............................................................................................................... 25
Summary................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix A OSHA Grain Handling Facilities Standard 29 CFR 1910.272................ 27
Overview................................................................................................................ 27
Contents of OSHA Standard 1910.272, Appendix A ............................................. 27
Section 1 -- Scope and Application........................................................................ 27
Section 2 -- Emergency Action Plan ...................................................................... 27
Section 3 -- Training .............................................................................................. 28
Section 4 -- Hot Work Permit ................................................................................. 29
Section 5 -- Entry into Bins, Silos, and Tanks........................................................ 29
Section 6 -- Contractors......................................................................................... 30
Section 7 -- Housekeeping .................................................................................... 31
Section 8 -- Filter Collectors .................................................................................. 33
Section 9 -- Preventive Maintenance..................................................................... 34
Section 10 -- Grain Stream Processing Equipment ............................................... 35
Section 11 -- Emergency Escape .......................................................................... 35
Section 12 -- Dryers............................................................................................... 35
Section 13 -- Inside Bucket Elevators.................................................................... 35
Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program (Reissued)...................................... 36
Appendix B OSHA Fact Sheet .................................................................................. 38
Appendix C................................................................................................................ 40
Other NFPA Standards Related to Combustible Dust Explosion Hazards ............ 40
Appendix D................................................................................................................ 41
NIOSH Alert Publication Number: 86-118, July 1986 ......................................... 41
Preventing Fatalities Due to Fires and Explosions in Oxygen-Limiting Silos ............ 41
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References................................................................................................................ 46

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Acronyms Used in This Training


Centers for Disease Control


Code of Federal Regulations


Cardio pulmonary resuscitation


Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board


Job hazard analysis


Lower explosive limit


Minimum explosive concentration


Material safety data sheet


National Electric Code


National Fire Protection Association


National Grain and Feed Association


Not Otherwise Classified


National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health


Optimum explosive concentration


Occupational Safety and Health Administration


Standard Industrial Classification Code


Upper explosive limit

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Dust explosions are a serious problem in many industries in the U.S. Over the last
28 years, there have been approximately 3,500 combustible dust explosions. Of
those explosions, 281 have been major incidents resulting in the deaths of 119
workers and 718 workers sustained injuries. In 2005 alone, there were 13 reported
agricultural dust explosions in the US, resulting in two fatalities and 11 injuries.
These explosions have occurred in many different industries, including agriculture,
food products, chemicals, textiles, forest and furniture, woodworking, metal
processing, paper products, pharmaceuticals, and coal dust. Not only can these
explosions cost lives and permanently change the lives of workers who are injured,
there can also be serious economic hardships on workers and business owners
alike. Businesses that suffer these explosions can be closed while the facility is
being rebuilt; resulting in possible lost wages for employees and income for
businesses. Some businesses may be forced to close permanently. The cost of
these explosions can run into the millions of dollars.
One way to significantly reduce the possibility of dust explosions in businesses is
through an aggressive education and training program designed to minimize the risk.
Providing all employees in at-risk facilities with awareness training in combustible
dust explosions will certainly help to reduce the potential of such explosions in the
work place. This training should include an overview of dust explosions, and provide
explanations of what they are, how they occur and what can be done to prevent
them. Through ongoing education and training, companies will reduce the risk to
both their employees and facilities.

The goal of this training is to improve the safety of workers in environments where
combustible dusts may be encountered by increasing employee awareness of this
hazard, and by demonstrating how the hazard can be recognized and addressed in
their workplace.

Enabling Learning Objectives

At the completion of this training, the participant will be able to:

Identify the elements necessary for dust to explode

Explain how to prevent dust from reaching combustible levels
Describe the difference between primary and secondary dust explosions

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Terminal Learning Objective

Program participants will understand combustible dust danger in their industry; the
Dust, Fire and Explosion Pentagon; and methods to prevent or mitigate the effects of
a combustible dust explosion and resulting fire.

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The first documented dust explosion occurred in a
Turin, Italy, bakery in 1785. The explosion was
caused by the ignition of flour dust by a lamp in a
bakery storeroom. Fortunately, the explosion did not
cause any fatalities. It did lead to the realization that
grain dust is a highly explosive substance that must
be handled carefully.1
A famous modern-day grain dust explosion occurred at a large export grain silo plant in
Corpus Christi, Texas in April of 1981. This explosion resulted in nine fatalities, 30
injuries, and more than $30 million in actual material damages. The suspected cause of
the explosion was thought to be smoldering lumps of milo grain which ignited a dust
cloud in a bucket elevator, though there has never been a consensus as to the cause.

OVH 9 Stress Rare Event

According to a report released by Robert W. Schoeff, professor emeritus, Kansas State
University, and Ralph Regan, safety director, U.S. Department of Agricultures Federal
Grain Inspection Service (FGIS), 13 grain dust explosions were reported in the United
States during 2005. From 1996 to 2005 a total of 106 explosions resulted in 16 fatalities,
injuring 126 at an estimated cost of $162.8 million in damages to the facilities.2
The leading states from 1958 to 2005 are seen in the following table:


LEADING STATES - 1958 to Date

South Dakota












10 Year













Parekh, Manisha, Grain Dust Peril. Industrial Fire World, Volume 13 Issue 4.
Schoeff, Robert W., Kansas State University, in cooperation with FGIS-USDA, 20 Mar 2006.

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OVHS 10,11,12,13,14,15,16, Used to explain that they do happen and the results
are very tremendous.
OVH 17
OVH 18 Video 1976
Williamsburg Iowa grain fire and
resulting dust explosion injured 3

What is a Dust Explosion?

A dust explosion occurs when a
fine, combustible dust is
suspended in air and ignited.
This causes a very rapid burning with a release of gaseous products and subsequent
pressure rise. The resulting explosive force can damage plant, property, and people.
Dust explosions can be categorized as either primary or secondary.
Primary Explosion
A primary explosion takes place in a confined atmosphere such as a cyclone,
storage silo, or enclosed part of the manufacturing plant. After detonation, the shock
wave can damage and often rupture walls, allowing burning dust and gases from the
explosion to be expelled into the surrounding area.4
Secondary Explosion
The primary explosion will disturb settled dust that may have accumulated. Once
airborne, this dust can support a larger explosion; this is referred to as a secondary
explosion. Secondary explosions can cause severe damage to surrounding plant
buildings. All large-scale dust explosions result from chain reactions of this type.
There may be a chain reaction of many explosions caused by the initial explosion.

Kaulfersch, Joseph A., Preventing Dust Explosions. Control Engineering, January 11, 2007.

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OVH 20

OVH 21 through 33
Shows progression of a dust explosion with time sequence and how much damage might be

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Types of Dusts Involved in Dust Explosions5

OVH 34

OVH 35
Required Conditions
For a dust explosion to take place, several key conditions must be present:

The dust must be combustible and fine enough to be airborne.

The dust cloud must be of explosive concentration; i.e. between the lower
explosive limit (minimum explosive concentration) and upper explosive
limits for that particular dust. These limits are 15g/m to 1200g/m Dust
combustibility is in the range when you cannot see a 25 watt light bulb six
feet away. This is the dust combustibility range which is LEL 2.5ug/m
and 15mg/m. This is called the minimum explosive concentration (MEC).
There must be sufficient oxygen in the atmosphere to support and sustain
The dust must be dry.
The dust must be in a confined space.
There must be a source of ignition6 such as the ones shown in the
following chart.

R. Stahl Company, Dust Explosion Protection. Germany,

Ibid, Preventing Dust Explosions.

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OVH 36
Ignition Sources of Dust Explosions7

Notice that 11.5% of ignition sources are unknown. This is because the totality of the
destruction caused by the explosion makes it impossible to determine the cause of
the ignition.
Other conditions under which a dust explosion occurs can result from the following:

A complex combination of dust particle sizes

The concentration of dust particles
The energy of the ignition source
The moisture content of the dust (or percent of relative humidity of the air)
The actual composition of the dust
Confinement of the dust in vertical elevator leg casing or housing, an
enclosed drag conveyor, a dust bin, a silo, etc.

When these conditions are present and the concentration of suspended dust
exceeds the minimum explosive concentration (MEC) of that particular dust, an
explosion results.
OVH 37
Instructor Note
Deflagration is a technical term describing subsonic combustion that usually propagates
through thermal conductivity (hot burning material heats the next layer of cold material and
ignites it). Most "fire" found in daily life, from flames to explosions, is technically deflagration.
Deflagration is different from detonation which is supersonic and propagates through shock
In engineering applications, deflagrations are easier to control than detonations.
Consequently, they are better suited when the goal is to move an object (a bullet in a gun, or

Ibid Stahl, Dust Explosion Protection.

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a piston in an internal combustion engine) with the force of the expanding gas. Typical
examples of deflagrations are combustion of a gas-air mixture in a gas stove or a fuel-air
mixture in an internal combustion engine, a rapid burning of a gunpowder in a firearm or
pyrotechnic mixtures in fireworks.

Explosive Concentrations
The minimum explosive concentration (MEC) for grain dust, grain flour, or ground
feed ingredients varies according to the particle size (smaller particles are more
powerful) and energy (caloric) nature of the product. Extracted flour from wheat,
oats, and corn may have different explosive energy than wheat, corn, sorghum, milo,
and oat dust. All grain dust and flour should be considered very dangerous.
OVH 38
As the size of the particle decreases, the risk of a deflagration or explosion
increases. In order for a dust explosion to take place, the concentration must be
between 40 grams per cubic meter and 4000 grams per cubic meter. The actual
limits may vary based upon particle size and composition.
The optimum explosive concentration (OEC) value of 0.5 to 1.0 ounces of wheat
flour per cubic foot equates to about 1.5 to 3.0 cubic inches of grain dust per cubic
foot of volume. The MEC would be about 0.15 to 0.30 cubic inches per cubic foot.
In a 1.0 cubic foot chamber, the bottom would be covered to a depth of 0.01 inches
to 0.02 inches at the OEC level.
The following examples help put these values of MEC and OEC into visual
perspective in elevator, mill housekeeping, or sanitation terms. If the dust layer on
the floor of a 10-foot by 10-foot Texas house gallery is at the OEC, dust will be one
to two inches deep. In a 7-foot by 7-foot belt tunnel (roughly half the volume of the
10-ft by 10-ft Texas house gallery), a one half- to one-inch layer of dust would cover
the floor. At the MEC level of 0.05 to 0.10 ounces per cubic foot, the dust layer
would be about one eighth- to one fourth-inch deep in the gallery and about one
sixteenth- to one eighth-inch deep in the tunnel.8
OVH 39

Explosive Limits
The MEC and OEC can be compared to the lower explosive limit (LEL) and the
upper explosive limit (UEL) for vapors. The LEL is the lowest mixture of air and
chemical vapor that will support combustion if ignited. LEL is measured as a
percentage of air by volume. The UEL is the highest mixture in air that will
support combustion if ignited. The flammable range is the mixture in air between
the LEL and the UEL. Most dust is rated for the lower or MEC at 15m/g to 1200g/m.

Noyes, Ronald T., Preventing Grain Dust Explosions. Current Report, CR-1737, OSU
Extension Service.
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OVH 40, 41, 42

The Prevalence of Dust

Many materials, ranging from baking flour to metal dusts, can fuel dust explosions
when present in a finely divided state. Some materials are intentionally used in a
powder or dust form in manufacturing, while other dusts are created as unintentional
byproducts. Examples of materials that have historically caused dust explosions

Grain and other dry foods
Plastic and rubber
Printer toner
Wood and paper

Recent Trends
Between 2006 and 2008, there were 82 dust-related fires or explosions. In response
to recent dust explosions, the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
(CSB) recommended that government agencies, insurers, and others
provide their inspectors with increased training on recognition and
prevention of dust explosion hazards. This and the publicity from
recent catastrophic dust explosions will likely increase enforcement of
standards for the prevention of dust explosions by inspectors.9
OVH 43

Where Do Dust Explosions Occur?

Dust explosions for grain usually occur at transfer points such as
bucket elevators or enclosed conveyors. Here small dust particles
become dislodged from kernels due to tumbling, agitation, and kernel
impacts as the fast-flowing grain hits bucket elevator cups or changes
direction in drag or belt conveyors.
This turbulent grain movement causes high levels of suspended dust
particles (two to 20 microns in diameter) in the airspace. This is often
close to a hot leg boot section bearing or a spark from tramp metal in a
dump pit or drag conveyor. According to national survey data, of 129
reported grain dust explosions in the United States since 1988, 64 were

Bucket Elevator

Dust Explosions, Exponent Engineering,

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in grain elevators, and 48 were in grain milling facilities (wheat, corn, oat, and rice
mills). The remaining 17 were in storage areas.
In 1997, 50 percent of primary explosions occurred in elevator legs (Schoeff, 1998).
Stored grain typically contains two to 10 pounds of grain dust per ton (Parnell, 1998).
If a 12,000-bushel per hour leg handles wheat at 360 tons per hour, at the lower level
of two pounds of dust per ton, 720 pounds per hour of grain dust is moving with the
grain. If this leg is 130 feet high, the leg trunk casing volume is about 500 cubic feet.
At the MEC level of 0.05 ounces per cubic foot, only 25 ounces, or 1.56 pounds, of
free grain dust re-circulating in the air inside the leg is needed to reach the MEC.
OVH 44, 51
A National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) report on grain dust levels in bucket
elevators states that Concentrations in the bucket elevator almost always exceed
the minimum limits and thus constitute an explosive condition (Buss, 1981). So,
when only 0.05 ounces of dust per cubic foot is needed to reach the MEC, as dust
concentrations build inside a leg, they can quickly exceed the MEC, even in some
aspirated or ventilated legs when excessively dusty grain, like sorghum, is being
transferred. Belt speeds for a 12,000-bushel per hour leg typically run between 600
and 800 feet per minute, or about 10 to 13 feet per second. The belt in a 130-foot
leg makes one revolution in about 20 seconds. Part of the airborne dust tends to
circulate continuously as the air is dragged along by the cups in the leg casing. Even
though only a portion of the total dust is entrained in the air in the leg casing, much of
the dust in non-ventilated legs remains concentrated in the air circulating in the leg
housing during continuous operation, usually exceeding NGFAs MEC value of 0.05
ounces per cubic foot.10
OVH 52

Explosion Safeguards
Safeguards need to be activated to control the chances of a dust explosion. These
safeguards are prevention, housekeeping dust control, eliminating fugitive dust (dust
leaking from other sources), keeping the environment clean, and eliminating as many
hazards as possible.
Continuous housekeeping and sanitation and regularly scheduled bearing service
should be top priorities at all grain elevators and flour and feed mills.
Many insurance companies insist on strict housekeeping, sanitation, and preventive
maintenance at insured elevators. Grain, broken kernels, and grain dust accumulate
in the leg boots and should be cleaned out periodically. Some elevators install easily
removable doors on leg boot side panels for quick, easy cleanout.



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OVH 53
Fire Prevention and Protection
Fires represent a major concern for many industries, including grain and feed mills,
and result from many different causes. The end result of a fire, however, is always
the same: personal injury, death, or loss of property.
The first and most important step in fire prevention is establishing a program to
prevent fires from starting. This is particularly important in the feed and grain
industries because of the potential for explosions and the track record of this industry
for fires. A
comprehensive fire
prevention program not
only addresses
housekeeping issues,
but also addresses all
work activities in which
the conditions for starting
a fire are present such
as hot work, electrical
machinery, belts and drives, and grain dryers.

The Dust, Fire, and Explosion Pentagon

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OVH 54, 55
The fire prevention and protection program must address the following topics:

Policies, practices and procedures designed to keep the conditions

necessary for a fire from coming together. This is the fire pentagon (with two
additional conditions) versus the traditional fire triangle11:
Fuel (dust)
Dust is dry
Dust is at the MEC
Oxygen (air)
Ignition source
Confined or enclosed space
Mixing of the fuel and air (oxygen)
Hot work permits
Lockout/tagout policies
Design specifications for storage of flammable materials
Severity reduction policies, practices, and procedures designed to minimize
the spread of fire and bring the fire to a quick end
Emergency plans
Alarm systems
Portable fire extinguishers
Cleanup policies, practices, and procedures designed to return the affected
area to an operational level and reduce other losses created by improper
First aid
Recharging portable extinguishers
Removal of debris to an appropriate waste site
Equipment and facility repair12

OVH 56
A crucial key to the reduction of fires and explosions is housekeeping.
Housekeeping, however, relates to hazards in addition to fires and explosions.
Research has shown that facilities that are well maintained experience fewer fires,
explosions, and other accidents, and are more profitable as well. Using vacuum
cleaners to pick up the dust is a very good way to eliminate the hazard. It is
extremely important to ensure that the vacuum cleaner is designated intrinsically
safe for the job. These vacuums must be approved for the Class II Division 1 Group
EFG Hazardous Location use, which can be found in NFPA 654.


Amyotte, Paul, Reduce Dust Explosions The Inherently Safer Way. CEP Magazine, 2003.
Ibid, OSU Current Report, CR-1737.

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OVH 57, 63
Dust Control
Reducing dust accumulations is a major concern for facilities that produce dust. A
good housekeeping program depends upon a combination of methods to control
dust. The methods used in a given facility will depend upon the type of facility and
the volume of organic material handled or produced.
In accordance with 29 CFR 1910.272(j), employers must develop, implement, and
maintain a written housekeeping program that reduces accumulations of fugitive dust
on ledges, floors, equipment and other surfaces. Fugitive dust is defined as
combustible particles of a particular size. For grain elevators, the housekeeping
program must address fugitive dust accumulations in the following priority areas:

Floor areas within 35 feet of inside bucket elevators

Floors of enclosed areas containing grinding equipment

Floors of enclosed areas containing grain dryers located inside the facility`

In priority areas, fugitive grain dust accumulations may not exceed 1/8 inch. The
removal of fugitive grain dust by use of compressed air (to blow dust from
equipment, ledges, etc.) is not permitted when machinery that presents an ignition
source is energized. The use of compressed air for cleaning (blow down) is not
permitted unless all potential ignition sources are removed from the area.
Additionally, the housekeeping program must address proper procedures for
removing grain dust spills from the work area. However, a grain dust spill is not
considered fugitive grain dust.
OVH 64
Methods for controlling grain dust accumulations include the following:

Vacuum areas where dust accumulation is constant due to the job task being

Wash down procedures where hoses and water can be used to remove
accumulated dust.

Choke feeds to control the flow of grain and grain dust.

Dust control systems such as filters or cyclones.

OVH 65-67 Discuss ways of contain dust accumulation

Recognizing Dust Hazards

All employees should be trained in hazard recognition.

Conduct general facility-wide appraisals of dust explosion possibilities on a

periodic basis.

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Conduct internal and external audits in order to identify potential explosion

Encourage a preventative attitude among employees for eliminating dust
Have employees and supervisors identify explosion hazards through job
hazard analyses (JHAs).
Pay particular attention to dust collection systems and other areas not in plain
view during the assessment13.

OVH 68, 69

Engineering Controls
The following guideline and engineering controls will help to minimize the conditions
under which a grain dust explosion could occur. These same guidelines have
application to any facility where dust is an issue.


Implement a weekly or bi-weekly (or as specified by the manufacturer)

bearing lubrication program, based on the bearing manufacturers

Use a food-grade mineral oil spray system on grain during transfer and

Install bearing temperature monitors on leg boot, head, and knee pulley
shafts, on horizontal drag head and boot bearings, and on belt conveyor drive
and idler bearings.

Install belt rub sensors inside bucket elevator leg casings to detect belt
misalignment to prevent friction heating.

Maintain a periodic (weekly or bi-weekly) bearing temperature monitoring

program. Document periodic bearing temperature readings and compare with
previous readings. A substantial bearing temperature increase (10 to 20F
or more in a week or two) may indicate bearing failure and the need to
replace the bearing.

Replace steel cups with plastic cups in elevator legs.

Use anti-static belting material in legs and horizontal belt conveyors. Install
quick-opening cleanout doors on leg boot side panels for grain and dust

Install dust aspiration systems at grain transfer points or ventilation systems

in tunnels and galleries with open conveyors, and truck dump pits where dust
accumulation is a problem.

Install dust aspiration or suction ventilation systems on inside enclosed legs

and conveyors to keep suspended dust below MEC levels.

Combustible Dust Explosion Hazards, Kentucky Dept of Labor Hazard Alert.

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Clean out dust collectors and change filter bags at intervals recommended by
the manufacturer.

Clean out dust cyclone collector holding bins at scheduled intervals.

Install dump pit baffles on truck dump pits to provide a major reduction in
airborne dust during dumping operation.

OVH 70

How to Prevent and Control the Hazard

Employers must adopt a comprehensive approach to preventing and controlling
combustible dust hazards which includes, but is not limited to, the following

Avoid the use of compressed air (blow down), dry sweeping, or other
cleaning methods that can disperse combustible dust into the air when

Conduct workforce training and education courses regarding recognition and

control of combustible dust hazards.

Limit and control potential ignition sources in dust accumulation areas.

Ensure electrical service in combustible dust areas is appropriate for

hazardous (Class II) locations, as required by the National Electrical Code.

Follow National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard 654, Standard

for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from Manufacturing,
Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids, and other NFPA
dust explosion prevention standards for specific industries, as applicable.

Ensure operations involving dusts have proper engineering design and


Maintain an effective housekeeping program to prevent or eliminate dust

build-up on ledges, ductwork, building framing, or other surfaces. Even small
accumulations of dusts (as little as 1/32 of an inch) can create a dust
explosion hazard if spread over sufficient surface area.

Establish and maintain a preventative maintenance program to preserve the

integrity of process equipment and minimize the release of fugitive dust

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Explosion Damage Control

Examples of methods which have been developed to minimize the damage caused
by dust explosions can be found in: NFPA 69, Standard on Explosion Prevention
OVH 71, 72

Lessons Learned
CSB Investigations of Dust Explosions15
West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.
On January 29, 2003, a massive dust explosion at the West Pharmaceutical
Services facility in Kinston, North Carolina, killed six workers and destroyed the
facility. The explosion involved a part of the building used to compound rubber.
West produced rubber syringe plungers and other pharmaceutical devices at the
facility. In the rubber compounding process, freshly milled rubber strips were dipped
into a slurry of polyethylene, water, and surfactant to cool the rubber and provide an
anti-tack coating. As the rubber dried, fine polyethylene powder drifted on air
currents to the space above a suspended ceiling.
Polyethylene powder accumulated on surfaces above the suspended ceiling,
providing fuel for a devastating secondary explosion. While the visible production
areas were kept extremely clean, few employees were aware of the dust
accumulation hidden above the suspended ceiling, and the MSDS for the
polyethylene slurry included no dust explosion warning. Even those employees who
were aware of the dust accumulation had not been trained about the hazards of
combustible dust. West did use a safety review process when the compounding
system was designed and modified, but the dust explosion hazard was not
addressed during the reviews.


Chemical Safety Hazard Investigation Board, Report No. 2006-H-1, November 2006.

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The West Pharmaceutical Services Explosion That Killed Six

Representatives from OSHA, the local fire department, an insurance underwriter,

and an industrial hygienist had inspected the facility, but none had identified the
potential for a dust explosion. In addition, the electrical equipment above the
suspended ceiling in the rubber compounding section was not rated for use around
combustible dust, as the National Electric Code (NEC) requires (for areas where
combustible dust can accumulate). The CSB determined that if West had adhered to
NFPA standards for combustible dust, the explosion could have been prevented or
OVH 73, 74
CTA Acoustics, Inc.
On February 20, 2003, a series of dust explosions at the CTA Acoustics facility in
Corbin, Kentucky, claimed the lives of seven workers, injured 37, and destroyed the
manufacturing facility. This facility primarily made acoustic insulation for
The manufacturing process began by impregnating a fiberglass mat with phenolic
resin, and then used air to draw the resin into the fiberglass webs. On the day of the
explosion, a curing oven that had been left open because of a temperature control
problem likely ignited the combustible resin dust stirred up by workers cleaning the
area near the oven.
The CSB also found that plant design, work practices, and housekeeping problems
contributed in causing the explosions. The CTA building was not designed to
prevent or minimize secondary dust explosions (minimizing flat surfaces where dust
can accumulate and using fire walls to separate production lines). Although
management was aware of dust explosion hazards associated with the materials
being used, dust had accumulated in dangerous amounts throughout the production
areas, in vent ducting, and in dust collector housings, due to inadequate
housekeeping and maintenance. In addition, employees routinely used compressed
air and brooms to clean production lines, creating clouds of resin dust.

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CTA Acoustics Production Area after Resin Dust Explosion

The MSDS for the resin used at CTA did not adequately communicate that the
material posed a dust explosion hazard. In addition, the resin supplier, Borden
Chemical had not communicated to CTA the safety lessons from the 1999 Jahn
Foundry resin dust explosion, even though documents obtained by the CSB
indicated that Borden was aware of the explosion, which involved a resin similar to
the one used at CTA.
The Kentucky Office of Occupational Safety and Health (KYOSHA) had inspected
the facility, but had not issued citations regarding combustible dust hazards. In
addition, the CTA facility had never been inspected by the Kentucky State Fire
Marshals Office, and frequent inspections by CTAs insurer had failed to identify
phenolic resin as an explosion hazard. The CSB determined that if CTA had
adhered to NFPA 654 (2000) standards for housekeeping and fire/explosion barriers,
the explosions could have been prevented or minimized.
OVH 75, 76
Hayes Lemmerz International
On October 29, 2003, aluminum dust exploded at the Hayes Lemmerz International
facility in Huntington, Indiana, killing one worker and injuring several others. This
explosion, which involved equipment used to re-melt scrap aluminum, occurred in a
part of the building where Hayes made cast aluminum and aluminum alloy
automobile wheels.
Scrap aluminum from the wheel manufacturing lines was chopped into small chips,
pneumatically conveyed to the scrap processing area, dried, and fed into a melt
furnace. Transporting and drying the aluminum chips generated explosive aluminum
dust, which was then pulled into a dust collector.

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The CSB determined that the explosion likely originated in the dust collector, which
had not been adequately vented or cleaned, and was located too close to the
aluminum scrap processing area. The initial explosion spread through ducting,
causing a large fireball to emerge from the furnace.

Intense Fire after Aluminum Dust Explosion, Hayes Lemmerz International

The dust collector system was not designed or maintained to prevent dust
explosions, or to prevent a dust collector explosion from spreading through ducting.
When the scrap and dust collector systems were added to the facility, Hayes did not
follow management of change procedures that might have identified the dust
explosion hazard.
Hayes had also not cleaned dust from overhead beams and other structures. Some
of this accumulated dust exploded (a secondary explosion), damaging the building
roof. Previous dust fires at the facility were not investigated, facility employees had
not been trained on the explosive nature of aluminum dust, and the Indiana
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (IOSHA) had not identified dust
explosion hazards during previous facility inspections. The CSB, in its report,
determined that if Hayes Lemmerz had adhered to the NFPA 484 (2000) standard for
combustible metals, the explosion could have been prevented or minimized. The
CSB report also included a recommendation for additional research to develop
improved explosion protection for dust collectors in aluminum service.

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OVH 77, 78 : stress importance of these lessons that were learned from the
tragedies mentioned in the prior three incidents

Lessons Learned
Safety Issues Neglected
The three examples provided above, along with most other incidents, reveal several
common factors which can contribute to an explosion. These factors include the
Facility management failed to conform to NFPA standards that would have prevented
or reduced the effects of the explosions.

Company personnel, government enforcement officials, insurance

underwriters, and health and safety professionals inspecting the facilities
failed to identify dust explosion hazards or recommend protective measures.
The facilities contained unsafe accumulations of combustible dust and
housekeeping was inadequate.
Workers and managers were often unaware of dust explosion hazards.
Procedures and training to eliminate or control combustible dust hazards
were inadequate.
Previous fires and other warning events were accepted as normal, and their
causes were not identified and resolved.
Dust collectors were inadequately designed or maintained to minimize
Process changes were made without adequately reviewing them for potential

OVH 79, 80

Dust explosions continue to be a persistent problem for many industries in the U.S
resulting in loss of life, injuries and destruction of property. Even those individuals
most highly trained, including government enforcement officials, insurance
underwriters and company safety professionals often lack awareness of combustible
dust hazards. MSDSs are also ineffective in communicating to employers and
workers the hazards of combustible dust explosions and ways to prevent them. This
is all the more reason for all employees to have a basic awareness of the hazards of
dust explosions and the best way to mitigate those risks.
Investigations into numerous serious dust explosions have found several common
causal factors for dust incidents. These factors include:

Facilities fail to follow the widely recognized standards of good engineering

practice in the NFPAs voluntary consensus standards.
Facilities do not:

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o Implement appropriate engineering controls.

o Perform adequate maintenance.
o Implement good housekeeping practices.
o Follow other measures that could have prevented the explosions.
Facilities do not provide adequate hazard recognition training for employees.
Facilities do not establish overall safe work practices.

Dust simulator DVD

Show dust simulator: that is owned by Kirkwood Community College, the
simulator is built to resemble a country grain elevator, the simulator is divided
off into two separate structures with a walk way between the two. Walls and
roof are simulated with paper. Two tablespoons of dust is put into a small
cylinder, a spark is ignited air is shot into cylinder to suspend the dust, once
the explosion point is reached there is an explosion in the first chamber, it
blows out the wall to the walkway, there is dust on the floor of the walk way
that is then suspended it also ignites and explodes, this results in the roof
being blown off. The final shows that even though the explosion is done there
is still enough suspended dust that if ignited it will flash, this flash is what
causes a lot of burns to employees.

OVH 81 Thank you! Any questions

Questions in the future
Bob Downs
Kirkwood Community College
6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406

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Instructor note: The following sections cover the OSHA standard and NFP
regulations on combustible dust, most questions that may be asked the answers can
be found in these sections.

Appendix A OSHA Grain Handling Facilities Standard 29 CFR

This document, condensed from Section 1910.272, Appendix A of the Occupational
Safety and Health Act (29 CFR), is not intended to be totally inclusive but rather to
highlight the information and requirements in the complete OSHA standard that
owners and managers of agricultural businesses should understand. Refer to the
OSHA Web site given below for the complete standard and for court interpretations
of the standard.

Contents of OSHA Standard 1910.272, Appendix A

Section 1 -- Scope and Application

Section 2 -- Emergency Action Plan
Section 3 -- Training
Section 4 -- Hot Work Permit
Section 5 -- Entry into Bins, Silos, And Tanks
Section 6 -- Contractors
Section 7 -- Housekeeping
Section 8 -- Filter Collectors
Section 9 -- Preventive Maintenance
Section 10 -- Grain Stream Processing Equipment
Section 11 -- Emergency Escape
Section 12 -- Dryers
Section 13 -- Inside Bucket Elevators

Examples presented in this appendix may not be the only means of achieving the
performance goals in the standard.

Section 1 -- Scope and Application

The provisions of this standard apply in addition to any other applicable requirements
of this Part 1910 (or Part 1917 at marine terminals). The standard contains
requirements for new and existing grain handling facilities. The standard does not
apply to seed plants which handle and prepare seeds for planting of future crops, nor
to on-farm storage or feed lots.

Section 2 -- Emergency Action Plan

The standard requires the employer to develop and implement an emergency action
plan. The emergency action plan (1910.38(a)) covers those designated actions
employers and employees are to take to ensure employee safety from fire and other
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emergencies. The plan specifies certain minimum elements which are to be

addressed. These elements include the establishment of an employee alarm
system, the development of evacuation procedures, and training employees in those
actions they are to take during an emergency.
The standard does not specify a particular method for notifying employees of an
emergency. Public announcement systems, air horns, steam whistles, a standard
fire alarm system, or other types of employee alarm may be used. However,
employers should be aware that employees in a grain facility may have difficulty
hearing an emergency alarm, or distinguishing an emergency alarm from other
audible signals at the facility, or both. Therefore, it is important that the type of
employee alarm used be distinguishable and distinct.
The use of floor plans or workplace maps which clearly show the emergency escape
routes should be included in the emergency action plan; color coding will aid
employees in determining their route assignments. The employer should designate
a safe area, outside the facility, where employees can congregate after evacuation,
and implement procedures to account for all employees after emergency evacuation
has been completed.
It is also recommended that employers seek the assistance of the local fire
department for the purpose of preplanning for emergencies. Preplanning is
encouraged to facilitate coordination and cooperation between facility personnel and
those who may be called upon for assistance during an emergency. It is important
for emergency service units to be aware of the usual work locations of employees at
the facility.

Section 3 -- Training
It is important that employees be trained in the recognition and prevention of hazards
associated with grain facilities, especially those hazards associated with their own
work tasks. Employees should understand the factors which are necessary to
produce a fire or explosion, i.e., fuel (such as grain dust), oxygen, ignition source,
and (in the case of explosions) confinement. Employees should be made aware that
any efforts they make to keep these factors from occurring simultaneously will be an
important step in reducing the potential for fires and explosions.
The standard provides flexibility for the employer to design a training program which
fulfills the needs of a facility. The type, amount, and frequency of training will need to
reflect the tasks that employees are expected to perform. Although training is to be
provided to employees at least annually, it is recommended that safety meetings or
discussions and drills be conducted at more frequent intervals.
The training program should include those topics applicable to the particular facility,
as well as topics such as:

Hot work procedures

Lock-out/tag-out procedures
Bin entry procedures
Bin cleaning procedures

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Grain dust explosions

Fire prevention
Procedures for handling "hot grain"
Housekeeping procedures including methods and frequency of dust removal
Pesticide and fumigant usage
Proper use and maintenance of personal protective equipment
Preventive maintenance

The types of work clothing should also be considered in the program at least to
caution against using polyester clothing that easily melts and increases the severity
of burns, as compared to wool or fire retardant cotton.
In implementing the training program, it is recommended that the employer utilize
films, slide-tape presentations, pamphlets, and other information which can be
obtained from such sources as the Grain Elevator and Processing Society, the
Cooperative Extension Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Kansas State
University's Extension Grain Science and Industry, and other state agriculture
schools, industry associations, union organizations, and insurance groups.

Section 4 -- Hot Work Permit

The implementation of a permit system for hot work is intended to assure that
employers maintain control over operations involving hot work and to assure that
employees are aware of and utilize appropriate safeguards when conducting these
Precautions for hot work operations are specified in 29 CFR 1910.252(a), and
include such safeguards as:

Relocating the hot work operation to a safe location if possible

Relocating or covering combustible material in the vicinity
Providing fire extinguishers
Providing provisions for establishing a fire watch.

Permits are not required for hot work operations conducted in the presence of the
employer or the employer's authorized representative who would otherwise issue the
permit, or in an employer authorized welding shop or when work is conducted
outside and away from the facility.
It should be noted that the permit is not a record, but is an authorization of the
employer certifying that certain safety precautions have been implemented prior to
the beginning of work operations.

Section 5 -- Entry into Bins, Silos, and Tanks

In order to assure that employers maintain control over employee entry into bins,
silos, and tanks, OSHA is requiring that the employer issue a permit for entry into
bins, silos, and tanks unless the employer (or the employer's representative who
would otherwise authorize the permit) is present at the entry and during the entire
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Employees should have a thorough understanding of the hazards associated with

entry into bins, silos, and tanks. Employees are not to be permitted to enter these
spaces from the bottom when grain or other agricultural products are hung up or
sticking to the sides which might fall and injure or kill an employee. Employees
should be made aware that the atmosphere in bins, silos, and tanks can be oxygen
deficient or toxic. Employees should be trained in the proper methods of testing the
atmosphere, as well as in the appropriate procedures to be taken if the atmosphere
is found to be oxygen deficient or toxic. When a fumigant has been recently applied
in these areas and entry must be made, aeration fans should be running
continuously to assure a safe atmosphere for those inside. Periodic monitoring of
toxic levels should be done by direct reading instruments to measure the levels, and,
if there is an increase in these readings, appropriate actions should be promptly
Employees have been buried and suffocated in grain or other agricultural products
because they sank into the material. Therefore, it is suggested that employees not
be permitted to walk or stand on the grain or other grain product where the depth is
greater than waist high. In this regard, employees must use a full body harness or
boatswain's chair with a lifeline when entering from the top. A winch system with
mechanical advantage (either powered or manual) would allow better control of the
employee than just using a hand-held hoist line, and such a system would allow the
observer to remove the employee easily without having to enter the space.
It is important that employees be trained in the proper selection and use of any
personal protective equipment which is to be worn. Equally important is the training
of employees in the planned emergency rescue procedures. Employers should
carefully read 1910.134(e)(3) and assure that their procedures follow these
requirements. The employee acting as observer is to be equipped to provide
assistance and is to know procedures for obtaining additional assistance. The
observer should not enter a space until adequate assistance is available. It is
recommended that an employee trained in CPR be readily available to provide
assistance to those employees entering bins, silos, or tanks.

Section 6 -- Contractors
These provisions of the standard are intended to ensure that outside contractors are
cognizant of the hazards associated with grain handling facilities, particularly in
relation to the work they are to perform for the employer. Also, in the event of an
emergency, contractors should be able to take appropriate action as a part of the
overall facility emergency action plan. Contractors should also be aware of the
employer's permit systems. Contractors should develop specified procedures for
performing hot work and for entry into bins, silos, and tanks and these activities
should be coordinated with the employer.
This coordination will help to ensure that employers know what work is being
performed at the facility by contractors; where it is being performed; and, that it is
being performed in a manner that will not endanger employees.

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Section 7 -- Housekeeping
The housekeeping program is to be designed to keep dust accumulations and
emissions under control inside grain facilities. The housekeeping program, which is
to be written, is to specify the frequency and method(s) used to best reduce dust
Ship, barge, and rail loadout and receiving areas which are located outside the
facility need not be addressed in the housekeeping program. Additionally, truck
dumps which are open on two or more sides need not be addressed by the
housekeeping program. Other truck dumps should be addressed in the
housekeeping program to provide for regular cleaning during periods of receiving
grain or agricultural products. The housekeeping program should provide coverage
for all workspaces in the facility and include walls, beams, etc., especially in relation
to the extent that dust could accumulate.
Dust Accumulations
Almost all facilities will require some level of manual housekeeping. Manual
housekeeping methods, such as vacuuming or sweeping with soft bristle brooms,
should be used which will minimize the possibility of layered dust being suspended in
the air when it is being removed.
The housekeeping program should include a contingency plan to respond to
situations where dust accumulates rapidly due to a failure of a dust enclosure hood,
an unexpected breakdown of the dust control system, a dust-tight connection
inadvertently knocked open, etc.
The housekeeping program should also specify the manner of handling spills. Grain
spills are not considered to be dust accumulations.
A fully enclosed horizontal belt conveying system where the return belt is inside the
enclosure should have inspection access such as sliding panels or doors to permit
checking of equipment, checking for dust accumulations and facilitate cleaning if
Dust Emissions
Employers should analyze the entire stock handling system to determine the location
of dust emissions and effective methods to control or to eliminate them. The
employer should make sure that holes in spouting, casings of bucket elevators,
pneumatic conveying pipes, screw augers, or drag conveyor casings, are patched or
otherwise properly repaired to prevent leakage. Minimizing free falls of grain or grain
products by using choke feeding techniques, and utilization of dust-tight enclosures
at transfer points, can be effective in reducing dust emissions.
Each housekeeping program should specify the schedules and control measures
which will be used to control dust emitted from the stock handling system. The
housekeeping program should address the schedules to be used for cleaning dust
accumulations from motors, critical bearings and other potential ignition sources in
the working areas. Also, the areas around bucket elevator legs, milling machinery
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and similar equipment should be given priority in the cleaning schedule. The method
of disposal of the dust which is swept or vacuumed should also be planned.
Dust may accumulate in somewhat inaccessible areas, such as those areas where
ladders or scaffolds might be necessary to reach them. The employer may want to
consider the use of compressed air and long lances to blow down these areas
frequently. The employer may also want to consider the periodic use of water and
hoselines to wash down these areas. If these methods are used, they are to be
specified in the housekeeping program along with the appropriate safety precautions,
including the use of personal protective equipment such as eyewear and dust
Several methods have been effective in controlling dust emissions. A frequently
used method of controlling dust emissions is a pneumatic dust collection system.
However, the installation of a poorly designed pneumatic dust collection system has
fostered a false sense of security and has often led to an inappropriate reduction in
manual housekeeping. Therefore, it is imperative that the system be designed
properly and installed by a competent contractor. Those employers who have a
pneumatic dust control system that is not working according to expectations should
request the engineering design firm, or the manufacturer of the filter and related
equipment, to conduct an evaluation of the system to determine the corrections
necessary for proper operation of the system. If the design firm or manufacturer of
the equipment is not known, employers should contact their trade association for
recommendations of competent designers of pneumatic dust control systems who
could provide assistance.
When installing a new or upgraded pneumatic control system, the employer should
insist on an acceptance test period of 30 to 45 days of operation to ensure that the
system is operating as intended and designed. The employer should also obtain
maintenance, testing, and inspection information from the manufacturer to ensure
that the system will continue to operate as designed.
Aspiration of the leg, as part of a pneumatic dust collection system, is another
effective method of controlling dust emissions. Aspiration of the leg consists of a
flow of air across the entire boot, which entrains the liberated dust and carries it up
the up-leg to take-off points. With proper aspiration, dust concentrations in the leg
can be lowered below the lower explosive limit. Where a prototype leg installation
has been instrumented and shown to be effective in keeping the dust level 25%
below the lower explosive limit during normal operations for the various products
handled, then other legs of similar size, capacity and products being handled which
have the same design criteria for the air aspiration would be acceptable to OSHA,
provided the prototype test report is available on site.
Another method of controlling dust emissions is enclosing the conveying system,
pressurizing the general work area, and providing a lower pressure inside the
enclosed conveying system. Although this method is effective in controlling dust
emissions from the conveying system, adequate access to the inside of the

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enclosure is necessary to facilitate frequent removal of dust accumulations. This is

also necessary for those systems called "self-cleaning."
The use of edible oil sprayed on or into a moving stream of grain is another method
which has been used to control dust emissions. Tests performed using this method
have shown that the oil treatment can reduce dust emissions. Repeated handling of
the grain may necessitate additional oil treatment to prevent liberation of dust.
However, before using this method, operators of grain handling facilities should be
aware that the Food and Drug Administration must approve the specific oil treatment
used on products for food or feed.
As a part of the housekeeping program, grain elevators are required to address
accumulations of dust at priority areas using the action level. The standard specifies
a maximum accumulation of 1/8 inch dust, measurable by a ruler or other measuring
device, anywhere within a priority area as the upper limit at which time employers
must initiate action to remove the accumulations using designated means or
methods. Any accumulation in excess of this amount and where no action has been
initiated to implement cleaning would constitute a violation of the standard, unless
the employer can demonstrate equivalent protection. Employers should make every
effort to minimize dust accumulations on exposed surfaces since dust is the fuel for a
fire or explosion, and it is recognized that a 1/8 inch dust accumulation is more than
enough to fuel such occurrences.

Section 8 -- Filter Collectors

Proper sizing of filter collectors for the pneumatic dust control system they serve is
very important for the overall effectiveness of the system. The air-to-cloth ratio of the
system should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If higher
ratios are used, they can result in more maintenance on the filter, shorter bag or sock
life, increased differential pressure resulting in higher energy costs, and an increase
in operational problems.
A photohelic gauge, magnehelic gauge, or manometer, may be used to indicate the
pressure rise across the inlet and outlet of the filter. When the pressure exceeds the
design value for the filter, the air volume will start to drop, and maintenance will be
required. Any of these three monitoring devices is acceptable as meeting paragraph
(l)(1) of the standard.
The employer should establish a level or target reading on the instrument which is
consistent with the manufacturer's recommendations that will indicate when the filter
should be serviced. This target reading on the instrument and the accompanying
procedures should be in the preventive maintenance program. These efforts would
minimize the blinding of the filter and the subsequent failure of the pneumatic dust
control system.
There are other instruments that the employer may want to consider using to monitor
the operation of the filter. One instrument is a zero motion switch for detecting a
failure of motion by the rotary discharge valve on the hopper. If the rotary discharge
valve stops turning, the dust released by the bag or sock will accumulate in the filter
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hopper until the filter becomes clogged. Another instrument is a level indicator which
is installed in the hopper of the filter to detect the buildup of dust that would
otherwise cause the filter hopper to be plugged. The installation of these instruments
should be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
All of these monitoring devices and instruments are to be capable of being read at an
accessible location and checked as frequently as specified in the preventive
maintenance program.
Filter collectors on portable vacuum cleaners, and those used where fans are not
part of the system, are not covered by requirements of paragraph (l) of the standard.

Section 9 -- Preventive Maintenance

The control of dust and the control of ignition sources are the most effective means
for reducing explosion hazards. Preventive maintenance is related to ignition
sources in the same manner as housekeeping is related to dust control and should
be treated as a major function in a facility. Equipment such as critical bearings,
belts, buckets, pulleys, and milling machinery are potential ignition sources, and
periodic inspection and lubrication of such equipment through a scheduled
preventive maintenance program is an effective method for keeping equipment
functioning properly and safely. The use of vibration detection methods, heat
sensitive tape or other heat detection methods that can be seen by the inspector or
maintenance person will allow for a quick, accurate, and consistent evaluation of
bearings and will help in the implementation of the program.
The standard does not require a specific frequency for preventive maintenance. The
employer is permitted flexibility in determining the appropriate interval for
maintenance provided that the effectiveness of the maintenance program can be
demonstrated. Scheduling of preventive maintenance should be based on
manufacturer's recommendations for effective operation, as well as from the
employer's previous experience with the equipment. However, the employer's
schedule for preventive maintenance should be frequent enough to allow for both
prompt identification and correction of any problems concerning the failure or
malfunction of the mechanical and safety control equipment associated with bucket
elevators, dryers, filter collectors and magnets. The pressure-drop monitoring device
for a filter collector, and the condition of the lagging on the head pulley, are examples
of items that require regularly scheduled inspections. A system of identifying the
date, the equipment inspected and the maintenance performed, if any, will assist
employers in continually refining their preventive maintenance schedules and
identifying equipment problem areas. Open work orders where repair work or
replacement is to be done at a designated future date as scheduled, would be an
indication of an effective preventive maintenance program.
It is imperative that the prearranged schedule of maintenance be adhered to
regardless of other facility constraints. The employer should give priority to the
maintenance or repair work associated with safety control equipment, such as that
on dryers, magnets, alarm and shut-down systems on bucket elevators, bearings on
bucket elevators, and the filter collectors in the dust control system. Benefits of a
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strict preventive maintenance program can be a reduction of unplanned downtime,

improved equipment performance, planned use of resources, more efficient
operations, and, most importantly, safer operations.
The standard also requires the employer to develop and implement procedures
consisting of locking out and tagging equipment to prevent the inadvertent
application of energy or motion to equipment being repaired, serviced, or adjusted,
which could result in employee injury. All employees who have responsibility for
repairing or servicing equipment, as well as those who operate the equipment, are to
be familiar with the employer's lock and tag procedures. A lock is to be used as the
positive means to prevent operation of the disconnected equipment. Tags are to be
used to inform employees why equipment is locked out. Tags are to meet
requirements in 1910.145(f). Locks and tags may only be removed by employees
that placed them, or by their supervisor, to ensure the safety of the operation.

Section 10 -- Grain Stream Processing Equipment

The standard requires an effective means of removing ferrous material from grain
streams so that such material does not enter equipment such as hammer mills,
grinders and pulverizers. Large foreign objects, such as stones, should have been
removed at the receiving pit. Introduction of foreign objects and ferrous material into
such equipment can produce sparks which can create an explosion hazard.
Acceptable means for removal of ferrous materials include the use of permanent or
electromagnets. Means used to separate foreign objects and ferrous material should
be cleaned regularly and kept in good repair as part of the preventive maintenance
program in order to maximize their effectiveness.

Section 11 -- Emergency Escape

The standard specifies that at least two means of escape must be provided from
galleries (bin decks). Means of emergency escape may include any available means
of egress (consisting of three components, exit access, exit, and exit discharge as
defined in 1910.35), the use of controlled descent devices with landing velocities not
to exceed 15ft/sec., or emergency escape ladders from galleries. Importantly, the
means of emergency escape are to be addressed in the facility emergency action
plan. Employees are to know the location of the nearest means of emergency
escape and the action they must take during an emergency.

Section 12 -- Dryers
Liquefied petroleum gas fired dryers should have the vaporizers installed at least ten
feet from the dryer. The gas piping system should be protected from mechanical
damage. The employer should establish procedures for locating and repairing leaks
when there is a strong odor of gas or other signs of a leak.

Section 13 -- Inside Bucket Elevators

Hazards associated with inside bucket elevator legs are the source of many grain
elevator fires and explosions. Therefore, to mitigate these hazards, the standard
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requires the implementation of special safety precautions and procedures, as well as

the installation of safety control devices. The standard provides for a phase-in period
for many of the requirements to provide the employer time for planning the
implementation of the requirements. Additionally, for elevators with a permanent
storage capacity of less than one million bushels, daily visual inspection of belt
alignment and bucket movement can be substituted for alignment monitoring devices
and motion detection devices.
The standard requires that belts (purchased after the effective date of the standard)
have surface electrical resistance not to exceed 300 megohms. Test methods
available regarding electrical resistance of belts are:

The American Society for Testing and Materials D257-76, "Standard Test
Methods for D-C Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials"
The International Standards Organization's #284, "Conveyor Belts, Electrical
Conductivity, Specification and Method of Test."

When an employer has a written certification from the manufacturer that a belt has
been tested using one of the above test methods, and meets the 300 megohm
criterion, the belt is acceptable as meeting this standard. When using conductive
belts, the employer should make certain that the head pulley and shaft are grounded
through the drive motor ground or by some other equally effective means. V-type
drive belts should not be used to transmit power to the head pulley assembly from
the motor drive shaft because of the break in electrical continuity to the motor
Employers should also consider purchasing new belts that are flame retardant or fire
resistive. A flame resistance test for belts is contained in 30 CFR 18.65.

Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program (Reissued)

The following is a link to CPL 03-00-008 - Combustible Dust National Emphasis
Program (Reissued) Or you can access the Directive by going to the OSHA website to Laws and Regulations on the right hand side of the webpage and
click on the Directives link. Where it says Text Search, type in Combustible Dust
National Emphasis Program (Reissued).

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Appendix B OSHA Fact Sheet

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Appendix C
Other NFPA Standards Related to Combustible Dust Explosion
Appendix A
NFPA Publications Relevant to Combustible Dust Hazard Controls





Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural

and Food Processing Facilities



Guide for Venting of Deflagrations



Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems



National Electrical Code



Recommended Practice on Static Electricity



Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code



Standard for Ovens and Furnaces



Standard for Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Vapors, Gases,

Mists, and Noncombustible Particulate Solids



Standard for Combustible Metals



Recommended Practice for the Classification of Combustible Dusts and

of Hazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical Installations in
Chemical Process Areas



Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the
Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate



Standard for Prevention of Sulfur Fires and Explosions



Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing

and Woodworking Facilities



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Appendix D
NIOSH Alert Publication Number: 86-118, July 1986


Preventing Fatalities Due to Fires and

Explosions in Oxygen-Limiting Silos
NIOSH ALERT: July 1986
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 86-118

Fire departments responding to incidents involving oxygen-limiting silos are
cautioned that directing water or foam onto the fire through the top openings
of an oxygen-limiting silo may result in the silo exploding.

This Alert requests the assistance of fire department personnel, farm owners and
workers, and silo manufacturers in the prevention of fatalities due to fires and
explosions occurring in oxygen-limiting silos.
Several recent incidents occurred while fighting oxygen-limiting silo fires which
resulted in the death of fire fighters. Other fire fighters lost their lives as a result of
similar explosions in the late 1960s. The problems associated with burning silos
appeared to have abated during recent years, but these incidents demonstrate the need
to renew efforts to minimize their recurrence. A concerted effort should be made to
prevent silo fires from occurring and to provide training programs on controlling this
type of fire.


Oxygen-limiting silos by design have all their openings sealed to prevent oxygen
from entering the silo. Generally, these silos are of steel or concrete construction of
varying heights and diameters. The openings (bottom and top) are normally sealed
with rubber-gasketed hatches. When these hatches are tightly closed and the silo is
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filled, the oxygen concentration should be insufficient to support a fire. If the hatches
are left open or the oxygen-limiting features are not properly maintained, spontaneous
heating can occur with subsequent ignition of the silage [1].
If improperly sealed or otherwise not operating as designed, the amount of oxygen
entering the silo may be sufficient to allow a fire to smolder, causing an accumulation
of combustible gases due to incomplete combustion. Any additional increase in
oxygen content in such an environment can create an explosive atmosphere. Thus,
merely opening the top hatches of such silos, or applying water or foam by hose
stream from the top of the silo, could allow sufficient oxygen to enter the silo and
create an explosive atmosphere [1-4]. Dust explosions may also occur if dust inside
the silo becomes suspended as a result of the hose stream, and is ignited by the heat of
the smoldering fire [3,5].

The following case report resulted from a NIOSH investigation of the circumstances
of the incident as part of the NIOSH Fatal Accident Circumstances and Epidemiology
On August 27, 1985, three fire fighters were killed when a burning oxygen-limiting
silo exploded. The fire fighters were spraying water onto the fire from the top of the
silo at the time of the explosion. The explosion lifted the concrete roof of the silo
approximately four feet in the air and the fire fighters were thrown from the silo.
This explosion was due either to a build up of combustible gases from incomplete
combustion or a dust explosion, or a combination of the two. Regardless of the
ultimate cause of the explosion, directing water into the top of the silo appears to have
been an improper method for fighting this silo fire.
In this incident nothing should have been done to increase the level of oxygen inside
the silo. Opening the top hatches to apply water to the fire could have increased the
level of oxygen and created an explosive atmosphere. Air entrained in the water
stream may have also contributed. Additionally, the water spray could have
suspended the dust and increased the risk of explosion.
NIOSH is aware of three other explosions that occurred in oxygen-limiting silos at
about the same time as the incident described in the case report. Two of the
incidences occurred in the same geographical area as the incident described above.
No fire fighters were applying water to these silos at the time, and there were no
injuries. The third fire which occurred in another geographical area resulted in the
fatal injury of one fire fighter [4].

There are no specific OSHA regulations covering fire hazards of oxygen-limiting

silos. Also, since most farms employ less than ten workers, other general OSHA
regulations that might apply are not used. Therefore, OSHA estimates that over 90%
of all farms in the U.S. are not covered by OSHA regulations.
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The following collected in this case study suggests that the following factors may
have contributed to the fatal accident as reported:
1. Improper fire fighting methods; and
2. Lack of proper operating and maintenance procedures on the silo.

Acknowledging concern for the above factors, NIOSH recommends the following
steps for both the prevention of fires and explosions in oxygen-limiting silos, and for
fire control procedures once a fire has developed:

a. When not being filled or emptied, oxygen-limiting silo hatches should be kept
closed. If an oxygen-limiting silo is properly sealed, there is very little likelihood of a
fire occurring by spontaneous heating, since the amount of oxygen trapped in the silo
is usually insufficient to support a fire.
b. Proper maintenance of the silo should be performed to ensure the integrity of the
oxygen-limiting features. The manufacturer of the silo should be contacted for proper
operating and maintenance procedures for the silo.
c. The moisture content of stored silage should be controlled, as should the type of cut
of the silage. Filling rates recommended by the manufacturer should also be followed
to reduce the possibility of spontaneous heating of stored silage. "Elements of good
silage" can be obtained from the bulletin, "Extinguishing Silo Fires," NRAES-18,
published by the Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service, Cornell
University, Riley Robb Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853.

a. During fire fighting operations on oxygen-limiting silos, water or foam should not
be directed onto the fire through the top hatches, since this may allow oxygen to enter
the silo and cause the suspension of explosive dust.
b. Placards should be placed on the oxygen-limiting silos warning fire fighters that
the silo is in fact an oxygen-limiting silo, and should include information concerning
the proper extinguishing techniques.
c. If the roof hatches of oxygen-limiting silos are open, no attempt should be made to
close them if there is smoke or steam coming from the open hatches or if the silo is
d. The roof hatches should be safe to close if the silo is quiet and there has been no
smoke or steam coming from the hatches for several hours. Do not secure the hatch.
This will permit the relief of any subsequent pressure that may build up.
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e. Large quantities* of carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen should be injected into the
silo to extinguish the fire. Some silos have valves specifically designed for this. If it is
necessary to drill a small hole in the side of the silo for insertion of the gas tube, care
should be taken not to allow additional oxygen to be pulled into the silo. All
precautions normally associated with either nitrogen or carbon dioxide should be
taken when handling these gases.
f. Manufacturers, in conjunction with local fire departments, should establish a
program to provide valves designed for injection of gases for fire control on all new
and existing oxygen-limiting silos.
g. Certain manufacturers have step-by-step instructions on how to extinguish fires in
their silos. Therefore, farm owners are encouraged to contact the silo manufacturer to
obtain these instructions.
NIOSH has published the following documents which contain further information.
NIOSH Alert: Request for Assistance in Preventing Hazards in the Use of Water
Spray (Fog) Streams to Prevent or Control Ignition of Flammable Atmospheres,
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 85-112.
Occupational Safety in Grain Elevators and Feed Mills, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication
No. 83-126.
NIOSH requests that the technical information and warning contained in this Alert be
disseminated to personnel of fire departments, fire training academies, other
emergency response organizations, farm extension associations, farm workers and
owners, and manufacturers of silos.
Requests for additional information or questions related to this announcement should
be directed to Mr. John Moran, Director, Division of Safety Research, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 944 Chestnut Ridge Road, Morgantown,
West Virginia 26505, Telephone (304) 291-4595.
We greatly appreciate your assistance.
J. Donald Millar, M.D., D.T.P.H. (Lond.)
Assistant Surgeon General
Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Centers for Disease Control

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* As an example, for a 20-foot diameter by 60-foot-high silo, the estimated amount of

carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen would be: 20 standard cylinders of carbon dioxide
or 40 standard cylinders of liquid nitrogen. Reference #1 provides estimated amounts
of CO2 or liquid nitrogen for other silo sizes. [Return to main text]

1. Murphy, DJ, Arble WC: Extinguishing Silo Fires. NRAES-18. Ithaca, NY:
Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service (1982).
2. NIOSH Alert: Request for Assistance in Preventing Hazards in the Use of
Water Spray (Fog) Streams to Prevent or Control Ignition of Flammable
Atmospheres. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 85-112. National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, 4 pages (1985).
3. Bahme CW: Fire Officer's Guide to Emergency Action. NFPA No. FSP-38.
Boston, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 185 pp. (1974).
4. Upgrade Training Programs Aimed at Controlling Silo Explosions, Say
National Volunteers. Fire Control Digest, 12(2):6 (1986).
5. Occupational Safety in Grain Elevators and Feed Mills, DHHS (NIOSH)
Publication No. 83-126. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
85 pp. (1983).

This page was last updated: 2/11/97

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Allison, A., Effectiveness of Ultrafine Water Fog as a Dust Suppressant. Final
Report. Peavey Company, Con Agra, Omaha, NE, 1993.
American Insurance Association, Special Loss Control Bulletin. New York, N.Y,
ASAE, ASAE Standard D245.4 Moisture Relationships of Grains. ASAE Standards
1994-Standards Engineering Practices Data, St. Joseph, MI, 1994.
Arkansas Department of Labor, Grain Elevator Hazards. Little Rock, AR, 1979.
Association of Mill and Elevator Mutual Insurance Companies, Suggestions for
Precautions and Safe Practices in Welding and Cutting. Chicago, IL, 1977 (5905-77).
Buss, Kenneth L., Dust Control for Grain Elevators, National Grain and Feed
Association, Washington, DC, 1981, pp. 64-87.
doPico, G.A., Report on Diseases. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol. 10,
1986, pp. 261-265.
Ferry, Ted. S. Safety Management Planning. The Merritt Company. Santa Monica,
CA, 1987.
Gillis, Joseph P., Retrofitting and Construction Grain Elevators. National Grain and
Feed Association, Washington, DC, 1985, pp. 42-43.
Grain Journal, Foundation Funds Dust Emission Study. March/April 1995, p. 27.
Hammer, Willie. Occupational Safety Management and Engineering. Prentice Hall,
Englewood, CA, 1985.
Hazardous Chemicals Right to Know Act, N.C. Gen. Stat. 95-173 through 95-218
NFPA, National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 61B, Standards for the Prevention
of Fires and Explosions in Grain Elevators and Facilities Handling Bulk Raw
Agricultural Commodities. Quincy, MA, 1994, pp. 61B-1 to 61B-20.
National Fire Protection Association, Industrial Fire Hazards Handbook. Quincy, MA,
National Materials Advisory Board, Prevention of Grain Elevator and Mill Explosions.
National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1982 (NMAB 367-2).
National Safety Council, OSHA up-to-date, Vol. 20(2) (1991): 2.
N.C. Department of Labor, North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Standards
for General Industry. Division of Occupational Safety and Health, 1989. (See, in
particular, Appendix C to 29 CFR 1910.272 for a rich bibliography on grain handling
Nelson, G.S., Grain Dust Explosions Can Be Prevented. Grain Age, 1979, pp. 34-44.
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North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Hazard Communication Standard, 13

NCAC 7C.0101(a)(105); 29 CFR 1910.1200.
OSHA, Selected Occupational Fatalities Related to Grain Handling as Found in
Reports of OSHA Fatality/Catastrophe Investigations. Washington, DC, 1983.
OSHA CPL 03-00-008 - Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program (Reissued).
Parnell, Calvin, Personal Conversation and E-mail. Texas A& M University, College
Station, TX, June 15, 1998.
Rom, William N., Environmental and Occupational Medicine. Boston: Brown and
Company, 1983.
Schoeff, Robert W., Agricultural Dust Explosions in 1997. Department of Grain
Science, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, February 27, 1998, p. 5.
Seagren, Jill, Worksite Hearing Conservation Programs Must Be More Than Just
Hearing Tests. Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 59(12), 1990, pp. 48-53.
University of South Hampton, England. Study of Static Electricity on Grain Conveying
Belts: Prepared for the National Grain and Feed Association, Washington, DC, 1980.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Prevention of Dust Explosions in Grain Elevators
An Achievable Goal. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980 (0-310-945/FGIS-98).
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Hazards of Storing,
Handling and Shipping Grain. Cincinnati, OH, 1989 (DHHS(NIOSH)89-126).
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Occupational Safety in Grain
Elevators and Feed Mills. Morgantown, WV, 1983 (DHHS(NIOSH) 83-16).
U.S. Department of Labor, Grain Handling. Region VII, Kansas City, MO, 1987
(OSHA 3103).
U.S. Department of Labor,. Respiratory Protection. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, OSHA 3079, 1988.
Van Fleet, E.L., and O. Frank, Johnson County Emergency Operations Plan.
Jefferson City, MO, 1988.

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