Interview Dialogue

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What NOT to Do at a Job Interview Dialogue Break-Down Analysis

Fiona Obstaculo
July 10, 2016
Watch the video first once over, and read the on-screen text there. I explained mostly what Ms. Fennel
Pine did wrong visually, in terms of how Ms. Fennel Pine presented herself through attire, gestures, and
tone of speech. Afterwards, watch the video a second time if necessary with the written script
commentary at hand to refer to. On the script commentary document, I have written down what Ms.
Fennel Pine has done wrong in what she said, in some of her gestures and the answers she gave to the
questions asked. Then, I write how Ms. Fennel Pine should have responded instead.

My works cited for this project is found on the last page. I used PowerDirector Mobile to edit my video.
Please forgive the bad filming quality, this is a result of using an inefficient Samsung Galaxy smart phone
Green text is an example of how Ms. Pine should have responded to the question and red text
represents what Ms. Pine has done wrong. Bold text is the wrong dialogue she used.
Please note that Mrs. Matthias did not have the chance to aske Ms. Pine about her work experience,
as Ms. Pine left sooner than the time needed to properly interview.
Mrs. Morgan Matthias: Good morning Ms. Fennel Pine, how are you today?
Ms. Fennel Pine: Huh? Oh ya ha Im gooood. What time are we done? I need I be home by twelve,
so, wed better hurry on up.
Ms. Pine made a bad impression as she answered. She did not greet Mrs. Matthias, or formally
shake her interviewers hand. Instead of waiting to take a seat before the interviewer told her to do
so, she rudely showed Mrs. Matthias she wasnt listening by saying, huh? Also, she was in a
hurry, so she abruptly requested Mrs. Matthias to hurry up. One must make sure the interview is at
a time when no other appointments will coincide your interview, never the less, an interview cannot
be rushed either for it tot be successful.
(Ms. Pine: Good morning Mrs. Matthias, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am good, thank you, how
are you?)
Mrs. Matthias: Okay, allow me to introduce myself. I am Morgan Matthias, the principal of Brook
Streams Elementary, I appreciate you arriving here just about on time.
Ms. Pine: Eh? Ah it was nothing, I nearly hit a car as I drove here, I barely made it.
Employers rarely allow interviews to be done if the interviewed arrives late. Ms. Pine barely came
on time, yet luckily, Mrs. Matthias allowed her to still have an opportunity to be interviewed. Even
though, Ms. Pine still acknowledged specifically what she did wrong, another example of a bad
impression, and did not apologize for what she had done.
(Ms. Pine. I apologize for my tardiness, I take responsibility for my wrong doings, and will avoid to
do so in the future. Thank you for your patience.)

Mrs. Matthias: Interesting. Moving on, I noticed you applied for the position of a teacher, particularly a
grade seven teacher. Before we continue with questions concerning the position you are applying for,
what can you tell me about yourself?
Ms. Pine: Uh, I am a, very intelligent individual who has received many honours for the high grades
I have received throughout high school, and post-secondary. Also, I got arrested for harassing a
man who stole my wallet but that doesnt matter cuz I got a well deserved associate degree in
English. I went to UBC, man its one crowded campus. I honestly lovvved the theatre course, it was
the best I met so many new people A-a-a-and while I was in university, I tutored some kids. I
hope to someday become a principal because earnings for that job will increase in the near future,
and the money would be great for my young child and I. And ya.
This response is typically a brief summary of your education, work experience, and strengths, with
occasional fact about your personal life. Ms. Pine went very off topic with this question, adding in
unnecessary, not wanted to be heard, personal details.
(Ms. Pine: I attend UBC, where I later received an associates degree in English, Psychology, and a
major in education. While attending university, I efficiently managed my studies with work, which
was tutor services for children with difficulties in various subjects and so on)
Mrs. Matthias: Hmm, you mentioned that you tutored children, could you tell us more about this working
experience, or another job you had in the past.
Ms. Pine: Ah, those kids! I taught about twenty of em. Their parents would hire me after school to
help their kids with Math, Science, and English. Sure they got on my nerves sometimes when they
couldnt get simple concepts, but their parents paid me gooder they gave me helpful tips on
how to handle their children.
Although Ms. Pines concept of an answer was correct, her deliverance was not. The impression
Mrs. Matthias got after hearing this response was Ms. Pines irritation and impatience with
children, despite teaching them with skill. Her longing for money, nothing to be ashamed off,
showed through completely, and this is something one should keep to themselves.
(Ms. Pine: My experiences tutoring children for over five years has aided in the developing of child
management and teaching skills. I worked with various children of school age in core subject areas.
Then, I learned how to work with various others, which will prove to be useful in a classroom
setting in the future.)
Mrs. Matthias: You seem to be a very driven individual, with ambitions for the future. Where do you see
yourself in 5 years?
Pine: In five years you say, well by then, I wish to have bought a mansion in the neighbourhood,
and have gotten a job as a grade 7 teacher, or potentially, as a high school teacher of higher
position. By now, I expect to have had an increase in my salary, and have quit my addiction to
smoking. Also, be able to support my growing child.
This response is probably the best out of all of the answers Ms. Pine has given throughout the
interview. I will not correct this one in green, since if this answer was delivered in a formal, clearer
way, with a better use of language, it would be valid. Possibly the sections discussing the purchasing
of a mansion and the increasing of salary may be too personal and irrelevant to be included, but
otherwise, the answer shows how she will strive hard to be in the position desired. The

determination to quit smoking may display qualities of personal management and willingness to
improve. In addition, the supporting of her child may bring out Ms. Pines devotion to parenthood,
and this empathy for children may benefit students in the classroom.
Mrs. Matthias: What motivates you?
Ms. Pine: (Money got cut off: ) Money. Everything in life needs to be bought with money, so you
need it to survive. Also, I need to find use of my vast knowledge, so passing on what I know to the
next generation is a big must-do. I feel obliged to educate the children of this world, it is us that who
is responsible to partake in this movement this dream for a better world.
Here, interviewers are waiting for an answer that incorporates your willingness your want to learn,
relevance to the position at hand, and skills and abilities. Many different answers can be submitted,
so Ms. Pines answer is technically valid, yet unattractive for the job she has applied for. The last
motivation is an admirable one, yet once again, is not worded well.
(Ms. Pine: I greatly enjoy working in an environment with many, diverse individuals. I am driven
to benefit our future generation through the classroom, with valuable education. So forth, as I am a
post-graduate with developing teaching ability and organizational skill, I am also driven by my
willingness to improve in all aspects.)
Mrs. Matthias: We, here at Brook Streams Elementary, value strong, optimistic dreams for the future.
Looking at your resume, I have noticed the many skills you are strongest at. Please share with me some
weaknesses you possess.
Ms. Pine: Some weaknesses eh? Uh I actually dont have many, but oh I use my phone a lot and
hopefully it wont get in the way when I teach. I have about 2 K followers on each social media
platform so ya know, I gotta keep em updated. Oh and actually I have a fear of apples, so dont
leave any lying around.
This particular question is, in a sense, a trick question for the interviewed. Employers bring out the
character traits of potential employees through their responses, and look for how they use this
weakness as a resource to improve in the future. Ms. Pine took this question to another level and
responded with material weaknesses, such as social media and phobias.
(Ms. Pine: I find myself aggravated by not cooperative staff who do not complete tasks as required.
Often, I overcome this weakness through the confrontation of this staff, then the later brief word
with the supervisor. Occasionally, I work longer hours than I am assigned to. In order to avoid this
problem, I am currently balancing out my personal life and work to maintain my mental and
physical health.)
Mrs. Mathias: Since you have already told me about yourself and explained your visions for the future,
motivations, and levels of strength in each area, considering them all, why should we hire you?
Ms. Pine: Okay, Ill make this quick. I have to leave in 4 minutes to pick up my child from daycare.
You should hire me cuz A), I need the money, B), I deserve the money and the job, and finally C),
because everyone loves a good teacher like myself. Gooday Mrs. Mattias, Ill see ya later, just gotta
go now.
Ms. Pine replied to this in a self-righteous manner. Obviously, this is not what the employer is
looking for. They instead would like to see what skills, experiences, strengths, and other aspects

support your capability of taking on the position you applied for and how your hiring would benefit
their business, company, or school.
(Ms. Pine: Considering the experience I have working with people, especially children, a position of
a teacher would be another opportunity to meet many other individuals. In the past, after working
with children struggling with school, the children have improved dramatically. Using the knowledge
of the child learning process I have built upon over the years, in addition to what I have explained
earlier, I can benefit your school through educating students in attendance.)
When leaving your interview, allow your interviewer to first end the interview properly, not
abruptly leave with an invalid excuse. This eliminates much of your chance of receiving a follow-up
call back.
Mrs. Mathias: Yes I will give your application some consideration. Thank you for coming to this inter

Ms. Pine: BYEE.

As she exited, Ms. Pine did not formally shake Mrs. Matthias hand, or say her farewells. She even
cut her off! At this point, I do not think Ms. Pine will have a call back.
(Ms. Pine: Good Bye Mrs. Matthias. It was great meeting you, and I thank you for taking the time
to meet myself. I hope you have a good day!)



Works Cited

"15 Most Common Job Interview Questions And Answers - Interviewpenguin.Com". N.p., 2015. Web. 10 July 2016.
Doyle, Alison and Alison Doyle. "Tips For Answering Job Interview Questions About
Motivation". Careers. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 July 2016.
"Interview Questions | Common Interview Questions | Monster.Co.Uk". Monster
Career Advice. N.p.,
2016. Web. 10 July 2016. <>
"What Motivates You? | Monster.Com". Monster Career Advice. N.p., 2016. Web. 10
July 2016.

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