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Electrical energy is something familiar in human life which the most of human activities
require energy. As an archipelago state, Indonesia is still facing the shortfall of electricity supply.
This condition is caused by several things, one of which is less uneven development in the areas
of central and eastern Indonesia, especially in the areas of small islands. One of the areas that
still has not been got the perfect electricity is Sumenep region, which only get about 13%
electricity from PT PLN. This final project will be designing a floating power plant auxiliary
units for Sumenep Islands region to overcome the shortage of electricity in the area Sapudi
Island and Raas Island, with the generated power is 10 MW. Floating Power Plant Design begins
with the selection Generator Set as a machine producing electricity. After that, made the
determination of the initial charge to seek ship's main dimensions. Generator Set is used
amounted to two units and each unit is able to produce power of 5.53 MW. Ship's Main size is L
= 47 m, B = 16.5 m, H = 3.6 m, T = 2.2 m. The main measure of this ship can be calculated
Keywords: Floating Power Plant, Conceptual Design, Kepulauan Sumenep

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