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Analyses with SAP PM

Analyses and Key figures

Key Figures
EffAusfall (amount of effective machine breakdowns)

Amount of breakdowns that effectively occurred on technical objects.

With this key figure in difference to the amount of documented machine
breakdowns only the breakdowns that occur in times not overlapping each other
are considered.
At the begin of a malfunction this key figure is updated if a maintenance
notification was created or changed. This happens only if the breakdown
indicator was set and a downtime was entered.

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Key Figures
Mean Time To Repair

The average duration of breakdown of a machine in hours.

This key figure calculates itself out of the effective duration of breakdown X
divided through the total amount of effective breakdowns:
(end of breakdown X start of breakdown X) / total amount of effective
The key figure 'Mean Time To Repair' is calculated with the help of key figure
'Time To Repair.

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Key Figures
Mean Time Between Repair

The average duration between two machine breakdowns in hours.

This key figure calculates the duration between the end of the last breakdown
and the beginning of the next divided through the total amount of effective
(Date of breakdown X date of breakdown X-1) / total amount of effective
The key figure 'Mean Time Between Repair' is calculated with the help of key
figure 'Time Between Repair.

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Key Figures
Time Between Repair

Time between the end of a machine breakdown and the beginning of the next.
The key figure 'Time Between Repair' is used to calculate the key figure 'Mean
Time Between Repair.
At the begin of a malfunction this key figure is updated if a maintenance
notification was created or changed. This happens only if the breakdown
indicator was set and a downtime was entered.

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Key Figures
Time To Repair

Effective time or effective breakdown duration needed to fix a malfunction at a

technical object.
The key figure 'Time To Repair' is used to calculate the key figure 'Mean Time To
At the begin of a malfunction this key figure is updated if a maintenance
notification was created or changed. This happens only if the breakdown
indicator was set and a downtime was entered.

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Key Figures
Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE

A definition of this key figure can not be found in any norm. It is used and defined
individually by the companies using it.
The OEE is a key figure used for unplanned loses of an asset.
Therefore the first step is to subtract the planned downtimes from the calendar
(24 hours with 7 days a week). The operating time left builds the basis for the
OEE and is therewith defined as 100%.
From these 100 % the loss of activity, the availability loss and the quality loss will
now be removed to receive the OEE of an asset.

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Key Figure OEE

OEE = Availability Factor x Activity Factor x Quality Factor

Availability Factor
Availability Factor = operating time / (operating time + downtime)
Activity Factor
Activity Factor = actual activity / planned activity (i.e. in piece / hour)
Quality Factor
Quality Factor = (amount of produced parts amount of parts in refurbishment
amount of scrap components) / amount of produced parts

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Analyses within SAP - Standard

Location analysis

Transaction MCI3

Breakdown analysis

Transaction MCI7

Damage analysis

Transaction MCI5

Cost analysis

Transaction MCI8

Other analyses in
Logistic/Plant Maintenance/Information System/Standard Analyses

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Location Analysis

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Breakdown Analysis
Breakdown, MTTR and MTBR per Equipment
Top ten breakdowns per Equipment
Top ten MTTR per Equipment
Time series breakdowns per Equipment

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Breakdown Analysis

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Damage Analysis
Categorised per problem
Analysis of damages at Equipments/groups of similar Equipments
Start of activities for asset improvement

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Damage Analysis

Datum: 1. September 2011

Seite: 14

Damage Analysis
drill down via cause of damage

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Cost Analysis

Datum: 1. September 2011

Seite: 16

Cost Analysis

Datum: 1. September 2011

Seite: 17

List Analysis with SAP PM

Notification List


List of Items


List of Activities


Work Order List


Order Operation List


Confirmation List


Scheduling Overview


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Notification List
The notification list display all maintenance requests and historical information
related to technical objects.

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List of Items
The notification item list display all additional information stored at the
notification items.

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List of Activities
The notification activity list display all additional information stored at the
notification activities.

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Work order list

The work order list display all actual and historical maintenance activities related
to technical objects.

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Work order operation list

The work order operation list display all actual and historical maintenance tasks
related to technical objects.

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Confirmation list
The confirmation list display all information of created confirmations.

Datum: 1. September 2011

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Scheduling Overview
The scheduling overview display all information to planned maintenance

Datum: 1. September 2011

Seite: 25

Thank You

P&S Consulting GmbH

Am Kiekenbusch 10
47269 Duisburg
Tel.: +49.203.75990.29

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