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Are movies and toys impacting our

This has been written through the direction and discernment of the Holy Spirit
Please note: contains disturbing imagery

The answer is yes! What our children watch and play with, does certainly
impact their lives.
Lets look at the very innocent looking Lalaloopsy doll (Bitty Buttons) that
millions of children play with since their realise in 2010 one year after the
Coraline movie 2009. Some would argue that the Lalaloopsy doll has no
connection to the movie Coraline, but with further inquiry one can clearly
see that there is an obvious and distinct connection. The visual
comparisons are evident being that the Lalaloopsy doll has button eyes
and a cut/sewn smile similar to the doll from the Coraline movie. The hair
style and clips, and the body type are also parallel see picture below.

Coraline doll and Lalaloopsy doll

So youre probably thinking these are very cute adorable dolls that my
children love to play with nothing to do with the movie. Well, maybe if we
look deeper in the story behind the movie and doll from Coraline you may
have eyes to see that the Lalaloopsy doll has been very cleverly
commercialised to attract young children with this very cute innocent doll

that actually represent witch craft, black magic, occult powers and
spiritual darkness.

Coraline is a little girl who magically enters a world that is strange, but
wonderful; and she gets hooked into the alternate world and doesnt
want to go back to reality. This world is everything Coraline wishes for, but
there is one small hiccup: It is fake, created by a sadistic handler to
manipulate her.
Coraline is given a doll that looks like her. It is created with creepy metallic
hands (the handler) transforming or torturing this old doll into a new one.
This doll is not just an ordinary doll, it has a dark underlying meaning
about mind control slave programmed at the hands of a sadistic handler.
In essence, evil powers have done spiritual surgery on the doll and they
want to do the same to Coraline.

The creepy hands of an unseen creep are about to get to work on this doll (which represents an MK
slave). The doll is then refilled by the handler and made to look like Coraline. The creation of the
alter persona is symbolically complete

In MK symbolism, dolls represent the slaves alter persona. Coraline will call this doll Little Me.

The doll lures Coraline to do strange things like opening doors to a

magical alternate reality to Other world which Coraline desires to stay
in. Coraline practices the ancient occult activity of magical dowsing or
water witching. In short, Coraline is given a choice to stay in the
other/alternate world but she must remove her eyes replacing them with
buttons (blindness) permanently becoming the handlers puppet who
would then as the movie states devour her soul.

This movie and its dolls is just one of the ways the enemy is filtering evil
to our children. The Lalaloopsy doll, has its origin/creation from an evil
wicked source, of mind control witchcraft and sorcery represented by
removing the eyes and doing evil spiritual surgery to the doll. The doll
represents or is in likeness of the child. The enemy is using the doll to do
evil spiritual surgery to children. In essence, The devil is using innocent
little dolls to posses childrens souls, their identity and ultimately their
future through witchcraft and sorcery. Yes thats right, there is a transfer of
personality from the evil source in the doll to the personality of the child
(physically, mentally and spiritually). Just look at the image below to see
the devastating effect on young children. I pray that you will discern with
spiritual eyes and with urgency to remove and destroy any
movies/toys/dolls that represent evil, witchcraft and occult powers.
Be not ignorant of the schemes of our enemy, the devil, who plants evil
seeds in the most seemingly innocent ways to steal, kill and destroy. 2
Corinthians 2:11 & John 10:10

For more information on the movie Coraline or Lalaloopsy dolls see the web. Below is just
a few sites
1. See Youtube of possessed Lalaloopsy doll

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