Rules 2frewards

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Kathleen Myers

Classroom Management Plan

Middle School Resource Room

Follow The

BE KIND in your actions and words

RESPECT DIFFERENCES in others were not all the same
PARTICIPATE in your education by listening and speaking up
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF your opinions and experience have value
QUESTION EVERYTHING you are told and think critically

Individual Points are rewarded to students daily at the teachers discretion,
in the amount she chooses and not to exceed 5 points for one single act.
Students can earn points by:
*Participating in discussions in any manner
*Showing exemplary kindness or respect to others
*Being courteous when differences of any kind arise
*And/or by starting interesting discussion with serious
questions regarding current topics
The student with the highest amount of points for the day
gets a homework pass for the next day.
The student with the highest amount of points for the week
gets to choose which fun activity the class will do the next week:
either a music day, art day, or reading day. Students will be allowed
to bring music, art, or books as long as they are school appropriate.

Points can also be taken away from students for being unkind and
disrespectful.If a student ends the day with negative points the student
will receive a verbal warning at the end of the day, if it is the first time.
The second time a student receives negative points for the day they will be
issued a written warning that must be signed by parents. A third time and the
teacher will request a conference with the students parents. The teacher can
also take away fun days if the class as a whole ends the day with no points for
more than 2 days in a week. If no students earn points for 2 days out of the week,
the following week will be no fun day.

The teacher will keep track of points daily from the board. Students names will be on both sides of the class. On the left side will be
points accumulated for the day. On the right side will be points accumulated for the week. Points will be tally marks written on the
board by the teacher.



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