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TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................
1.1 Introductions.........................................................................................................
1.2 Problem Statement................................................................................................
1.3 Proposed Solution................................................................................................
Objective And Scope.............................................................................................
1.4 Limitation And Costraint.......................................................................................
2.1 Company Background..........................................................................................
2.2 Current Practice / Current Process.......................................................................
Solution Model.....................................................................................................
3.1 Time line gantt chart................................................................................
3.2 Implementation team...............................................................................

4.1 Estimated Overall cost figure.......................................................................
4.2 Productivity and Cost Target......................................................................
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................
REFFERENCES ..........................................................................................


Today, more than ever before, there is a dire need for homeopathy as our global community is facing its
greatest challenges. And though the average life-span has continued to increase, the value of life has
decreased in direct correlation. Simply put it is quantity without focus on quality!

Never before has there been such a dramatic worldwide proliferation in chronic and incurable diseases as
has been witnessed during the 20th century, especially the latter half, and the beginning of the 21rst
century. Now as we embark on the next millenium, it has been left to us to correct and restore the woes of
humankind along with our entire global environment.

The causes of this unparalleled destruction are multifold and interrelated. With the advent of modern
medicine's powerful and often suppressive drugs which tend to treat the outcome (manifest symptoms) of
disease without addressing their cause and in most cases is either genetic and hereditary or a deficiency of
the autoimmune system, they have thus driven the disease from a more superficial expression to a deeper
level. (i.e. Thousands of documented cases of eczema treated with cortisone steroids or mercury and zinc
oxide creams cause the outward eruption to disappear from the surface of the skin; and incidental to this
surreptitious "cure" develop rheumatic or heart conditions.)

Antibiotics, though at times have life-saving uses, have been negligently abused and overused at the
expense of damaging or compromising an individual's auto-immune system. Making the patient
dependent on ever yet stronger and stronger drug therapies in order to find relief, but in reality have left
them more susceptible to diseases and disorders that normally a healthy individual's own defense
mechanisms would fight off.Then there are also the strains of bacterial, viral and parasitic organisms that
in their own effort to survive have mutated and have become drug resistant. If you consider that these
organisms have been surviving and adapting on this planet practically since its origins, it becomes
obvious that they will continue to evolve. And though scientists will struggle to find newer and more
powerful weapons to fight with, it is almost as if the organisms are prepared to lose the battle in order to

win the war. Evidence of this had recently come to light with the discoveries of hospital bred bacteria that
are antibiotic resistant, resurgence in incurable cases of tuberculosis which was deemed as irradiated in
the western world, killer malaria viruses that had been assumed to be wiped out.

Basic laws of nature have been breached and irreparably altered; as in the survival of the fittest which was
nature's built in mechanism or selective process for filtering out the weaker traits in any particular species.
Science and medical advances have enabled genetically flawed DNA to be passed on and resulted in the
proliferation of inherited systemic disorders. Thus as society continues to expand and co-mingle,
transmutation and inter-combination of defective genetics on the level of the DNA have contributed to the
general loss of quality of life.

Another factor is modern society's emphasis on achievement and success, and its resultant increase in
stress and anxiety on a mass level. This has had a profound affect on all the levels of man's state of
existence, where we find that people are always feeling exhausted and have practically lost their ability to
rest and restore their own energy. Along with this loss of focus and deviant attitude has come polluted
environments, food lacking substantial nutritional value and a society governed by fear and future shock.

With all these negative influences threatening the very fabric of man's existence - where can we look to
for an effective and comprehensive solution? Humanity is most definitely in dire need of some positive
solutions. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that stimulates and encourages ones own natural
healing forces of recovery. Homeopathy works with the bodys natural healing forces instead of against
them (suppressively).

Homeopathy is that solution because it has the power to restore the spiritual and physical well-being the
entire world so dearly desires.


This Project Pharmacy System is a solution to MHC to take the orders from its distributors who are
geographically distributed. This new system not only takes the orders from distributors for MHC but it
also facilities. The administration, as well as the report generation for the firm. The basic structure of the
system as follows.
This project is a web-based project, and no doubt to say this is a Client-Server System. Each user
of this system is given a unique id and password along with some Information for our report generation,
and administration. Later the user id will be used for his identification. The system maintains vendors,
category of products they are supplying, products under each category, discount, and payment modes such
as DD, Cheque, and online payment mode Credit Card. This system also maintains the order details, to
provide the valuable reports regarding sales to the organization whenever they want. Here we are
providing the administration part too for the organization.
This system provides information entered but also analyzes data. Each users details are kept
private and no other body can tinker with them.

Some people express their view that where is the actual need for this kind of system. Ordering
systems on isolated computers and personal PCs are not accessible from anywhere. Where as these kind
of web related systems can be accessed from anywhere.
Virtually from any part of the world with out any difficulty. As our MHC is Launching a new web site
with these benefits of internet they can provide better and Cost effective services to distributors, not only
that with this kind of design they can Go for online shopping for other users. Realization of these kinds
of systems includes gathering of many technologies at one point. Implementation of this system involved
both server side programming and client side programming. Server side part has to communicate with the
date base management system and has to send the results as part is responsible for providing user friendly
and visually attractive interface to the user, and is responsible for communicating to the server on behalf
of the user.

For the implementing above-mentioned requirement I have used HTML, JAVA SCRIPT, JAVA
SERVLETS and JDBC. Server side part has been done with SERVLETS and JDBC where JDBC
responsible for communicating with DBMS.

On Client side HTML, JAVA SCRIPT provides user


1.2 Problem Statement

The proposed system will be implemented in the pharmacy unit of MHC . At present, manual system is
being utilize here. This system will requires the pharmacist to manually monitor each drug that available
in the clinics. This involve manual entry upon arrival of new drugs and upon drugs movement out of the
unit. Upon a certain period e.g every month, the pharmacist is required to generate reports on the
movement of drugs. This is to monitor justification of ordering in order to replinish the already
diminishing stocks. In addition ordering, of a drugs is also being done manually. Significant amount of
time is allocated for writing the order as one needs to go through the stock balance and based figure, one
supposed to make a rough estimate of the amount to order. This usually led to mistake as one or may over
or under order . Thus in aspect, the workload the pharmacist increases. As a result, sometimes patient
cares, in term of couselling, will compromised due to time constraints.

1.3 Proposed solution

With proposed system, the pharmacist will be able to monitor the movement of the drugs with ease. The
system is designed to track the entry of fresh batches of drugs. Be it upon orders from manufactures or
loan it from other hospital or clinics. It is also monitors the drugs movement out from clinics. At any
time, the pharmacist is able to find out the balance and the drugs movement history. This will avoid
under- end over stocking of drugs in the pharmacy, thus lead to the better invetory management and also
cost management of money allocated for the purchase of drugs.
Compared to the current manual system, the implementation of PMS will reduced the time spent for
paperwork, leading to the concentration on improving pharmaceutical care of patients, especially

emphasis on patients counselling and patient medication monitoring. It will be greatly embraced by
pharmacy profession as it is one giant leap towards pharmaceutical care of patients.

1.4 Objective and scope

The objective is to ensure that the drugs administered at the clinics are monitered via a server within 6
months.It will serve the following:

To identify medication pattern usages, e.g dosing regimen

To minimize human error in medication safety.
To facilitate accessibility of drugs information management among clinical employees.
To provide optimal drugs inventory management by monitoring the drugs movement in pharmacy

To be able to generate reports within significantly short period of time, despite simustaneous
usage of database for the purposes stated above.

1.5 Sub objective

a. Planning number of computer and type of server
b. Purchase of equipments
c. Instalation of equipments
d. Setup software.
e. Training
g. Implimentation

The user of this system will be the Modern Homeopathy Centre(MHC) Pharmacy unit and physician .The
information management provided by the system involved all the clinics employee. This accesibility of
the information will be of great advantage as it reduced further medical errors associated with physician
and nurses.

This system handles all aspect of the inventory control function. It allows the pharmacist to receive new
batches of drugs, delete obsolete drugs and modify the current dosage and indications of a drug in the
database. Furthermore, the system eases the process of stock replinishment.
On the other hand PMS enables dispensation process. It stores all the physician prescription of the
patients. A summarized list of the drugs dispensed to the patient can be viewed for monitoring purposed,

PMS will be able to generate report on list of drug dispensed in the polyclinic for a given time period. A
statiscally graph will be depict dispensed drug data in respect to their avarages, variennce, frequency
distribution , and confidence intervals for medications and patients. A report will also be generated to
inform and alert the user if the stock holding quantity reaches a low level . Thus the pharmacist need to
replinish the drugs.

1.5 Expected output

The expected planned outcome of this project will consist of eight main module, which are login, add new
user , search inventory , receive new stock , orders new stock , dispense and drug list. (add/edit/delete).
Each of these module are independent but interelated. The login module is implemented as security
checking to allow only aunthenticated user to access the Pharmacy management syytem.
With the main modules that have stated in Pharmacy management sysytem, this system is expected to
help Modern Homeopathy Centre manage the pharmacy unit more efficiently, check the stock of
inventories and update the stock quantity from time to time, determine the expired inventory, keep record
of the ordered and received inventory and generate reports for analysis and review purposes.


Company Background

It is a matter of pride for us that in our constant endeavor to provide the best of services to our patients,
we have been able to establish 196 state-of-the-art clinics in 109 cities across Malaysia. This makes us
Malaysia's largest chain of Homeopathic clinics providing individualized treatment and care to our
World-class health services have always been the hallmark of Dr. Kathiresans and testimony to this is the
fact that our branches in Damansara, Petaling Jaya have been granted the ISO 9001:2008 accreditation
from the American Quality Assessors (AQA.
According to ISO 9001:2008, the customer is both the beginning and the end of any organizational
process. Attending to the needs and wishes of the customer, translating them into requirements, delivering
services to meet these requirements and lastly, verifying the degree of customer satisfaction - these are the
commitments of any customer driven organization. These are also the fundamentals, which have driven
Dr. Kathiresan's for a long time, and the management is totally committed to bringing these into practice.
Our dedicated team of over 250 full-time highly qualified Homeopaths helps us to ensure the complete
satisfaction of all our patients who entrust their health to us. Each of our doctors are carefully handpicked
by the senior management team and individually trained under Dr. kathiresan's Continual Medical
Education (CME) programme. Our doctors are constantly updated with the latest developments and
methods of treatment so as to provide the best options to our patients.
Dr. Kathiresan's is one of the very few clinics to have a custom-designed software which stores patients'
medical history & treatment details as well as analyses over half a million cases that have been treated by
us. This information is accessible to all our clinics through a completely secured network and can be
accessed from any other branch giving our patients the liberty to visit any of our clinics as convenient to
them. This helps us to provide our patients with the red carpet treatment they truly deserve!

The medication that is prescribed and dispensed to patients at Dr. Kathiresan's is obtained from leading
suppliers, with test certificates as per national or international homeopathic pharmacopoeia standards, in
order to ensure excellent benchmark.
Going a step further, it is mandatory for the clinic dispensers to wear gloves and cap at all times as well as
undergo regular health check ups. Even the eco-friendly paper bag for patients has to meet the pre-defined
standards set by the company. Dr. Kathiresan's is truly a clinic with a heart as a lot of thought, care and
attention goes into making the best health care services available to each of our patients.
The Cyber Clinic at Dr. Kathiresan's is the first of its kind and even made it to the Limca Book of World
Records 2004 for providing Online Consultation and treatment to more than patients. It is indeed our
privilege to gain the trust of so many patients and we shall always strive to provide them with the best.
The Tele-homeopathic clinic that was started by Dr. Kathiresan's is another unique service which involves
providing medical consultation to remote patients through an easily accessible telecommunication
network such as Video Conferencing.
At Dr. Kathiresan's we believe that any relationship thrives on a healthy dose of constant communication
and a patient-doctor relationship is no exception. The clinic regularly communicates with its patients and
keeps them up to date with new happenings and treatment updates.
In addition to this, our Customer Relationship Management programme at Dr. Kathiresan's continually
monitors patient satisfaction rates based on multiple parameters related to quality of service and
treatment. We also regularly develop and implement training systems for our staff to make sure of the
same. In addition, external auditors periodically audit the company and the clinics to make certain that
everything is running as per the standards. Any disparity is recorded and corrective action is taken
Here is a brief glimpse of our results in key areas of our March 2003 Customer Feedback Survey. These
results have too been audited and verified by AQA - American Quality Assessors:
Quality and service parameter


% of patients

Quality of treatment



Overall impression



Quality of service



Dr. Kathiresan's has also been aware of its social responsibilities right from its inception. To this effect,
every center adopts orphanages and old-age homes. So far, the company has adopted more than 1600
orphans and old people providing lifelong free treatment to the inmates.

Dr.Kathiresan, a visionary entrepreneur, has deftly combined professional excellence and personal
achievement with social commitment and contribution. Single-handedly responsible for pioneering
modern Homeopathy in India, Dr. Kathiresan has not only set up a colossal corporate empire but also
extended the medical benefits of this safe and sure medical system throughout the country through pathbreaking commercial as well as charitable initiatives.
In 1974, when he entered the profession, Homeopathy was regarded as an ancient art, little better than
faith healing, and practiced mainly by amateurs and retirees. Early to recognize that Homeopathy would
be the medical system of the future, he standardized and professionalized Homeopathy to bring it on par
with conventional medicine by using technology to give it scientific backing. Armed with little more than
a first class professional degree and fierce determination, he took up the challenge of winning for
Homeopathy the medical respect that it rightfully deserved. That today Homeopathy is viewed as a
modern, progressive, efficient and effective medical option is largely a tribute to his medical skills,
entrepreneurial courage, dedication and foresight.
By virtue of his excellent time management skills he takes time out to be an avid photographer, animal
lover, social worker and a patron of theatre and the arts. Dr. Kathiresan's patients include heads of states
like the Prime Minister , Chief Ministers, Governors and Cabinet Ministers, top industrialists and leading
artists, film stars and singers
He strived incessantly to bring about the acceptance and legalization of Homeopathy across the world and
was instrumental in legalizing the science in Malaysia where he set up its first homeopathic clinic. The
Malaysian Broadcasting Corporation has made a documentary film on the life of Dr.Kathiresan, which
was broadcast on primetime television. He successfully introduced Homeopathy to the Middle East
Dr. Kathiresan co-produced and anchored India's first ever health show 'The Positive Health Show' with
UTV for Zee TV. The show was carried by Zee in all their various launches in different countries. He also
did live dial-in shows for Europe with Zee TV.

A prolific writer, he has authored several books on Homeopathy, besides writing a regular weekly column
on healing with Homeopathy in a leading newspaper.
Being a philanthropist, he established Dr. Kathiresans' Positive Health Foundation in 2001 to help the
underprivileged and deprived. The Foundation has been making a profound difference to the lives of
street children, orphans, handicapped people and the elderly. Every clinic adopts orphanages and old-age
homes and provides lifelong free treatment to the inmates.


Our constant endeavor to provide the best of services to our patients at Dr. Kathiresan's has enabled us to
establish 196 state-of-the-art clinics in 109 cities across Malaysia, Borneo and UK. And this has not, in
any way, put a stop to our plans of further expansion!
All of our clinics are up-to-date with modern facilities and amenities to ensure the utmost comfort of our
patients. Spacious clinics with sophisticated infrastructure are the hallmark of Dr. Kathiresan's. A lot of
thought goes into carefully planning out the location of each of our clinics so that they provide easy
access to all our patients.
Our high-tech software combined with cutting-edge network systems constantly ensures that we
successfully provide treatment to our patients even in circumstances where they cannot report to their
home-branch and visit any other branch of the clinic anywhere in the country.
Enhanced video conferencing facilities enable even the remotest of patients to get a personal touch during
their consultation with our doctors. The Cyber Clinic at Dr. Kathiresan's now helps the patients to break
all the barriers of time and space and get in touch with the treating physician.
Whether it's providing superior diagnostic techniques such as Trichoscan, Spirometer, Wood's lamp, etc.
or offering advanced treatment modalities such as Low level Laser Treatment, Piler Light for the
treatment of hair loss, we at Dr. Kathiresan's are ever ready to provide the best solutions to our patients.
Additionally, in acknowledgement of the complete support of our team in serving our patients, we also
strive to give them the best of infrastructure that helps them to grow along with the company. The
facilities that we provide at Dr. Kathiresan's make for an ideal environment for creative and skilled
professionals. The software and hardware environment coupled with a fully networked work space is
complete with all support services and amenities.
At the end of the day, what we want to provide is the best of treatment and support to our patients and the
best of amenities to our entire workforce to achieve the same!

2.2 Current Practise

Pharmacy Database Management System


The main aim of the project is the management of the database of the pharmaceutical shop. This is done
by creating a database of the available medicines in the shop. The database is then connected to the main
program by using interconnection of the Visual Basic program and the database already created.


This program can be used in any pharmaceutical shops having a database to maintain. The software used
can generate reports, as per the users requirements. The software can print invoices, bills, receipts etc. It
can also maintain the record of supplies sent in by the supplier

Fact Findings
Instituitonal pharmacy practised has undergone dramatic changes over the past few years . Hospital and
clinics are moving from using handwritten medication profiles towards implementing computerized
ordering and dispensing systems.

Since this project about pharmacy management system, therefore two existing systems were chosen and
studied. These systems are categories based on background of the company developing the system.
Features the advantages of each system.

The current system is susceptible to handle the situation that, even the organization grows
and establishes various branches at various places in the world.

The Database maintained here grows, as time passes by thus it has to be cleaned up in
frequent intervals so as to save memory. There are no special provisions designed in the system.
If the user wants an option of backing of data in frequent intervals, it could be added to the
present system.
The information of the Employee's working in the organization, like payroll
(remuneration's), details of their work, are not incorporated in the system as it does not fall under
the scope of this project. If Payroll management is to be included it can be easily coupled with
the present modules.
The use of the system should be trained otherwise he would struggle to operate it and
would not be able to know all the features in it.
Frequently enough the system should be reviewed for updating as we know that
maintenance is rather difficult than developing a system so there should be proper feedback
about the usefulness of the system, otherwise the basic purpose of automation would not

The Knowledge required for developing this project is extracted from the following



Peter Norton


Steven M. Bobrowski


James A. Senn


Dennis Kennedy

Joe Garrick

Bill Harper

Jason T. Roff


- Roger S. Pressman

The current system is susceptible to handle the situation that, even the organization grows
and establishes various branches at various places in the world.
The Database maintained here grows, as time passes by thus it has to be cleaned up in
frequent intervals so as to save memory. There are no special provisions designed in the system.
If the user wants an option of backing of data in frequent intervals, it could be added to the
present system.
The information of the Employee's working in the organization, like payroll
(remuneration's), details of their work, are not incorporated in the system as it does not fall under
the scope of this project. If Payroll management is to be included it can be easily coupled with
the present modules.
The use of the system should be trained otherwise he would struggle to operate it and
would not be able to know all the features in it.
Frequently enough the system should be reviewed for updating as we know that
maintenance is rather difficult than developing a system so there should be proper feedback
about the usefulness of the system, otherwise the basic purpose of automation would not


The Knowledge required for developing this project is extracted from the following



Peter Norton


Steven M. Bobrowski


James A. Senn


Dennis Kennedy

Joe Garrick

Bill Harper

Jason T. Roff


- Roger S. Pressman

2.2.2 EMR
EMR Made for Homeopathy
Record complete Personal History including Sleep Patterns, Dreams, and Mental Status. Associate Chief
Complaints with Appetite, Versions, Desires and Thirsts.
Detailed, "Enquiry", "Case taking" and "Followup" Forms, with complete Control to modify every
component of it. Use our smart tool to quantify even the most subjective of questions, and get automated
visualization graphs to demonstrate the often hard to explain, "Progress", for your chronic Patients.
Linked to Extensive Homeopathy Formulary with Potencies for over 3,000 Remedies. Setup
preconfigured combinations of Remedies and automate presribing by use of smart case sheets.
Super-Specialized Pharmacy Dispensing Module, that tracks Patient Pickups, Postage and Courier to
overseas and interstate Patients, with costs, and shipment numbers.
For the first time ever, using precision EMR Tools to custom make your Homeopathy record keeping
software, "exactly" as you always wanted to.
Executive Medical Summary
1-page Patient Medical Summary, fully customizable to what you consider important. You can now know
the Patients Past Medical history, Family History, Key Vital Trends, Current Treatment Plans and
Important Investigations, without turning a single page, or a single click. Prepare for Patient visits with
one glanc
Exhaustive compilation of EMR controls CC, HPI, ROS, Vitals, General Examination, Systemic
Examination, Advice, PMH, Medical History, Social History, Family History, Surgical History and more.
But what makes this different from anything else you have seen? Every aspect of these EMR sections,
including the structure and data, is completely flexible to the Specialty and Doctors preference. The best
part is it all comes preconfigured for you along with a Support Specialist. You simply dictate how you
like to do things, our Support Specialists will customize the rest for you.
Revolutionary in Design

Our Case Sheets Technology will convert all your paper based forms into EMR digital sheets. You need
not worry about learning a new software. Just carry on working in Clinicea just the way you used to work
on paper. Only difference is, that things will now move much faster at your Clinic.
Follow-up Visits
Intelligent Recalls and follow-ups that auto-creates appointments in your Calendar, sends a confirmation
to the Patient, and reminds the Patient to turn up on the day of the appointment
Tons of gorgeous Prescription Layouts
We understand the need for the "Perfect Prescription". For your patients, it is the only tangible output of
all the effort you are putting behind EMR. This is the next generation in prescription technology, any
layout you can think of, we can do it. Completely customizable to your needs.
Medical Records & Structuring
You can include data from Past History and Current Visit. Or you could make Clinicea do the grunge
work for you and include all the clinically significant data only from PMH and Current that were recorded
in this encounter.
Tired of hearing, 'it cannot be done,' come talk to us . Everything under the sun is possible, atleast when it
comes to Prescriptions :)


3.1 Setup a Project Team

Too many EMR implementations struggle and fail, not because of the systems weak technical
performance, but because of a poorly handled project and people management problems. The many tasks
associated with implementing a EMR can make the responsibilities of a project manager seem
intimidating. Regardless of which system select and how much support you expect from the vendor, there
is a body of knowledge that you must have as a project manager in order to lead your team through a
successful EMR implementation.

Our first mandate is to utilize technical resources for assistance with EMR specific issues, such as the
selection of both system and vendor, development of test plans and interfaces, and the hardware setup.
Manager, and that means that we should not try to be an expert in every area of the project.

Second mandate is to understand that, despite our best efforts, our EMR project may fail. It is a serious
mistake to assume that you will never need to return to the system that you had before (the legacy
system). Therefore, be prepared with a clear back-out plan. The days before a new system goes "live" are
stressful. Chaos could ensue if the system fails and we are not fully prepared to recover quickly. Before
you begin the installation, establish a back-out team, define its responsibilities, and describe step-by-step

procedures for returning to the legacy system. The team should review this contingency plan several times
before start-up.

There are some project management issues common to most EMR installations, and several basic dos
and donts for leading a cohesive project team, developing a positive communication plan, establishing
effective communications channels, and identifying essential training activities. Each of these stages is
fraught with pitfalls. Some common traps are described below, along with suggestions for managing or, in
the best case, avoiding them.
Dont underestimate the importance of project team development. Allowing your corporate organization
chart to evolve over time by assigning responsibilities to people, rather than people to functional
responsibilities, can result in a dysfunctional team shaped by relationships, personalities, and low morale.

Do take the time to assemble a group with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and one that is
capable of maintaining motivation and commitment throughout the duration of the project. No matter how
large or capable your crew is in the beginning, it needs to be properly sized so that momentum and energy
can be sustained to the finish line. It is difficult to do this with a large group of loosely knit people, so
designate both a core and support team based on functional responsibilities. A sample organization chart
is shown in Figure 3.0.

Figure 3.0 Team Project Organization chart structure

3.1.1 Project Team Development

Never assume that our team possesses all needed skills and that it will not require additional training.
Do assess the teams capability for achieving a successful implementation. The four main assessment
categories are project administration, functional concepts, software modules, and hardware components.
To manage a project effectively, the team needs working knowledge in each of these areas. At the very
minimum, the team should perform a self-evaluation, but it may be more helpful to have an industry
expert conduct the assessment. Based on the assessment results, develop a team education plan outlining
the steps required to master the skills needed by the team.
While communication is vital, do not schedule meetings so frequently that you raise the risk of team
burnout before the project is completed. Participation and overall project morale wane when people feel
that they are not contributing or benefiting from project meetings.

Do schedule full-team meetings monthly or bi-weekly, depending on the projects requirements. These
meetings should focus on status updates and discussions of interest to all the participants, including
support team members. Core team members, however, should be in constant communication, getting
together several times a week in order to handle functional issues that may not always pertain to the entire
group. An additional reason for adopting the team structure is that it helps control peoples time and the
companys resources.

Positive Communication

Dont forget to name your project or it will be done for you. As with all nicknames, once it sticks it is
yours. No one wants to be known for managing Project Hopeless or a name derived from a deliberate
mispronunciation of the EMR package name.
Do proactively name your project, preferably with a short, catchy title that imparts a positive message.

It is a mistake to let the project slowly ramp up as activities are initiated. Instead, be sure to kick off the
EMR implementation correctly, an essential step in managing a positive project communication
campaign. First, hold an executive briefing to introduce the projects name, team, objectives, and benefits.
Present the schedule, budget, issues, and risks at the same time. Second, introduce the project to your
"customers" the systems users in the warehouse. A warehouse project kickoff, held during normal shift
hours, is very effective. The goal is to announce the reasons for, and the benefits of the project in an
upbeat manner. The presentation should include the implementation plans along with the explanation that
future updates will be posted on company bulletin boards.

Dont keep project status information secret or attempt to hide problem issues. No news is not necessarily
good news when it comes to corporate activities. Perfect projects rarely exist. You will gain respect by
facing difficult issues rather than concealing them.

Do provide continued project updates following the kickoff. Informing people of the project status helps
mitigate gossip such as "I heard the project has been put on hold ." People are much more positive and
understanding when they are informed. By sharing issues with management, you avoid surprises and may
be fortunate enough to receive an unexpected solution. When problems are discovered you need to get
pre-approval of contingency plans.


Never underestimate the planning required to develop an effective training program. Weak training
programs are a major cause of troubled implementations. Next to having a system that works, a welltrained user group is the most essential component in a successful EMR implementation.
Develop a training plan that covers the format, approach, course structure and requirements,
administration, scheduling, and resources (hardware, software, and trainers). Training can be paper- or
computer-based, in a classroom or on the job. It is essential to promptly determine the correct approach
for your situation.

Dont Miss The Benefits Of Getting Supervisors Involved Early

Do conduct supervisor training. This training provides the opportunity to pilot the training materials and
operational concepts. Even though acceptance testing may prove that the system works, it may not
identify functional problems that supervisors could uncover during training. Also, users are more
receptive when the terminology and examples are correctly tailored for their own facility. When you teach
supervisors how to handle exceptions and troubleshoot problems, such as RF communication lapses, you
enable them to provide assistance with end user training. This becomes useful if the trainer is a vendor or
consultant, because your people are more inclined to ask questions of their supervisor than an outsider. As
an added bonus, when your supervisor is in a leadership position, you increase user acceptance.

Dont Limit Training To Only Functions That Users Need To Know

Do explain how the EMR relates to the each persons current job and the impact of his or her actions on
the overall operation. It is important to discuss why some activities are no longer required, especially if
they are replaced by a new EMR function. A step-by-step correlation between the old and new system and
procedures confirms the importance of each part of the users activities, reduces confusion, and makes
any unfortunate return to the old system easier.

Dont Be Too Confident In The Systems Reliability During Training

System installation can be tricky, and having a much-touted new system go down during training sends a
negative message to users.

Do keep technical support available during hands-on training. Problems will occur, but fixing them
immediately keeps the dreaded "it is never going to work" attitude to a minimum.

Dont Rely Completely On Classroom-Based Activities

Do consider building a Mock Warehouse. A "simulation lab" may require time and resources to construct,
but the investment is well worth it. Training in a simulated warehouse with actual RF equipment, barcoded pallet props, and fake storage and staging locations is enormously helpful in relating the classroom
instruction to the physical activity on the floor. The mock warehouse should use a training database
populated with a sample of the real inventory and locations. Locate the setup in a section of your facility
to avoid replicating the RF network, and design receiving, put-away, picking and shipping flows so that
they resemble actual operational flows.

Dont Forget To Evaluate And Reward The Participants.

Do certify the participants. Verify that the users have learned how to execute those EMR transactions
required to perform their job. This will highlight, prior to implementation, areas or workers requiring
additional attention. A certification program promotes a sense of achievement. For example, you might try
giving each user a card that lists all the classes that he or she attended and reward-completed cards with a
token of accomplishment.

Project Documentation

Dont lose track of critical project information or take on the burden of managing a full project library.
Project managers begin to lose control when project documentation is spread throughout the company or
become overwhelmed by attempting to manage a complete project library. Establishing a balance may
seem difficult.
Do develop an electronic project library guide a fairly easy task if begun early. Create and maintain a
spreadsheet that does three things:

Identifies every document associated with the project

Notes whether it is a hard copy or electronic document
Describes how or through whom the file can be accessed.
For documents such as status reports, list both current and historical items. Minimal effort is required to
keep a spreadsheet like this up to date. With this tool, everyone can find all the projects documents, and

the project team is not encumbered with trying to assemble the material in one place and managing a

Dont rely solely on what the vendor provides. Documents supplied with the system tend to be
encyclopedic, organized by function rather than topic and not handy for a quick reference.

Do create a troubleshooting guide. This time saver can be a struggling users biggest help on the floor.
Customized for your operation, the guide should offer simple diagnostic tests and fast fixes for common
problems with barcode scanners, terminals, printers, software, and so forth. At the beginning of the
project, designate a spiral notebook as your troubleshooting manual. Encourage team members to record,
in simple language, frequently encountered problems and how they were resolved. Before the crunch time
of implementation, organize this guidebook by subject, set it in type, and place it in an accessible location
on the warehouse floor. It then continues as a living document, with new problems and solutions added on
an ongoing basis.

These Dos and Donts emphasize the serious attention required for planning implementation activities.
Too many EMR implementations struggle and fail, not because of the systems technical performance, but
due to poorly handled project management and people issues. Project activities, carefully planned at the
start, eliminate wasted time, money, and effort. Your attention to these basics will facilitate a smooth
implementation from beginning to end.

3.1 Project Implementation and process

All projects are feasible given unlimited resources and infinite time! Unfortunately, the
development of computer-based system or product is more likely plagued by a scarcity of resources and
difficult delivery dates. It is both necessary and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of a project at the
earliest possible time. Months or years of effort, thousands or millions of dollars, and untold professional
embarrassment can be averted if an ill-conceived system is recognized early in the definition phase.

Feasibility and risk analysis are related in many ways. If project risk is great the feasibility of
producing quality software is reduced. During product engineering, however, we concentrate our attention
on four primary areas of interest:

Technical Feasibility

This application in going to be used in an Internet environment called www (World wide web).
So, it is necessary to use a technology that is capable of providing the networking facility to the
application. This application as also able to work on distributed environment. Application on developed
with J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition platform) Technology. One major advantage in application is
platform neutral. We can deploy and used it in any operating system.
GUI is developed using capture the information from the customer. HTML is used to
display the content on the browser. It uses TCP/IP protocol. It is an interpreted language. It is very easy to
develop a page/document using HTML some RAD(Rapid Application Development) tools are provided to
quickly design/develop our application. So many objects such as button, text fields, and text area etc are
provide to capture the information from the customer.
We can use this application in any OS. They can have their own security and transactional
advantages. But are the responsible for selecting suitable and secured OS, which is suitable to our
The back-end Oracle 8i and front-end application are platform independent. So we can port this
enterprise application in any environment. Both are having their individual configuration to get better
performance and backup issues.
Economical Feasibility
In present system customer need to go to billers place to pay the bill. So he/she needs to spend
some time to complete this protocol. It is time consuming process some times customer not able to spend
that much of time. In such case needs to pay some additional payment to the biller for late payment.
If it is developed in electronic payment system, He can pay the bill from any where in the world.
No need to travel to pay the bills. For doing this process electronically have to spend some time.

Operational Feasibility:
In our application front end is developed using GUI. So it is very easy to the customer to enter the
necessary information. But customer has some knowledge on using web applications before going to use
our application.



Design of software involves conceiving planning out and specifying the externally
observable characteristics of the software product. We have data design, architectural design and
user interface design in the design process. These are explained in the following section. The
goals of design process it to provide a blue print for implementation, testing, and maintenance


The primary activity during data design is to select logical representations of data objects
identified during requirement analysis and software analysis. A data dictionary explicitly on the
elements of the data structure. A data dictionary should be established and used to define both
data and program design.


The two basic modern design strategies employed in software design are

Top Down Design


Bottom Up Design

Top Down Design is basically a decomposition process, which focuses on the flow of
control. At later stages it concern itself with the code production. The first step is to study the
overall aspects of the tasks at hand and to break it into a number of independent modules. The
second step is to break each one of these modules further into independent sub-modules. The
process is
Repeated one to obtain modules, which are small enough to group mentally and to code
in a straightforward manner. . Only the necessary data and control that must be called back and
forth over the interface are defined.
In a bottom-up design one first identifies and investigates parts of design that are most
difficult and necessary designed decision are made the reminder of the design is tailored to fit
around the design already chose for crucial part. It vaguely represents a synthesis process
explained in previous section.
One storage point of the top-down method is that it postpones details of the decision until
the last stage of the decision. It allows making small design changes when the design is half way
through. There is danger that the specifications will be incompatible and this will not be
discovered until late in the design process. By contrast the bottom-up strategy first focuses on
the crucial part so that feasibility of the design is tested at early stage.

In mixing top-down and bottom-up design it often appears that we start in the middle of
the problem and work our way both up and down there. In a complex problem, it is often
difficult to decide how to modularize the various procedures in such cases one might consider a
list of system inputs and decide what functions are necessary to process these inputs. This is
called back to front design. Similarly one can start with the required outputs and work
backwards evolving so called front-back design. We have applied both the top down and bottom
up approach in our design approach.


Databases are normally implemented by using a package called a Data Base Management
System (DBMS). Each particular DBMS has somewhat unique characteristics, and so such,
general techniques for the design of database are limited. One of the most useful methods of
analyzing the data required by the system for the data dictionary has developed from research
into relational database, particularly the work of E.F.Codd. this method of analyzing data is
called Normalization.


The first stage is normalization is to reduce the data to its first normal form, by removing
repeating items showing them as separate records but including in them the key fields of the
original record.

The next stage of reduction to the second normal form is to check that the record, which
one is first normal form, all the items in each record are entirely dependent on the key of the
record. If a data item is not dependent on the key of the record, but on the other data item, then it
is removed with its key to form another record. This is done until each record contains data
items, which are entirely dependent on the key of their record.
The final stage of the analysis, the reduction of third normal form involves examining
each record, which one is in second normal form to see whether any items are mutually
dependent. If there are any item there are removed to a separate record leaving one of the items
behind in the original record and using that as the key in the newly created record.


The information flow among business function is modeled in a way that answers the
following questions: what information drives the business process? What information is
generated? What generate it? Where does the information go? Who process it?

The information flow defined as a process of the business modeling is refined into a set
of data objects that are needed to support the business. The characteristics 9called attributes0 of
each object are identified and relationships between these objects are defined.


The data objects defined in the data-modeling phase are transformed to achieve the
information flow necessary to implement a business function. Processing description are created
for addition, modifying, deleting, or retrieving a data object.

The linear sequential model for software engineering some times called the classic
model or the water fall model, the linear sequential suggests a systematic, sequential
approach to software development that begins at eth system level and process through analysis,
design, coding, testing, and maintenance.
The linear sequential model is the oldest and the most widely used paradigm for software
engineering. Modeled after the conventional engineering cycle, the linear sequential model
encompasses the following activities:

Because software is always part of a larger system (or business), work begins by establishing
requirements for all system elements and then allocating some subset of these requirements
to software.
System engineering and analysis encompasses requirements gathering at the system level
with a small amount of top-level analysis and design. Information engineering encompasses
requirements gathering at the strategic business level and at the strategic business level and at
the business area level.


The requirements gathering process is intensified and focused specifically on software. To

understand the nature of the programs to be built, the software Engineer must under stand the
information domain for the software, as well as required function, behavior, performance,
and inter facing. Requirements for the both the system and the software are documented and
reviewed with the customer.

Software design is actually a multi step process that focuses on four distinct attributes of a
program: data structure, software architecture, interface representations, and procedural
detail. The design process translates requirements into a representation of the software that
can be assessed for quality before code generation begins. Like requirements the design is
documented and becomes part of the software configuration.

The design must be translated into a machine-readable form. The code generation step
performs this task. If design is performed in a detailed manner, code generation can be
accomplished mechanistically.

Once code has been generated, program testing process focuses on the logical internals of the
software, assuring that all statements have been tested, and on the functional externals that is,
conducting tests to uncover errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results
that agree with required results.

Software will undoubtedly undergo change after it is delivered to the customer. Change will
occur because errors have been encountered, because the software must be adapted to
accommodate changes in its external environment (e.g., a change required because of a new
operating system or peripheral devices), or because the customer requires functional or
performance enhancement. Software maintenance reapplies each of the preceding phases to
an existing program rather than a new one


Pharma Web Commerce is a network-based application. When we talk about hardware and software, we
have to mention requirements on both the Client and Server part.

Internet connection with 33.6 KBPS Modem.

Pentium 233 MHz. 42 GB HD, 128 MB RAM (Server).

Any P. C with Windows/Unix compatibility, 8 MB RAM (Client).

JDK 1.2.1, Web Server, running on any platform.

JDBC/ODBC drivers installed.

Functional Java enabled browser.

Data Base (MS-Access).

Operating System (Windows/Unix/Linux).

What is Internet?
The Internet is a worldwide network of computer networks. People use the Internet to send
electronic mail, participate in discussion forums, search authority that controls or regulates the Internet

Currently there are more than 30 million people use the Internet and the number is growing at a rate of
one million new user per month.
What is Intranet?
An internal network owned and managed by a company or organization uses the same kinds of
software that you would use to explore the Internet, but only for internal use. An Internet enables a
company to share its resources with it employees without confidential information being made available
to everyone with Internet access.

What is web Browser?

A web browser is a program run on a client workstation used to navigate the World Wide Web.

What is WWW (World Wide Web)?

WWW is a collection of resources (make up of Hypertext, graphics, sound files, etc) located on
globally networked web/internet servers that can be accessed on the Internet by using HTTP, FTP, Telnet,
Gopher and some other tools.
What is TCP-IP?
This is the suite of protocols that defines the Internet. Originally designed for the Unix Operating
system. TCP/IP software is now available for every major kind of computer operating system. TCP/IP
stacks is required for computers want to access the Internet.
What is URL (Uniform Resource Locator)?
The standard way to give the address of any resource on the Internet that is part of the World Wide Web
(WWW). A URL looks like this:
The most common way to use a URL is to enter into a WWW browser program, such as Internet Explorer.

Java and Java Script:

Although the names are almost the same Java is not the same as Java Script. These are two different
techniques for Internet programming. Java is a programming language; JavaScript is a scripting language
(as the name implies). The difference is that we can create real programs with Java. But often we just
want to make a nice effect without having to bother about real programming. So JavaScript is meant to be
easy to understand and easy to use. JavaScript authors should not have to care too much about
We could say that JavaScript is rather an extension to HTML than a separate computer language. Of
course this is not the official definition but I think this makes it easier to understand the difference
between Java and JavaScript, which share the same name and syntax.
Advantages of Java:
Creation of Java:
James Gosling conceived Java. Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank and Mike Sheridan at Sun
Micro Systems Incorporation in 1991. It took 18 months to develop the first working version. This
language was initially called OAK in 1992 and public announcement of Java in 1995, many more
contributed to the design and evolution of the language.
Java is Portable:
One of the biggest advantages Java offers is that it is portable. An application written in Java will run on
all the major platforms. Any computer with a Java based browser can run the applications or applets
written in the Java programming language. A programmer no longer has to write one program to run on a
Macintosh, another program to run on a Windows machine, still another to run on a Unix machine and so
on. In other words, with Java, developers write their programs only once.
The virtual machine is what gives Java a cross platform capabilities. Rather than being complied into
machine language, which is different for each operating systems and computer architecture, Java code is
compiled into byte codes. With other languages, the program code is complied into a language that the
computer can understand. The problem is that other computers with different machine instruction set
cannot understand that language. Java code, on the other hand is complied into byte codes rather than a
machine language. These byte codes go to the Java virtual machine, which executes them directly or
translates them into the language that is understood by the machine running it.
In summary, these means that with the JDBC API extending Java, a programmer writing Java code can
access all the major relational databases on any platform that supports the Java virtual machine.

Java is Object Oriented:

Java is Object Oriented, which makes program design focus on what you are dealing with rather than on
how you are going to do something. This makes it more useful for programming in sophisticated projects
because one can break the things down into understandable components. A big benefit is that these
components can then be reused.
Object oriented languages use the paradigm of classes. In simplest term, a class includes both the data
and the functions to operate on the data. You can create an instance of a class, also called an object,
which will have all the data members and functionality of its class. Because of this, you can think of a
class as being like template, with each object being a specific instance of a particular type of class.
The class paradigm allows one to encapsulate data so that specific data values are those using the data
cannot see function implementation. Encapsulation makes it possible to make the changes in code
without breaking other programs that use that code. If for example the implementation of a function is
changed, the change is invisible to another programmer who invokes that function, and it does not affect
his/her program, except hopefully to improve it.
Java includes inheritance, or that ability to derive new classes from existing classes. The derived class,
also called subclass, inherits all the data and the function of the existing class, referred to as the parent
class. A subclass can add new data members to those inherited form the parent class.
Java Makes It Easy:
In addition to being portable and object oriented, Java facilitates writing correct code. Programmers
spend less time writing Java code and a lot less time debugging it. In fact, developers have reported
slashing development time by as much as two thirds.
Java automatically takes care of allocating and the reallocating memory, a huge potential source of errors.
If an object is no longer being used (has no reference to it), then it is automatically removed from
memory, or Garbage Collected by a low priority daemon thread called Garbage Collector.
Javas no pointer support eliminates big source errors. By using object references instead of memory
pointers, problems with pointer arithmetic are eliminated, and problems with inadvertently accessing the
wrong memory address are greatly reduced.
Java keeps code simple by having just one way to do something instead of having several alternatives, as
in some languages. Java also stays lean by not including multiple inheritance, which eliminates the errors

and ambiguity that arise when you create a subclass that inherits from two or more classes. To replace
capabilities, multiple inheritance provides, Java lets you add functionality to a class throw the use of
Java is Extensible:
A big plus for Java is the fact it can be extended. It was purposely written to be lean with the emphasis on
doing what it does very well, instead of tying to do everything from the beginning, it was return so that
extending it is very easy. The java platform includes an extensive class library so that programmers can
use already existing classes, as it is, create subclasses to modify existing classes, or implement to augment
the capabilities of classes.

Java is Secure:
It is important that a programmer not be able to write subversive code for applications or applets. This is
especially true with the Internet being used more and more extensively for services such as electronic
commerce and electronic distribution of software and multimedia content.
The way memory is allocated and laid out. In java an objects location in memory is not determined until
the runtime, as opposed to C and C++. As the result, a programmer cannot look at a class definition and
figure out how it might be laid out in memory. Also since, Java has no pointers, a programmer cannot
forge pointers to memory.
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) doesnt trust any incoming code and subjects it to what is called Byte
Code Verification. The byte code verifier, part if the virtual machine, checks that

The format of incoming code is correct

Incoming code doesnt forge pointers.

It doesnt violate access restrictions.

It access objects as what they are

The Java byte code loader, another part of the JVM, checks whether classes loaded during program
execution are local of from across a network. Imported classes cannot be substituted for built in classes,
and built in classes cannot accidentally reference classes bring in over a network.
The Java Security manager allows user to restrict entrusted Java applets so that they cannot access the
local network, local files and other resources.
Java Performs Well:
Java performance is better than one might expect. Javas many advantages, such as having built in
security and being interpreted as well as complied, do have a cost attached to them. However, various
optimizations have been built, in, and the byte code interpreter can run very fast the cost it doesnt to do
any checking. AS a result, Java has done quite respectably in performance tests. Its performance
numbers for interpreted byte codes are usually more than adequate to run interactive graphical end user
For situations that require unusually high performance, byte codes can be translated on the fly generating
the final machine code for the particular CPU on which the application is running at run time. Java offers
good performance with the advantages of high-level languages but without the disadvantages of C and C+
+. In the world of design trade-off, you can think of Java as providing a very attractive middle ground.
Java is Robust:
The multi plat formed environment of the WEB places extraordinary demands on a program, because it
must execute reliably in a variety of systems. Thus the ability to create robust programs Design of
software involves conceiving planning out and specifying the externally observable characteristics of the
software product. We have data design, architectural design and user interface design in the design
process. These are explained in the following section. The goals of design process it to provide a blue
print for implementation, testing, and maintenance activities.
The primary activity during data design is to select logical representations of data objects
identified during requirement analysis and software analysis. A data dictionary explicitly on the elements
of the data structure. A data dictionary should be established and used to define both data and program


The two basic modern design strategies employed in software design are

Top Down Design


Bottom Up Design

Top Down Design is basically a decomposition process, which focuses on the flow of control. At later
stages it concern itself with the code production. The first step is to study the overall aspects of the tasks
at hand and to break it into a number of independent modules. The second step is to break each one of
these modules further into independent sub-modules. The process is
Repeated one to obtain modules, which are small enough to group mentally and to code in a
straightforward manner. One important feature is that at each level the details of the design at the lower
level are hidden. Only the necessary data and control that must be called back and forth over the interface
are defined.
In a bottom-up design one first identifies and investigates parts of design that are most difficult
and necessary designed decision are made the reminder of the design is tailored to fit around the design
already chose for crucial part. It vaguely represents a synthesis process explained in previous section.
One storage point of the top-down method is that it postpones details of the decision until the last
stage of the decision. It allows making small design changes when the design is half way through. There
is danger that the specifications will be incompatible and this will not be discovered until late in the
design process. By contrast the bottom-up strategy first focuses on the crucial part so that feasibility of
the design is tested at early stage.
In mixing top-down and bottom-up design it often appears that we start in the middle of the
problem and work our way both up and down there. In a complex problem, it is often difficult to decide
how to modularize the various procedures in such cases one might consider a list of system inputs and
decide what functions are necessary to process these inputs. This is called back to front design. Similarly

one can start with the required outputs and work backwards evolving so called front-back design. We
have applied both the top down and bottom up approach in our design approach.

Databases are normally implemented by using a package called a Data Base Management System
(DBMS). Each particular DBMS has somewhat unique characteristics, and so such, general techniques
for the design of database are limited. One of the most useful methods of analyzing the data required by
the system for the data dictionary has developed from research into relational database, particularly the
work of E.F.Codd. this method of analyzing data is called Normalization. Unnormalized data are
converted into normalized data by three stages. Each stage has a procedure to follow.
The first stage is normalization is to reduce the data to its first normal form, by removing
repeating items showing them as separate records but including in them the key fields of the original
The next stage of reduction to the second normal form is to check that the record, which one is
first normal form, all the items in each record are entirely dependent on the key of the record. If a data
item is not dependent on the key of the record, but on the other data item, then it is removed with its key
to form another record. This is done until each record contains data items, which are entirely dependent
on the key of their record.
The final stage of the analysis, the reduction of third normal form involves examining each
record, which one is in second normal form to see whether any items are mutually dependent. If there are
any item there are removed to a separate record leaving one of the items behind in the original record and
using that as the key in the newly created record.
The information flow among business function is modeled in a way that answers the following questions:
what information drives the business process? What information is generated? What generate it? Where
does the information go? Who process it?

The information flow defined as a process of the business modeling is refined into a set of data objects
that are needed to support the business. The characteristics 9called attributes0 of each object are
identified and relationships between these objects are defined.
The data objects defined in the data-modeling phase are transformed to achieve the information flow
necessary to implement a business function. Processing description are created for addition, modifying,
deleting, or retrieving a data object.
The linear sequential model for software engineering some times called the classic model or the water
fall model, the linear sequential suggests a systematic, sequential approach to software development that
begins at eth system level and process through analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance.
The linear sequential model is the oldest and the most widely used paradigm for software engineering.
Modeled after the conventional engineering cycle, the linear sequential model encompasses the following
Because software is always part of a larger system (or business), work begins by establishing
requirements for all system elements and then allocating some subset of these requirements to
software. This system view is essential when software must interface with other elements such as
hardware, people, and databases.
System engineering and analysis encompasses requirements gathering at the system level with a small
amount of top-level analysis and design. Information engineering encompasses requirements
gathering at the strategic business level and at the strategic business level and at the business area
The requirements gathering process is intensified and focused specifically on software. To
understand the nature of the programs to be built, the software Engineer must under stand the
information domain for the software, as well as required function, behavior, performance, and inter

facing. Requirements for the both the system and the software are documented and reviewed with the
Software design is actually a multi step process that focuses on four distinct attributes of a program:
data structure, software architecture, interface representations, and procedural detail. The design
process translates requirements into a representation of the software that can be assessed for quality
before code generation begins. Like requirements the design is documented and becomes part of the
software configuration.
The design must be translated into a machine-readable form. The code generation step performs this
task. If design is performed in a detailed manner, code generation can be accomplished
Once code has been generated, program testing process focuses on the logical internals of the
software, assuring that all statements have been tested, and on the functional externals that is,
conducting tests to uncover errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree
with required results.
Software will undoubtedly undergo change after it is delivered to the customer. Change will occur
because errors have been encountered, because the software must be adapted to accommodate
changes in its external environment (e.g., a change required because of a new operating system or
peripheral devices), or because the customer requires functional or performance enhancement.
Software maintenance reapplies each of the preceding phases to an existing program rather than a
new one

Exceptional Customer Support

The System
We have a very powerful ticketing system to ensure every query is tracked at every step. Community
FAQ's to build a self -sustaining knowledge tree. Accessibility of support software on tablets &
smartphones to enable giving of support while on move. Automated escalation matrix with SLA timers to
guarantee turnaround times. But above all, 'the right attitude'.
The Attitude
Many believe "Customer is the King," we actually have built our company around this mantra. Customer
Support has been turned into a game internally, where each of the team members score points by helping
You. More the points, bigger the rewards at the end of every quarter. And Yes! Participation is mandatory
for all, including the CEO, CTO, co-founders, management, developers, product specialists, in short
everyone. We are because of You and we have built a culture that will not let anyone forget this.
Connect with Patients across 40 Countries in 26 Languages

Introducing Clini-Voice. Clinicea can now receive calls on your behalf, greet Patients in the language of
your choice (French, German, Italian, Russian and many more), direct the call to the right person at your
Clinic, and before the call is picked up show complete details of the Patient who is calling. Your Clinic
can now offer personalized services so far associated only with the large Multinationals.
Moreover you can receive calls on your browser, without needing a phone. And you can also receive calls
while vacationing overseas without paying any international telecom charges. Our service is now
available in 26 different languages across 40 countries.
Robots for your Clinic

Robotics and the possibility of automating tasks has long been the folklore of human imagination.
Introducing for our Doctors Clini-Bots. We are putting thousands of electronic, automated, super-sensitive
e-Robots on Clinicea. They will monitor the speed you are getting when accessing Clinicea, performance
of Clinicea on your computer, including any errors that may come at your end. The bots will check this
every minute (literally), if they decide you need assistance, they can page (call, buzz) Support Technicians
loud enough to wake them up out of their beds and resolve the issue.
Our support team will usually get to know about your issues even before you make the call.
Most Powerful Clinic Chain Software

Connect all your Clinics

Clinicea has built one of the most powerful Clinic Chain Management Software. It is used by some of the
largest Clinic Chains in the world. You can centralize management of all your Clinics within and link
them up in just 1 day.
There are tons of additional features for Business Intelligence, Medical CRM, CallBox, Contact Centers
and more. Have a look at the Perfect Software for Clinic Chains.

3.3 Project Time line for EMR project

The EMR Time Line
How long is the process? Schedules vary dramatically with the size and complexity of the system, the
thoroughness with which the homework has been done, the level of effort invested in employee training
and managements commitment to the project. A range of schedules by project phase is shown below.

CYCLE Project Phase
Requirements Analysis
System Design
Hardware Selection

Small System


1 - 2 Months
2 - 4 Weeks

3 Months
3 Months


2 - 8 Weeks

3 Months

3 - 6 Months
3 - 6 Months
1 Month
6 - 12 Months

2 Weeks
2 Weeks
3 - 6 Months

1 Month
1 Month
12 Months

1 - 3 Months
1 - 2 Months
15 - 30 Months

1 Month

1. Small System: Basic EMR functionality (receiving, putaway, picking and shipping) with no or
minor modifications. Low transaction volume; i.e., <200/hour. Three to ten users. Paper-based or
small number of radio data terminals. Standard reports. System runs on a PC or small workstation.
Standalone or simple host interface.
2. Mid-Range System: Basic EMR functionality with some site or user-specific modifications.
Moderate transaction volume (200 to 1000/hour). Ten to forty users. Ten to twenty radio data
terminals. Standard reports plus report writer. System runs on a mid-range computer platform or
workstation in a client-server environment. Host interface plus simple material handling device
interface or link to standard manifesting subsystem.
3. Complex System: Full range of EMR functions plus significant user-specific modifications. Large
number of products with moderate to high transaction volume (1000 or more/hour). Forty or more
users. Twenty or more radio data terminals. Standard and custom reports as well as report writer.
Large computer platform with host, material handling device controller and manifesting subsystem



Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the
ultimate review of specification, designing and coding.

1. Testing is process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.
2. A good test case design is one that has a probability of finding an as yet
undiscovered error.
3. A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.

These above objectives imply a dramatic change in view port.

Testing cannot show the absence of defects, it can only show that software errors are

Any engineering product can be tested in one of two ways:

1. White Box Testing: This testing is also called as glass box testing. In this testing, by
knowing the specified function that a product has been designed to perform test can
be conducted that demonstrates each function is fully operation at the same time
searching for errors in each function. It is a test case design method that uses the

control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. Basis path testing is a
white box testing.
Basis Path Testing:


Flow graph notation


Cyclomatic Complexity


Deriving test cases


Graph matrices

Control Structure Testing:


Condition testing


Data flow testing


Loop testing

2. Black Box Testing: In this testing by knowing the internal operation of a product,
tests can be conducted to ensure that all gears mesh, that is the internal operation
performs according to specification and all internal components have been adequately
exercised. It fundamentally focuses on the functional requirements of the software.
The steps involved in black box test case design are:

Graph based testing methods


Equivalence partitioning


Boundary value analysis


Comparison testing


A software testing strategy provides a road map for the software developer. Testing is a set of
activities that can be planned in advance and conducted systematically. For this reason a template for
software testing a set of steps into which we can place specific test case design methods should be defined
for software engineering process. Any software testing strategy should have the following characteristics:
1. Testing begins at the module level and works outward toward the integration of the entire
computer based system.
2. Different testing techniques are appropriate at different points in time.
3. The developer of the software and an independent test group conducts testing.
4. Testing and Debugging are different activities but debugging must be accommodated in any
testing strategy.
Unit Testing:
Unit testing focuses verification efforts in smallest unit of software design (module).

1. Unit test considerations

2. Unit test procedures

Integration Testing: Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program
structure while conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. There are two types of
integration testing:

1. Top-Down Integration: Top down integration is an incremental approach to construction of

program structures. Modules are integrated by moving down wards throw the control
hierarchy beginning with the main control module.

2. Bottom-Up Integration: Bottom up integration as its name implies, begins construction and
testing with automatic modules.

3. Regression Testing: In this contest of an integration test strategy, regression testing is the re
execution of some subset of test that have already been conducted to ensure that changes have
not propagate unintended side effects.
At the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as a package;
interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected, and a final series of software tests validation
testing may begin. Validation can be fined in many ways, but a simple definition is that validation
succeeds when software functions in a manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer.
Reasonable expectation is defined in the software requirement specification a document that
describes all user-visible attributes of the software. The specification contains a section titled Validation
Criteria. Information contained in that section forms the basis for a validation testing approach.
Software validation is achieved through a series of black-box tests that demonstrate conformity
with requirement. A test plan outlines the classes of tests to be conducted, and a test procedure defines
specific test cases that will be used in an attempt to uncover errors in conformity with requirements. Both
the plan and procedure are designed to ensure that all functional requirements are satisfied; all
performance requirements are achieved; documentation is correct and human-engineered; and other
requirements are met.
After each validation test case has been conducted, one of two possible conditions exist: (1) The
function or performance characteristics conform to specification and are accepted, or (2) a deviation from
specification is uncovered and a deficiency list is created. Deviation or error discovered at this stage in a
project can rarely be corrected prior to scheduled completion. It is often necessary to negotiate with the
customer to establish a method for resolving deficiencies.

An important element of the validation process is a configuration review. The intent of the review
is to ensure that all elements of the software configuration have been properly developed, are catalogued,
and have the necessary detail to support the maintenance phase of the software life cycle. The
configuration review sometimes called an audit.
Alpha and Beta Testing:
It is virtually impossible for a software developer to foresee how the customer will really use a
program. Instructions for use may be misinterpreted; strange combination of data may be regularly used;
and output that seemed clear to the tester may be unintelligible to a user in the field.
When custom software is built for one customer, a series of acceptance tests are conducted to
enable the customer to validate all requirements. Conducted by the end user rather than the system
developer, an acceptance test can range from an informal test drive to a planned and systematically
executed series of tests. In fact, acceptance testing can be conducted over a period of weeks or months,
thereby uncovering cumulative errors that might degrade the system over time.
If software is developed as a product to be used by many customers, it is impractical to perform
formal acceptance tests with each one. Most software product builders use a process called alpha and beta
testing to uncover errors that only the end user seems able to find.
A customer conducts the alpha test at the developers site. The software is used in a natural
setting with the developer looking over the shoulder of the user and recording errors and usage
problems. Alpha tests are conducted in controlled environment.
The beta test is conducted at one or more customer sites by the end user of the software. Unlike
alpha testing, the developer is generally not present. Therefore, the beta test is a live application of the
software in an environment that cannot be controlled by the developer. The customer records all problems
that are encountered during beta testing and reports these to the developer at regular intervals. As a result

of problems reported during bets test, the software developer makes modification and then prepares for
release of the software product to the entire customer base.

Implementation is the process of having systems personnel check out and put new equipment into
use, train users, install the new app

Depending on the size of the organization that will be involved

in using the application and the risk associated with its use, systems developers may choose to test the
operation in only one area of the firm, say in one department or with only one or two persons. Sometimes
they will run the old and new systems together to compare the results. In still other situation, developers
will stop using the old system one-day and begin using the new one the next. As we will see, each
implementation strategy has its merits, depending on the business situation in which it is considered.
Regardless of the implementation strategy used, developers strive to ensure that the systems initial use in
Once installed, applications are often used for many years. However, both the organization and
the users will change, and the environment will be different over weeks and months. Therefore, the
application will undoubtedly have to be maintained; modifications and changes will be made to the
software, files, or procedures to meet emerging user requirements. Since organization systems and the
business environment undergo continual change, the information systems should keep pace. In this sense,
implementation is ongoing process.
Evaluation of the system is performed to identify its strengths and weakness. The actual
evaluation can occur along any of the following dimensions.
Operational Evaluation: assessment of the manner in which the system functions, including ease of use,
response time, suitability of information formats, overall reliability, and level of utilization.

Organization Impact: Identification and measurement of benefits to the organization in such areas as
financial concerns operational efficiency, and competitive impact. Includes impact on internal and
external information flows.
User Manager Assessment: Evaluation of the attitudes of senior and user mangers within the
organization, as well as end-users.
Development Performance: Evaluation of the development process in accordance with such yardsticks
as overall development time and effort, conformance to budgets and standards, and other project
management criteria. Includes assessment of development methods and tools.


Program Evaluation Review Technique, PERT can be both a cost and a time management
system. PERT is organized by events and activities or tasks. PERT has several advantages over
bar charts and is likely to be used with more complex projects. One advantage of PERT is that it
is scheduling device that also shows graphically which tasks must be completed before others are
Also, by displaying the various task paths, PERT enables the calculation of a critical path.
Each path consists of combinations of tasks, which must be completed. PERT controls time and
cost during the project and also facilitates finding the right balance between completing a project
on time and completing it within the budget.

25 JUN 2003
10 JUL 2003






Gantt Chart ( Bar Chart ):

10 AUG 2003

A Bar Chart is perhaps the simplest form of formal project management.

10 JUL

The bar chart is also known 2003

as Gantt Chart. It is used almost exclusively
for scheduling purposes and therefore controls only the time of projects.

01 JUL
Gantt 2003
Charts are a project control technique
that can be used for several purposes, including

scheduling, budgeting and resource planning. A Gantt Chart is a Bar Chart, with each bar
10 JUL

representing an activity. The bars are drawn

each bar is
2003 against a time line. The15
proportional to the length of time planned for the activity.










Budgetary control methods

a) Budget:

A formal statement of the financial resources set aside for carrying out specific activities
in a given period of time.

It helps to co-ordinate the activities of the organisation.

An example would be an advertising budget or sales force budget.

b) Budgetary control:

A control technique whereby actual results are compared with budgets.

Any differences (variances) are made the responsibility of key individuals who can either
exercise control action or revise the original budgets.

Budgetary control and responsibility centers;

These enable managers to monitor organizational functions.
A responsibility centre can be defined as any functional unit headed by a manager who is
responsible for the activities of that unit.

There are four types of responsibility centers:

a) Revenue centers: Organizational units in which outputs are measured in monetary terms but
are not directly compared to input costs.
b) Expense centers: Units where inputs are measured in monetary terms but outputs are not.
c) Profit centers: Where performance is measured by the difference between revenues (outputs)
and expenditure (inputs). Inter-departmental sales are often made using "transfer prices".
d) Investment centers: Where outputs are compared with the assets employed in producing
them, i.e. ROI.
Advantages of budgeting and budgetary control
There are a number of advantages to budgeting and budgetary control:

Compels management to think about the future, which is probably the most important
feature of a budgetary planning and control system. Forces management to look ahead, to
set out detailed plans for achieving the targets for each department, operation and
(ideally) each manager, to anticipate and give the organisation purpose and direction.

Promotes coordination and communication.

Clearly defines areas of responsibility. Requires managers of budget centers to be made

responsible for the achievement of budget targets for the operations under their personal

Provides a basis for performance appraisal (variance analysis). A budget is basically a

yardstick against which actual performance is measured and assessed. Control is provided
by comparisons of actual results against budget plan. Departures from budget can then be
investigated and the reasons for the differences can be divided into controllable and noncontrollable factors.

Enables remedial action to be taken as variances emerge.

Motivates employees by participating in the setting of budgets.

Improves the allocation of scarce resources.

Economises management time by using the management by exception principle

Problems in budgeting
Whilst budgets may be an essential part of any marketing activity they do have a number of
disadvantages, particularly in perception terms.

Budgets can be seen as pressure devices imposed by management, thus resulting in:

a) Bad labor relations

b) inaccurate record-keeping.

Departmental conflict arises due to:

a) Disputes over resource allocation

b) departments blaming each other if targets are not attained.

It is difficult to reconcile personal/individual and corporate goals.

Waste may arise as managers adopt the view, "we had better spend it or we will lose it".
This is often coupled with "empire building" in order to enhance the prestige of a

Responsibility versus controlling, i.e. some costs are under the influence of more than
one person, e.g. power costs.

Managers may overestimate costs so that they will not be blamed in the future should
they overspend.

Characteristics of a budget
A good budget is characterized by the following:
Participation: involve as many people as possible in drawing up a budget.
Comprehensiveness: embrace the whole organisation.
Standards: base it on established standards of performance.
Flexibility: allow for changing circumstances.
Feedback: constantly monitor performance.
Analysis of costs and revenues: this can be done on the basis of product lines, departments
or cost centers.

Budget organisation and administration:

In organising and administering a budget system the following characteristics may apply:
a) Budget centers: Units responsible for the preparation of budgets. A budget centre may
encompass several cost centers.
b) Budget committee: This may consist of senior members of the organisation, e.g. departmental
heads and executives (with the managing director as chairman). Every part of the organisation

should be represented on the committee, so there should be a representative from sales,

production, marketing and so on. Functions of the budget committee include:

Coordination of the preparation of budgets, including the issue of a manual

Issuing of timetables for preparation of budgets
Provision of information to assist budget preparations
Comparison of actual results with budget and investigation of variances.

c) Budget Officer: Controls the budget administration the job involves:

liaising between the budget committee and managers responsible for budget preparation
dealing with budgetary control problems
ensuring that deadlines are met
educating people about budgetary control.
d) Budget manual: This document:
charts the organisation
details the budget procedures
contains account codes for items of expenditure and revenue
timetables the process
clearly defines the responsibility of persons involved in the budgeting system.
Budget preparation
Firstly, determine the principal budget factor. This is also known as the key budget factor or
limiting budget factor and is the factor which will limit the activities of an undertaking. This
limits output, e.g. sales, material or labor.
a) Sales budget: this involves a realistic sales forecast. This is prepared in units of each product
and also in sales value. Methods of sales forecasting include:





Set up Team members


Room Cleanliness & Service



Food & Beverages Quality

Staff Training and Motivation


Facilities Upgrading


Result and Report (Estimate Total )



At last, Project team members have to cooperate among themselves in order to ensure main objective
achieved consistently. Project team members have to organise and get employees from every
departmentinvolved thus, avoid any unhealthyenvironments such as grouping and other circumstances
related. Employeeis company valuable assets.
Head of Departments with Human resources to provide list of selected employees in order to develops
employees career and wages. Turn over staff will decrease accordingly.
Problem statement of staff motivation will take part, hence job scope, job design and job task complied
successfully with professional,passionate,caring, innovative and trustworthy. Customer comment meets
expectations and will come back again to stay with us.
At the same time, upgrading of hotel facilities and service will bring better environment for long stay and
regular customer. Continues support from them will maintain hotel occupation rate and company profit

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