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1) Evaluate the role of Information System in your organization/work/life

a. Name one (1) system that you have been using.

(2 marks)


Performance management system (PMS) is the heart of any people management
process in organization. Organizations exist to perform. If properly designed and
implemented it can change the course of growth and pace of impact of organizations.
Performance management could be defined as it begins when the job is defined and
ends when an employee leaves the company.
b. Briefly explain its role functions.
Developing clear job descriptions: Job descriptions are the first step in selecting the
right person for the job, and setting that person up to succeed Job descriptions provide
a framework so the applicants and new employees understand the expectations for the
Selection: Jobs have different requirements. This is the process of matching the skills
and interests of a person to the requirements of a job. Finding a good job "fit" is
exceptionally important. Use of a selection process maximizes input from potential coworkers and the person to whom the position will report.
Providing effective orientation, education, and training. Before a person can do the
best job, he or she must have the information necessary to perform. This includes jobrelated, position-related, and company-related information; an excellent understanding
of product and process use and requirements; and complete knowledge about customer
needs and requirements.


Providing on-going coaching and feedback. People need ongoing, consistent

feedback that addresses both their strengths and the weaker areas of their
performance. Effective feedback focuses more intensely on helping people build on
their strengths. Feedback is a two-way process that encourages the employee to seek
Conducting quarterly performance development discussions. If supervisors are
giving employees frequent feedback and coaching, performance reviews can change
from negative, evaluative, one-sided presentations to positive, planning meetings.
Designing effective compensation and recognition systems that reward people
for their contributions: The power of an effective compensation system is frequently
overlooked and downplayed in some employee motivation-related literature
Providing promotional/career development opportunities for staff: The supervisor
plays a key role in helping staff develop their potential. Growth goals, changing and
challenging job assignments and responsibilities, and cross-training contribute to the
development of a more effective staff member.
Assisting with exit interviews to understand WHY valued employees leave the
organization: When a valued person leaves the company, it is necessary to
understand why the person is leaving. This feedback will help the company improve its
work environment for people. An improved work environment for people results in the
retention of valued staff.


c. Discuss on how the system enable to improve your quality of live

Features of Performance Management System that enable to improve

quality of live.

Setting SMART Goals for Employees: Goal Setting Software provides leaders,
managers and employees with web-based tools to set SMART goals and track
progress on frequent intervals.

Evaluate Employee Performance: Employee Appraisal Software ensures

objective and accurate evaluation of your employees performance and helps you
find the strengths and weaknesses of the employees.

Coach and Train Employees to improve their performance: To continually

improve performance of your organization you need to continuously training
employees to update their skills and competencies. Training Management
Software allows you to manage employee training effectively.

Define competitive employee compensation plans: Employee compensation plan

helps you to remain competitive in your business and attract and retain talented

Promote right employees to critical positions: Organizations success by placing

right employee in
right positions. EmpXtrack Succession Planning Software helps you to identify
critical positions in your organization and recommend right employee to fill these

d. State any suggestion that can be implement to improve the system.


Improvement on better Planning and Control

MIS has to be designed and managed in such way that it aggregates information,
monitors the company's activities and operations and enhances communication
and collaboration among employees. This ensures better planning for all
activities and better ways to measure performance, manage resources and
facilitate compliance with industry and government regulations. Control helps in
forecasting, preparing accurate budgets and providing the tools and vital
information to employees, top management and business partners.

Improvement on Decision Making

The purpose of MIS is to generate synthesized and processed information from
computerized/automated and certain manual systems. Information distribution to
all levels of corporate managers, professionals and key executives becomes
quite seamless with streamlined MIS. Managers are able to make quick, timely
and informed decisions. Top management and board members can take strategic
decisions, plan future growth and business expansion activities based on the
data and information generated by MIS

2. You are planning to have your own business.


a) Name the product/service you plan to produced /served

SDF Sdn bhd
Dairy industry represents a major segment of the food industry. Every
individual consumes dairy products daily in various forms like curd, cheese,
milk, and their increased attention towards health and nutrition has increased
the demand of dairy products. The dairy farming has been transformed from
traditional farming to advanced farming where more tools and equipments are
used to fulfill the increasing demand of the customers and has enabled the
manufacturers to present the dairy products in different forms like condensed
milk, powdered milk, homogenized milk, and pasteurized milk.
There is a great deal of variation in the pattern of dairy production
worldwide. Many countries which are large producers consume most of this
internally, while others (in particular New Zealand), export a large percentage
of their production. Internal consumption is often in the form of liquid milk,
while the bulk of international trade is in processed dairy products such as
milk powder.

SDF Sdn Bhd, my own Dairy Farm objective of being a reputable condensed
milk and evaporated milk manufacturer with wide distribution and sales
network throughout Malaysia. Our Company is 100% owned and managed by
the Malaysian. Our mission is to be one of the biggest manufacturers of
condensed milk in the world with a quality product acceptable by customers at
an affordable and competitive price.

b. Analyze the five competitive forces


Five Forces Analysis assumes that there are five important forces that determine
competitive power in a business situation. These are:
1. Supplier Power: Here you assess how easy it is for suppliers to drive up prices.
This is driven by the number of suppliers of each key input, the uniqueness of
their product or service, their strength and control over you, the cost of switching
from one to another, and so on. The fewer the supplier choices you have, and the
more you need suppliers' help, the more powerful your suppliers are.
2. Buyer Power: Here you ask yourself how easy it is for buyers to drive prices
down. Again, this is driven by the number of buyers, the importance of each
individual buyer to your business, the cost to them of switching from your
products and services to those of someone else, and so on. If you deal with few,
powerful buyers, then they are often able to dictate terms to you.
3. Competitive Rivalry: What is important here is the number and capability of
your competitors. If you have many competitors, and they offer equally attractive
products and services, then you'll most likely have little power in the situation,
because suppliers and buyers will go elsewhere if they don't get a good deal from
you. On the other hand, if no-one else can do what you do, then you can often
have tremendous strength.
4. Threat of Substitution: This is affected by the ability of your customers to find a
different way of doing what you do for example, if you supply a unique software
product that automates an important process, people may substitute by doing the
process manually or by outsourcing it. If substitution is easy and substitution is
viable, then this weakens your power.
5. Threat of New Entry: Power is also affected by the ability of people to enter your
market. If it costs little in time or money to enter your market and compete
effectively, if there are few economies of scale in place, or if you have little
protection for your key technologies, then new competitors can quickly enter your
market and weaken your position. If you have strong and durable barriers to
entry, then you can preserve a favorable position and take fair advantage of it.


c. Which of the four competitive strategies you are going to pursue and why.?
This worries :

The threat of new entry is quite high: if anyone looks as if they're making a
sustained profit, new competitors can come into the industry easily, reducing

Competitive rivalry is extremely high: if someone raises prices, they'll be quickly

undercut. Intense competition puts strong downward pressure on prices.

Buyer Power is strong, again implying strong downward pressure on prices.

There is some threat of substitution.

Unless we able to find some way of changing this situation, this looks like a very tough
industry to survive in. Maybe we need to specialize in a sector of the market that's


protected from some of these forces, or find a related business that's in a stronger
Key Points
Porter's Five Forces Analysis is an important tool for assessing the potential for
profitability in an industry. With a little adaptation, it is also useful as a way of assessing
the balance of power in more general situations.
It works by looking at the strength of five important forces that affect competition:

Supplier Power: The power of suppliers to drive up the prices of your inputs.

Buyer Power: The power of your customers to drive down your prices.

Competitive Rivalry: The strength of competition in the industry.

The Threat of Substitution: The extent to which different products and services
can be used in place of your own.

The Threat of New Entry: The ease with which new competitors can enter the
market if they see that you are making good profits (and then drive your prices

By thinking about how each force affects you, and by identifying the strength and
direction of each force, you can quickly assess the strength of your position and your
ability to make a sustained profit in the industry.
You can then look at how you can affect each of the forces to move the balance of
power more in your favor.


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