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Beberapa contoh kalimat yang menggunakan Present Continuous

Tense (Kalimat yang menggunakan kata sedang.

(+) I am waiting for my friends.
(-) I am not waiting for my friends.
(?) Are you waiting for my friends?
Yes, I am.
No, I am not.

(+) I am taking a bath.

(-) I am not taking a bath.
(?) Are you taking a bath?
Yes, I am.
No, I am not.

(+) You are listening to radio.

(-) You are not listening to radio.
(?) Am I listening to radio?
Yes, you are.
No, you are not.

(+) You are drinking tea.

(-) You are not drinking tea.
(?) Am I drinking tea?
Yes, you are.
No, you are not.

(+) We are selling newspaper.

(+) Rudi, Ahmad and I are selling newspaper.
(-) We are not selling newspaper.
(-) Rudi, Ahmad and I are not selling newspaper.
(?) Are we selling newspaper?
(?) Are Rudi, Ahmad and you selling newspaper?
Yes, we are.
Yes, we are.
No, we are not.
No, we are not.
(+) We are eating fried egg. (+) Wati, Sinta and you are eating fried egg.
(-) We are not eating fried egg.
(-) Wati, Sinta and you are not eating fried egg.
(?) Are we eating fried egg? (?) Are Wati, Sinta and I eating fried egg?
Yes, we are.
Yes, we are.
No, we are not.
No, we are not.

(+) They are buying fish.

(-) They are not buying fish.
(?) Are they buying fish?
Yes, they are.
No, they are not.

(+) He and she are buying fish.

(-) He and she are not buying fish.
(?) Are he and she buying fish?
Yes, they are.
No, they are not.

(+) They are swimming.

(-) They are not swimming.
(?) Are they swimming?
Yes, they are.
No, they are not.

(+) Andi and Rudi are swimming.

(-) Andi and Rudi are not swimming.
(?) Are Andi and Rudi swimming?
Yes, they are.
No, they are not.

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