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GS/100 2012 Serle C GENERAL STUDIES AND MENTAL ABILITY (English & Telugu Versions) Time : 150 Minutes ‘ Max. Marks : 150 SxHosay : 150 Iabsiiwev avgo arden 2150 INSTRUCTIONS (294550) LL Please check the Test Booklet and ensure that it contains all the questions. If you find any dolges in the Test Booklet or Answer Sheet, please get it replaced immediately, B% HSS wd) She sy Hosadss IS arasessow. SH S[sino* 0, anon Sioa md OBar SBswayS wd Prxduc ITED Sood SATS. \ 2. The Test Booklet contains 150 questions. Each question carries 1 mark, [8% SSdos* 150 Waewdyd. 2878, BAS 1 Srsy, Serovoded 3. The Question Paper is set in English and translated into Telugu inate The English version will be considered as the authentic version for valuation urpihe WHS Gav aohdos* Sorrtrdosad Bent PASS SH: scan. DSPs Hav wary Hokisiines acho (Say s[siw Sknck¥dor Bosses, Y 4. The Test Booklet is printed in four (4) Series, viz: . The Series, [A] or [B] or [C] or {D] is printed on the right-hand cornerigf the eavar page of the Test Booklet. Mark your Test Booklet Series (AJor [B] or[G] or [B] in Farkcn "on side 1 of the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle with Blue/Black Ball point pen. Bh, S[s&o Serr dddpds \séries) vd [A] B] (C] D] Sgivos* dysosnasa. & SgSnom [A] wd [B} ee Ic md SA Sho Gs, SdH HA HASH Srvdt SaWoSnSSO, MEAS, SS Sos, SeS0 Series) [A] ed [B] ma [] md [B] mo BnGS GAELS Fh SH C Soh os dn Eerovosndy Hsiow wlerS oS SonoSws Sym HG d058H%. Exemple to fill up the Booklet Series Mf your Test Booklet Series is A, please fill as shown below: @®oOoO If you have not marked the Test Booklet Series at Part C of side 1 of the Answer Sheet or marked in a way that it leads to discrepancy in determining the exact Test Booklet Series, then, in all such cases, your Answer Sheet will be invalidated without any further notice. No correspondence will be entertained in the matter. & 88) SSSv Bes, S9¥SvH (Series) Kirad SSv wsod BGS PEC * Megotttour ES MQooS $830 (SHS Sfbu wI)SLUTP BxwVos woh ITS DO GRO sar) wervoe v2) Sodg ives! Ley Outed See ab Fotord SERPS HSS So2OoSarck& (invalidated). 49 009 Hvsows sfISSyeS dS wdoSaddsy. (2) Gs/100 Each question is followed by 4 answer choices. Of these, you have to select one correct answer and mark it on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle for the question, If more than one circlé is darkened, the answer will not be valued at all. Use Blue/Black Ball paint pen to make heavy black marks to fill the circle compictely. Make no other stray marks, Use of whitener is prohibited. If used the answer sheet is liable for invalidation. - BB BAL went Sdrqrddne adudSD. voces * S0awi sar Uy SD Sargrd Ssdvo* WHS deronodnds S)Jdd Som HY DosSTW. 26 GIO OSyS dygdwow DoDsa’, u Sargriin SoVOcdodaS. SySawh sQr dg KY doo wlerS oS savod wi PUSH, VES Mia Wow. SHE och oddase. rads! Srors Sysdo Aner goss Dasoescs. cg. I the answer for Question No. 1 is Answer choice (2) it should be marked as fllowe aor : ASW, [GSomE 1 8 waren (2) WOMdS pd COD St [$00 Ooidwrr HQSESOS = x fole[sfo] . > a CY Mark Paper Code and Roll No. as given in the Hall Tickgt With\BilierBlack Ball point pon by darkening appropriate circles in Part A of side 1 of the Axiswer Sheet. IncorrecUnet encoding will lead to invatidation of your Answer Sheet. ef SS UBSE adds S Bic cH, KH solosh Boow b OS Sond sarod SsSv Bw, 2865 BOS HF A does wink Gd) Doves iy HOGS Sygsdwod* Sg OY MQowsow, siongium daw Bs ASTRON dadsorave Sarvs Sisidv Sotooseae. Bxample ; If the Paper Code’ih, 027, Ad Roll No. is 95640876 fill as shown below : amie : D365 85 oaT moa os Bo. 95640376 words [Sots orbs Sddumr Dospdw : Roll No. BE So. sTs[e]efo}s]7fe QOQOeOODOD QO DODODOOODOD @e@eeo @®@DOOO®D Q@@O® ®@O2ODODO8O®D @O®@ Q@@QOAOOHO®O QO® ®©OOHOQOO® ©O®@ Q©@OG@OQOOOO®e 2Ooe QBDODOOOe#D ®®® ®OOO® ©O® SGQODODOO®D Please get the signature of the Invigilator affixed in the space provided in the Answer Sheet. An Answer Sheet without the signature of the Invigilator is liable for invalidation. Bares Sand! Jo-ow0dS goaest S8gS¥H (Invigilator) ws, SeSssdvks Poss. BSH SSgSELD SodSaw Hargrd Stdnd* ISdtowds wd SOWosnde. GS/100 (3) . c 8. 10, ‘The candidate should mot do rough work or write any irrelevant matter in the Answer Sheet. Deing so will lead to invalidation. eigQ ‘249SD" (Rough Work) 2 md HIE vASsoity Dokivem md Singers Swap Roberts, wd [HST Sargrd ddan SORosLom aoGwras ord Bossy. i Do not mark answer choices on the Test Booklet. Violation of this will be viewed seriously. Merqrbived Shssiwp Mgodre. 609 eA SDodsSs' Sor Sotdocerddss. Before leaving the examination hall, the candidate should hand over the original OMR Answer Sheet (top sheet) to the Invigilator and carry the bottom sheet (duplicate) for hivher record, f which disciplinary action will be taken. > BOS Hw SOD SHH, wagO SS Aarqrd jsdv 2oedSD (Disy de J espe od) S6gSSHO8 (Invigilator) ay, SEH (duplicate) Sdrgrs SSSv& (|808 ae), basso BySayw. DAES Shrgrd disdv BLED BSS Whigs seg . 2 3. 4. a (2) 3) @ 68 crs 58 82 If eraser’ is called ‘box’, box’ is called ‘pencil’, ‘pencil’ is called ‘sharpener’ and ‘sharpener’ is called ‘bag’, what is used by a child to write ? a (2) (3) @) Eraser In a cortain code language, ‘134’ theaha ‘god and tasty’, '418' means ‘see good pictures’ and ‘829’ means ‘pictures are \excellent’. ‘498 means what?) (1) See tasty Pictiires @) Bicharorbie tasty (3) "See'excellent pictures Sal Pictures are good ‘At present Radhika’s age is half of the age of her father. 20 years ago her age was one-fourth the age of her father. What will be the age of Radhika after 12 years ? @ @) @ (4) 82 years 82 years 42 years 62 years 14a) ae S/100 Rama was facing East. He walked 4 km forward, then turned to his right and walked 3 km. Again he turned to his right and walked 4 km. Then he turned back. Now in whicH direction is Rama walking ? a) 2) @ (4) East West North South According to the World,Bank) during the period 1996 6, 2000, ‘the approximate percentage loss of roas-domestic produce due to disasters Was)” The National Policy on Disaster Management, was approved by the Union Cebinet in (2) 2009 (2) 2008 (3) 2007 (4) 2010 ‘The Chairman of the National Disaster ‘Management Authority is a (2) Vice President Minister, Human Resource Development (3) Home Minister (4) Prime Minister Gs/00 1 4 7 3 6 3 aM (2) 3) @ 68 B 5B 82 sey bo % any wd, dary’ BdyS od DIT & PY’ wd Ldowy Avs" © Bot’ wd SODSS pe a¥ do/dQart (wotoat AI sdarrhows ? (1) dda5 (sery%) @) wey (B) DHE +4) B5385 28 Soom HOSsHSO’, 418s rain Lod Shyer’ Ooh) bad 7 egSn sym doa! CBR gexdtiyeo ‘498! og 7 () Sredo Soe, rhe (2) Seo, ae BWOLGHSD -(8) Srdodinigas sagen AB “SAo Hood BSED TOS Soh) vw sod Sowiwyo* Sridw 20 Sodsyoro (SSdv wD Sabin) vs SoId Sasays* SiySow. 12 SoSSyvo Stars COX Soi dos aod 7 (1) 82 Sosy sSnen (2) 52 S08) sme =@) 42) Sosy saver 4) 62 dossyoSner Sodas eras ‘134° § egy 004] (8) 5. 6. 2. 8. a Cc] crdn Krthy Bkys Arrorbarnt, 4 §.2, Swot $60 GSB Bon 34., BABY. Lior 3S HABHSH BoA 4 .d, SAB, B SogsS ws S¥H BON. aidpdo oy 9 Bkys Seip 7 “Q) Kd (2) SeSoes 8) agesin 4) S88 h BSoS argo — Ssyo._ 1896 - 2000 DSgroos* Bee, “SpSird abo ASy Gea IoS-wSo BYSA00 7 1-95% wboh Wed degre Trwd, sos LojP Hos Dossy Gos* vArsod0d ? ay +12) (3) ) 2009 2008 2007 2010 who DSh Deorgira eqrods vggsco ) 6S wy5a SOAS SSHEDAYQ Hos yo Hos Berd Hod (2) (3) (4) 10. uw. 12, 13. i (B) of (1) "11" Finance Commission (2) 12 Finance Commission (3) 18 Finance Commission (4) None of the above By what measures can we reduce the impact of disasters on our people ? (1) Better planning (2) Preparedness awareness (3) Mitigation measures (4) All the above ‘The substance used for the treatment of muscular pains and paralysis is (2) Ultraviolet ray @) Microwaves (8) Infra-red rays n (4) Radio frequency aves ” LP.G. gascontains’ , (ye Fentate. ((@~\Butane “(@) Methane (4) Heptane . ‘The tubes used for dialysis and blood transfusion are made of (1) Polyethylene (2) Polysilicon (3) Poly vinyl chloride (4) Polybutane National Disaster Reserve Fund is the result ]14. significantly |15. 16. 17. 18, Gs/100 The precious gem Ruby, is mainly aluminium trioxide with trace amount of (1) Silver P ‘Manganese (8) Chromium (4) Cobalt Milk of magnesia used as anti acid ig (1) Magnesium acetate (2) Magnesium hydroxide (3) Magnesigm chloride ®° 4) Mignosiyin,nitrate eZ ‘The Tadian Military Academy is located at © ca) Bangalore (2) Coimbatore, (3) Dehradun (4) Mumbai The Chairman of Public Accounts Commitice of Lok Sabha is (1) Sushme Swaraj (2) Morali Manchar Joshi (3) Yashwant Sinha (4) Arun Jaitley ‘The Director General of World Trade Organization is (2) Pascal Lamy (2) Drunkel (3) Anthony Lake (4) Asha-Rose Migiro GS/100 anbos DSe WASyodS D9 4D BaJodv 10. i (ty (2) (3) 4) HS aap ood HYSdor DSB Gerwd) (7) ~ 11S QS SaaS 128 99S SD8S 135 QS SDSS Bb Ths 6 wd SAosads SoESSoRS Sogen ay (2 @) mc) DONS Sorosen Bayes vdres Darbeo SSgen pany Soro Tayo, S$rsin 84) TSH wSncoso Ot) (2) 3) +4) eBosTs (ugQySHBS) B6eren BS Sdorre ey Sorte (RSHBS) Seren Saar H8gd) Soma b :) DEd.2. Gob mes) ot aadaly © SOS HOOK S8srB88 rh POSE (rgeve) D Borgos* Boers 2 ones mODOSS 0 dad S5e (dy +(2) (3) (@) dodansS fg Soy Serdor ByeZySs'rer Sgoy0m 14, Days — ddysu worgrdoso aod Sargon (1) Begd (S03) 12) ShotOS 31 [Soko 4) Sing 15, wSk Deore (olrotrnS) m ard cody, ¥5 afyhobo 28 7 (1) Bhyrabo wRds ex (2) BAyhobo WERE nN / +@) SAyRobo S35 nw \ . a Aya sl mt 16. a8 DO Seah “aot (S840 oy pees eis pee 17, SE def [Seedy woo sd (SE eS otn) Sad) vgs ay Sore aw BSHS ath obgoS ag eed deh a (2) @) a Sou Syy soy (S65 BS vysadss) wSighoio BSZE ado) boo () S585 dy (ose wosta SE @ eo) +4) er-8eF DAS 19, 20. 21, ‘The Prime Ninister of China is (1) Weir Jiebao (2) Hu Jinteo (3) Kim Hwang-Sik (4) Lee Myung-Bak Rameshwar Thakur is the Governor of (1) Maharashtra (2) Madhya Pradesh (3) Manipur (4) Meghalaya “Mattavilasa Prahasanam” was composed by (1) Ramanujacharya (2) Mahendra Varman (3) Narasimha Varman (4) Dandi Who founded the city of Bhagyat ()Terahire Qutub Shah —\ () (2) Mohammed Quli Qutub,Shah (3) Mohammed Qutub Shah (2) Abdullpgetub Shah 23. _. The Fale of land tax levied by Shershah was a) 1/2 of produce (2) 1/4 of produce @) 1/8 of produce (A) 1/8 of produce The word ‘Sikh’ means () Soldier (2) Monk (3) Disciple (4) Devotee 18) Gs/100 25. ‘The Bahmani kingdom was founded in (1) 1325 (2) 1336 (3) /1345 (4) 1347 28. The Great Victoria Desert is in a) UK 2) Australie @) USA (4) Uganda 27. me ‘The Desert City'in Nevada which is known for Cesinosis” a) Sin Diego @) (hss Vages \ @Y San Jose (4) Sacramento The fertile Pokhara valley is in @) Bhutan @) Sikkim (3) Nepal (4) Arunachal Pradesh 29. ‘The river that passes through Srinagar city is @) Jhelum (2) Chenab (3) Ravi (4) Beas 30. Sri Lanka is separated from India by the () Indira Point (2) Gulf of Mannar (3) Vellankulum (4) Talaimannar GSi100 19. 2. 22, 23. m4. BE qr Hos Q) BS aps (2) dy aSerst (3) 8H SyoKo§ (4) 8 Sobers Pabys OSPE Se ODS sys Q smog, @ Sg OSE +) SekayS (4) DSroob "Sihdors jSarSS0" (Noord SDDSPt () wdrderordg 2) Wiros S25 (8) ABBOS YS (4) 60d ariighissnws PHD ISH 7 (1) apho webs a @) Sigs Ob GAS & | 8) BiyS SHI > ® ae agousaen ais den a, aigbet 1/2 Sox «fh Sobs* 1/4 Som @) Some? 1/3 4 +4) S0n6* 1/5 out D8 od Sans ego (1) poss (2) Spa +03) Boge 4) Sie “ay 26. -() 27. \o 29. 30. ~ a RENN Tragdn SoSojwas Sobsyso 1325 1336 1345 147 (2) (3) (4 (AS Dgs'oa% Jord sod S40 o%.3. (2) wEyDo%r (3) 0%,.05.9, (4) drow Biard* am D See Syme Get (Serg® Boase ? ot ¥ GQ) wS acbit \ wa Berk So 4h) Pwd Sob asp sero goers (2) 88,5 @) sme AH vbr sd 6d5 GSH6 SQn0 0d Wairod 8o () Bgeo Q) dod @) oD Doles ards S%0 M08 Book 2a'ab Say (1) aoder Sonos (2) Ady uh Bays (3) Bgossoo (4) SBOE Cc (10) 31. Thorium ie found in 36, qa ‘Andhre Pradesh (2) Kerala (3) Karnataka (4) Tamil Nadu 32, In India dust storms commonly occur in the month of (2) March (2) May Re (3) July (4) October 93. An oil refinery in India is situated at () Surat (2) Kolkata (3) Tatipaka (Kozhikode x 34, Tirupati is on the y a » (1) Nallamallai = (2 alaodde <8, Seshachalars SMD Veligonda 39. 35. The mountains that make the boundary between France and Spain are (1) Pyrenees (2) Penines (3) Queen Alexandra Range (4) Sentinel Range 65/100 In the Indian Parliamentary System, the members of Rajya Sabhe am elected according to (1) / Non transferable vote system (2) Single transferable vote system (3) Cumulative vote system (4) Weighted vote system According to the 2001 Census, the Union Territory with lowest population in India is (1) Pondicherty ONS (2) In the Parliamentary terminology, under Article 112 the Annual Statement is called (1) Annual Plan (2) Budget (3) Finance Bill (4) Treasury Bill ‘The number of commercial banks that were nationalized in 1969 were (2) Fourteen (2) Twelve (3) Twenty-four (4) Sixteen Gs/100 31. IPS Book py So og Soda |s9. in) S0oho oho S40 38. G) 80g oe @@) 3e 0” 3) Soros (4) S28 wd POs Hos Hdywrww (6] 9-5zy) 2 Bod" QsySmr Sty 7 ay Srey 2 & 8) are 4) wSam ards host ars (OBS6) Bods Zodv () BPs (2) Sto¥er (3) wars @) Sess 86:58 aot gid a Sens (2) PS & Rewds Segsdou Q) pens (2) BOOS (8) 8S sorodatr doz (4) poasd dow 37. C] POS Hoey SSQS* rages Sedgen Say Stod age Q) 2688 Deda bm oye 2) OS be add Sh (3) $008 be» aga (4) 20S Sue dew Sga add BtoS* 2001 wwrer Bkyo SS-¢go. wdg0y ederAONS Fos BOS oY 1) 2080 (2) SobA5 @ nOD oh ne @) Soe AO (3) SPH/DSSoS (4) wdysiger, Cy NN ~] <4 SP SH, Heresinws 4 se “ + SH How ermsvinw Bi BrOodSsph 5 + 2-12 +6 «2 Gas, DHS Dod ? a) 19 (2) 20 (3) 18 (4) 22, 413) 44, 45. 47. 4 Bos, Suds 2 Mdadve seo (i) 10 @) 12 (3) 15 @ 4 / 28 HOY 28 SOD 6 Heros! Baxgtods word wSd SHY draviwS od S00 3 Swod® Fotied. vd) Lar’ 899 dod ester od Baxigttods 2 Bard orgByS Moy (1) &sor0 Q) dsrS @) wSds (4) bars Sdgqrs Shred (O HdrIHHsS Wp’) BWGOSOS SS%0 Q) Sry afb, (2) e085 (3) 05 (4) wGoxrd & 114) ‘The first English factory in Bengal was (83. a (2 (a) (4) Tamralipti Hughli Chittagong Calcutta ‘The Suddhi Movement was started by ay @ a) (4) ‘Tilak was popularly called as “Lokamanya” Keaava Chandra Sen Dayananda Saraswati Atmaram Panduranga Vivekananda from the times of ay a a) 4 No 52, Vandemateram Movement Khilafat Movement Home Rule Movement —_ Non-Co-operation Movgmehi) o> Night blindness ‘The largest gland in the human body is. ay (2) a) oy Adrenal gland Pituitary gland Liver ‘Thyroid gland ay 68/100 ‘The class of animals to which Whale belongs is QQ) Mammals (2) Reptiles (3) Fish (4) Amphibia International Crops Research int the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRI at (1) Manila aity (2) “or (3) wt OM iaeanica The percentage of water in milk is measured with (1) Lactometer (2) Hydrometer (3) Hygrometer (4) Pyknometer Which one is kept outside the purview of Goods and Services Tax Bill of 2011 ? (1) Crude petroleum (2) Aviation (3) Natural gas (4) All the above Gs/100 48, BorrdS' SoSFoywdS SD wosfowo Soyo 2846 G00 ? (1) edd, @) Soh (3) Ogmof 4) Sots 419. 8, adySrD, sodoDSarcd G) $48 Goes BS 2) SolrSoss go (3) vegoro dotisort (4) DEsrSotisebo 80. D Adghsroo Bod Bos “S'Sirdg” BA Boss 7 (i SoBSrS80 adgio Q) Pers adgivo 8) FH Sr adigvo @ dob dorsse sdgoo a (2) ‘Shvs GS goss) 82, AnSS deOS'D wBDBS [Kod A) WSS [od darged (Sosa) [Sod sobs» Borons [50H (2) Bi a) (15) ~ Botiody 2 wodyo sav Boerbod 7 Sedo S68yS0 38 53. a) @ @ G) aefo% Sedu og wey, dRwvoderoh APRoSdy wos doi Bobo SOxsar a opty aod (Sd40 ~ Q) bdo (2) Post ad dursind FOS Sosv0 ested www intone DE LHoss a (2) @ 4) 8 (808 ass D ShoH, shen Bow toe (Med) Adawe S095) Der 2011 SOGS* Mod wos wQadso 7 mM (2) 3) 4) [874 (Bnd) BIS*Oovo Do0baS Sire mS (way) BP ody (16) ‘The sport included in the First South Asian |61. Winter Games held in January 2011 was (1) Figure Skating (2) Ice Hockey (3) Speed Skating (4) All the above GS/100 According to 2001 Census, the Indian state with highest density of population per aq. km is (1) Kerala i (2) West Bengal (3) Bihar (4) Uttar Pradesh ‘The country which is not a part of G-t|62 The woman Lieutenant Governor who served countries is (1) Germany (2) Japan () India (4) China ‘The person who received Padma soma Ho Award for the year 2011 is (1) Montek Singh Abluwal (2) AR Rahman > (3) Krishna Kemer Less p ‘The person who received Padma Bhushan Award for the year 2011 i (1) Dr. Indira Hinduja (2) Chanda Kochhar (3) Suman Sahai (4) Tabu Pondicherry Union Territory during. 1998-2002 was A \: iw (1) Chandravati ntly, as laid in the Fourth Schedule to tHe Constitution of India, the allocation of seats in Rajya Sabha to be filled by the representatives of Andhra Pradesh State is a 18 (2) 16 (3) 1 (4) 14 J64. States and Union Territories grouped with an advisory council each is known aa (1) State Council (2) Regional Council (3) Joint Council (4) Zonal Council Gs/i00 57. Lg (Wt BSSO 2011 SoSSyVOS" DEgsrodnds |61. 8B Robs D085 ASS Sgyods od DAE Seon On 8 DyE WyHOR poe aw (2) (3) @ & (80d Brod! e+’ dro mderst 3D ho a) asd (2) ade ) a0do% (4) ge 2011 8 0.5* Saydelrdo ar00S art AR \» (1) &rodS Bo wap a8 (2) 9.05. BardrS ee @) a4 AGE (4) rode 2) Soo SSyb (3) WHS Sood (4) ew 62, ey qj 2002 arg Bs so wss Dtoo* (BS BS. SotowwH assy eS Hoss Bo ogden a8¢ BBQ Bord bae 46 SS a (ay oO) @ 1998-2002 Aisg Sosros POW ire assy ay ew 1) Sorsa (2) abo. ae (8) ee y SS crangoty mod adingdot OHSinw Oey peso vows SAF 7h) Parmer doyess serowons omg ay Seo a 48 (2) 16 @) 11 (4) 14 THD AHdatys FoFHOS Sowow Stucokior Q8jGD [Ssi0dos 2k SOS Hos ovoshw acm vorrd () wy Hodd (QS FOS) (Prohos odd (6aKS Fdy5) zoned dodd SSS Lodo @ @ (a) fl 85. The 61. 478) important permanent —_financial committees set up by the Parliament to exercise effective control over the general and financial administration of the country are Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee, Departmental Commitiees and ( (2) @) Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on Parliamentary Affairs Committee Government on Finances of State (4) Committee on Public Undertakings Six boys are standing in a circle each facing the centre. Ashok is left to Prabhu, Sudhakar is between Akash and Prakash, Hari is between Ashok and Akash. Who is left to Prakash ? Q) Hari (@) Prabhu (3) Akash (4) Sudhakar If thé numbers from 4-86 which are exactly “@ivinible by 5 are arranged in descending order, which would come at the eleventh place from the bottom ? 1) 60 (2) 65 3) 60 4) 55 68, 70. 71. . Gs/100 If Anitha is taller than Sujatha but shorter than Kumari, and Sujatha is just os tall as Kanchana but taller than Vanitha, then Kanchana is () shorter than Anitha (2) just'as tall as Anithe (8) taller than Kumari (4) shorter then Vanitha How many squares are there in the following figure? > 16 Squint : Eye :: Squeeze : @ 2) (3) @ ‘Tongue Hand Clothes Throat According to the World Disaster Report 2010, during the period 2000-2009 as many as 85 percent of the people affected by disasters belong to the mM @) @) (4) Asia Pacific region African region Japan region Australian region GS/100 SHYSosom Dadqse Fawaxs SYmoew Dokdods ames Tags sddo BQE Som) kDa AQ sw. S2Gwobs soto» Dako (28h Syston sod (2) &egtobb Spdstoro save (3) orp esg IMgtvop sd (A) BSLSg Son Sogey etre wow ewes desdium Yosh Brine derby. eH, ass WHS deateoyd. usei Loaw [bso Legg ars5 aay. HO v5) Rook ese Sits aay. sri SHB Bday ? ay #6 . 2) oes nw v (3) ah oN > Cy 5 4 / a om <4 & Bro Bougost 5 Fyn he Somgom edO'irm [Sided" wwOsp Bod Sot sawoss PSine* fo Sowg D8 7 a) 60 @) 65 (3) 50 (4) 55 (19) 65. Shos* Fords SOc d8 sohosh 7. a wdS, DwdS Sar) HUG vd LSro soy TY Goo ers, sows sersas PSH No ow SD Bers Sossoy Pier wowdsypiss ross Q) 628 Soy oy (2) waset! saosin (3) BSro sr) Bebe (4) $38 Soy oy [808 Shins" Od doyives Soy 2, T ew or 3) Sod ISqo d5a¥ 2010 sro, 2000-2009 agg weds Diy Sos BR SfouS TOS 85 whom St (Posknh Bosse (1 edoir SIpF oso 2) wIps dodo 8) wd odo 4) wyDaxr arose 73. us 1. (20) In India, how many people are being exposed to recurring floods every year ? (2) 180 million (2) @ @) 160 million 200 million 225 million Area of Indian coastline which is vulnerable to storm surges, cyclones and tsunamis is (1) 6700 km (2) 4700 km (3) 3700 km (4) 2700 km ‘The date when the super cyclone Orissa coast which killed nearly people and affected over 15 mi across 12 districts of Orissa, SEN oG {1) 29-8-1996 (2) 29-8.18 @) =a Pe “Spe 1900 ‘The Disaster Management Act was enacted in India in the year wm 2) (3) (4) 76, 77. 78. 79. we GS/100 In plants, active cell division occurs in the following parts : (1) Stem (2) Leaves (3) ‘Roots (4) Fruits ‘The colour of tomatoes is due to the presence of qa) > x @) wy (3) 7 \! & ‘ a) Carotenoids Flavanoids Vitamins Ming! \ The ene Min fire extinguishers is ei (iy Hydrogen Carbon dioxide Sulphar dioxide Hydrogen sulphide ‘The powerful explosive used under the name gun cotton is a (2) (3) 3) Potassium chlorate Cellulose nitrate Potassium nitrate Cellulose acetate The part of the body that is affected due to the disease trachoma is QQ) Heart @ @) 4) Brain Lungs Eyes Gsno0 72 wdsdtins SB Sedsyoo Beem Dosis IsOTosvarys ? 180 Dba + 150 Bax a (@ (3) 200 Bos% (4) 225 Dox 738. osdtius How some, bo Hdaw rhe fo 4 sen fo Bspdros Dyyso (1) 6100 8S*hdg> 4100 86*nb es 3700 365¢2nbo> 2700 stro (2) (3) @ 4, 2 Sed BERS Sow way Bh SE SOY 10,000 08 Seow. adeeb, boas EDAD 12 eos 15 1. odors! 258 wEgdorges go KoSSyYos* SreroBoswdoa ? a @ @ a) 2008 2005, 2007 2008 Soesdos (2) 78, 78. 79. 2 }80. © Bv8,060 & Sod witimod! sedefas oie wtoIGaod (1) rota (2) ee (3) Se @) Se bSrére Sot 49 So Sys () BE BsravSy (2) QSwran'y ra (8) Doms mw ) pds oboe oO - Os NS dbp aes ahoind Hod ace x, ay, ce Fb) Sosrays [\WS) Sey sosmgyss 4) es S95 SS sos Aaodsro Q) serncte sos 2) DegSS BES @ Swrnobo BSS (4) Regs odds bus dosed 4gh0dDS Oar age Sowdosh 7 Q) roa (2) axsef> (3) eDoasen 4) 8% 40508" 2 erro 122) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for the year |86. 2010 was given to (1) KV. Ramana (2) Dr. V. Shanta (3) Anil Kakodkar (4) Sanjeev Galande The National Science Day in India is celebrated on lar. (1) 28" February (2) 22" July (3) 5! June (4) 28" October Which one of the following is nof a recipient of Jnanpith Award ? (2) G. Narayana Reddy (2) Indira Goswarii “A, (3) Prof. Amartya Sen : (4) Viswanath Satyanarayana The 98" Indian Science-Congres in 2011 at 4 YL (0) Hyderabadi) * es (2) Now Het (3) «Bangalore (4) “Chennai ‘The lection expenditure limit for o|99, parliamentary constituency in major states now stands at (1) © 40 lakhs (2) % 50 lakhs (3) % 60 lakhs (4) 70 lakhs GSN00 ‘The responsible person for the atfdek of Bollaram Residency during the Revolt of 1857 was ) Qasim Rizvi (2) Chidda Kwan (3) Turrebaz Khan (4) Sheikh Peer Sahib Archaeology was x (1) Mayo WY (2) Rippon The Viceroy who set up the Department K (3) Canning \ 4 % (4) Curzon ASS (4) Krishnadevipeta The journal Vivek Vardhini was started by () Paravastu Rangacharyulu (2) Kandukuri Veeresalingam (3) Kokkonda Venkataratnam (4) Gidugu Ramamurthy founder of Hyderabad State Congress was (1) Madapati Hanumantha Rao (2) Keshavarao’Koratkar (3) Ramananda Tirtha (4) Burugula Ramakrishna Rao Gs/100 Bl. TOR KyOrS PoyK5 HsyS0 2010 SobsyorO8 Hos aSgoasa ) 3.2. Sie. (2) a. 2, mod (3) 8S S5GS5 (4) S085 Koos 82, ards Atos! Sasd pd) assydiv DByeh Dgtrowadw ? Q) 28 dese @) 2 ee (3) @ 5 oS 28 ofa 88, [Sod SOS gEbE Heayso Fodd (Wd) TH I ? (QQ) &. wrabe 7 (2) 2080" Fargs> (3) (@. wkagg HS (4) DignrG Skgarcrohes ( yi 84. 98S aodohS DS) SoS got Swons (wehio ~¢¥° ea, Q) Pere, | (2) arg 9h 8) Bordon «O83 Bg Swmgyay ogyod'd Agdoob DEAS SF MSO SHS NABI woyy HOMB (DDH) a ( (3) 7 60 of» 4) % 70 of £40 ofa % 50 eken 123) 86. 87. a ~ 1857 Bdatwere Laos Sterdo BRB) P MAL omgugets () abo dag Q) Oe (8) agers 5 A) RE 86 weed HTS Pass SOKDYS Zprov a) tear (2) 8d 3) SD0F a) VS egrd Spponstiee! Bird ahd Yom oN tomato @) Sygdabo DEE 590 Sas doHorsrw () Sosy dormrerdgen (2) Somsro 28#O0KN0 @) SPyo Sosodiyo (4) At&t ovdatarg Pdoweh HF wold Psw% M6HS SHAS rs Sow SSIS wdrsod boven arthibe ogy oy a) @ @ @ a1. 424) GS/100 Of the total 3& States/Union Territories in |96. The volume percentage of oxygen present in India, how many are disaster prone ? a) 22 @) 23 () 24 (4) 2% Number of people killed by natural disasters in India from 1980 to 2010. (1) 143,039 (2) 1,23,039 (3) 1,138,039 @) 1,03,039 ‘ational Institute of Disaster Management is Jocated at (1) Baroda (2) New Delhi (3) Cochin (4) Cuttack Cy’ First Indian Disaster Management Congress was inaugurated on!“ a \ 6 (1) 26-10-2908,.)™ (2) 988.3008 “fo. }'29-11.2006 (4) 29-10-2006 National Institute of Disaster Management publishes a biannual journal titled (1) Disaster & Development @ 8) 4) Disaster India Disaster Mitigation Indian Disdster KD 99. 87. the air which we inkale is ay (2) (8) 40 peycent (4) 20 percent 30 percent 80 percent The acid produced in the digestive system of human beings is (1) Acetic acid (2) Hydrochloric acid 3) (a) Formic acid Nitric acid \ ‘The first fiuclear ‘power plant in India was set pp dt (Dy “Tarapur ey Ramagundam (3) Jaipur (4) Koodankulam ‘The material used for electrical fuse wire should have aw (2) (3) @) high resistivity low resistivity low melting point high melting point 100. The place in Andhra Pradesh where the Central Tobacco situated is M (2) (3) (a) Research Institute is Nellore Bopatla Guntur Rajahmundry GS/100 (25) M1. aodalrs'D 35 crgrgen/ Sos SOS \96, Sdo bd OS doc w8yeS Goh, rorest a DSS MTLoeraryon ? SSS0E0 TSO a) 22 (@) 20 ro Gah: ie: (2) 30 wo at 126 (8) 40 wo a % (4) 60 So 92, 1980-2010 Sdgreos? — aodoird* GHEY Aho SoS dowsod a7. Srdiyo egagdgc* adyQ vals viiw SORtLet 7 () eh8E vssho (143,089 (2) WES vise (2 1,23.039 (3) PQS vagio 3) 118,089 (4) BUS vig, (4) 103,039 98. 98, erBo Bhd Ddginw So 4d) Seo ) 28a (yp Eres @ Sg ab 1g) -orstoodo @) SIs Bet $08 SosSoeo 99. Digs ppl Brot St Sen gost 94, 2 Sls Bras aodaS Bod Dugereo B0BS0D8 tor0 Solid Weoposasda ty 2610200 Le GQ) 96 dstSss ey 2a z006" (2) way DSSS wy Ddse Soares ma (8) rs (BERS) GQ) wise Aw” (cod (\DeS) (2) DoDI se ne 108, Ge DovF DF Anges Ses & sneopad\\ v a) 35.03. gra ate: 5) (2) G85 Sb0S oss 108, pas" dwdpSso (3) 235 Bers ; (Ss OSB. Be A wane sosco 104, 2011 So. O6* wolg [SARS Soe, (85 S05) 00d wos Dorye dobag Sage 3 PU () s&rs05 38 ae 2) sosegss & (@) tbo WS @ &rSg05 Q) soe we @ “ 118, [Ser Os Sho. ‘voters sras woh BorPS Bes¥orsH SAS aYA¥ drow Sor Sole wdgs Sod ‘Ww’ eres somo D> eBob v5) Lodoo @) 888 Lod vr (4) Bos LoS Sgo 119, 1971 GF Stroy SgSsko BoSODS SnQRss erssda orgs GQ) Boa) 2) She we 3) wo ose U) 888 ode 120. aPSS QS orergoridwrr POPE Drs Bor7SS0 (1) 1948 BoyShss (2) 1956 Boy say (8) 1977 Boy say (4) 1991 Boyssy SQosnas 121, 122, 123. 124, 126. 128, 130) Sodium The element which is present in large amounts in rocks and minerals is, aw (2) @) (a) Iron Carbon Silicon Sodium Glass wool is (1) mixture of glass and wool (2) transparent wool (3) finely powdered glass (4) fine threads of glass ‘The ions present in hard water are ay @ (8) Calcium and Barium) (4) Sodium and Zine \ / Calcium and Magnesium | Sodium and Potassium. Laughing’aag is (Witte oxide J Nitrogen peroxide (3) Nitrous oxide @ Nitrogen pentoxide ‘The Lokpal Bill was first introduced in the Lok Sabha in the year a) 1962 (2) 1969 (3) 2002 (#2005 48/100, 127, The Indo-UK Joint Economic and’ Tyads: Committee was constituted on “ @ ) co) @ 13" January 2005 134 Panuary 2007 13 January 2009 13" January 2011 128. ISRO launched G-SAT-8 Communication Satellite on (2) 21" April 2007 (2) 21" April 2008 - (8) 21% April 2009 2001 - 2010 180. Which country is not 2 member of Group of Seven (G-7) countries ? (y) (2) (3) @ Netherlands New Zealand Canada Russia. 181, The measuring scale found at an Indus site is at (1) Harappa (2) Mohenjodaro (8) Kot Diji (4) Lothal GSI100 121, Sjein. 49 Krdostian (vs'6°S) () d0s5 ~ @) #85 8) ewes (4) BBo%o 122. Rood Ldo%s grii&y aod Srossn @) aids (@d5) @ s8yS @) Bdss @ BF ox%o phoresis tas 123. mp seo wd (2) rer Ook Od) Gos, Dpdoin (2) SS8S SOAS aD) (8) eBSyrr PSSoHYaS mer G) eBEHS me Sodiye (BAe) 805 vodns* ood voir GQ) FQeho Wek BAyd-"o Q) Foie hoaw Pwmnoss @) Pawo War» Bacio A) BMoso Boos Hoss POR myS(SsgSstod srases) (BBE vB y5 @ Mores sor3)5 12) BOS wBys W BETS DoerES 124. 135, . SE Ses SESS Oy sngando BITDYS Sosy ohn G) 1962 @) 1969 (3) 2002 \ (4) 2005 (31) a 127. grdS-oGSS SohdS (osv.8,) - sooty 98 H0om SYS Sd Dory wonso (1) 13 w8$8 2005 (2) 18 SSO 2007 () 16 asS8 2000 4) 18 axS0 2011 128, ast AS Bere ges (1) 21 Des 2007 ot} (2) 21 Dos 2008 (3) 21 DoS 2009 Pg ” @ ou Strrds aS [KSFDy e8g. Grog) SB Se Swryrd, Weios DEMS gor word ‘\cy 1997 - 2006 (2) 1993 - 2003 (8) 1995 - 2004 (4) 2001 - 2010 180, [ir BSS deost segugo sexrida disy (1) BSBergody (2) Srge@eorgoe (3) Baar (4) baeg |. SOS Sojeso () 8a) @) arwoeott @ 883d 4) Sod (krmo Odds ods wndser 138, 1394, 136. 187. (321 Gs/100 Marriage by purchase of bride was known as |198. Pakistan and Afghanistan are connected by Q) Asara (1) Bolan pass (2) Paisache ~~ (2) Khyber pass (3) Prajapatya (3) Rohtapg pase (4) Rakehasa (4) Afghan pass ee ee name of which Indian 189. Which area ia the most important for . uranium mining ? (Ravi (Urals Batt (2) New Mexico (3) Sholom Si, “Kiang (2) Shen (4) Mesabi Range Buddha delivered his first sermon at ‘4 No (1) Kepilavastu 140, Which is call (2) Sanchi a Brita \ \- (3) Sarnath (2p Pebyaia (4) Rajgriha AG yirstand Ma) sicay Who propounded Sunyavada ? yy (2) Asvaghosha ) M41. The Seventh Schedule of the Indian (2) Nagarjuna KN! Covstitution contains the three legislative (3) (4) ~ ‘The original name of Big Apple is m (1) “(awl Yorke x “(a)} Cleveland (3) Antarctica (4 Srinagar ‘The world’s longest river in () Amazon (2) Nile (3) Yangtze 1) Congo Fists Central List, State List and Concurrent List which enumerate @ (2) 3) a) Powers of taxation Duties of Governments Centre - State relationships Subjects of administration }142, ‘The novel idea included by the Government of India in the draft Sixth Five Year Plan was ay (2) (3) Long term plan Minimum Needs Programme Rolling plan (4) Rural development programme Gs/100 182, epi dmyondy FHFYS Dor 3YB (ames a) prs @) Berdsg 4) ss 133, [ithe "Wes T wd DOO pss 0 a 8D @) BBs (8) byeo @) Davd 134, mio 8 FO 54s Tos Sdx0 (1) Sosy (2) dod (3) ard 4) weary trdgrdium SBHBoDSA ISH 7 () wagprdoth \ (2) amgomoed (3) mds aro (4) Soe Somanyg 136. 33 ¥} 5 (one) oisy, BSD be (19 Yang oxy, SB) ASeroes 3) woerGiise (4) Gans 187, (S500 wos SB @ emes @ 35 (3) abonel (@) sont (33) = a 188. 28S — Ladato 8080 (Sirord) DM Sor H5 @) Bob HS (9) OSepoK aS, (4) Bh4S SS widP SR 139, @Bdnegss abTdate Mow aod (68407 @ oar doy > \ (2) Sng BBs" (3) Sborr (4) Barb doe 140, Bayo \ AYSS (OHIF aerow) wd ‘beopreds (S40 a Ss erSardow 2ber05 (4) Bd 141. er8S wrangot Dass wirgers* SOAs, ark PSS Sovos ede — soles ede, wyyerder sedol aig Dew Dsoodd () SSNDSO% VOsSiwven Q) Bese Dxvew (8) So\5 - $y Sowogren @ Sd0r vores 142, 68S Sod SY SerO¥ dvdonars* wos Weowpho Tgys 8G ars (1) Ggsrom [oer Os (2) ¥8% vSSoro Sh¥o @) 2608S Sars (ODOR HS) G) fae OS)a Seo @ (3a) 148, The Chairman of the Finance and staft|14s. [7] [o> i Committes. of the Constituent Assembly of = India was 26) | EB 18 0 (2) Rajendra Prasad , (2), Jawaharlal Nehra w B (8) Vallabhbhai Patel 6 (4) B.R. Ambedkar Q @ = 144., The Indian State that was given just the status of associate state in 1974 and got the Pe status of a full state in 1975 by the @ Amendments of the Constitution is () Mizoram w & (2) Manipur v “, (3) Sikkim (4) Tripura 148. The author of the book titled ‘Planning for the Poor’ is Q) BS, Minhas (2) Y.K. Alagh " (3) Jagdish Bhagwati ou (4) 1G, Patel av 148, 1, 4,9, 16, 25, / 3) W (30 mw Xx . 150. 3 lisla u47. 3 8 4 5 6 % a laals Y Y Y i £ e a » ® a 52 wa (2) 67 (2 63 (3) 87 (3) 41 @ 87 (4) 39 GSI100 143. 144. 145. 146, w5SSi Sogargcdod vwohS*n ward) doh HH Ss wags 1) w8oes BFS 2) BS Eo anor (3) AgSeron 56S G) Reb. e086, 5 eS margot S8iao ayo 19748 Doss Kino! eHo0g Pwr MQodad SHIs 1975S Hodsyind* HQgron Tkporr MBosads ogo 26 ? (1) Sxsforo (2) Sobre () RRO & Bos Idk BFA HF wh Kowd, SdodiEw @) O85. DSSS Q 3g. eof (@) aMO& ose @ 22, s85 1,4, 9, 16, 25,2 (> MS a 30 4 \ (2) 32 “NS SSN 6 a (47 @) a (3) 87 (4) 87 (35) ® = U v w (4) Xx 150: Tg | aol 4 7 | 42/5 o9|7]5 a) 52 (2) 63 @) 41 @) 39 BBP | | on 1 12 ze| |e ww ° u Mire Q

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