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His smile was the cause of this entropy in my heart.

I am but a college student, an ordinary chemistry student that no one ever take
notice of. Just a passing face as what other people quoted. I was like a flower beside
the street. Unnoticed, ignored or maybe left out. And this guy can be popular if he
wanted to but chose not to. He is blessed with a beautiful face, a great body and a
good mind. But he chose to be in the slums like me where he is never meant to
Rumors like a great fire spread throughout the campus. Some say he is a delinquent
person threatening teachers to pass him. Some said that he used to be a bully but
became bored of it. Everyone is afraid of him. They ignored and stay away from
him. Rumors here and there. Just rumors.
And then a day came when our red string intertwined.
Yet, it was just another day. But because of that minor accident, accidents that
always happen to people around the world, everything from that point change. I
rode the bus to school as always. But that particular day there were many people
that rode the bus that I forced to stand up. But the bus started to run and I slipped.
With your strong arms you catch me. With your concern eyes, you made my heart
skip a beat. With your voice, my shame melted.
In a deep, husky, manly voice you asked rin, are you ok?
uh-uhm. Yes thank you
My heart was racing. Our eyes met. And I was a disaster. Because of my unwanted
thoughts I didnt realize were already at the school. The 30 minutes travel felt only
like 30 seconds. We walked our separate ways to our separate classes. Youre
nowhere to be seen but still feel the uneasiness.
Lunch break. And we met again at the cafeteria. I saw you waving at my direction.
Am I dreaming? Everyone else is looking. Must I respond? But maybe Im just
assuming it was me. What shall I do? Shall I say hi? Or just ignore it. But maybe it
was really me, and---! You poked my forehead.
lost kitten , why are you ignoring someone whos calling you for many times
me, are you talking to me?
do I look like talking to myself. Besides youre the only lost kitten here

well, I just want to return this to you

He hands me my ID and phone.
oh thank you
but a thank you is not enough in this world, lost kitty
huh? Wha-what do you mean
share your lunch with me
huh!!!! Why would I do that?
Then my heart stopped beating when he lean his head closer to my face then
whispered to my ear.
because youre the reason why Im in this room full of this judgemental people
I froze. It felt like the time stopped. Then he lifts up his head.
and because Ive returned things important to you right?
I dont know what comes into my mind that I just nod and followed his lead.
We ate lunch outside the building where there are few people passing by. You sat
there calmly, smiling at every bite you make. You are glowing with some aura I dont
know why. Then I feel this uneasiness again. Then like usual, that day ended.
But only the day ends, the event like we had that time repeats. We rode the bus
together eat lunch together until we eventually change conversations, texts each
other, smile at each other, or what other people commonly define it as friendship.
I realized everything that people assumed about him is totally wrong.
We became friends. I know a lot of things about you as you know about me.
so, those rumors werent true
You laughed loudly, haha. You really thought it was true at first, right?
huh, i-I- its because
its ok. I understand--
actually I interrupted
I really dont care at what other people say to you at first. Actually it was kind of
interesting to have that kind of life
He looked at me, shocked. Then we started to laugh at each other.

It may seem to go smoothly but then everything started to alter when I asked him a
question afterwards.
why am I like this? Haha
hey! Im serious
The calm, soothing, happy atmosphere then changed into a serious one. Then he
answered me with a vigorous look in his eyes.
because I am also an ordinary person who experienced love
I was speechless.
I am not really into big crowds. I was always an introvert. Because of this before I
could say anything to this girl, he rejected me. She thought I was a dull, delinquent
person. Because of that Ive contain myself. I never spoke to anyone else. But
because of this lost kitty I met, I said to myself that Im wasting my life to what
other people expect me to be or thinking what I am. I must live as I want myself to
live. That is what I learned from that lost kitty. She may felt that she was like
ignored, but I just want her to know that there is someone who was also ignored
that noticed its kindness. Ive known this lost kitty before she knows me. She didnt
know that she was a true beauty not only outside but most especially inside. But
because she was so kind that she didnt notice her own beauty. I was so happy
when that day came that I finally had the chance to talk to her.
haha. You idiot. Haha. She must be really special
hahha. Hey! It take a lot of courage to say that! Hahah and yep, she really is.
Then a beautiful girl approached us from the back.
im sorry, Van. I didnt know
She hugged him. Then after a long while that feeling of invincibility, which I almost
forgot, came rushing back to me. I stood there unable to utter a word. I disappeared
again. I dont know what happen next but I that event stop there. I thought it would
never be but that also ended.
I saw them together the next few days. I ignored him, his texts, his calls, his eyes,
and his shadow. I ignored it.
what are you doing? my friend Sai asked.
look at you. You look like a ghost already
but I am a ghost. A person, but also a ghost

will you cut that crap out?! Look, do you think van is happy with you ignoring him?
Do you think you are also happy with what you are doing?
hes happy
how did you know that?
well, i-i-
rin! Snap out of it! Look at him! Look at his eyes! That girl is the one clinging to
him because he is taken notice by most of the people here in campus because of
you. Because he is at his best when his with you. A lot of people envy you because
they noticed how a good man he is especially that girl. She regretted it that why
shes clinging unto him, but do you think hes happy?! He is back to himself again,
being invincible because the one person he wants to notice him is ignoring him
what-what are you saying?
Before Sai could utter a wordhe was already inside our room. Pulling me outside the
I cant take this anymore. Why are you avoiding me? Am I not that good to you? Is
what I said in the past wrong?
because I dont want to intervene to your happiness anymore
intervene? Happiness? What crap is that? I thought its because of what I said to
huh?! No. I was really touched but your lost kitty came back to you right?
He gave a big laugh then all of a sudden pulled and hugged me.
I thought its because youre rejecting me too. I was scared. I dont want to lose
you. Youre the only one who didnt judge me, who noticed me, the only one who is
true, the only one for me. The one person I gave my heart for. The only one I love.
I was shocked. I thought all this time it was a mere illusion, a fairytale. Of all the
people, an invincible person like me was the one he chose. I felt overjoyed as I
hugged him tightly. I never want to lose him. He noticed me, he who didnt judge
me, he who truly loved me. Then that day ended but only the day, all the feelings
we confessed that day continued to live on.
Like a book, love the contents, not the cover.

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