A Project Proposal OF "Performance Appraisal System in T.C.S-A Case Study"

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Performance Appraisal
System in T.C.S- A Case


Title of the Project

Company Profile
Statement about the problem
Objectives and scope of the study
Chapterization scheme
Project Guide
Details (Brief Outline)

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Performance Appraisal
System in T.C.S- A Case

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Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is the world-leading information technology
consulting, services, and business process outsourcing organization that envisioned and
pioneered the adoption of the flexible global business practices that today enable companies
to operate more efficiently and produce more value.
They commenced operations in 1968, when the IT services industry didnt exist as it does
today. Now, with a presence in 34 countries across 6 continents, & a comprehensive range of
services across diverse industries, they are one of the world's leading Information Technology
companies. Seven of the Fortune Top 10 companies are among our valued customers.
They are part of one of Asia's largest conglomerates - the TATA Group - which, with its
interests in Energy, Telecommunications, Financial Services, Chemicals, Engineering &
Materials, provides us with a grounded understanding of specific business challenges facing
global companies.
As we move into an era of e-business where IT professionals will interview employers so
stringently that 40 percent employers will miss recruitment goals (source: Gartner Group),
the role of HR assumes unthinkable proportions and is subject to mammoth challenges. With
this sensitive breed of IT professionals, how has TCS grown to and sustained at the number
one position is a question which market watchers have asked themselves a thousand times.
There is but one answer - passion for excellence in the workforce practices. TCS has
developed an unbreakable bond with sound HR practices in an environment that defies
traditional roles and responsibilities.
The TCS-HR group operates with technical experts to create a synergy which is enviable.
Figure 1 illustrates the role of HR, which evidently is that of a facilitator. So whether it is
recruitment or even career development, HR is the catalyst which initiates and
institutionalizes processes. To manage all the functions for over 14000 employees is a
Herculean task but the smoothness of operations is intriguing. The HR structure, which
allows flexibility and empowerment, is the solution.

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Human Resources of an organization must perform to the best of their abilities and upto the
set standard. Any deviation from the set standard put the organization in quandary.
It is therefore essential for an organization to take a stock of the employees abilities and to
know where they lack. Performance appraisal or merit rating is the mechanism to assess the
contribution of all human resources working at each level of the organization during a
specified period of time. The organization must know whether the employees meet the
present standard of performance and are there any chances to improve upon so that the
training and development programmes be undertaken. It also becomes essential to meet the








Performance evaluation enables the employees to know as to how they are performing in
comparison with the set standards. They can then try to improve their performance.
It is well known fact that the employees differ in their skill, competence, abilities, knowledge,
strengths, aptitude, decision making process and creativity. Performance appraisal enables the
management to know the degree of these differences. This affects the quality and quantity of
work. It facilitates to know the comparative worth of the employees. The high performers and
competent employees be suitably rewarded and wrong placing of the human resources be
Performance appraisal is the process of evaluation of employees abilities. It rates the man. It
is the process of judging the excellence, abilities and qualities of the human resources. It
establishes the comparative worthiness of all the human resources of the organization.
Thats why I choose this topic for my project which is in the course of BBA of SMU.

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ObjectivesData relating to performance assessment of employees arc recorded, stored. and used for
seven purposes. The main purposes of employee assessment are:
1. To effect promotions based on competence and performance.
2. To confirm the services of probationary employees upon their completing the probationary


3. To assess the training and development needs of employees.

4. To decide upon a pay raise where (as in the unorganized sector) regular pay scales have not
been fixed.
5. To let the employees know where they stand insofar as their performance is concerned and
to assist them with constructive criticism and guidance for the purpose of their development.

To improve communication. Performance appraisal provides a format for dialogue

between the superior and the subordinate, and improves understanding of personal goals and
concerns. This can also have the effect of increasing the trust between the rater and the ratee.
7. Finally, performance appraisal can be used to determine whether HR programmes such a
selection, training, and transfers have been effective or not.
ScopeBroadly, performance appraisal serves four objectives

Developmental uses,
Administrative uses/decisions,
Organizational maintenance/objectives, and
Documentation purposes

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Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Research as a scientific and
systematic for pertinent in formulation on a specific topic Infarct, research in an art of
scientific investigation. It is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for
new facts in any branch of knowledge.
Data Collection MethodThe Term research design is defined as the ways and methods that are followed in analyzing
the data available
In the above statement it is quite clear that in order to find out the actual position of the
company the various methods of analysis should be made. The data collected from the
company is analyzed through the following methods.
In any data gathering activity, it is important to establish the reason and process for the data
collection, the time period(s) for which the data will be collected, and the form(s) of analysis
that will be used with the collected data. Establishing this process will assist in determining
what type of data to collect, how to collect and store the data, and what type of analysis may
be used by decision-makers with the data. The information used from the data analysis should
report what the data reveals about a given inquiry. The reporting of this information should be
factual, supported by the data with the proper use of analytical tools appropriate to the type of
data collected.
Collecting the Data

Primary data

Secondary data

Primary DataThrough survey researcher obtains primary data directly from the Reader through following

Data are collected through personal interviews and discussion with HR-Executive.

Data are collected through personal interviews and discussion with various levels of
managers and staffs and administrative personnel, too.

The Data collection process as followsEach data collection method embodies an important set of choices. Just as the different
evaluation methods provide expanded options for answering various questions, different
collection methods may yield different information and provide differing insights. When
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selecting a method of data collection, the program manager should keep in mind the many
trade-offs between the different types of data collection methods. Consider this list from
which the manager can choose:
Program and Agency Records
Quantitative Metrics for Research and Development
Site Inspections/Observations
Economic Methods
Use of Special Technical Equipment
Cost-Benefit/Cost Effectiveness Studies
Surveys and Interviews
Case Studies
Purchasing Statistics
Content Review
Peer Review/Expert Panel Evaluation
Focus Groups Each method varies in its performance with respect to bias, cost, response
rate, speed, level of detail, validity, reliability, and usefulness with demographically diverse
populations. When considering the data collection methods, the program manager should
assess the limitations of each type of data and the requirements of the evaluation with respect
to each of these factors, in order to select the optimal method of data collection.
Surveys and Interview:
Surveys provide a method of gathering information from stakeholders and others by directly
questioning them. Generally speaking, a survey is simply a planned effort to collect data
through direct questioning. This questioning can produce either qualitative or quantitative
data, or both. Some methods allow free-form input, while others seek categorical responses.
Questionnaires used to gather data may take the form of personal interviews, telephone
interviews, or mail questionnaires. Each offers advantages and disadvantages and is capable
of collecting different types of information.
Secondary DataThese data may be collected throughGovernment Statistics - Data collected and published by the States government, through any
of its entities, offers a great resource for evaluation data. Official statistics generally provide
data that are relatively reliable and consistently collected. For the data analysis to provide
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value, the agency must follow a standard collection methodology. Some data analysis
techniques may require a stream of data. In these cases, government tends to collect certain
statistics on a more regular basis than many private sources.
Privately Published/Collected Data - Private organizations, such as trade associations and
advocacy groups, collect data that may be valuable to an organizations performance
measurement effort. Unfortunately, this kind of data is prone to interrupted collection,
irregular methods, nonuniformity, and uncontrollable bias. The careful program evaluation
professional will only use data that conforms to the researchers needs and will specify data
limitations or seek to apply multiple lines of evaluation methods when any data is in doubt.

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Sampling refers to the measurement or surveying of only a portion of the whole population of
interest. Sampling offers a useful way to maximize the benefits of data collection when
collection of information from the full population is not feasible. Sampling often attempts to
measure a representative group of events and to generalize those results for the population atlarge. There are other instances where the ability to generalize is less important than simply
sampling some portion of prevailing views. If the data collection plan includes collecting data
from only a portion of the scope of the performance area, then the data collection plan must
specify the method of sampling. (There are three primary sampling methods: random
sampling, stratified sampling, and systematic sampling.) It must justify the sampling method,
provide details of the statistical impact of the chosen sample methodology, and discuss any
limitations the sample might place upon extrapolating the results. It also should outline the
assumptions used in constructing the samples (especially assumptions about subject
variances). Further, the data collection plan should provide information about the amount of
data necessary to reach the desired sample size. When including the use of sampling in the
data collection plan, it is important to understand any bias that may exist with the sampled
data. Sample bias refers to the likelihood that a measurement by a sample of the population
does not accurately reflect the measurement of the whole population. Random sampling and
the collection of larger samples are effective ways to decrease sample bias.

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Content review relies upon the classification of written communication into categories.
Evaluators using content analysis must consider the entire message being communicated
when classifying it. The primary activities of content review are unitizing communication
(breaking communication into the smallest units that are comprehensible as a message) and
categorizing (placing these messages into categories). Thus, content review relies upon a
great degree of subjective analysis. The evaluator should clearly establish what constitutes a
unit of communication (even down to a sentence or multi-sentence chunk), in order to create
some degree of consistency in the unitization process. Coding categories must be flexible
enough to cope with changing data collection and changing analysis methodologies (broader
categories capture more cases in each category, but preclude detailed analysis). When
possible, select meaningful, descriptive coding category names with which the program
managers are familiar. It may be necessary to create terms for patterns that emerge in the
course of the review, but select meaningful names so that the program participants and
managers can easily understand them. Only code text for information valuable for use in the
specific evaluation. There are several computer packages that can code narrative text. Among
the most widely used are ETHNO, Text Analysis Package (TAP), QUALPRO, TEXTBASE,
The data is classified in the following ways:
1. According to attributes or qualities this is divided into two parts :
(A) Simple classification
(B) Multiple classifications.
2. According to variable or quantity or classification according to class intervals. Qualitative Classification: When facts are grouped according to the qualities (attributes) like
religion, literacy, business etc., the classification is called as qualitative classification.

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(A) Simple Classification: It is also known as classification according to Dichotomy. When

data (facts) are divided into groups according to their qualities, the classification is called as
'Simple Classification'. Qualities are denoted by capital letters (A, B, C, D ......) while the
absence of these qualities are denoted by lower case letters (a, b, c, d, .... etc.) For example ,

(B) Manifold or multiple classifications: In this method data is classified using one or more
qualities. First, the data is divided into two groups (classes) using one of the qualities. Then
using the remaining qualities, the data is divided into different subgroups. For example, the
population of a country is classified using three attributes: sex, literacy and business as,

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Textual presentation data refers to data presented in written, paragraph form. The alternative
refers to graphs or other types of visual charts. Basically, there are two methods of presenting
data, i.e.
1. Tabular form- Many application areas require a presentation of data where the nodes of a
diagram are organized in a tabular way, i.e., where each node is associated to a specific
row and column in the grid-like structure of a table. Swimlane layouts are a popular
example of such presentations.
2. Pictorial form- Charts constitute yet another popular mode of visual communication in
business. Charts can be used effectively to depict organizational structure, decisionmaking process, production process, flow of information, etc. Quite often, authors do not
differentiate between charts and graphs and use them interchangeably.

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Sample Size
The total number of these selected persons is called sample size. In this case, study sample
units are Hundred.

Sample Area:
Tatanagar, Jhamshedpur

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Companys Name






Telephone Nos.

Q1. Since how many years have you been working with this organization?
a. 0-5 Years
b. 5-10 Years
c. 10 to 15 Years
d. More than 15 Years
Q2. Do you think Performance Management System is clearly defined in the
a. Yes
b. No
Q3. Do you think all the factors facilitating and hindering performance are taken into
consideration while appraising the performance?
a. Yes
b. No
Q4. Goals set for Performance Evaluation are mutually decided goals?
a. Yes
b. No
Q5. Do you think Performance Management System helps people set and
achieve meaningful goals?
a. Yes
b. No
Q6. You are satisfied with the weightages given against each activity that you are
supposed to perform in the specified period by PMS?
a. Yes
b. No
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Q7. Does performance of employees improve due to current Performance Management

a. Yes
b. No
Q8. Do the PMS implemented in your organization create a participative environment?
a. Yes
b. No
Q9. Does the promotions are strictly based on Performance Management System?
a. Yes
b. No
Q10. Do you think your leadership and interpersonal skills are developed due to
Performance Management System?
a. Yes
b. No
Q11. Do you feel free to express to your appraiser, your disagreement regarding the
appraisal decisions?
a. Yes
b. No
Q12. Your Job Description clearly defines KRAs on which your performance is rated?
a. Yes
b. No
Q13. Are you satisfied with the existing Performance Management System?
a. Yes
b. No
Consumer Signature

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In this project while finalizing and for analyzing quality problem in detail the following
books, magazines and websites have been referred.
Books Consulted:








Published by S. Chand Co Ltd, New Delhi.






Tata McGraw-Hill publication, New Delhi.





PHI Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.






Himalaya Publishing, Mumbai.

VenkataRatnam, C.S. and B.K. Srivastava: Personnel Management and Human

Resources, Tata McGraw-Hill publication, New Delhi.

Journals or Newspapers:

Business Standard (Monthly)

The Economic Times of India

The Financial Express

Web Sites:






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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Purpose of Performance Appraisal
Chapter 3 : Traditional Methods Of Performance Appraisal
Chapter 4 : Modern Methods Of Performance Appraisal
Chapter 5 : Overview of T.C.S as an organization
Chapter 6 : Critical Analysis Of Various Performance Appraisal System In T.C.S
Chapter 7 : Conclusion

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Ms. Debasri Dey, Pusuing Ph.d. in Management, having qualification MCA and MBA in
Operation Research, engaged as an Assistant Professor, Institute of Management Study
(IMS), Affiliated under WBUT, West Bengal, Kolkata and also working as a Guest Lecturer
in St. Xaviers College, Kolkata for UG courses, SDBI College, Howrah (West Bengal) with
PG courses of Information and Communication Technology department. She is also
associated with IGNOU, Kolkata Regional centre for MCA and BCA courses and adjunct
faculty in NMIS (Mumbai), SMU (Sikim) and taking classes in EDI (Entrepreneur
Development Institute) Central. Gov. Projects for different management courses. She has 12
years experience in teaching and administrative works. Author of two books, i.e. one for
B.com Information technology for the University of Calcutta and another for E-Commerce
Technology of Undergraduate student for the University of Calcutta, also. Enrolled as a PhD
student in West Bengal University of Technology and presented and published a lot of
national and International papers, especially in LBSIM, New Delhi and IIT-new Delhi and
Kharagpur, ICETT-2012, Ranchi International Conference, New Delhi and Bubeneshwar,
N.B.- CV is attached as Annexure.

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