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SESSION 201605
FHSC 1214 Fundamental of Cell Biology
Experimental Design
In this activity, you have the chance to design an experiment based on your interest. You can start
with formulating a problem statement. You will then identify and formally define the variables of
interest in this problem, and develop hypotheses that predict the relationship between these
variables. Next, you will determine an experimental design, in which the predicted relationships
will be tested.
Instruction for students:
1. The activity is to be done in group (up to maximum of 4 students). Grouping to be done based
on practical class. The outcome of this activity will contribute to the marks in the practical
section of your coursework.
2. Students are encouraged to explore the topic of interest and self-learn. Choose the topic related
to the content of syllabus if possible or to make the activity more interesting, you may consider
choosing any topic in real life.
3. You are strongly encouraged to refer to any book and website. Please make proper citation.
4. Please be reminded, you do not have to go to the laboratory to test for the problem you raise
and the expected outcomes. This is purely an experimental writing as if you are drafting a
practical manual.
5. Adhere to the following content when you draft your writing:
a) Title
b) Introduction/background/problem statement
c) Objective(s)
d) Variables (if any)
e) Hypothesis
f) Experimental design
g) Expected outcome(s)
6. Dateline: Friday of week 12.

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